Name a better FF character. You can't.
Name a better FF character. You can't
Vivi's cool but he isn't sexy.
Black Mage from FF1
The Magnificent Steiner, of course.
I can't, I love this little bastard
Black mage is essentially Vivi, so they're both pretty good.
Good taste, user
Personally Steiner was my favourite, his antics made me chuckle quite a bit
Steiner made that whole game for me
>FF will never go back to have interesting looking characters and locations
>Only edges, marble and idols are allowed
Fuck japan and SE.
>tfw just beat FFIX for the first time today
Such a magical game.
I’m more of a Steiner guy but Vivi is cute
They are the perfect team
Claire Farron
>You will never going to hang out with Vivi and play Tetra Master with him
Odd childhood wish I had.
FFXII doesn't get enough credit.
pure soul
Reminder he died
FFXII characters are very bland and forgettable, just like every other Ivalice game. Matsumoto is a pretentious hack and there is nothing intriguing about his political intrigue.
Ashe is cool, so is Balthier, but that’s it.
He somewhat has many childs as shown in the final cutscenes.
Balthier is just FF Han Solo.
Here you go
max comfy
>some e-celeb plays a game on stream
>suddenly zoomers flock and start talking about it
maybe have some sex first
be positive, at least this game will be more popular and we can get another good final fantasy.
>been playing FFIX since it came out in 2001
>don't watch e-celebs
How about you suck my big dick instead?
Vivi like FF9 is overrated, at least FF6fags can eventually shut up about their overrated turd but 9fags just go on and on.
>playing FFIX since it came out in 2001
What does that even mean? You've been playing it for 18 years? How for along are you?
This, Vivi isn't even a character, when I was playing as a kid I thought that was like a placeholder, just a noname solder that you temporary get to fill in a position on your party.
It means I'm old enough to be your dad. Now go do the dishes.
>Would lick her bum
I think we all know who the best FF character is.
>two characters so bland that they may or may not be the same person
>pretty good
Yeah excellent I'd say
This is peak Final Fantasy
Ah here come the FF7 fags. Thread ruined from this point on.
Was ruined when they posted about Vivi
The only good thing about that game is Penelo’s ass.
And unlike most of the jobbers out there he actually got shit done
Some art from IX
my first FF was 4 but i instantly fell in love with 9 once vivi showed up. i would kill for him to be in more spin offs.
How does he actually look like?
Why did they make the Alexandrian soldiers so sexy?
Damn fine choice in snack, damn fine.
I love them edgelords.
this. you guys arent allowed to talk about good games if someone with more social standing than you starts playing it. you gotta wait until after theyre finished or longer.
Close but no cigar.
Because even the birds are sexy in FFIX's world.
Did someone say best FF character?
Cause they were under the order of Beatrice
Same reason why Steiner's guards were just bubbling idiots.
Fuck off, chickenwuss.
>some faggot played some game game at some time
who the fuck cares nigger
Just as bad to be honest
Best FF catgirl.
Oh yeah? Well what about THIS?
Emet Selch disagrees with your shit opinion.
Squall is underrated, stuck in a bad plot, and the translation characterizes him.
Honestly FF8's plot isn't even that bad. better than FF7's for sure
Based and Excalpilled
She died for (you).
It actually gets too much credit
for me it's Tidus, unironically
>Vivi and Steiner will always give energy to each other if one of them is in your final party and the other isn't
It's the little things.
based Jecht
He's so fucking ridiculous that it's endearing.
He died thinking Zidane had died pointlessly lmao
You're right.
Based and rustypilled.
a fucking splinter
In the mirror universe, sure.
It's a tight race though
The funny thing about it is if squall was exactly the character he get painted as he wouldn't fucking care, and if he isn't then it wouldn't matter either.
Should have kept the look, the dress doesn't work so good.
He's got so many god damn moments in that game. What a little charmer.
9 was fucking so goddam good. In fact, I think I'll start a new game today. Ssssssip!
Who should I use?
Is Quina worthwhile or is she one of the Blues that just never goes anywhere?
>gets thrust into a leadership position he doesn't want/isn't prepared for because someone is too chickenshit to kill their wife
>said chickenshit bitches later when Squall starts actually being concerned about Rinoa
Fuck VIII Cid though, seriously.
>His reprisal in FF8
That shit blew me away at the time.
>Odin shows up to one-shot Seifer
>Gets cleaved in half while Odin's sword goes team fucking rocket into the distance
>Suddenly you see this
I vaguely remember her being in some kind of meta before that term was even really established. She had some kind of bullshit tactic.
no, quina is extremely strong and versatile the entire game and they can hit 9999 with frog drop without that much work iirc
Cecil, Kain, Edgar, Celes, Zack, Auron, Basch, Y’shtola.
>Vinny streams game
>Threads show up for game
Like clockwork
All of the Cids. Even Robin Williams.
Who the fuck is vinny, and why would you waste time watching someone play the game ?
Literally who? I made this thread because I love FFIX and the FF threads have actually been pretty decent here the past few days.
That's cute
Same thing happened with Mother 3.
Who the fuck is Vinny ?
He's probably trying to shill his own shit or some e-celeb he faps to.
