Would you join the Scarlet Crusade if given the chance?
Would you join the Scarlet Crusade if given the chance?
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nah. i'd join defias
no because their women are either used goods with STDs or pissy thots with a CBT fetish
Why the fuck is worgen whitemaine so sexy?
I'm not a furry aaaa!
But they're the ones fighting against STD
I would start my own thing and they're both invited.
yes and i have no idea why they're presented as the bad guys
>be part of a unified coalition of human kingdoms called 'the alliance'
>your homelands are invaded by literal undead abominations
>your government tells you to go fuck yourself and 'dude just like, move lmao?'
>organise a militia to defend your homelands since your king wont - be branded traitors and rebels
don't get me wrong, Whitemane is fucking hot, and would sell my soul to their stupid cult if I didn't already play exclusively undead characters since I'm an edgelord faggot.
I would only follow King Greymane and no one else
It's racist to kill undead and demons you shitlord. Whitemane was literally Hitler but to demons.
Really can't beat big titties and harlequin makeup. Too bad she's religious. Unless she makes an exception for the backdoor heh heh
I want to marry and impregnate Whitemane.
Nah too poor aestethics.
You’re some kind of retarded. Even if you thought you were being funny, you’re retarded.
AHEM, she's a cocksleeve for us death knights now
>scarlet crusade is a bunch of evil fanatics
>turns out it's all because they're being run by a dreadlord in disguise
>after the dreadlord is purged, the scarlet onslaught is formed and they're evil fanatics
>turns out it's all because they're being run by another dreadlord in disguise
i can't believe how creative blizzard is
Here's my advice as a doctor, you likely have clinically low testosterone. I recommend getting that checked out, or you might have shit taste forever.
Totally, but ironically. You can make a quick buck and fuck some crazy bitches there.
le tips fedora
so they can pull that dreadlord we killed in WC3 out of their ass, beginning the whole debacle about demon mortality, and ruining some of the more dramatic moments in WC3
did she become a DK? I dunno, I stopped playing during cata
>Alliance was literally allied to Scarlet Crusade in vanilla but later in the beta they changed it because it was too unbalancing for horde
Mudhut dwelling niggers.
if you don't enjoy tits you can fuck off back to reteratranny
This would have been better if the camera tilted up instead of panning up.
I don't know if I think that's cool or a misuse of the character. I guess I'd need to see the arc in the game. I have a feeling it would be maximum edge but that's what I like about DK anyway.
reminder blizzard killed this for a WoW vanilla clone
oh nono no
Oh they're revving up the edge alright
Ackchyually, they changed that because SM was Horde only and they were too lazy to make another dungeon that big for the Alliance.
God I love this tabard/curtain thing on female humans in WoW, their proportions are just perfect, the combo of tabard + human + pants/leggings that exposed some leg is a big reason why I would never play a female human due to being too distracted.
>meanwhile, in the only uncucked blizzard game
Name 1 (one) thing the Scarlet Crusade did that was wrong. Protip: I don't think you will be able to.
Do you like Worgenmane?
Can you imagine if they had let the Scarlet Crusade exist and just let humans purge the undead and defend themselves?
The Death Knight shit in Legion was one of the best quest chains in WoW's history. Too bad it was locked to one shitty unpopular class in a shit expansion.
Actually pretty good writing. She comes across is probably rightfully angry at you, but at the same time sounds like a smug bitch and I'd probably choose to kill her, too. Violence perpetuates violence after all.
isn't whitemane a dk now?
Pelvic cirtain, my good man of taste
based team 1
That sounds like bullshit because that would mean Alliance isn't the victim. Which is patently never the case in every circumstance in story and out.
one of the four horsemen
And two expansions later, they were proven to be right all along and we STILL had to be opposed to them in WotLK. So stupid. I remember getting all kinds of quests in Dragonblight and Icecrown to sabotage their base and assassinate their leaders, and the whole time I was just thinking why?
Fucking chinks man. They ruin everything they touch. Granted Stone has been bad for a while, but it still sucks seeing how much they took out
*laughs in blood spec*
They're cozying up to the chinks, that's all there is to it. And they're to lazy to maintain two versions that's why they censor everything and the SJWs are blind enough to cheer them on for it because they think Blizz is progressive.
Pre Cata I hated them. Then i realized they were right when Sylvanas started doing more of her usual plague bullshit.
>retailfaggots ruin everything
sigh cant wait for 2022 private servers that are actually more blizzlike than blizzard itself
they're kinda still right about it, since Sylvanas is now playing 4D chess
DKs are unpopular now?
>Theramore doesn't help the scarlet crusade
WoW story is so shit
what game
>is the chinks!
