>43º outside
How the hell can anyone play games in this heat?
43º outside
move to a 1st world country
god I wish that were me
How do I achieve this body Yea Forums
Go the beach
Go to the pool
Fill up your tub
and bring your switch.
>75 F
It's 21°C where i live. Sucks to be you
I'm always naked in my home.
>thigh highs with nothing else on
Why do girls do this?
43 degrees? where do you live, the arctic circle?
43 c is 110 f tho
Early 20s and cloudy here in bongland.
I put a bag of vegetables from the freezer on my balls
>having a a/c and always having it set to 21
It's 36º here but I'm playing VNs lately so computer never heats up
Reincarnate into a female, grow out your hair and dont eat so much.
The answer to all these threads is air conditioning.
If you live in a place where the temperature gets up to 43ºC, you should have a fucking air conditioner, you retard.
that is very unsanitary!
fug i added 32
nakid GIRL!!!!!!!!! I LOVE JAPAN NOW
they don't, your cartoons do. go outside
Can we take a moment and laugh at Americans for their Fahrenheit system?
Like imagine waking up in a country that use this shit and want to be taken seriously lmao.
Because girls are better than guys?
>3ºC outside
please where bottoms when ur sitting in ur chair. this is gross
Get an AC you poor nigger.
Imagine the smell
be an 10 year old girl
I wish I was that chair.
my girlfriend sits naked like this in my chair and I hate it
what things does your girlfriend do that annoys you, guys?
Me as the GAMER chair!
Europeans don't believe in AC. Or borders.
god i wish that were me
My gf thinks its funny to give me a blowjob to wake me up.
That image is genuinely quite cute and a little bit funny.
>0 celsius - cold
>100 celsius - death
>0 farenheight - cold
>100 farenheight - hot
I hate it when she takes me aside and threatens to spank me, especially when my friends are over! It's so embarrassing...
Based, fuck anything that isn't the metric system
>0 celsius - cold
chilly at most. 0 fahrenheit beats the pants off 0 celsius
This but unironically
Fahrenheit is better than celsius for the same reason metric is better than imperial.
you will never have sex with a real person
>tfw look like this just 2x as old
>tfw can't de age myself
feels bad man
uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>tfw finally got an air conditioner
>We should measure thing on how we feel, logic and numbers too hard!
>tfw no gamerwife
Fahrenheit is the only american measurement system that makes since the larger range means you get more accurate temps and there is a big difference between 82 and 84F but on most C thermometers they are the same.
>water quite literaly turning into ice
>enough to give you frostburn and fuck up your imunity system
>"just a bit chilly, tiptop tally ho, my Yank friend"
Bugger off, bighead.
>mfw comfy 20c
How do you pronounce this post?
>uh oh-[exhale for 15 seconds]
Have sex incel
If metric is so great why aren't you using metric time?
that's nearly freezing, retard. If your pc isn't at peak efficiency at that temperature, you're living in an alien world. Or you're just retarded. Which might be possible due to you confusing heat with cold. Maybe you're just a 50 year old woman.
Winter best season
Summerfags please leave
Change is hard and expensive. The majority of Americans know rough conversions for everything, anyway. Maybe 25% are able to use both systems interchangeably.
Why is it only non-americans that complain about systems of measurement?
>finally get A/C
>electric bill shoots up by triple
just fuck my shit up...
cute goburin
>you will never be a little girl
it's the worst feel
Thats getting close to freezing OP, thats nothing.
If I do this it gets even hotter!
It's a humid 21c here
tfw gf makes me lick her feet after she works out
But I do use metric time, user.
it's 14C here, but luckily i have two fans
They have a problem with someone being different
Autumn > Winter > Spring > Summer
Spring > Winter > Summer > Autumn
I find Autumn to be grim
You don't know how bad winter is unless you have to live in Canada.
>Why is it only non-americans that complain about systems of measurement?
Because we have to interact with you retards and your nonsensical units of measurement.
There are actually people in the US who can't afford central air conditioning? It pretty much comes standard in every home/apartment/condo that isn't literally third world tier. Even when I was in college living in an absolute shithole, every apartment in my building had it. Where the hell do you guys live?
You're saying that as if it's a bad thing.
Did that girl build that Mini-ITX pc?
She's very smart and has good taste!
because the rest of the world uses normal units
why should everyone else change just for you, dumb tranny
Last few weeks were a heatwave, now we're back to comfy 20°
This. Fahrenheit is more practical for everyday, non-scientific, use.
middle autumn and middle spring are the best desu
winter can eat a dick
>0 - freezing
>5 - cold
>10 - cool
>15 - lukewarm
>20 - warm
>25 - hot
>30 - fucking hot
What more do you need?
