Other urls found in this thread:
C:\Games\Dark Souls\bin\config\secret porn folder.mkv
you just got hacked kiddo
>save files are stored in a completely different folder on another harddrive by default
You can see the autism here.
Normal people aren't bothered by details like that
>game is installed on C:
>game's actual files are located in DOCUMENTS
Pretty much the best way to know if a game uses online required DRM.
Some IDEs/game engines give you something like that as default though, so it could actually be not bothering to custom that shit.
>Normalfags are braindead NPCs
yes we know
B:\Games\`l\GameFolder(for the lewdies)
If from something like origin or epic games
Steam Library Existed before B:\Games unfortunately.
>config.ini is either in documents or /appdata/local or roaming
You idiot op now I can hack your comp
Haha you can't trick me you fool
thanks for all your games lol
Watch now as i take down Yea Forums using your pc
C:\4channel\Yea Forums\4channelorg\board\v\threads\posts\470236658\doxinfo\userpc\system32\hackerfolder\hackingexes\systemdestructor9000\gayporn\destroy4channel.exe
Try pressing f5 and see your precious 4channel on its knees
Have fun!
this is fucking retarded why would you file publishers under game engine
>scared of svchost
For what purpose
>implying all the passwords is not in my head
nice try dork
>config.ini exists in all 3 and the game uses different parts of each
futa is gay
wtf bro
>not hiding your work documents in the legal pornography folder
it's foolproof, no decent person would check the porn folder, and no one trying to fuck with you would enter the legal porn folder
I miss 2006
Had to do it user
C:\Program Files\Video Game\VidGam.exe
I miss it when Windows computers were a little bit simpler.
>not saving uncompressed screenshots
>mfw used to play pirated multiplayer steam game using zero gear batch file trick (piggybacking)
>C:\SSD Games\Game\Launcher.exe
D:\ ( :
>mfw I still play pirated games by downloading the clean steam files from based ruski forum and running them through a steam emulator
Honestly dont know how people pay money for this DRM shit or run music-playing cracks or whatever that shit fitgirls releases is.
This thread reminds me that I have a horrifyingly unorganized porn folder.
My 2015 self would be absolutely ashamed of me if he knew that not only was I still a NEET but also had a messy porn collection.
>clean steam files from based ruski forum
it could be a virus disguised as an svchost
>organizing your folders
I have 3 folders, doujins, pictures, games
everything else like movies, anime, programs stay in Downloads
>those anita sarkeesian femdom captions
>Year 201999
Get process hacker, right click on suspected process. If it unsigned (no official microsoft certificate), it's a virus.
>these pictures
Where did your life go so wrong
looking good, got a mega for that?
Can you post third row, fourth file?
hummm today I think I'll fap to backgorunds...
My Documents/My Games/Game folder
My Documents/EA Games/Game folder
My Documents/Games/Game folder
My Documents/Game folder
My Documents/Game Expansion folder
people do that shit all the time in /wg/
I don't use it with exception to the "downloaded images" which is just pictures I really liked, I use my bookmark tags instead.
also I'm in the clear when artist nuke the galleries and I made sure to have them downloaded.
c:\things\don't click\don't click\cp
Thanks user
It's not gay if I jerk off to this imagining those balls in my mouth right? Just checking
cute penis
Process hacker could be a virus disguised as a process hacker.
You a fucking pedophile? What the fuck is that S folder?
>Sees a naked body
Jesus christ
>What the fuck is that S folder?
my ass
Recently deleted the appdata for civ v and it was like 5 gigs. Insane.
I had mine inside the clan rank image folder in warcraft 3
Not in a folder inside that mind you, just straight in that folder
We posting our collections now?
Back to resetera, kiddie diddler.
>on another harddrive
pisses me off
Do people that size really eat 3-4 pizzas like that?
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\AnimeFuckPuzzle3
You can easily move steam libraries if you care
Magic senpai looks so shit
Use VeraCrypt for extra security.
>mfw i deleted all my porn because im trying to deal with my masturbation addiction
Yes but my dick
post your porn folder
Genuinely the only smart one here
Plz post the squid in the second row
There's no such thing as masturbation addiction. Do you also have an air breathing addiction?
have at it
>Install game on D: drive
>Makes folders on C:
for what purpose
what about: See-anime-tittie-click-save-immediately addiction
>not using Tomorrow style
>anons sharing their favorite pics that make their peepees hard
Muh documents and settings on XP started it all.
Fucking hate it.
a few folders here in AppData\Local, and few here in Documents, then some more in AppData\Roaming, oh and don't forget that there's a few GB in ProgramData as well.
I miss the era where settings was in *.ini files and save folders was in X:\Game\saves\save.sav
I'm pure, I use vanilla.
I'm a grown adult now, I keep my porn in a folder at the top of the drive named porn
Well being an adult you do know what your computer will be taken away in the event of your death, by someone.
I don't even have porn on my computer, nor do I watch hentai, but they are good at keeping a good ratio and a healthy torrent community.
I litterally have 3 external HDD full of porns.
>not keeping all your porn on a hidden encrypted folder several layers deep on your phone that you decrypt when you need to so you can fap anywhere you go
Cheers user
And that person if not a complete leftist retarded sub-human will carry on the torch that is his collection.
Nigga when your dead your dead. You wont he worrying about it.
That's not hurting anyone.
>fapping on your little phone instead of doing it in the comfort of your room with a high res monitor and comfy chair
masturbation is a fucking event, not something just to do when you're horny
How do you know? Plus it doesn't matter, your name and memory live after you die.
>no thumbnail on the webm
Icaros my dude, you should use that.
It's extra strange since boot drives are so common now.
