so AMD actually beat intel, for once
Ryzen 3000
Other urls found in this thread:
funny thing is that even after Intel lowered the prices on their chips they are still losing on core count, performance per core and value. That gotta show just how insanely overpriced Intel chips were.
Only in cost efficiency and less security flaws
My 6700k out preforms ryzen chips in cpu dependent games
If you aren't poor i9 is still the absolute best
>if you aren't poor
Says the man buying a CPU to play at 1080p. There is absolutely no difference in 1440p gaming and AMD obliterates Intel in everything else whilst being cheaper and draw way less power. Only retards buy Intel.
They were the best in their class
If you are the best you can always charge more
Just because the competition prices their parts too low does not mean you have to compete with them in their pricing
LTT are the only ones who got these results.
what the hell happened. they used to do shit processor and beaten by i3 i5 i7 series but then ryzen came.
silicone lottery paid out
AMD came out with an architecture that's actually decent and Intel's been fucking up AMD so long that they've gotten complacent.
They were developing new architecture while Intel was (and still is) just shitting out revisions of a decade old one. Also look up Athlon, zoomer. It was far better than Pentium.
>for once
zoom zoom zooooom
did the NSA make this chart?
This guy happened, but now he's working for Intel so AMD's glory is going to end with Intel's next lineup of CPUs
>Higher number of security vulnerabilities is better
>AMD is making better CPU than the FX junk they were making years ago
This guy will end AMD and turn them into Cyrix
>FX junk they were making years ago
eat shit nigger
>AMD needed 7nm nodes to beat Intel's old 14nm architecture
>caring about poozen
what are you poor? they are still inferior
>7yo game
look at this dude
Name One (1), just one example of an intel "security vulnerability" being exploited in the real world
amdunces how do we cope
AMD fags will grasp for straw to defend their precious brand.
Now that they have something that's almost as good as Intel, they got too cocky
Why should I care about the bottom half of that list
>for once
Incel always lose ever since Ryzen became a thing.
Chink here. Intel is still doing fine because AMD has a cpu shorage and orders have to be paired with a x570 MB, of which a lot of people doesnât need one yet.
imagine being a marketed goy and buying shittel 9900k housefire cpu for $150 more because you saw a JIDF marketer posting a 1080p chart on Yea Forums
Intel is an industry leader in vulnerabilities per core and watts per socket. AMD has nothing to match that.
>AMD needs 12-cores to compete against an Intel 8-core
So its still the same shit, except this time AMD now has better marketing.
Intel hasn't really progressed beyond Skylake and every year I check for PC parts it looks like they're just tacking 2-cores to stave off AMD's multicore processors.
My 4770k is still alive and kicking to this day.
Intel also has CPU shortages since last year
>No mention of that the mitigations slowi CPUs down
Mine got hit from that shit and I'm fucking pissed.
Why do people call amd this again? I thought they were chinks.
Its just shill cope. Intel has more Indian H1B workers in American than AMD has total employees. intel is more popular in India as well, where the typical Pajeet has a C2D or a single core Celeron/Pentium.
this is shill cope
>made in China
I only buy processors made in America
>be like me, just spend $150 extra + new motherboard for 3 fps in games. it even doubles as a heater for the winter!
the abolute cope of these intel cucks who spent $700 to upgrade to that dog shit cpu LMAO
No, its fact. Easily verifiable fact.
Since 2010 intel has applied for over 14,000 H1B visas, virtually every single one an Indian.
AMD only has around 10,000 total employees.
Sorry, Rakesh. Intel is certified curry poop company.
>no source
Retards can't think of anything clever or something that actually makes sense.
I mean at least the fucking retarded "intcel" and "AMDrone" shit has a logic to them.
i5-9400f is $149 vs $499.99 3900x
Not to mention with AyyMD you have to fork extra for X570 and special 3600 RAM
I've seen AMD shills mislead buyers into buying B450 when they don't own a Ryzen processor
>with AyyMD you have to fork extra for X570
No you don't, this is only for PCI-E 4.0 which is useless for anything but multiple concurrent high tier NVME sustaining constant read/write speeds.
