Shooting and blowing people up is GOOD

>shooting and blowing people up is GOOD
>smoking is BAD

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What are some games that promote smoking?

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>hurr durr smoking bad
fucking peatmallet

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It's the same shit with MK11 dressing their female characters in burkas, they've got no qualms with violence and gore but God forbid a female shows cleavage or ass.

>implying it isn't
Your lungs are made for breathing, nothing else.

not that i support smoking myself, but what the fuck is the problem with showing that in a video game? this is a game where you shoot and kill things and do violent things, and that's good, but showing someone putting a piece of paper with magic dust in his mouth is bad? what?

pretty much every violent game is good guy vs bad guy anyway. do you have a problem with police using violence in real life too?

>If you had the ability to create a world, what would you change?
I'd go full God Emperor, and I expect no less from anyone else. People be acting like they anti-fascist, but we all know that if given power we would show what true Fascism is about.

Post characters who smoke

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>says doesn't want to moral police
>does exactly that

What's the problem with not wanting to show it in a video game you're making though?
What has he done that's "moral policing"?

>*chainsaws entire squad of enemy soldiers into half while laughing*
>*shotgun guy's face off*
>"Don't do drugs, kids."

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Barrick's intro is pure kino because he's smoking.

Smoking is retarded but people wanting to ban and stop others smoking are even more retarded.

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historically speaking genocide is a valid and actually good option to deal with issues. the only caveat is that you have to actually finish the job or it fails.
smoking is also bad for you. its not just the tar that slowly clogs up your lung. its the nicotine that stays in your blood for a long time and hampers oxygen delivery, slowing down healing of cells and as a result accelerates aging.

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Nigger did you even read OP pic? Faggot straight up admit that he became morale police.

Fuck off.


fucking wolverine hasn't smoked in ages, it pisses me the fuck off. like, shit, remember when there was a NON smoking section at restaurants?

>Giving a single shit about smoking in 2019.
Hello, Grandpa. Still bitter about the Korean War?

If he really wants to create a nice and pretty world why doesn't he work on Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon instead of a game about guns and explosions?

his reasoning is that he doesn't want to encourage smoking. shouldn't that be a good thing? at least one 'agenda' is gone?

>fucking wolverine hasn't smoked in ages
Why wouldn't he? He's basically immortal

Imagine being such a faggot you can't handle a smoke here and there lmao

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comics thought that "smoking bad, no one should smoke! bad for childrens!" to the character with death claws for a weapon.

and yes, his power would keep him in fine health despite smoking and cancer because its keeping his dangerous metal that poisons him at bay every second.

fuck you comics industry.

But you dont shoot people in Gears, youre killing alien monster invaders who almost wiped out all of humanity.

Smoking companies are right leaning. The jews fear them, that's they first tried to stop them with propaganda and when they realized they couldn't beat them, they introduced vaping to divert the dumb millennial libtards from smoking like real men.

>defending your own home and race BAD
>smoking GOOD

>using logic with literal drug addicts
good luck with that user

Let me guess. He has made posts about guns needing to be banned as well?

>I dont like smoking so I wont put it in my action game
Kinda late to the party but whats wrong with this? Is a developer not free to put or not put whatever they want in the game, should they be forced to put smoking charachters?

>Murder with brutal detailed gore
>Literally cut living things in half with chainsaws and blow them to bloody bits with grenades
>Guys smoking is bad, m'kay
It literally cannot be anymore hypocritical.

They're not alien invaders.

Maybe they will just vape instead.

is this a NEW franchise?

no, its fucking a franchise that has existed for TWELVE FUCKING YEARS NOW.

it has established shit. unless your going to tell me that tobacco somehow DISAFUCKINGPEARED from the earth.


shit, whats next? no alcohol? no sex?

you shoot people in the multiplayer

having creative freedom doesn't mean you can create whatever you want

so if he had lost some friends to guns, would he remove those from the game?

I dont want to glamorize something that can kill you. Just killing.

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and you dont smoke in any mp shooters like gears

how is defending the human race a bad thing you fucking nigger?