I tried to set my boot drive to something other than c: but I couldn't. it seems you have to set it correctly when you first set the system up
>having a pornfolder so small it fits on a 100gb phone
Fuck outta here.
let me guess, you touch you're peepee more than 3 times per day
Of course I have my homebase folder at my pc, but you gotta take the greatest hits along with you. Dont tell me Im the only one of you autists running his own porn itunes between his pc and phone
>He doesn't want to be known as an inspiration who got away with it his entire life
>Had a Yea Forums folder on my old laptop that I would just save shit from here unordered
>A good 80% of it is anime tiddies
Glad i've gotten it under control now, sort of.
And? You won't give a fuck. You're dead. There won't be a (you) to sperg out when your mom finally finds out your 1tb foot porn folder.
That still leaves everyone else to deal with it however they see fit.
>D:\Games\Gamename\ instead of D:\Gamename
Your boot will always be C:\
if you install windows on your secondary drive it will show itself as C:\ in that other OS install of Windows.
Best is to always remove all drives that aren't related to your boot drive to prevent Windows from putting page/system/restore partitions on it.
Why not like I have it?
There are games on D:\ as well. The games that doesn't need SSD access times.
Once every two or three days. As long as you're not tearing your dick raw, everything's good.
How do I know there is no afterlife? No one knows user, but do you think in any case you would give a fuck after death? Like its most likely logical that we die and then we just cease and thats it. But if the major religions are true, which they arent and burden of evidence lies on those who claim they do, then i will be in eternal paradise or torture, reincarnated as something or someone else, in a collectice of souls making up what we think is god, or some other grand divine shit. In any case of these I dont think I will be worrying about my left behind porn.
The dick lubricates itself, unless you're a sub-human jew victim that is.
>tfw can often jerk off up to 3 times in a row with only a few minutes between
>if i fap and come back to fap a few hours later it takes like 30 fucking minutes
Its not fair bros why cant we jerk off all day. I hope we love to see cybernetic augmentation so I can have infinite masturbation implants
>Your boot will always be C:\
Then why the fuck do people keep coding games that install shit to C: even when the game itself is installed to another drive
Path of exile I believe takes it a step further and automatically installs to C:
>Still using folders
Hydrus Network has made folder sorting obsolete.
>the dick lubricates itself
Uhhhh user? Do you have sweaty dick syndrome? You foreskin isnt really lubricated.
>guild wars
The ammount of times I've oppened my gallery and had a girl's ahegao filling my whole screen by accident in front of other people were too many for me to carry porn on my phone ever again.
why did you show me this, i'll forever be tending to my memes and will never want to leave my computer now
based atheist
Yeah you really couldn't bear to lose such a work of art as this
>Store all of my documents/pictures/games on separate drives.
>Have the Windows drive on an SSD
>Set the target folder on the C drive install of Windows to those folders.
Has worked great for years, when Windows fucks itself all I have to do is re-install and re-target the folders again.
If you use android all you have to do is put a . in front of the folder name to make it hidden and prevent it from showing up in gallery or other apps that show all saved images. Then you just use a file browser to that folder and have at
Because god put a sex cooldown on you so you couldn't fuck up the genetic pool. It's not his fault you're wasting his gift all over the keybord.
Next time role a girl, they don't have a cap.
Unless you're low-test, you should naturally produce enough precum to fap with.
Because they are made for multiple user installs.
Proper programs offer a "only for this user" and "keep settings in program folder" options.
Games offer none of those and simply install the game files in the folder you ordered it to, but keep all settings, progress etc to C:\User\fuck\fuck\fuck\fuck\fuck\fuck\hidden\useless trash folder\{563HG-G34AW-G34GER-SGUJW-TKAW3-GAMES}\retarded folder location\
Maybe so, but it's more convenient if you want to backup files from specific games, knowing that everything you need is in \game folder\here
>Hiding your porn
I have a massive collection of hand picked pics. Each one will get my dick hard and leaking precum. Don't give me any of that mass download bullshit of random poor quality pics that a lot people here do.
user, I...
Oh shit, didn't knew that
But the life of a girl is shallow and destructive since they don't find anything in life fun unless it's derived from attention that destroys someone else life.
I've never seen anyone use B as a drive letter
when i was a kid i kept mine in my THQ/Dawn of War folder
Who was your rabi?
Were did he cut you?
Who gives a fuck, I'm talking about masturbation. Just fap all day
Once you're a girl you don't think "who gives a fuck".
You'll think "how can I do this while faking that I'm pure while earning money from beta people?"
>miss fortune using her feet
And yet the pigs clicked anyway. That's got to be a violation of an amendment or something.
>not putting your porn on a virtual machine
D and E were already taken.
Rookie. I have an actual massive collection of hand picked patrician femdom vids. This is only 25% of my collection, the rest are on external HDD.
That is where I keep all of my games, how did you know?
D and F*
Its not my fault user :(
But since when did your foreskin produce lube, is it the smegma
This stupidity is impressive.
Just remove the damn drive letters on those two partitions.
Let's see one then so I can tell you how shit your tastes and what a giant fag you are.
>hand picked
I don't see why, no problem with using B as a drive.
>But since when did your foreskin produce lube
You're not well informed on your own gender.
>is it the smegma
Do you even know how to clean yourself?
>The dick lubricates itself
Where in my comment do I bring up foreskin?
Damn I really need to get my shit together
I'm circumcised and I've never needed lube. I just rub my dick to make it go, same as you.
There's nothing wrong using B:\
But it is wrong having unusable partitions taking up drive letters.
Oh no my precious drive letters.
tell me to have sex
have sex
Don't have sex, no one needs your babies around
Are you saying your precum? user you could just explain instead if being mean
>Not even a single GB
I dab my precum away because although it's slippery at first it soon becomes sticky.