Everyone who played FFXIV seems to think it's the greatest game ever, but it seems like you have to dedicate your life to this game if you decide to play it, because you've got a monthly fee and tons of grinding and content to do. You choose to play this game and you literally have no time to play anything else. So is Final Fantasy XIV the endgame for a gamer's life? Once you play this you don't have to play anything else ever again, you're set for life.
Everyone who played FFXIV seems to think it's the greatest game ever...
Other urls found in this thread:
There's no grinding, it's just a 400 hour story if you go through all expansions without skipping cutscenes.
If you prefer 2 hour indie experiences to a game with a huge world to explore then that's fine, you'd probably make a great games journalist.
400 fucking hours? Don't you have a life?
100 hours for an RPG is more than reasonable and this game is now four full length RPGs back to back.
Yes it is not worth it. 200+ hours to get to that point in the game and a monthly fee to keep playing
Game is overall pretty bad because of MMO bs
Why do people always make XIV topics like this?
It won't stop the mods from moving or deleting the thread.
Why are mods deleting XIV threads and not Mario Maker 2 threads when both released on the same day?
Why would mods be deleting any threads about video games? I'm sorry, would you rather have another twitter screencap thread? Fuck this place.
>Monthly fee
The monthly interest credit I receive from my savings account is nearly 4x the amount of this game's monthly fee, so I play for free technically.
Is 400 hours is too much for normalfags huh
>paying a fee
>saying it's free cause you make money
Really is easy to finesse rich niggas
400 hours is too much for anyone with a fucking job, you NEET bastard. Stop leeching off society and do something.
um I am now afraid to post my hrs.
If you can't afford the monthly fee you're either a child without a job or a mental midget that can't even manage your budget enough to afford $15 a month.
Oh please I clock in 400 hours in a fucking day you pussy
That seems legitimately impossible.
How old is the game now? 400 hours spaced out over years is nothing
Oh thank god somebody too with no life...I have 8464hrs
You are your own limitation
op you could of just complained about how buying housing/housing in general is completely indefensible dunno why you went with story
I managed to get almost 1500 days clocked in FFXI.
A lot of it was just me leaving it on because fuck going through POL everytime I wanted to log on.
What anime genre does each job watch
I beat HW in a week with my job.
Post your weaponfu
the new samurai af katana is great
im manageing to juggle this game, warframe and 3 different animes and i still get freetime to play other things. you either work 12 hours a day or sleep to much user
please clap
How do we save Eureka?
We don't. It doesn't deserve saving.
What else is there to do?
Shit game that will die down once classic is released. 9.0 will deal the killing blow.
here is a guide on getting consistent 3 lines
I am the NEETlord who managed to level GNB to 80, beat the entire Shad storyline while watching every cutscene before Early Access ended. 400 hours is fucking nothing.
Didn't they say they will be making changes to make it easier for new players? It still has the relic locked behind it.
No it's the opposite there is literally nothing to do in this game garbage once you hit max level unless the only thing you care about is the story and erp stay away from this game. I'm really disappointed that they are still releasing the same amount of content each expansion a few dungeons that become irrelevant really fast and 2 trials at launch of a new expansion is unacceptable.
And the raids are terrible the 24 man ones are meant for casuals and completely brain dead and the 8 man raid only has 4 bosses 4 FUCKING BOSSES and the only actual quality boss in those 8 man raids is the last one the other 3 always feel like dungeon tier bosses with a few more mechanics in terms of design and how much effort they put into it.
This greatsword is fucking beautiful. I REALLY like it.
I did that and I work 50 hours a week
I wish it had a heavy melee deeps class with attacks that you can charge while moving or something.
Or maybe I need to get over my tanxiety again.
my penis is in danger
Is that the .1% tradewintranny body armor?
Producer literally said the intended way to play the game is to sub for the patches and unsub and play occasionally in between them.
Why did Emet use a gun when he could use ancient Ascian magic?
>Everyone who played FFXIV seems to think it's the greatest game ever
hell fucking no it doesn't even compare to the old guard of MMOs like EQ, WoW, FFXI, GW, and AO, but its an alright themepark MMO to play it you want something smooth and modern with lots of FF fanservice, and 5.0 is probably the best the MSQ has ever been so there's that.
i've played on and off since it launched so i don't know about the new player experience. yes it would be a huge slog getting through every MSQ since 2.0, but thats what the game is. you can skip to the latest expac if you really want but there's not much point.
also i don't understand why paying a few bucks a month means you have to play it 7 days a week and nothing else. maybe if you are a child and thats all of your pocket money gone.
To insult you.
He founded the Allagan Empire and the Garlean Empire so I think he had a soft spot for technology.
Yeah its last seasons feast outfit.
WoW was most casual MMO on market.
>he is not willing to put many years into one game
how the fuck do you get it looking that good
Literally It's like in Overlord when Momonga was going to use a pin-knife to kill Clementine but just decided to hug her to death because she was so pathetically weak by comparison.
First weapon I've truly put in effort to earn in this game, and the best looking Chakrams I've found. I couldn't be happier with them.
This, he could've easily sent G'raha Tia to the netherrealm but instead chose to shoot him for whatever reason I mean the least he could've done was blown his brains out
That screenshot was /gpose and reshade.
>have job
>take a two weeks off since im allowed to because im not an american cuck that has to work 24/7 365days/year
>play almost 20hrs/day during that time
>go back to work and play for 2-5hours after work depending if i have shit to do in my free time or not
wow playing a game while also having a job is so hard
Most people want instant gratification so a mmo that’s slow starting is a huge no no for people these days.
>the least he could've done was blown his brains out
And defeat the entire point in capturing him, good job bigbrain
I had 337 days 14 hours 32 minutes played in FFXI when I last logged out for good in 2012.
Post the pastebin thanks
He needed him alive.
I wonder what he thought of the Gunbreakers.
>it seems like you have to dedicate your life to this game
You don't have to blow through the whole thing at once. The general design philosophy is literally for people to fucking quit for a couple months and come back when new content launches.
Yeah, no shit if you start watching One Piece right now it's going to take you a long time to catch up. It's not like you have to watch every episode end to end though.
These Chakrams from the 57 dungeon look good and they match the best chest piece from this expac.
He didn't kill him for a reason, he wanted to know how the fuck he went back in time and summoned the WoL to the first.
I was doing the extreme ARR trials and these two showed up. What ever happened with them?
I meant 77.
>FF14 threads keep getting deleted or moved
>WoW classic general allowed to be up on Yea Forums constantly for months
Hmm, I wonder...
Well that's how I play but the content in that is at least much longer I usually unsub 2 months after a expansion release not in the first 2 weeks lol
Was there ever a greater redemption arc?
