What are some videogames that were not ruined by being hyper realistic?
What are some videogames that were not ruined by being hyper realistic?
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i wanna fuck that lion
Is it true the cut out Scar's song?
Those both look like shit. I'm glad even normalfags are aware of how worthless and money-grubbing these remakes are, though-- hopefully this will cause Disney to pump the breaks and knock it the fuck off for a little while until the cattle forgets all about it as usual.
Zelda. As much as i love twilight princess, the look didn't age well
Realism in video games is a waste of time. It's forgettable and boring, and the most expensive route you can go.
Did they cut out the sex scene?
Why else would you even watch it?
>game has remake
>artstyle is literally SOULESS garbage
everytime with VNs aka YU-NO and also new Langrisser I&II
Basically anything that vile Ar Tonelico artist touches
MGSV, if only because it got realism and style in a good balance
There's like three fucking threads of this MOVIE
Yes and it's in the daytime too. Also no dancing animals in can't wait to be king as its not realistic for animals to stand on top of each other
TP isn't realistic, it just has an artstyle catering to teens of a decade ago who loved listening to green day and similars.
metroid prime
>cut the Scar song
>still have your actor sing the song for the soundtrack
Lost my interest when I heard that
Who the fuck wanted this?
I watched the aladdin one they put out
never again.
>Someone had thought a photorealistic Lion King was a good idea
I hate you new Disney. I hate you...
Still there but it's gimped now
This whole thing sounds gay.
jesus fucking christ
Okay, that right there is some PC bullshit. Fuck Commiefornia.
All these live action disney movies are trash you'd think they would've got the hint after the first few bombed
wow, what a letdown
the original was pure kino
So is this whole movie just regular looking cgi lions talking and walking
Now post the original for comparison.
Are you serious? Disney have remade almost ALL of their most famous animated films in the last 5 years. Theres literally nothing left....
This is pretty good. But it's like 80 seconds of music. Why so shy to do a real song?
It had generic art back then and the remake has generic art now. You might like one artstyle over the other but there's nothing special about either of them.
Look closer, user.
because they knew they weren't going to put it in the movie anyway, so they just put in the minimal effort to appease people that are upset it's not in the movie, and maybe move the soundtrack
Still not there.
the colors are so bland
Why do they think desaturation == realistic
This is good.
>Ellejart missed the point of what Disney is doing.
I wish this realistic remake shit would fucking end with Disney. What's next, is Kingdom Hearts going to get a realistic makeover in the future to keep up with realistic makeovers?
Mulan is next, isn't it?
Is it also true that they made the hyena into innocent victims oppressed by the patriarchy into villainy?
In fairness, hyenas get a fucking raw deal, just cos they are scary looking. They hunt more and better than lions do, yet they get branded as scavengers.
the new generic style is literally a bunch of samefaces
At least the original each girl was obviously different from one another with different facial features
It's already in the making. dummy.
>inb4 they do a live action Nightmare Before Christmas starring Johnny Depp
Computer, load up Celery Man.
>he doesn't know
At the very least, the original was pleasant to watch, and the ANIMATED characters weren't afraid to express that it was a CARTOON and take advantage of it. The "remake" just showcases "realistic" animals running with animated mouths and little else. There is NOTHING going on.
This realism meme needs to die.
>hyena chorum barely in
it's something I guess
>no giant swinging lion scrotum
Yes and it's following the original patriotic story more than the tomboy meme Disney adaptation. Complete sellout for the chink audience.
is this chink kino?
What did they do with the Mufasa death scene? Did they render it in all its brutal barbarity or did they censor it so they won't offend any feefees?
China numbah wan!
Ah, I see. Cheeky.
Disney insider here.
Great mouse detective is next as an allegory for Brexit.
that voice acting is fucking atrocious
Fable remake
honestly if it means hollywood death I welcome our new chink overlords
>Is it also true that they made the hyena into innocent victims oppressed by the patriarchy into villainy?
That's exactly what they are in the original movie. Not "innocent" as in dindu nuttin but they are ostracized by the ruling elite, forced to live and eat shit while the lions live it up in literal banana republic fashion.
I have always sympathized with the hyenas even though i was a child back then.
All the styles here are generic. The ones on the left (the "soul" ones i assume) are just 80's generic instead of 2010's generic.
>pixar films are most likely the next once they're done with the animated movies
Food for thought regarding Disney remakes: while you may not like the live action versions of your childhood classics, the originals still exist and are not changed in any way because the remakes exist, you're getting mad because you want to. Meanwhile kids, who are the actual target audience for the majority of Disney movies, will probably enjoy and grow fond of these versions, exactly like what happened to you when you watched these as a kid.
tl;dr you're not the target audience and you're raging because you're a manchild
I heard they wanted the bro trio to be mulan's friends because they find out she's a girl as opposed to them just being her friend naturally, without them knowing.