Whats with this recent retarded meme? Chinks have literally nothing against nudity and the majority if their own shovelware production is about half-naked anime girls.
World of Warcraft
They really did a number on blood spec in legion too and made it tons of fucking fun. Blood DK in legion is the most fun I had since prot warrior WotLK. It was still an unpopular class when I played, though.
with an official vanilla retail client available to build up from we'll have free kino private servers without sharding zoomer apologists
this is the only good outcome of classic WoW, can't rely on nublizz incompetence to make classic a worthwhile experience
Abso-fucking-lutely based and high T
at least it's not fucking orcs like that slut Jaina
Based & Redpilled
Jaina wouldn't let random orcs touch her, she fucks Thrall and Thrall only
No, I'm a member of the argent dawn. The crusade can fuck themselves.
I want to marry and impregnate a Blood Elf
Why not just conquer them and rape their women?
No, I'd join the Sentinels as their stress relief boy-toy.
God, you know WoW lore is deep in the shitter if these are the best replacements for the 4 Horsemen that they could pull out of their ass.
they like sanitized products, especially when it comes to products that aren't made in china itself. As inoffensive as possible is the goal since their legislation might change on a whim.
Dumb heretic. Can you believe that this guy works alongside ORCS and GNOMES? I think I saw a fucking undead in Light's Hope Chapel once, with a tabard and everything! Absolutely inhuman.
They're not the best they COULD do, they're the best they wanted to do. It was a quest that only a fraction of the playerbase would ever see because it was exclusive to one class. They wouldn't go balls deep and resurrect Tirion as a horseman or some shit. They'd never fuck with the lore in any meaningful way for a side quest for one single class.
Wow yeah you're right that really makes it better it sure is a higher quality product now that I realize they're just half-assing it.
also peddling RNG pay to win for kids is much less suspicious if there isn't any violence or sex involved. I mean it doesn't matter because every little shitter can just look up porn on the phone but hey at least gotta pretend to soothe the soccermoms/SJWs.
Whitemane would have been better for the priest class hall quests.
She could have taught priests a self-resurrection spell
Again, they won't legislate nudity, only burgers care about that and chinks love sexy stuff in their game, you are literally sabotaging your games there by removing it. They do hate homosexuals and niggers, these might be banned there (I'll swear is already banned tho).
How is
>”we made this cool 4 wing instance for the Horde to experience”
>”that’s neat, what did you make for the Alliance?”
>”lol does anyone car-uh I mean we made this cool 4 wing instance for the Horde AND the Alliance to experience”
not a pretty good example of that?
Yeah baby
WoW has some primo females
Years of fan outcry and absolutely nothing BLIZZARD GIVE US THE VYKRUL WOMEN
why is being sexy illegal now? fucking sad universe we live in
It offends ugly people.
>oh you wanted a player race with tall strong women?
>here you go
Just remember that it's always darkest before dawn.
We went through this shit once before with movies.
Jews and LGBT people hate heterosexuality
Only in America.
I think it’d be a neat way to portray the
>become a monster to fight monsters
plotline. It’d allow her to keep the ‘vehemently opposed to undeath’ attitude while still exploring the descent into being a more obvious monster. As it is, doing the
>became the monster she hated
is a little redundant when they already have a character like Lillian Voss. Also her hatred is a little justified considering she didn’t become one willingly
Also worgen bitches are hawt
Didn't the UK ban that "beach body ready" ad a while back?
So is the backside of the tabbard covered in glue? how does it become form fitting?
theres no putting the genie back in the bottle, blizzard is only going to get more cucked from here on out
London did, because the mayor is a truly outstanding faggot even by labour standards.
It's fine in the rest of the country.
Real talk, if Worgen are all immune to undeath, why the hell didn't the Scarlet Crusade all become Worgen?
Let them die, and their death be a warning to others
>People want tall muscular humans
>Kul Tiras male is literally bear mode
>Women are potatos
jerk off before posting
Id have to ok it with mother first.
My bad. Only in Anglo police states.
you have no power here
>forever cucked into morlafaggotry with shit flinging factions, where you could have numerous logical reasons to join ANYTHING but these two
God the writing is so cringe
mommy dragon milkies
(Laughs in Tank gear as well)
>enter any raid
>can use any spec I want
>every other class seething daily because I can do whatever the fuck I want, can get away with everything
>literal oceans of tears in forums
Man wotlk was truly the best expansion
It really was. It might be the peak of my life. I'll probably kill myself over that thought.
Yes, of course. They are the righteous government of Lordaeron. The Argent Dawn and the Alliance are traitors.
All my characters were always humans wearing the Scarlet tabard. I even named my main after a Scarlet Onslaught NPC and made an entire transmog around it.