>300+ days
You're a fucking liar how much of that was spent idling in the rolanberry markets?
You kill them in the SMN job questline.
Probably killed by Shadowhunter, he boasts a few kills, somehow. Is it ever explained how he actually kills Ascians despite not having an auracite?
Daddy Gaius probably fucked them to death.
We had like three threads hit bump limit around the same time last night
remember what a fucking shit show 1.0 was when it launched?
They're not bad, but they're not my style and they don't make it looks like my character has tiny hip wings.
Oh that works really well with your glam.
Same with all the WoWbros flooding in. I feel like most of them are too much focused on the rewards instead of getting there. An Ultimate is much more fun when you spend several months every now and then trying to beat it with your friends, looking up an optimal strat to get a clear within an hour is pretty boring.
Easy Emet could've just stopped the bullet before it damaged G'raha's brain just like Reverse Flash
>Is it ever explained how he actually kills Ascians despite not having an auracite?
No. He might have recovered the Heart of Sabik though.
>300+ days playtime is not believable for a game that’s been out for 7 years
>SB higher than HW
Stormblood was just a filler arc to set the events for 5.0 and 6.0
Ah, I see you've never played an MMO before
Yes. And I still managed to love it back then for some weird reason.
I wonder how many of the 40k anons from back then are still around.
the smut?
Whatever happened to the Auracite Urianger gave to us in Il Mheg?
What's the likelyhood that considering we did shit like have Cait Sith in Mhach and Chocobo Dungeon Chocobo in Omega, Eden will have us toting around a fucking Moomba
Any eceleb videos about 1.0 xiv? Retrospect one.
Did you finish the story?
Keep playing the story.
I feel like people tend to forget how much of a mess HW was to play and how smooth SB played compared to it.
Also I would argue that SB's endgame content was alot more enjoyable even if the story wasn't at good.
if your server didn't use Battalia Downs, were you even a server?
I did but I must've overlooked it or forgotten about it
>even the excess light within us is completely taken care of by the end of 5.0
this is just a filler expansion
Is there more than one Khloe pastebin?
post all of them thanks friend
Why do I feel like the 79 "Forgiven" weapons from Mt Gulg are what Innocence's weapons would be, you know, if he actually dropped weapons instead of smelly acccessories
Emet got it used on him but then he went full Chad, shattered it and pulled the last piece of it out with his bare claws.
Not really, I work I don't have a lot of time to dedicate myself 24/7 to any game, I play on weekends and maybe 1 or 2 hours after work if I'm not tired.
The way the game work is that you can treat it as a single player JRPG with multiplayer aspects, so you never feel the need to grind or be there all day, right now I finished Shadowbringers MSQ and I'm about to start doing the Extreme trials, plenty of learning groups still so I don't rush anything. Then I'll cancel my sub for the month until the patch comes, sub again and play for 1, 2 months and so on.
My favorite DRK weapon
Forgiven armor is 10/10
It is.
A hint: Remember him
I reached level 52 as a WHM but I didn't unlock the lily gauge. Do I have to wait until I get to stormblood or something?
We fusion HA'd with default player character. So now we are exactly twice as awesome.
well i can't wait for crafted forgiven weapons with glow. Maybe someday. Still fucking waiting on crafted Zurvan shit
You are correct. However, Stormblood was much easier to play and comes with a ton of QoL updates and its launch had more to offer compared to HW's launch.
To be honest it's not really a proper glam, it's just the Voeburtite aiming set glamoured over my artifact gear with the Ronkan coat of aiming on since it's the only 440 armour I've purchased so far. It just came about because I felt ridiculous doing the final bit of the MSQ in the dancer Artifact armour and changed it to the Voeburtite stuff. I dunno how the rest of the Ronkan gear looks but I'm thinking of keeping the boots and gauntlets even when I assemble the full set.
You guys weren't kidding about ShB being that much better than SB. Just finished the Hidden Temple in Rak'tika (which was quite fun) and i have to take a break but i'm absolutely loving it, the areas, dungeons, music, pretty much everything. Guess i just like fantasy stuff more than the political drama of SB. Also i was indifferent towards Vieras but that purple-haired little sister was fucking cute.
Look at your traits
I only know of one smut and I didn't know it was a pastebin
He was originally a part of you anyways if the "the colors of your souls are the same" thing is any indication
He's talking about XI, and he finished in 2012. It would've been out for 10 years at that point.
I dont think he actually "kills" them like with the auracite, just kills their bodies until they show up again to try and start shit.
Make sure to get done with their questline to get the best minion.
Have you done your job quests?
>Forgiven Armor is a recolor
>it's World of Darkness armor and also you can dye it
this is fine
That’s more believable then.
Easier to get than Chromite which is the same thing too, dyeable WoD gear.
I don't think it's an issue for LESSER ascians (like the ones you kill in the SMN questline), which you can kind of just fucking kill I think. Organization 14 is another problem
Oh this part, I remember it now, I guess I was so moved by the hype I lost track of it
Easier to get than the actual World of Darkness gear.
Fuck the Crystal Tower raids only dropping 1 (ONE!) piece of gear per boss
Why do people act like they have to finish the MSQ in a day or week? Do people besides zoomers not remember back when MMOs took months or more to get to max level? Whats with this recent mentality of rushing to endgame where you imagine all the best content is? People have been telling you guys for ages that XIV isn't entire about the dungeons and raids, but also the journey itself and side activities, much like older MMOs used to be.
I can understand when people say that they think certain parts of the MSQ are boring, and that the MSQ is a barrier to entry that needs some revamping to make it more streamlined or interesting. What I dont agree with is people who want to just skip it entirely and jump into raiding. Its not really that kind of game. Its supposed to be an actual hybrid of MMO and RPG as the name implies. Even the director has said on multiple occasions that he doesn't want to develop a game that players feel obligated to perpetually stay subbed to in order to keep up.
You mean the middle sister with the spear?
HW was great storywise and had good depth in terms of job mechanics (not counting WAR here, it was always baby easy), even with some controversial changes like cast times for Bard.
Stormblood is just a turd storywise and was mediocre in terms of the patch trials, Savage was fine though.
Basically HW was much more memorable in terms of what it gave, and is a ground point for what a lot of people loved in their classes.
how do i make big gil with materia transmutation
me retard
what do i start with the starter edition or the shadowbringers complete edition? i heard the base game was pretty long so idk if i should get the other expansions alraedy.
Oh, i thought she was the youngest, my bad. But yeah, that one.
>those hunt train parties on discord
time to hack and bot
Is there a better database for items than garlandtools? I want to just be able to look up stuff by class weapon so I can see all the gunblades.
Damn.. wowfags on suicide watch.