It's just a rumor I heard, but I seriously don't doub they would pull such a stunt. Good lord these are horrible. Do yourself a favor and don't watch them.
This version sucks
>Pinocchio and Fantasia will never be remade in your lifetime because the subject matter is too difficult for the cookie cutter remake factories to handle
feels good man
I also thought of these as an alternative take, and not a replacement
But they're so bad, user. So bad they're a disgrace to the orignal.
aren't they doing a live action of every animated movie to keep the rights to the characters or some shit?
Left looks amazing you disney fags will complain about anything
>the originals still exist and are not changed
He doesn't know what the re-releases did
Lilo and Stitch is after the Mulan live action remake.
This is 90% of Yea Forums's childhood. Stop being a stick in the mud.
Don't be so sure, user
The original is only a little longer, yet it feels like so much more: youtube.com
And it's not even like the original doesn't have problems. It feels like 2-3 types of music mashed together, and the I'd forgive someone for saying the marching segment feels tacked on. But it hits WAY harder.
I'm upset for the children who will grow up watching the objectively inferior versions of these films. God forbid they actually end up enjoying this soulless trash, making it easier for Disney to spoon feed them shit later down the line.
if Mulan can be remade, so can those
>living during the era of the internet
>implying you cant watch the original releases
A shame their leader has his head so far up his own ass that even his total victory didn't help anything in the long run.
Make Snow White black
Toy Story 2 had a scene in the credits removed for being controversial.
>Lilo and Stitch
Too fucking far. How will they ruin my favorite?
but the lions kept the fertile land as their personal farm while keeping every other predator on the shithole areas in the original, and only mufasa's pride, every lion not part of it was also on exile
the herbivores went along with it because it mean they only had to worry for one predator
No, you are EXACTLY the target audience. These beat-for-beat remakes are just lazy nostalgia grabs trying to get you to go to the theaters because it reminds you of that film you used to like as a kid.
The Beauty and the Beast remake, for example, has almost no identity of its own. It's impossible to interpret it independently of the animated film. A kid wouldn't know what to make of the remake, but the animated films is still one of the most accessible films of all time.
For sure, but they were still 'villains' in the film.
In the new one, do they get redemption given that they wuz good gurlz? Or anything gay like that?
That just sounds like BS.
they didn't even begin with being realistic only sonyfaggots care about much cinematic experience.
I'm glad disney hates treasure planet so it'll never get raped like this...right?
Expect recess if they go that far.
>Robin Hood will get a 3D remake in your lifetime, sparking a second wave of furry fetishists 20 years from now
Yeah, the Hyenas weren't oppressed by the Lions, they were kept out because they ruined the circle of life and couldn't keep the land stable for the future. So the Lions kept them out so their land wouldn't be ruined.
Scar let them in, and look what happened.
Lilo and her sister are black and it takes place in detroit. Stitch is just a dog from space.
It's not even that old, what the fuck.
Just remove the explicit references to basically everything in Pleasure Island and Pinocchio is fine. It would still be shit of course.
are we now pretending that original movies are flawless or what? because their reaction to learning that mulan was a girl was retarded, she would be jsut honourably discharged and praised, but it wouldnt be le stronk womyn be opressed enough
17 years old, user
LMFAO disney is going to be 0-10 on live action remakes
I liked that. The original is very "real" and even more topical now with the resurgence of populism and record wealth disparity.
It'll just be human actors.
If you think kids won't be able to enjoy this, I sincerely doubt you've had a good childhood. Kids LOVE animals, user, cartoonish or realistic. When I was like 3-4 years old I loved to watch those animal documentaries, even though I couldn't understand any of it, jsut because of the animals. And bear in mind, I'm not saying this will be the same, because Lion King has dialogue, songs, and is not that difficult to understand, only literal retarded kids wouldn't be able to understand and follow the story as it goes.
The only character that was actually ruined in the remake art-wise is the guy with the red cap and a hoodie that looks like a low-key trap now, literally everyone else looks much better than before.
So basically Men in Tights?
Libtards ruin everything, breaking news
Would she? I know Mulan's not... the most accurate film of all time. But it's a pleasant watch
Nobody thought this, the top jews at disney ordered their slaves to make this movie because it refreshes the IP for Lion King and stops it from going public domain
they give zero fucks if the movie bombs, they just want to keep their IP
Thabkfully black cauldron is forever safe.
Iirc lady and the fucking tramp is gonna be redone.