>and special 3600 RAM
No. Zen2 has massively increased IF bandwidth and no longer depends on fast DRAM to increase the IF data rate to alleviate a bottleneck. Going from cheap 2666 kits to a decent 3600 kit only yields a 3%~ perf uplift.
Don't talk out of your ass, kid.
the abolute cope of these amd cucks who spent $700 to upgrade to that dog shit cpu LMAO
Ryzen 2 has about 3% worse single thread performance than comparable intel cpus but about 30% better performance in tasks that support all cores.
They also use less power and run cooler.
Overall ryzen cpus are a better choice right now.
So I can use ddr3 ram on the new ryzen now?
nah, B450 work too, you just need a BIOS update.
And no, you don't need 3600 RAM. I hate fanboys too but you're straight up lying.
How could this happen to Intel? They were on top of the world! And suddenly they get BTFO beyond existence and can barely function or produce a new product! WTf is going on bros? I can't quite put my finger on it.
>worked on zen/infinity fabric 2012-2015
>ryzen released 2017
>keller hired at intel just last year
see you in 5 years
Hes working on SoC integration aka fabric interconnects, not core architecture.
>Higher FPS vs faster rendering times
Well given that 99% of people here don't even do multimedia stuff that takes advantage of all cores - no AMD is not the best choice
intcel cope
Depends on what you are looking for. If you want the best value you'll get a 3600 or 3600x. If you want the highest fps you'll get a 9700k or 9900k.
As I've said overall it is, also for anyone playing above 1080p all of this doesn't matter anyway since everything will be gpu limited.
>$329 3700X is within 2.4% of the $500 9900K
Not a good look for Intel.
imagine understanding this little on how to conduct CPU benchmarks.
>nah dude just bump it up to 4k in a new game, the CPU is definitely gonna be the bottleneck
>$500 3900x beaten by budget 9400f and bunch of 2 year old Intel CPUs
Looks good to me
Should I get 9400f or 3600?
>all these good goyim who don't consider the prices of the cpus
>6 core
>no threads
>no overclocking
>no productivity
>demolished by the 3600 with 12 threads
the absolute state of this marketed gamer goy
fuck off pajeet
>Also look up Athlon, zoomer. It was far better than Pentium.
AM4 might have one more generation of chips on the socket, its still up in the air whether or not Zen3 will come with DDR5 support which will require a new socket or not.
Get whatever you want. It doesn't really matter at this point.
>t. butthurt goyim
hes going from one meme to the next!
The 9400f is worse in every way. Not sure what kind of benchmarks this intecel is talking about.
No, it doesn't. Lying makes zero sense when benchmarks are available everywhere.
Again, lying is pointless.
>yes sir amd very good sir do the needful and buy please
>still pretending that intel isn't the certified street shitter company
Reminder: intel employees more Pajeet code monkeys than AMD has total employees.
>for once
actually this
Why do all wojak poster all post from iOS?
Reminder the Intel Reddit mods now ban you for suggesting AMD CPUs now. COMPETITION IS BAD!
And before somebody screeches about Reddit, I only know because I saw this on /g/ earlier today.
Just got my 3600 and about to install it into my pc
What can I expect?
airplane mode is the only way they know how to avoid bans
>what can I expect
Once you get the OS installed you can't tell the difference no matter what hardware you have. Its 2019 and pretty much everything just werks and only spergs split hairs on the internet.
Enjoy it. It'll work fine.
Close enough you wouldn't notice a different between them. That being said am4 still has another year left in it so if you got the 3600 you'd still have a potential upgrade without a new mobo.
I still play everything ultra 1080p 60fps with an i7-2600K @ 4.4GHz with a GTX 1080 Ti.
I still remember when Yea Forums made fun of me for buying an i7 instead of an i5.
This board will perpetually be behind the curve and have no idea what the fuck they're talking about when it comes to hardware.
they were kind of right, since you have to disabled hyperthreading to fix its security
intcel cope thread
9400f or 5 3600, which one is better right now Yea Forums? 9400f is cheaper on my country.