People are stupid and want to rush and then bitch and moan about not having anything to do.
they should have gone the full mile copying gurren Lagann and should have ended like this instead of you throwing Bravura though
Search filters my man.
Always keep a eye out on the pf for a hunt party.
We should lend them a hand instead of mocking them, WoWbros deserve their world to be saved same as ours did.
>Do people besides zoomers not remember back when MMOs took months or more to get to max level?
In Lineage 2 you need like ~8 months to max level.
Excellent taste, user
>got all casters to 80
Now which class do I level? Either a tank or healer just so I can have something in my pocket
Oh shit, thank you.
I finished Shadowbringers in a few days because I thought the story was fantastic and I was eager to see what happened next and how it ended.
>blizzard isn’t so far up their butts that really know or care about WoW now or any of their IPs
They tried blowing Azeroth up once it only made things worse
You do need to finish the MSQ in a few days if you don't want to suffer through the extreme trials with total shitters. That doesn't mean you have to rush the story or skip dialogue though. It just means you have to play a lot. I talk to every NPC in every quest for example(which in ShB gives you a lot of additional lore information from Emet-Selch) and I still finished the story before early access ended.
Time to be a man and level up dragoon or samurai.
Can ShB even be topped? Or is 6.0 gonna be SB tier
Did that lag spike from earlier this morning go away? I was in the middle of Innocence EX when it hit and got a bit pissed so I went to do other shit for a bit.
Howed you do it? Trusts and FATEs?
I am not playing a tank that is so weak they can't even do large pulls. I have seen enough GNB die in large pulls while leveling my casters
What job should I play if I am a raging lolicon
Is there a way to craft without bullshit just pentameld everything LMAO RNG mechanic?
We should at least try to help right?
No, they fucking don't.
FFXIV deserved to be saved because the developers were genuinely remorseful that they put out a piece of shit, and vowed to make it better.
Blizzard devs are passive aggressive dicks to their players on public stages and treat them like numbers to process in a fun computing algorithm and not people.
WoW dying will on serve to finally free them of it.
Fuck no, I did main scenario(praetorium is always 2/3rds of a level) , leveling roulette, the dungeon at my level and fates while I waited on ques
GNBs can handle large pulls just fine, they have the same tools every other tanking job does. Pop Arm's Length and pray the healer is paying attention and you're fine.
if they keep natsuko ishikawa as writer, perhaps we may see even higher levels of kino....
highest rated game on both PC and PS4 for 2019
6.0 will probably be invasion and liberation of Garlemald leading up to a Zodiark Zenos vs Hydaelyn WoL Battle.
Don’t you guys have phones? Lol
6.0 will be probably downtime like SB. We need to solve this Garlemald problem just to be free.
This pretty much. Haven't finished it yet (), i'm guessing i'm halfway through already but it's so hard to stop.
Imagine if the writer can make Zenos an actual good villian.
Something I was thinking about recently actually.. Garlemald would be too obvious for a new zone and my guess is all this stuff is going to be resolved by 5.5.
So remember when Baldesions Academy just blew up for no reason? What about that?
Yes, HW was the ground point, but SB was the time they refined upon that and the game found its stride. SB and late HW. Just look at Bismarck or Gordias, or cleric stance or old Berserk.
you know the game is 6 years old
Zenos is wild card. He's Kefka
I can only imagine WoW dying being a herald of renaissance for MMORPGs
Why do people autistically do hunts. You can only use the currency for whatevers in the store and the armor sucks.
>So remember when Baldesions Academy just blew up for no reason? What about that?
Eureka plotline
>doing side quests
how about no
I like Zenos, he goes so much against the other 'villains' in the story. Everyone else has agreeable motives and is just a flavor of 'you could be this person if you choose the easy way'. Zenos is just an Autist looking for a fight and I respect him being a mad lad and going for it in the most retarded way.
Well too late for that now.
I don't think MMOs are ever going to have a big resurgence since the devs going after the easy money are all in other genres that take a lot less upfront work than an MMO.
I've spent 2 hours today doing my 50 lvl CUL quest. I went to find my own mats. I had so much fun. How does this game do it?
Where are my SAM bros at?
Of course they'll keep her, but they're gonna let other writers take over for some patches and also allow someone else to take lead writer for the next xpac
>not doing shadowbringer sidequests
>Zenos frees the Garleans inadvertently from Ascian influence with his Katana collection and killing his cucked dad.
Im not sure how to feel about it now knowing Emet's motives.
Well okay then I have no Idea what 6.0 could be. I mean there is the new world right?
They add more stuff to the hunt vendor later, might as well cap your nuts to get it as soon as it drops
>Not wanting all the juicy lore you can get
Why the fuck do so many people start playing feast at 3 am in the morning? Why not play at a normal time?
>The guy in Wright who refuses to take over the mayorship because he's too busy trying to delude himself into thinking Dikaiosyne never attacked
We have
>Old Sharlean
Sharlayans are faggots and not very good guys.
>Missing out in Il Mheg beaver mystery
>Missing out on opportunities to bully Urianger
>Missing out on finding out your fey name
and what it means
>Get different dialogue if you killed him in the role quest line
kinobringers keeps on delivering
they're smelly centrists
I gotta go clean up the sidequests I had in my log, I only progressed ones that I was nearby when on the MSQ.
Its less doable now since there are far fewer completely useless materia. But it was always a slot machine
>Queue popped before I deciphered the Fey Name
>Forgot about it and logged out afterwards
haha i can just check the journal to be able to do it right?
>17% overmelding chance with 500K materia
Every time I do this its like installing a fucking CPU all over again with the creaking.
>Did every sidequest as soon as they were available
aaaa I want alternate dialogue
Is it bad that i'm not doing them cause i wanna keep the exp for my other jobs? Trying to stay under-leveled since i don't wanna reach 80 before i finish the MSQ.
>the leg portion of the bunny chief outfit is supposed to be fishnet stockings but the fleshtone is independent of your character's actual skin color
I hate that this bothers me. Although not as much as just finding out I need to get Archer to 15 to unlock BLM. Is there any way of leveling to 15 that isn't just grinding out Leves?
speaking of different dialogue, obviously the bit with the Exarch changes if you've done crystal tower but does crystal tower change if you do ShB and THEN that raid? my friend never touched it
No way fag, you had one shot and you blew it.
Better luck on the next playthrough.
Unless you haven't turned the quest in yet, you can cancel it and go through it again
I wanna take Sam but I'm levelling Jobs for Role Quests and I've already done Phys DPS.
Sorry for the misspell.
On NA server? I guess that isn't uncommon.
>tfw I did all the side quests without even skipping but they’re so fucking boring that I didn’t even realize interesting things were happening in these ones
I remember milking beavers that looked like saber tooth hamsters but I don’t remember why
>paying a monthly fee for a story-based RPG
can you even call this shit mmo anymore
>ilvl 443
I'm almost there lads, through all the pugs and the wipes... almost there...