Because you’re on an american site you fucking mong.
I hate when she sticks her dick up my ass.
no you dont you are fat and smelly and you know it
show penis
a site made to discuss anime
and owned by a jap
>0 celsius - the most common life-saving chemical on the planet starts acting like an asshole
>0 farenheight - duhhhhhhhhh muh nitrites
Pic related.
in the human mind, both systems function exactly the same. i go, "100 degrees. thats a hot day". You go, "37.778 degrees. thats a hot day". No difference in daily living
An American website sold to a jap. Still american. If some Somalian fuck became CEO of Coca Cola it wouldn’t stop being american Mohamed.
>Age: 0 is young, 100 is near death
>Grades: 0% is shit, 100% is perfect
>Temperature: 0 is really fucking cold, 100 is really fucking hot
>Age: 0 is young, 100 is near death
>Grades: 0 is bad, 20 is good
>Temperature: 0 is cold, 40 is really fucking hot
That's my point, Americans don't give a shit about what everyone else uses. Nobody complains about the metric system. It is only non-americans that complain.
Fair, but how often are you inconvenienced bhy US customary units? Scientists and engineers mostly work in metric. Also I thought there was a certain population in Canada that uses both systems interchangeably
>fucking hot
found the nordcuck
>If some Somalian fuck became CEO of Coca Cola it wouldn’t stop being american
Maybe not immediately but it would stop being american real soon
Is this bait or are Amerimutts just this fucking stupid?
More like this?
30 is hot
20 is nice
10 is cold
0 is ice
>20 is good
Because I can't buy tools in my own country without having to learn your backwards retarded fractions of inches system with no common framework, just a bunch of completely arbitrary units of measurement slapped together with no regard for how they match each other.
>Grades: 0 is bad, 20 is good
Are you drunk user?
1 is good, 6 is bad
How do you even get a 20 you retard
neither will you tranny kek
t. actual jawa
>0 - freezing
>5 - cold
Lmao what a fag
>not living by scientific method every day
murriclap [TRIGGER_WARNING!] ed*cation
I work engineering in the construction equipment field.
>Scientists and engineers mostly work in metric
Because we trade with the USA so much
>Also I thought there was a certain population in Canada that uses both systems interchangeably
Again, this is only a necessity because of how much business we do with the USA. We use metric when dealing with anyone but you guys.
The French grade out of 20
sounds comfy
some nice feet___ in there
this is correct so I expect to see a lot of seething europeans
>-40 - freezing
>-20 - cold
>0 - cool
>10 - lukewarm
>15 - warm
>20 - hot
>25 - way too hot
>30 - just kill me now
My AC unit was in storage through May and June and it was starting to get really hot, so I undervolted my GPU and kept a window open. I ended up just buying a new AC and now I keep it at 74-76 all the time and it's perfect.
>1 is good, 6 is bad
what the fuck is wrong with yuros?
>0: water freezes
>100: water boils
it doesnt get any simpler than that yet braindead americans dont understand it
getting sixth place isn't a good thing, user.
Anything over 25C is fucking hell on earth
Best weather is probably around 10-15C
Get a fan or air conditioning did you really need to make a thread for this?
I gravitate towards games that take place in hot settings. Last heatwave I played a bunch of Mad Max.
>vaca in europ
>ACs are only in commercial buildings
what the fuck
how do you people live in the 1920s like that all summer long?
at least get a mini split you poor faggots
correct, fuck summer
hate heat and sweating
French are not real europeans, they are weird
>gets up to almost 37C inside
>A/C compressor broke
>my ice isnt working
someone send help, i can wring the sweat out of my shirts as i play vidya
name some vidya with ice
Every tool store and garage in America has a set of both metric and fractional tools. Are you telling me that Canada doesn't sell metric tools? That seems like a Canada problem, not an America problem.
Also, on the topic of fractions, I much prefer using them over decimals when it comes to handiwork, from home carpentry to full on machining/metalworking.
I also work in engineering, mainly in production/design. I cannot speak for every shop or supplier in America, but I am happy working with both. I can see how construction would be different, though.
Pieces of shit are expensive
Donkey Kong Country
Central Yurop, 18C, coldest July in recorded history. If it wasn't for the day's length, you'd think it's early October.
>I hate it
bullshit, bet you sniff it the second she leaves
Cringe, americlaps just dont' want to admit they're brainlets for using such a shit system
>Hey, what's the temperature outside?
>Oh, it's about 20% of the way between water freezing and water boiling
>Oh thanks, I totally know what that feels like!
>Hey, what's the temperature outside?
