in b4 manlet tears shows up and starts crying
who's manlet tears?
whats his lore?
some midget
>Danielfromreddit constantly shilled here
>Boring, low effort and scripted videos that he paid to be promoted on reddit
Nah I'll watch my blacklisted kino instead
>Openly admits to be the same person shilling Danny boy
>Gets assmad that people prefer britbong
Daniel is so boring that YT and Twitch don't even consider his brony tier passive aggressive videos as "trolling" the dude should neck.
>mfw even channels reuploading his content get hundreds of views
Britbong goes by mrbtfo nowadays.
Right on cue.
>scripted videos
every FUCKING thread I ask for a source on this and not one time you've delivered you absolute pikey
He used to cheat in his old dayz streams on Twitch and they formally warned him so again confirming Britbong was correct.
He also scripts everyone of his videos apart from his old SL videos (which weren't even nearly as good as bongs but mysteriously shilled to frontpage of reddit)
He only got popular through making rust videos, which were entirely scripted, he rented servers and even paid to get mod on some servers for video content, he litrally does shitty gameshows on Twitch appealing to basedboys now, it's pretty sad.
While DannyfromChildMolester stopped making content entirely because he can't afford to pay kids to get mad anymore britbong continues
Blacklisted gamer baby!
You're telling me that he did script his videos, but you're not giving evidence.
This is just sad, dude. Stop embarrassing yourself.
has daniel done anything since iron chef daniels?
Imagine licking some random dudes ass over the internet and shilling their videos on Yea Forums
I wonder who is behind this post
>Spoon feed me
Do yo enjoy his streams where he flies around noclipping as a moderator? ever notice he needs "something" to help him, if it's not outright cheating like his old days in DayZ it's PAYING to be a moderator on fucking rust LMAO
his videos aren't even funny, it's just that three threads in a row he hasn't given sauce. No kiwifarms page to read up, nothing even comes up when you google dnsl, so it's led me to believe you're just some delusional autist.
It's daniels "team" of shills, remember when fag daniel was telling people to report britbongs videos for "privacy claims" would be ashame if we went on a mass report spree on his old videos.
Everybody on Yea Forums is the same person.
But this is the point I'm making: saying that he scripts his videos isn't evidence, which is what I'm asking you for. A lot of griefers like stggs, team gamerfood, all the rest, they sometimes cheat to get reactions out of people. That doesn't allude to scripting videos in any sense. Daniel's videos fucking suck I just want some concrete evidence which, oh, doesn't exist outside of your mad ramblings.
This. cheating and making servers isnt the same as scripting a video. you use those to help set a stage
Maybe by scripting, he means the code for the cheat program
>Banned everywhere
>Fucked over
>Still makes a trending troll video in VRCHAT that everyone is going wild over
>Still streaming despite dozens of bans
>Still retains over 400 viewers on streams
>does fake boring faggy reddit trolling
>passive aggressive and mentally ill
>pays people to advertise for him on "the chan" and reddit
>tried to get britbong flagged off YouTube because he was so buttmad
>flagged him off twitch originally
>still cries about him to this day
No he hires actual people to rage in his shitty videos like LT LICKME and redditors eat it up as "real trolling" real trolls get deplatformed, how come not one person danny has trolled has tried fucking with him in all these years?
Who are these literal who's and why are they being spammed in the thread?
Either way, settle down everyone.
Stgggs makes real videos, team gamerfood are shit but also make real videos, DanielfromSL entirely scripts and hires people to BE in his videos.
It was proven long ago, he admits to hiring people nowadays, he used to take money to advertise gmod servers, the dude is a complete loser in every regard.
The guy that created SL trolling and the dude DanielfromSL got so jealous of he had his channels flagged falsely.
>that basedvoice
no I won't waste my time with this.
>watch danielfromsl because he's supposedly a griefer
>just acts autistic the entire time for a few laughs
>manlet tears has, and always will be a complete unfunny faggot
>jirc came out with a good video then disappeared, again
>stgggs dead
>z0mby actually dead
I miss genuinely mean-spirited griefers but there's only a handful left now still doing anything m.youtube.com
>ask an english person to repeat what they say in english
>always make them flustered
>who's manlet tears
newfags I swear
You mean voice acting, like how danny does the same asspie monotone voice for a decade.
Like clockwork
You shilling daniel? yeah.
Why do either of you care if it's scripted or not? Most comedy is scripted you fucking dunce. Do you think comedians go up on stage and just wing it? No, because that would be awkward and boring. Imagine if all the you tube comedians just decided to record gameplay of a random server, it would be terrible. People awkwardly stuttering, kids screaming nigger nigger and waiting hours for something good to -maybe- happen. Watch a stream of your favourite content maker and you'll see he streams for 8 hours and maybe 10 minutes of that will be worthy footage to post to the youtube
Settle down
>i'll eat your mothers flesh
>settle down okay?
Some autistic NEET from some bumfuck island in the UK who has spent a decade (probably more at this point) shilling his shit on here. His stuff is pretty shit like 95% of the time and he´s insufferable and really obnoxious in his shilling. He also thinks him making a fool of himself is "trolling" and still hasn´t learned the difference. There´s like tons of shit you can dig up about him, but it´s honestly not worth it.