I love me some Freya and Vivi's cute, but there's a reason why I usually choose the Knight class in various games. Also.... CLANK CLANK CLANK;
Literally google "vinny final fantasy ix" and it's the first result but you guys can keep feigning ignorance to seem cool if you want.
>No re-release of 9 with alternate outfits for all party members
Literally nobody cares faggot, only you do
I have no issues admitting I watch/know someone on the web when I do. But I don't know any vinny, sorry if you think that's a "cool" act. This game has been around for ages and many people here have been fans of the classic FF games for ages. Do you really believe 1 random dude playing a game changes things up that much?
OP said "name a better FF character". Any FF game goes. Why do you get triggered when someone mentions a character from the most popular FF? Anti 7 fags are pure autism.
Auron is still my favorite. Best look, best theme, best ultimate weapon, best voice, best lines
you obviously care if you felt the need to reply
She's not even the best catgirl in her own game, ignoring that every catgirl in XI is better than her.
Short of Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest and Pokémon, is there any other JRPG franchise that juggles so many iconic elements over its different entries?
I hope they never try to remake IX, SE is incapable to developing something that looks unique and interesting, it will look horrendous like the SK3 remake, plastic looking shaders, stiff animations, a pure fucking mess.
Wait, what? Explain.
but he's dead lmao
Only the best girl from the best game, loves!
In the final battle against Necron, you get to choose your four party members. The four reserve members give their remaining energy to the chosen ones so they have the strength to fight.
For me it's Esther
fixed that for you
dumb girl I bet she can't even limit break every other turn
FF9 was peak soul for the series
>Use 4 or more limit bursts
Cute, but why the fuck would either of them not be in your final party? You don't just break up the dream team like that.
for me, it's ramza
Ff8 sucked ass and this boss fight was easy as fuck just like the rest, but it was still hype and the best part of the game.
>Seifer gets his new signature move, bloodfest
>carves a burning cross into the ground with his blade
>opens up a portal to hell
This cutscene is already ruined because of censored Tifa, but it'll be double-ruined if she doesn't slide the glass across the counter like a badass.
I have a fondness for the worldly samurai who starts out his journey having already been on his life's quest and shares his wisdom with the next generation.
>Samurai Jack
Squall, Auron, Tidus, Jecht.
First time through, I swapped Vivi out for Quina so I could start the fight with White Wind not knowing I'd be fully healed anyway.
Still outdamaged Bahamut and Ark with Frog Drop, so I don't regret it as much as I could have.
Based knightbro
I used Quina and ended up spamming Limit Glove to victory. That fight is RNG as fuck and I wasn't going to go back and grind.
go on
I mean I'm sure if I think hard enough I could
FFXII fucking sucks though.
Even from a story standpoint, it is just a mess of things happening that make absolutely no sense at all.
Gameplay is even worse. And I know that because I've beat the game, both vanilla and zodiac version, zodiac version being the best out of the two options, not because of the (amazingly fucking shitty) job system, but because of the x4 fastforward dedicated button.
The only "good" thing to come out of it were the hunts, and they weren't as fun as you'd think since they all come down to Haste + Berserk or Oil + Ardor.
White Tyson is unironically the best character of FF8 and the game would have been much better if he was the main protagonist.
Is there a character that can do more damage than Zell? Break damage limit included.
He dies.
We all make it sooner or later.
All things die in the end, user. It's what you do while you're alive that matters.
Nothing really matters.
no, not Queenposting
Great character but something bothers me about him. He looks 45 but it's been only 10 years after Braska's pilgrimage. He even says to Wakka I think "I was just a boy, your age actually".
I took that as Auron appearing how he thought he'd look if he'd continued aging. considering he dies while still young and other unsent don't appear to age
Uncle sazh is on fire!
Too bad his game was the hallway simulator
Losing Galuf was an absolute heartbreaker for me and Krile is a crummy consolation prize compared to her grandpa.
He's not my favorite Final Fantasy character per se, but he's an honorable mention.
Yeah that's been my headcanon as well though Auron is a legendary figure. Not even taking the world into consideration, it seems odd no one in the group notices how unnatural his aging is even after they have seen the spheres. Rin's comment shows that Rin knows well what Auron is but that's linked to his mortal wounds and nothing else.
Better than Vivi without a doubt.
Literally any character in IX that wasn't Vivi.
But IX is absolutely full of shit characters. Vivi basically wins by default because the others are all so annoying and stupid.
Not FF but impeccable taste.
Make way
>Solo wins every fight for the rest of the game
Nothin personnel, kid.
>best character
>gets to fuck best girl
>gets mentored by best boy
He was truly the apex of FF characters.
Shitty forced meme character. Estinien is way better.
>other Ivalice game.
You talking shit about Vagrant Story?
Get that gay nerd outta here
Maybe he just got his greys early? It happens.
I too, watch the Vinesauce Vinesauce streams.
I like the part where the guy plays the game and I do the kappa on the chat, because it is really funny.
Use Quina to beat the early dragon in gizamalukes grotto, makes the rest of the game a leisurely stroll.
*clap clap*
god Vivi is so cute
>that face
I swear I have seen that in another game somewhere
It's a staple in Akihiko Yoshida's artwork.
He makes his rounds.
I wanna marry and impregnate Beatrix