Thoughts on this?
Full game is dropping August 15.
Did iron maiden's lawyers actually jump on this
It's great so far. Hope the rest of the game is as good.
The new name is absolutely terrible but the game looks fun.
>yum yum yum
What is this shit? Is this game made for babies?
>female protagonist
Its cringe sjw shit
Someone post THAT review
>for a game that isn't even out
>Big Box
>Cringe SJW shit
Holy shit you're a special kind of retard.
Why do you think they changed the name from Ion Maiden to Ion Fury?
what was wrong with the name iron maiden?
This pretty much. Fuck them for caving in to the SJW's and changing the main character to a bull dyke. I was following this game from the beginning but now it can go fuck itself.
looks like duke nukem 3d
*blocks your viral marketing*
>I was following this game from the beginning
No you weren't.
It was never called Iron Maiden.
>change the name because some boomer rock band thinks they own the name of a centuries old medieval torture device
Bombshell / Shelly is a Duke Nukem character and this game is made on the Build engine, so yeah.
They follow anti siw accounts on the dev twitter
Have sex.
Didn't you know? Iron Maiden wants you for dead.
well, Ion maiden?
>0.1 hrs on record
So in other words this person bought it just so they could leave a shitty review and refund it, only opening it for a few minutes to see if there was any materiel he could bullshit about in the menu to back up his stupidity.
>In 1999 - 2001, she got another range of designs by Paul Richards, with some having a closer resembelance to the current version of Shelly. For instance, in one instance she had a bionic arm, while in another she was a bomb defusal expert. This was still the late '90s, with an over-the-top emphasis on sexualization (How far we've come!).
the band Iron Maiden thought it was too similar to their name and sued. The devs don't want to deal with that shit and just changed the name to save our time and their money. If they fought it the game probably wouldn't release for over a year when it's supposed to come out in a month.
Welp, what a bunch of faggots, these metal bands are always anti-fun
>changing the main character
When was Bombshell ever not a female?
Should have changed it to Ironic Maiden.
>even the dev couldn't help but notice what a pathetic sack of shit the reviewer is
He's probably talking about how they changed Bombshell from a stripper to a hardened cop.
Some of those designs are over the top and not sexy. I guess it's subjective. Bimbos do nothing for me. I see plenty of women dressed like whores at work
Old Bombshell should be retcon'd into Shelly's sister.
The band does have their own shitty mobile game that nobody knows about. Guess they shoulda made an FPS instead
>Bimbos do nothing for me
Shit taste
The old designs are far more interesting than average blond girl in basic uniform regardless of how attractive you find them
I'm not into bimbos either but its better to be weird than boring
It's the best change the entire decade, Yea Forums was usually boring and lacking in good content.
I have nothing against the original Bombshell character but I think she's more interesting as a cop in a cyberpunk setting as opposed to Duke Nukem with tits. It's also nice playing as someone who isn't a rogue agent rockstar (Duke), a morally grey assassin for hire (Lo Wang), or a flat out evil dude (Caleb).
How the fuck is the old design interesting? It's not. It's boring. What you meant to say was it makes your dick hard and that's the only thing you care about. The new design is more "interesting" as it leans into the murky unexplored background lore of Duke Nukem.
This is pretty much the reason why people barely even remember Quake and why Champions bombed, while Borderlands became popular.
It's boring. The hottest and cutest girls I see are ones dressed in dresses. Girls all dress in short shorts and short tops. The rare dress is a sight to behold
Well Shelly isn't blonde and she has long hair which I like. She isn't head shaved short cut typical soldier girl
Day one pirate since it looks fun but I won't support lame SJW devs with a naming sense so terrible and generic they got a lawsuit over it
>SJW devs
Shut the fuck up already.
>Hardened cop
Lmao she now just look as lame as this design. They got a few others old designs that were great, but they HAD to go all "ugh, it was just like, ouf, gross!" over them.