>lowering the standards is okay
Dude, every generation prior to you and every one that'll come after us will have this "it was better at my day", but this shit is almost entirely subjective. Shit changes. You may like the originals better, and that's fine, I assure you there's also people who love the remake and think it shits all over the original. You, me or anybody hating on this movie will not stop any of the new gen from enjoying it, unless their parents flat out refuse to bring their kids to watch it and have them watch the OG version instead.
that version you posted cut out the "LONG LIVE THE KING" part
I can't unhear Jim "Dick Pics and Hurled Bricks" Cummings after the sniff anymore. Really frustrating.
>having interest in the first place
Wasn't the Hun boss beaten by being transvestites to trick him? How will they change it for the sjws?
Lion King hasn't even been 30 years
They are feminists.
Mufasa was redpilled as fuck.
Pinocchio's live action was already perfected 17 years ago.
You're right but I always get optimistic until I see shit
The remakes are for the most part better, especially in terms of artistic skill in which case they're basically exclusively better.
You're deluded because you're not living in the 90s and the older ones seem unique and "soulful" even though you've probably never even heard of either of these games until many years later through the internet you faggot.
Different strokes for different folks.
I know basically nothing about this tripe nor do i care to know user. The Lion King is very special to me as it was the first movie i ever watched in a theater and the first Disney movie i ever watched. It completely blew me away, i don't care to have my childhood raped.
Fantasia is so completely unadaptable it's honestly kind of amazing.
The originals exist.
The recent "classic" movie to be slapped with censorship is Toystory2. Stop lying.
Only a matter of time before Disney thinks to remove the scar song from future Streaming and future retail releases the way things are going.
Irony is, if you look at the meaning behind pinnochio, Disney is the coachman.
They peddle degenerate, bad behaviour to kids, to take advantage of them.
at least mulan has humans
the biggest mistake they made with lion kings was thinking that irl lions had emotions
Why the fuck are people saying the new ones look better?
I can tell you exactly why I like the originals better:
>More contrast.The new ones look washed out
>More depth. The new ones look flat
>Better shading. The old ones have shading that defines the forms of the hair, clothes, etc. and is detailed. The new shading is extremely simplified in comparison and often just uses a gradient to shade.
>More interesting use of color. The original (probably due to technological palette limitations) uses interesting colors to shade and highlight, such as in the redhead's dress. The new art simply uses darker and lighter variations to shade, making it less interesting and less varied.
The remake, at least in yu-no's case, looks flat, poorly shaded, and poorly composed,
What are you talking about? Aren't 90% of the stories and characters disney uses in the public domain?
That looks too similar to Antifa so it had to be cut.
yes, haha
>Villains aren't allowed to evoke villainous imagery now.
These edits are shit
You posted the wrong one.
Good shit bro.
Hold onto that memory, the faggot Disney now is nowhere near the same as old Disney. But they can never take away your enjoyment of classic shit.
>public domain
>Chinese have emotions.
Tim Curry is a fucking legend. Gonna actually cry when he goes. He's been in so many of my favorite things to watch.
I'm not mad because they are "replacing" the old I'm mad because people will never get the chance to enjoy the original and instead have to deal with this subpar remake
effort and quality are consistent across time and handcrafted products are better than industrialized stuff
>Langrisser I&II
Fuck, you just HAD to remind me
>people calling an entirely CGI movie "live action"
yes, haha
So we can all agree that The Lion King has easily one of the top 5 best opening scenes in kino history right?
>vile A-
Ar Tonelico looked good!
didn't the villian mutate into a fish-man in that one?
Honestly I hope so, it's shit like this that's responsible for the modern furfag epidemic
>the biggest mistake they made with lion kings was thinking that irl lions had emotions
>Tim Curry
Tim Curry? You mean Jeremy Irons?
who cares, they are complete shit
disney is creatively dead and I'm going to laugh at the corpse
plus, I'm not even going to bother pirating this crap
Just like Tony Jay and Vincent Price. And you took him lord you took him.
It ain't looking good guys.
>people will never get the chance to enjoy the original and instead have to deal with this subpar remake
Honestly, this is needlessly pessimistic.
Robocop, Evil Dead, The Thing, Total Recall, Predator, Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Suspiria, BEN HUR.
All these films had recent remakes that were forgotten almost immediately. If you say 'Robocop' today, it's clear you don't mean the 2014 remake. Same will happen here. The originals will live on, the remakes will be, culturally, dead on arrival.
I think he meant expressive features. You can tell by the lioness' actions that she's happy, but her face doesn't budge.
Cats don't physically emote the same way humans do, which is why the original did what it did (and well).
Don't worry user, he's in........SPACE
Good. Singing was always the worst part of all these Disney films.
I just have a very hard time seeing Chiwetel Ejiofor as a scummy schemer character that Scar is. I also don't like at all the sort of start and stopping his speaking is in the song. Irons' feels much smoother and effortless. Perhaps in this version Scar is particularly angry here or something?