At this point, he is like that guy who hates asian women and goes in an autstic rage whenever an attractive asian woman is posted, only that goes spazzo-mode when a more popular YouTuber gets posted. Case in point, this thread.
Is he even making stuff anymore?
i still dont understand the goal of daniels GMOD show
He got to well known and people caught on to his schtick so he can't just jump into random servers and screw with kids anymore.
What the fuck is going on in this thread
alright you have no proof schizo
shut up already
Aren't you that scottish pedophile that collects pictures of little japanese girls and larps as them online?
Imagine punishing yourself watching this mongs boring streams instead of just watching based MRBTFO on dlive.
No, I just enjoy Babymetal. And you´re far off regarding the location.
What´s Dlive? Last time I heard you were streaming on that Narcissa Wright platform
settle down ok?
Yeah the cost of paying little children to scream must be taxing on the o'l wallet, but dannybois gameshow streams are fucking awful.
The only reason you duds watch it is because "it's on twitch" maybe he should rename himself to watchingpaintdryinIRL
>not knowing the platform pewdiepie uses and promotes
Your loss weebpede
Lol what happened to these threads, 2 years ago it was all about just laughing and having a good time
Autists with too much time on their hands, pls go..
>banned for enjoying britbong videos
>threads shut down for mentioning him
>full on dannyfromSL shill threads are fine
Fuck the jannies and fuck your thread virgin, check out www.mrbtfo.com/videos for real and true trolling * dab *
Neck yourself midget
what in the fuck
is this some elaborate scheme to end all e-celeb discussion on Yea Forums?
this spamming must be new within the last month, i swear. it certainly is obnoxious. i hope the one guy who doesn't have anything to do besides post his channel and seethe at successful people is enjoying himself.
Why would I follow what Pewdiepie does? He´s an alright dude, but I don´t enjoy his content.
It´s just ManletTears having a fit about a more popular YouTuber
>dannyshills mad
>dannyshills instantly complain about britbong
You out yourselves EVERYTIME!
He pulled a tim heidecker on britbong and stole his sthick but managed to make it less funny and appealed to reddit, maybe you need to grow beyond the age of 18 before posting again.
I´ll repeat my question:Is he Daniel even doing stuff anymore? The only thing I see posted here from time to time is what OP posted, that´s it. Probably because it´s some old meme back from when he was relevant and didn´t upload 1 video/every 2 years Is that shilling in your eyes? I don´t see people posting links to Daniel's website or streams here (does he even have these anymore?) If that´s shilling, what are you trying to do here, unsuccessfully? Are you sad that people don´t post your stuff instead or what´s your issue with him?
Imagine being this much of a pathetic loser that you shitpost on Yea Forums about yourself for 10 years and still nobody gives a shit about you or wants to watch your videos.
We get it, you're insecure about your height. Go play in the sandbox with the other kids.
oh so this "britbong" goy is manlet tears?
explains the autism on display in this thread.
yeah, he calls himself mrbtfo now
Yeah, 100%. After a while, you can easily tell. Same pictures, same basic grammar, same bragging and crying about being blacklisted (all his fault btw).Last time I´ve seen saw him spazz out was after Etika killed himself.
>makes videos where content ia supposedly made up from random encounters like the bot collect wood video
>surprised when people call him out on scripting videos
based retard
>it's a poorly disguised shill thread
is Jersey really that boring that you can't do anything else, Dominic?
I don't follow anyone or anything, but do tell, blacklisted from what?
He got his major YT-account banned for being a supreme edgelord on Stream (blasting Alabama nigger at full-volume, raiding some autistic Roblox-Youtuber and telling people to call him a pedo, despite the guy being married and having a kid). He made dozens more that got deleted as well. When he didn´t get support from bigger YouTubers to get his shit back, he attacked them and got their social media suspended because he mass-reported them. That retarded fuck Keemstar absolutely hates his guts and makes a sport of getting him deleted off every relevant platform now.
Idk about his Rust vids, but as for the 2nd life ones- You don't have to script that shit. That's literally how boomers naturally act and talk, you don't need to stage it.
Mike is that you?
I miss your streams man.
Thread successfully derailed by www.britbong.com
I didn't say his SL videos were scripted.
Does anyone have a video of Daniel getting assmad from getting trolled? I remember people mentioning it in an older Daniel thread.
He used to visably get mad when britbong was mentioned
Who would win in a boxing match? JMAA or ManletTears?
sowwy, i am not into this eceleb shit, new Yea Forums
What if I told that i don't care about some eceleb botnet?
Because it has been established a long time ago that, whenever someone talks/posts about ManletTears, it´s most likely ManletTears himself.
Etablished by pedos like you.
Funny that you of all people are calling other people pedos. One could think you´d come up with a different insult, but your shit is like a broken record, no wonder you´re not growing (hah!).
Yeah who is this?
>manlet tears is still relevant in some small way
Is this like some LTG tier worshipping or something
No, nothing like that. Like I said, it´s mostly himself shilling himself. He does have a loyal following of like 200-400 people though (at least on Streams ,might be a few bots) that could be a lot bigger if he didn´t keep driving people off by treating them like shit.