Compare the designs at the top and bottom of the article and tell me which is more generic
The later concept art is so fucking boring, its just a shitty gits knockoff
>but they HAD to go all "ugh, it was just like, ouf, gross!" over them
They didn't.
To be fair, it was their record company. I doubt Iron Maiden even knows about this game.
They literally did and the evidence has already been posted itt
The guy who did that wasn't even part of the dev team and wasn't given permission to post that article.
Yeah producers have no influence on the game despite funding right
Its not like they're the ones in charge
You cocksucking shill
If the devs don't feel that way why are they using the new generic design?
>The hottest and cutest girls I see are ones dressed in dresses.
>The rare dress is a sight to behold
How is a long haired girl in tactical armor more generic than a blonde in a tank top? Bimbo is a word that is made to describe that it's so common
>tactical armor
Its a skintight futuristic cop suit
Right out of any hollywood action movie
>blonde in a tank top
You're not arguing in good faith
That's pretty cringe bro
Anyone have the webm of the guy covering his eyes reviewing Yakuza? That's how I view these devs
It isn't worse or better than the last one. I never liked Ion Maiden, and I don't particularly like Ion Fury either.
>green skeleton just keeps shitposting
what are you smoking, faggot? The latest design for Shelly is the best one they've ever had.
Well, at least we had 4 good Ion Fury threads, looks like the triggered zoomers that found their way to Yea Forums back in 2016 have discovered that the game was renamed and are now here to complain about le identity sjw politics.
Looks like any female from any modern action movie
They could have at least kept the bionic arm
I guess even a whip is to erotic for these numale devs
Why is green skeleton such an autistic faggot
I kinda wish he would die
Duke fucked her, right?
the skull is still there, idiot
>Stephan Weyte voiced Nyarlathotep in Dusk
>Jon St. John voices Dr. Heskel in Ion Maiden
When is John William Galt going to voice a villain in one of these retro throwback FPS'?
You're a little faggot, and I can bet my (much bigger than yours) testicles that you'd be complaining about the game being feminist garbage if the game had a whip because it'd somehow be symbolic of a female character whipping male enemies.
>They could have at least kept the bionic arm
It's a prequel, she loses her arm after the events of Ion Maiden.
Duke is dead, baby.
Considering all of Duke's time traveling shenanigans, I doubt he could actually die.
Shake it baby
kino is back on the menu
I would very much enjoy it if she used that whip to restrain and hurt some guy that hits on her
I'd rather she be an anti-duke than a nobody
Better to offend than be some generic HR approved character with no ties to the game's past
>It's a prequel, she loses her arm after the events of Ion Maiden.
Why did they choose to make it a prequel?
>odeur de police
>Why did they choose to make it a prequel?
Because Bombshell bombed, it sucked, and nobody liked it. Making this a prequel means they can essentially do whatever they want while ignoring the events of Bombshell.
They should have rebooted the series imo
They sort of are already. They don't have to lead into the events of Bombshell and can go a completely different direction.
Was that a dopefish reference?
She was never going to be a Duke of this era. We no longer live in the raditude era, and making her a hardcore feminists that is the reverse Duke would have been as corny as the generic approach they're taking.
Look on the bright side, she'll be better than Lo Wang. Not like characters matter all that much, it's about the gameplay and level design and those are pretty strong here, plus we have a main villain voiced by Douk, he may turn out to be memorable.
He's dead Bethesda killed him
I may be wrong, but I swear I saw the actual fish in the game too.
>9 hours of playtime on just the preview campaign alone
I gotta stop playing this. Why is it so fun?
uwot? i finished the whole thing in like 2h
Her design has always been generic action girl, before she looked like Barb Wire now she looks like Commander Shepherd going with what's in vogue now.
I think his point is he's replaying it, dude.
I've replayed it numerous times.
Not a fan of the old designs, but without comparing them to the current design, the current one does look generic. Like a generic piece in an artist's portofolio, not the lead character of her game
Fuck the band, I supported the game. Haven't played it yet.
