Is this going to become a trend with nintendo?
Is this going to become a trend with nintendo?
Thanks for beta testing. I love my N2DSXL and I'm going to love my Lite.
Most people use docked mode, incel.
lol? but also cringe
>aka no dock mode
>game boy
>game boy pocket
Why would anyone use docked mode? Who wants to play The Witcher 3 at 720p?
The Switch is a portable console. We have PC's and real home consoles for big screen TV gaming.
New 2DSXL returned to clamshell though.
It was garbage
It felt more solid, had a better matte finish, felt better in adult hands, better triggers,
>real home consoles
Those played The Witcher 3 like garbage as well. Anyone who cares about how it runs would be playing on PC 100% of the time to begin with. I'm guessing it probably runs pretty well on an Xbone X at least, but the framerate in particular was fucking trash like every PS4 game
>Dumbed-down MH machine that can't even use a Circle Pad Pro
I agree it was surprisingly comfortable but I dislike the lack of clamshell design to protect the screens
Those cheaper versions are more plastic, less durable, less premium.
Why is having options such a bad thing? It's a throwaway Christmas gift for the kids. I bought a 2ds for my little brother to play Smash and animal crossing with my brother.
He's right though nintendo has been doing this for fucking years. I learned my lesson after the GBA and DS.
Imagine using the switch handheld ahahhahahahaha
>playing a video game on a television is a gimmick
theyve been doing this since the GBC
All the special edition versions are coming to the switch lite eg. pokemon
Japan likes handhelds more than home consoles and the lite will outlive the normal switch
Witcher 3 runs fine after patches on PS4 and Xbone.
It only ran kinda like shit near launch in swamp areas
>downgrades are a feature
I love this evolutionary coping mechanism of nintencels
>Switch mini
>not gimmicky
you forgot also uglier
Step 3 is to make a stupid "upgraded" version that goes back to never being utilized outside of the launch games meant to sell people on the new features.
Switch lite mini when
The lite is still fucking huge
it's literally just a handheld
Multiple polls already proved this wrong
>why would you play party games on a TV?
Dunno user, when we are together it's way more comfortable than being all cramped up in a small space
the switch has always been a handheld
only complete fucking retards bought into the whole "switch" concept
>make a portable with portable hardware
>add an hdmi port
>call it a "hybrid"
>idiot eat it up
It emulated SNES perfectly with VC so there's that.
>not posting the real improved version
>2DS and lite better
oh I am laughing
You dont dock your switch? When friends are over or when I play at home I always put it on the big screen.
The best handheld money can buy right now. You just need to hack it and you have access to an insane library. NES, SNES, Genesis, TurboGraphx, PC Engine, DS, 3DS, and probably more. It's comfy as heck.
Handheld mode is the gimmick of the switch
because it relocates resources and detracts from the overall quality
switch could've been either a better handheld or a better console if they didn't go for yet another useless fucking gimmick
it affects the games, too
>the switch has always been a handheld
Sure but that doesn't mean not having the ability to dock it and play on a TV isn't a downgrade
>implying its unicorn to the Nintendo shills
It have always been a thing, but I guess you are too new to remember Yea Forums shills loving features removed from games because "it takes away resources" and other inane shit
>having manlet hands
kek, 2DS is objectively better than the 3DS since you can play longer than 5 minutes on it.
I'd argue it's the opposite considering the shit mobile hardware
I have literally never once used dock mode
>speakers in one of the most retarded places possible
Why did they do this?
>The best handheld money can buy right now
>the disgusting iphone 1st gen look
>with the camera and mic protruding in the middle
I remember when the Switch was launched Yea Forums was saying they wished Nintendo released a portable only mode. And I mean thread after thread of this shit while also getting spammed in every Switch thread.
Why is the idea hated now? Is it contrarians? It is people who waited hoping for a Switch Pro and are now lashing out because they waited for nothing? Is it OG Switch owners with buyers remorse?
>Switch Lite
Nah user, keep your special, womanly basedboy version to yourself and have fun reading text in games full of them. That Zoom feature from 8.0.0 will be your best friend.
Us chads can play on the comfy TV or table as if it was a smaller TV with a Pro Controller and not worry about compability issues even if it's just for games no one cares about.
was meant for
you probably still will be able to
it's literally just a fucking hdmi cable
DS/3DS library > PSP/Vita weebshit library
Exclusives, retard
>Switch Pro
Is it still coming?
Work on your reading comprehension, retard.
>switch could've been either a better handheld or a better console if they didn't go for yet another useless fucking gimmick
nah m8 the useless gimmick sells it like fucking hotcakes, dock's a glorified tv-out but it's marketed and executed clever enough you look past that
>you probably still will be able to
>whole point of people complaining is that you literally can't
You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?
>why would anyone want to use docked mode?
For exclusives, retard
Please elaborate as to which exclusives required docked mode to run
>you probably still will be able to
Nope, one of their first orders of business was to tell you you can't dock it. USB-C charges and connects to Pro controllers only. You didn't pay attention to the announcement I see.
>sales == quality
"you can't dock it" doesn't mean you can't connect a hdmi cable to it.
even if Nintendo themselves choose not to, the hardware still probably allows it through modding.
>i wanted the switch to be another x64 PC in a box like all the competition
>mindless that switch is already the most "pure gaymin'" system in a long time with its barebones and highly-responsive UI
HDMI doesn't work out-of-the-box, software mods that could possibly allow it are inaccessible and if you're of a mind to connect it to your TV in the first place it'd be less of a waste of everyone's time to just buy a normal Switch.
how shit can the new 3ds CPU be that it can't even emulate the psx properly?
my 50$ phone from 2013 was able to do that
Switch has more splitscreen multiplayer games than PS4 and Xbone combined, playing them on a tiny handheld screen is stupid.
That and stuff like Smash and Splats being much better docked.
Probably not anytime soon. They would've announced it alongside the Lite if it were.
yes, because mobile phones are the way to go if you want quality gaming
they didn't even pick the better one
>"you can't dock it" doesn't mean you can't connect a hdmi cable to it.
It essentially does because thats how the OG Switch hooks up. It doesn't have an HDMI hookup on the handheld.
>even if Nintendo themselves choose not to, the hardware still probably allows it through modding.
Or it might not.
>it'd be less of a waste of everyone's time to just buy a normal Switch.
indeed. but that's fucking stupid because the switch is a goddamn portable anyway.
so whether you can connect it to a tv is irrelevant.
literally uses a better SoC and has a actual dpad along with a higher ppi screen.
how many layers of irony are you on to compare a switch to a mobile phone
Have you actually handled one? The top screen is flimsy as fuck. New 3DS XL is much better built.
Do people really enjoy playing sub 1080p games on big ass screens? and if it's not a nintendo game, you can add terrible performance too.
you'd be surprised
>indeed. but that's fucking stupid because the switch is a goddamn portable anyway.
so whether you can connect it to a tv is irrelevant.