>I need to get Archer to 15 to unlock BLM
Not anymore, they scrapped that. I kinda liked it though desu.
All I remember is it involved Sun/Light or Moon/Dark, then I got distracted and didn't find out what the other half was.
trying to grind my way through to HW content.
I'm level 43 and the MSQ is such a slog. At least I think my SMN is decently fun to play but I'm really getting tired of how MMOs have no challenge outside of group content. The game is so fucking easy regardless of gear.
There's also a really good one in Tomra with fourth wall stuff.
they chopped off class leveling mattering to other classes. You only need 30 THM to do BLM now, and you don't need to level THM to 26 to get swiftcast for other casters anymore because role actions
>I need to get Archer to 15 to unlock BLM
you don't, this isn't ARR anymore
just play your Thaumaturgist to lvl 30 and do your thaumaturgist class quests
the one to unlock BLM will be picked up at the receptionist of the thaumaturgist guild
It was Sigun Tyr or Ul Tyr, which is basically Warrior of Darkness and Warrior of Light.
>need 5 tokens for weapons
>all you need is just one group
late night PF is my best bet. People are always chill and farm without any problems
>tfw it feels like we've peaked with 5.0
Why were we given perfection, now we have to live with lesser content.
That would’ve such a boring wet fart of a story after this expansion I would have to unsub
If you can get someone to do so, running around claiming mobs that are fairly far above your level and having said someone one-shot them is an easy way to get to 50.
>the quests in the bunny village telling how a male bunny killed some animals with one arrow and got one of the female bunnies pregnant
3 out of 300
sorry user im not gonna do read endless inane bullshit just because a couple of quests are "funny"
Also missing out on the Lali Ho emote
Oh I forgot. She called WoL by his "rune name". You can find out rune meaning in Urianger home in different quest. With pixie who wants to be popular.
>mfw got all the trial gear before buying all tome gear
Feels good and then I went on a crafting spree because all the skills in it are op now
All older content chronologically takes place before newer content, and never changes retroactively.
>Is there any way of leveling to 15 that isn't just grinding out Leves
to answer that question
the hunting log alone + class quests usually takes you to at least lvl 11 - 12, provided you got your +30% xp ring from the Hall of Novices
>Just got through the Amaro village and Seto
I fucking teared up, how the hell?
>had to get conjurer to level 15 for paladin
I hated it. But it was nice having a heal and raise.
Having just done that. No, nothing changes. Not as far as I remember the original CT's questline.
Oh, sick, that's good news. I'm still new so I've probably not encountered worse grinds but the one to get to 15 is a chore. There's not enough side quests to give you at least a little narrative juice on the way, so I've had to just pile on Levequests.
I did just join an FC though, I might try that if/when I have to level up something new, thank you for the suggestion.
Seto is a good boy and Ardbert got the rawest deal imaginable
>His smile and optimism: Gone
what job does he play
>no grinding
bullshit, it's a fucking Final Fantasy game
I wont believe for one second there's no grinding, and the drop rates arent super fucking bad
Can't play when you're in jail.
>let this work just this once
Halonic Exorcist's Rod
Book of Diamonds
Ironworks Magitek Cane
Tyrfing & the various Macuahuitls
Dreadwyrm Rapier
Never touch levequests aside from the one you have to do to unlock guildhests. Use the Brand New Ring from the role tutorial and any other exp boosting equipment, then do hunting log and a guildhest roulette.
>Feo: a treasure
Do you remember sidequest from HW where you need to tell guy that his chocobo was killed? In Western Highlands
wow came out in 2004, before you were born probably
Wanna talk about grinding and super bad drop rates, go play Lineage 2. Not doing that again.
>Aetherite earring
Need more!
This. And using some ancient ascian magic might've been overkill and is less sneaky because Y'shtola can sense aether.
There are no grinds in the game unless you deliberately seek them out like a retard. You're just doing it wrong. The exp from the main story alone should carry you through the entire game as long as you do some roulettes on the side and keep your EXP equipment on.
Is command missions still the fastest way to level a DPS from 30-60?
Eh, it depends on what you count as grinding. I'm still new so there may be still stuff up ahead that's a chore, but if you're not counting sidequests as grind then I've found you can follow the MSQ and associated side quests with minimal time out in the fields bashing monsters for the sole reason of gaining XP. Which I like as this is the first JRPG where I've not fallen off for that reason.
I want to treasure Feo Ul with my dick
The one were you had to fly into a hole or something? Yes i do, pets/companions dying always gets me for some reason.
The only grindy FFs are 1-3
The story gives an asston of EXP and if you ever manage to fall behind in levels for the story (there's a couple points where this tends to happen, usually the last level of an expansion) the daily dungeon roulettes also give a fuckton of EXP.
Classes below your highest level class get a big EXP boost from killing monsters so you'll be getting at least a level per dungeon run until you're nearly at the cap.
How come I barely hear of it.
So according to you guys, it's one of the best mmos ever made and perhaps the best final fantasy game? Is it really worth buying a subscription for it?
I literally has classic box on shelf. You should be really delusional if you believe WoW was some kind of obscure oldfag game.
why do people keep drawing Feo more attractive than she is
Friendship circlet, FC buff, rested EXP, armory bonus. You can easily get 400% exp or more.
>Lineage 2
>even on a x10 server rates were still infuriating
I still don't know how i did it for years, just how bad was retail?
Kek, I put 400 hours into Earth Defense Force 4.1 and that one doesn't even has a story or interesting locations.
Not the best FF game. Perhaps the best one since X or XI but that isn't saying much since everything after was very lackluster.
This happens with any character.
free trial to level 35. Make up your own mind instead of trusting strangers on the internet
FFXIV just turned into WoW though & it's popular because console gamers & younger people skipped WoW so they think FFXIV is the best shit ever
WoW players are just burnt out on the game, it can't be saved because it's 15 years old & people are over it
Any gatherers here with high melds? What is your Impulsive Appraisal II percentage to get discerning eye on the new aethersands?
Someday they'll make another MNK relic that isn't boring looking
I like the extreme ends of style for fists, either simple glowy hands or the gaudiest bullshit possible
>FC buff, rested EXP, armory bonus
Ah yeah, i have all those too, where do you get that circlet though?
I think both her forms are cute. Though her manic laughter during her introduction made her sound like a leprechaun.
It was glorious, if you liked grinding for hours and hours. If you don't then it's pain.
I've beaten all the numbered FF games except 11, and I've never once grinded in any of them.
People who grind in FF games are just plain retarded. Most of them can be easily beaten with the party in single digit levels after running away from every battle in the whole game.
