Is this man a fucking idiot?
Is this man a fucking idiot?
Other urls found in this thread:
I love how easily this man makes all the diehard gamergaters and trumptards lose their minds
100% based.
>talk shit
>get called out
epic troll
It's pretty funny to see George release a long video and watch Yea Forums try to scramble to shitpost about him before they've watched the whole thing so they can maximize their own (you)'s as quickly as possible.
I dont get how he can take kotaku and Jason seriously
I mean how hard do you have to ignore the heaps of dumb shit they have said and done over the years?
>I make retarded staments that make little sense
please have sex
What did George do this time?
I had to stop at the kotaku part faggot
This shit is hard to watch
Bend over.
He isn't a person, he's a pure distillation of Reddit. Right now every fucking basic faggot on /r/gaming or whatever is feeling enlightened for having watched SuperRedditHop's video.
Imagine thinking rephrasing and summarizing press releases and blogging your opinions is journalism.
Why do gamers do this? Moviers and bookers don't conflate coverage of their hobby with journalism so why do you all do it and get so worked up about it?
he say 4 chan in the intro
>guys please don't laugh at my medium videogames are art
>look at muh deep stories and cool cutscenes entirely separate from the only unique element of games which so gameplay
>no please movies and books aren't superior in both of these aspects
lmao what a fucking joke of a profession.
>think an article is bullshit?
>research the topic yourself
>and shut the fuck up because freedom of the press
The only two types of articles i want to read, and that goes for any kind of news, is dry as sawdust reporting of the facts-facts-facts and long in depth investigative pieces that took months of research and had to get run by legal a dozen times. Unless i directly ask for a writers opinion on ANY subject i don't want to hear it and i don't want to read it. Especially not disguised or mixed in with a news topic i might be interested in.
used to be subscribed back when it was about videogames. glad to know i unsubscribed on time.
Game journalists want to be real journalists so desperately its sad. When will they realize that they piles of dogshit aspiring to be piles of horseshit.
They keep latching on to issues going "SEE WE ARE REAL JOURNALISTS TOO" but nobody takes "Real journalists" seriously either anymore either and all its doing is resulting in people ignoring them.
>gas a green screen backdrop
>doesn't use it
I hate people who do this shit. Why even have it?
I mean if you want to shitpost you could honestly just make up whatever point is at the end video at this point.
I'm a fan of George but have only just made it to the end and I'm not going to spoil your fun by telling you what it actually is.
Ya know... I always wonder what in the goddamn she's doing before she grabs the bar. Is it a Saiyaman dance that charges up her Ki?
rent free
>The part where the kotaku faggot talks about how he went to NYU just to end up working on Kotaku
>George whistles at that
This video might be high brow satire
>Super Bunnyhop
I don't need to watch his videos to know that he's based
Does he still browse here?
Why is this man dressed like a gay detective?
Who cares
At the start of the video he called everyone on Yea Forums 16 year old children
I'll never know because I can't get an honest tldr on Yea Forums and I'm not going to waste an hour of my time watching a fucking video on gaming journalism.
He needs to stop recording himself like this. It's getting embarrassing.
He's not entirely wrong you know.
based. the only way to shut down these discord trannies
Here's the only game journalism video you need. It's 11 minutes long, it was originally posted years before Gamergate and it uses examples from like 2008.
Because what gaming journalism is was always obvious.
No he said that's when he "discovered" Yea Forums and implied he used to be at least somewhat active
Game journalism is a fucking joke tbqh. Like, if you like video games and video games are your passion, yeah? Why not create games yourself and be independent?
hahahahaa this is gold, their reactions are priceless. I'd fuck her
Why the fuck are you even on Yea Forums go back to Yea Forums you fag
I hate this basedboy faggot so fucking much
Well you are not going to get that. People think when you say "press" they mean some sluthing person who exposes big corruption and shit like that.(Watergate, Enron scandal) The whole proffesion is not about that anymore. It is about being the PR man for Democrats or Republicans anymore. They have stopped being the "free press" and just make the news up and report that instead of just reporting what happened.
Why the fuck is he wearing a coat in the summer, you can see how sweaty he is, is he gay or something?
you wish
gotta get your muscles tight, brah
You think any game journalist actually fucking likes video games?
They like the fucking money they get from clicks for TOP 10 TIMES MARIO SAID FUCK! or to see celebrities like the kotaku faggot in the video was jerking himself off
Game journalists are just people who couldn't get their resume past the New York Tiimes dyke HR department
He’s Linkara’s Nobody.
>I spewed vomit all over the place but at least I picked up the thing
was it worth it?
Retard, you're literally playing into his hand.
And anyone who actually watched the vid would know that is exactly what george said. That journalism, especially the "free" kind, is worlds from the ideal because somebody has to pay the bills.
Can't tell if retarded or zoom zoom.
I miss Instig8ive. What happened to him?
I'm not watching an hour long video on game journalism, go fuck yourself buddy
What celebrity was he sucking dick too? I didn’t see it because it’s a waist of my precious time.
>when I was 16 I discovered Yea Forums, and I barely made made it out of that phase with an ounce of self esteem and social skills intact
What did he mean by that?
no u
You can enjoy videogames for what they are rather than being insecure at the prospect that they're not as well suited for being high art than other mediums. If you need something to specifically be high art in order to even enjoy it at all then maybe it's you who should go back to Yea Forums.
>gaming journalism has advanced past gaming magazines--
I closed the tab right then and there. Holy shit. He actually thinks modern "gaming" "journalism" is better than print magazines were.
He either got bored or saw that things will only get worse and dropped out.
This. Game "journalism" is a scam. It's mostly click bait designed to impress the under 18 demographic that make up the majority of the YouTube game-channels' viewership.
When I decide on a game, game journalist channels are the LAST place I look. In fact I read through the negative reviews (discarding pleb tier comments like "boring" or "this game is bad") and considering the more legit reviews that go into depth about certain issues the game has.
He can't handle Yea Forums.
Journalist are the biggest enemy of western civilization, every single one of them is bought by politicians and they are their biggest shield.
Journalism isn’t a real job, it’s not a real profession, degenerate snakes that work against everything we hold dear.
This is the best Total Biscuit replacement they could find?
i liked the splinter cell video
That's a bit too old.
This is a retarded point, games journalism in the past managed to pay the bills just fine, simply reporting on games as the hobby
but just because the modern approach is
That's far from paying the fucking bills
>literally exposes another media puppet of bezos
>Yea Forums shills in full defense mode
>Question Journalism
>Here are some methods I use to do it, here's a bit of the history of journalistic honesty outside gaming, and here are a bit of the nuts and bolts on what actual business needs to be done to keep the lights on
As usual the video completely agrees with what Yea Forums believes unless you're some dumbass who takes "leaks" as gospel without any proof. But it's much more fun to shitpost about George being too hot in a trenchcoat.
i never get when someone say "i used to visit Yea Forums but now i am normal guys im woke af"
it always end up with Yea Forums hating you and the left don't forgive you
That the anonymous "anything goes" nature, where you don't matter, only the quality of your post, does a number on your self esteem if you don't something else that boosts your ego.
you know people loved to rag on TB but at least he had the decency to call out these fucking people
He had his ups he had his downs
But I do think he should be crowned
the kiiiiiing of liiiimboooo
I don't know who this faggot is nor do I care, later losers
Does Yea Forums agree that magazines were worse than today's websites? I don't think it does.
killing time by shitposting is a phase you have to struggle through as it rots your brain, unless you realize it really doesn't until you spend like 8 hours a day here
>still talking about GG
Why the fuck would you have any problem telling people you used to/still do lurk Yea Forums. Are you really so fucking scared of being laughed at by retarded zoomers and retarded game journos?
It doesn't agree with shit.
His fucking points are those that have been proven false time and time again
The fact he talks to a kotaku journalist and ethics in the same breath is such a fucking joke that I don't understand how he isn't rolling over with laughter at the absurdity of his statements
>i used to visit Yea Forums
no such thing. once you're here, you can never leave.
Yea Forums hates everyone, that's kinda the point.