>Oh, it's about 70% of the way between being really cold and very very hot.
>Oh thanks, I actually do know what that feels like.
Fahrenheit is the more useful scale for human being. Celsius is useful for science.
A Menorah has 9 branch not 4
t. Jew
>water doesn't freeze at zero
Are u dumb lads
Shut up jew
As long as you don't have shit on your ass I don't see how sitting on a chair naked is much worse than sitting on it with clothes you've worn all day. Fabric is kind of gross no matter what you do unless it's something you can actually wash like leather or something.
>tfw no base 12 measuring system
I just want clean division, bros.
Fahrenheit is what got us to the moon and is what putting rovers on Mars.
Euros are just too bad at science to understand this
You might be hot but you don’t like cold feet.
T. Ex used to only wear an oversized t shirt panties and long socks
Nothing else
>tfw you use the superior Kelvin
found the ameributt
here's something from a tropical country
>-10 freezing
>-0 fucking cold
>-5 colf af
>-10 still cold
>-15 ehhh cold
>-20 cold
>-25 luke warm
>-30 warm
>-35 hot
>-40 too fucking hot, i don't wanna live
Your upper body radiates much more heat than your legs
if you don't like having chilly legs you put some pants or long ass socks
Also naked with thigh highs is a high brow fetish
I’ve had to “No way fag” my ex when she was getting too touchy-feely when I wasn’t in the mood
Wait, did Laos change to metric?
>when I wasn’t in the mood
what do you mean?
winter > autumn >>> spring >>>>> summer
t. arizonan
melting currently
he's a tranny because he told you to go outside? Yea Forums has become easily triggered shut-in sjw virgins
>he DOESNT like having mountains of snow to carve tunnels out of and make your own tunnel system to and fro everywhere
i bet you cant hold an icecube in your bare hands either you wimp
this is the correct version
>0 - freezing
>5 - chilly
>10 - cold
>15 - cool
>20 - lukewarm
>25 - warm
>30 - hot
>MFW Florida easily reaches a heat index over 100° with 100% humidity
What fairy tale are you spewing?
Where does Florida fall into this scale?
its a shit system but its cool fuck you
Winter's only bad for the one or two weeks where there's an actual snowstorm.
Spring and Summer are hell fulltime because that's when the blackflies and mosquitos eat you alive.
Autumn is the acceptable middleground but it gets shorter every year.
I don't know why this image always makes me laugh so much.
we actually HATE 40 degrees in Australia, in Cuckbourne (Melbourne, the Chinese capital) the wind is so strong it's like standing in a hair dryer, and it only gets worse in the other states
>Fahrenheit system
European education, everyone.
Playing EDF V Steam edition with my sister both in our underwear, best weekend yet
43 is almost freezing, user. Are you sure you're not a polar bear or something?
>over 100°
You'd all die pretty much instantly.
I hate when she punishes me by forcing me to sniff her spats after working out
>it's finally 15c again after having been mid 30s
God I hate global warming. It was the hottest its ever been in Anchorage.
>Hey, what's the temperature outside?
>Oh, it's about 20 celsius
>Oh thanks, I actually do know what that feels like.
Based. Fuck summer and everything related to it.
I hope you fuck afterwards
I think he meant Fahrenheit, m8.
>counties that put a man on the moon VS counties that have not
Sometimes, you just don't want to have sex and you have to tell her no.
You've had one or two brisk days here and there
What's that, some kind of Neanderthal measuring system?
I’m not an anime man with an infinite boner and 15 gallons of cum to spill out at any moment
Sometimes I just want to chill on the couch or just draw
My dick doesn’t control my life like it did when I was 17
> started playing ffxiv
> game works my 2080 like a mofo getting those 144fps
> have a $250 portable ac unit in my bedroom just to cool down my room while playing vidya
Feels good. Was worth the purchase. Gets fucking hot in Texas
Is air conditioning a foreign concept in Europe?
Do you at least wear underwear so you don't smear ass nastiness on your furniture? Otherwise, this.
Even Cirno likes the summer, user
21°C Sneedius
Oh im just making fun of you
this pleases me
If you wash your ass properly there's no nastiness.
Pro tip: shitstains in your underwear aren't normal.
Then why do scientists use kelvin which is just as "imprecise"? Do you think fractions couldn't be used if anyone honestly cared to be more accurate?
>tfw Neanderthals managed to put themselves on the moon before we did
i always take a shower after i shit
8°C in here, i don't envy you at all. 43 must be dying temperature.
I pushed grocery carts all during high school in this heat, fucking Texas man.
Why can't it just be 20 Celsius and cloudy all the time year round?
How’s the huge bears that outnumbered the people 3:1?