No he would post to ban all guns like a good liberal foot soldier would while still profiting from the fake violence as they would call it

>monsters kill your race and/or lobotomize them so they become slaves

lol just don't buy cigs retard lmao just keep your wallet in your pocket idiot hahaha

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Nothing, I did not say anything to that effect. I was thinking about executions specifically.

No DMC charachter ever drunk booze or smoke until DMC 5, and the moment Nico appeared less than 5 minutes into the game, they proudly said "CAPCOM DOES NOT ENDORSE SMOKING", are they hipocritical too?
Now thats more like it. Maybe if they somehow killed off all the charachters who smoke they could get away with it, but it wouldnt make sense in story to just have them stop, since its part of the design and identity of them. Having them quit wouldnt work either because its too much of a coincidence everyone just stopped smoking all of a sudden.

do you also cry on resetera about fictional "underage looking" girls getting sexualized?

See: In multiplayer you can play as the locust or whatever the rehashed version was called in nuGears and perform flashy executions on the good guys. Is that not glamorizing violence?

>If you had the ability to create a world, what would you change?
No niggers or kikes

>No DMC charachter ever drunk booze
The anime is canon, you know

>smokers becoming crybullies
How ironic

>He doesn’t smoke

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>born in early 90s and later: the snowflake generation

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its not the whole "im qutting heh, stuffs no good for ya!" shit, because they have to deal with GoW shit 24/7 365. smoking is a relaxing thing, takes their minds off killing shit and surviving.

fuck this shit, why do people need to change shit so much? i mean, really, if they took it out WITHOUT ANNOUNCING IT, i probably wouldn't have noticed really or cared.

but this is getting out of hand.

i'm anti smoking and anti anything bad for you but fuck off with this faggot shit no one cares if someone smokes in a game frick off

Are you saying that i care about hypocrites beyond to call them out on there bullshit?

>smoking is bad for you

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>seething about trannies = good
>having sex = BAD

Is there... killing in the game?

>tweet at him that I've lost friends to gun violence and his games are glorifying violence
>blocks me without any retort
nice hypocrisy

At least they didn't replace it with some gay e-cig like Kojima did.

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things that are addictive and kill you are inherently glamorous

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comprising art because of personal feelings should be illegal. disgusting.

But it is? Booze is also bad, drugs too. Too much sugar and coffee too, and not doing exercise and eating junk food is detrimental to your health.
Since Fergusson is asking, if I could create a world, what I would change is getting rid of all these toxic substances and make unhealthyness a crime. I know everyone would appreaciate it sooner or later.

why do people like Rod again?

>Cuts out LP from Gears 4 because the term "fuckboy" might be offensive to faggots
>Changes cast to lead female character with period problems because MUH DIVERSITY
>Changes dude bro companions and rap to brother fucker billie ellish
>complains about violence in video games while making the most violent fucking game
>drowned Gears 4 in a fuckton of loot boxes and locked away content in a game you paid like 80$ for
>Admitted hes the one who lead the charge on cancelling fortnite and not putting anymore money into the save the world mode, leading them to copy a battle royal

fuck gears, fuck jannies

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That's disgusting

Nothing cause life is cruel and our choices have consequences. But we live with them and move on, we can't just simply delete our guilt and pretend it never happened.

But personal feelings are what makes art.

Violence is considered family friendly in the US

>anti anything bad for you
>posts here

He didn't make art. He just deleted it.

The character doesn't promote smoking at all. People stupid enough to start smoking because they see it as cool deserve to get all the bad it gives you.

Even at an impossible 1% BF he would not be ripped like his art lol

fuckign whiny bitch
"Muh smokes" i fucking hate smoking but actually censoring on videogames? fuck taht

Good thing I'm a PC gamer and I have the FREEDOM the PC platform entails so I can ignore this ANTI-SMOKING game

shooting and sawing in half monsters easily identified as bad does not seduce easily impressionable people into emulation as the easily identified with heroes smoking in a way that may make them look cool for doing so does seduce easily impressionable people into emulation.

shooting and blowing people up *might* be bad dependent on the person, smoking is never good, irrespective of who does it. terminal cancer patients smoking weed to alleviate their pain is not good either, it is a palliative, just like methadone is bad, but less bad than heroin.

