Yea Forums kino humor
Yea Forums kino humor
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>" haha, I'd tentacle rape you if I was an octopus!"
This one always gets me
i've never laughed on Yea Forums
Then why are you here you miserable bastard?
somehow I dislike this even more than shad's normal grossout stuff.
Did he feed on that pokemon?
I want to FUCK white Korra.
Here's some crypto Yea Forums humor.
this is like a nostalgia critic tier joke
Fuck off newfag
>reddit joke
can someone replace it with have sex and dilate already
is this the resident HAHA thread?
*sensible chuckle*
Damn, that pikachu is thicc
>Oh wow, a Shadman comic without any sexual themes, that was pretty unexpe-
>sees Pikachu's ass
>one acknowledges women as a joke in combat and the other doesn't
I don't see an issue
>pika butt
Shadman can make anything sexy
>oh hey this looks like a nice comic
>it's called scalie schoolie
Well that's a bad sign
this meme makes no sense, the bottom one is clearly a better gymnast
Is she part giraffe?
This only got made like a week ago though, how could it be a classic
better mental gymnast is not a compliment, you know
Imagine dat deepthroat
>I don't agree with their morals so their opinion is objectively inferior
fuck now I want to know what character it is
No, but I am and I will show you which part later tonight ):)
Thanks doc
ranch corn nuts mmm
I hope none of you reproduce or even socialize with another human being just to ensure that your shitty taste in humor ever spreads more than it already has.
These two aren't even really contradictory. SJW fags can't even strawman right. SAD!
No one who posts here will ever reproduce
>the man of sneed
It’s penders
When will Dobson die in his debt
Kek, thanks user. Saved.
>post on v
>cum in tight schoolgirl pussy
>no condoms needed
>inb4 AIDS
Over a decade later and this is still my favorite.
But the Ditto one's though.
good edit
Sweepko should have something like scent flies that shows the number of mines in the area.
>one graphics card costs more than an entire console
this is why consolechads will always rule the market
pretty tame for a G&W main.
>being proud of not being able to afford nice things
imagine the smell bros
i will remind them
>character is LBGT now
>better give him lusty eyes to make it clear
Every fucking time
Whats with you bird brains lusting after kazooie
i dont see them as sex eyes, are you secretly a furry or something?
It's ancient man
damn that brings me back
wtf i hate meat now
Notice how he looks at the bear.
>t. spends thousands of dollars every few years to stay up to date
>console chads only have to make one purchase
sounds like cope
Fucking vegetarians should thank me for eating the animals that feed on their food
I am a Yea Forums user and I approve of this message.
You literally don't have to do that, I'm sorry for your small brain
i dont see it
It's closer to $200/year to stay ahead of the current consoles, and if you're poor you can pirate all your games.
>>he can't afford nice things
>you literally don't have to do that
LMAO the amount of PCcope is insane
>Of Legends
Always gets me.
Are you telling me you don't have to buy a new console every 5 years to play the latest games?
I mean spend thousands every couple years. I've had one pc since 2010. I've only upgraded the gpu and ram which cost under 500. Stay retarded.
Fucking 5 star gif right there.
I've never ever, ever seen anyone defend booby armor unless its some dumb anime bullshit or mortal kombat.
Whats with this SJW obsession with going to that point.
It's even funnier to imagine him saying those literally every time he does the attack
Isn't this basically the design philosophy (read:fetish) behind Shantae?
if this was a low effort poorly drawing comic I would probably chuckle for how stupid it is, but the artist was actually good and clearly spent some time painting this retarded comic
>go back to your gaystation and fill up on gaysoline
I'm keeping that one
He was an hero
stop using the shitty "wojak" version
Dad joke in comics format
not how morality works
>My foreskin makes my penis look like a turtle
>You're fuckin' black!!!
>You're fuckin' white!!
>I'm fuckin white
Gets me every time.
I wish this post was true.
I love this one.
nice aess pikachu
Fuck you, bikini armor is great and makes sense in a setting with magic.
boobs bad
>Would you like to play with MY dingaling?
Nah its retarded
>first is in medieval history
>second is in fantasy
What's the problem here again?
You got it! You summed it up!
it's fantasy
so Yea Forums changed into polygon/kotaku
As retarded as you, maybe.
Fuck off.
So there's nothing wrong with tons of black people existing in the world then
Still reminds me of this nig.
> Plants have feelings anyways
But this is true, plants are capable of feeling pain. Checkmate, Veggiecucks.
This is the first time I have ever laughed at Sneedshit
good job, user
I want to FUCK white Korra
unironically they don't. Even if they did though a non-vegan diet requires eating animal products that can only be gained by feeding plants to the animals that produce it. In this way, more plants are being killed and "hurt" by a non-vegan lifestyle.
You've never seen any thread ever where a character in a US release has even an inch more clothing? The manchildren scream censorship.
It's super macho man duh
I came close, but luckily she aborted it.
That rhyme made me chuckle
mom's gonna freak!
What the fuck? This is even worse than regular shadman shit
How ass blasted do you have to be to put this much effort into something you don't like?
>I've never ever ever seen anyone defend booby armor except for those times when I did see that. Can't believe they're so obsessed.