Deep down many of these people still enjoy Yea Forums but saying it out loud is inviting people to call you a racist pedophile.
It is another terrible thread bout some shitty e-celeb.
Check my name.
You don't know what you're talking about, George has always done good work. youtube.com
I think Yea Forums can agree they had a lot more fucking ads.
We've had entire threads devoted to exclusively posting video game magazine ads.
all journalists are dishonest trash humans that deserve to hang tbqh.
Well how else are they going to keep up with their neo-hispter marxist-lenninist buddy on twitter if they are not hip and in San Fran? You wont be taken seriouslly unless you have a beanbag lounge and a hot tub in your office.
Ironically Schrier's recent dive into industry crunch is better journalism than we've seen from the "real journalists" in the last five years
And all he really did was confirm something literally everyone already knew
>This dork used to be a Yea Forums regular and ex-gaymergator lel
Love how all these grifters do a complete 180 to appease their pay-pigs,e.g. Fantano
They are. Print magazines at the time were their game publisher's advertisers with few exceptions. This isn't to say game journalism now is great, but it's far better than most of the crap back then.
There unironically are 16 year olds browsing here and you'd be lying to yourself if you believed otherwise
I doubt many even watched the whole thing
In the end, all news is based on something happening, and the truth is out there, but you still have to rely on second hand information because you, yes you, cannot literally be on the scene to know the truth by yourself
So pick your sources
Magazines were still in the ad boom. You remember the ad sense boom in the early 2000s? If your site got like 50k uniques a month google cut you a 5k check. Magazines, especially with the help of first party corporations, made way more and still had tonnes of unpaid interns who did lots of the legwork and they had maybe 5-10 people salaried. Today you have to write whatever gets clicks and, luckily for the journalists that gotten bored with vidya in their late 20s, nothing drives clicks like drama, especially related to social issues.
Ah yes, Nintendo Power, the height of video game journalism
Journalism isn’t a real profession, they serve no benefit to society.
Poor man.George has always been a huge, moderate nerd. He doesn't get really offended at stupid shit and so will likely be always shat on by Yea Forums for not being redpilled enough and by sjws for not calling people racist bigots on twitter or something.
He will sqwander any and all good will by saying that liking big boobs makes you a pedo again.
Just so his faggot friends on twitter don't flog and #metoo him for stepping out of the established "Bitch and moan their are not enough trannys in 13th century Poland"
Most of Kotaku may be a shithole but when Jason does those reports he does his fucking job.
The only retorts I've ever seen from Yea Forums on those are "I don't like this man" and "Kotaku bad". People haven't actually poked holes in his research because that's too much fucking work.
you can't be serious
maybe back in the early days of video games but in the 90s game magazines were pretty great.
What fucking year is it
Those ads were usually at least entertaining, that's why we have those threads
And because the space bought was in gaming mags, the ads were designed for that demographic
These days companies buy ad space and use it to plug ads they've already made for the wider public. There's no demo advertising with this model. You get the same Pepsi commercial on Kotaku that you get on YouTube that you get on TV.
So-called game journalism today is left-wing politics, clickbait and witch hunts by people who don't play or even like video games or know anything about them. Completely worthless.
How about you go back to your e-celeb nerd who probably has tons of tranny porn on his computer jusging by his pathetic basedboy face and suck some more Kotaku dick? We don’t need your faggot kind here, tranny.
well maybe scale back and see other options of how to create a successful revenue stream.
It's not my fucking fault that all of those old magazine heads spent the majority of their money on fucking blow
am I supposed to feel fucking woe for these people who create crap because if they don't they'll be out of a job?
Fuck em
If you can't adapt fucking die
>Imagine, being a journalist only ever known for documenting the real actions of others who actually do things with their lives
>Now imagine that but all people will pay you to talk about is videogames
>you don't block ads and thus actually pay Kotaku for clickbait articles
Oh so that's why everyone on here is retarded.
user are you really saying you dont have tranny porn on your pc.
a ditch digger from 500 years ago has contributed more to humanity than all journalists on earth
Reports on "industry crunch" should be a part of Socialist Game Devs Quarterly or some shit, it's completely irrelevant from a consumer perspective.
>George spent the first minute of his video shit-talking us specifically
>People haven't actually poked holes in his research
Thats because you don't need to. He is perfectly capible of getting btfo without even touching his "well reasearched" shit.
Remember if you like big tits, you are a pedo. Just like Jason said.
No, he is just in love with journalism
George loves journalism he is a Fucking nerd about it and it's basically defending it whenever the internet shit talks it
Picking kotaku was deliberate , it's a large publication that is often shit talked online
George whistle to when Jason says he studied at NYU is him confirming his bias that people in these gaming journous jobs are not incompetent people, they got good education
The problem he pretends to ignore is that journos are not gamers
It's the same shit as the cup head guy, he defended journalism back then because he loves it and does damage control to protect it
His new thing now is saying that you need journos first than gamers in gaming journalism because journos will be able to report it better than gamers or tech heads which kinda makes sense
But the problem is that we need a happy medium, and most gaming journos are not that
Right, who needs to watch the news anyway? Let's just let others do all the thinking for us.
>If you can't adapt fucking die
They did adapt, in a way that ruined the already fucked up reputation of their profession, but it works. At least until they have to scale down again, get bought out again which allows them to hire again and the cycle continues.
He's right tho. Fuck this site. I want it to die so I can be free of this hell.
Someone greenscreen him into a image of blacked
I mean, we are all here to ironically shitpost right?
Nigger, what?
The majority of the news is
>Tell me how to feel about thing
No, reports like that are exactly what games journalists SHOULD be doing.
They shouldn't be an extended marketing department for the AAA industry.
They shouldn't be activists for some special interest group unrelated to video games.
They SHOULD be delivering news about the industry they're a part of.
That includes the nature of the business, what's happening behind the scenes and uncovering problems like the increasingly abusive conditions developers are put through that up until recently have just been accepted as part of the job.
Now, for those same journos to turn it into a political soapbox about unions, that's another issue entirely
>Gamers are Dead and thats a good thing.
Told you what to think so you best so as i say. Would not want us to get you fired eh my man? So do what we say.
Jason in the video: "...everybody else at Kotaku is doing incredible work all the time... I'm proud of my entire team at Kotaku"
Reality is pic related, life comes at you fast
I ain't reading all that shit you dumb cunt.
>>That includes the nature of the business, what's happening behind the scenes and uncovering problems like the increasingly abusive conditions developers are put through that up until recently have just been accepted as part of the job.
That's a problem for devs, not me.
there is not 1 person working in gaming journalism that wouldn't rather be working in another industry
I can't fucking believe superbunnyhop literally said "White genocide is the only way forward." What did he mean by this bros?
Absolutely based news story
This is directly related to Zoe Quinn and Nathan Grayson by the way. Nathan covered Zoe more than once and was featured in the credits of her game and gave her money and was fucking her with 0 disclosure.
You could make a better argument if you posted an article by someone he actually mentioned.
He says everybody sort of off hand and then actually names the names he gives a shit about. It's corporate speak but I respect you finding any opportunity to post this image.
Instig8 quit during the early stages of GG because he correctly foresaw that absolute pieces of shit were appointing themselves "leaders" of GG on twitter, and these people were attention seeking faggots who cared more about their own profile than improving games journalism. He criticized GG for pretending to want improved games journalism while also having a "it's our way or the highway" stance AKA "we'll run you out of town if you say things we don't like." He genuinely wanted to see games journalism fixed but knew GG wasn't doing that and was instead hijacked by people who only wanted to complain about SJWs. He knew he couldn't argue with the mob because anyone who wasn't 100% behind GG was an enemy and a SJW and he became disillusioned and gave up on games reporting because it was too fucking retarded.
I think he is saying that, what a faggot
Well he has praised Susan "the white race is the cancer of human history" Sontag before in his videos.
Well you will miss out on Jason making an ass of himself for woke points. Remember you said he was "well reaseched" so you can defend his view that liking big tits makes you a pedo. So i must ask were is his "well reaseched" opinion on that?
I'd say it would have been based if she covered more scenarios and not ones that she participated in herself. Just one story on one subject on a game that came out 5 years ago is pretty shit cock milking aside.
