Seriously though, what kind of behind the scene politics is preventing this from happening?
Seriously though, what kind of behind the scene politics is preventing this from happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
Sony money
trash engine. It's a reason why the other persona games haven't been ported yet either.
Switchkeks BTFO
to make switch only people like you seethe
It would be wasted on the Switch because Switch owners would rather play a Nintendo first party game.
>Nintendo fans: "The Switch will save Valkyria Chronicles 4"
>The game sold the second worst on the Switch, only behind the Xbox One version
because valkyria is not fun, change my mind
Sony paid for P5 exclusivity.
It's probably this Because weeb games tend to sell more on the Switch.
>when a 3rd party game perform worse on Switch
>when a 3rd party game performs better on Switch
Both are correct.
As long as it i possible, the Nintendo fan will avoid non-Nintendo games. But when the drought is long, they will buy anything, bitching along the way.
t. Never played a VC game.
>what kind of behind the scene politics is preventing this from happening?
No one wants it
Pretty sure Sony has an exclusivity deal with Persona main titles. Hence why you see Joker and that Musou game on Switch but not actual Persona
>Both are correct
Despite being contradictory statements.
After all you can't say they'll buy any third party trash if they don't buy any third party games.
Didn't it sell like shit on every platform?
Atlus just doesn't care
The same bullshit reasons that prevent SMTV for PS4.
I think it only sold a little more on the ps4 because of the drought they were in at the time.
Seriously though, what kind of behind the scene politics is preventing this from happening?
Now imagine if i asked this question EVERY FUCKING DAY demanding to know where my right to play this game on PS4 is.
Why the fuck would anyone want to play that glorified indie trash?
>rerelease the game twice in 3 years
What is this, RE4?
It's on PC, on 30% sale right now and it runs on anything.
This. Remember when making RE Nintendo exclusive nearly tanked the fucking series all together?
>inb4 but muh succesful RE4
wrong, commercial failure on the GC selling only 30,000 more copies than RE0
Sony loyalty.
Absolutely nobody wants this trash
Don't worry we got FF7 exclusive
Sony is doing everything in their power to prevent it from happening.
Well, it's simple really why Persona won't make it onto the Switch, it's because most pedos are not children.
Have you checked the switch store? FF7 is on there :^)
Did you read the part where i asked where the PS4 version was though? If thats the case then P5 runs on "PC" and you dont need your switch port and yet this thread
Realize that P5's protagonist got a prestigious honor of being playable in one of Nintendo's legendary and most popular franchises, hence why people are asking why P5 is not on the Switch in the first place. Your analogy would hold up if the OT cast got the spotlight in TLoU 2 or some shit.
>Switchfans begging for literally every port
>because they know they only get 2 first party games a year at most
It gets really annoying after so many years of begging and entitlement. And I have a switch.
I don't think it's real exclusivity. I think Atlus is just autistically set in their ways.
I told Atlus that I already own the game on PS4 and that I don't need it on Switch as well. They agreed.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 flopped on every platform.
The Persona spinoffs since P5's release have all underperformed horribly, forcing Atlus to stall production on their new IP and rush their usual redux release faster than usual. Probably why we got a Catherine rerelease too, they had their "shitty waifu OC to stitch onto main story" department already working hard so they figured another game redux should be developed alongside it.
Switchbro here
You don't want it, it's fucking trash.
> superiority complex
> coming from snoyfags
yeah right
All japanese-made engines are trash, that's why every jap dev is using UE4. The engine used in P5 (and P3D, P4D and P5D) is slightly less trash than the others, and is portable enough, all three dancing games are on vita and PS4, and P5 was ported from the PS3 to the PS4.
I laugh every time some uninformed nogger says P5 was "made for the PS4" or is a "PS4 exclusive".
Please let this post be sarcasam
Like that will ever come out
Fox engine?
Which is weird
You’d think they’d port Persona Q 1+ 2 for easy bucks
Sony are assholes.
