Why is everyone better than them at making games?
Why is everyone better than them at making games?
Too much activism, too much copying shitty Hollywood scripts, nothing really groundbreaking or new ever.
What games do Americans even make?
Exclusives that prop up the playstation.
Skullgirls and Killer Instinct
bloodborne and persona?
censoring and pandering.
They literally invented computer gaming on the Apple II, invented the RPG genre that Dragon Quest would later be inspired by, FPS shooters. Pretty much every major computer advancement came from them, as well.
They did way more than your shithole country ever could dream of doing, which is why you seethe and obsess about them on an American hosted image board created by an American
sold worse than than even Crash.
>nvented the RPG genre that Dragon Quest would later be inspired by
>FPS shooters
Aren't I glad burgers invented this shit genre?
>They did way more than your shithole country ever could dream of doing, which is why you seethe and obsess about them on an American hosted image board created by an American
Classic, 6 posts in and the American is thrown into a seething fit over a simple video game discussion.
>muh sales
FPS is objectively the best genre. Stay in the past with your shitty platformers and puzzle games while the grown ups shoot some demons in half.
The US dominates the gaming market along with Japan.
Lot of game companies in the US. More than any other country. That’s a lot of chances for shitty games. But great games can come. Video games today are shit no matter where the location, notable drought. But I know some of you faggots are going to spend days playing Wow classic
>no sales
>platform dies like the Wii U
Also burger music
Have you tried a game called Fortnite?
Its not even the best shooter genre user.
>Cancerous Monetization
There's always Valve. It's a shame they don't make games anymore.
>Why is everyone better than them at making games?
counter-argument: Canada, you can't name a single good Canadian made game
we burgers are just lazy
We didn't have two atomic bombs dropped on the US
That radiation really gets the brain cookin with good ideas
speak for yourself fatass. i walked all the way to my fridge to get my beer.
Everyone is better than them at making just about everything.
Also, poor education is always the answer.
Because Amerimutts are all about destroying, not building.
Ah I see it's another one of these threads.
too busy bombing 8 countries, imprisoning and mistreating children, locking up their own citizens at a higher rate than anywhere on earth, and singing about how brave and free they are.
They don't understand the part where games are playable and have too much graphics autism, so they do retarded shit like disabling the player control to force all the animations to play whole etc..
The only exception is John Carmack, he knows how to gameplay.
>John Carmack, he knows how to gameplay.
>mistreating illegals and locking up those who do not obey the law they were informed existed
how are these bad.
Kill yourself
Lack of culture and history to draw inspiration from
Comparatively speaking yes.
Doom and quake are much more responsive than your average american game, SPECIALLY your average early 90's american game.
Undertale was good
Are you people ever going to stop seething about America? It's getting old.
>criminals shouldn’t be put in jail
do Europeans actually do this
Ya repeat your stupid memes you brainwashed sack of shit.
Very funny
Because every dev is now stuck in permanent pandering to the lowest common denominator mode because of investors and poor consumer choices.
You are a criminal. You need to be culled, not locked up. Go pay to drop more bombs on people while you cry and throw a tantrum about people not doing a state sanctioned salute for your football song.
Because we already made the greatest game ever so we just kinda stopped trying
There's nothing funny about poor education. It's a very sad situation in America.
t. Ahmed Mudslime
Go back to the YouTube comments where you think people will care.
Ya you are scum, you need to be bombed into oblivion. This is where you act tough and pretend your military is the greatest, but you can't even beat those goat farmers.
Eh. You faggots exaggerate it. It all comes down to race. Put a bunch of black people in the nicest school ever they’d just fuck it up
What about all the hundreds of thousands of black doctors? Are you a doctor? Do you even have a job?
cuz americans are soulless and only care about money, until americans will start caring about art and less about money only then they will start making good games
>Why is everyone better than them at making games?
because no one there is making games anymore
its either movies or its outsourced to the POO IN THE LOO sweatshop
>Go pay to drop more bombs on people
>, you need to be bombed into oblivion.
This is what it looks like to survive an abortion. Hypocritical towel-head
Friendly reminder that europoors are no better at making games than America.
>you need to be bombed
I’m not a Muslim, that’ll never happen. Go back to praying to your worthless allah, rapist
It's not hypocritical to kill mass murderers you fat braindead retard.
not him but are you saying americans don't have poor education? no country of earth with poor education could make thousands of doctors out of anything let alone blacks.