Most of their identify is from pilfering it, but they refuse to let anything of theirs enter it.
both of those were made by the same artist
Oh fuck I did it again, I keep thinking Tim Curry voiced Scar for whatever reason maybe he actually did OMG MANDELA EFFECT AAAAAAAA
But seriously, gonna be a sad day when that news shows up in my feed.
they misplaced their focus
the VAs could literally be anybody as long as the faces are emotive
putting good VA on realistic lions, emotions it does not convey
>Tim Curry
All of your posts reek of soi
Why are they so obsessed with live action
Why not just greenlight a modern animation
40 something years old Poeple who are blinded by pseudo-nostalgia that only want remakes to go to see with the excuse that it looks ''new and better, so their kids will like it'', because they're reluctant and ashamed to just get the original movie on blu-ray or streaming because ''it's old so is bad, it aged like milk and cartoons are for kids''.
Yes, we are living on a 50 years long dark age limbo of remakes of literally everything that was successful three or four decades ago, because audience like this.
I know. Oh how the times have changed.
consume products, then wait for next products, then have sex
Feels good not being a manchild who still has emotional attachment to fucking children's movies. Disney can do whatever the fuck they want with it, I don't care, haven't cared in many years.
Yep and Mushu's not in it so I'm already fucking out.
>Mushu's not in it
What? Really?
Robin Hood didn't make me a furry. Rescue Rangers came close, though.
At least they'll never touch ma boy, right? Right???
Disney is trying to use nostalgia to get our (30yr old boomers) generation to bring their kids to see the same movies we grew up with. retail re-releases don't make as much money compared to theater releases.
Not only will they do it but they'll get a different actor too
Wait... what's wrong with Langriser?
Because of how James Woods has become on twitter, yeah they'll probably never remake Hercules
Or they will and he won't be recast
Funny joke nigga
When they do they will fuck up hades
Hercules was a really shit movie
James Woods was contracted to do any and all appearances of Hades. If they get someone else I'm sure he'll throw a shitfit.
can't wait for all the greek niggers
I love PJ's laugh.
Isn't it in his contract that only he can voice Hades? or is he just really dedicated that he makes sure he knows whenever they're using the character?
he enslaves womens souls
He's getting the axe. We can't have scary bad guys with charisma.
2d animation is expensive and frankly, there aren't a lot of people still around actually capable of producing theatre tier animations. A lot of the ones that can got burned and dont want to work with Disney anymore either.
friendly reminder that they'll also cut hellfire once they get to notre damme
I think you mean Jim Cummings
Could they have at least gave him the black mane
No u
Here’s your (You)
drink bleach, shit stain
Shit, that'll probably happen
Hades without Woods wouldn't even be Hades at that point.
I sure a lot of people, including myself would pay good money to see a pack of rabid Hyenas get set onto an Antifa crowd.
The far right Langrisser is not that bad. The middle Langrisser is pure cancer.
>Tim Curry
Wrong movie, user.
It was not by his hand that he was once again given the role. He was brought here by CONTRACTS, which force Disney to pay him tribute
>Notre Damme getting a remake
Won't happen, the process of looking for anyone who can portray Quasimodo would cause them shit.
People will see it as offensive if it's not a real Hunchback
I'm pretty sure he was shadowbanned from Hollywood. They definitely don't like him now that he shits on lefties.
You bet your ass they'd find a way to get rid of him if they remade Hercules.
It would not surprise me if they cut the archdeacon and make the church flat out evil.
Sorry, it seems I was incorrect. Consume products, then wait for the next product, then DILATE. That's the one!
wasn't the church portrayed as evil in SOTN?
You know why this happens.
Serioulsy, what's with Disney realistic remakes and refusing to use camera cuts? It's a constant issue with them having one slow moving camera for the majority of the time.
Again, cats don't emote the same way we do - the human brain just assumes that a smile is a smile and means nothing else.
That lion is just meowing and it LOOKS like a smile, because we're hardwired to see it. Between cats, that wouldn't be a sign of happiness, just communication.
In fact, I believe a read or saw somewhere that a cat's 'smile' is actually when they narrow their eyes.
I'm not fishing, it really was. The pacing is total fucking garbage, the 'love story' is shoehorned in and makes no fucking sense, it's simultaneously too short and too long, the climactic conflict is totally fucking irrelevant, almost the whole thing's shit. It has some good lines and a couple of catchy but contextually meaningless songs.
Oh shit is that alt-right warlord James Woods?
>the lions are evil for managing their limited resources
>the hyenas are the good boys for coming in and destroying everything for everyone
Makes sense.
Sounds good to me since Fantasia is my favporite Disney movie.