I like playing my Switch games on the TV. It being a portable device has no bearing on this.
>size difference is literally just an inch
>lose docked mode for it
I'd prefer a stock New 3DS desu, same size as New 2DS with better color-selections and compatibility with all those faceplates anyways
I don't know about you but in the past whether my gameboy or psp could connect to a tv was irrelevant to me
mainly because they're fucking handhelds
You know you can guess the OP's age when they're asking about Nintendo's business practices like it's something new.
Severely downgraded controllers too, no HD Rumble, gyroscopic features or any of the other bells and whistles are in it. It's basically two of those d-pad Hori joycons that only work in handheld mode connected to the system welded onto it.
Which hilariously makes it exactly what people are complaining about wanting in this thread alone, a pure, no-gimmicks gaming machine.
what exactly do you think the Tegra is?
Yes. Handheld is fine for simpler games, but I don't see how you can really enjoy an immersive game like BotW on a small handheld display as well as on a 50" screen. Everything just feels too cramped to me.
>posting literal shit
>I don't know about you but in the past whether my gameboy or psp could connect to a tv was irrelevant to me
Unlike the Switch, those didn't include connects to start with. Also in the past I always played GBA games on the Gamecube with the converter add-on and it was the coolest shit
>Which hilariously makes it exactly what people are complaining about wanting in this thread alone
>a pure, no-gimmicks gaming machine.
hey, don't look at me. I'm buying this shit day 1.
Nintendo accidentally released the handheld I've been wanting since the DS/Wii
a system-on-a-chip that can operate at something approaching its max power because the switch actually has a cooling device, compared to mobile phones where some form of a heatsink is high-end and otherwise it's underclocking like a mofo to jack up the price and not melt through your hand
how many layers of irony are you on to compare a switch to a mobile phone
>dae le 40 year old virgin with a degree in nintendo history? xP
PSP actually could tho, and looked okay doing that even back then. You don't appreciate simplier things, you just have to have whatever the latest meme resolution is just because.
it is also classified as a mobile chip. and it is also underclocked on the switch.
AND it is also not the latest version. it's the old stock nobody wanted, not even phone manufacturers.
you'd best not look up the severity of its downclocking in the actual mobile sector if you're drawing connections like this
>AND it is also not the latest version. it's the old stock nobody wanted, not even phone manufacturers.
who cares
performance is king, and the game actually looks sharper at 720p on smaller screen.
it could, but it wasn't a selling point for me. that's the point.
I didn't question myself "can this handheld I'll be playing in bed connect to a tv? no? then it's a deal breaker" because that makes no fucking sense whatsoever
and that's irrelevant because the switch has always been a portable
if you bought it because of the switching aspect then you're a moron and actually fell for Nintendo's marketing
i wonder how retards will react when the "switch pro" won't be the huge boost to performance people think it is.
how dare you buy a console for its advertised feature you fucking sheep
>who cares
it's a mobile chip and it's not even a good one. comparing it to a budget phone isn't far from the truth.
And GBA really well if you VC infected them.
if you define "not far" as "hundreds of miles away from", sure
shut up, fag
The new 3ds xl was better built. Fucking screen flops around
t. Sold my n3dsxl to a buddy and bought a n2dsxl
you do realize the whole switching thing is literally just a hdmi cable, right?
that Sony did the same thing ages ago? but didn't start some bullshit campaign about how revolutionary it was?
and that the TegraX1 is literally a mobile chip? so the switch is essentially a handheld with a hdmi port?
>and that's irrelevant because the switch has always been a portable
What's irrelevant? What point are you even trying to make?
>if you bought it because of the switching aspect then you're a moron and actually fell for Nintendo's marketing
I bought it for the same reason I'd buy any console, for the exclusives. Though, I will admit I wasn't put off by the switch aspect because I think its a cool feature. How is this "falling" for marketing when the Switch literally does what it was advertised to do?
how dare you buy a console for its advertised feature you fucking sheep
it's a mobile chip, underclocked at that, and performance-wise it's comparable to modern budget phones
>that Sony did the same thing ages ago? but didn't start some bullshit campaign about how revolutionary it was?
If Sony had had the presence of mind to market it as a revolutionary feature it'd probably have been seen as such a thing.
Can confirm, feels like the ds lite imo, I'm worried the screen is gonna break like like the ds lite I used to have.
>and performance-wise it's comparable to modern budget phones
no, it isn't. you pressed the issue too hard and made yourself look silly user
buying into advertisement hype and not realizing you're buying a handheld with an hdmi port makes you a sheep, yes
And why would they remove that HDMI port then? It's a part of the same USB-C port that's on proper Switch.
I don't play Smash with the shitty joycon setup. Also I want to use my sound system proper.
I always use 3D on my 3DS. Kinda shitty that a few recent games don't even try.
you don't know much about phones, then. because that's simply wrong.
What if I actually want a handheld with an HDMI port?
How is the input lag when playing 2D games like Mario Maker on a TV? I'm considering getting this to avoid that because I hate even the slightest input lag.
The only things that are coming are the Lite and the revised normal Switch. Switch Pro won’t probably be a thing until later down the line when the library matures and sales slow down for both versions.
so people wouldn't catch on to their bullshit? so they can continue selling regular switches?
then you're a fucking idiot that's fine, just don't pretend it's anything more than that.
the switch lite is hardly a downgrade when the only missing feature is "connect an hdmi cable and play it on your tv"
"Modern budget phones" are $30-$50 rice-burners you buy at Walmart and only use for Facebook or Twitter, user.
The same as normal Switch
you're doing mental gymnastics now. stop.
burners are not the same thing as budget.
Not that guy but you are the one who needs to work on reading comprehension, friend. Unless you're just pretending to be retarded. Or trying to say CEMU is flawless right now
That's a big downgrade though. Stuff like Splatoon really appreciates being played on a big screen.
>You're a fucking idiot for wanting to play games on your TV
I was right you are a special kind of stupid.
>B-but they are handhelds!
Who cares.
>when the only missing feature is "connect an hdmi cable and play it on your tv"
All the whoopie-doos in the joycons are gone, so that's NFC for amiibo, gyroscopic controls (games like Splatoon 2 will handle like absolute ass with analog-only), controller vibration which a large number of games do make use of.
There are literally a dozen games that only work in handheld mode, anyone who didn't see this coming (because nintendo didn't enforce every game having to work docked and handheld) was a dumbass. I'm glad I waited to buy one. Though with all the pokemon shit happening I don't know if I'll even bother at this point, there's nothing else that looks like it'll keep me entertained between releases.
You want to know how I know you don't have friends to play video games with?
On what planet are burner-phones not budget-phones?