No, that's not what I'm saying. Idiot.
Everyone’s shit at making video games now
why do Yuropoors hate boingy bits?
Considering the US is the #1 destination for foreigners looking for an education even when coming from countries that aren’t garbage, I’d say the education isn’t as bad as you think. But please continue being butthurt because someone didn’t know where your irrelevant country is on the map
Don't you ever imply there's a nation on this earth more harmful to video games than Canada ever again
>that’ll never happen
lmao, look how big of a tantrum amerifats threw when a teenage had a pressure cooker bomb. Literally shut down one of your biggest cities and instated martial law and unwarranted house to house searches. lmao couldnt find a country of bigger cowards.
>censors your WW2 game
Holy shit, try learning some reading comprehension.
So... nuke California and watch the quality of burger games soar?
>kill the only creative people in our country
I'm sure Cletus will make an amazing game.
Nuke the entire west coast. It's mostly a west coast thing anyway.
>too much politics
>try to not offend anybody and end up offending everybody
>no more new ideas
>dlcs/masterpass etc.
>realistic (read: "ugly") characters
Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
>calicucks are the only creative people in the country
Look at him and laugh. You do realize that most creative artists are forced to move to LA for business reasons right? They're not actually from there. Surely you know this right?
I don’t care. No one cares. It’s over and no one will ever think about him again. Hopefully he’s in jail forever
I live in the midwest. its our turn to make a game.
I read the chain of replies, you stupid faggot.
>anything not CA is the south
Kill your self regard
Amerifat butthurt, as always.
1. [citation needed]
2. How come they can't finance their own game studios but they'll shit on everybody else for being liberal?
>The south is entirely Alabama and Kentucky
The Carolinas are fucking based, sir.
What have the tards in the Carolinas ever done of note?
>inplying kentucky isn't based
1. Your own retarded claim warrants a citation as well.
2. Because liberals literally make terrible games and movies. They do make okay music though.
Whinged about 'coastal elites' on /pol/
Well, he can't make a worse game than Le Quirky Postmodern Pixelart Walking Simulator 2Deep4U Edgy Indiegogo Failure #33452
You dont even know what a liberal is you brainwashed retard.
Nothing. We're here enjoying life man.
>finance there own game studios
Wow geez man I don’t know probably because ones already exist and it’s expensive as hell to start your own company. And you do you seriously need a citation from something so fucking obvious? Just check the fucking populations.
So terrible that millions of people around the world buy them and make cultural references to them all the time and people smuggle them into conservative countries like fucking North Korea and Iraq
>Wow geez man I don’t know probably because ones already exist and it’s expensive as hell to start your own company.
Ok then don't bitch about the existing studios just because they don't follow your agenda
>Just check the fucking populations.
City population is equal to rural population. I have a hard time believing the majority of creatives come from rural areas when they're far more likely to be farmers or tradesmen
The Carolinas are based BECAUSE theres no pretentious artfags here and the hillbillies (especially on the coast) is at a bare minimum for southern states. Its peaceful and comfy.
>soldiers are turned into robots
Can you IMAGINE how retarded a state would have to be to elect someone like this to represent them?
>Virginia Foxx
>Books: God Is in the House: Congressional Testimonies of Faith
Fucking yikes.
Likely more than you.
North Carolina is gorgeous. My parents retired to a Christian community in the mountains there, and it’s peak comfy. Unfortunately my work confines me still to Sunniggerland
The AAA games in the US have decline in the past decade, but on an all-time ranking both US and Japan are on top of everyone else.
Hopefully the impending gaming crash.will revive the industry with more focus on gamers and no focus on ResetEra/Kotaku retards.
>Christian community
As with everything in America, it is filled with doublethinking brainwashed retards.
>Why is everyone better than them at making games?
like who? I mean 99.9% of you niggers don't even live in japan. Europe? don't make me laugh you SJW game ridden fucks. Korea and China? top lel.
>come from rural
That’s not what you or he said but ok
>impending gaming crash
Making more money every single year. Gonna crash ANY TIME NOW. Make sure to hold your breath. Use a plastic bag.
Trick question: Nobody is
Too corporate.
It dictates the who you get making your games. Now you have hipsters instead of nerds.
