Do game designers realy want me to belive that people back then went almost naked on battlefield?
I mean what the fuck
Do game designers realy want me to belive that people back then went almost naked on battlefield?
Nothing better than feeling the cool breeze against your bare legs.
Pants were considered barbaric by the romans and greeks.
dex > armor
People used to wear no armor and just paint their bodies in some cases
The chad Rhodean slinger vs the Virgin Cretian Archer
celts are not a real humans
>Almost naked.
>All of the body aside from the lower arms and the legs is covered.
I'm going through a tropical storm right now, could lose power at any moment. Wish me luck Yea Forumsros.
>all of the body except for literally half of it is covered
I'd call that almost naked desu
Have fun, fellow coastal friend. The comfy flooding afterwards is always nice, if you aren't in immediate danger. I spent hours kayaking around my neighborhood in the wake of Isabel
yeah dude pic rel isn't almost naked
That doesn't even make any sense.
> tfw no pict bf
>Literally half.
Fuck up faggot.
Do game designers realy want me to belive that people back then wore pajamas to battlefield?
I mean what the fuck
>we don't wear pants
>every hostile barbaric mudhouse-living tribe and nation around do
>therefore pants are barbaric
Thanks, this reply means a lot right now. It's not really the flooding that concerns me because where I live doesn't flood. But it's more the extended period of power outage that I'm worried about.
Reminder that there's literally no evidence that Gauls or any Celts faught naked
look at this naked man!
You don't need that much armor when you have a huge shield in front of you
Do you know how warm it gets in the Mediterranean in the summer?
Your legs alone have roughly the same surface area as your entire torso. Sure, your torso has all of your vital organs, but that doesn't matter when considering your level of nudity. A slash to the high can kill you just as fast as a slash to the belly, anyway.
have sex
Armor is expensive, remember in almost all pre-modern armies you were expected to bring all your own gear.
When the enemy has to overcome 5 pikes to even reach you, the formation itself becomes your protection
Are you calling my boy Julius a liar?
Sometimes, he wrote a ton of obviously made up bullshit, like how when Gauls were mustered for war by their lords they would ritually sacrifice the last person to show up.
Pre Marian reforms Roman soldiers were private citizens whose rank was based on how much they could spend on equipment, a professional army comes later and is not the norm in the ancient world.
>flanks your """""invincible""""" phalanx
This is how Alexander the Great used them, but his generals after his death were too difficult to comprehend this and just added more phalangites to their ranks neglecting the rest of the army composition
>breaks your """""""""INVINCIBLE"""""""" phalanx with 10,000 javlins
You mean roman war elephants, since in both the battle of Cynoscephalae and Pydna, it was the roman Elephants that broke through the Macedonian's left flank:
Maybe because you are not a fucking roman/greek and it's normal in your culture, retard
yeah bro it's all made up take your time
Do you want me to belive that someone used the only animal that is scared of mice in the world as a war machine?
>be gaul
>be the last to battle
>don't show up
>don't get sacrificed
",,,one of the Roman tribunes took twenty maniples (a smaller division of the legion) and attacked the Macedonian center and left from behind and the sides. The 20 Roman maniples numbered about 2,000 men. The Macedonians were unable to reposition themselves as quickly as the Roman maniples. The Macedonians raised their sarissas as a symbol of surrender. Either the Romans did not understand this signal, or they just ignored it. There was complete panic in the Macedonian ranks. Now surrounded by both wings of the Roman legion, they suffered heavy casualties and fled."
Do you want me to belive someone called a division "man nipples"?
Leaving parts of your body unarmored (or sometimes completely bare) gave them more mobility and thus made it easier to attack or dodge.
So yes, there is some realism behind it.
There's always a compromise between protection and mobility/being able to stay cool/being able to hear, see and breathe/march quickly, and you shouldn't forget about comfort either (remember that, for 99%+ of the time, soldiers didn't fight). And naturally, cost.