*steals your raid spot*
oh no no no no look at the top of his ghoul
They were considered heroes by the remnants of the human population in Lordareon. But Blizz didn't like it that people sympathized with them so they added a bunch of retarded shit to their lore like the dreadlords.
>paladins stealing
its funny because you pallies turned into a shitty rogues back then and failed miserably
b-But you can't ogaa-booga in wpvp as good as a DK!
The other one was my pvp tank spec, out damaging people was meta. So I made a pvp tank that couldn't be killed. The salty tears of all the Ret-pal DK teams were delicious. 2v1 Team comp was Blood DK & AFK Druid
I'm so torn between making a warrior in Vanilla to enjoy the PvE experience of leveling up, or making a rogue so I can gank shitters the entire time I'm in STV/Hillsbrad.
God Tier taste, fellow patrician
playing frost DK was so hilarious, topping DPS meter and linking it every fight.
You could say I had a "Blast".
What kind of gayass would kill this semen demon?
Or a Void Elf. Both are acceptable
I played unholy frost tank, it wasn't optimal but I had great fun with spreading 100 varieties of ebola while summoning ghouls
Me, in a month, and then roleplay the rape of her corpse with my guildmates.
Why not pretend that she's barely alive and rape her while surrounded by her dead followers?
I'm still mad that they nerfed her thighs in hearthstone
Hey boys
Whitemane impostor but it works for me, that's the good shit there.
>Face paint never
Whitemane refers to her bush? That's a pretty degrading combat title.
Nazgrim is one of the Four Horsemen now. She's definitely fucking him, as well as Trollbane and Mograine.
Aren't those pants absurdly expensive because it's from a tailoring recipe not dropping anymore?
Because they're brainwashed by Balnazzar to be a human-only organization. Worgenism is a curse.
Despite the fact that there's literally no downside to being a Worgen and every Stormwind human should be a Worgen for super strength, super speed, and immunity to undeath.
Trust no-one not even a rogue
>Shamans make unite and make allies with the elemental lords of Azeroth
>It's never mentioned again
The only reason I work out is to cosplay this bad boy.
Nice double doubles there Mr.69
Yeah their called Cindercloth Leggings. They got removed during Cata. I have them on my priest, heres the also removed yellow version I have on my pally. Too bad they dont count on transmog because it isnt plate. These yellow leggings dropped in old UBRS.
Fantastic user, that's almost perfect.
would fuck /10
I'd post more pictures but I quit during Legion. The clipping of weapons on my back was what made me ultimately quit wow.
Wouldn't she be the Mistress of tushy?
If I used a Cape all weapons clipped into it. The newer models and animation were terrible on female humans. Plus her elbows clipped into and shield and 2handed weapons. I could stand it and quit
your char should totally roll to seduce Alleria
no homo
Most Nu-Blizzard look too Pixar-wannabe instead of the old stuff. Add that everything has to get bigger and more epic with each expansion.
Gone is the simplistic stuff like the original Imperial Armour set.
That's fair, female humans suffered a lot with the update I think. I miss the old versions.
It offends ugly women*
I like Turalyon more tho
that's gay user
Besides retarded storylines this is the thing I hate the most about post-vanilla WoW.
How well do they pay?
you get priority in the ball crushing queue
>Would you join the Scarlet Crusade if given the chance?
Only if she becomes my personal pet slut.
Chinese censorship is starting to crack down on games released there harder then ever, they've already banned most popular western games, blizzard is getting an exception because of all the deals they've had with china thus far.
>source: trust me, dude
Killed what?
The monastery? Smirking whore of the monastery?
Fuck that then.
So, literally no game was banned for being sexy, only for gore? Thanks for proving my point, kind user.
Probably a good thing desu, hopefully they get stricter to the point where western devs have to either sacrafice their entire western playerbase and just go full china, or abandon china all together.
This middle ground of games being relegated to cartoony garbage is pretty fucking lame.
>Picture of a random spreadsheet
Boy you sure showed me
>inharmonious chat
Really hope China will push them out.
DK Whitemane was a mistake
>Change her colour scheme
>Give her a sword
>source is a leak from reddit
>check reddit
>source: trust me, dude
>7 months ago
>no ban really happened
/pol/ and blindly believing anything in jpg format, try to name a more iconic duo.
should have let her stay alive and made her a worgen.
Just like fan arts.
Fuck off, furfag.
Yea Forums is exactly same and still wave around with their 5yo screenshots with false information and spread it around like gospel
>Oh this character is popular?
>Lets absolutely butcher her personality and turn her into the opposite of what she used to be, and change up her design
AAA quality writers at work.
lol what fucking personality? you waifufags are delusional
Cope, Blizztard.
Seethe retard.
Fucking alliancelets, kys irl.