>AMD's ryzen is better than intel in every single benchmark!
>except in real world applications
>and in support
>and in drivers
>And has /some/ flaws.
Shut the fuck up.
9400f is half the threads and doesn't come with a decent cooler.
It is also only PCI-E 3.0, where as 3600 is 4.0
Ergo the 3600 is more "future proof".
Do people really think CPU matters at all for video games?
Any quad core that can hit 4ghz will run every game on the market maxed with the right GPU. Fucking laptop retards with mobility hardware.
Well I'm upgrading from a 7 year old cpu so I should better see an improvement
you should get a better waifu
t. pleb
It absolutely does.
Especially if you want 144fps
Especially for emulation
>the company with the slightly bigger, plumper, juicier bananas can charge $10 more per banana if they want!
>they don't need to lower their prices just because all other bananas finally caught up to their deliciousness!
Can I overclock the 3600 with stock cooler? Never done it before, so I'm unsure
I want to game at 1440p/144hz. Do I need a 3900x or is a 3700x suitable?
There's LITERALLY no point to OC 3600. Tests show there's extremely marginal gains from overclocking it.
you should be able to reach your stable OC with the included cooler, yes.
Ryzen don't OC that high, you'd use an after-market cooler mainly if you're sensitive to sound.
>Just because the competition prices their parts too low does not mean you have to compete with them in their pricing
It does if you want to stay in business
Probably. AMD has said the 3000 series doesn't have much room for manual overclocking though.
is it worth upgrading from a 1600 to 3600?
You can, but its pretty pointless.
If you manually OC you disable all the turbo pstates which means you end up losing more single core performance.
Yeah except for cpu bound games
BFV and BF1 destroyed my i5 4690k @ 4.4
intel gave money to anita sarkeesian
Christ you're retarded
you'll get a decent IPC improvement and PCI-E 4.0
Personally I find it hard to get excited for upgrading to the exact same number of cores and threads.
I have a 1600 and I'm not upgrading yet, maybe if the 3600 has an amazingly good sale.
I want an American backdoor hardcoded into my CPU, not a Chinese one.
3600 is a better buy unless you need the 3700x for a reason
I'm a poorfag so that's why
It would be a very noticeable upgrade. You could always wait for whatever they put out next year though and hope your mobo gets a bios update to support it.
This shit is funny
why the comparison between a 600 dollar cpu and a 1200 dollar cpu?
Imagine being this stupid lol
>Have this CPU too but haven't played anything I've seen hit a CPU bottleneck
I'm considering getting a 5700/5700xt when the non-blower ones come along and suspect that's when I'll start to see some bottlenecking.
I had that processor and it ran games terribly. The single core performance just wasn't there
Just check benchmarks you tard
Okay, thanks. What about that PBO technology or something? That is basically overclock, isn't it?
That's how intcels cope
It works on retards I guess otherwise they wouldnt be doing this
But does AMD make any good laptop cpus yet, or is Intel still king?
It's a fine cpu as long as you don't play anything that's cpu-dependant and can make use of multiple cores
As I said, BFV in particular fucked it up, drops to like 40 fps with maybe 55 avg, now I'm hitting 144 stable on a 3700x
good laptop cpus is like being the most intelligent retard nobody cares
Most gamers are retards so it's a good sales tactic
If you're getting a laptop without a dedicated video card, but still want to play low spec games, ryzen is probably your best option. Their IGP is leagues better than Intels.
Yes. The 3600 will boost up to 4.2ghz.
The Ryzen APUs are pretty great, I have a Ryzen 5 2500U laptop that I replaced a mobile Sandy Bridge system with.
They just launched the refresh of these earlier in the year which have mild improvements in perf/watt. Hard to go wrong with them.
The 7nm APUs don't come out until mid next year if you're waiting for that.
That's not on all cores and only for limited time until temp gets to high
Fair enough
There's only one gane on that list. Everything else are non-games.