They should make ARR free at this point since just to 35 is boring with all the skill pruning that they're doing.
>skipped WoW so they think FFXIV is the best shit ever
I played WoW since classic. FFXIV is best shit ever.
Nope. The only thing with bad drop rates are “exclusive” hairstyles and blue mage spells. But blue mage is a dumb mini game instead of a real job so who cares
You get basically enough XP from doing the main story to get to level cap. There are a few times you need to fill in the gaps in a level, but generally if you just use xp bonus food and do a bit of overworked content like fates you’ll be fine. Then once you get level cap you get a 100% xp bonus to all your other jobs. There’s generally one weapon they add per expansion that requires shitgobs of grinding but it’s generally not worth it and only there to shut up autists
I agree with you for your main class, I just meant leveling up alternate classes to 15. Because you don't get the MSQ XP for those and you can't do leveling roulette until you hit 16, that's my issue.
That said I am actually a retard, since I didn't realise there's a guildhest roulette from level 10. So yeah, you're right.
what does pixie cunny feel like
>We just got the night back, so hang in there dammit
From refer a friend, you and the person you referred get one when they buy a month of gametime. It's an EXP boost up to Lv25 so it helps get the original ARR classes off the ground faster.
Or, ff14 is a good game with a good story and good developers constantly adding good content that doesn't go stale.
And wow is tired old money gouging old shit that treats their players like absolute shit.
Recruit a friend campaign.
Most younger people don’t read so that’s kind of a meh reason. I don’t think ff14 will never hit old wow levels of people because it was different back then. Also I played WoW and didn’t like it and love ff14.
not Alisaie
That's a cute doggo
sure you did
Hunting log combined with the usual EXP boosts from mob kills should get you to 15 in like 30-45 minutes if you have a list of all their locations on hand. And then it's dungeons all the way.
These role quest are fucking garbage.
>Everyone who played FFXIV seems to think it's the greatest game ever
LOL no. its trash.
>try free trial
>make character
>stiff as fuck combat
>try different classes
>all have the same move list
>start with normal spam move
>learn proc move
>learn boring buff self only move
>learn long cooldown stun
>no buffs you can use on other classes
>no reason to even interact with other people
>tedious GW2 like events but completely soulless and boring
>quests straight from MMO hell (fetch, deliver, kill XX)
>very bland 2d looking world
>heavily instanced
>game requires a sub to go past lv 35
Good to know, will try getting one, thanks anons.
I just went through twitter and saved like 20 new Alisaie images, apply yourself.
He said everyone who played it. You didn't play it. Get fucked.
I had 6000 hours over the course of 2 years working 60 hour weeks and still hanging out with friends.
>expecting anything exciting within the first 30 levels
I mean cmon user
>autist copypasta
LMAO desune
No I mean Alisaie is perfect
Yeah. And RF with RO too. Unbelievable.
play more mmos
>wtf why is early-game in an mmo slow
>still a gladiator
>good story
this is an interesting thing i noticed, ffxiv fans like the cinematic story where they are super heroes, while a lot of older wow players hate that & want to go back to being a cog in the machine
i guess it's a generational thing
Unfortunately unless you have a group of friends, it's in your best interest to finish as quickly as possible so you get the best of groups for ex. In HW the attitude was if a primal released on a Tuesday, you had to the weekend to clear it or you'll be left behind.
Great, you played for like 30m. All jobs are boring af until they have all of their kit.
>it's bad on purpose!
truth hurts
The only MMO that had anything remotely exciting within the first 30 levels was BDO for me at least in recent memory probably because everything is flashy but thats about it most MMOs ive played don't take off until 10-20 levels to level cap
>not Fisher
>not literally anything else
literally every mmo i've played was slow at the start
>Get new game
>I dont start off at max level god slayer
You bet your ass I returned it, shit game design
Im talking about from a new player perspective thinking they need to rush to endgame to engage solely in it.
Like I said, you didn't play it. Clicking through a tutorial that it less than 0.5% of the game isn't playing it. It's like playing Super Mario Bros and quitting before you get to the first goomba in the first level.
Zoomers don't know the pain of older mmos where you could spend days just to get to lvl 10.
It's not bad, it's just not what you expected. The early game is your introduction to the world and its people.
You have all the time in the world to be a big dick superhero later.
>Getting baited by a pasta
>try different classes
>only played one
Having one mmo that I subscribe to has been a staple since I was about 20. I barely play any other games, because most games look like absolute garbage. For me it's the social experience. Different people are different.
I just don't think they knew how good HW really was until SB came out.
Paladin or Dragoon. Which is more fun? I only like spears and european style swords so those are the only two classes I want to play.
My bad, user. Carry on.
>cinematic story
I like reading the well written dialogue between well written characters, nothing to do with the cinematics. Though as of shadowbringers that has been an amazing pro as well.
Wow's story is one of the most miserable backwards things I ever had to experience in that game.
What made WoW good was the competitive faction interaction and very open world map usage, but they've completely tarnished that now.
It's the natural course of things, all things must come to an end sometime.
That's okay, as long as you don't voice your "opinions" in public forums. Which means you shouldn't be posting on Yea Forums. Everything you say is going to be uninformed drivel by default.
>Everything that goes against my perfect game must be trolling and pretend!
>Pasta means it doesnt address the points!
It depends on whether you want to tank or DPS.
If you want to play a tank, go for Paladin.
If you want to play a DPS, go for dragoon.
And you don't have to pick one or the other, you can level both and switch between them freely with no consequences.
>Role quests gives fuck all exp so there's no incentive at all to do them until you're 79.
They're entirely different roles. Dragoon is a melee DPS and Paladin is a tank.
haha he's still mad
Take that back
You could try Dark Knight eventually, unless a Greatsword isn't european styled anymore.
When do we get to headpat Alisaie?
No one is calling the game perfect you absolute retard. People are saying this game just isn’t for you.
Not that garbage. Flame Officer's claymore.
GNB melds what?
>pasta to make a point
>points refuted or debated or nuanced
>still post the whole pasta next time
Yeah, what a great way to talk about anything.
What's this? An XIV thread on my BOARD?!
Thank potatoes for that.
Does that matter somehow? The game tells you to have it done to finish the MSQ and that should be all the incentive you need
Is anyone else not even able to load the fucking launcher right now? Just getting a black window.
lalafell limitations please understand
Job quests used to be good for getting that last bit of exp to ding instead of having to run another dungeon or whatever. Now it's just a boring tale of a bunch of losers.
Bring her to a trust dungeon. Target her. /pet
I'm convinced that Soken is a real life Primal.
Instead of gorging on the aether of life he just needs beer and tendies.