>impending gaming crash
You dumb fucks say this year after year and the industry just keeps on getting bigger
Keep throwing tantrums about virtual negroids
>pressure from game journalists to put certain themes/messages into games
>pressure from publishers to rush development, resulting in poorly-polished, buggy games
>pressure from publishers to fill games with microtransactions
>listening to streamers/"influencers" on what to put in games instead of the core community
>poor working conditions
low iq due to interbreeding with blacks
>most creative artists are forced to move to LA for business reasons
That is exactly what was said and I'm sorry that you're illiterate
come from rural != most creative artists are forced to move to LA for business reasons
>Create, arguably, the best Metroid game
>Nips get pissed, try to retcon whitu piggus with Other M
Two nukes weren't enough.
Koreans are still trying to compete with WoW to this very day and still can't even come close
Thinking on the game industry as an monolith known as "the game industry(tm)" is quite naive and not very good at predicting trends.
It is actually more like the auto industry, given the huge variety of audiences and types of games.
There's the console market, the now tiny arcade market, the computer market, the indie, the AAA, the japanese portable market...
Its impossible that ALL of it will crash at any given time, and the last "crash of video games" was just one of the sectors going belly flop.
But individual sectors can get fucked and need a complete revamp to stay relevant.
>can get fucked
but they arent.
is this the official seething yuropoor thread?
Wizardry 8
Exactly like Japan and Eastern Europe then, except your first bullet point which is just a meme you're parroting off /pol/
Where’s the wall, shitskin?
Those metroids are one of those "colab" cases that end up very fucking well.
America have graphics autism, japan have gameplay autism.
Let em work in a colab and boom, its like magic.
This is why rare sucks outside of nintendo.
America + America = sucks.
That's only valid this decade. The US dominated video games since its inception before it, and they were even invented by an American (Steve Russell). But I agree that the US is beginning to drop out in terms of relevance for video games.
In the 90's, in terms of consoles at least, america was a disgrace.
The Atari Jaguar represented exactly what America was.
France alone made a ton of good games
EA gobbled up any good American devs
name them then faglord
So what games do you like then?
Jesus calm down Amerifat, you're gonna give yourself a heart attack you're coping so hard. Just admit your country sucks and we can all move on.
canada will build a wall on the us boarder once the chinks take over
burgers get their wall, just on the other side of the country
We wouldn't even have to deal with all the tranny shit if the US wasn't pushing it.
Bugerland games are based though OP
>deal with all the tranny shit
What videogames have trannies? I think you watch tranny porn, that's why you are obsessed.
They're trannies in denial, like how all their politicians turn out to be gay
The latest ones? Mortal Kombat XI (the entire "female" cast).
Yep, you are obsessed.
Dishonored, Prey, Remember me, Styx, the Farming Simulator Serie (not even trolling here, they are very good), Battlefleet Gothic 1&2, the RUSE serie (as well as steel division, and act of war), A plague Tale, Rayman, some of the Assassin's Creed, Technomancer, Vampyr and a fuckton of others.
>id Software, Monolith, 3D Realms, Valve, Blizzard, Midway
American games were on top in the 90s
I'm obsessed with good video games. Too bad the US stopped making any once the trannies took over.
You can't help yourself, all you think about are men.
They made video games by taking over Japan idiot lol
The only good game you listed
>Farming Simulator Serie
Gaming has already peeked. Japan isn't making anything relevant
This is why i went with "in terms of consoles".
PC was a completely different animal, a much better animal in america, but was "indies" to a point.
Also MK was quite bad as an actual fighting game.
You forgot about all the best ones:
>Interplay (with Black Isle), 3DO, Firaxis, Looking Glass Studio, Origin
>You can't help yourself, all you think about are men.
Yeah, can't be done. Tried to think about a SINGLE good game made in US in the last 10 years but there just isn't any.
>In the 90's
You mean when The Secret of Monkey Island, Wing Commander, Civilization, DOOM, Myst, Sim City, Master of Orion, System Shock, Jagged Alliance, Diablo, Age of Empires, Total Annihilation, Thief, Fallout, Command & Conquer, and Planescape: Torment came out? Those 90s? Some blunders by business men aside, the US was still at the top then.
>Jagged Alliance
The one that everyone likes was made by Sirtech Canada
terrible list
Ya you tried to think of a game but you couldnt, all you could do was think about men.
I was thinking that I'd might trick you into naming a single good American game made in the last 10 years. But it seems that after thinking for solid 3 minutes you gave up. Too bad
Everyone conveniently skips the "in terms of console at least".