For gaming it wouldn't need to be all cores. Also if you can't keep it cool at 4.2ghz you certainly wouldn't want to go any higher with a manual overclock.
Iâm deciding between the two as well.
9400F is much cheaper, especially factoring the components needed for it and their availability.
3600 is just straight up better and the stuff you buy has some potential for upgrades unlike 1151 socket.
If youâre a total poorfag, go for 9400F. If youâre looking for a good value at midrage, go for 3600.
This is not how Ushankas work.
this guy just ruined some poor janitors day
Just bought a 3900X. What am I in for?
>3700X arrived a few days ago
>motherboard arrives on monday
>case and PSU arrive next week
im sick of waiting
when intel fags are so desperate they justify overpriced hardware for minimal upgrade. its fucking 2 fps but the chart is made to look like intel is a bigger leap in performance. You intel niggers are good at perspectives but fail when someone actually looks at the number.
is it worth ditching my trust i/ 4790K oc'd @5GHz and upgrade to Ryzen?
I have a 1660Ti I got a few months ago because my old card literally shat the bed
I only have a 1080p 60Hz monitor
if you don't plan on upgrading your monitor then no
I meant
>trusty i7
I have the dumb today sorry
you guys aren't wasting your money on one of these xXx models, are you?
It's a joke user
it's even funnier when you consider that a 3600x with some good ram beats their monster space heater half the time.
And = better for gay streamers
Intel = better for players
AMD CPU with nVidia card is the way to go.
AMD has made godlike CPUs but their cards are still trash.
>needs to link some literal who amateur benchmarker with 500 views, probably because he searched for the result he wanted
>thinks PC gamers like to use their systems like consoles, with nothing else being done while playing games
>Video with only 556 views
What is this bullshit about 600 vs 1200? Here in Europe the amd chip costs 580 bucks and intel 505?
I had a Radeon HD 5770 and 7950. Recently got a RX 580, but I'll be replacing that soon with a 5700 XT. Never had any issues. Then again, I didn't have issues with the earlier Geforce cards or the Riva TNT 2 I had either. Maybe you retards should stop buying from shitty OEMs.
>brand drone
post discarded
brainlet here
bought i7-9700k about 5 months ago, should be enough for vidya for +3 years, right?
It will take long time for games to utilize 16+ threads, right? Thanks
>$200 6core ryzen 3600 not listed
>overclockable with 12 threads for and beats the no threads no overclocks no productivity 6 core 9400f
gee i wonder why youre so keen on that chart
How bad are the new 5700 reference cooler? I heard it's better to wait a month for the AIB versions but is it worth waiting?
>Be me
>Want good CPU
>Look at Intel CPU
>Sell house
>Beg family for money
>Ask wife's boyfriend for cash
>Still have to take out loans for Intel CPU
>Start up computer with new Intel CPU
>It burns down my wife's boyfriend's apartment
>-4% FPS on dota 2
>a game I could get 100's of FPS on with a 1050Ti and FX8320
Reference coolers are pretty much always junk. I'll be waiting for a modest Sapphire model with a much better cooler for the same price, if not lower.
Why is AMD's neck broken?
>+3 years
1-2 definitely, 3 and beyond is hard to guess.
In 2 years weâll have new Intel process, new AMD socket and DDR5. Not to mention PS5 and Scarlett.
Now I'm just waiting for AMD to release a good gpu.
This is genius. The way that 3.75 is spaced out your mind automatically ignores the 3. because it almost looks like it's the third item on a list. So it looks like 75% faster if you're not paying close enough attention. And the charts reaffirm that false idea by looking like you're getting a 75% increase when actually you're getting fuck all.
Will my golden 550w PSU be able to handle 3600 + 580/5700?
why is the better clocked 9600 behind 8600
At least Intel have the good common sense to actually slash their prices across the board now.
To be fair, if you just look at the big shiny advertising and not the actual stats you deserve to be ripped off.