They still burned Lisa, who told Alucard to not get revenge on humans. Dracula did not took it well and the main events begun, still Alucard told Dracula at the on of SOTN what Lisa told him, but he did not stopped until Julius finally defeated him.
right looks like fucking shit
I hope they keep making these terrible remakes.
This decade will be seen as an absolute embarrassment of how a company used up all their previously good IP's to squeeze dry every dollar they can get.
I cant wait till they re-make this live action lion king with real life actors on all fours. Holy shit what a joke
I know you probably meant to say shitlord but I love the mental image of James Woods as a warlord.
gotcha, thanks
>I cant wait till they re-make this live action lion king with real life actors on all fours
The sad part is that'll probably look better than this CGI garbage we're getting.
>removing thigh indentation
The greatest of many crimes in that image
Nu-Disney is cancer. Hope they implode somehow.
the fact that the biggest of disney reviewers are trashing it shows how much they fucked up
no i meant warlord
>let's homage the master of shiny tits by removing the shiny tits
Fuck off Disneyshill
Read some fucking ancient Greeks, thank you.
Hercules is easily in top 5 Disney movies
>30 years just to look at a real lion
Unironically this.
>stop having standards for the arts, everything is valid!
So did this movie bomb or what? The only thing that satisfies me with these modern remakes is seeking companies lose money.
They're still going to go see it. And Disney will get their money. You know how this works.
>Food for thought
go back
i got to see the movie early
>intro is a shot for shot remake of the circle of life
>the animals look expressionless and stonefaced, uncanny valley throughout the whole movie
>JEJ phoned in mufasa
>"just cant wait to be king" is just simba walking around and singing it
>"can you feel the love tonight" is still in the movie but it takes place during the day (???) and they dont have sex
>"be prepared" was gutted really hard
>best part about the movie is timon and pumbaa because they are the only fucking soul left
tl;dr its the original movie but worse in every way, it is exactly as boring and soulless as you think it is
You dumbasses do realize that at this point, the only reason these remakes are made is because the stale rice curtain that is China has been opened ever so slightly and now Chinese are able to watch movies from evil Capitalist Disney? I don't buy the "Maleficent did really well so that's why they did it", since I don't even fucking remember Beauty and the Beast coming out. I'm convinced they're making these for the Chinese Audience at this point, as are a lot of Hollywood fucks bending the knee to the mainland.
>So did this movie bomb or what?
Its not out yet. The release is July 19
It will definitely break even though. 100%
There's rumors of a live action remake or sequel being in the works moviehole.net
Do the bugs prefer live action junk over animations?
I'd rather watch documentary about lions on Nat Geo Wild that watch this movie. No difference anyawy
Au contraire user, they have a rising star from a popular tv show lined up to play Quasimodo
God imagine kingdom hearts 4 coming out somewhere around 2030 and they are forced to use all these soulless live action versions
was the problem with the new lion king movie the lack of emotion in the characters? I was looking forward to seeing this,
Disney does not care what you or I think. They don't care what anybody thinks. As long as they make absolutely retarded amounts of money they will keep pumping out these garbage soulless movies and remakes. Which they will keep money, because 80% of the world is fucking retarded and loves this trash.
I’d rather watch the Maleficent 2 that’s coming out, and even that is just as unnecessary
>all these people thinking old Disney cared
Have you fucks forgot how many of their franchises were nuked because wanted cash-grab sequels? Are you even aware of their straight-to-DVD animations? They're notorious for being jews since Walt died, and that old fuck knew how bad his company would have been once the jews take over
Tell me, how many of you are even aware that there is a sequel to Lion King, Cinderella, Snow White, Mulan, Hercules, and Tarzan?
tl;dr Disney was always jews, but nowadays they're not even afraid to show it
They prefer CGI junk to drawings, yes. Don't call it live action you retard.
Well clearly it must have been some mandate by the "People's Republic" not to allow them to see animated movies since it was evil or some shit, but live action is alright now, for whatever reason.
You motherfucker user, I choked on my drink
Yeah, well at least in between the bouts of cash grabbing they bothered to make decent stuff every now and again. Now? It's all shit.
The Aladdin movie with the midas hand was my favorite as a kid. I like it more than the original.
Holy fuck, I didn't think about this.
The Lion King's sequel was pretty good though.
>The only thing that satisfies me with these modern remakes is seeking companies lose money.
Dumbo - Budget $170m - Worldwide $352m
Beauty and the Beast - Budget 254m - Worldwide $1.263b
Aladdin - Budget $183m - Worldwide $929m
Christopher Robin - Budget $75m - Worldwide $197m
Just because a company is bad doesn't mean they can't get worse
Aladdin and the King of Thieves was kino
>woman killed at start
>baby is almost drowned
>sexual themes mostly involving rape
>handsome guy gets the girl instead of hunchback
Yeah it’s never going to happen
I remember the Lion King 2 was kinda good.