Is everyone in this thread shitposting or something, who the fuck would be pro-smoking that's like pro-dick-crushing

>series that used to embody the AAA hypermasculine Dudebro shooter
>now is starring a female protagonist on her personal journey in a game where nobody can smoke
what the fuck happened to Gears Of War?
was it truly over when Cliff left?

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>Characters are no longer allowed to have flaws due to morale police
Fucking lefties

Smoking is awful but I love it in my entertainment

Christians and the far-right. 99% sure that anyone who smokes unironically is a nazi

It's more about being against censorship, and even if you're against smoking, not like you need to hide every smokers, shame them, and then pretend it doesn't exist. Just don't do it yourself and don't recommend it to people.

I imagine a good chunk are.
But some are so "anti-SJW" (a term that has lost all meaning now) that they'll say smoking is amazing because an American-made game got rid of it. Or some shit like that.

I treat smokers like fat people. Sheer disgust and shame. Imagine wasting money to kill yourself quicker whilst not wanting to die.

>If a fictional character does a thing that means the creator and the consumers support that thing
Why are leftists so fucked in the head?

Smoking gives personality and raises you testosterone you pozzed twat

welcome to Gears Of Feelings
hope you enjoy your safe space

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American morality is pretty much mental illness.

>gives personality
The personality of a faggot who sucks cancer down his throat sure.

Fuck anybody who smokes. If I could, I would punch any faggot or cunt who smokes and piss on them.

Smoking is aesthetic as fuck

the only thing worse than a smoker is someone that thinks they live in a 90's PSA commercial and have to constantly remind everyone why smoking is bad for you.

Why would you want to waste your lung power on smoking cigarettes, which OBJECTIVELY do nothing for you but satisfy an addiction, when you can smoke DUDEWEED

I see we've reached the point of the "muh censorship" meme where the normal people jump off the boat and all that's left are the absolutely crazy people who do the work of their opposition for them.

This exact same thing happened with GG, remember how one of the things that pissed people off was kotaku declaring "gamers" as a concept was dead?

When was the last time you saw anybody on Yea Forums, or on the internet at all call themselves a "gamer" proudly. It wasn't that kotaku won those people just don't want to be associated with you spergs anymore.

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>he has never done drugs and had an absolute blast
how's jesus treating ya?

>Some retarded good for nothing Yea Forumsedditors will start smoking after this thread out of contrarianism

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Like, every Metal Gear Solid


>Big Tobacco shills now want to censor the devs personal vision
how horrifying

The only thing worse than smoking is second-hand smoking. Smoking should only be allowed on your own private property and only if they ensure their hazardous cancer clouds do not come within the vicinity of anyone who has not legally and explictly consented to being subjected to them.

>not smoking cigarettes
Are you retarded, bullied in school, or both?
>b-but it kills you
And? Was life a contest of living the longest?
>b-but it’s addicting!!
It’s not with moderation, like everything else
>b-but it’s expensive!!!!
Who forces you to buy two packs a day, you fucking peat gavel?

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>could have a world where human beings aren't slaves to chemical addiction
>no lol I just want the police to beat people
You just want to cause harm, don't kid yourself.

I'm not denying that second hand smoke is dogshit; I fucking hate smokers. I just hate people trying to tell me what I'm allowed to like or do even more.

>m-muh cancer!

>It’s not with moderation, like everything else
Objectively false. The way nicotine functions means you're addicted after one cigarette. You'll just only be addicted for about a day.

When you make media that kids will be interacting with in increased numbers, it's understandable to not want to glorify smoking when most people who get addicted start in their pre-teen years and get hooked. Tobacco companies advertised to kids because it worked, user. Jizz on your keyboard to me about gore if you want but one of these has a history of actually getting kids addicted.

Nah fuck you I don’t a shit about you cucks. None of you beta bitches would dare say anything you got smoke blowed into your ugly faces lol

>glamorize something that is addictive and kill you
uhhhh like violence?

Humans are stupid and can find ways to screw themselves over, if I made toxic subtances dissapear, new would eventually appear because thats what people do. So I need to first erase the bad stuff and then prevent people from creating more bad stuff.

