>Ecchi thread
>Console war thread
>Hype thread
>Hype thread
>Yea Forums thread
>Outrage bait thread
>JRPG bait thread
>/vp/ thread
>pedo thread
>Monster Hunter thread
>hype thread
>console war bait thread
>Rockstar shill thread
>Hype thread
>Ecchi thread
>Gay thread
>Shitpost thread
>Bait thread
>/vp/ thread
>hype thread
>bait thread
>ecchi thread
>shitposting thread
>bait thread
>/h/ thread
>dating sim thread
>bait thread
>jojo thread
>hype thread
>hype thread
>Yea Forums thread
>Yea Forums thread
>/h/ thread
>final fantasy thread
>/g/ thread
>Console war bait thread
>Console war bait thread
>/g/ thread
>smash thread
>yakuza thread
>ecchi thread
>bait thread
Ecchi thread
Other urls found in this thread:
And which one is yours?
Archived with 5 replies
the gay thread, obviously
>pedo thread
To all you 4channers in this topic: Respect minorities. It costs 0$ to not be toxic. It's called being a decent human being.
>shitty wojak thread
>mordhau threads are only /pol/ dog-whistles now
Are you part of a minority?
Better than half the threads on the board right now
Quality vidya thread here OP
I want to knoe whether I need to respect you.
Oh. What color should my skin be for you to respect me?
>/int/ thread
nothing is worse than wojaks
I'd literally rather look at a dog rotting in a cesspit than another wojakshit thread
It should be a delicious brown of course.
The absolute state
newfags, /pol/, and underages have pretty much completely ruined this board. I'm a hair trigger away from just finally fucking off of Yea Forums after almost a decade and just going to some other site.
Do it. Go do your homework, reddit
>wojak/pepe thread
worse than all those you listed
reddit are all three of the things he described
>reddit is the only other place to talk about games
found the underage
>All these variations.
What board you are browsing?
I'm only getting shill, bait and incel (internet celebrities) threads here. I fucking wish it was more diverse.
>im gay
cringed hard just reading this post
Yep, your thread is better.
How many times do you need reminding?
reddit is calling you
Fucking do it.
One less simpering, sodden, sobbing cunt crying about Yea Forums.
Why not make a thread about a game you like instead of this?
If no one posts in it, try again later or with a different game.
If no one ever posts in your threads, you probably don't "fit" with this community, and you should consider finding another one.
/pol/ is to Yea Forums what the jews is to /pol/: a scapegoat
i can smell how much fucking testosterone must be swimming in your veins to have typed that out
So? What's your answer?
So are you a newfag, /pol/ack, or underage?
Clearly you came here after the elections
>Hype thread
>Seriously fucking complaining about people talking about upcoming video games
I hope you get hit by a drunk driver and die, or somebody slams a knife into your head, you dumb fucking wojak poster
That's all the same thing
stop shitting on your own pants and blaming everyone else
Hype threads are the lowest quality on topic threads on the board
Great thread
I miss the cats dont dance thread already. Was actually quite kino
I have two videogame discussion threads up right now but they're not being replied to and will archive within minutes
This is the future you chose