And Duke is a generic 90's action hero, while Lo Wang is a generic asian martial arts master
Fresch is full of shit and just did that for virtue points.
i'd rather play as a duke nukem chick than a cop or a bimbo stripper in any scenario
skimpy bimbo is a good female answer to duke, if you disagree you are wrong and are an incel
Right, they had personalities that went beyond their generic design. Shelley is lacking in personality, so she at least needs to have an interesting design. If they make a sequel, I expect them to change it again to try and hit something visually striking.
>red cap
>Duke and Lo Wang have personalities that go beyond the generic design
Duke's personality is "one-liner spewing 90's action hero." Lo Wang's personality is "one liner spewing Asian martial artist."
>Because Bombshell bombed, it sucked, and nobody liked it.
A prequel fps was already planned when Bombshell was in development.
Duke is the only one that comes close to having a personality that can at all be read into. Are you kidding me with fucking Lo Wang? Are you unironically going to claim he isn't one of the worst video game protagonists ever?
Yikes dude.
Caleb is the walking reference meme done right, he isn't as good as Douk, but for what he is, they made it work, and the voice actor also had a ton of charm.
Is this built on the BUILD engine?
eduke32 but yeah
Pick a line that someone could recognize as Duke, same for Lo Wang. Then do one for Shelley. That's what I thought, bitch
Yes but it was going to be a short, one off thing that should've been out years ago. They decided to make into a fullblown game and now have the freedom to ignore Bombshell as it failed, which they fully acknowledge by claiming whybit was named Ion Maiden to help separate itself from Bombshell.
It's almost like two of those had decades to sink into the public consciousness, you disingenuous fuck.
Yeah, the reason Lo Wang is recognized is because he's fucking spewing nothing but racist martial artist nonsense, not because he's a stronger character.
I wish they would have leaned in harder on making Shelly more of a "hard cop"-type character. Like a mix of Dirty Harry and Judge Dredd or something. Would have been more interesting than her current personality that's just "has fun killing bad guys".
Or maybe that's what they were actually going for and it wasn't executed that well.
qt chick in badass armor > qt chick in bikini armor
>Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Checkmate, atheists.
Fury Maiden
Maiden Fury
Agreed. Blonde bimbos are good and all, but all I want them for is the posters in Duke's world.
I know all that. My point was that Ion Maiden/Fury/whatever was always planned to be a prequel to Bombshell and not strictly because Bombshell itself bombed, like you were implying.
>defective user
There's a misunderstanding, I never meant to imply that the FPS was made in response to the first game's backlash.
>female protag
I understand that these responses are just shitposting, but I always wondered why this 'argument' is never mentioned for Japanese games.
Japan makes female protagonists who are, dare I say, cute AND funny. AT THE SAME TIME!
Because the Japanese games I play with female protagonists have them getting cream pied by multiple enemies.
anybody else think of DNF when they saw this shot?
Lol, you aren't talking like someone who's been following this game from the start.
The gun sounds are so unbelievably bad, I would never play it for that reason alone
Are you deaf by chance?
only thing wrong with this game is that there's no rocket launcher, I can't believe they didn't have one. They are always some of the most fun weapons to use in the build engine games, especially given how satisfying explosions in it are.
Don't have time to play
It's a little odd but I'm willing to see how it works I'll Probably just mod in the SW rocket launcher since it looks like it fits its style
You did like 10 threads about this game in one day
Game looks interesting for sure, but not €20 worth of interesting. I wishlisted it for future sales.
On that note, steam currently has one of it's most interesting sales in a long time right now, with age of wonders III at a 100% discount.
You are not wrong, he was in that Columbia level.
Did you 100% it, though?
I like hardened women more because I'm a normal human being and not an incel. Only incels like dumb submissive women like old Shelly and can't comprehend that no one else shares that idea besides porn artists and boomers who haven't fucked in years.
Ion Maiden Shelly is better than Bombshell Shelly because she has an actual personality.
Let it go, user.
>Only incels like dumb submissive women
Okay buddy I too like hardened women but there's no need to act delusional.