>Simon/Richter get announced for smash
>Sony teams of up with Konami to publish a SOTN/Rondo of blood pack EXCLUSIVE for PS4
Leave the poor /pol/tard alone he probably had to drop out of school
Releasing a fixed-camera game in the new era of twin stick shooters was an awful idea, plus it didn't help that RE0 kinda blows. Announcing a PS2 port before the Gamecube version could even release was also a dumb idea. Rushing that port so it was worse in most categories, tanking its word-of-mouth praise so the tens of millions of PS2 owners largely ignored it, also pretty fucking stupid.
P5 runs on an emulator, there is no port for it. You can't say it's the same thing unless you have brain damage I guess I did wander into a console war thread after all
I don't care for P5 on switch. What I would like is P4G on switch or literally anything other than a vita.
It sold 1.6 on GameCube
When are we getting MGS games on Switch?
These kind of games don't sell with the snoys who only want to play movies.
You're wrong but ok.
It's just autistic Japanese brand loyalty or something, there's no point trying to apply logic to Atlus' business decisions. Persona 4 Golden is still stuck on the fucking Vita and doesn't even have a PS4 port, but they decided to port over the dancing spin-off instead.
that's right i forgot about this one. This and probably the Nintendo custom engine they use in BOTW are the only good ones.
it's not my fault your beloved country is too busy tapping to incest hentai to develop a decent engine, weeb trash.
Why do you want a port of a port that is also not even a good version of the game?
Correct dumb dumb, thats 30,000 more copies than RE0 did. RE3 sold 3.5 million units on PS1 alone. Capcom did not expect less than 2 mil
Valkyria Chronicles 4 didn't sell well because it got release in the same month as Spiderman PS4, Spyro Remaster Trilogy, and Dragon Quest 11. You have the ultimate normie game, then you have nostalgia bait and boomer teaching their kids about classic games, and lastly you have anime bait and DQ11 sold more than DQ9 DS (which at the time sold the most ever in the West).
VC has no niche and no real identity. Blame it on SEGA for going back on the Fire Emblem esque choose your wife and railoaded you into blondeshit Riley in VC4. VC4's failures are not with the Switch at all, it's with Minerva and Kai not allowed as romance options.
The same reason why they don't put persona q and q2 on ps4.
Botw looks and runs like shit. What are you talking about sperg? Jap games run at 60 fps way more often than western games.
BOTW is a constant 30 fps except in the Kokiri forest.
>what kind of behind the scene politics
It's called caring for your customers and securing the best titles for your console.
Meanwhile nintendo is making a game per year and you have to say thank you on top.
>Meanwhile nintendo is making a game per year and you have to say thank you on top.
Trying to hard friend
Just stupid Japanese companies that want to go down the the Sony ship.
Twenty renditions of Bing Bing Luigi Kart doesn't count
Switch is too shit.
He's right though. THe Switch library is trash and the release schedule MAYBE has one decent game a year. Most people who actually play games dont give a shit about Pokemon or Animal Crossing. This isnt Facebook.
t. Switch owner
>Joker is in PQ2 on 3DS
>Joker is in upcoming musou game P5S on Switch
He's there in some capacity
Even game devs are subject to brand loyalty.
That's every console this generation though.
Why can't they all be more like Todd Howard?
I have a Switch though.
>shows the console
>none of the games
dont wanna show people how shit your taste is huh
Pretty much, BUT the Switch in particular is shit because its just recycling the Nintendo console cycle for the 4th time, while also producing games that look and perform like shit. It's just about the substandard aspect of the console.
Because Nintendo is funding mainline. The PS/Saturn era only happened because cartridges were terrible for what ATLUS had planned.
I own all the games though. It's hacked. That's why I know the library is complete shit.
I archive all the NSPs. I may sell it after SMT5 comes out as a full library console for more value since this piece of shit was a rip off.
>>The game sold the second worst on the Switch, only behind the Xbox One version
What a weird way of saying "the Switch version was the second best selling one".
No, because PC exists.
>nothing but port of decades old games
so you hack because you're poor huh
atlus seems to hate pc and nintendo.