PS4 + Switch Lite Master Race
playing handhelds on your tv is fine, even though it's not my thing.
but the point is that a hdmi connection isn't a selling point for a fucking handheld.
I didn't pass on the gameboy color because I couldn't play it on my tv. or the vita for that matter.
On 20 people I know only two ever used the dock, myself not included. It's a too small number to be meaningful but it surely match online polls about this
I play almost exclusively in dicked mode and I think most of us do
>never being utilized
have you tried playing any game after 2017 on an o3ds? try playing hyrule warriors on an o3ds. framerate is below 10 like 75% of the time.
a single ign poll on youtube
Fuck docked docked wtf
budget means cheap
burner means disposable
$30-$50 for a complete phone isn't cheap?
Sounds familiar
The switch lite can't be played on a tv. Literal meme console
>all the gimmicks are gone
I wouldn't ever be playing a handheld on a tv so it's fine either way
It is cheap, but it is also not a long-term phone, it's barely functional. Budget phones are a step above, you can actually use them.
no, it's piss cheap. that's why it's disposable in the fist place, because it's barebones enough it can barely make calls.
budget means cheap, but certainly not disposable and not barebones.
>switch lite
I kinda doubt that. I guarantee the biggest switch issues will still be there minus the joycons wiggling while you play handheld. Joysticks are still gonna suck dick and start drifting within 6 months of regular use. It's still gonna overheat like a fucking jet lifting off. Bluetooth will still be missing, etc
suuure we will see soon
You're retarded if you think it won't have NFC or gyro
playing in handheld after a few hours makes my hands cramp and eyes hurt so being able to dock the console is amazing
Splatoon and Smash are two of the biggest games on Switch and are kinda unplayable handheld, and Mario Kart's party-destroying potential is lost without a big screen to split-screen on as well.
To play with others? Try playing mario kart or party around that tiny screen
NFC is included, we know that for a fact, because they said so on twitter.
gyro is in the tablet portion, not the joycons. controller vibration isn't anywhere near as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. You won't be playing 1 2 switch on the switch lite, but no one played that garbage anyway.
The only thing you need to know about Nintendo handhelds: Never buy the first version.
SP was superior in pretty much every way.
original was fine, but the DSi (and XL) are still preferable.
original was super tiny and uncomfortable with shitty 3D. N3DS XL is the best version.
the lite is useless for actual hardcore gaymers(TM) like myself but it's probably the first of many revisions.
are you niggers 10? have you never played a gameboy color in your life?
try playing in less than stellar conditions and then come back to me about "uncomfortable"
>original was fine
no it wasn't. lite is the definitive ds. dsi was a total cashgrab shitheap.
If your autocorrect chose "dicked" over "docked" then top kek
again, I wouldn't know. I play handhelds in my bed, not tethered to a desk.
>and Mario Kart's party-destroying potential is lost without a big screen to split-screen
I also don't pick my handhelds based off their multiplayer potential
if I wanted those things I'd just play on my PC
Hyrule Warriors is specifically for the N3DS.
I regular size n3DS is the superior console.
Nintendo is an idiot for not selling that model stateside in anything but limited special editions.
This, except I've never once played portable mode.
Anyone who thinks that the 2ds is better then the 3ds is either a coping poorfag or retarded.
It already is. I'm going to wait for the Switch Pro though.
DSi didn't have GBA backwards comatibility right? scratch that then.
I bought a Lite after my og DS broke and it's borderline unplayable for me now. Can't play on it without getting cramps.
what does that have to do with anything? playing on my tv with a pro controller is objectively better when I'm playing for longer periods but obviously I'd prefer handheld when i'm laying down on my bed
some people actually think the DSL is the first DS model, they actually don't know about the DS phat.
I actually like it
no it isn't. You can play it on the o3ds. it just plays at 8-10 fps.
No, you technically can play it on the o3ds. But you don't want to.
>try playing a game obviously not designed for the 3ds that got a version only to rip off people
whoever buys a fucking musou that came from an HD console that got ported to a fuxking 240p machine should see that coming from a god damn mile
the switch is hardly uncomfortable or hard on your eyes. if you disagree try playing an og gba.
>Switchs main feature
>rarely utilized
Literally every single game on the Switch can be played in docked mode and in handheld mode
How fucking retarded is OP?
I had a phat, with a big fuckoff nintendogs vinyl decal on the front. But the hinges sucked and got stiff/squeaky after under a year of play, and the l/r buttons died after maybe 2 months of playing metroid prime hunters. ds lite improved on it in every single way.
I doubt it was a move of incompetence. I imagine sales of the regular size 3ds was abysmal in amerifathands land such that it wasn't worth it.
It is designed for the new 3DS you stupid fuck. Go look at the box.
>joystick has proven finite number of rotations
>starts drifting left
>forced to replace $200 system
Bravo Nintendo
>literally uses a better SoC and has a actual dpad along with a higher ppi screen.
Meanwhile it lacks 2 out of 3 modes, no detachable joycons, has a smaller screen, is frankly even less portable than the original Switch. But I will give you that 1/2 hour more battery life.
I'm just happy that I can play whatever good videogames Nintendo makes on a big screen with decent controls, even if they ripped me off plenty for the privilege.
Xenoblade runs like shit undocked. Doesn't really matter though as most games run perfectly fine on handheld mode.
Name five split-screen multiplayer games that released on PC in last 5 years.
there are models with better backlight, it helps. plus I like how it handles better than the DSL.
and as shit as the screens are, they kinda blend pixels together. think of a crt.
>designed for
That doesn't mean "doesn't run on the old one at all" cumchugger
Swap a Vita stick in it
I said multiplayer, not splitscreen
not that it matters, "last 5 years" is just an arbitrary limitation.
So you're forced to use headphones and don't blast your fucking bing bing wahoo in the bus you retarded manchildren
If you consider 10 fps as 'it also runs in it' then yes.
When playing Switch on a TV/docked, how is input lag for 2D games like Mario Maker?
I mainly want it for that but I hate the slightest amount of input lag so I'm considering just getting the Lite and playing it in handheld mode to avoid that.
Are you retarded?
You don't know 20 people
No one uses the stupid ass dock.
But I only play my console in quiet places without strangers
Make it 10 years then if you find it so hard.
>take cap off of joystick and blow on joystick or place small drop of mineral oil on joystick, replace cap
>joystick works fine again
hopefully we can get the switch lite to dock and we have the greatest system.
I could make it a 100, it's irrelevant. that's the point.
Dock doesn't add anything really, you'll get more input lag from your TV than the LCD though.
Switch lite is hardly worth the $100 price reduction. You lose the capability of playing docked, the capability of playing Mario Party (and all future titles that require the motion controls) and you can't play local multiplayer unless you have two switches.
hello? where's your response?