Save me Romero
Save me, Romero
I'm glad it's getting more traction but it's sad if what caused this was the lawsuit
Anyone knows if there is going to be coop or multiplayer?
No coop because it won't work properly with all the scripting. Other multiplayer modes are planned post-releasing.
>sjw devs
holy fuck, the actually changed the name? how many baby foreskins did they sacrifice to summon the powerful jewish lawyer do win this?
>CEO are devs now
Why are the graphics so ugly?
iron maiden and their fans are officially the biggest group of faggots in heavy metal
Their logic was that it wasn't worth the lawyer fees to deal with Iron Maiden's nonsense and they'd rather rebrand the game than focus their attention on fighting a stupid battle
they settled. no point in wasting time and money on lawyers when Iron maiden can drag that shit out for how long they want
The shills/advertising campaign are out in full force for this feminist game.
¸fuck off you little shit
>moddb-kun is seething yet again
This is nothing new there
Every single day with these threads no, just before launch. Gee I wonder if it's marketers.
in western games, most female characters are meant to representative of women and are designed for them as a way to get them interested in a game, where as in most Japanese games female character's are designed to appeal various male fetishes as there's still a hard line between boy and girl games.
it's only PC exclusive this Summer, let them have their thread.
>appeal various male fetishes
if only they were...
this one is the shy one
this one is the grumpy one
this one is the one with big titties
it's all so boring with them
all boomers need to hang
nobody asked you
Yeah, I feel roughly the same way. It's nowhere near a dealbreaker or anything since the rest of the game (based on the trailer + demo anyway) is great, but she is a little on the bland side of things. I think her current state is better than the generic "sexy female protagonist we've seen a million times before" that some people on Yea Forums seem desperate for, but she could certainly do with being punched up a bit.
I think the closest is the grenade launcher alternate ammo for the shotgun, which is cool in its own right, but not quite the same as a good, solid Build rocket launcher.
But this is being released on consoles too, retard
Good fanart for IM is fucking scarce. Hope it gets better once it's released.
not on August 16th.
The pre-release demo was pretty fun. Real glad I actually bought it for real instead of just pirating it honestly.
>this summer
Console ports are coming later.
It's the 15th dude
Not my fault they couldn't figure out how to make it work on Switch
>the shitch can't even run a 20-year-old game engine
The funny thing is that Shelley is a reference machine too, but for pop music instead. It seems most of you missed the references in the preview. I hope they lean even more into her making music references.
>feminist game
I see the “I didn’t play or even watch the game” faggotforce is out today.
Is it so hard to spell her name correctly?
>playing FPS games on the console
but why?
Even the PS Vita could run Duke 3D
I don't know if I'll end playing it, but I am curious about the Switch port
Duke Nukem's character was a culmination of the 80s and 90s macho man, aka Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stalone, Charles Bronson, Nick Nolte, Powers Boothe, Burt Reynolds etc. A hardened badass with snarky one-liners but with a tongue-in-cheek and a wink spin at it.
Anyone disliking Duke instantly outs himself as a dick munching homofaggot.
Lo Wang always blew dick. He was always a shit and unfunny character becaue George Broussard didn't really have an idea what to do with him.
Caleb was morbidly macabre - which was never done before and to my knowledge has never been done again. So he is loved, and most importantly, remembered by people.
For someone called Shelly "BOMBSHELL" Harrison she has zero personality and unique character traits. They could have made her into a turbo-autist obsessive demolition otaku with a death wish like Martin Riggs from Lethal Weapon for example - a charicature parody of certain character traits. As it is, she is unremarkable.
This is not a deal breaker imo, but it does leave something to be desired in an otherwise great game that wants to go back to the roots.
That's just Green Skeleton
Ignore him and he might go away
yeah, but why when playing FPS games on a controller is fucking retarded and feels bad?
I just think it might be cool to play this when I'm away from home
looks like 3dr is back on the menu
Ion Maiden was a terrible name that was too close to Iron Maiden. I'm glad for the name change.