Spell Speed
A completely ignorant pasta full of wrong information and whose truthful parts are only valid for the first 1% of the game does not address any points.
Been grinding Eureka to get my Anemos weapon since the day ShB early access dropped. I didn’t want to start the MSQ till I got my glamour perfect. Took me over two fucking weeks that shit is dead as fuck and I never want to do it again. Glad I finally have my fucking glamour so now I can start the MSQ looking clean.
Now watch Protean crystals/Pazuzu feathers be purchasable with poetics or some bullshit in a few weeks so I went through all that for nothing. Gonna hang myself.
Having a baby is guaranteed to make your breasts bigger Alisaie.
>Instead of gorging on the aether of life
user, Uematsu is fucking dying
>come back to XIV after hating ARR
>skip to HW
>”this is fucking amazing”
>”why did I hate this game”
>beat HW
>”oh no you didn’t beat it, you still have to do all these other quests”
Oh right...filler upon filler
You can go back and beat ff11 now. it has an ending, and it's beautiful. it's a pretty short grind to get stuff needed to progress nowadays too, lots of qol improvements, can probably beat it and all its xpacs in a couple months of casual play without too much help from other players. it's well worth it as a FF game.
you can always go back to farming world quests and grind reputation
>Story continuation that came in later patches is filler because I wasn't there when it launched
you're such a fucking faggot holy shit
>Someone actually played RF online
Autism. Self-destructive, meaningless autism.
You went through all that for nothing regardless of what happens. It's some colored pixels on a screen, and you wasted days of your life for them. Absolute retard.
Summoning a primal takes a lot out of you. Let the man relax for a bit and keep shoveling beer battered tendies into sokens mouth.
Can't you just watch the story on YouTube?
Except post HW is where HW will peaked
He doesn't eat chicken tenders though, he eats full fried chicken like any man would.
People think the post-expansion quests are filler?
>Huh? You mean I HAVE to do the post patch storyline quests leading into the next major expansion of a story driven MMO? GOD THIS SUCKS.
>It gets good 400 hours in!
>log on when I want instead of raid schedule
>no worries about week 1 clears
>blacklisted all trannies
>enjoy the variety of roulettes
Who here /casual/?
Soken is literally absorbing Uematsu's aether
>Uametsu and Soken are parts of the same soul
>Soken absorbs him to create OST of never before seen quality
>get more of something you like
>this is bad
Congrats on skipping important story setup like a retard, ensuring you won't enjoy anything in the game as much as you would otherwise.
>well written dialogue
Foxy Lady is up on Omega, bros
user do you want (You)s? You just have to ask.
I just PF anything I can't DF. Fuck static shit and raidlogging, I just wanna play video games.
That's right, zoomer, why play games when you can watch your favorite streamers play them instead?
400 hours in wouldn't be 1% you dumbass.
I wonder if PSO2 can be used as a replacement for this. It's free, people told me it has better combat too.
>Inb4 durr poorfag
Yeah ok as much I love FF there's no shame in admitting I don't want to pay a 14 euros monthly fee to play it.
Dumbass. If the "Eureka 2.0" for ShB is true your gonna burn the fuck out and you were warned a million times that it isnt worth the grind.
haha wouldn't it be funny if you posted a picture of that happening to alisaie haha
You just want to screencap my character for cyber bullying right? Nice try
He can do BA now for Ozma now you mega faggot retard.
When you wipe on Titania (normal) during the adds part is it the DPS' fault?
I already got the resolution I wanted, this is just filler content to waste time before developing the next expansion.
No one cares about fucking Nidhogg. Thordan was the focus of it. Nidhogg is a dumb fucking beast
Eureka is good if you don't grind it non stop all day. Change of pace.
Doesn't matter. It is normal.
That's not what he's doing dumbass. He literally just said he did it for glamour.
Everyone has that mount now after getting carried by friends. Its worthless.
I probably work a job that pays more and has longer hours than yours, I still have time for FFXIV. Learn time management you simpleton and stop spending your burger flipping money on weed.
>Hypercharge lets you rapidly dab your enemies to death
The animation for Heat Blast is great
Because paying monthly for story is retarded.
Considering it's a dps phase and encounters aren't tuned with tank and healer dps in mind, it's 100% their fault.
Confirmed cutscene skipper.
If you wanted (You)'s, you should have just asked.
tanks have to mitigate and aggro, healers have to heal, dps have to dps. everyone has a responsibility.
Now this is shitposting.
Kill yourself. Also enjoy lots of (you)s telling you how fucking stupid you are.
nope. all points stand, shill.
I watched every HW cutscene and basegame ARR cutscene. Nidhogg is shit
Compelling rebuttal.
>Doesn't matter. It is normal.
I was just wondering if i did anything wrong (t. not-DPS)
>warriors of darkness
>minfilia leaving
>nidhogg a dumb beast
>falseflag war
>all pointless filler
Just buy a skip potion and watch some mr.fappy vids.
of course you don't care about nidhogg, you skipped all the setup for him in ARR like the retard you are.
>Getting more gameplay out of a game and at the end get something you wanted
>No one cares about fucking Nidhogg.
Never thought I'd read such an objectively poor opinion like this, and if you had paid attention to the plot at all leading up to that point you'd have known something was gonna happen.
Plenty of that is in base HW.
Yeah I skipped the filler 100 quests between ARR and HW.
He literally said he hated doing it you fucking mongoloid.
You only think Nidhogg is interesting because you're the obsessed faggots on every reddit and Yea Forums thread
>tfw you enjoyed his company
>always talked to him when he had extra dialogue
>final trial
>couldn't walk up to him and hug as disappeared
What a great villain.
You mean the important 100 quests that set up not only Heavensward, but also Stormblood and Shadowbringers. And I bet you skipped Crystal Tower and Coil too.
While were on this subject. Could Thordan have fended off Nidhogg and the invasion?
I going to farm Titania. Wish me luck
u mad lol
>2.5 gcd
>having to play through Realm Reborn
>weebshit and trannies
>slow combat, shitty servers
>crappy overworld
lmaoing at your shitty game
Yeah I skipped the content that EVERYBODY says is the worst in the game
What's a good looking non relic bow?
Bonus if it glows
Nidhogg is one of the weaker villains of XIV, but dealing with him is absolutely not filler.
lol imagine being this butthurt over being BTFO due to your own retardation
I really like the bunnies, post you're buns.
The ARR post patch content was boring as shit but it did setup stuff.
Do you prefer a shiny over the top weapon or something more down to earth with the job you're playing?
Nidhogg without eyes? I think it will be too late
I liked ARR overall desu
We talking about 3.3 Nid or 3.0 Nid? Because Thordan and his Heavensward could've easily repelled 3.0 Nid. Not so sure about 3.3 Nid.