The weapons and tactics being used by the soldiers as well as their opponents also matter a great deal: for example, many Roman helmets had a tail protecting the back of the neck, and many styles of Roman body armor like lorica segmentata and lorica hamata had strong shoulder protection. Presumably, for Romans, protecting against downward stabs reaching above their shield was important. Similarly, protecting lower legs was not the kind of threat they were concerned with because otherwise they would have used leg armor more. Conversely, you could look at late 15th-16th century English lowbowmen from when plate armor had become ubiquitous: munitions-grade armor was very much affordable at that point so longbowmen could well be wearing plate leg harnesses (soldiers bought their own equipment, although it needed to meet specified standards for them to be hired), but only gambesons or brigandine protecting their torso and arms which would usually be considered more vital areas to be protected. Why? Because practicality! They needed to be able to draw a military draw weight bows and plate armor would have made that more difficult, and unlike the Roman infantry who had large scutum protecting almost the entirety of their body, legs were a target area that was actually threatened.
life isn't dark souls
What you just cited was the battle of Cynoscephalae:
Where the roman War elephants managed to slow down and break through the macedonian left and allowed that gap to be exploited
more like armor is expensive as fuck
>it's impossible to dodge/block in real life
Look at this nigga, never been in an actual fight.
More like scrotum
God bestowed i-frames upon the faithful. Check and mate, atheists.
Don't forget to fill your bathtubs with water!
This is the same game that had the entire Egyptian army out of date by about a millennia or so
Did Romans ever just let the other side surrender? I feel like it was culturally just not part of their conduct. I've never heard of the Romans EVER "capturing" an army, and only occasionally do they "rout" them. Slaughter to the last man so they can't fight some other day seemed to be their modus operandi.
What is lil velite for?
>He doesn't know that removing armour gives you more hyper armour in real life
*throws a fuckin javelin at a guy, misses*
*runs away because his role in the battle is already over*
lil velite is for protecting ONLY!
Vercingetorix was a literal king, they captured him just so they could parade him through Rome like every other monarch they could get their hands on.
And enslaving a population is not the same as capturing an army.
>Dr Pavelivs? I'm SPQR
Who would win?
- 40.000 Romans
- 10.000 Horse bois
>get two militia phalanx
>put in city
>army is now unbeatable
What the fuck were they thinking?
I love velites-chan!
>enemy army tries to surrender
>you look at the man to your left
>he shrugs
>you look at the man to your right
>he grins
>you start walking in on the surrender monkeys with your spear ready
One of the main reasons Barbarian Invasion is better.
WRE campaign is pure, unadulterated vidya kino.
These lads might have been fucking worthless for anything other than delaying/holding, but I love them anyway.
Still mad Yea Forumsros
>someone looked at the bottom and thought it was acceptable
Why do you think CA never went back and did a sequel of their franchises after Rome 2?
Warhammer 2.
As for the others though, the only ones popular enough to justify it are Rome and Medieval, which already got sequels. I think Medieval 3 can't be too far off, though.
Attila was basically a sequel to Barbarian Invasion
I like aesthetics of late roman army more
>WRE campaign is pure, unadulterated vidya kino.
I too enjoy either filling my settlements with peasants or exterminating them because some chuckle fuck thought it was a good idea to implement border province and foreign characters having a effects on religion.
Why did they release R2 in the horrid state that it was yet spent so much on marketing?
late roman army was a mistake
>warhammer 2
this was always planned from the start as 3 separate games covering 3 separate parts of the map, not a remake of the same game like med2, shogun2, rome2
>I like aesthetics of late roman army more
Neither does black people with their pants riding low but it do be like that.
It loses all of its Classicist charm. It just starts to look like a generic Medieval army at that point.
Phalanxes were often miles long with cavalry supporting their flanks dummy.
>I like aesthetics of late roman army more
Which one?
The West one which was larping, or the Eastern one which has been waging constant battles with the Middle-Easterners every year, with 100k people on the battlefield being just an average day in the life of?
barbarian detected
Uncultured Swine, Begone!
There is more money in pleasuring fantasy neck beards and chinks.
>it's a OP is retarded episode
Large-scale religious uprisings are indeed a bit silly for the time, but it's one way to create the huge numbers of rebellions the WRE did face and the solution (burning cities to the fucking ground) is satisfying as hell.