This. I have large hands with long fingers, so when I would play on the PSP, my fingers would cross up on the back. Quarter-circle inputs were impossible on Mk9 Vita 2.0 due to the stick placement.
I really wouldn't want the 2DSXL any smaller than it is. Hell, I'd rather all the JRPGs I played on it be on my TV, personally, but last time I used Citra it was pretty jank.
Pretty much nonexistent, the connection from your TV to the Switch has more lag than controller to the Switch.
100 doesn't work because you will name a bunch of ancient early-00s games that barely hold up today, if not outright go full "lmao I can emulate Double Dash".
wait does this really not let you pair joycons with it?
>mfw the lite is already sold out in all my nearby shops
yeah no one is going to buy it Yea Forums said
I've played on both. I have like 7 handhelds. That doesn't change the fact that playing most games on a larger screen that you don't have to be so close to is more comfortable over longer periods of time
I got into elite smash playing handheld.
Citra's pretty playable now but it's still way less fuss and way more reliable to just buy a secondhand 3DS or 2DS and hack it.
Ok thanks, that's what I was wondering. I may consider getting the Lite then.
I'm confused. What's the difference? Are you saying it's better to play Mario Maker on a TV or handheld?
You can they even show them being needed for 1-2 switch.
Do you still have to do all sorts of fuckery to install shit on 3DS instead of drag and drop? That's been the main reason I never bothered.
>Are you saying it's better to play Mario Maker on a TV or handheld?
It doesn't really matter, any lag introduced from its connection methods is unnoticeable.
Randomly throwing around massive hitboxes with Ganondork or DDD does not count.
Handheld mode has the least input lag but even then, docked barely adds any delay. Like said it's gonna be your TV's problem more than the Switch's.
The entire point of the Lite is that it doesn't dock.
Maybe they'll release another version that is just a dock that youcan put joycons in like the famicom. maybe with an ethernet port.
You can pair joycons with it but they are sold seperate.
I'd say lite is just shitty version of switch. would it really cost that much to have option to connect it to tv?
Most likely not. I'd guess they didn't include it so it won't eat the sales of the more expensive version of switch.
It's about as drag-and-drop as it's going to get, install FBI as a home-menu game/app and then install any .CIA files on your SD card. You can use FTP connections to get CIA files onto your computer wirelessly if you don't feel like opening your 3DS up to get your SD card every time.
Every 3DS model has THAT one retarded placement while also fixing something. In the original it was the stylus. In the N3DS it was the power button. In the N2DS it's the speakers. The OG 3DSXL is the only model I can think of that doesn't have any glaring issues, besides the mic (Which was in a retarded spot in every model up until the N2DS. Why did they regress to the OG DS's placement and why it take them so long to realize that the DS Lite and DSi did it best by placing it on the hinge?)
Hmm alright thanks.
I don't think the switch lite is the better choice, but I absolutely love how it looks. If I had enough money to waste I would absolutely buy one just to bring it with me outside.
>people are mad nintendo made a no gimmicks handheld that is 20x times more powerful than a 3ds and costs almost the same
do I live in fucking bizzarro world
I think you can pair joycons with it but I'm pretty sure you have to buy a charging grip to charge those extra joycons unless you own an OG switch in addition to your switch lite. In the end, the switch lite is only worth it if you plan on using it as a successor to the 3DS. That means no couch co-op and possibly missing out on a handful of games
Who the fuck uses the Switch in portable mode?
Exactly, we have PCs to play Witcher. I dock my Switch to play Mario Maker and Smash.
So which one is better? new3ds, new3dsXL, or new2dsXL???
If i want to play old ds games too, the 3ds handleds are good, or i should better pick up also an old ds?
One gimmick too little.
Joycons are like $70. At that point you're only saving $30.
I thought the 2ds was born from young children breaking their 3ds in half. Also now that the switch lite is a thing is there a reason for the ds to exist at all anymore?
That's fine but the current switch library doesn't even compare and the 3DS library is what made it such a good console.
>then install
yeah no so it's not drag and drop, got it.
Personally, I wouldn't like the Switch Lite. No dock for comfortable play and charge. No wired pads or peripherals. No ethernet. No splitscreen or shared screen games unless you want to share what is essentially a phone display and you must also provide a separate joycon.
I would imagine the number of people that want what remains with the Switch Lite will be a very small number, but they will be really pleased with what is left. A clamshell design would have been really nice since it was redesigned to be more portable. As it stands in my eyes it's just an equally flimsy, equally awkward, incomplete Switch that is no more portable than the predecessor. Not for me 2bh.
3DS is still an emulation/homebrew machine on par with or exceeding the PSP in its heyday in addition to its own library
Actually, you'd need a charging dock too, so you're really only saving $15.
What the hell were you expecting, you're not going to be dragging-and-dropping jack shit without setting up the platform.
there is no fucking way even docked switch will run witcher at consistent 720p internal res, unless they remove all the foliage or something
the switch library is baby time compared to the 3DS library right now. the 3DS will eventually totally fade as the switch library gets larger though. especially since they aren't supporting the 3DS anymore
>Game is 5 years old
>They re-release it on the Switch for $60
Who the fuck unironically payed full price for this shit?
Mini needs a dock mode. Are they using cheaper chip
I could on DS, I can on vita, I can on PSP, PS3, PS4, xbox 360, wii, wii u.
True but from Nintendo's standpoint its pretty obsolete now and I can't see why they would keep making games for it.
why is it either "gimmicky bullshit" or "portable"
why can't they make a normal console?
this is why I've been emulating their games and haven't bought a nintendo console since the gamecube
n3DSXL is objectively the best, but if you can't find one/want something cheaper the n2DSXL is fine too
All 3/2ds models natively play DS(i) games
>wii, wii u.
No you couldn't.
yes you absolutely can. Drag wii iso onto usb, plug usb in, it's there. wii u too, download game, unpack onto usb, it runs.
No you can't, retard
You need to either hardmod or install CFW/HFW
obviously i'm talking about after CFW is installed, retard.
Their competitors both make "regular console" but better. If Nintendo tried to do that, they literally couldn't compete. So it won't ever happen.
>why can't they make a normal console?
Because a normal console doesn't sell anymore.
Your personal preferences are obsolete both in the west, and in the east, and the sales show that they're right, and should never cater to you ever again.
What sells now is mobile, and handhelds (handhelds are basically dying almost).
And what sells now is a nintendo console that has multiplats and a huge indie library, with AA ports, and mainline nintendo games spaced out between all these other releases.
It resembles a Vita rather than a traditional nintenco console.
And it's working, the sales clearly indicate this is the correct direction.