I like some of the dialogue but some of the other ones fall flat. It's not the delivery, it's whoever is writing kt
>Its cringe sjw shit
What's next for 3D Realms after IM and Wrath?
kinda reminds me of Daggerfall
the future looks bright
Melee/Magic fantasy on the Unreal 1 engine.
How's the enemy variety/AI
Save me, Romero.
Like rune?
From that trailer, I'm not seeing a whole lot of weapon variety either. Aside from the ones already shown in the demo, there's a laser crossbow and some weird frisbee thing?
more like Wheel Of Time
Well it's build so the AI is pretty shit, but gets the job done. The variety is limited right now, but it looks like that should be the case at release.
I watched the 40 minute Digital Foundry video where he asked them about the original Prey prototype and the engine from 1997/8 and whether we will ever be able to see something being done with it.
It broke my heart that it will most likely never happen because the jewpigs at Bethesda would probably sue them into oblivon because they own the IP and everything related to it in the past and future.
They gotta have a BFG eqiuvalent somewhere down the line.
Also thank god the pistol uses different ammo from the minigun and SMG. I was worried it'd be a case of Doom again.
Aw man
Shooting cookie cutter enemies that just rush you or do basic strafing just gets old real quick for me
It's a fucking intentional pun. Iron Maidens are medieval torture devices. That shitty boomer band didn't create the name.
>iron maiden
you shut your whore mouth friend
>I like hardened women more because I'm a faggot and enjoy taking it up the ass from both my strapon wearing gf and his bull
If a band pursues a lawsuit over a video game having a similar sounding name to the thing it arbitrarily named your band after 44 years ago, it is a shitty band.
Judas Priest was always better
You are retarded for actually thinking that Quake II is shitty.
not that user but quake 2 was trash and a glorified tech demo.
i liked it
what the fuck is the GDF?
why not go with EDF aka Earth Defense Force or is that shit trademarked and copyrighted as well? If so fuck this gay earth.
EDF = Earth Defense Force
GDF = Global Defense Forces
>or is that shit trademarked and copyrighted as well?
I thought Bombshell was kinda cute
Kinda generic but not that bad of a design. Shame the game sucked ass.
More power to you, user.
I bet you actually think that Quake 1 was better.
Looks neat. Will there be a Duke cameo?
t. Bruce Dickinstein
Not with Randy holding the IP
There's an Easter egg tho
you see dukes outfit on a manakin
We already got a Duke Easter egg
iron maiden fucking pukes cum dude
No u
Yes, good job posting the title of a video game series. EDF is a fuckold term that has already appeared in dozens of books and video games.
Yeah, off the top of my head, it's been used in Duke Nukem and Disgaea. Probably a dozen others.
women in uniform > blonde sluts
Why not both?
Yes. Quake 1 is vastly superior in everything.
Atmosphere, art direction, music, level design, enemy design, wapons. It completely wipes the floor with QII. Quake 2 is like the retarded brother who lives in the cellar.
I bet you are the kind of faggot who prefers Robo Daddy aka Terminator 2: Babbysitter Daycare to T1 and Ayylmao Memearines to Alien 1.
Q2 has much superior weapons though, Q1 guns are mostly Doom: Bad Edition.
>Q2 has much superior weapons though, Q1 guns are mostly Doom: Bad Edition.
They ruined SSG. Instead of slow, but ungodly powerful, it's a mid-power bang-bang-bang. I mean Q2 SSG is not great as well but Q2 has rail, hyper and one of the funnest miniguns ever put in a game.
I don't understand why everyone needs SSG to be a super weapon. It was fucking broken in Doom 2. Shotgun is basically Quake's pistol. So naturally, SSG is just a slightly better pistol. Because shells are dirt cheap and fucking everywhere. That's just how the game is balanced. Don't like it? Use one of the other more powerful weapons. That's just how the balance fell.
I like her too. I'm glad they didn't shave one side of her head. Bald is gross.
Should've just let Iron Maiden take them to court and have the judge toss the fucking stupid ass retarded lawsuit away and get laughed out of the court room instead of changing the name.