Peasant spam is more trouble than it's worth, I find. Plus it's just stupid whereas massacring rebellious peasants is far more believable.
Anyway, the rebellions are so far away from being your biggest hurdle to overcome in that campaign that they barely come to mind when I think about it.
>he rebellions are so far away from being your biggest hurdle
They're unironically more "difficult" to deal with than Barbarians.
With them, you just fight a pitched battle once or twice for each one.
The rebellions are just a constant drain on the coffers.
The Virgin Roman
>wears armor
>carries a big shield
>fights really close to his fellow soldiers so that he doesn't get flanked
>moves really slowly
>has no honor
The CHAD Gaul
>doesn't need armor, only blue body paint instead
>large penis intimdates romans as it swings violently while he runs
>shields are for queers
>no sense of tactics, just run at the enemy and kill them
>very fast, some might even say too fast
Romans were degenerate fags that wore women's skirts that's why not even christianity could save their cesspool of an empire
Gauls basically had identical equipment to the Romans. A lot of the stuff people associate with Roman soldiers are derivations of Gallic gear
perhaps a transitionary stage will please the gentleman
If they couldn't afford armor then yeah.
Consider that most people had to supply their own armor and weapons and how expensive full bronze armor can be you'll understand.
>tfw no proper shield to LARP as a roman with in mordhau
>Parthian horse niggers
It's the main reason why I spam archers and some light cav when I face these faggots
Also love to play Getae when I meet German factions because of cheap bowmen units with decent range
you mean the christian romans were degenerate fags who's empire was constantly shrinking from it's pagan heights
>be second to last Gaul
>fucked over by some devilish cunt
>penis removed and burnt at the stake as a sacrifice to heathen gods
Fuck you, Catusius, just like I fucked your whore sister
>Empire reaches height through its Pagan period
>muh Christcuckdom
Get the fuck out irrelevantus.
The only times any European powers were actually achieving shit post-Rome was when their Monarchs and Nobles were playing religion like chess and defying the Papacy and Church and the religious chain so they could get down and dirty to conquer, colonize, construct, advance, fund, and progress in every way possible which otherwise has religious limitations.
>psiloi literally means 'bare'
>right back to OP
When the fuck are new maps coming for that
>playing racist, homophobic, generally bigoted games
i think they did say feitoria was just about done with their last update so it should be coming fairly soon
People still playing? Never bought it but it looks fun as hell
if you consider the climate they lived in and that pants were not made from cotton but from hard and very insulating materials, it totally does.
horse archers are some bullshit
>exterminate pop
>build Christian Shrine and a Sewer
>city is now happy for most of the rest of the game
Don't see the issue personally.
If you can't beat em join em
Just don't come either. They can't sacrifice anyone if nobody shows up.
Horse archers are just invincible on the battlefield because there's nothing you can do to them. If you charge them, they're on light horses they just fall back and they can fall back faster than you can charge,
particularly for infantry, and all the time they're twanging arrows at you wearing you down you can't catch them and they can just ride up to you whenever they want to twang twang your troops.
What a power stance
>If you charge them, they're on light horses they just fall back and they can fall back faster than you can charge,
Then use light horse yourself. Or lure them into unfavorable terrain (forests, for example).
only on flat empty ground
they can't do shit to an armored knight, either
>Gallic commander orders his men to organise for a raid at dusk
>He gets there early to look good and eager for the men
>He waits
>He waits
>He waits
>Nobody's coming
>He was technically the last one to arrive and now has to kill himself
>getting cucked by the R*mans is somehow better than castration and death by fire
Piss off Augustus, you manfucker
They're called trousers you fucking freak.
Anyone who wasn't in the Empire was a barbarian. The Romans viewed the Empire as The Civilization, and conquered peoples as civilized(as a past-tense verb, not an adjective) former-barbarians.
>Then use light horse yourself.
Won't do you any good.
The only way to fight a ranged cavalry is to have your own ranged cavalry which has trained equally or more than the opposing cavalry to be physically suited and specialized to the task at hand, with equally good or better horses and equally good or better archers and ranged weapons.
