Wagecucks like to brag that they have money so they don't need to pirate, but when do they have the time to actually play?
Wagecucks like to brag that they have money so they don't need to pirate...
Weekends and right after work. During work too.
Bad thread
More like bad tradeoff. You earn money to buy something that NEETs get for free and the time you use to earn money you cannot use to enjoy what you buy. Meanwhile NEETs have all the free time and all the free games. The real question may be: Do you have to be clinically retarded to become a wagie?
Like, now. I've been lying in bed for hours wondering what I'm gonna play today. And more importantly, what I'm gonna eat.
on one hand I can go to my fridge and cook a healthy, balanced, well proportioned meal, on the other hand I can order a large pizza with stuffed crusts and have it delivered to my door. I can also either drink water or black coffee or something with no calories, OR I can drink some delicious ice cold beer. Someone enable me. For the love of God tell me to go with the pizza and beer. Please.
You should eat healthy user. Mr Shekelberg won't appreciate if you have to call in sick down the line because you ruined your health.
how do neets buy stuff? like food, clothes, hardware to play vidya
mom or the state or both
Only if you don't enjoy what you do.
Don't become some sad fat fuck.
>Wagecucks like to brag that they have money so they don't need to pirate
Yes because I like making fun of poorfags. I still pirate games.
Go make a proper meal you fucking lardass-to-be. Fuck off to kitchen now and take care of yourself, you mong.
which is the majority
How about you make a healthy meal and drink an iced cold beer with it?
I also have a house and a car. Not everyone's entire paycheck goes to video game, retard
But I like my job!
Are you me? I haven't cooked anything in weeks.
I bet you are wasting money on a roaste too, you loser
Well, good for you then. Consider yourself privileged.
Do what makes you feel good. Just go for a walk later for 15-20 minutes and do some stretches.
Supply & demand
You can earn a living at "fun" jobs because too many people are willing to live like hobbos to follow their passion. And what's left is shitty jobs you do only to get paid.