Someone should make a game called Ion Maiden and stick with it because it's a cool name.
I'd rather play Ion Fury in a month than Ion Maiden in a few years.
Why would they need to postpone the release just because some morons are whining about the name?
*formerly Maiden
someone just needs to make a mod and release it on ModDB.
>just because some morons are whining about the name?
Replace "morons" with "lawyers" and "whining" with "taking legal action against them" and maybe you can understand.
>that ninja with the blue hair
>that pizza
They can't release the game without exacerbating legal problems.
They could win, but just dealing with the legal fees and court battle would fucking cripple them, not to mention losing out on releasing a game and actually making some money.
It's the easier thing to just change the name and maybe a few assets depending on how much is plastered everywhere and then just put the game out and start making money.
Maybe just talk to the band and tell them that they're being idiots.
>It was fucking broken in Doom 2.
It was absolutely not. It was fine with a fantastic risk/reward feel, but still soundly below RL and PG (and in some specific situations, even CG). Quake in general couldn't have as many enemies as Doom due to tech limitations, so they upped the monster HP/nerfed the weapons, however you want to look at it.
Just finished Doom 1 on UV. What order do I play these games? This is my current plan
Duke(just finished ep 2, it's fucking tough on the second to last difficulty)
Shadow Warrior
Amid Evil
Ion Fury
Doom 2 at some point
To win in court you need to pay money even if you are 100 percent in the right.
I wish these guys would make a new Duke Nukem on the build engine. Fuck you Randy.
I would honestly play Blood before Shadow Warrior.
Play Doom 2 now.
SSG was overused and overpowered in Doom 2 because of an overuse of large monsters and a distinct lack of long-distance combat, as well as ammo balance. In short, it's a level design problem.
doom 2 might be a good starter, and then quake, i recommend blood to be the last one cause of its ball-busting difficulty
>that ninja with the blue hair
Episode 5 of Duke Nukem was very underwhelming.
Right, I'm sure Iron Maiden make themselves publicly available for a chat with non-rockstars. Plus I'm sure they're reasonable gentlemen and don't think they invented the concept of an "Iron Maiden."
Ok. I was sick of Doom by the time I finished 1 and avoided 2. It's been long enough that I want more though.
Based and stonetosspilled
Hes at 1:21 of that posted trailer
Awful design. Just awful.
Oh, you mean Lord Zedd. Yeah, he looks fun to fight.
>tfw one of my fears is bodies without skin
Quake 1's atmosphere sucked and couldn't decide if it was medieval game or a Doom clone, due to being in development hell. Level design is primitive because you still go through mazes and find keys to unlock doors.
I much prefer the uniform Strogg theme that is consistent the entire game, the interconnected levels that actually match each other, and actually fighting through to complete objectives instead of just trying to find my way through mazes.
The character has existed since the late 90's you fucking zoomer.
Is it still the same dude making these threads? Mods confirmed like one autistic guy obsessed with this game has been making threads about it for like over a year because he hates it so fucking much
The gameplay looks solid but i don't know why they fell for the retro graphics meme.
No, that retard makes threads shitting on the game.
Funniest part is people found his duke mod and got it pulled lol
Play the build engine games in order of release, as each one was harder than the last. So Duke > Shadow Warrior > Blood.
Play Quake before you play DUSK or Amid Evil. You can skip the rest of the Quake series, none of them are very good past the first one except for 3 which is a completely different kind of shooter anyway.
Go ahead and play Doom 2 now, it's pretty short compared to everything else on your list. 30 maps sounds like a lot but a lot of them are surprisingly small.
This is what fans of the genre want.
You might have the gay.
Hopefully they end up making a shitload of new Build games imo
absolutely shit opinion of a philister
>Well it's build so the AI is pretty shit
negative IQ
Seems pretty feminist to me.
>play as woman who is just as good as any man -_^
>make sure to put a murdered Duke Nukem in the game to show that the patriarchy has been slain and mutilated by the feminist reich
>be sure to put in a bunch of voice clips about woman power
>suggest all men should become trans top support feminism
I mean, you don't even try to be subtle about things.