To be fair, the Aladdin and Lion King sequels are alright.
There was a Cinderella sequel?
>I believe a read or saw somewhere that a cat's 'smile' is actually when they narrow their eyes.
that and when they blink slowly while making eye contact
they already did that
Why do people like the netflix Castlevania? It's terrible.
It's a symptom of parental disinterest. Kids want to see movies, parents don't really care because children's movies are all cheap schlock to them, so they pick whatever is playing at the time and take their kids to see it. Nobody wants to run a kid's movie against Disney, so any time a Disney movie is in its theater run, they make half a billion dollars.
Get in line friend
Two sequels, actually.
Cinderella 2 was hot garbage.
Cinderella 3 was surprisingly good.
Yes it will, France is(and apparently has always been) a black country so it will be easy to update. The villain will remain white and right before the end credits the cast will turn to the screen for a unified FUCK WHITE PEOPLE AND FUCK DONALD TRUMP send off
>go to 'short hair', 'beast vs wolves (original)', 'one jump (original), etc
>tons of comments saying how much better these are than the remakes, or how 'they're going to ruin this when the live action is made, aren't they?'
>go to the newer versions
>'this is shit', 'an absolute joke compared to the original', 'I'm a kid and I'm glad I saw the new one because now I found the old one!'
The sequel was good too.
Yeah taking out Scar's song was a big mistake. Yes the song had Nazi imagery, but the song itself didn't.
God that sequel was atrocious
God I just want to bleach this one forever from my memory. Same with Hunchback 2 Holy fuck.
Pinocchio will no doubt get remade. The question is how will they go about blatantly removing the Christian elements and anti-degenerate morality without completely rewriting the story?
Can't have commies looking like the fascists. Color me surprised
Oh please they just turn Pinocchio from a boy to a girl.
Holy fuck this was a movie that I wanted to know what happens next, yet now there is 2 fucking sequels
I dont know anymore
So Aladdin's breaking 1 billion right?
what the actual fuck
Pretty damn sure China was able to watch those movies long before that time.
Avert your eyes my sweet. Some thing are better left alone.
Beauty and the Beast made a billion
Aladdin is about to make a billion
The Lion King will make a billion
and Mulan will absolutely shatter the box office thanks to China
Wasn't Christopher Robin considered to actually be good?
I like the trailers. Wonder if the whole movie is good?
DBS Broly looks so good it makes it hard to go back to the series now, they redeemed themselves imo
TFA had Nazi imagery, so why would Disney have a problem with it here?
>85% talking
Because long takes = "artistic", except when it's done with film it actually involves planning and coordination, CG is just baby mode laziness.
Disney could never
Nobody goes to see a movie for quality, user. They go for pandering.
That’s Dreamworks
I have no problems going back since i'm more of a Z guy than a Super guy.
Daily reminder that movie flopped so hard that it killed all the sequels Dreamworks had planned for it.
that's why I said disney could never compete
It's weird because the movie is beloved and remembered by everyone now.
Haven't seen it but I'm actually curious. Mostly because it's an actual original story.
>release: March 31, 2000
what the fuck
Holy fuck what kind of a faggot did you have to be to care about the lion king cartoon or this new crap?
Not really, the movies are made for 30 year olds to drag their kids to see them, because current kids don't care for the cinemas & just watch netflix on their tablet while they play fortnite
Meh. The CGI sucked and the choregraphy dissapeared on the back end. I don't like these one sided powerup beatdowns that shounens love to do anymore. Maybe thats why I've soured on Gohan vs Cell. Its just not the same without Kageyama.
Yes, it was a straight-to-video film. It really wasn't bad at all, because it actually reconciled Cinderella with her step-sisters and gave them happy endings too.
Why is there a trend on Yea Forums to try to compare something to video games that is totally unrelated to somehow justify these off-topic posts? If you want to talk about not video games, take it to the appropriate board, in this case Yea Forums or Yea Forums
Same Reason the Iron Giant is now widely regarded as one of the finest Animated movies ever made.
No one was buying tickets to animated movies that weren't Disney back then but you were willing to give it a watch when it was on TV
a deviant
particularly one from Deviantart
there is a really big OC fandom on there for Lion King
>reconciled Cinderella with her step-sisters and gave them happy endings too.
Y I K E S ! ! !
Ever After did it better overall.
Between this and all of Disney's furry shit it's no wonder I turned out so fucked up.
Where did the soul go in films?
and yet when you show the old versions to kids they typically have preferred the old versions
I prefer the Aladdin sequels over the original movie.