>losing friends to lung cancer
Is this guy a literal baby boomer?
How the fuck do you lose friends to lung cancer.
Are you so insufferable that being around you makes people need a smoke every 10 minutes?

I forbid you from fapping to gay smoking porn within the hour. You are not allowed to do that. Don't you dare. Obey me or else.

You do realize Gears 5 is rated M, right? "Think of the children" is not a valid excuse.

keithgriff is based

>make your own game and want to keep remove cigs because it's your own game
>Yea Forums will try to censor your opinion, forcing you to include cigs
oof's only "objectively" false if you're a pansy with no control over your mind.. no one is making you smoke more than a few every so often...

>if I could

Why cant you, scared?

do you think they promote nukes too you fucking retard

Letting immigrants in your country is infinitely more harmful than smoking

Smoking BAD is such a meme.
It’s much more unhealthy being a friendless loser spending all his time on Yea Forums, watching porn and playing video games.

As someone who doesn't smoke and hates smoking IRL:

Smoking is fucking cool in games, movies, and anime.

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>that is addictive and kill you
Video games can do the exact same thing.

Nobody is trying to censor them

You'd be an idiot to do that, because what you're doing is repeatedly creating and severing a chemical addiction. Cigarettes don't make you feel good, they make you feel normal after making you feel like you NEED them. They do pretty much nothing. Just smoke a joint, kid.

>two games later
>she forced him to switch to some "safe" herbal shit

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Cigarettes are part of an old Gov PsyOp to control the population by reducing the lifespan of impressionable betas who fell for the
>I'm cool if I smoke
I think it should be brought back

Ohh, you're so fucking stupid you don't realize you could just say "I wish for a world with no drugs." Now I understand.

>he thinks kids and parents pay need to rating systems on videogame boxes
Why do you cone to this board if you've never played videogames in your life? Why do you argue about this if you have no idea how parents soend their money on their kids?

Nicotine is a stimulant you retard, it makes you better.

This. I love RPing one of my characters constantly chewing on a cigar.


you are like an early phase of life anime villain before your twisted vision ends with people pinned through their bones with iron rails to beds where they are constantly monitored for impure thoughts

As someone who likes smoking but doesn't smoke and doesn't judge people who do:

Smoking IS fucking cool. The only time it's really not is when a girl you dig smells like it.

Fuck off, black lunged faggot


>You are wrong to enforce your personal vision in your game, I want you to include cigs because I tell you to
literal censorship by pathetic outsiders, you can see it in this thread several times

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Come the fuck on, guys. This is the most retarded false equivalency. It's like something you'd read on Kotaku.

Lmao you just know that's how he thinks about himself, don't encourage it

The fuck is going on with all the normalfags trying to peer pressure people into smoking here? Do they know where they are?

>dont combust this plant and inhale it, combust this other plant and inhale it with no filter!

What the fuck is wrong with kalemales? I'm serious.
When did they have the part of their brain removed that let them distinguish between fiction and reality? Why do they constantly conflate the two like they're one in the same?

>this guy unironically making the gears world out to be an idealized one
Holy fuck what has story telling come to

No one is saying that smoking is bad for you. But making a big deal out of it like this makes you come off as extremely thin-skinned, and it's ironic that all these anti-smoking ads do is promote products.

They're outrage addicts. It's been too long since the Tifa threads, they need something new to complain about.

I hate smokers because back in my retail job, they needed a fucking "smoke break" every 5 minutes.

>literal tobacco industry shills
>on Yea Forums

smoking is cool
it will always be cool
i don't smoke, although i do have a realistic looking cigar that i smoke when waiting for shit, or when stressed
that this faggot has any level of control over production is why the video game industry is basically dead on arrival now

Right, and like all stimulant drugs, it causes a severe low after your high runs out. You are worse off in the long run, but too short-sighted to see that because you get 5 minutes of feeling amped.
Tired old meme

>smoking bad
>dude weed lmao
americans are mentally ill

>Smoking IS fucking cool

Rarely. If you're one of those fuckers who takes breaks during work to huddle by the side of a building smoking up a cloud, then you're just a faggot.