Pc user
>Nothing but
No, this is just a small portion in a downloads folder, I put them on an external drive so I can load them.
>so you hack because you're poor huh
No, I make around $80k a year. I just don't value shit consoles with no games, so I don't invest in any software outside of the 1 or 2 good games that release during its entire generation. Nintendo consoles tend to have short lives + shit libraries anyways. I should have waited to end of gen to even bother with one.
Well that series has pretty much been a Playstation series till 4. Honestly it's pretty niche.
I did end up buying the PC version shortly after getting the switch version.
I don't think it's really that, has Atlus done any ports of megaten game post Nocturne? Every port I can think of has either been snes titles or from the saturn
Yeah I agree I really wanted to give Minerva a dicking the most out of the main 3. Though personally I liked that drunkurd one the most
There is some exclusivity agreement at work, such is why only the SEGA titles have gotten ports. Q gets around this by being Etrian first and Persona second.
Because Atlus likes making exclusives, it's literally not hard to understand.
I think they just don't want to deal with the Switch fanbase
But muh Joker in Smaaaash
Asking for Persona 5 on Switch is like asking for Bayonetta 2 on PS4 I don't know why everyone thought it was going to happen.
>VC4 didn't sell well on Switch because of these games that were released on PS4 around the same time
I don't get it.
No one cares you false flagging nigger.
Play a real Shin Megoomy Tensai, casual scum.
>"Wow, I can't believe that loser is playing video games alone on the beach of all places!"
hogs of War was better and thats a fucking ps1 game
Unless Atlus comes out and says Sony paid for P5's exclusivity like Platinum did for Bayo 2, the complaints will keep coming.
you guys really don't pay attention to shareholder meetings...
all of atlus modern output is coming to switch
and pc
and ps4
Sega is forcing them to go full multiplat
>All japanese-made engines are trash
Not all of them, but it is more common for them to be.
The thing you need to bear in mind is that near enough every programming language is derived from English, which makes it harder for the Japanese to become proficient in them.
Sure, I hope SMT5 comes to PS4, I dont want a Shitch.
Nintendofags don't buy 3rd party games. Your kind has let die hundreds of niche game franchises already, why should Atlus give a fuck about you? If Persona had been born in a nintendo Console/Handheld P3 would have been the last game. Also Atlus tested the ground with pic-related and it flopped, actual Persona games will never come to Nintendo because you hate "weebshit".
Explain this then.
TMS was a shit game that was marketed as something else entirely. No shit it flopped, it fucking deserved to and it would have on any platform other than maybe Vita.
>still only a teaser logo
TMS is the best JRPG on the WiiU, though, but Nintenolarpers only want Nintendo products. TMS would have sold well on a Playstation system.
Contracts and mainly just Atlus just being kinda autistic in regards to platform exclusivity thing. It's why Nintendo now gets SMT and why P4G hasn't been ported to a console people actually own. Also don't quote me on this but didn't Sega of Europe have to fight Atlus to get the vanilla version of Catherine on Steam?
>Falsely matketed as a mainline SMT/FE crossover
This alone guaranteed it's failure, independent of platform. The game itself was also horrendous.
>Best JRPG on the WiiU
The ONLY JRPG on the WiiU, that's like winning the special Olympics. The only thing being on Playstation would have changed is the censorship
Seriously though, what kind of behind the scene politics is preventing this from happening?
Probably that nobody wants it
None, ATLUS are just weird when it comes to exclusivity, they always have been. P5 is far from their strangest choice when it comes to matters like this, making an SMT game that not only was an Xbox exclusive but was only released in Japan on top of it and having PQ only be on 3DS when it's a fanservice game for a series that is exclusive to Playstation are much weirder decisions. I know PQ was only on 3DS because of its similarities to EO, but it's still a weird decision all the same.
and the majority of switch owners don't want anything that isn't bing bing wahoo, zelda or pokemon. hasn't stopped people from port-begging.
pure autism. imagine playing persona in public.