Diablo was on PS1
But you never actually asked me.
Red Dead Redemption 2.
This is where you start saying it's filled with trannies and a bad game, because you like penis.
Well it's a distinction introduced after the fact in the discussion and one not really relevant to it. I mean what does it matter? Video games are video games regardless of the platform.
Do you know how many ignorant, retarded, rural-country fucktards live in the United States? If it's a land-locked state, it's nothing but retards.
the obsession with america is truly strange. if you dont like yanks thats fine but why make 10000 threads about them every single day and draw thousands of mspaint comics about them? why are people so desperate for american attention?
>All PC games
Consoles are truly the greatest detriment to video games as a whole.
>Red Dead Redemption 2.
It's fucking garbage.
Wow user, great rebuttal. You didn't even mention trannies though, whats up with that?
>It's fucking garbage.
then the japs and polish need to get off their dick user
Then don't reply
>Wow user, great rebuttal. You didn't even mention trannies though, whats up with that?
I knew you'd do it for me
feminism and moral hand wringers
Because amerifats are destroying the planet and murdering and torturing children and dropping bombs on millions of people.
are all europoors really this jealous of america
I see, so admit you wanted to talk about trannies.
>invented games
>created most of the classics
>created majority of innovations
>makes most money from video games
America is best at video games if anything
The first good video game was Space Invaders, though.
>I know, I'll show we aren't badguys by being racist.
Yea, LA.
Everywhere outside LA isn’t fucking rural. You’re the illiterate one you stupid fuck. He could have met from Seattle or NYC.
>america is the only one doing those things
What “classics”? What “innovations”?
Probably the biggest culprit overall. Consumerism, education, and politics have become incredibly gynocentric over the last two decades. Women don't make good leaders.
What other country is bombing millions of people? What other country besides China is imprisoning children in camps? What other country besides China and India are polluting on even 1/5th the scare as Fatlandia?
Not the first regardless
lootboxes, paid cosmetics, paid DLCs, pre order to unlock missions etc etc
trannies have seeped into the US social system. we must purge the tranny infection.
As if.
Germanys game dev scene is embarassing for such a large first world country.
I’ll give you Doom, rest is pure shit
They are a seriously small minority group, it's got nothing to do with them.
>imprisoning children in camps
>murdering and torturing children
illegals? how is that bad. its not like they are being kidnapped from their homes where they were. their parents brought them in to face whatever shit they are facing knowing full well it would happen.
>be burger AAA studio
>literally infinite money to develop games with
>more than 400+ people working on a game at a time (and possibly more than one game being made simultaneously)
>somehow still take several years to make games despite this overwhelming amount of employees/"man"power
>full of talentless "ideaguy" character designers & writer women/faggots/pocs and other people who can't code or animate for shit
>massive marketing campaigns - possibly even more expensive than making the game
>meanwhile no name indie dev(s) make soulful art and stick close to their roots
I admit that the US gaming is fucking ruined and will never get better
All major companies are fucking dead. Swedes are raping what's left of Wolfenstein, boomers are chugging out indie FPS to somehow ease the pain.
Genre is fucking dead in the US, Blizzard killed it
All major companies destroyed to the point where Russians started making more quality games
>Adventure games
>Fighting games
Tranny killed MK. You can milk that sentence to distract everyone from the sorry state of US gaming.
It's time to kill Americans, at home and abroad. Take out you and your families as your dictator said.
t. Tranny
fucking kill yourself already. no one likes men in wigs you ugly retard.
>taking the achievements of others as your own
Yep, it's american.
Hello FBI
You like men in wigs though, all you think about are trannies.
1/10 made me reply
>torturing children
>improsning illegals
What are you, a commie!?
is there anything they're good at beyond eating over-marketed shit and asking for more?
What is he supposed to think about? American games? They are already dead.
Any military ally of the U.S has bombed millions along with them.
>muh children in camps! its just like concentration camps on the boarder!
Not valid/relevant. Australia holds their migrants offshore on little islands and many other countries do similar things.
>muh pollution
You answered your own question right there, if anyone is "destroying" the world it's China and India, along with Russia, Japan and Germany.
>appeal to authority
try again NPC
Look how scared Amerifats are. They know they are watched 24/7. Everything in Amerifat is doublespeak. Everything is a lie.
