What's the difference between a Thief and a Rogue?
What's the difference between a Thief and a Rogue?
A thief don't fight people for their money. Most of the time.
Rogue is a professional dickstabber.
Thief is a profissional dickstabber becomes a Ninja after you give the rat's tail to Bahamut.
A thief steals shit.
a rogue was once good, a thief is just a dick
Thieves steal for themselves. Rogues steal for others.
Rogues created an entire videogame genre, thieves don't pay for vidya.
What about a Rouge?
I always thought Thief > steals shit and can fight abit. Rogue > dickass thief who fights more
Mainly their motivarions. Thieves fight for the spoils and to come up quick from a sucker.
Rogues are basically mercenaries that kill for a living.
They employ similar tactics but thieves are much more agile and stealthy, while rogues are more adapt at confrontation.
thief - steals shit professionally
rogue - does illegal shit professionally
Thieves are selfish pricks
Rogues are sefless robin hood mary sues
A good rogue is famous, a famous thief is a bad one.
Thieves have a 50% chance of being interesting and fun to play.
Rogues are always cookie cutter Assassin wannabe archtypes.
Depends on the system- typically, one is a subset of the other- but if you had to push differences, it's that a Rogue generally uses manipulation, guile, and cunning to complete objectives or goals. Whether that's physical, mental, or charisma-based cunning, it's all rogue trickery.
A thief steals things. More often than not, using a rogue's techniques, but his goal, at the end of the day, is always robbery.
Rouge the character was my first introduction to the name/word back in like 3rd/4th grade and I always thought everyone else saying and spelling "rogue" was just pronouncing it incorrectly until like 7th grade.
You could also say that a good thief is famous.
violence is the mark of an amateur
rogues a shit
A thief might join a thieves guild but a rogue won't join a rogue guild because a rogue guild couldn't exist because the potential constituents are rogues who are rogues.
You can trust a thief to steal but you can't trust a rogue with anything at all
Thief is a first person stealth game. Rogue is an ASCII dungeon crawler
What's the difference between a rogue and rouge?
A thief burgles. A rogue stabs your guts and runs away with your purse.
Thief >>>>>>>> Rogue
A thief is a nigger
>famous thief is bad one
>good thief is famous thief
>good thief is bad thief
>good is bad
Thieves are actually cool. Rogues are tryhard dexfags with an ego complex.
One's dashing the other is a criminal.
but historically whites have always stolen everything
I don't know what a rogue is in the fisrt place
a class in traditional tabletop rpgs that's only picked by faggots
Do you want to be a Robin Hood who steals for others? Pick Rogue.
No, whites occupy and improve because the local population make no effort.
Blacks and mudslimes steal and destroy, even when technology is given to them.
A thief might be a rogue, but not all rogues are thieves. Rogue refers more generally to conmen, criminals, spies, diplomats and anyone else who uses guile, dexterity, trickery or deception in their work. Good rogues can do what a thief can and also do things like convincingly lie/act, detect and set traps, perform sneak attacks, perform actions that require skill and agility etc. A rogue will generally be better at straight up fighting than a thief and is capable of getting what he wants using social skill.
Totally not lifting from memories of 3.5. Also rogues are the best class from a roleplaying perspective. Spellsword, necromancers and wizards can suck my taint.
So rogues are just socialist faggots?
Have you even seen the documentary?
Rogues are more fun
what the fuck is a shadowmancer
Shadow manipulator maybe?
Rogues are passive weenies
same thing with lawyers and attorney.
one is capable of doing it, they other one is and does do it.
look at him sit there and pout while the chinaman expresses his disappointment
exactly the mannerisms of a child getting scolded
Rogues are cutthroats and thugs.
Thieves rob you without you noticing.
Thieves steal and use gadgets. Rouges loot and use martial abilities.
A rogue is a general term. It could be a stealthy thief, a brutal highway man, a flashy guy that fights for money, .etc. Generally, a rogue is a skill monkey that's good with his hands.
Rogues >>>>>>>>>>>> Thieves
Thieves sneak around, climb walls, open locks, disarm traps, and steal shit. Rogues do the same things but also stab people while doing it