On the basis of: story, gameplay, music, characters, graphics, combat, and atmosphere.
Name the best 10 JRPGs of all time
Here’s all the good JRPGs I could think of:
I cant do it. I'm not good enough of a critic to label the top ten of all time. I can only list the top ten I enjoyed playing the most, which isn't what you're looking for.
>Name the best 10 JRPGs of all time
I can't but I'll name my 10 favourites based on those criteria.
No particular order except for Skies of Arcadia, the best JRPG of all time.
Skies of Arcadia
Xenosaga Episode III
Ao no Kiseki
Rance X
Lunar SSSC
Dark Cloud 2
Xenoblade 2
Ys 4
Grandia 2
inb4 some retard lists automata
Persona 4 Golden and P5 are one of the only JRPGs I bothered playing through.
i dont know much about chinese games but I'd say dark souls and assasins creed origin should be on that list
Just wondering, do you really think someone will tell you the actual best jrpgs in a thread like this? or are you intentionally filtering out the people with >80 iq because you only want bad recommendations?
Tales of Vesperia (PS3/DE)
1- Dogma
2- Ni no kuni 2
3- FF4
4- world of warcraft
5- Fable
6- AC : origins
7- The simpsons hit&run
8- GTA : SA
9- AC : odyssey
10- Automata
In no special order: Suikoden 2, FF8, Dragon Quest 8, Xenosaga 3, Pokémon BW2, TitS Second Chapter - Ao no Kiseki, Breath of Fire 4, Chrono Cross and for last place I'm torn between including Grandia 2 or Persona 4
Final Fantasy VI & IX
Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest VIII & XI
The World Ends With You
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Persona 4
Why stop at 10?
>Skies of Arcadia
More like skies of random encounters
Terrible taste
I would happily discuss your own taste
Post your top
1)Genius of Sappheiros
2)SaGa Frontierr
3)Etrian Odyssey 3
4)Final Fantasy 5
5)Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold
6)Romancing SaGa 2
7) Final Fantasy Legend 2
8)Ar Tonelico
9)Etrian Odyssey Untold
Final Fantasy VI
Mother 3
Chrono Trigger
Legend of Heroes: Ao no Kiseki
Xenoblade Chronicles
Dragon Quest XI
Tales of Symphonia
Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver
Radiant Historia
1. Mother 2/Earthbound
2. Mother 3
3. Final Fantasy V
4. Final Fantasy VI
5. Golden Sun
6. Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced
7. Riviera
8. Sword of Mana
9. Chrono Trigger
10. Megaman battle network
>Genius of Sappheiros
I never got to beat the final boss in that game, but damn was it a ride though
it literally took me 8 years to beat the bonus boss
but yes the regular final boss is a dick too
I was listening to the soundtrack last month and nearly got me in the mood to replay it, kind of a shame the sequels, as far as I know, didn't get translated, but I think one of them got ported to Switch in Japan, hope it makes a return as a trilogy or some such
Persona 4.
On an unrelated note: Persona 5 is complete garbage which ruined the series. If you like P5 you must be mentally impaired or a 12 year old cringe anime fan.
Ar Tonelico 2
Tales of Symphonia
Dark Souls
Pokemon Crystal
Breath of Fire 3
Devil Survivor
Grandia 2
Chrono Cross
Xenoblade 2 would be on there if the last 3 chapters weren’t so rushed and the final scene wasn’t an unexplained asspull that contradicted all the prior build up.
>Xenoblade 2 would be on there if the last 3 chapters weren’t so rushed and the final scene wasn’t an unexplained asspull that contradicted all the prior build up.
Have you not played the first Xenoblade?
I have
Mother 3.
Can I enjoy Genius if I've never played Touhou?
Wizardry 1
Wizardry 2
Wizardry 3
Wizardry 4
Wizardry 5
Wizardry 6
Wizardry 7
Wizardry 8
Elminage Original
Elminage Gothic
>b-but Wizardry isn't Japanese
Well the IP is currently in the possession of a Japanese company so fuck you!
All eight Wizardries were made by American companies, though.
No particular order:
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest VII
Persona 3
Suikoden II
Sengoku Rance
Devil Survivor
Golden Sun I+II (2 parts of the same game)
Mother 2/Earthbound
Riviera the Promised Land
Final Fantasy Tactics
What does Crystal have that HG/SS doesn't? I've never played it but I've played the original G/S as well as HG/SS.
Dont hate me anons but which of this games have low amounts of combat/encounters? Want to play a jrpg that doesnt drag forever with repetitive stuff
HG/SS has the probably worst leveling curve in all of Pokemon.
Chrono Trigger
Persona 4
The world ends with you
Suikoden 2
Skies of Arcadia
tales of symphonia
I know, I just wanted to somehow include Wizardry in this thread.
Ff7 and iirc Tales of series both have equipment and or items that lower encounter rate
Never post your shit taste again.
Definitely agreein' with that one!
yes I think so
not like playing Touhou is a trails-tier commitment, each of those games can be beaten in half an hour
Riviera has no random encounters.
Post your own tier list user, i will gladly tear your shit taste to pieces.
Yeah, it replaces them with something much worse. Dungeon screen gimmicks and QTEs.
>The World Ends With You
be honest
that one should be all 10 slots
yeah after spending 300 hours practicing
trails is less of a commitment than touhou
what's your favorite wizardry made by a japanese developer?
Good taste.
My TWEWY niggas. For me, it’s
2. Dragon’s Dogma
3. Devil Survivor
4. Chrono Trigger
5. KH2FM
6. Radiant Historia
7. Tales of the Abyss
8. Mother 3
9. FF7
10. SMT Strange Journey
Could you explain what specifically makes the gameplay of FFL2 and mother 1 enjoyable to you, rather than a tedious slog through a ton of uninteresting battles?
Based and motherpilled
Your list reminds me that I bought Dragon's Crown Pro on a whim and haven't played it for even an hour and also that I'd like to play Ar Tonelico again, I also need to play Berseria again but I find it hard to enjoy that battle system, is the story bad though?
Props for being the only one mentioning Lost Odyssey too, I could use a remaster of that shit
>I also need to play Berseria again but I find it hard to enjoy that battle system, is the story bad though?
Berseria is pretty shit but story is the least of the game's problems despite still being only a bit better than godawful Zestiria. Braindead gameplay and especially the atrocious level and world design are the game's biggest problems that drag it down completely.
FFL is SaGa Frontier lite, I don't agree that it's a slog with mutants/mechs etc. having an interesting growth system you can play around a lot
Mother is serviceable gameplay wise, admittedly with the easy patch, but it named it for the stellar atmosphere, music and setting
Wizardry Empire III. Made by the same devs (Starfish SD) that would later develop Elminage after they lost the license to Wizardry. Too bad Starfish is literally dead right now despite not being listed as defunct. They haven't put out a new game since 2015. I'm really worried. They're one of my favourite mid-sized AA Jap devs.
The creature design is Elminage is fascinating to behold.
Suikoden II
Suikoden III