But I'm not really one to talk. I'm obsessed with having a card that has OC in the name so I usually buy the cheapest one with OC and spend $50 more than I need to like a faggot.
they did, youre just too much of a consumer goy to know it.
wwhat is a good gpu for 1080p gaming for a first time build?
what games are you interested in user
just look up benchmarks for the most demanding games you want to play
>someone buys Intel CPU
>Yea Forums gets mad
>someone buys NVIDIA RTX GPU
>Yea Forums gets mad
It's almost if you were so poor niggers you couldn't afford good gaming hardware and get mad at people who do.
beats being poor ;)
Go on, tell me which AMD card you think is worth the money so I can laugh at you.
>It's almost if you were so poor niggers you couldn't afford good gaming hardware and get mad at people who do.
You just unlocked the secret of Yea Forums right there
get mad? no, I'm fine with stupid nerds burning all their income (neet bux) on some fancy new tech stuff that they have no need for, it's not like they have other hobbies, or a future to save money for, anyway
its not for me, im trying to help my friend build a computer. all he has told me so far was wanting to play classic wow and master chief collection
allright ty
>amd so bad LULZ
>uh actually they beat the competition
kys faggot
580 8GB
You can't even build a high end gaming rig with AMD parts. Gaming PC is pretty cheap hobby compared to many others, for example I have put something like $6-7k in my gun hobby this year alone. Cars and motorcycles are pretty expensive too.
If you have the money I see absolutely no reason to cheap out and buy AMD for a dedicated gaming PC.
4GB is sufficient for many games in 1080p
>throwing away money on scam products is okay because im a retard who spends even more money on even dumber shit
no one cares about your pathetic money management. keep it to yourself.
Ryzen is still inferior to intel for vidya, also imagine keeping your K cpu @stock frequencies like those tests
0.1% is margin of error
>product X is scam because I can't afford it
How fucking poor do you have to be to believe that? Intel and NVIDIA offer objectively better gaming performance and in the latters case better feature set than anything AMD can offer.
I can buy any hardware, but I'm not into wasting 30% more money for 2% more performance, lining the pockets of marketers in the process.
>Ryzen is still inferior to intel for vidya just pay $150 extra so you can have the "superior" 3 fps boost and mediocre performance in everything else
the things these retards tell themselves to try and not cry at night when they realize they spent $700 on a scam furnace cpu
>i-i won! ha! i spent $700 for the equivalent $400 from cpu. s-stop being poor. i-intel is objectively better see look at my 2 fps more than you! ha!
Oh yes, how DARE I go against your unsubstantiated claim that AMD cards are great. Truly you have caught me in an "I AM SILLY" moment.
No shit? I guess you missed the part where they have a up to 20% performance hit to patch the vulnerabilities?
What's the ideal cpu for 1440p and 120 fps?
1440p is dependent on GPU not CPU
Rip Intel
Now that Windows can properly use Ryzen threads even for emulators Intel is losing.
>being poor
>getting mad that people have more money to spend on hobbies
Stay mad communist faggot
Is a 2600 enough for 1080p 75hz?
Should I get a 1660 Ti to go along with it? I have a 1050 Ti
so what motherboard should I get for the 3600x
Yes, more than enough. 1660ti good for it, although look into vega56 prices, as I've seen some being near the same price, or even cheaper(at least in Brazil they are going for more or less the same price) and they should be a lot better.
Should I wait for the new 5700 to come out?
Any b450 or x470 that got what you want
No need for an expensive x570 when OCing is garbage either way
apparently the B350 and B450 can work with ryzen 3000 after a bios update, while the X470 or whatever works out of the box
56 is the same thing as the 1660 Ti except it consumes double the power. It's a fucking useless card.
t. retard
depends on how cpu heavy the game you play is
Retard here, is there even any point of frames this high? Like I get it; more frames are "better", but what actual experience difference does this create for your average user?
