>join guild voice chat
>female voice says "literally who is this?"
How do you reply without sounding mad?
Join guild voice chat
Other urls found in this thread:
Have sex
You can't, you've already lost.
It's a me Mario!
y-you too...
this is trannykiller88 who areyou?
>Using voice chat
>Not immediately muting every faggot that does use it
"Hello, it's [name]. I've been here for a while, but I don't talk much"
Just tell her your username.
I run this server, bitch
be nice, pretend to be their friends for a few months, then ruin their games by repeatedly disconnecting and micspamming
You introduce yourself, like you would in every IRL situation.
Is fake hair color a prime indicator of damaged goods?
i am This
Warning color
Tell them who I am. You nigs have autism?
rainbow hair color is human aposematism
State your name matter-of-factly.
I came here to be alone, please leave
I am your father. You're all a bunch of lying no good punks and I know who it's coming from, because I backtraced it. I have reported it to the cyber police, you'll be arrested, end of conversation.
This is boogie 2988 coming at you live once again, through the power of the internet
How can i get emo gf when they're all lesbian
Just use a soundboard, she can't fight literal machine + other members will obviously respect the funny man vs some thot
get an emo bf and have him wear a wig
show them you're a beta right away thats the play
So what's the play, chad?
>because I backtraced it. I have reported it to the cyber police
Hello, I'm KikeKrusher1488, your DPS.
Any non-virgin knows soundboards are a sign of insecurity and got unfunny and obnoxious over a decade ago.
Oh hey it's Joe, Joe mama AHA gottem !
the play is establishing yourself the first time you join so the boys remember you whenever you join back also have a loud microphone
"I reply to you the same question."
yeah I ban her, I ban her
Disregard anyone using "Literally" in that context.
>being a filthy fucker
Post some game horror stories including some girls.
t. squeaker
Don't you remember last night, sweetheart?
found the roastie
"your dad"
>Who do you think, bitch
>shut up and make me a sandwich, biiiitch
>who let her out of the kitchen
all valid responses.
Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up. Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with sex?
Just ignore her dumb ass
main tank for the guild, who's gf are you fatty?
>There exists no girl like this anymore
>Everybody else is an ugly SJW lardass type or flat out tranny
My old gf was like this. I miss it so much.
>deaded by Dr Pepper
Well that's a nice way of saying diabetus.
he cute
Yeah, why not? You want me to prentend I'm some hot shit, only to be knocked down disrespected when I don't live up to the manufactured hype? Fuck that. I hate people like that. I just want to enjoy the game with some friends.
Plus you can shittalk freely without any obligation to follow through
"If you're gonna talk to me use my name you dumb cunt"
Shut up and bend over.
I say "It's me, [Username] in a deadpan voice
I don't understand why someone would be so confrontational. What's this person's role in the guild, socially or otherwise? If I just joined the guild and I was greeted like this, it would be a major red flag to abandon ship. If others were reasonable and it was just the one person, it would still be a red flag but less so.
>I am
I am your prom date you ugly fuckin shit
lol I gkick sensitive fags like you
From void and shadow, I assemble.
>States in game name
>Moves on with life
You guys are fags
Literally cringe.
children always lack basic decorum
It's really easy to talk down to women in a childish, condescending manner.
>Wanna know, sweety?
>Oh are you randomnigger's gf?
>Oh great we're babysitting a gaming girl
>Hope you can carry your own weight honey
>leave guild voice chat
>leave guild
Their role is to ward off the thirsty beta orbiters to preserve the integrity of the guild structure.
I wish someone bullied me like that.
What if your username is "wOm3nAREallCUNTS"
>Chadberius Thundercockious, Roman Legate.
I spell it out, including the number
Basic bitches who use the term literally all the time. Yikes. Blue haired random XD ^-^ "gamer girls" double yikes.
why would i bitch out now if i had that username?
Ah, I see. Preempt orbiters by making herself appear unapproachable in the first place. Indeed, it may be the lesser evil.
Just start coughing really loudly before she can finish asking so it cuts her off then just start talking to everyone else
>she is a better player than you
How do you react?
Stay silent and fap to her voice
with the mic on
Cunts being cunts. As you've said, there's no reason to remain around people who are like this as it is going to cause some shit somewhere down the line.
>female voice says "literally who is this?"
ask them why they're squeezing their balls while talking and recommend some good porn i saw recently
I've got balls of steel
i just want a qt slut gf to bully me
it's your boy papi here nigga
Is this possible to pull off?
Consequences will never be the same
Based boomer
probably just say my username and say whats good faggot
name's tyler, im black and gay before you ask
Better not wear any brightly colored clothing then and just wear drab shit the rest of your life
I just need more time.
'who the fuck asked you'
It's so hard to believe this image is pretty much all photoshop.
When it comes to 3D, literally all qts are sluts.
This is a good power play.
Post original
You do realize animals also have bright coloration to attract mates? Mostly males being the showy ones. Have you even seen the various birds of paradise and the bizarre colors they have? Who am I kidding, of fucking course you haven't.
"Ya mum"
Mute her because i am hosting the server
No her hair color is composite. So it's a composite indicator of damaged good.
not sure why I said photoshop
Ignore and keep talking to the rest.
She will SEETHE
reality is still pretty cute
Just me, Gabe Newell.