This sucked in 1980 and sucks now
>Russian troll literally posts his King
Run along or your family will all die from poisoning, Yuri.
You really ARE gay lol.
I like decent character design, which you are not posting.
>I'll just give a non response answer. That's good subterfuge, right?
Because it's working. DUSK and Amid Evil were very successful, and have proven there is a market for retro-style shooters.
Ion Fury was made by the modders who made the DNF2013 mod for Eduke32, so it's just modders tapping into a demographic that is willing to pay for more build engine games.
And honestly if you're a fan of FPS games at all I don't see how you can see the current trend of new retro-style shooters as anything but a good thing. DUSK and Amid Evil were fantastic and Ion Fury and Wrath of Aeons are looking to be fucking phenomenal as well.
If we can get full-length games with the type of quality that player mods like Ancient Aliens or Arcane Dimensions have with publisher backing and funding there's no reason not to support it. it's a fucking FPS renaissance.
Post things worth debating, Ivan
Incel confirmed.
>Do i fit in yet guis i called the game SJW
Fuck off back to redd*t
Takke note, boys. These are the tools and pushers of the far ledt political agendas. This is how they try to get in your heads. Through media you consume.
They want you to be women. Like them.
you also like the cock, the dick, the penor, the wiener, the phalus, the peenus-weenus as they say
This guy gets it.
Unironically that first cover has shit art
you still dream of juicy dicks at night
Heavy metal art sucks. Get a better fandom
you mean like being a closeted homo? lmaoing@your abysmal gay taste.
Add Overload and Hedon to your list.
Also try Heretic, I liked it more than Doom.
You actually think that men will play this game and then want to be women. KEK! Fuck off back to Breitbart!
(Feminine orc penis)
Based. My gaming libido fucking skyrocketed after I played Dusk. Also it would be nice if we get more high-budget boomer-friendly shooters as well, like Nuum and Nu-Shadow Warrior, they've been doing pretty well so far besides Wolfenstein: The New Cutscene.
Does this count as rule34?
drulliet is a genius. really brought to light what people should be doing with comics
Sequel of Quake 1 without the network fuckups from Champions when? (They can keep Ranger's personality)
Literally Female Duke. I have nothing wrong with it, but her current design is more interesting. More actual character.
The devs did kind of make too big a deal out of it, but they aren't completely wrong or anything, and they still delivered.
Only one retard in this thread so far.
Whatever gets you there, man.
Doom Eternal looks like it's the closest to a true Quake 1 sequel we're ever going to get. It's a shame that the Quake 1 style was just straight up abandoned by id, but at least we have Arcane Dimensions and DUSK.
>>make sure to put a murdered Duke Nukem in the game to show that the patriarchy has been slain and
Murdered duke is from Blood you retard.
>Otherwise in the graphics loo kexcellent
As expected from people who play Fresh Supply.
At this point, I am hoping that one of the SP DLC for Doom Eternal would be Ranger suddenly put in Hell because slipgates are dicks.
At this point I can't tell if it's ironic or not
You call tell that steam OP is a faggot.
NuDoom played more like Quake than Doom anyway.
OP always is a faggot
Here in the real world - Not as an armchair warrior - there are females that are my colleagues. As a team, we enter LTEs (Life Threatening Environments) including structural working fires. We slug it out together in the most demanding an grueling conditions day and night, in the broiling heat or the freezing cold, and I can tell you that I would rather have one of these women having my back (or vice versa), than a clearly drunk, misogynistic, illiterate hill-billy.
Just played the preview and thought it was really good.
I only played it on the second hardest difficulty though, since I thought the hardest one would be "meme" difficulty, like respawning enemies, but that doesn't seem to be the case
Heskels house of horrors is my fave
GooberGaters don't actually play games.
Should have called it pic related to make a very convoluted ID Software reference
This is 90s as fuck. I like it, but it might be too much