>remake is better than original
what other games do this?
Remake is better than original
>Can you feel the love tonight now happens during the day
God I fucking hate Disney
I didn't anticipate it to look that shit
holy shit
Fuck (((Didney)))
Look at what they did to my boy
How the hell do they fuck that up?!
Mods should fucking ban you for this garbage OP. Blood must be spilled
Fuck Disney and fuck normies who enable this type of nostalgiafaggotry
They also removed "Be Prepared" entirely.
>They also removed "Be Prepared" entirely
Realistic lighting would have made the jungle almost pitch black, so they had to move it for the sake of photo realism.
not even normalfags like it. The biggest Disney cocksucker reviewer even said it was one of the worst remakes out there
Reminder that "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" is played during Daytime in the new movie
>Traditional 2D animation is essentially dead in the west
How do I cope with this feel bros
Uncanny valley and not even top notch CGI. This is the kind of shit people like this pay for several times a year.
Removing Be Prepared is far bigger sin.
>remove the only good song
Has Yea Forums finally actually found a decent example of the soul vs soulless meme?
I'm impressed.
This looks fucking retarded
Separate work teams with enough lack of communication, I guess.
>tfw I watched the Boy and the Beast the other day
Holy shit I'd forgotten how amazing a good animated movie can be. The nips had better never fucking get rid of anime.
Set it during a full moon in a clearing, like the original
>Mulan is next
is there anything good animation wise by the west not targeted for children?
Holy shit they RAPED the fuck out of this remake
>comparing jap anime to western animation
last good animation from japan was anything studio ghibli and Tokyo Godfathers
I'm calling it now
They're remaking every old Hand Draw Disney movie with CGI and Live Action
20-30 Years from now they gonna remake it again but Hand Draw
>mfw trying to explain to normalfags how 2D is a completely different skill set from 3D and 3D isn't the natural evolution
>Even middle aged people talk about their preference for the "new style" of animation
>first game in the series ends up being the best by default
>make movie creepy photo-realistic animals murdering the shit out of each other with all nigger cast singing
didney does it again
Souless v Soul.
summa finna stop u whyte boi *dabs*
It's been like 25 years and the west hasn't produced anything like HBO's Spawn since it came out.
It's OST-only, they removed it from the movie.
They may as well have removed it because these VAs are SHIT compared to the originals
Literal soulless vs soul.
Why the fuck do people get excited about these remakes? Wasn't the point of most of these movies to be animated and colorful?
Completely different lyrics, censored all to shit.
But the new one is better because the graphics are better.
Imagine if Lion King came out with Wehrmacht Hyenas today? California would have a mass seizure that may finally set off the San Andreas Fault.
Are you fucking serious?
>At Animal Kingdom right now
>Remake shit shelfwarms in every shop while people still buy the OG Lion King stuff in piles
Nice to see that this species has some shreds of decency left.
Trying to find the original versions of most of Disney's famous songs is getting really difficult. All the ones on their jewtube channel are censored versions.
>Why the fuck do people get excited about these remakes? Wasn't the point of most of these movies to be animated and colorful?
Nostalgia, just like people got excited as fuck for Banjo when it got revealed even if the poor bear has been dead for over 10 years
mushu is not a dragon anymore, is a phenix
Japan animation reigns supreme once again.
That's going to be peak soulless since they're removing all the songs. It's all to appease the Chinese market.
Wehrmacht hyenas and Hitler Scar was unironically the best thing about the original.
How do you know this?
Ironic that they made the hyenas seem like nazis when scar was basically a jew caricature that flooded the lions lands with hostile invaders.