So basically you're not only wrong, you're also retarded and will fade away into dust, you and your shitty ass ideas of what nintendo hardware should be like.
not him but if it's digital only game. then you need to also start installing licenses hehe
>tiny ass vita screen
Nintendo are giga jews with game prices, prove me wrong
Yeah you fucking do
You have to install the games from the usb drive/download and install them
they still have their first party titles and their hostageware
why in the name of fuck shoud ie dragon quest ix and shin megami tensei iv be exclusive to portable consoles?
what aspect of these games exactly benefits from them being portable?
why should I be forced to buya portable console to play them?
it is completely useless to me. I almost never game outside, and in the extremely rare case where I actually NEED to play a video game outside I can always play a shitty one on my phone for a while
I have absolutely no need in this world for a portable console, yet am forced to buy one to play certain games on its microspopic fucking screen while sitting in front of my huge tv sitting there useless
fuck nindento
>Og Switchfags still seething about the Lite
lmao guys it’s ok you can still play on the go with that wobbly mess nobody wants to take that away from you
Okay so download and install versus, download, install a program on the 3ds, install another program on the 3ds, then transfer the game over and install it again through those programs you installed?
again, not drag n drop.
It's completely worth it, Nintendo hasn't made a good home console in years with the Gamecube being the last good one they released that actually competed, who the fuck literally cares about Mario Party, are you a literal faggot? Joycons are for retards with autism. Case and Point the Switch should have been a handheld with no gimmicks and ONLY a handheld with no gimmicks, the Switch Lite is the real Switch and a real handheld over the shit we got in 2017, fuck you.
>Okay so download and install versus, download, install a program on the 3ds, install another program on the 3ds, then transfer the game over and install it again through those programs you installed?
Literally what the fuck are you talking about?
These are faggots that bought the Switch early and now they're having buyer's remorse because they know the Switch Lite is better in every way.
>Without gimmicky bullshit
>Literally a Switch with worse performance so more games look and run like shit
>Set the base line of future games to look worse to run on the shitty handheld version
Except for the 3d, in what aspects is the n3ds xl better than the 2ds xl?
Also, the image resolution isnt better on the n3ds than on the n3dsXL thanks to the smaller screen size?
The classics really do hold up, don't they?
>can't dock the fucking thing
Nigger please.
I don't own switch. But isn't switch lite worse in every way except slightly better battery life and it's cheaper?
>the multibillion dollar home console entertainment industry doesn't really exist
>real people are the ones in switch ads who only play vidya outside
you are absolutely fucking delusional
Yeah what the fuck, I literally never use it undocked. I guess having a girlfriend and friends makes things different though.
Source: Dude, trust me.
In official Nintendo polls where they desperately kept trying to get an answer where people would prefer to take their Switch on the go, it literally always ended in people wanting to use it at home every time.
Imagine buying a switch to play Witcher 3
No, it's a handheld console with no stupid ass kiddy gimmicks like the Switch, and games will look better than they do in handheld mode on the regular Switch on the Switch Lite. The Wii fried these faggots brains.
t. never played witcher 3 on the go
He's a retard that thinks you have to do the entire CFW load every fucking time I'm guessing.
Set up FBI and FTP once when you do the initial CFW setup, then it's drag-and-drop followed by the install. Literally the same effort as the WiiU BR method.
Who wants to play witcher 3 period? It's highly overrated
>desperate basement-dwelling waitfag vying for gratification this hard
Why do people suck Nintendo’s cock so hard? Why is it not ok to say Nintendo fucks up first they excuse SS laziness and now they shill this downgrade of a console
lmaoing @ all the coping incels pretending they aren't playing their portable bibendo consoles exclusively inside their home
i never gave a fuck about performance as long as its playable, especially on console, and no it looks like shit on a small screen
I bought the switch early but just sold it for 200$ on ebay
100$ is not a bad "tax" for 3 years worth of fun
>better speakers
>better speaker, camera and mic positions
>better build quality
>bigger stylus (the n2ds one is seriously tiny)
>studs on the bottom so if you lay it down it doesn't get scratched to shit
Well the PPI is marginally better yeah, but it is mostly unnoticeable. So unless you have baby hands I recommend the XL.
This, Joycons are trash and the reason we have to spend 70$ just to have a fucking D-Pad.
Gimmick trash.
Will the performance be better than current portable mode,though?Is that even a possibility perhaps when "hacked"?
Cope with what? I've played through it on better platforms
>anyone can play a portable game any time anywhere, even if they have a tv
>can only play stupid tv console based games at home in one room if you even have a tv
It's a no brainer really.
Thing is why are people here so addicted to being a slave to their television? I guess it's a sunk cost thing since they wasted so much money on the NEWEST BIGGEST TV, like the consumer sheep, it pains them to acknowledge the thought that the world does revolve around their slavedriver. It's just kinda sad honestly.
And they always default to this shitty "w-well i don't leave the house anyway!" argument (like that's something to brag about lol), like nigga even if you don't leave the house the television still has you on a tight ball and chain.
>the Switch Lite is the real Switch and a real handheld over the shit we got in 2017, fuck you.
No nigger. For all intents and purposes you're carrying what would be a PS4 or Xbox One with you. just not power-wise. This is not your average portable system. It's meant to play the big, badder games you would see on a TV, not bite-sized games from the 3DS and its predecessors. The fucking Sleep Mode function of the Switch may fool you thinking everything can be under the "pick-up and play" wing but it's just not true.
If it was just a handheld with TV-out rather than being marketed as a home system that you can take out with you it'd have failed miserably much worse than the fucking Wii U. I can agree with you that the Joy-Con are retarded dildos and when Eurogamer first brought them up in their rumor-turned-leak I thought there was nothing compelling or innovative about them. Even if it was a key component of the Wii U which failed on the market I thought the GamePad was much more interesting and had untapped potential. With these you just shove up your girlfriend's ass, the both of them with their fan-fucking-tastic HD Söymble.
Go ahead basedboy. Enjoy double tapping HOME to zoom in and out with the microscopic text in games. Fucking Switch for ants kek.
Too bad Monoshit is incompetent to even try and make the game look better in handheld mode. Fuck, they even added the higher clock-speed option BotW and Mario Odyssey use for load times. Why can't they use it for improved graphical fidelity?
The 2ds is better because it's actually comfortable if you have adult hands and it's also better value because you know exactly what you're paying for because there's no panel lottery.
I'm glad I waited, this will be the first Nintendo handheld I've brought since the GBA SP.
>Not buying one once it drops to $150 and is fully hacked
That's what I did with the 3ds. Remember that the 3ds started at $250.
Are you laughing or asking for permission to laugh you pussy
I do
Honestly if the mini came out the same time as the original, i definitely would've just got it to save $100.
But i actually play docked like half the time and it was the gimmicky bullshit that made the exploit possible to hack and mod for free games so I'm more on the "whatever" side.
Because there's no removable cons on the new mini, that method is gone but knowing nintendo's history with their shitty counterpiracy methods. I bet someone will crack it within a week or less.
it's because it looks better on a high end tv screen you retard
it's called HOME entertainment for a reason
home gaming = quality entertainment
portable gaming = killing time in a train or whatever who gives a shit
why are nincels this obtuse?