I've got a computer from 2012 that's still kicking. Granted I can't play ALL the games that end up on PC but it's still surprised me what it will run.
there is no point, they were only ever posted to show how "epic" intel cpus are for being housefires and to justify their retarded prices. now that amd beats them in the same irrelevant benchmarks, theyll come up with some other stupid shit like "clock speed" to market their scam. amd is way cheaper for the same exact gaming performance in 99% of cases and higehr performance outside of gaming in every case.
>orders have to be paired with an X570
Dude, there's bios updates for shit-tier B350 mobos to run Ryzen 2.
>When the CIA is happy chinese phones are popular because it's easier to spy on chinese manufacturers
Sooo... what should I go with for a 1000ish budget computer? Ryzen 3600/ RX 580?
Even B350 boards are getting BIOS updates. Fucking A320 shit-tiers are getting them.
>more than enough
Run MHW at 75fps on ultra with that config lol
What? Vega56 are on par with the 2060, being slightly better(only slightly). And they have a good overclocking space, so you can go near the 64 in terms of performance.
>no w7 drivers
idk, I think it can reduce visual input lagg, but only esport fags care about that
that doesnt cost 1,000 but if you only want 1080p for the near future then thats fine
It's just for benchmarking numbers, CS:GO has always favored intel so it's cool to see AMD get ahead. 1% lows sometimes matter if you have a high hz monitor but otherwise high frames are useless
nothing wrong with the B350
>OS dies in 6months
>no support
I wonder
>he thinks MS won't release security patches like they still do to fucking XP
I got memed on by getting a b450 mobo and now my PC is a massive paperweight for gods knows how long
What do now
Not in gaming. My brother just got his 3800x and in blackops4 he gets 110-130fps. My 9700k is giving mes 140-160. We both have RTX 2080's.
why is it a paperweight?
that's exactly what they are saying they are gonna stop doing. I keep getting notifications on my pc about that.
what do you mean, retard?
You probably changed the settings.
Post video or you're lying.
I know I have one
It turns on but can't detect the cpu even after flashing the bios multiple times.
They will for the "absolute necessary exploits" but nothing beyond that.
Consumer grade software however will drop support for W7
Intel wins
let me explain
in optimized games, the gpu handles all the big weight, in those games cpu doesn't matters that much, then amd gets the top of the performance because it has much better all around pc performance
in games where the cpu handles the big weight, namely indie games, the game is unoptimized, so it usually uses 1 core, therefore intel wins because it has better 1 core performance, and the game uses it fully to achieve max performance
just compare games like tarkov, arma 3, dayz, men of war 2, steel division, versus games like gta 5, battlefield, etc
Not right now but when we get faster monitors then we can see actual benefits. Right now we're stuck on 240hz but eventually we'll get 300 or 400hz or whatever.
and you know that the updated bios has support for the cpu?
If it means anything my 9700k has 80-90% usage in BO4 while the 3800X hovers around 30-40%.
>it has 1% better 1 core performance for 200% the price
ftfy brainlet
>i-i won!
Good for AMD. It's about time they're not complete and total shit. However, only hipster 90's babies care about Ryzen because they don't know about the 15 years of terrible AMD performance and architecture. Most of us that switched to Intel will never give AMD another cent again. Ryzen is basically the new Razor for PC internals and lures in the same audience respectively.
>got the 3700x
>CEMU and RPCS3 are now my bitches
>no hiccups
>no audio stutter
>rock solid 60fps in Persona 5
>still no vulkan api for cemu
what are those niggers waiting for?I want to play MH3U
No, it's like 40 or 50% more performance, arma 3 is the biggest example, tarkov too, you can go from 40 fps to 70 fps easily in struggling situations
kingdom come too, almost all indie games run like 30% better on intel because of shitty multithread design
MH3U runs flawlessly according to their compatibility list.
How can you afford to be so mad if you're so poor?
Yes, I got the b450 carbon, downloaded the latest beta bios that added support for ryzen 3000 (v17) and flashed it before installing the cpu.
Also tried flashing it again after installing the cpu and it failing to detect it but still no luck.
I think I'll wait for the next version and if that doesn't work either I'll try reseating the cpu.