Smoking should be done philosophically, during quiet moments of introspection or with the right backdrop like a seaside cafe.

this reminded me of a date I had a long time ago
we were talking in my car for a while around 3 hours into it, and we both went quiet at the same time
then she said " you smoke?"'
and I said "yeah, you?"
and she let out a huge sigh of relief and we both pulled out our packs at once
its amazing what we try to hide about ourselves

>don't eat this poisonous mushroom but this other edible mushroom is fine
it's not hard

No because smoking is still in DMC5. The game uses a character to announce the anti-smoking stance. The anti-smoking stance is believably a trait of the character.
It's more annoying when a trait of the developer leaks into the game, then he uses that trait to gloat all over social media about how aware he is, and how he is making the world a better place, while still glamorizing the grotesque violence and brutality the game is known for. I guess I just hate egotistical people who jump on issues like this for social credit.
Disclaimer: I don't smoke and I will never touch those cancer sticks.

So this is how addicts act, huh?

not OP, and i agree with you, but i'm pretty sure he means that if smoking is bad why wouldn't shooting people be considered bad too?

>people falling for obvious false flags

No smoker wants other people to start smoking, stop being fucking retards.

Smoke yourself and you wont notice it.
Nothing better than being sweary as fuck and having a cig after you pounded a thot

>Smoking should be done philosophically, during quiet moments of introspection or with the right backdrop like a seaside cafe.
Faggot incel

>Protect the artistic visions AT ALL COSTS unless their artistic vision is offensive to me : )

Every fucking time

>no filter
What kind of jank-ass joints are you rolling? Anyway you can also smoke cannabis out of a water pipe, significantly reducing the harmful chemicals. You can even vaporize it. Regardless, I'm not sure if you know this, but cigarettes contain a huge range of harmful unnatural additives. Cannabis does not cause cancer, cigarettes do.

>dude all plants are the same lmao
american education...

I think it's more about how people in general act
smoking and other addictions are just a little closer to the surface


>REEEEEE muh safe space! I totally don’t want to be cool and socialize with other people and lose my virginity!
Cringe, grow some balls.

As much as I think idolizing cool characters smoking is, well, cool, I hate the smell of smokers IRL. It's always done by the worst looking people as well.

I told my boss I smoked cigarettes so I could go smoke a joint a couple times a day at work. Stay seething.

Visionaries aren't part of it anymore and instead it's about having a committee tell a story.
This guy was just a whiny fucker trying to de-rail the vision other people had for the character because of his offended and sensitive feelings.

A girl smoking is sexy as fuck


Videogames don't make kids go shoot people, we solved that one a long time ago. Advertising smoking to kids as a cool thing makes them smoke and get addicted, we solved that one even farther back user.

Inhaling hot smoke into your lungs increases your risk of cancer and COPD because you are damaging and irritating your lungs user. Smoking is worse than weed, that doesn't mean weed isn't bad for your lungs too. Just eat pot brownies.

have sex

Nah, I'm just cooler than you.

I think it’s one of those times where one is obviously bad, while the other is more down to Earth and easier to replicate

Reminder that "smoking is cool" is propaganda designed by edward bernays to influence women into being part of the smoker market.

Imagine not being able to show people smoking, the Yakuza series would be doomed in the west.

Personally I never smoke joints. I almost exclusively smoke from a cooled bong, or do the same but with vaporized concentrate. I didn't say it wasn't bad, just that it wasn't going to directly give you cancer like the chemicals in cigarettes.

smoking characters in action video games are immersion breaking like obese characters

>didn’t you know that smoking is bad for you?
>just quit smoking and let your wife have fun with her black friend

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But it is cool and that is a fact

imagine being so reactionary that you get upset about people not smoking

Throw in an outbreak over female nipples and you've got american morals in a nutshell.

By that logic nothing should ever be allowed to display anything designed for mature audiences since kids will see it anyway. You think my parents were actually able to stop me from watching pro wrestling or South Park growing up?

Besides, if a parent knowingly gets a child something rated for mature audiences, the fault is with the parent and not whoever added the objectionable content in the first place. The ESRB exists so that kids can't get their hands on those titles unless their guardian willfully ignores them, thus waiving all liability on the developer/publisher's behalf.