>Why would anyone use docked mode
Because I have the Switch tucked away on my desk right now cozily behind my monitors. It's currently plugged into a fourth monitor that I can turn on whenever the fuck I want.
what a cotton-candy-brained take
it's smaller screen so of course games might look slightly better on it. but yea no positives about the thing.
>what is hacking?
honestly I kind of doubt that'll happen because they could stand to lose a decent amount of money if they allowed the switch lite to use dock mode. Depending on the situation, it would end up being cheaper to just buy a switch lite plus accessories over a regular switch. Here's an example. What if you only play alone and know you wanted to play with a pro controller when playing on tv but you wanted an actual handheld when playing in bed. In that case 200(switch lite) + 90(dock) + 70(pro controller) = $360 while a regular switch plus pro controller is gonna be $370. only a $10 difference but over thousands of customers that $10 adds up and now they're losing millions. They'll make more money if the switch lite doesn't have docked mode not to mention all the money they make when you're forced to buy a regular switch because the joycons are shit and break down constantly so you have to buy multiple pairs.
nintendo knows exactly what they're doing. the failure of the wii u changed them
>no positives
It's literally not for you you fucking retard. And don't worry, it's not even for me either.
Handheld gaming is objectively inferior, there’s no discussion to be had here, clown.
Cope sweetie, cope and dilate.
So when are we getting the New Nu Switch?
Without gimmicky bullshit would be a console that only docks and isn't portable.
why would I play vidya OUTSIDE the house?
I go out specifically to do OTHER things like my job, errands or hanging out with friends
not one of these situations is one where I could or would sit down to play a JRPG
you genuienly sound like an underage incel who never goes out
>retarded reddit frog
Nice try, but I'm as manly as you can get. No time for Cosmos on this planet.
lmao yeah right
aAaAaaaaa whoo the fuck it's for. just release the docked model then for 99 nintendo is such a racist fuckers. strip away everything and it's easy 99.99. the screen and battery must cost like 20 dollars at least aaaa damn chianmen
>Who the fuck it's for
Do you have mental issues worse than trannies? It's for people that wanted a Switch without hybrid. Stupid faggot.
>Game Boy Micro had faceplates
>New Nintendo 3DS had faceplates
>didn't sell as well as the XL or even the New 2DS XL
I think I know why.
I think the more you keep saying that the one who will end up being the tranny is you my nigga
feels good to be a litechad
They'll have to find a browser exploit or something and then find a way to elevate from there. The current RCM method where you basically get to load arbitrary firmware is like a 10/10 hack, we likely aren't going to get anything that good. Especially if they really fuck that USB-C port and make it limited to charging only by leaving the data pins disconnected.
>muh slight increase in graphics
Not worth it in the slightest.
>complete freedom
Okay retard. Why do you love being a slave? Why do you want to convince others that being a slave is nice? Are you a Television salesman?
Congrats on not being able to read, I literally address the stupid, "i don't want to game outside anyway" retort
>Normal console doesn't sell anymore
Tell that to the PS4
>Sales clearly show this is the right direction
Literally anything would've outsold the WiiU and looked like "the right direction"
>i think this chair is uncomfortable
>have you ever tried sitting on a fence post? grow up, casual
Go play your Söytch on your bed estrogen-filled söygirl pausing only to grab a coffee mug with 2 hands.
I think the mini just confirms that the switch was just nintendo's new portable console all along(congrats on them tricking the masses to think that a weak small tablet was actually their new console). It came out around the end of the 3ds' lifeline but they denied that the switch would replace it because they didnt want it to effect the sales that were still going strong
>the lite will outlive the normal switch
What a way to kill the reason your shit console is selling
>impoverished BRs try to convince everyone that grapes are sour when they buy the version explicitly designed for children who are likely to break it.
Imagine playing games in 900p on a 60" television and thinking that it looks good lmao. Your eyesight must be dogshit
>For all intents and purposes you're carrying what would be a PS4 or Xbox One with you
>just not power-wise.
yeah so it's not
>If it was just a handheld with TV-out rather than being marketed as a home system that you can take out with you it'd have failed miserably much worse than the fucking Wii U.
It is just and handheld with a TV-out that was marketed as a home system. And idiots whose minds are manipulated like a puppet on strings by advertisers actually lied to you to that it isn't and you lapped it up wholeheartedly like the drone you are.
If nintendo told you the word gullible wasn't in the dictionary, you'd believe it too right?
>This is not your average portable system
>It's meant to play the big, badder games
Nah, that's the Lite buddy. Söys are attracted to pointless little things, and it's one of them. Enjoy your microscopic screen with eye strain nigger.
> I literally address the stupid, "i don't want to game outside anyway" retort
you literally don't
you talk about some strawman who doesn't leave the house instead
and even then you don't "address" the issue in any way, shape or form
you are a genuine brainlet.
I am going to dab on all of you once they announce Pro version later this year!
>no positives
It having no gimmicks and a better battery is a positive.
>Something having better durabilty instead of being a bunch of rails and wobbly shit attached to it is a bad thing.
OG Switch is objectively an awful handheld.
Are threads like these just a false flag?
I don't. I emulate nintendo games in 4k.
Don't reply to me again slave, because it seems you are too far away from your television master to think properly.
>reddit/twitter lmaooooooooooooooooo
Go back to kindergarten faggot.
Anyways, this is subjective. That's an exception because of Gay Freak's incompetence and only retards will buy it. I don't care for Pokéshit myself.
>It is just and handheld with a TV-out that was marketed as a home system. And idiots whose minds are manipulated like a puppet on strings by advertisers actually lied to you to that it isn't and you lapped it up wholeheartedly like the drone you are.
>If nintendo told you the word gullible wasn't in the dictionary, you'd believe it too right?
I know it's mobile hardware marketed the other way around, dumbass. But mobile technology has come a long way. I'm telling you a reason why it's selling well. Business comes first over retarded tech specs.
See you guys when your analogs sticks get drift and it's impossible to fix. Remember, literally every single person will experience drift after about 6 months-a year of heavy use. It is not an "if", but "when". $10 kit and 20 minutes of work for normal joycons, probably a $30 kit and 2 hours for lite. Enjoy that.
At a time yes but when Nintendo became gimmick crazy handheld became the definitive way to game with Nintendo.
>he paid 150
>not waiting to buy a N3DSXL at $100 by price matching at target when Toys R Us or KMart were getting rid of their entire stock/getting rid of video games
>t. SEETHING brainlet
lmao imagine coping this hard.
imagine playing vidya outside to feel better about having no life
imagine being this jelly of not having a good tv
absolutely pathetic
Why is everyone assuming they're using the exact same sticks and internals for the Lite?
do you mean Fire Emblem Warriors?
it's ok to be wrong, user
Do you PC game with a laptop then I'm assuming?