And how does that make you better? Like arguing that bicycling is better than skateboarding because your bicycle can lasts decades while you have to replace a skateboard every few years.
>some niche weeb shit that sells less than 50k copies and one american game
>thats the entire video game industry
post the rest
All those "historical" games are mysteriously allowed to make a dozen other different concessions that make them far less "historical" but somehow when the concession is "we added women and black people" it starts certain groups shrieking about sjws taking over and rewriting history. Or did I just imagine the utter lack of anyone giving the slightest shit that Battlefield 1 was a game about WW1 that featured shit like a guy in Iron Man mk 1 armor stomping around a battlefield gunning down enemies left and right without a trench in sight, while struggling to find a gun that wasn't fully automatic?
The funniest thing in this thread
don't use words you don't know
finding logical consistency in incels is impossible.
>historical game
>fantasy game
In five years newfiggs'll claim
>back then Yea Forums loved trannies! Here's some shitty low effort art+old filename. Fucking [insert politically incorrect boogeyman] tourists ruining le board
lmao nice
>did I just imagine the utter lack of anyone giving the slightest shit that Battlefield 1 was a game about WW1 that featured shit like a guy in Iron Man mk 1 armor stomping around a battlefield gunning down
people were bitching that there were too much handheld automatic weapons in that game, people complained about the ridiculous zeppelin. You only paid attention to the complaints about niggers because you're a faggot.
Yea Forums does love trannys to the point of a creepy obsession. they've creeped out all the real girls and have to not creep on the fake ones.
Did you fucking forget the absolute outcry of BF1’s sham of a trailer? People literally shit all over BF1 for just being call of duty modern trench warfare.
>that one mad tranny that keeps posting this shit in every thread
get back to discord
>(Bring oil)
I've seen this comic like ten times and only now I realized that Cloud got shot in the face and his place didn't explode due to him trying so hard to pick-up the sword.
>people still believe this
Responding to stimuli is not feeling pain. They do not have a nervous system.
I wonder about what happened afterwards daily
My point was more like there's always people claiming Yea Forums is one person. For example, let's say husbando threads are full of gay guys(or fujos) that doesn't mean all of Yea Forums has the gays.
It's fucking retarded.
>Battlefield 1 was a game about WW1 that featured shit like a guy in Iron Man mk 1 armor stomping around a battlefield gunning down enemies left and right without a trench in sight, while struggling to find a gun that wasn't fully automatic
People also complained about that retarded shit.
I had this graphics card for a while, it idled at like 80c
This is actually pretty good : The story is not fun on purpose. It's just an excuse to show Pikachu's ass.
>WRYYY is one of the oldest memes on Yea Forums
>people call Jojo trash meme shit because now normalfags like it
I used to defend Yea Forums as not just a bunch of contrarian faggots but now literally everything people agreed was good for years is hated on because of contrarianism.
>one is history and the other is fantasy
The left can't meme.
>This guy rolled 70.000 yen worth of Fate/Grand Order gacha in front of the site of King Arthur’s tomb
Loving Every Laugh
wanna cry any more, faggot?
Not your safe space, redditor. Jojo was always shit.
You're making maille bikinis a political thing?
That's Ronnie innit?
Literally noone says this
You started this.
I replied to you calling a joke about maille bikinis a lefty meme.
yeah because not buying that prepared and delicious looking steak really saved that animals life
And that's wrong how? I don't wanna go full /pol/ but afaik it's you fags complaining about hot girls and censoring media.
That guy was swimming in poon.
>bottom right corner
artifact could have been a success if they just knocked off hearthstone and shadowverse and every other online tcg, just offer free card packs occasionally. The insistence on not giving people anything for free is 100% undeniably what killed it.
There you go again, making even this damn argument political. The chainmail bikini thing has been an argument raging across message boards for decades, and it's unrelated to politics.
gamers are pretty one dimensional
I just had a fucking aneurysm. Roy Philips is a sick fuck and I have no problem offing him and his cadre for petty caps.
10-15 years ago I was shitting on right wingers complaining about violence in gaems just as much as I shit on left wingers now for complaining about hawt chicas in vidya. If you don't like it then go fuck yourself you retarded regressive fuckbiscuit.
You really triggered 'em
Blame the bitcoin subhumans
The real image is Robotnik's head as seen from the side.
based schizo-kun
>So how would you rate our chances of sex 1 to 9
Holy fucking shit based
>jojo was always meme shit
>but now that other websites are aware of and embrace the meme shit, Yea Forums realizes it's stupid
Yea Forums may be contrarian, but it's nothing but an awakening to hate it.
>that feel when you pass the autismo test despite being on the spectrum
fuck old hags
Guaranteed replies.
lol this is clever
I still can't see Descartes without being reminded of that "Give her the D" thing from 2012.
who the fuck make these
>Maybe you could put your box in the air haha
What's even the point of the first 3 panels
based and redpilled desu
Is that 1 or 2?
Didn't Yea Forums raid Wikipedia a lot back around that time, when DmC was relevant?
Neither, the dialogue is not a real bit of the game. Unless you mean the actual game in which case its 1.
>If something doesn't have nervous system it doesn't feel pain
So you would eat sponge bob, you monster?
setting up expectations