This kind
imagine playing any video game in public
ATLUS barely ports anything, when they re-release things they almost always only do it if they're adding new content with it, even back with SMT1 and 2, even though they're wasn't as much content as there is in stuff like P4G and Nocturne: Maniax edition, re-releases added in new art and stuff like that instead of just being a straight port.
>Because weeb games tend to sell more on the Switch.
funny joke.
Imagine being in public.
your autistic party game's roster is not a "prestigious honor." smashfags need to get over themselves.
Based Iwata killed Shita before it was even born with one move.
Atlus are retarded
But who killed Iwata?
Probably the same shit that chains bayonetta 2 to nintendo lol.
user, That happen every time. PS4 version always sale more at the start before they fall off. Switch have a longer and lasting effect. Dragon Quest Builder 2 shown this. That game have a good launch on the PS4, but then disappear. The Switch version was still on the chart for over 2 months. That's ridiculous when you think about it.
VC has no history of being a Nintendo game. You can't expect people to buy the 4th installment of a series and buy it as their first game in the series.
>Persona 5
Ah, so P5 would have flopped on switch? I guess Atlus made the right call in not porting it.
I never said it's made for ps4? It's just not the easiest task to port from a sony amd console to a nintenbro
You're forgetting the Persona Q series, the SMT series and Joker being in FUCKING SMASH. there's your advertisment to get people to play your game. Also VC is very niche compared to Persona.
well because up until two days ago, the 3DS was still alive.
Those don't count and you know it
I think they only have advertising exclusivity IIRC
>if a game doesn't get ported to the Switch it's a conspriacy
jesus christ the delusion of port beggars
maybe Atlus doesn't want to waste a bunch of time and resources porting a game to inferior hardware?
Same reason why P3:FES and P4 aren't PS3 games.
Atlus is just fucking lazy.
Or maybe because they don't know how the Switch work. Remember, they have a team working on it for a different series. This include the fact that they will have to change a lot of things to make it work on the Switch. Atlus is just taking the easy route of things. Why change something when it already works?
and that's a good thing and it's intentional in the korok forest because it makes it feel realistic like moving into a fog irl
The RenderWare Engine isn't trash. The PS2 was a nightmare to develope for at least for incompetent devs and RenderWare made it very easy for them.
>PS3 game
>Or maybe because they don't know how the Switch work.
Probably this. same thing happened to DQXI, that game was supposed to release on Switch first and look what happened.
trash engine to translate to other consoles that don't run amdiarreah.
>"Persona 5 will be 3DS exclusive"
>"Persona 5 will be Wii U exclusive"
>Persona 5 announced for PS3 and later PS4
>"P5R will be Switch exclusive"
>P5R teaser starts with PS logo
>"I-It's VR!"
>Persona 5 The Royal confirmed as an RPG and listed as PS4 only on the main site
>"P5S will be a Switch port"
>It's a Musou spinoff
>"W-Wait for E3!"
>ATLUS confirms no plans for Switch port
>"I-It sucks anyways SMTV is coming!"
>Nintendo E3 2019: *crickets*
A better question is why this constant whining about Persona 5 in particular. There are other JRPGs on PS4 that don't get this kind of begging. And it still hasn't stopped.
Pretty much, games that are actually games tend to flop on Sony systems.
Because once something is in Smash the Switchkids will never let it go
you'll never see it coming
That's true I keep forgetting about Smash.
But they did this shit before the game awards
>There are other JRPGs on PS4 that don't get this kind of begging.
Its called falseflagging. Outside of incredibly small groups no one wants it on the switch hence why the demand was never as big as something like Bayo or even Cuphead.
To top it off it's one of the few that are still exclusive hence why its being flaunted despite the questionable quality.
Except they didn't. At best you had people mocking sonyfags saying shit like it would be on the 3ds or it doesn't matter because SMTxFE was a thing, of course that was before the idoling.
stop trying to change history
>I own all the games though
Over a thousand games? Which ones have you played?
Oh right, you've fooled yourself into thinking your caps were real.
So if i post multiple screencaps and links showing people portbegging for p5 what are you gonna say
Twitter gamefaqs Yea Forums and all the other shitty sites had people portbegging like faggots
A whopping zero I assume hence why he isn't showing game times.