Acceptable response, I take back what I said about your eyes
>Dude what if your psp/3ds/vita/wiiu stick broke?
Oh no, I have to take 15 min of my life to replace a bad stick.
That lasted for what, a couple of days before Target wised up?
This is peak drone.
>main feature that is rarely used
handheld is more popular but most people still either use it partially or always
>without gimmicky bullshit
hybrid isn't really a dumb gimmick
>stuck with a permanent drifting joycon
>not hacking nintendo products
the only retard here is you
also 3ds XL is the definitive version
I hope you mean new 3DS XL.
I bought my XL in 2013 with a gateway 3ds, I got like 5 more years of gaming vs you.
Holy fuck original Switchfags in this thread are seething.
>no local multiplayer wuthout everyone owning a Switch
>stuck with malfunctioning joycons
>no choice to play on tv to save my neck
This is probably the first 'lite' revision that seems like a downgrade to me. I don't think a slightly better battery and real d-pad is worth the tradeoff. At least DS lite was a 100% improvement over the original.
Look at this nigger.
>Go to bathroom
>Grab switch with joycons attached out of dock
>Want to play some smash on tv with gamecube controller
>literally just fucking start playing
>want to play in bed
>use shitty kickstand on bedside table and detach joycons for comfy, under-the-blanket games. Can turn switch on/off at will with joycons.
This one is the first to be the budget option and not a real followup though. The time shows it's about catering to the "I can't/won't shell out 300 dollars just to play Pokemon" crowd.
I knew it. These threads are just falseflags made by reddit frogs and wojakniggers.
I did so I could level up midna's ass again in glorious 60fps
fight me
>The time shows it's about catering to the "I can't/won't shell out 300 dollars just to play Pokemon" crowd.
An actual smart move for once
Thanks for proving my point.
>post 5 games that cater to my very specific standards
>even though I'm full of shit
Yes. Even then when I need to, I just find myself playing pc games from my bed or the living room on my phone, with teamviewer or steam link, and my bluetooth mouse, keyboard, and headphones because my laptop is still not portable enough, since it has drives connected to it and everything.
I also have another laptop though, that one I use in my bed and the living room when I must but it's relatively big.
Fuck having devices rule you.
The DS lite had garbage buttons, but at least it didn't cut features.
ugh just spray some shit inside your electronics so the problem is fixed for a little while
and when it breaks again spray some more shit
go home Yea Forums. Nobody likes you
Tabletop mode is so fucking comfy and kino man. Easily my favorite mode.
Imagine not being able to understand why TVs exist.
>Sony makes exclusively home consoles
>Nintendo makes exclusively handhelds
>people still complain
Years ago this was an utopia.
why would i play in handheld mode
i got the console to bing bing wahoo at home not on an airplane
Oh yeah, the mini version will likely have a bunch of annoying measures like that. Wouldnt even be surprised if they fuck with the usb-C and change it into some proprietary charge port completely(eliminating the best way to move games onto it).
Oh well, these minis look like they were intended as christmas gifts for children anyway, they'll likely be the only model that gets a decent pricedrop. The price of old switches will stay in demand because theyre the only hackable ones unfortunately.
I seriously i havent even taken the dock out of the box it came in just because I'm too lazy to set up another hdmi splitter for my monitor. I would sell the thing if i could.
Why are switchboys so mad that people can play switch games on a sharper display for cheaper?
>this retard actually chooses to play FPS on a console
>Doesn't understand the portability gimmick
>actually fucking bought an xbox
1. I play exclusively on PC right now
2. I want a tiny PC to play on the go but the gpdwin2 is too expensive
3. I don't have any xbox or ps4 or switch
Black Ops 3 and I'm pretty sure subsequent COD games
Tekken 7
A Way Out
Gears of War 4
Rocket League
Because they know they fucked up buying the original Switch.
No body wants it because it was designed for use in cars and car manufacturers don't give a shit about fancy GPUs and shit.
is there a 2ds model that fucking folds? The non folding giant panel thing is like a star trek prop from 1987 or something.
imagine having a dick measuring contest about console graphics in a console fps game
There are games that are really going to suffer undocked like Xenoblade, Splatoon 2 and Smash. The Lite is going to be fucking comfy for RPGs, but it's probably not going to replace the one I have. Unless they release some really good looking bundles or custom plate like stuff.
jesus christ is that image still accurate? the xbox one has to be the shittiest console ever
Are there any screenshots of ds phats with better screens? I'm very curious.
I've dropped it on better platforms
I could have shown any current AAA switch ports, hellblade, witcher, etc. They all look like ass on a 60" TV and therefore will look cleaner on a smaller screen.
Lite is better than Switch but 2DS is a downgrade without the clamshell design. 2DSXL is the peak of the DS line though.
DS Lite is best. DSi removed GBA backwards compatability.
>docked mode on your TV is gimmicky bullshit
The 3D definitely was, although not the clamshell design.
Are you the same retard that doesnt understand TVs?
Have you ever played on a 3ds vs 3ds xl? Look at how blocky the pixels are on the XL.
Are you the same retard that doesnt understand TVs?
You clearly don't because you have no idea what ppi is.
Are you the same retard that doesnt understand TVs?
Refurbished N3DSXL are only $120 from Nintendo and I got one and it was literally perfect, not a single scratch. You also have a 50/50 shot at getting the IPS screen if you get a non-special edition.
Anyone that wants to play their games on the TV.
>b-but muh resolution
I like playing my game on a bigger screen. Its that simple.
It's going to be easy to change out the sticks on the lite. The reason it takes 15 minutes on a joycon is because the battery gets in the way.
I've had to swap out a stick on a Gamecube controller and on a PS Vita, it's not a big deal and it cost me $8 or less each time.
2ds is comfy for big hands only
>All of these poorfags trying to insist that the 2DS and Switch lite are the definitive versions just so they can feel better about themselves
Holy shit.
>better version
>made for toddlers so they dont break it when dropping
Literal Nintenbabby logic
If Switch Lite had a docked mode, the normal one would be totally obsolete. Unfortunately, I held off because of the mini / pro rumors and now I'm going to end up buying the normal one. Maybe it will drop to $250 when the Lite comes out.
Nah, shitskin.
Nintendo IS for toddlers
I really want get a Switch for the games, but the portable gimmick doesn't interest me in the slightest. Are we just never getting a version without the tablet?
>Why would anyone use docked mode?
Gee user, I dunno maybe because its a two-in-one device and many games perform terribly in handheld mode, also the fact that some games are have terrible text scaling.
Its like you faggots willfully ignore that Xenoblade downscales to 140p and BOTW had big FPS drops.
>The Switch is a portable console.
Not according to the manufacturer.