The only reason Mongols were smoked out of history was because they stopped moving and started settling.
It's a testament that the only way you can beat a military culture specialized in ranged cavalry is if they themselves choose their own doom, OR if you start bringing cannons to the battlefield and waging shrapnel warfare.
>Then use horse archers yourself
>armored knight in roman era
Let me crash this shit thread with no survivors
Master trolling right there.
How about denial of favorable terrain (lure them into forests, mountains)? And also, using mass of archers and or crossbowmen on foot?
To me it seems that horse archers for the most part were suitable in certain areas (steppe).
so how the fuck was Poland unaffected anyway
How did Poland avoid the plague though?
Sounds like a cushy job
Closed their fucking borders. Properly.
No I'm not a /pol/tard, you can meme about hygiene or whatever all you want but you don't stop the fucking plague by washing yourself. If you had any signs of the plague you were not getting into Poland, by decree of the King. Including traders whom other realms sometimes made exceptions for because they wanted the money.
>How about denial of favorable terrain (lure them into forests, mountains)?
Won't work.
The reason so much time was wasted in Medieval and even ancient warfare, days, weeks, months even, on battles, was because it was spent re-positioning constantly and constant relocation of armies. Nobody wants unfavorable terrain unless they are truly TRULY forced by special circumstances. This is where logistics and discipline and morale come into play because you can imagine how daunting it becomes for armies constantly changing location and playing geographical chess until the first side loses its calm finally.
Crossbowmen are short-range, can't do shit with cavalry unless it's charging in and not ranged.
Archers are always scouted and informed on, cavalry easily evades their range with distance between the two and that's what ranged cavalry has.
Warfare in those times was pretty fucking consuming and crazy mang.
A bunch of regular archers fighting horse archers have larger targets to hit, the only problem is that they can't chase ever
I forgot to add, ranged cavalry has no logistical problems. They can disperse and hunt, they can get water fast, they double as warriors and logistics so long as there's a food source anywhere nearby whether water or forest and such.
Horse archers wouldn't engage foot archers
Advantage of being mounted is that you get to pick your own fights
>After massive expulsions of Jews from the Western Europe (England, France, Germany, and Spain), they found a refuge in the lands of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the Jagiellon Era (between 1386 and 1572) Poland became the home to Europe's largest Jewish population
Don't look too much into that tho goys - i mean guys!
full on unadulterated romvn kino
>Nobody wants unfavorable terrain
I remember Lithuanian pagans btfo crusaders by getting them into woods, swampy areas were they either have to dismount or just fight on ground unfavorable for horse.
>cavalry easily evades
Then you need to force them to fight and thus get into fire of of archers.
He's holding a shield so he values defense. But then he is naked. Great logic used by him
guy on the left has a big fuckass sheild so he dosent need armor for more then his head. and the guy on the right is a skirmisher so hes just there to throw like 7 spears at the enemy then fuck off.
besides the legs are hard to hit with a sword because you have to lean down to reach them, and by doing that you expose your head.
think before you post user-kun...
barbarian = not greek
>I remember Lithuanian pagans btfo crusaders by getting them into woods, swampy areas were they either have to dismount or just fight on ground unfavorable for horse.
Lucky and rare cases in history because one side was bent on conquest while the other was defending so the enemy was coming towards you to settle in, though Crusaders are mental retards who didn't have much in long-range without a nation supporting them with professional ranged cavalry and archers. What was the name of the battle?
Especially the Teutonic Retards operating against Eastern Europeans if you remember the Battle on the Ice.
>What was the name of the battle?
Battle of Saule.
Also, I think Battle of Durbe was like that too.
Based and SPQRpilled.
They happened to have an enlightened ruler, they took in a lot of jews who had better customs of hygene than the christians and muslims which spread. Proper border controls, containments.
Keep in mind that relatively unaffected is still affected.
It's been a while but I think it was something like 20% affected still.
>still no good game where you can play as a roman legionary
Whats the fucking point
>had better customs of hygene than the christians
In much of eastern europe, (Poland, Lithuania, ruthenian/russian lands) people also went into russian style baths (banya) so that might also have something to do with it.