People bandwagoned onto Bayonetta because she got into Smash. Bayonetta 2 was doing average Platinum numbers prior to that.
Figure a way to make the mapmaking system work in docked mode without being a horrible slog, then email it to atlus.
>n-nobody wanted it! it was all false-flagging!
read it and weep - literally thousands of posts begging for p5, over several months:
Bayonetta on ps3 outsold bayonetta on wiiu
It ran like complete shit on ps3 and it was released when ps3 just started to become somewhat decent
>what are you gonna say
The same thing I just said.
You were being mocked you moron but you can't tell the difference between that and begging.
That said I'm also willing to bet you're going to omit the vita portbegging too.
Bloodstained sold best on Switch. Crash sold best on Switch. Octopath sold best on Switch.
Persona 5 was advertised in Smash Ultimate, one of the best selling games on the platform.
When are we getting MGS games for anything at this point?
vitachads didn't need to beg for p5.
Nope I'm not gonna ignore it portbegging is a cancer and you're braindead
He's gonna say it's all flaseflagging
Remember all the persona on switch leaks people actually believed
What a great exposure of the human consciousness
my cock literally oozing cum right in your ass, op
How is this proving your point exactly?
There's only three types of post there.
Speculative ones as in those wondering why joker got into smash at all who aren't begging.
Falseflagging which is clearly shown by the "switchbros" posts which no one says unironically.
And finally, the ones that make up the biggest number, ohnononono posters, never evers ect. who are bragging about it not being on Switch and are shitposting blatantly.
Your little toy-console is just too weak to run P5. Why is this so difficult to understand for you?
>remote play
Not even the most die hard vitards subjected themselves to that.
Stop being a Persona newfag, atlus has never had the manpower to port games to different software from the one they're used to. It took them 5 years to release their first game on the PS4, there's no way in hell they're going to port it to switch any time soon.
>b-b-b-but muh P5S
That has been outsourced to a completely different company which has experience in switch games which is why it is getting a switch port.
supreme cope
>1700+ games in a little over 2 years
Let me guess, none of it counts/its all shit?
Atlus might easily be one of the dumbest vidya developers around, like how they ported P4D to the PS4 but for some fucking retarded reason P4G is still locked behind the Vita.
>All japanese-made engines are trash
FOX, MT Framework, RE Engine and the Dragon Engine would like a word with you.
MT Framework in particular, that shit got RE5 running on toasters.
Literally go to any youtube, twitter, or other discussion comment section about persona 5 and you will see faggots begging for it on switch. On the Japanese character trailers for P5R in the live chat there are faggots screaming for the switch in english. These switchfags have not played P5 and they are literally obsessed with it to the point of following obscure pre-release videos to screech about the switch.
That's one thing i don't understand you have 3 ways to play persona 5
The ps3 which is very cheap the ps4 and emulating the ps3
>atlus hates money
>nintendo also hates money
they're falseflagging you retard. everyone "begging" has already played Pe
>This basically confirms that Persona 5 is going multiplat including the Switch. Japanese devs are abandoning ship and the Playstation is going to become an exclusively SJW console by the time the PS5 is released.
Daily nintendie butthurt thread
So literally everyone is flaseflagging
Okay dude
Mainline Persona games have always been a Playstation exclusive and that's never EVER going to change
No they're not. Nobody goes on youtube comment sections with normalfag usernames and pictures of their face for their profile picture and tries to argue that it should come to switch. No Yea Forums falseflagger would have any reason to go that far. They're in every twitter comment section below official persona announcements from the persona twitter, with a long history of tweets about the switch and switch games. You can't fake that. And this goes for many other games switchfags want. They're all portbeggars, and the portbeggars are ten times worse outside of Yea Forums.
yes but you're too dumb to realize that people who want to play Persona 5 has already done so.
no one is begging for Persona 5 snoy
You forgot to mention the popular normalfags
Man i thought i was retarded
>behind the scene politics
there's probably none, maybe sony paid for exclusivity, maybe the switch would have to be using the ps3 version (or they'd have to re-tool it for something even lower spec if it wasn't built with easier settings in mind), fear that there wouldn't be enough of a market for it, any number of things really. my money is on either sony paying them to keep it on playstation, or them not wanting to potentially sour the relationship they've had with sony for persona mainline games in case they need funding in the future.