Kys tranny
The guy doesn't criticize gamergaters or anyone he's just telling people how to fact check articles.
This probably makes games journalists seethe more than anyone else because it shows people how to dismiss their BS articles
>wear hat made by dear leader
>tell detractors "wow, he really occupies your head!"
And no we won't shut up about him until he goes away, tyvm senpai
Yeah, things were working very well for them when it was something only the devs knew about.
They definitely weren't stifled by threat of losing their livelihoods--even journalists are often scared to touch this kind of thing for fear of blacklisting.
This is games journalism.
the only reason /pol/tards and gamergaters don't want journalists to exist is so they can get away scot free because they know journalists would dig up anything
That's their fucking problem. Reporting on it in a consumer-centric publication is just trying to get me on their side in their labor dispute I have no personal stake in.
Scot free with what?
Games are high art you fuck, in the same way literally everything is. You'd know this if you were actually from Yea Forums.
ah yes people trying to ruin others' financially because of wrongthink, how could anyone dislike that
with being nazi incel skum ofc
>He still thinks that Russia got Trump elected because CNN told him so.
Thats why.
Well I say fuck you, because I'm interested in it and want to support devs. And it looks like you're the minority, so...
No shit, I was browsing here when I was 14 and I know people who started at eleven.
Well then I hope you'll get a share of the dues when they form that union otherwise you're shilling for them in their labor dispute for free.
gamergate is eternal, everytime a gaming journalist try to have at least a bit of dignity, he will be reminded that a gaming journalist once sold her body for early access to a game, just to then give a bad review and getting called a slut
And that's the problem with Schreier. When he does some actual journalism(researching, fishing for sources, talking to insiders on and off the record for weeks or months) dude is pretty much the best in his field, it's a low bar but still. But when he and his site pumps out the day-to-day articles it's not worth the digital paper it's printed on.
I support people I think are right. I've always been in favour of them unionising, because I'm not an American.
Yes, the very same journalists who lobby incredibly hard for closet conservatives like Joe Biden while also building up a clownish new image of leftism for people to follow
That is picked up in the video, how you need to do gossip shit to actually feed yourself because everyone needs money to eat and since advertisement is only thing that matters in current internet climate, editors prefer clickbait
Don't you think you deserve compensation for doing their labor agitation for them?
he always was.
No, of course not. Arguing about video games on the internet is its own reward.
>editors prefer clickbait
That is the problem. Kotaku also fucked up with Luara Dale
Tried the clickbait with "PERSONA 5 IS RACIST BECAUSE I MISHERED LYRICS" backfired in its face.
That's the flaw of journalism as a practice. Well research pieces can be great, but when you do it as a profession you need to put out clickbait shit to pay the bills.
This is why freelance journalists who don't do it as their full time job tend to be better.
That is just the business reality right now
There is no alternative other than times changing or publications going full patreon or something
Has anyone else noticed he's wearing lipstick?
You're right, so how about that time Cecilia D'Anastasio falsely accused the late Etika of launching a gofundme campaign as a scam to rake in $10k as protection from Nintendo lawyers.
Or when Heather Alexandra wrote about the game Word Must Die (archive.is
how does jason schrier get fatter everythime i see him
18.000 views really making those numbres
Well if the only way to live is to bring video games down to a level of bullshit social actvism and generally make video games unplesant for everyone, it is about time jernos fuck off to the wellfare line and got a real job.
>because everyone needs money to eat
kotaku makes and somehow spends millions
they have more than enough to eat
I don't know why you think that
He eats more calories than he spends.
Like any other person hat gets fat.
Based journalists who work overtime to shit all over actual leftist progress and turn the country into a corporate propaganda woke shithole.
Look at him. He's wearing lipstick.
idk how to break it to you bro but the US doesn't have a liberal party between the big 2, Democrats and Republicans are both incredibly conservative parties. Liberalism in the US died out many decades ago, and most of the people you deride as liberal today are not liberal at all, they're just less conservative.
I can't see it and I think you're wrong
I'm not watching a 50 minute long video.
How long are you planning on spending on Yea Forums today?
I'm not watching your 50 minute long video, George
Stephen Totilo known for many acts of retardation and the editor-in-chief at Kotaku. Fell for a hoax where a "black woman learned to drive playing grand theft auto".
And when he talked to Totalbiscuit about ethics in games journalism he basically said he didn't think disclosure is necessary and didn't see any problems.
I'm not going to delve into it, but just look into DoritosGate and these articles if you're interested in seeing why this dude is a fucking hypocrite and moron.
Just a question but how can i trust a jerno to give me a full rundown of a game and talk to me about all of its features if they can't even have the mental wits to play it?
I am reminded of the DMC5 jerno. The one who complained that the music was bad, not knowing the better you play the more the music kicks in.
When this was pointed out all he did was block people and passive agressively post updates on twitter.
That man showed utter contempt to us. He did not like to be proven wrong on the "issue" he posted about. He is right, you are wrong to him.
So why should i take their words when they have people like this?
Well why don't you speak up and silence these faggots who give you a bad rep then? What power do they have over you? Or do you hold us in contempt as well and agree with him?
>Fell for a hoax
Because, like many of his very empathetic colleagues, he wanted to believe the story. It's how A Rape on Campus was possible.
journo you intellectual titan
And you call yourself a fucking man? Fuck.
Most of you anons weren't even around when GamerGate happened, and while it is practically embedded in chan culture at this point to hate on journalism (a well deserved stance mind you) George is an OG Yea Forums drone and his points in the video are pretty on-par with what Yea Forums supports. If journalism wasn't so important, then video essays, reviews, and critiques of media would fail to garner any attention.
>B-But user, MatthewMatosis is based and redpi-
So what if he is? He's not different than Jason Schreier or any other s o y b o y reviewing Funko Pops. The point is that we're not at a stage in society where opinions, no matter valid or not, want to be heard by the populace.
Ironic how the ones posting shit like "DON"T QUESTION JUST CONSUME PRODUCT" are the same people being spoonfed information about the product. Bunch of neo-Luddite fags.
Oh, you hate lootboxes? You hate how you're not the 'approved demographic' for games? Why weren't you screaming for change back in 2006, when shit started to hit the fan? You don't give a shit, that's why.
You have to find someone you can trust and follow them
There is lot more to video games than just playing them, that is why for REPORTING you don't actually need to be good at video games. You don't need to beat video games to interview developers on their working conditions or how do the see the new cloud and streaming competition panning out.
>how you need to do gossip shit to actually feed yourself because everyone needs money to eat
Yeah, but at the same time you can't be asking or expecting to be respected if that happens. It is like opening a Library but it is also a whore house. The hoes keep the lights on but you've got cum all over the books and discredited the establishment.
You absolute buffoon. It's all marketing, all of it.
Gee, games these days sure are easy, I want some challenge! What's this, some literal who journalist can't beat a tutorial in a video game? Heh, lemme show this scrub by purchasing the game and beating it myself.
You took the bait, cunt.
I don't need to read shit that I don't want
I know that fortnite news sell like hotcakes, but I don't need those so I just follow people who I know will retweet good shit on twitter and reach the good pieces as they come
So why do they present themselves as "experts" then?
No he was just that retarded. Stop trying to damage control.
You're just mad he shit on Yea Forums in like the first five seconds of the video.
REminder that Stinky bunnyhop was(is) a bitter incel that never bathed.
How is it pretty on Par?
George is basically going that Journalists are corrupt so do your own research and at the same time sucking journalists dicks because they work hard (which they don't) and praising them on how smart they are despite having the IQ of fucking penuts
Than he goes onto say that old journalism is bad because it didn't take into account pop culture and that the only reason that jounralists today put out a shit load of garbage pieces is because they have a large cost of affording their piece of shit studio in San Fran and that they're simply a victim of circumstance and not the perpetraters of garbage
How is that in anyway related to what Yea Forums believes?
He admitted to going to school for journalism. What do you expect?
I could have SWORN that was LindyBeige before I opened the thumbnail.
Not watching your shit video, stay irrelevant, cuck.