2.1 and 2.2 is what people say is bad you fucking retard. 2.3 is important and 2.4 and 2.5 are some of the most kino parts of the entire game so far.
Why do you insist on continuing to show off how retarded you are when everyone here is pointing and laughing at you? Do you get off on it? Just fucking unsubscribe already and never post in a FF14 thread again.
its too gay in there
Old World Composite Bow, if you're into ivory & gold
>Nidhogg is a dumb fucking beast
Based cutscene skipper
>Since X
Shadowbringers is better than X. Best one since IX
>>>battle of azeroth
you'd fit right in then
The only people pointing and laughing are retards who have no jobs and enjoy this filler bullshit
Based sexless NEET
>One of the most emotional moments in the entire game came completely out of nowhere from some weird talking camel dragon thing
>Still get emotional thinking about it
I'm not gay.
Sorry wowfags and blizzdrones, No king rules forever.
every fucking expansion the cities get more wide open. any mount in the game could easily fit on the unused catwalks in the crystarium as well. plus on top of that all the end game vendors are also in a city and there's no real incentive to ever go back to the final zone for anything other than a frog suit.
"shill" is the cry of a shitter-shattered /pol/ack with no argument
>certain role quests
>the entire ending scenes
Boy howdy am I glad I went through that story with my friends.
Fuck off.
Any Moogle weapon
Just love triggering people with draw on/off
Paying $60 for story is retarded.
you're gay if you play Viera
The cooking quests in the crystarium has another sad story about an amaro. I don't know why I like them so much but I'll definitely get my own one day
Remember us.
>thinking you can only get through if you don't have a job
you also can't pirate mmos, sadly
DDO Dungeon
FF14 Dungeon
They should've made Crystarium the common area to get tome gear not Eulmore
paying for games is retarded
>If you like tall girls with rabbit ears you're gay
>but boy those burly cat men covered in fur sure are ho- i mean cool haha
Is DDO still alive or did that Neverwinter mmo kill it?
Is DDO still Japan only?
Imagine actually thinking tedious fetch quests are fun
>Urianger can't be found anywhere post-MSQ
>He returns as the final Triple Triad opponent
still going. neverwinter isn't even considered a D&D game by players
Imagine being this booty bothered by fetch quests in an MMO.
Just tanked for the first time in a dungeon and it was chaotic but fun. why do sometimes enemies aggro the party instead of me? i was using provoke all the time, im guessing i didnt use my AoE to get the aggro? i also had the aggro ability ON, i just want the enemy's attention at all times
wat? its been english for years..
Some shitter healer probably used a regen before the pull
Side quests are great now.
Use the AoE ability, provoke is a last resort type deal. You should just be using your damage abilities with the tank stance on and that'll be enough.
Blushing elf ears are the best.
I thought that was Dragons Dogma Online.
Baldur's Bow, Bow of the Wanderer, Tsukuyomi's Bow. Glows are for gays.
Where I can find everyone? Alphinaud was pretty obvious but others?
Dragon's Dogma Online is not only japan onry, it's shutting down this december.
>he's easy for half the game
>"Perhaps I hath underestimated thine talent..."
The most fundamental concept FFXIV cannot grasp from MMOs is the leveling progression. It focuses on making it easy to get to endgame then provides an incredibly meager endgame experience.
MMOs are supposed to have leveling be the main part of the progression.
Does anyone have the MCH new opener?
Currently at 65 and gnb just feels so weird. How the skills interact with each other feels so disjointed. Why is the shield locked behind the single target combo when its so much nicer to have during big pulls, why cant I unload my erda in some aoe skill? It might come together later on but so far its kinda awful in dungeons.
Do I start earning the new currency upon hitting level 80 with a job or do I also need to finish ShB MSQ?
Ok thanks, also when should i use shield lob? and during boss fights and mob fights should i avoid AoE's or simply stay put?
Alisaie is in Amh Araeng where all the sick people are at, Y'shtola is in the Nights Blessed place right next to Runar.
this levelling up is boring in this game
The whole reason Nidhogg woke up and sounded the Dragonsong for Midgardsormr to help is because he sensed Thordan and was shitting himself
elezen ears are MADE for nibbling
Shield Lob to start a pull.
Avoid AoEs without moving a drastic amount, you should try to passively avoid as much damage as you can but also not make everyone run around like crazy.
One of the main things about XIV is that you can level all jobs on one character tho. I get what you are saying and the leveling one job isn't that hard, but you have many jobs to level all together.
>Y'shtola is in the Nights Blessed place right next to Runar.
haven't seen cuckfag in a while, where's his bitch ass been?
The shield's actually pretty piddly in practice and only protects you from one or two auto-attacks, you're better off with tanking cooldowns for defensive value.
>why cant I unload my erda in some aoe skill?
You do get Fated Circle later on, I'm not sure why you get an AoE cartridge-spender so late.
this is the demographic of this pathetic game
It's something you do whenever you feel like it. Sure it could take a couple hundred hours to get caught up, but it's not like you do that all at once. I did it bit by bit, with a break every few months, over a period of 2 or 3 years.
what chest brother
>oh boy I wonder what the new BLM opener looks like
>double-sharpcast opener
>has you precast sharpcast then sit around for 12 seconds before you can start so sharpcast is off cooldown mid-rotation
provoke only puts you at #1 in enmity, as in it puts you barely one "enmity point" ahead of the previous number one guy, so you shouldn't pull with it, and if you use it to take a mob back from another player, always follow it up with another attack on the mob to build your enmity
aside from that, always use your AOE ability (Total Eclipse for paladin, Overpower for Warrior) a couple times on packs of mobs, use your ranged enmity attack (shield lob or tomahawk) to pull bosses and individual adds
if you're a paladin, don't hesitate to abuse your stun move on all the mobs too, it'll help your health remain stable in the low level dungeons and your healers will be able to DPS more thanks to that
y'shtola is with Rumar in slitherbough
Alisae is in Ahm Areang with those people who had the sin eater disease.
They all should be in the area where we meet them.
I see you aren't updated on the strongest opener bro. Go look it up.
>playing BLM
dilate and take your adderall you mentally ill ADHD sperg
What's the canon class to play HW? i know literally anything for ARR and DRK for ShB but what's the go-to one for HW
It's DoL gear
>take free transfer from chaos to light data center
>almost an hour passes
>character is still on chaos
>double check on mog station
>"transfer service can't be used for 3 days after world transfer"
I'm getting nervous. Is this normal?
Stop taking pictures of MY WIFE, Alisaie!
it seems they've lost your character, you have to reroll now
Except for the part where Urianger isn't in his home in Il Mheg and Exarch completely skips him when talking about Scion whereabouts.