>no removable joycons so enjoy your drifting
>no IR sensoes
>no HD rumble
>no TV output
>even smaller screen, as if the WiiU screen wasnt small enough already
Only idiots gobble this shit up. This is a console that parents buy for their 6yo so they dont trash it within a week. Any adult is either going with the regular model or waits for the Pro version that was leaked alongside the Lite by WSJ
Who the fuck wants to play some old ass game in the worst way possible with the nintendo 60 dollar tax? Holy fuck nigger kys.
I'm the only one that ejoys playing games in 3d mode?
I don't like the 2ds for that reason.
Maybe you're better off using the emulator or something, although my PC is shit and I don't know how good it actually is.
I think you're actually retarded. Maybe someone wants to actually play bing bing mario or zelda on a big screen with better performance/graphics? Or I want to play with friends on a big screen too? I know, it's mind blowing.
This. Only kids who play in bed use handheld mode.
I had my Switch only twice out of the dock: once when I got it, and once when I went over to play MK with a friend.
>nintendofans excited about dumbed down versions aimed at small children
yea why am i not surprised?
the memes really write themselves here
>nintendo is for kids! lol!
yeah, we've heard that one before
I mean I can respect that people just wanna use it as an additional handheld.
But as an idort myself, I just want the "full package". I need the ability to dock, removeable joycons, etc.
Especially since the handheld mode on Switch is fucking trash.
>abysmal wifi range
>able to hear fan noise/static through headphones
>performance issues in many games
I still use it in handheld mode, but technically the Switch is too inchoate to be only uses that way.
Makes sense that just like the 2DS, it is meant as an entry model, mainly for children.
ye you have a point.
dude, the 2ds and lite are literally made for kids.
these are entry level consoles that parents buy their kids for x-mas
this guy gets it
we know you think that. you can stop now
He's right tho.
There's games that the Switch Lite can't even play because of the cuts. The World Ends With You and many others wouldn't at all unless you bought a set of joycons, but that would make the total cost the same as the OG switch.
There's usually some benefit to the original in most cases. GBA was more aesthetic and comfortable to hold than the SP. 3DS has the clamshell instead of the doorstop. Wii can play GC games while Wii mini can't. DS Lite has GBA while DSi doesn't. Except the OG DS, that thing was a cheap pos with a fragile hinge, crappy stylus, crappy screen and backlight, and bulky form. The DS lite was superior in every way.
The best switch game(Xenoblade) runs in 360p handheld mode, you gotta play it docked.
>The best switch game(Xenoblade)
Shut the fuck up, weeb.
it looks like a fucking phone
Where have you been for the past 30 years to start noticing this now?
Switch lite is a downgrade
I’d rather have the option to play on my tv and in my bed.
Also the regular switch is a lot easier to do couch coop with. I would consider it a budget purchase
Shut up, normie.
>I would consider it a budget purchase
that's exactly what it is, idk why people aren't understanding that
Shut up weeb, Mario, Zelda, and what came after shit on that boring ass game, you should feel embarrassed playing that game, seeing how you have no problems playing he original Switch I can see you're not embarrassed.
the cheese wedge was the most anti-portable design they could’ve used. the 2DS’ only redeeming quality was that it was dirt cheap.
Wow a hand held console that doesn't suck? sign me up
>gameboy color
wow the same console but with color, thats amazing!
>gameboy advanced
Wow the gameboy color but with great graphics? amazing!
>gameboy sp
Wow the gameboy advanced but with a back lit screen and built in rechargable batteries!, this literally fixes everything!
>nintendo ds
Wow, a second second!.... wait why the fuck would i want a second screen
Why would i want to take my hand off of the console to use a pen?
Wait, what is going on? the graphics look terrible too
>nintendo ds lite
Wow okay they made it look less retarded, but i still dont see why i need 2 screens, also why is the graphics so bad and why can't i play gameboy games on it?
>nintendo 3ds
Okay, why would i want 3d on a tiny screen? this seems stupid, its not even good 3d
>nintendo 2 ds
Okay, wtf they removed the 3d stuff and made it into a literal pizza box
how am i going to hold this thing? how am i going to put it in my pocket?
>new light ninendo 3ds 2ds version xl
Okay stop
>nintendo switch
Its got great graphics, a big screen
sorry the last 10 years have been just autistic testing out autism
literal autismos all of you
I wish they designed the 2ds like the 3ds just without the useless 3d that nobody used more than 10mins
why would i play it undocked? i have a 55 inch tv
the fact that it's a solid device with no moving parts make it sturdier by default.
>Can't play on TV
3DS has emulated GBA perfectly since launch, the OG 3DS had GBA titles for ambassadors
>a big screen
It's smaller than the regular Switch's screen.
>anime games are bad but childrens games are just fine
>you should feel embarrassed for owning a regular switch
what an utter manchild
Those games have gameplay and fun over gay ass anime cliches. Seriously, Japanese really need to get over the anime cliches in their games and come up with better art style over the generic moe art style from 2010.
I've never taken my Switch off the dock. The only games I've purchased for it are games that only exist on the Switch. Every game that can be played on PC is where I get it.
I'm either at work, at home or out doing something specific. Mobile gaming has no purpose for me.
is the 2ds really better than any of the 3dses?
>muh tv
buy an xbone dumb american
As someone who only likes 3 Switch games and doesn't like the idea of spending 300$ just for that this console is perfect
>Us chads
>He says this while playing Pokemon or Mario
How funny
>all this incels and autists that don’t have friends to play vidya with sitting in the corner playing their incel games by themselves in incel handheld mode
Big kek, truly fucking pathetic, but what else could you expect from Yea Forums?
>on sale never
This thing is fucking dead and there are still no sales...
>He has friends who like vidya
Stop user i wish i was back in school again?
>play vidya in university with friends
>graduate friends stay in the city, play vidya on the weekends with them, play games with my girlfriend
Cope you pariah
amazing 200iq response
Just seems like they’re doing this now so when they eventually make a “pro” or equivalent, they can release a pro lite as well.
>call people dumb
>bought an xbone
You'd literally have to be a retarded child to accept playing on a 2DS though.
Is hard to find friends who like videogames that's all. All my lads do is watch movies or hang out in in malls to buy useless shit
>play games with my girlfriend
Whales aren't girlfriends user
I'm beginning to think that the only people who don't use docked mode don't have a fucking television. It's like how poor and retarded to you have to be to only use the handheld mode for a regular play session when you are just in your own home.
Or poor
>present handheld game system that is less powerful than some modern cell phones with a plug-into-your-tv gimmick and stick a home console price tag on it
Everyone complains.
>present handheld game system as a purely handheld game system without the gimmicks that the complainers complained about
Everyone complains.
Lol they should have just released it as a standard handheld to begin with and worked on a home console without gimmicks that's up to current industry standards.