Making low quality posts on the internet, I guess
poor burger reliving the glories of the past he wasn't part of in his shitty kitchen sized apartment eating moldy pizza and posting on 4chin while his internet datacap is reached and/or comcast fucks him over again
USA pollutes more than China. Almost all the pollution from China comes from products amerifats buy. Your nazi country deserves to turn to ash.
lets kill them all anyway
>America have graphics autism
>Japan have gameplay autism
>Meanwhile Europe make janky gameplay with mediocre graphics but somehow works
More like t. not a reductive retard who focuses on a small politically unorganized group because reasons.
whats wrong with being racist?
answer seriously
We're not all. Us Fat Burger loving, gun weilding, praying we survive school Americans did make Crash Bandicoot that one time. So that's got to count for something at least.
itt: europoors and other third worlders who will never experience the american dream
>be burger
>make one or two good games
>start social dick sucking
>mass marketing to the animals
>lose focus of everything
Most major computer advancements did not come from the USA at all.
You're displaying your illiteracy.
It means you are stupid as there are millions of examples of "inferior races" being more successful and smarter in many ways.
Example: The intelligence of Obama vs Trump.
>USA pollutes more than China
It's true if you account for ideological pollution by the US.
>naughty dog
>none of their games have a dog as the main character
Except they don't you retard.
>janky gameplay
Janky gameplay is best. Time spent making a polished game is a wasted time. The best game has max gameplay, max jank and no polish.
Sorry, boy. Didn't quite hear what you said. Mind repeating the question?
The US military alone pollutes more than china.
never gonna happen mohammed
Now go back to rioting in cologne or wherever you are
What is this meme supposed to convey?
>USA pollutes more than China.
Not if you also account for cultural pollution by China.
>arachnophobe? you must wanna fuck spiders
go bathe with a live toaster, tranny
They spend more time making the game look photorealistic instead of making the actual game
America on average makes the best games on the market. Cope.
>never gonna happen mohammed
Most of your countrymen think it's gonna happen. They are constantly scared of impending doom, half the country literally thought Hillary would cause the world to end. You have TV shows about doomsday bunkers and life after people. You have public officials that believe the End Times will happen in their lifetime.
that's not appeal to authority just common sense. if you don't like the laws of a particular country move somewhere else or obey them or be punished. that's the way it is all over the globe.
Just trolling stop responding
Obama isnt black he's a mutt and you dont have any measure of his inteligence
IQ is also follows a bell curve and whites have better averages than blacks, just because some idiots exist doesnt mean that on average whites arent better.
also you dont have to believe you are intelectually superior to be racist, for example I hate the chinese but they have higher iq's than white people, im still racist to the chinese
>Best games actually made by British people
Nobody will remember RDR2 once the next GTA gets announced.
Are you saying you are terrified of trannies? You must be an even bigger bitch than i imagined.
>micro transistor
what did other countries do for computers?
>doomsday bunkers
Well there was a time the entire world thought that was going to happen. But just because people think it will, doesn’t mean it will. If nuclear war didn’t happen in 1962, then nuclear war probably will never happen.
>The intelligence of Obama vs Trump
One of them destroyed a country, the other is saving his own by creating new jobs and keeping illegal aliens out.
>Not if you also account for cultural pollution by China.
China produces much pollution but it doesn't spread outside their borders so it doesn't count. US is infecting everything.
>Obama isnt black
Ya ya I know, you believe nothing and everything. It always happens with you brainwashed freaks. You can take any side of any argument at any time and nothing you say matters.
to be fair with europe, their budget is absolutely atrocious
>imprisoning and mistreating children
If this is such a bad country, why are they coming over here by the millions per year?
>locking up their own citizens at a higher rate than anywhere on earth,
Niggers and spics who commit crimes as gangs.
Not an argument, NPC bootlicker.
Again, they don't retard. This is easy information to find. Are you just pretending to be dumb for (You)s?
>"its the law"
>not being an appeal to authority
no its an appeal to authority because you're not giving a reason other than "this person in power said its how it is". like if the law was to cut off your dick you'd unquestionably do it because you're an NPC
epic comeback! XD
>Example: The intelligence of Obama vs Trump.
Trump is actually extremely intelligent. He's also very dumb, but gets by because of his high IQ.
The vast majority of animals, including humans are tribal as it is the best evolutionary strategy for ensuring the survival of your genes, if you arent racist you're literally stupid according to nature