Soul does not print the dollar signs, my boy.
it drowned in an endless sea of capeshit and remakes
also too much nepotism instead of people good at their jobs
I think it's funny that Disney, a notorious anti semite, has had his creations totally milked of its soul by the Jews
I cant wait for them to thaw him out and see him make movies about ethnically cleansing Jews from the earth but with animals and fun songs
your opinion means so little
I think they're still impressed by CG like the retarded mud hut rice farmers that they are.
What was the scene about?
a lot of talented people use to work at disney, cal arts especially use to produce real talent for example & the best of the best went to Disney, this includes the likes of tim burton
now cal arts trains people to design the cheapest art style possible for koreans to animate faster, oh well
Post 2D kino
The Iron Giant is absolute fucking kino.
I'm glad the far far right decided to make the characters look like they did originally instead of keeping the generic middle right.
A really problematic scene where ol pete is promising some sex kitten barbies a role in toy story 3. It struck too close to home for many of our brave actresses and it was best to be removed.
Who cares, fucking voodoo lionfags cursed the land to make hyenas and scar look bad.
haha suffer
OMFG lol
Boards that discuss things that pertains to other boards tend to be better than the on-topic boards such as Yea Forums talking about movies and pets, Yea Forums talking about sports, /fit/ talking about anime, and pic related
I miss old Disney
Unironically sounds fun.
>MFW all the live action remake synergy shoved into Kingdom Hearts 4.
Why couldn't the series just have ended at KH2?
>the song had Nazi imagery
From this...
I think you can still catch them on youtube. They even say they won't delete them for historical reasons.
it works though because barbie had a bigger role in toy story 3
You know that the Nazi Donald episode was him having a nightmare right?
Bugs Bunny is not Disney.
All marching is Nazi imagery, user. Didn't you know.
>Bugs Bunny
>Old Disney
>Two of the pics feature Bugs Bunny in them
Ugh No, saying that if you just listen to the song without looking at the television, you wouldn't think "Nazi"
>/pol/: discusses the game
Do these fucks just enjoy being angry?
I enjoyed Cinderella 3
What am I talking about? What am I talking about?! I'm talking about your goldarned security, Hogarth! While you're snoozing in your widdle jammies, back in Washington we're wide awake and worried! Why? Because everyone wants what we have Hogarth! Everyone! You think this metal man is fun. But who built it? The Russians? The Chinese? Martians? Canadians? I don't care! All I know is we didn't build it, and that's reason enough to assume the worst and blow it to kingdom come! Now, you are going to tell me about this thing, you are going to lead me to it, and we are going to destroy it before it destroys us!
I don't want to hear their version of Let's get down to Business.
Disney will just buy warner bros anyway
& people will defend it because "but superman in my marvel movies!"
Even if I look I don't think "Nazi".
Just like any sane person.
they're literally goosestepping you idiot
You're assuming they'll even keep it in.
it's confirmed to not have any songs, it's basically a serious action movie now
OLD ____
NEW ___
The animated Mulan was pure garbage. I've always wanted a somewhat close adaptation, but not some comedic route to it. Everything else had comedy sure, but it was mostly dramatic, the animated version had absolutely no substance whatsoever.
Ruining the legacy is actually the goal, newer generation are being taught to despise older media, its not just attention span, its a seperation of class thing
I'm surprised they haven't yet. If they can buy Fox and Marvel, then why not WB?
well no shit, it seriously feels like modern hollywood is trying to replace or eclipse everything from the past with progressive flavorless oatmeal
I genuinely feel like they are trying to make people's standards lower
Are you guys excited for the Little Mermaid live action?
I know I am
Mulan will sing it to all the men in the army, near the end of the movie rather than near the start. During their darkest hour, when she nobly returns despite being cast off for her gender, the army just doesn't know what to do against the huns, and they're all scared and frightened and in a shambles. But - to a slightly different tune, to account for some extra syllables - she will sing I'll make a woman out of you.
god i hate niggers
I watched that Bugs Bunny cartoon the other day and didn't really think it was that racist. He was a caricature of a black person as much as Elmer Fudd is a caricature of a white person. And aside from that he didn't do anything unusual, aside from the weird ending where he gambles all his clothes away, which isn't really a stereotype I've heard of before.
And only Nazi's do that?
modern audiences are studied carefully so films now pace themselves around maintaining short 2 minute bursts of the viewer's attention between glances at their phone
Similar thing happened with the 2016 Jungle Book, "I Wanna Be Like You" and "Trust In Me" weren't in the movie itself but they were in the end credits and on the soundtrack.
I've noticed this too although I cannot fathom why this is being pushed.