That's been the excuse they've used for years; and the reason they keep getting away with it is typically because the interviewer is too much of a dipshit to press the issue.
Look, I'm not even on the extreme end of the "sjw-hate" shit. In fact, I wouldn't even mind the social activism angle if it was actually well written, well thought out, and engaging. However, a vast majority isn't.
The problem with sites like Kotaku and Polygon is that their content either reads like someone who either has the most surface understanding of the issue; or it's basically "I'm only writing this because it would look too pretentious as a twitter thread". On top of that, it comes from that really shitty partisan expectation that you should just take their word as gospel; god forbid you disagree, you filthy gamergater nazi.
It's a waste of time to even take their bullshit seriously.
>George is an OG Yea Forums drone and his points in the video are pretty on-par with what Yea Forums supports.
What that click bait is okay cause it keeps the lights on? When has that ever been what Yea Forums supported? You should do your own research is a fine statement sure, but that doesn't justify the quality of the journalism we get. It is a need because the general quality is so low. You can try phrasing it as a positive and the public should do more. But when you think about it the question is why not improve journalism? Why not find other sources to fund the site? Why not adopt new models not based on clicks? Why not hire better staff?
>So what if he is? He's not different than Jason Schreier
Does he put out 100 shitty clickbait videos a day so the maybe 1 good video comes out that month? Cause that isn't how he works and that irish prick can't keep a schedule. If I watch one of his videos I don't need to go searching for every little thing he said to check I wasn't lied to.
Because maybe they are experts of business or analytics. Or just reporting, journalism. The writing and interviewing.
So you are telling me they failed at getting the job at the WSJ or NYT and have to do Games instead? Hahha should have learned to code.
Puking is no biggie. I sometimes puke when I go on consecutive dives, nobody cares.
That's not even remotely what he said.
Have you ever thought to yourself
>gee I have to really stretch to make my "opponent" look bad, maybe I'm the one in the wrong?
see He's done work to call out Kotaku but seems to have put it behind him lately even unlisting that video. It's kind of sad honestly.
there is nothing more sad than programmers
just ask programmers
you can't even find the original Dragon's Crown article where he made a giga faggot out of himself. Like it was so embarrassing that I was afraid Jason was going to shoot up the work place over how much cringe he posted.
>so I just follow people who I know will retweet good shit on twitter
That is a horrible band aid, cause shit does get misreported. How is judging off what articles on twitter someone retweeted a good way to judge quality or accuracy? You are admitting that most of the output is shit, so are attempting to find filters so maybe only a little shit come through. How about we fix the source instead, cause if poor journalism means we need people doing leg work they really serve no purpose. We may as well just look at the origin of any story cause we will have to do the leg work eventually.
he did a 15 minute segment on it, and than had the faggot kotaku guy talk about how shitty old journalism is and how great Kotaku is because of how many pop culture topics they talked about and how they were basically the pioneers of bringing in garbage fucking non-related content to video game journalism
Fuck off George, stop trying to backpedal
>unironically thinking that spending years in Yea Forums ruins your social life
If you had spent all that time on reddit instead, your social life wouldn't be better, it simply would be filled with more normalfag tier humour.
There has never been and never will be a unfiltered stream of good content
That is not how media works
George really went off the deep end when he made a video shilling for le gamer dev union and had an interview with a troon.
I think at this point people just conflate all of Yea Forums to be /pol/
It's common knowledge that the demographic here is libertarian white dudes in their mid-20's, but everyone is still convinced there's nothing but a bunch of literal mouth-breathing retards and actual toddlers browsing this site.
To be fair, though, I'd get that impression too if I hadn't been hear since '05. Never change, Yea Forums.
Boards where you can use words like faggot, nigger, kike and tranny without getting banned are instantly 1000% worse than any other board.
why is this video unlisted?
You spent the last two hours discussing a nobody being wrong for clicks on the internet. Food for thought.
Fuck off you nigger tranny kike faggot
Well then they should not have said that to the blue collar workers who they mocked with that line eh? Karma is a bitch.
Yea i bet he scrubbed it. Journalists are good at doing that when they fuck up. Any other industry on the planet has to account for their fuck ups. But the "free press" gets a pass. You will always find a scum sucking journo going DFE when they fuck up. Lest they be holded to their own words.
Drama is one hell of a drug.
I remember that video, but i was talking about this one. Him unlisting it kind of proves the point in some way, he'll just as happily hide inconvenient info. Like most people, to him good journalism is stuff that agrees with him. So the transgressions don't count at those times, people still holding onto GG will still push OAG and people like George will now push kotaku.
>that jounralists today put out a shit load of garbage pieces is because they have a large cost of affording their piece of shit studio in San Fran and that they're simply a victim of circumstance and not the perpetraters of garbage
If that's even close to what's being said, that's such a bullshit play at regional ignorance that I can't even begin to explain the level of bullshit it's on.
You are posting in this thread, which makes you no better than the rest of us, you seething bumbling orangutan
This is literally you, googoo gaga incel baby
>ctrl-f FEDORA
>phrase not found
NANI ! ?
video game reviews aren't journalism.
Better than spending an entire 2 months of working on a video to shill Kotaku as a bastion of game journalism like Balding manlet George
>There has never been and never will be a unfiltered stream of good content
And that doesn't make standing in front of a sewage pipe any better. If you know a site is more bad than good, so need secondary systems to get only the okay and then also need to do your own research stuff has reached unacceptable levels.
Incel is the new "Fedora" try to keep up gramps.
What the fuck are you even talking about? This is like saying people should get rid of cable because they're only going to watch two channels out of the 200 included in a plan.
Shut the fuck up lmao
Remember when a Journo cries at you for hating the press. He is the one who wants to make sure archive sites are banned. Just so you can't use anything he has said against him.
At no point did either of them say that Kotaku having off-topic stuff is inherently a good thing. It's just a thing that they acknowledge.
And magazines were shitty for video game journalism, yes. Considering that most of them considered news stories a low priority outside of direct game announcements. But saying that magazines weren't a good medium for journalism doesn't mean that he's arguing that journalism is great today, if anything he lays out all the ways that journalism can be compromised. The video isn't called "MODERN GAME JOURNALISM IS WONDERFUL", it's "Media Literacy and Game News".
But I just want to read about video games. I don't care about some blue-haired "community manager", being totally oppressed because she can't act like a cunt on Twitter, or about how some Kotaku tranny is bad at video games.
>Than he goes onto say that old journalism is bad because it didn't take into account pop culture
Are you legitimately ESL? How could you misinterpret things this badly?
How about you watch the video yourself?
At first i wasn't sure whether he was dressed like a noir detective or 1950s reporter.
Yeah, who needs to know that Catholic priests rape little kids on the daily?
Don't /thread your own post, it's poor form and only faggots do it.
But yes, /thread.
Not putting pronouns on their Twitter bio.
>How about you watch the video yourself?
Because if that's the level of conversation I'm going to spend an hour listening to than I might as well just stay on Yea Forums because it's just as retarded and I at least get some enjoyment out of it.
Well you are not going to get that. You are going to get more whiny trannys with 6000m genders telling you that japanese games oppress women.
And you are going to like it, because that is what games are nowdays. No longer for you.
>game magazines must report on people (not vidya)!
>I'm a pro, you know! Did you know I went to journo school for this? It wasn't a waste of time...I swear...
>I'm just like the war reporters...
This man is crazy.
You forgot your ResetEra pasta.
i've never seen a man work so hard for pussy in my life! lmao! what a freak
I just watched the video. Most of it is a pretty basic info dump on agreeable journalism standards
>"check who's writing the media piece and their background"
>"find different pieces to get a better picture of the news"
>"watch your biases"
It's all fine, but really basic stuff anyone who's looked into journalism criticism or ethics once should already have a firm understanding of. Nothing mind blowing.
My main problem with game journalists is that they're fucking retarded casuals with shit tastes. There's literally no justifiable defense for shit like the DmC debacle or blatantly unfinished games like MGSV being awarded near-perfect universal praise.
Meanwhile some dude working out of his basement like Matthewmaotsis absolutely blows journalists out of the fucking water in terms of actually in-depth reviews and criticism of games. It's not even a competition.