New opener? I use old sharp one.
No B4 opener
(Sharp) B3 (Eno) -> T3 -> F3 (Triple) -> F4 (Pot) -> F4 (LL) -> F4 (Swift) -> F4 -> F4 -> Despair -> T3P (Manafont) -> F4 -> Despair -> B3...
>I tried every class they're all the same bro
>1 class leveled up
Alisaie is taking pictures of your wife? Weird.
gonna need a name brother
How did it go, user
It'd be WAR for ARR
>DRK for ShB
>DRK canon
>spend the entire story using the Blessing of Light to absorb aether from the Lightwardens and vomit up light in the story
user, I...
Implying I am going to sub to this shit just to appease you autists. The game is trash. Deal with it.
I'm still here. Yea Forums addiction
WHM is the canon ShB job.
>What are other characters on other servers
>"waaah he don't like my shit game! Dx"
I still can log onto the character without issues, but it's still on the FRigger data center, where I wanted to move away from. I guess it just didn't work for some reason.
The basic reason for DRK being the posterboy is that darkness is the "element" it uses I guess, mainly for fighting Lightwardens, even though they draw their power from their emotions.
it no longer does that, it gives you a shitload of aggro now alongside putting you on top
>double sharpcast opener
>cold flare
>no b4 opener
Why are all these theorycraft shits so gimmicky. I refuse to do them.
>Warrior of Darkness
>bringing back the night
>not DRK
Damn, guess I have to stop liking it.
>Doesn't even have warrior
>I tried everything bro
log out and open a customer service chat box
Dark Knight
No b4 is as simple as it gets brainlet
Terrible bait. Actually god awful.
My nan wouldn't fall for this.
>Warrior of Darkness
>contain so much light that Y'shtola thinks you're a sin eater
DRK is about using the dark aspect for good and introducing darkness wouldn't solve the First's actual problem
wait what free transfer? this might be my chance to escape the frogs
It's simple, but it ignores a key part of a BLM toolkit. I'm not doing it because I think it's difficult, I refuse to do it because it feels inherently wrong.
Is FFLogs the worst thing to have happened to this game?
there's no poster 00003 in the first example though
>introducing darkness wouldn't solve the First's actual problem
That's literally exactly what it did. Did you miss the part with Urianger explaining that Darkness is the element of activity?
Holy shit this is the most smoothbrain opinion I've seen on HW in a long time
Only if you exclusively talk with raiders. Their whole worth stems from their log numbers.
It was Urianger who vanished and not the Exarch.
No, dipshit, introducing the dark aspect wouldn't do anything to solve an overabundance of the light aspect.
the disaster that was 1.0 that almost bankrupt square enix
Casual Elitism is the worst thing to happen to every MMO.
>I want to act like the 1% of minmaxers but I'm not going to put in anywhere near that much time.
>I deserve all the same rewards though.
>I also look down on anyone who doesn't play games for "fun" while shitting on anyone who doesn't cater to my specific e-celeb approved meta playstyles.
Good luck Reine poster
I just got into the game, anyone got any advice? I started out as a Gladiator and want to be a Gunbreaker when i get high enough in level, whats a good DPS?
>changing the Umbral to Astral doesn't change anything
Not him but what does NoB4 even line up with? I'm not saying it's wrong, I just can't think of anything that would line up with going into AF 1 GCD earlier.
rdm is easier than dnc
Thread's on bump limit. Here's a rare trading card I found recently. Gave me a hearty chuckle.
Post 'em.
You can Transfer over to Twintania for 0,00€ and with lifted gil restrictions upwards to 99,999,999 gil currently.
thanks bro, here's one
Pepsiman started it all.
Man what do I even use Poetics for anymore?
Start up a relic
Dont rush MSQ. Base game is kinda dull storywise but has nice other activities to make the visit still pretty enjoyable. Only playing the story will burn you out.
Gear up your level 70 jobs.
lmao here come the biteless virgin insults straight out of the average 13 year old's playbook, this is just sad
Is Light really that much better than Chaos?
As I understand it, you're trading frogs for krauts.
50, 60, and 70 tomestone gear for leveling? Relic weapons.
Better question is what do I even use GC seals for. I've been capped at 90k for weeks and am already full on ventures and cordials.
Start an autistic relic grind
Some GC mats still sell for a fair bit
Can't go wrong with Black Mage since the director plays it
Also be sure to do the Alliance Raids at 50, 60 and 70. They're not mandatory but they're all huge lore dumps and the Crystal Tower is especially relevant for Shadowbringers.
Krauts are infinitely better than frogs in this game
Ventures, too.
Well, I am a German myself, so there's that.
Krauts aren't bad at the game, just annoying. Frenchies can't play the game to save their life
You can to some degree try to reason with krauts. Same is impossible with frogs.
DRG in HW is the most "canon" a class has ever been. It gets a lot of special dialogue, plus the reenactment of the trailer with your character.
SMN is the one that has most to do with the main plot in general though. Always has been, thanks to being tied to the primals, the Ascians, the Allagans, Bahamut, basically all the big main plot points. The trainer is also Y'Shtola's sister who also appears in the main story, and other main story characters appear in the ShB SMN quest.
Buy Glamour Prisms and sell the excess
Light is guaranteed to be better than Chaos for casual play, but the biggest raiding communities are on Chaos.
And overall SMN's job quests are pretty good
The 60-70 stuff fills in a lot of lore on Azys La related shit
whats an easy class? i really dont wanna have to deal with big brain rotations and thousand buttons like BLM
Wait, I am german and started the game recently on chaos. Am I fucked?
>We need healers and tanks to play so that queues aren't so stupid!
>So let's give them a small incentive to play with a daily bonus
>Except that only solves the problem once, not for people who want to play more than one dungeon a day
>Well whatever
For fucks sake
>Hard rotation
The hard part about BLM is knowing where to stand so you won't have to move for the next 30 seconds
Monk. Literally 6 buttons, 3 at a time.
WHM for Healer
WAR for Tank
The only big brain thing about BLM is learning how to perform your rotation without an encounter fucking it up for you. RDM is pretty simple.
Big signal for the Amaurot stuff too since that summoning node can't determine your aetheric capacity
BLM specifically has a simple rotation because most of the difficulty comes from handling mechanics on it.
That's the daily bonus you fucking moron. Adventurer in Need is for every run.
what about PLD?
The daily bonus is actually a waste of time since materia is a joke to get.
2nd hardest tank to play right, not as braindead as people think it is
Are the servers unfucked yet?
Just make healer mounts already.
Someone answer please
They said if they did that, DPS will probably want a mount too. Better not.
PLD isn't too complicated as long if you ignore your teammates
Transfer to Twintania on Light is free
who's the 1st, DRK?