Of course user no is begging for it in your safespace
potato can’t run it
see, you're assuming that the port-beggars actually want to play the game. it's not the game that they care about, it's the "bragging rights" they think they'd have over "snoy" if it got ported.
I bought a ps4 for it and returned it once I was done, sold the game for $10 less in eBay, everything turned out A-OK other than the fact that I had to hold that awful controller for sixty hours
>sixty hours
nice falseflagging faggot
I googled it, gimme a break the game is like 3 years old already I don't remember how long it took exactly you shill
Learn what a shill is before you post again faggot
>I googled it
of course you did. you never bought it so you decided to start falseflagging by looking up how long some speedrunner completed it
the internet makes very small minorities seem huge
It's a PS3 game you nigger.
Fuck you I'm not lying you sony cocksuckers
Yes, what's your point?
last HD collection was for ps3, 360 and Vita
How is he wrong though? Senran Kagura dev literally cut ties with Sony over censorship.
>Senran devs are the only jap devs
Most jap devs still put their games on playstation. It’s too big a market to ignore.
That just makes the switch look even more pathetic
>>Most jap devs still put their games on playstation. It’s too big a market to ignore.
>Being forced to put it there means that they want to
>Implying that they wont continue to trickle over to Epic and the Switch
At this point I'm assuming atlus has some kind of arrangement with Sony.
The switch is a good deal stronger than the ps3 even in handheld mode.
Just buy a PS3
>The switch is a good deal stronger than the ps3 even in handheld mode.
Imagine actually lying to yourself like this
Yeah, jap devs are starting to put more games on PC and switch for a uncensored version. But the games are still coming to playstation systems and I doubt most of them will fully leave it even if some of them want to.
Monster Hunter World can't run on higher resolutions at 60fps without a high-end PC and it's just a PS4 port. Nintendo can't help it if Fatlus' engine/ability to port sucks ass. I'm just mad that Sakurai even bothered putting Joker in Smash if we were never going to get any of the Persona games on the BINGBINGWAHOO.
They might not leave but you'd still be playing the inferior, corporate mandated version of the game on PS4.
>That just makes the switch look even more pathetic
The Switch can run Doom 2016, which is a PS4 game.
Why would it not be able to run a PS3 game that isn't even taxing the hardware?
U mad
Because Sakurai is an actual idort and likes playing video games. Imagine being a one platform fag who won't touch anything other than what his preferred platform gets.
It's stronger than xbox 360 to a degree so it has nothing to do with the hardware being too weak. Nintendo forces all the devs porting to it to use the GPU as the main horsepower since the CPU is so shit.
He has zero connection to Smash or Nintendo though besides the shitty spin off game. It feels like the spinoff exists solely to defend Joker's inclusion. Every Smash character has had one of their mainline games on a Nintendo system except for Joker.
Really depends on the game. If its a fanservice focused game like senran then I would never want to play that on PS but if its a game like DMC5 then I really couldn’t give enough of a shit.
>B-but every character HAS to have a mainline game on Nintendo
Looks like Joker just broke another rule, fag. When will you people learn that the only requirement for getting into smash is being a video game character?
Imagine being so clueless about technology
>It's stronger than xbox 360 to a degree
*in literally every way
If Cloud can get in even though his game wasn't on a Nintendo system few months before, a Persona faggot who is a spin-off of SMT series which started on a Nintendo system can.
You got BTFO'd twice faggot haha
>superiority complex
In what world?
>He has zero connection to Smash or Nintendo
And the answer to all your complaints is
it's a weak ass console that's why , nincels cope
Mainline Persona games are Sony exclusives while SMT is for the most part Nintendo exclusives