But it IS a war, user
I think you meant pussy (mutilated penis)
Actually funny reply, bro. Got 'em good.
Right? Who needs to know that there are actual satan worshiping child molesters dressing up as demonic women and doing story time for kids at public libraries?
oh you're one of those people that pretends turbo tranny pedo faggot loving open border minority sucking tax to the max but don't ask where the money goes shits like US democrats and Merkel are "conservative"
what the fuck
>check who's writing the media piece and their background
sounds kinda antisemitic??
sometimes I forget how good we have it here.
it still sucks getting insulted and trolled, but at least you don't see everyone LARPing as a wise moralistic liberal solely so they can try to fit in and acquire more social capital
Right, people should know about muslim rape gangs. Oh wait, these aren't reported.
Explain Yea Forums, /cgl/, /mlp/ and /vp/ then.
Have sex.
Matthew doesn't have to shit out a review every other day to make ad bucks.
But he didn't say any of those things? Got the exact timestamp for those?
Much as I will ignore whatever a pepe or wojakposter has to say, I respect their right to grow up one day, post the exact same opinion without them and be allowed to join the conversation.
2 are heavily focused on identities which creates a lust for ego, also you forgot /soc/, and pokefags are just inherently retarded.
>Yea Forums is a negative influence on minors
He is not shitting, I think everyone here agrees with that, they really believe the shitposting
>>Most of you anons weren't even around when GamerGate happened, and while it is practically embedded in chan culture at this point to hate on journalism (a well deserved stance mind you)
Yea Forums had a hateboner for Kotaku long before GG. People even use to make fake images of Kotaku articles that were ridiculous on purpose and nobody could tell the difference.
He pumped out his Last of Us review within a few weeks of the game coming out. He could definitely adhere to a game journalist schedule (of getting a review code a few weeks before hand) if he tried. Even if his review quality would dip as a result of having less time, it would still be a fucking universe away from anything game journalists could do. They're fucking retards and offer no insightful knowledge because their head is so far up their own asses.
And much like the eroge on Steam pics, it became reality.
Doesn't fucking look like it.
>it simply would be filled with more normalfag tier humour.
and that's why your social life would be better
I sometimes browse /cgl/ for the catty girl drama
>My main problem with game journalists is that they're fucking retarded casuals with shit tastes.
maybe because they're game journalists and not game reviewers.
The internet in general is a net negative on the whole of humanity, let alone minors. Calling us out specifically is just low-hanging fruit so he can get more Reddit karma.
I don't disagree, but I don't think it'd work business-wise with how these blogs function.
I only show up to /cgl/ for anime expo threads.
Then why the fuck are they reviewing games and their criticism allowed to influence the industry?
Then follow game publishers on twitter and subscribe to their YouTube channels. Get the game announcements, cut out the middleman.
choose one
This but unironically.
You got fucking wrecked
Shutup user, talk about black ariel and how bad the new Lion King movie is. Noone needs to know about Jeffrey epsteins demonic sex island
Ask their editors or human resources. Probably too much of a hassle or expensive to hire people just to play games and write reviews on them without them doing anything else. Somehow works for the Escapist and Yahtzee though.
I don't know who this guy is but his eyes look like they're being swallowed by his head.
>Does Yea Forums agree that magazines were worse than today's websites? I don't think it does.
Yea Forums used to be fucking aware of that because they'd actually read one in their life. You don't remember the old image pointing out how 78 was the magic number for games' magazines and literally everything in them was bought and paid for? It was our classic proof that games journalism had always been a sham.
Christ, when the fuck is """jornalism""" like this going to be banned for being a scam?
>I don't disagree, but I don't think it'd work business-wise with how these blogs function.
I'm not saying all game reviews should be these 1 hour video essays with months of work put into them, the existing format can still work. The problem is game journalists are (by and large) fucking idiots and can't even offer any basic insight in their pre-existing game reviews. Again, there's literally no excuse for trasheaps like DmC, MGSV, ZTD, Fallout 4, etc (all blatantly flawed games universally panned by their more knowledgeable fanbases) getting the outstanding praise they received from the media. The fact that they get such praise is an indicator of how casual game journalists are.
And like said, the fact they're allowed to actually influence the games industry with their uniformed and garbage analysis is legitimately terrible.
if this place shuts down everyone just moves to discord
casting a spell, but she miscast which is what caused her to vomit
>when jason does those reports he does his job
I browse lolcow dot farm for that sometimes
it's funny but also scary to see women become even more evil on the internet than men
Yes, and I will not accept Yea Forums's defence of this faggot
Well yeah he is a normie Gatekeeper.
>Video starts
>He demands me to spend 1 hour checking every single bit of source on fucking videogame news to the point of translating chinese myself
Closed it there, does it get worse? How about journalists start doing their job instead of telling shit instead? How about you start doing videogame commentary, which is the reason people started following you in the first place, instead of this fucking meta shit no one cares about?
Based pessimist with terrible voice. I love this man.
good post
This nigga talking shit about GuP now?
even though this looks like it was done by an autistic 14 year old, the artist is almost 40 and still draws GG comics to this day
This man needs to take a couple more steps down the irony road.
mm so manly
No, he's right.
are there any attractive gaming journalists? why do they all look like goblins
This. What a fucking asshole, demanding that I think for myself, who the fuck does he think he is?
Attractive women don't need to work, let alone take up a made up profession.
Why the fuck does Yea Forums keep sperging out and replying to threads about literally whos making youtube videos and twitter posts?
This place is fucking retarded.
Wasn't there that one girl from Giant Bomb?
What the fuck does that mean, a videogame journalist's job is to give me the facts, if he doesn't do that it's him failing at his job.
All he did was suck cock of journalists
I'd go one step further and say the majority of Yea Forums is literal children.
>Get told piece of information
>It's lies
Imagine if this was any other kinda product
>Buy a chocolate bar
> it's actually shit
Cause it would make George unpopular with his new friends
Nuanced point of view is too complex for npc, npc has decided to make a thread angry about youtube video.
>dude look at this insane tranny tweet with 2 likes
>this is why we have to vote as right wing as possible, this tweet PROVES the left are insane
>Is this man a fucking idiot?
You only realized this now?
truth is relevant,facts are biased
When he first announced his Patreon it was being retweeted by tons of Polygon and Kotaku journos. His Patreon also got like $3000/month in the first day and then barely went up at all, just like so many other Patreons attached to that clique of faggots. Almost like they are the ones who are funding him.
He’s fucking demanding you become the journalist so he can spew yellow journalism and opinions for good boy points.
Their retarded vendetta is always fun to watch.
>wtf it’s not my fault I’m a gullible idiot
>go do your own research and fact checking
isn't that what the journalists job is? why not just have standards so we don't have to worry about fraudulent articles being published
trannies have more power than any one on the internet despite their apparent lack of population.
Unfortunatley due to the rise of social media, information gets spread around very quickly, and the fact that any literal who can start up a news site nowadays means that it's very easy to lie or twist facts to suit an agenda or benefit a partnering company. This means you should verify everything you read on news sites. Yea it fucking sucks, but just as you wouldn't instinctively trust a stranger, you shouldn't immediately trust a news piece.
Hardcore gamers are just detatched from reality, especially here. Pretty much every complain that they have about game journalism come to the fact that journalists are normies and write for normies, they can't understand that they are not the target demograpic of those reviews and news...I think the biggest example is that people here still live under the assumption that those "gamers are dead" headlines of the past were about some "culture war" and a lie, and not the change of demographics caused by mobile and a absolute truth with most titles today being made thinking more about those people than they
>Call out journalist for telling lies
>"Lol I can tell whatever I want true or false, your job to verify it"
Journalism is a media institution entirely meant to be investigative and truthful, to say that you need to always factcheck their journalism is a tacit admission that the journalist in question is entirely superfluous. Sure, it's a good idea to to that, but to say that it is a necessity is just pointing out your rot.
The "well established" "journalists" are often the ones twisting facts the hardest.
If the news pieces are inherently untrustworthy the websites and journalists are not worth considering and are leeches.
