Post IRL bosses
Post IRL bosses
*makes sudden movement*
there's an entire subreddit for this fuck off
*kills your small child*
If youre not some absolujt manlet or obese piece of steak, you should be able to defend or kill one of these shits
>There is an entire subreddit dedicated to video games, fuck off
how do you know
>there's an entire subreddit for this
fuck off, redditor, along with the faggot op
Why do their owners eyes glow? Is this some kinda shitty edit?
>chain collars
fuck off with that meme already. They are banned in most countries for a reason.
Nah, I'm sure he's actually genuinely retarded.
Do you guys think there are some well known facial traits that can be associated with violence and niggers?
Pitbulls shure looks like niggers, and both are violent.
>when you can 1hit kill them with a simple weapon
why do they look like black rapper fursonas
Pitbulls are the niggers of dogs, which are themselves the niggers of pets.
Fucking hate mage boss battles.
Very based and very white opinion.
Looks like a more successful Tsim Fuckis
The master race
>staypuft still missing
just give up
You have to weaken the dog to open up a window for the finisher on the human controlling it.
>you should be able to defend or kill one of these shits
Why would I want to defend one?
And what’s that reason?
>welcome to hell
why americans have such obsession with body mutilation?
>clipping dicks
>clipping dog ears
>glory to corne
>Oh shut up, this isn't a highlight for me either
Those are fucking hellhounds at this point
They're perfectly safe if you use them properly it's just people are fucking dumb.
Why do britbongs have such an obsession with Americans and what they do with their dicks?
chain collars are completely ineffective, I had one for my mutt and he gave zero fucks, just pulled the collar at full strength anyway. I don't think he felt it at all.
dog skin is just too thick
>boss' minions realise they're being exploited and turn on them
>wait, what is he
>people are watching
>why is this dude pointing
*rips apart your child*
pssh... nothing personel kid
Yes please.
hair on fleek
thank you
This kills the /pol/ user
They don't look like niggers though.
They look like Big Show.
r olling
that dumb bitch nigger dog apologist will be mauled by the time she hits 30
Saving this shit thread
abrahen is in the house
I once spooked a dog like this, It latched its jaw around my knee, was pretty tiny so I just threw it it away.
Later that day it came up to me begging for food like it didn't just try to cripple me.
>Congo Dandies
You cant be dumber then this !
whats the matter? Let them have fun
>dildos aren't hollowed out to use as gloves
7/10 from me
Why does the Russian looks like they just sent the Janitor
>Save enough money to lift your family out of poverty
>Spend it on suits
Is it shopped ? Or is it a case of too much synthol injection ?
Based Rottweiler
Pitbull deaths should count for three fifths of what the other deaths do though.
I got one too
americans everyone
>born with a collapsed maxilla
>but parents are rich
would you be ok with that?
Ah fuck, anyone have the borderlands edit?
Dios Mio
Sam's sketches are getting more and more creative
he's gonna give that fat fuck a brain hemorrhage.