Huh, why is the "screaming" face so popular in video games, Yea Forums?

Huh, why is the "screaming" face so popular in video games, Yea Forums?

Attached: abc.jpg (1242x1245, 200K)

It's a total mystery.

Attached: tfw your wife's boyfriend lets to watch them fuck.jpg (600x900, 117K)

>not having battle face
maybe you are a cuck

because cock of clans did it first and became popular

>video games
Real funny, guy

Does this face have a name? I'm being dead serious. I was watching a video of a guy tearing down an old a deck and when he removed a large section he made THAT face. Yes, he was wearing glasses and had a beard.

Needs an eastern version where it's generic anime girl portrait

let me swallow your cum-face

Yea Forums should make our own angry face clicker
Call it S O Y L A N D
Donate all profits to Hiroshimoot

it is a mystery

Attached: 5A8DFC86-9316-4156-A8FA-BE5C865CBA15.jpg (1140x720, 237K)

Gloryhole face.

The person making it is clearly preparing for cock insertion.

>why do copycat games trying to replicate the most popular ones copy the app thumbnail
It's a fucking mystery OP.

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Clash of Clans has more gameplay and depth than the fucking gatcha weeb faggots play here. Fuck nu-Yea Forums.

Seriously though, why this fucking face?

Attached: Extra Soy Latte.webm (640x358, 1.91M)

>implying that anyone should play mobileshit of any type

Attached: If Evangelion were good.png (362x350, 69K)


Well, if I had to guess, the average numale is in a constant state of apprehension, so when the apprehension reaches a pitch, such as when posing for a photo, they open their mouth wide to breathe in, simultaneously relieving themselves while still looking vaguely enthusiastic

Nevermind, I wasn't lurking hard enough.

Attached: Nu-Male Smile.png (535x111, 11K)

>why this fucking face?
Because deep down these people are very insecure about their appearance and don't have the confidence to do something as simple as trying to look good for a photo.
So they'll make that face instead because looking wacky and quirky is the only way they can find value in their appearance.

People nowadays are so insecure they can't even smile, they exagerate it because everyone is covered in 20 layers of irony nowadays.

It's called an open mouth smile and it's what men do to feign enthusiasm when on camera because in reality they're dead inside
t. Knows from experience

>games that were made for the absolute NPC retards
>uses screaming face pic to catch their attention because these people are super easily influenced by emotions

These people just wan't a game that has no meaning at all, like their existence.
But do not try to cure the NPC's, let them live in their ignorance. When an NPC gets too much conscious too fast they usually can't handle it, their slave mind melts and they go crazy.

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Wow what a high bar
I bet my turds aren't quite as smelly as yours user