If even then it doesn't work I'm returning this shit, probably just gonna get one of those x570 instead I guess.
Well yea,if you have a Nvidia gpu everything runs flawlessly
>TFW my shitposting brought to you by a 9001 year old I5 3570k
can we talk about Navi instead
But BF games are cpu dependant
>No, it's like 40 or 50% more performance
>i-i won! i paid $700 for the $400 equivalent from AMD for 10 fps in just gaming!
>plus it doubles as a heater for the winter!
You are a retard, try playing tarkov on a 9400F vs a 2600 ryzen
>9400f: 6 core no thread no overclock no productivity
>3600: 6 core 12 thread overclock superior productivity
gee i wonder why they call you a goy
Why do people have brand loyalty to fucking hardware manufacturers? Just buy whatever is the best performance for whatever price you're looking for.
Input lag reduction.
My monitor is only 60hz, but if I'm playing at 120fps or above, shit feels way more responsive.
Think of it like this. At 60fps, your screen is getting a frame that could be up to 1/60s old.
If you're getting 240fps, the oldest a frame can possibly be is 1/240s.
I've probably explained this like a proper nonce, but that's the basic idea.
You can never "win" with technology. There's always something new around the corner. Brand loyalty is also a mystery to me.
i play esports games at 4k 60 with vsync and im still better than the majority of players
I spent my yearly allowance on my new rig I must defend my choices
Reduced input lag and everything feels smoother.
autists don't have anything else to have brand loyalty towards
Ok but you're severely gimping yourself.
Playing CSGO with Vsync is a HUGE handicap, it's unplayable to me.
i had brand loyalty to intel and nvidia but i dropped intel because of all the security flaws and dropped nvidia because of shit drivers in linux
rx 580 8gb and ryzen 5 3600
Is that a good combo?
If you're running Linux there's no reason to go anything but AMD/AMD.
By and far, the open source AMD GPU drivers on Linux are the best on Linux.
They're better than AMD's Windows drivers, and perhaps, the open source AMD drivers are the best in the world.
If you're on Windows I'd still get an Nvidia GPU
But on Linux absolutely get the RX580.
The 3600's single core performance, which has been the only thing holding AMD back, has surpassed my expectations by far.
It's basically a $200 8700k/9700k.
If you ignore all the bad shit about Intel they really make good products
rx 570 4gb, rx 580 8gb, 1660, 1660ti
just pick the one that fits your budget
>posting 2001 processor comparison
eh,rx 580 8gb is the cheapest for now and it has more VRAM
did they ever explain why nvidia went for 6gb instead of 8?
MHW ask for 6gb for the High quality texture,wouldn't that fuck everything up with a 1660?
>CPU: 100%
You want high CPU usage, why buy a CPU for gaming if the games aren't going to use 100% of it?
retard alert
Having no headroom is bad, and at 100% it's being CPU limited. Next gen consoles are going to come out in a little over a year and have 8c16t CPU's in them. What are you going to do with your 6c6t CPU when those come out?
>Intel releases their next gen
>it shits on all of AMD
>AMD releases their next gen
>it shits on all of Intels chips
Man what a great future this will be thanks to AMD and Intel having staggered releases. The amount of viral shilling couldn't get worse for Yea Forums.
580 got replaced by the 1660 and 1660Ti.
So far the only cards that make sense currently are the 570, 1660 and 1660Ti.
Everything its either shit or too overpriced to be worth it.
is the 570 that close to 580?
Not that close but the 1660 are just a better option than the 580.
>that future performance drop when intel patches it
LOL god bless my 3600
fuck poorfags and fuck gaymd lmao0
He's right. You brainlets know nothing about technology.
This is the main reason for high framerates, 144 is really smooth and 240 is a bit smoother
This is good for 60 to 120 but it doesnt really matter for 120 and up desu, unless you're the fucking flash you won't notice it
Mitigations crippled them.
Are you okay, retard?
You're the retard who doesn't want to get the most out of his product.
Understand the difference between GPU and CPU bottlenecks when testing games, retarded zoomer fuck