You want an rpg or a linear game? Could be interesting either way if done right
Yeeeeeahhh, Samogitians fucking them heavy knights with light cavalry and thrown javelins.
>Battle of Durbe
>The knights were plagued by internal disagreements. For example, Danes from Estonia refused to dismount from their heavy horses, which were not well-suited for battle in swampy terrain.
>Locals also cut off logistics to crusaders
Yet again, light ranged cavalry that consumes less energy, has more mobility, and can hunt for rations at any time, wins.
I'm really thinking that the Crusaders were not sent there with the intent to conquer and purge, but with the specific intent to die like retards mainly made up of undesirable nobles and knights were sent under the guise of honorable cause.
it wouldn't be fun to play as a literal nobody in a giant army of nobodies
>so that might also have something to do with it.
It didn't.
linear would be fine, like spartan total warrior without all the mythology stuff and zombies, just follows a roman campaign more or less based off historical accounts.
delet this
I was talking about plague spread and how perhaps hygiene like that helped to battle it. Though frankly it was probably mostly because of closed borders and because larger cities in eastern europe were fairly rare at the time and population was smaller too, making spread of plague more difficult.
A solid campaign with a good story and some old school multiplayer tacked on for later would be sweet
Yep, in fact that developed it into a strategy.
Defeated germanians were resettled into Roman provinces (not Italy) to provide tax paying citizens and recruiting grounds. Frequently the terms of surrender included handing over part of your army to the Romans to fight Rome's enemies.
As long as they have a commander mode like mount and blade warband. Each player controlled their little squad of an equal % of the team's AI soldiers, it basically became a miniature version of total war.
why is CA so soulless now?
A piece of cloth is going to do jackshit when you get hit with a weapon. Even worse, it could enter the wound and increase the risk of infection.
>20 maniples
>2000 men
So, a maniple is a weird way to call a centuria, or are we counting the support troops, which would make a maniple 50ish actual combatants??
Try playing A Legionary's Life
9 CE
never forget
It is hot in the Mediterranean, and the metallurgical skills that allowed for shit like full plate armor were not yet developed during Greek and Roman times. Plate armor was actually quite light and made to fit the wearer which is what made it such a formidable form of protection.
During the antique, armor was more cumbersome and heavier as it was often made out of just metal plates strung together such as legionary armor for example.
you defile the legacy of rome with this waifufaggotry.
Based romans
Venerating Roman empire is racism.
Romans also considered small dicks to be civilised. Having a big cock was considered dishonourable in ancient Rome.
>point and click
>punch through all your armor
did crossbow ruins warfare?
no it wasn't
I has +1 armor compared to the rest.
don't forget that romans also liked fucking boys in their mid-late teens. so much for civilisation, huh?
Is this from Crecy by Warren Ellis
no they didn't
>Nero missed his wife so greatly after her death that on learning of a woman who resembled her he at first sent for her and kept her; but later he caused a boy of the freedmen, whom he used to call Sporus, to be castrated, since he, too, resembled Sabina, and he used him in every way like a wife.
>Sporus actually wore his hair parted, young women attended him whenever he went for a walk, he wore women's clothes and was forced to do everything else a woman does in the same way.
>This Sporus, decked out with the finery of the empresses and riding in a litter, Nero took with him to the assizes and marts of Greece, and later at Rome through the Street of the Images,fondly kissing him from time to time.
>Nero married him with all the usual ceremonies, including a dowry and a bridal veil, took him to his house attended by a great throng, and treated him as his wife.
>Soon after Nero's death, Sporus was taken to the care of the Praetorian prefect Nymphidius Sabinus, who had persuaded the Praetorian Guard to desert Nero. Nymphidius treated Sporus as a wife, and called him "Poppaea". Nymphidius tried to make himself emperor but was killed by his own guardsmen.