>"The goose step is a special marching step performed on formal military parades and other ceremonies. While marching in parade formation, troops swing their legs in unison off the ground while keeping each leg rigidly straight."
That particular style? Yes.
I'm waiting for the decade where white people will stop being self-hating and will also stop people from trashing their identity. Sadly, it won't be any time soon. I'm hoping that's around the time Social Media and it's influence die.
Whenever you see this poster you know you’re in the ghetto part of town.
The hell, i was waiting for the singing to kick in but it's just mainly him talking? What a letdown
playing through the lion king world of kh2 has more soul than this entire film
I love new media
stfu, u retard
Christ you people are dumb
The stereotype was that black people were addicted to craps, a gambling game with dice.
Money, focus groups, marketing, execs, merchandising. It's why Toy Story 4 was made despite 3 being a good way to close the book.
Almost all of these are completely based. The ones that aren't are really stupid.
>implying it's not generations of raising kids on Looney Tunes and Mickey Mouse cartoons
Ah, you're right, those hyenas are in a marching band, they simply forgot to put in the instruments they're playing in that scene.
That's kono (to rhyme with oh no).
This is a really poor cherrypick
It *was* based on the Germans though, IIRC the guy who sung it was upset he wasn't told ahead of time because muh nazis.
Its this way with most animals. Humans misread animal behavior all the time because they're trying to read them like people, assign human motives and personalities, etc. I'm majoring in Zoology and the more I learn, the more resentment I have for animal "lovers" 90% are delusional idiots who get in the way of proper care and conservation because they want to treat and interpret them like little people. THEY ARE ANIMALS YOU STUPID FUCKS, THEY WORK DIFFERENT.
I like that :)
>"...and other ceremonies."
bitch, stfu
the fucking goosestep has existed since as long the construction of the Vatican
gonna tie your dumbass to a table and leave you there
>walk or march in public in a formal procession or in an ostentatious or attention-seeking way.
I will never understand what the fuck happened with toriyama as he went further into his series. Why did he went from cool fighting techniques to now fetishizing power level and having them just throw beams at each other constantly? I even miss old dragon ball with goku being pratical as shit and having to use his head to defeat his enemies. But now he's just super strong now and boring
What are some of the most common fuckups we do?
that kingpin casting is kino
the world is cruel for taking michael away from us
Why do dogs smile then
I was not going to watch any of them because all the live action disney movies are pretty trashy, hell they cant even stay true to the original so whats the point anyways
Its just easy to make endless powerups and boring fights.
How? This shit is extremely common.
>posts good changes
I'll never understand people who get angry and whiny about EVIL VILLAINS in fiction being EVIL and doing EVIL things.``
Now that's just cheating user.
user, I...
i don't a fuck what they were told
that specific type of marching with the head tilt in your gif is done more by the Chinese and Koreans than any other groups
just because the Nazis also goose stepped doesn't mean it's a Nazi march
Gotta be sympathetic now, user
I want to fondle this girl's boobs
Warner Brothers is not Walt Disney
Why is King Louie on there?
Children are stupid and they will like my stupid movie eat a dick shill
I identify with him
I'm all for shunning nostalgia, but this is the wrong way to go about it.
the fact that this parody porn looking comic is OFFICIAL will always be hilarious to me.
Comics are fucking dead.
he was a racist cariacture of a ginger freak
It's incredible how details of The Lion King's plagiarism are so commonly known today, yet nobody gives a fuck.
So now that ariel is black, will she replace the original ariel? Like how does this work, will they also kick out the girl that plays ariel in disney land? Because they do have a *rule of one* where there can only be one character.
>Nazis invented marching
Nu-Disney is garbage.
As my eyes skimmed over this post it was put together in my head as 'the fact that people think this porn parody comic is real is hilarious', and it clicked to me like 'ohhhh, I thought something was off, that makes sense'. It made so much sense that now it feels weird all over again that I misread your post and it's real.
It's ok when Disney does it.
Why they gotta do my boy mushu like that?
Looks just like a parade on the Red Square.
Walt Disney kept the kikes on a tight leash. His brother Roy however...
Money laundering on an enormous scale.
Its a tale as old as time
>leads to
>leads to
>leads to
>leads to
>leads to
Well lets just say it always comes up as a way to avert economic collapse, and religions are famous for getting things started.
That's why I don't care for the remake or the 90's animated version. Jungle Emperor will always be the true adaptation of a Shakespeare story. everything after that, is Disney stealing from Tezuka's character design.
>paraded are evil
What the fuck?
>hell they cant even stay true to the original so whats the point anyways
Lion King is literally getting panned for being too close to the original.
Based Absorbing Man
Why is she making fun of African American Vernacular English?
Talking about people who get upset that villains are evil.
This is one of the few times soul vs soulless is legitimate