I'm not trusting a fucking person, I should trust the company to deliver me competent products and services
Anyone can get a job at a Hershey's plant, does that mean I have to not trust that every employee might potentially shit in my fucking chocolate?
Standards and practices user
>enthusiasts are angry at the complete lack of enthusiast media
You don't say. No other artform has this problem, you know.
And retards here wonder why the media gets away with so much fucking bullshit all the time
If you think half of the chocolate bars you eat really are chocolate and not some bullthit you truly are as gullible as your post looks
He doesn't want to admit he wasted years and money were wasted going to school to earn a pointless degree only to make easy patreon bux by being a wacky youtuber
Not one person who fumes about the gamers are dead article even read it.
There are people who spent over 4 years fuming about an article based on its headline and what they imagined it was about.
The article was very simply about how "people who play games" doesn't just mean some lonely weirdo in a basement, because so many people play games now. And it's true. If anything is actually wrong with the article is that it's boring as fuck and stating the obvious. Everyone knows normies play games now too. Everyone knows mobile games are huge. Everyone here is in agreement with the article because it's just a basic as fuck fact. But still retards imagine the article was actually about a call for white genocide, starting with anyone who plays videogames.
Are we doing food analogies now?
critical thinking =/= doesn't align with my politics so it's WRONG!
I live in Russia and the government at gunpoint forces the companies here to make real chocolate or else riots
It's pretty good
Because that's what SBH is.
Video forms of Kotaku/Polygon articles
Why wouldn't he suck their proverbial cocks?
All he does is parrot their drivel on his Twitter anyway.
If they are not what they claim to be, that's legal actions ground.
I don't see why journalists should be allowed to say lies without being called out on them instead.
>spotty forehead
>tiny childlike ears
>ghoulish complexion
He should probably be saving that look of withering disdain for the mirror.
>Food analogy
Is this you?
who's this soiboi
You're part of the problem.
Your infectious parasitic government hacked the election and elected Trump and ruined our countries progress!
Children are literally in cages because of you.
>still no nerd crew episode where they make fun of that disney shill who wasn't invited to their theme park opening
People should not be allowed to wear that shirt unless they fapped to at least 3 of those doujins.
A journalist called out for telling bullshit should be automatically fired, the reader shouldn't have to check sources if they did their job, they can't protect themselves with such a stupid excuse
I know this is jokes but
>infectious parasitic government
>Coming from the united states
>50 min video of some drooling retard
What's the one sentence summary of this waste of time?
And how do you check if they’re lying if people don’t check and investigate the sources for the actual truth you inbred mongoloid
George confirms he's not interested on actually talking about videogames anymore is my summary
>Start out just focusing on video games
>After you get a large following take a turn into pushing your politics and narrative
I tried to defend SBH as long as I could but this video was fucking stomach turning.
You shouldn't have to check, but if you find it suspicious and do it, you are 100% allowed to call bullshit on the journalist which is what everyone did and what George is defending them from
Game journalists suck at their jobs so you should be aware of how to find the real sources and look at many articles about the same topic to get the point, since once again, game journalists suck at their job.
By having the company and editor that the journalist work for have some sort of accountability on what their journalists produce on their website
This is literally a tacit admission that games journalism is less than useless.
Fuck yourself, choke yourself
If you read the description you can see that the interview was edited down for another video, the full unlisted video is also linked in the description of that video it was edited into.
I know it's hard for someone like you to grasp these conepts but this is called 'plausible deniability'.Think about it this way:do you also go after the weather forecasters whenever the weather doesn't go the way you want?
Nah I'm not into autoerotic asphyxiation.
It's not a political video, he's literally just talking about media literacy and it's connection to video games.
>Shilling Kotaku
>not political
This is the most stupid analogy I've ever read, you do understand the difference from a report and a forecast do you?
You need to vibrate higher
That's a bad analogy, actual news organization are sometimes held liable for false information spread
The only place where this doesn't apply is the united states where "muh freedom of the press" stops news organizations from getting sued
But that was like the only good part of the video. You better damn do that user.
If people here actually did that then maybe we wouldn't be absolutely drowned in fake leaks and absolutely baseless assertions all the time.
>trusting media corporations
Have you retards learned nothing?
talking shit about /ourguy/
fuck you OP you're a faggot
The point is people have to do that because they tell lies in the first place, which they shouldn't
Yea Forums always gets mad when someone from Yea Forums outgrows the site and becomes successful. George knows most gaming journalism is shit, and hes trying to teach you why and how. Trying to teach you how to figure shit out for yourself.
But fuck man, that Kotaku guy has an annoying voice
George's only purpose in life is not is to make me feel slightly better about my own life knowing I'm not him.
>meet these requirements
>wouldn't be caught dead in a ahegao shirt
Ironic weebs are a plague and are undeserving of Hirame smut.
I think he's trying to quit youtube and move into actual journalism, hence the shift in video style/subject matter. To be fair he's been doing youtube for a while so I guess he just wants to move on to something else.
Everyone knows how to, shitting on journalists for not doing their job is the consequence of that
>gaming journalist once sold her body for early access to a game, just to then give a bad review and getting called a slut
lol, who? I thought I was well versed in gaming ""journalist"" fuckups, but I'm drawing a blank here
>fucking retards. Why can't you just clairvoyantly know that you're being lied to!?
You must be new if you dont recognize that.
>dude I used to be an epic Yea Forums troll but then I grew up!! XDD
Stopped it right there.
I stopped watching this guy when he went full "Metal Gear Solid 2 predicted drumpf".
Shiva slashin' through your flat screen
Is nowhere for you to hide. Strangled by anaconda thumbs to the soundtrack of world genocide.
It really did, though.
Why can't game channels just talk about game mechanics and design choices and shit? Is it really that hard?
Is this guy Jewish? I always suspected it but never had it confirmed
Why is half of this board retarded, and the other half pretends to be retarded?
Ah yes, I too miss advertisements disguised as previews, and reviews where a 9 = AAA, 7 = AA, & 5 = A & indie
It reminds me of that one image from twitter where the guy says he was an old school Yea Forums troll who grew up, and he was wearing the fucking stupidest clothing acting all self-righteous. It was hilarious.
>Jew telling others to think critically about the news media
Oi I’m laughing
Journalists are the scum of the earth.
>Nitro Rad
Any others to add to my subscriptions?
Why does he look sweaty
It is the only game journalist I can give a fuck about.
All he says about Kotaku is that they talk about video games more than other forms of media in comparison to other big gaming sites. He has Jason Schrier in the video, but he mostly talks about the details of his job. There's nothing political in the video.
Ross Scott
Gaming Pastime
Game Sack
He's a pudgy permanerd couch potato in this thirties that's wearing a trenchoat and hat indoors in July.
based and upvoted, my good sir!
>wannabe journalist defending journalism
Imagine my shock. That being said, all journalists are scum and their job is to create confrontation where there is none and ruin communities. The world would be much better if they all lost their jobs. Which will happen in the next decade, so
It's not as if Metal Gear was alone in predicting the rise of populism.
I could predict that in a democratic country the person who promises to do what's popular would win. Couldn't you predict that?
Top tier
Top tier
I like him but he's more entertainment
>Game Sack
Aw shit, I forgot to list those guys. They really got me to play old consoles more.
>Deadspin, Gizmodo/io9, Jalopnik, Jezebel, Kotaku, Lifehacker, Splinter
>worth 1.5 Billion in 2006
>The Verge, Vox, Polygon, Curbed, Eater, SB Natio
Summoning Salt and Boss Keys are great.
Are those hip hop lyrics
imagine having sargon live rent free in your head for 5 years
Mandalore and Sseth too.
Unironically gonna sub
Jim Sterling unbelievably had a better video about the state of games journalism
gtfo with these stretch armstrong slant rhymes
>Which will happen in the next decade
Already happening.
Left wing media already sacked tens of thousands of employees with a big jump in that number since the Covington scandal and society losing interest in the Russia shit.
CNN is completely in the toilet while FOX is doing better than ever.
Turns out society by the majority has just about had it with SJW urinalists heaving their putrid catshit out their facial anuses.