>In 69, Sporus became involved with Otho, the second of a rapid, violent succession of four emperors who vied for power during the chaos that followed Nero's death. Otho reigned for just three months, until his suicide after the Battle of Bedriacum. His victorious rival, Vitellius, intended on using Sporus as a victim in a public entertainment; a fatal "re-enactment" of the Rape of Proserpina at a gladiator show. Sporus avoided this public humiliation by committing suicide. He was probably under 20 years old.
>The most explicit recorded incidents of public sex involving humans and animals activity are associated with the murderous sadism, torture and rape of the Roman games and circus, in which it is estimated that several hundreds of thousands died.
>Masters reports: "Beasts were specially trained to copulate with women: if the girls or women were unwilling then the animal would attempt rape. A surprising range of creatures was used for such purposes - bulls, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, wild boar, zebras, stallions, jackasses, huge dogs, apes, etc. The beasts were taught how to copulate with a human being [whether male or female] either via the vagina or via the anus."
>Representations of scenes from the sexual lives of the gods, such as Pasiphaë and the Bull, were highly popular, often causing extreme suffering, injury or death. On occasion, the more ferocious beasts were permitted to kill and (if desired) devour their victims afterwards.
>Chimpanzees and mandrills, both in fact ferocious and very powerful species of primate: "made drunk by wine and inflamed by the odor of females of their kind, were loosed upon girls whose genitals had been drenched with the urine of female chimps and mandrills." The victims were often virgins and not infrequently young children. One spectacle is said to have included "a hundred tiny blonde girls being raped simultaneously by a horde of baboons."
more pics?
Based and patrician.
God I hate this kind of narration and I'm a weeb
yeah this is the one that really makes me raise an eyebrow. fighting naked, really? in France? even doing shit like diving in the grass would become unnecessarily painful and risky. it seems so unlikely. but the source is Julius Caesar himself so... he would know, right?
yeah they did
yea, galo sengen
its gay, i looked it up DROPPED
>its gay
yeah no kidding retard?
That was Greece.
This is just the Total War way because you dont give a shit about your light inf. casualties.
it's a boy btw
Testudo was near useless in Rome 1.
at least both romans and greeks were completely based in their hatred of circumcision.
>humans colonized nearly the entire Pacific ocean before 1000AD
>But they couldn't sail from Sicily to Sardinia in the middle ages
Was user trolling or retarded?
You're confusing romans with greeks. And it wasn't dishonorable. It was considered a sign of barbarity. If you had a big dick and hairy balls you were a dumbass neanderthal with no brain.
No, they thought putting huge penises on STATUES was disgusting and overly sexual.
Having a big penis in real life was just as important then as it is now.
There are bits of graffiti all over Greece and Rome about this.
sounds hot but also made up by cath*lics
That's like saying Americans consider Trump their president.
It reads exactly like that all gladiator fights were to the death myth. Come on, a giraffe. To have a giraffe fuck someone you'd need some sort of platform, at least two ladders and probably up to three handlers to oversee the mechanics of that shit.
jesus, maybe the christians were right
>Theophilus, don’t perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog
To be fair small dicks are more aesthetic.
you do realize that some salty christians wrote this right
>he always autoresolved sieges
Shame on you
>mutilating babies is wrong
Wow, what a revelation!
If you autoresolve then there is no reason to play total war. Campaigns are boring on their own and the computer is stupid as fuck anyway.
yeeeah I'm thinking he's based
>Phalanxes were often miles long
Guard here
can't wait to slaughter some redditors
But, the original Battlefront games are fun.
Greeks thought small dicks on statues were good because they didn't over sexualise the figure. For people at least I know that the Romans saw big dicks as a sign of good fortune
>Touch wood
Centuria was developed during the Marian reforms so it didn't exist yet. The maniple was a simple subdivision of the line (velites, hastati, etc. were organized in their own maniples) that allowed it to engage seperate threats if they appeared, since the Romans at the time still essentially fought as a phalanx. The century (and cohort) on the other hand could be an entirely independant fighting force seperate from the main line.
more roman than the H*ly ""Roman"" Empire
Go go go go!
>t. Κωνσταντῖνος ΙΑʹ Δραγάσης Παλαιολόγος
cope you dumb g*rman