If i've got a fart in my ass i'll fart into the mike if not i'll just burp over her
Most females of bird species with really colorful males tend to have camouflage coloring. Generally only poisonous females tend to have bright colors.
wat, no they aren't, I lost my virginity with one.
Tits or GTFO
I unironically like when people say this, then I always feel glad I am not part of their gay circlejerk
>join guild
>female voice says "Come on, new guy, now you have to call them niggers!"
>pedo weeb cope-proud that people see him as a loser nobody
2d = no
3d = yes
>Oh you must be
>"Haha, imagine not knowing me. Please, have sex, sweetie."
>>join guild voice chat
>>female voice says "literally who is this?"
>How do you reply without sounding mad?
>Hi I'm user and I'm new.
How fucking hard was it?
woa careful there with your buzzwords little triggered circle jerk fag
Care to explain?
because Yea Forums has never had sex
its usually virgins who call out other people for being virgins, its the same principle as the gay senator being extra homophobic to try and hide his gay
Women get ultramad when ignored. Doubly so if ignored right after they try hard into attention.
These girls should always have black hair.
>get rid of normie orbiters
>attracts the femdomfags instead
>literally who is this?
>yoyo its ya boi sweaty penis lie/comment/subscribe and be sure to click that bell to turn on notifications so yo dont miss any of my hella bangin content
This is dad, why didn't you suck my dick this morning?
it's me, your brother
Not enough self harm scars or tattoos to have been raped by her father.
>being seen as a loser by some gamer dweebs in discord
Low confidence poster.
Remind her of the 6 million and report her for hate speech for not respecting my oppresion
i had something similar happen
but instead it was more along the lines of
>who the fuck is this no name
and it was a discord server
apparently she was some guy i didnt know directly's gf
anyway, i was driking that night, i was almost to the bottom of a shitty rum bottle and one of my friends asks me to join the call because they were organizing some bullshit for tomorrow night, they didnt know i was drunk
so as soon as i hear her say that i get up and grab the bottle by the neck and throw it to the floor as hard as i can while i yell
>glass breaks
she tried to talk back but i couldnt understand it because everyone started laughing for a few minutes
i got up and started cleaning up and then forgot i was even in the call and passed out on my bunk
the next day i learned that she was actually really fucking pissed i called her a cunt and his pussywhipped faggot ass bf tried to get me kicked from the guild but everyone refused so they both left
Am I the only one who likes it when eyebags are visible?
The sleepy and tired look is cute, makes me want to hug her.
>women call men dicks all the time
>the moment anyone says cunt "oH My GoD yOu CaNt sAy ThAt wOrD iTs SeXiSt aNd ReDuCeS a WoMaN tO hEr GeNiTalS WhAaAaAaAhH"
anyone who reacts that way is genuinely a cunt
>glass breaks
>tell her your ign
>"meh, dont know u"
what now?
"... Excuse me?" Works wonders in situations like this. Pretend you couldn't fully hear her. She'll probably repeat herself in a less rude tone. If she stays rude, she looks like an even bigger idiot
back to the kitchen xD
I don't trust people who don't have bags under their eyes.
>It's is me, your father, and I don't appreciate that tone young lady. You should really be hanging out with more girls, keeping all these boys around you really makes you seem like the village whore, you know.
actually based as fuck if true
>Scene slut fad has all but died out these days.
A shame. A damn shame.
same bro, same
>tfw no emo/scene gf
Say nothing, she wasnt talking to me. Other people can answer her if they want.
no bags = normalfag = soulless npc = they're gonna turn into a shadow at some point and try to steal your soul
Everyone without shit taste does.
"I'm X, I joined like 2 days ago. Sup"
>join a discord chat
>everyone's chill
>the only female doesn't like you
>suddently everyone is hostile with you
ballsballsballlsballsballsBALLS OF STEEL
Remember kids, stick your dick in crazy, but don't fucking start dating crazy.
>join group
>everyone but the girls like you
>everyone else keeps you around anyway because they arent desperate orbiters
Literally happened to me in a guild in WoW on a private server
>Guild master quits,the only female becomes the GM
>She asks me to tank a dungeon run while she heals
>She’s honest to god the worst healer I’ve ever played with
>She barely healed me at all and attacked the mobs instead
>Had to constantly heal myself and OOM’d often as a result
>Wanted to tell her to actually heal me but didn’t wanna piss off the GM
>Finish dungeon without dying somehow
>”user, you aren’t a very good tank” in guild chat
>Ask her how when she never healed me
>Swears she healed me, I’m just squishy
>Blow it all off as her just being a retard
>Log in the next day for the guild raid since I’m always the off-tank
>no longer in the guild
>PM one of my “””friends””” from the guild
>”Sorry user you’ve been blacklisted from the guild”
>Call her out in world chat about it
>She says I’ve always been a trash player and trash raider (despite only ever dying once in a Raid my first time)
>Uninstall out of frustration
Haven’t played WoW since.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
just say your name and ask the same maybe? Why does everything have to be some pissing match of spite and passive aggressive feuding? Fuck I hate people
You done goofed
This is bullyhunter64 your in trouble now!
who is this goddess with great taste
I've got balls of steel
I'm the Cook
That pic is old, a decade old, or maybe even older.
Back then, SJW and all our modern plagues didn't really existed, girls like this were just emo, punks or other "alternative" girls, and were actually nice.
Some girl who is permanently stuck in her emo phase.
Sadly, she has BPD.