>Game Journalism is good
>After Extra Credits put out that sorry excuse of a video
It's like said, if they aren't talking about the games themselves, they are wasting your time.
>just ignore the sjws ruining peoples' lives and taking over your industries
>you're part of the problem, not the people wrecking everything
also samefag
I'm sure the guy who wanted to be a game journalist since he was 16 and now currently considers himself one will give a perfectly objective view into games journalism.
Steak Bentley
Karl Jobst (and his alt)
and townsends i dunno
That soiboi looks like an autistic turboincel.
>Comments shitting on Jason from kotaku
>the dude he just interviewed for this new video
oh I'm laffin
He definitely knows more about journalism than anyone on this thread. Even if it is a biased point of view, it's one that is also well-informed about the inner workings of journalism.
>implying that Yea Forums damages your self-esteem
>implying that Yea Forums is detrimental to developing social skills
>implying that Yea Forums has nothing to teach about common sense media literacy
Sounds like every other underageb& autist who became a turncoat cunt as soon as it suited them.
Maybe not what you want but Upper Echelon Gaming covers trending topics, it's very objective, explains why practices directly affect the games themselves, and tries to avoid petty "culture war" pandering, even when it's talking about stuff like censorship.
>long in depth investigative pieces that took months of research and had to get run by legal a dozen times.
I've only seen this type in gaming "journalism" twice in my entire life. One of them was a piece on Dennis Dyack and the fall of Silicon Knights. A piece that was written after months of research and interviews with former employees from Silicon Knights and anyone who had interactions with him during the development of Eternal Darkness, one of the X-Men games, Too Human and the supposed Eternal Darkness II sequel. I looked up the writer of the article. It was a freelance writer with actual credible work at respectable newspapers.
The gaming press doesn't breed these kind of people anymore. They need outsiders to write this stuff. But with today's political climate and era of blogging personal opinions as headline articles, I'm not sure if those people even exist anymore.
>Pseudo game reviewer is trying to butter up other reviewers and network his way into the industry
At this point the above is pretty transparent. He isn't an idiot, but he is just as scummy as your average Kotaku reviewer though.
The fact you think you understand everyone's understanding of journalism in this thread despite not knowing them shows how poor your critical thinking skills are.
if you end up on Yea Forums it's because you deserve it
There is more to talk about than the game itself you subhuman troglodyte.
>what are the economics to making a game successful
>who is the audience of this game
>what themes are prominent in this game and how do they compare to similar games of it's genre or release window
Holy shit I just found three topics that can be discussed or researched about the game without discussing the gameplay itself.
Do you retards forget that this is a massive multi-billion dollar industry? Is there not more substance to it than the very surface level observation?
>hurr durr this game makes jumpy jumpy better than this other game thats why it is cool let me drone on about it for 30 minutes
Is this what you want from content creators? Great, many peoples do this kind of content. What about the people who are interested in the larger picture of what video games occupy in life? Are their interests not vindicated simply by looking at the amount of videos made on these topics? How would Super Bunny Hop exist if not for this interest?
Because not many people are autistic like matt
Oh yea soz
>with today's political climate
Of course they exist, but they're just not on your side
I think by gleaming at the responses one can deduce what the median response to any topic would be on Yea Forums.
Granted, there is no reliable way of separating samefags and VPN posters from others.
Which is why most people understand that anything Yea Forums says should be taken with a cup of salt.
>than anyone on this thread
I literally worked as game journalist for 5 years so you're wrong
t. games "journalist"
he's an anti american Communist on top of being a fucking idiot
I mean the founder was literally 15 when it started.
I got a question
>only needs to be occasionally examined
>easily covered in a review
The "Larger picture" is so easily graspable to even laymen. If all the journalists do is explain already simple to grasp concepts, they are irrelevant.
Yea Forums getting triggered over games journalists and acting like they're the devil goes back to Colin Moriarty calling them entitled
Which is hilarious because Colin is a right winger and agrees with Yea Forums more than any other journo
Those are all parts of the game. They are related to the game. Shit like "Playing Nazis in a WWII game is problematic" or "TOP 10 GAMES AS HARD AS DARK SOULS" are not part of the game.
There's plenty of channels that cover trending topics and how products are affected by industry practices. From little shit like censoring games, to how a economic model of microitransactions affects customers, to how player progression directly affects the userbase and game longevity.
Unsurprisingly the "game journalists" often slander this sort of channels because "CRITIC MAN BAD"
>it's all Colin
Literally every single games journalist to an individual level is worthless.
>that hairline
Its fantastic, a right winger made Yea Forums mad 8 years ago and then tricked them into blaming left wingers.
>How would Super Bunny Hop exist if not for this interest?
By clickbaiting and creating outrage. Which is exactly how all of those cunts survive.
I don't mind this guys videos, but I detest the extremely nasally inflection he occasionally slips into.
Who? Are you retarded?
Clearly not you, so please find another thread to encumber with your baseless existence.
How's it entitlement to call a piece of human garbage who couldn't get a real job instead of adopting a meme title out on their pathetic sniveling self-important larping lives? Riddle me that.
How about you fuck off and go somewhere they give a shit about the opinions of a fucking useless eceleb?
>not downvoted
>Is this man a fucking idiot?
This is how marketeering is done on Yea Forums, by people pretending to be outraged. This is also modern game journalism.
Whatever the retard in the OP said is irrelevant. People are talking about a more general theme, and that invites discussion.
>People are talking about a more general theme
Right now we're talking about how retarded you fucking are. Let's focus on that theme.
If you fell for the misinformation that MGSV was missing more than ONE cut mission (which happens to games ALL. THE. TIME.) then you're retarded enough to trust Yea Forums, gullible, and a total hypocrite
>invites discussion
That sounds like something some normalfag would say.
Well I’m an old school torrie so where’s my news for that?
>Yea Forumstard
What the fuck?
I like that theme
Know what's entitlement?
Telling coal miners who lost their jobs to learn to code, but getting so buttblasted when the same happens to you that you beg Twitter to act like your nannny to protect your feelies.
Newfags. Yea Forums was called entitled because they didn't like the ending of Mass Effect 3. You're putting the cart before the horse, not that I expect you to be intelligent enough to understand that figure of speech
Yeah, MGSV was totally not clearly rushed in development and unfinished, whether or not it's just one actually removed mission. A game is unfinished when it is unfinished, not when it's merely missing some complete content.
You three are fucking idiots and you know damn well why people hate game journos, but hey it's fine let's gatekeep instead, faggots.
Game journalism is a fucking joke since journos started being buddy buddy with devs. Couple that with the fact that most of them are failed movie critics that don't care about videogames or treat them as childish. Now rubbing shoulders with devs is an opportunity to move up in the world. How many of them quit their jobs to become community managers or whatever.
Looking at it through that lens shows you why they take the side of devs/publishers whenever a controversy appears. Integrity and protecting the consumer is thrown out the window.
>Why does he look sweaty
overweight man in studio lighting
Maybe, just maybe, GG was newfag bullshit for teenagers
I like the theme of fucking your mother a lot more, apparently it is a very hot topic.
>Newfags. Yea Forums was called entitled because they didn't like the ending of Mass Effect 3.
You aren't intelligent either by the looks of it since disliking shitty writing which resulted from the original lead writer and his assistants who created the entire Mass Effect universe being replaced by dumb hacks is anything but, is anything but entitlement but common sense. In case you missed it, which you did in your intellectual downturn, it's Yea Forums who pulled the credits comparisons of the Mass Effect series and laid the usual EA dogshittery of fucking up devs bare with ME2 already and sniffed out in advance that ME3 will be dogshit with no repair possible. Only dumbfaggot outsiders like yourself had any expectations to be defined as entitled. So again, riddle it little bitch.
Maybe, just maybe, you're a fuckin idiot.
Kinda like the topic of how you'll never get laid despite the fact of being a female ally? :^)
Ass effect always had shitty writing, Bioware hasn't made a good game since Jade Empire. I'm sorry you were too young at the time to notice.
Literally 12 years old. Grow up kiddo, learn new words, prove that I'm stupid
As the consumer, the interaction I have is with the game mechanics. That is fundamental and that is what is fundamental when you want to hear someone talk about the game.
