Most games are like 50 hours long
How do you get this much free time?
Most games are like 50 hours long
I play the main story and disregard all the godawful filler side content IE hunting in rdr2
you need to be hikki neet just like me
You aren't suppose to play it in one sitting silly
>tfw you typically finish 50 hours games in a mere 3 days
but then I play a 5 hours long AAA games and I keep alt-tabbing, and procrastinating and I take a week/month to finish it if at all
There are 700000 hours in a lifetime
That's 14000 games
Well, I just play shorter games. 50 hours of open world shit is not worth it.
>Most games are like 50 hours long
No they aren't. Most are less than 20.
I miss being NEET. I could 100% a jrpg every two weeks.
I don't have sex
I take a few weeks to put in maybe a few hours a day. I 100% finished Days Gone in the span of maybe three weeks. If you find a game you really like, you put in what free time you have.
NEET life
That means i've wasted 0.0005% of my life just on gmod alone..
you don't
No good game is longer than 15 hours.
getting fired helps.
Are we sakura posting?
what about open ended games like the (first 4) sim city games?
>implying I didn't grab it from another sakura-poster
Careful you don't become someone who sees their backlog as a chore, user.
I finish at least 30 games every year and not even neet.
Play only one or two jrpgs every year if you must
Don't 100% any game, do only the content that feels like game and not like job
Notice when a game is shit and drop it if you don't enjoy it anymore
Turn off your phone, chats, whatever, focus on the games and try to have a long session at night or weekends
Avoid online games unless you just wanna hang with your internet friends every once in a while
Et voila, you now have mastered the usage of time.
Sakura is made for Chinese cock!
A well designed game will have layers of completion to it.
There's the obvious shit like Collecting everything/getting all the endings VS just beating the game one time.
But there are also layers below that where you can quit the game before technically beating it but still feel like you got the full experience.
Sometimes the game simply establishes a small milestone in the beginning so concretely that the game just feels finished even though you know there's more to do.
Like in Resident Evil 4, you get stranded and trapped in the village, and there's a giant rasputin looking mother fucker leading them.
Then you kill him and escape the village with presidents daughter.
You still have the plagus in you, you're stuck in a castle now, and the real leader isn't dead yet, but it still feels almost like the game is done at that point.
I dont know why all games want to be a second job with no ending nowadays. I started back on my and PS2 it's amazing how many games are just solid game for their entire 5 to 15 hour run. Even has an ending and everything. Even the post game stuff is game! What the hell?
I might finish 5 games a year. When you have a job and obligations, you have to pick your games more carefully. I love long RPGs, and playing for 1-2 hours per night makes them last. And maybe more on the weekend if time allows.
Even back in the day, a lot of games had blatant obtuse fetchquesting, specially JRPGs, so you buy guides for the game. The most obvious case that comes to mind is FFXII you have to do literal chores to acquire some weapons and the game has you run from camp to camp back and forth under certain conditions to complete a lot of quests that, mind you, were not stored in a quest log of any kind.
In a lot of cases the game designer of these quests is not the same that designed the main content so it would be a disservice to judge the whole thing based on its bad parts, it's important to weed them out of your experience.
who did you sexually harass?