>prove that I'm stupid
I think your post speaks for itself.
George is based and Yea Forums hating him is all the more proof
>despite the fact of being a female ally
what the fuck is that? is that being an ally to your mother? because I am an ally to your mother in bed every night.
They don't mix well because of the interactivity of the medium
>GG was newfag bullshit for teenagers
>grow up kiddo
LOL ok pal, whatever you say. Clearly you're the wise Yea Forums user beyond his years, here before the earliest days of Yea Forums to share his wisdom on newfaggotry all around
Journalists of all stripes are cancer and should be shot.
You know who told coal miners to learn to code? The government. You know what the journalists actually said? They reported on the government programme to get miners to learn to code, as is their job. You know what any of that has to do with video games? Nothing.
You're a vindictive little shit who doesn't care about facts, only about using narratives as a weapon against people you dislike.
I'm starting to support the idea of registering on Yea Forums because you're clearly 10 years old
Learn to code
>Only dumbfaggot outsiders like yourself had any expectations to be defined as entitled.
You weren't here. You don't know how or when the Bioware hate started and now you overplayed your hand.
Have you thought that you keep hearing that from the people who tried to leave and failed while you don't get to hear the side of the people who actually left?
See? Confronted with actual facts you proceed to entirely ignore them and just double down on your narrative.
cool greasy e-celeb, I don't know who he is
Of course he wasn't here. Dudes some lefty gatekeeper tranny SJW. Doesn't take a genius to figure that out.
Well I can definitely tell you've been here long enough, you're confusing facts with opinions. Facts are data. You haven't presented any data. Your opinion, despite what your mommy tells you, is not fact or data.
>get told hard
ME1 had a perfect foundation writing. Like any foundation it's purpose isn't to look good or for anyone to live in it, but to establish strong basis for a building to be constructed on top. Your shit has flowed so far up it pushed your brain out and substituted it.
I have some of the more hilarious threads saved using the good old chanthreadwatch.
Get the fuck out you dumbshit kiddie.
By ME3 we already shat on both what happened to Dragon Age and the journalists being caught creating fake reviews like that Asian fag, and talking smack on what was already prominent knowledge of how EA runs devs into the ground.
Go larp somewhere else you brainlet.
>lefty gatekeeper tranny SJW
>Hates Bioware and calls people "dumbfaggot outsiders" if they don't, clearly desperate to fit into Yea Forums
What "data" you mongoloid? I'm referring to the fact of the reporting that took place, the reporting that you're obviously familiar with since you're spewing bullshit about it so confidently. I notice you didn't bother bringing any facts to support your assertions in the first place. Probably because if you had to go looking for them they wouldn't support your narrative at all.
Good lord man you should see someone about that projector protruding from your behind
>my opinion is fact shut the fuck up shitlord manbabby
>By ME3 we already shat on both what happened to Dragon Age and the journalists being caught creating fake reviews like that Asian fag, and talking smack on what was already prominent knowledge of how EA runs devs into the ground.
And yet people were obviously still excited for ME3. They played it to the end within days of release and then came to Yea Forums to bitch about it.
>Good lord man you should see someone about that projector protruding from your behind
I don't think you understand that word you're using. In fact I'm doubting you understand any words because it doesn't look like you're following the conversation at all.
I don't think you understand theoretical physics but yet you continue to be here wasting space and time
>my opinion is fact shut the fuck up shitlord manbabby
Where are the facts backing up your opinion?
Why are we even prattling on like this when we both seem to hate """journalists""" the same?
>And yet people were obviously still excited for ME3.
Not on here. Plenty of shills did try to come here to bullshit, but just like with the TORtanic it was shat down and shot down.
Here's a memorandum from the past.
Oh I'm sorry was that too intelligent for you? I can put it into normalfag terms for you if you like?
SSFF is ok and I miss Starship amazing but the dude in it can be a bit of a basedcuck sometimes like when he was upset that the OG bionic commando had hitler period. even if you get to blow off his fucking head.
Yes, that's right, we were always at war with Oceania. That's why so many people played ME3 on release. They already knew they'd hate it so much, see, that they'd have lots of material for a nice collage to post on Yea Forums. No one was disappointed.
>that rant at the end equating citizen journalism to the flat earth
lugenpresse genocide when?
So give up, faggot.
Cringe but still redpilled
There's a huge overlap in the games industry and they suck at both.
And yet you people are still obsessing over it half a decade later
Good god man no wonder GG failed
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand my posts. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also user's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike my posts truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in my existencial catchphrase "I don't think you understand theoretical physics but yet you continue to be here wasting space and time" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as my genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
They mix fine, journalists are just incompetent at the interactivity part. It's like getting a bunch of illiterates to do book reviews and author interviews.
You actually took the time to edit that? Sad. You shoulda just posted a picture, that would have been about equal to the amount of effort you put into anything. Although that's about the same effort. It's not original, it isn't yours, but you stole it and morphed it to your needs. Pretty much sums up your existence. You're the nigger of the internet. Good job!
>GG failed
How'd it fail?
Started out with adult feminists past their teenage years getting into a scuffle with mostly underage gaming community, and losing so bad against children they had to beg journalists to stoop to their level to make hit pieces against children and their underage hobby.
I'd say the children always win when a dumbshit adults stoops to the level of involving media and politics to fight them. Shameful display.
rent free
>Unfamiliar with the concept of copypasta
Good god man just give up
>defending game "journalists" on 4channel in 2019
>biodrones are still mad about Yea Forums over a decade later
I like it because despite how awful it is, it still manages to piss of lefties.
>Shit he found me out! Uh uh um um OH I KNOW HAHA COPYPASTA YOU FUCKIN IDIOT
Anthony is that you?
You know exactly how it failed. GG is now just a bunch of camps around a bunch of ecelebs like it was some kind of neckbeard warlord tribe. When was the last time you heard anything from GG? They don't do anything anymore except argue with one another about who is the best. Don't even bother going to cripplechan for that shit anymore, it's all just them circlejerking about how great they are that they did... something I guess? I'm sure they did something important.
This pseudo-intellectual posturing is pretty sad my dude. All this to distract from the fact that you were unable to follow a conversation.
You're still projecting Anthony
This thread is about to be archived so I might as well tell you: nigger I haven't read a single post of yours. I don't even know what the hell you're talking about. It's just fun to make a post to get a reaction out of you because you'll fucking fall for it anyways.
>GG failed
>"journalism" has never had such a low trust level in history with a first in history being made with journalism being polled beneath the US Congress among the general public
>Feminism is now a laughingstock everywhere and media which used to have open comments on the topic now closes all of them because everyone shits on retarded feminists now
>metoo even resulted in interest in sexual assault cases as a political priority pulling back to 1998 levels among males with barely a budge on female stats, with women actually now having it worse than ever because of the open door policy adopted by male businessmen, male managers keeping women away from them, and mentoring of women being lower than ever
GG didn't need to do shit actually beyond lighting the spark. The fire and fuel are self-created by the retarded journalists and feminists.
I think there might for real be something wrong with your brain the way you jump all over the place and completely ignore things that happened two posts ago. Probably a narcissist. Explains your lashing out after I hurt your ego.
Masterstroke not addressing it to anyone in particular
>"journalism" has never had such a low trust level in history
>Feminism is now a laughingstock everywhere
>metoo even resulted in interest in sexual assault cases
Okay see, now you're just making shit up. Good job! Not only did you fail at being gamergate you also failed at spacial awareness. But yeah keep truckin, kiddo. I'm sure you'll do something important. You let me know what that is.
And yet you replied to it :^)
It was a compliment
You got issues, dude
Do you really think this comic makes anyone angry? They're laughing at you.
Are you seriously using the "shitting myself to pwn the libs" logic here?
last word in you're all faggots who should be shot and hung for even bothering to post/reply to anyone in here I was just here to make fun of all of you half of these posts are mine I hope you enjoyed being pissed off and angry over nothing you fucking retards
yeh same
Stealing that guys last word
I've seen people get mad at it, user.
Fuck you it's my last word
First word.