Playing Pokemon Stadium for the first time on like 16 years
Holy fuck this game had SOUL.
The fucking commnetator has so many context lines it's unbelievable
Playing Pokemon Stadium for the first time on like 16 years
Holy fuck this game had SOUL.
The fucking commnetator has so many context lines it's unbelievable
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oh,its a pidgey
Started playing this week for the 1st time too, it's pretty fun and addicting.
>getting infinitely wrapped by Dragonair
>wrap misses
What's the matter, trainer?
Hope you have your own game and transfer pack because the game made many of the rental Pokemon really bad by giving the fully evolved mons trash movesets.
That's odd, I haven't seen this screenshot of SwSh before.
sky attack looked so cool but so shit
Beter animations then the new one
STFU shill
even snorlax did a badass drop kick
>can't unlock Lugia, Ho-Oh, or Mewtwo in Stadium 2
>even with gameshark hax
You can also still 100% the game in less than a day with just rentals. Get or can you not win without your Ice Beam/Fire Blast/Surf/ThunderBolt Dragonite and Mewtwo?
soul fags can't stop gushing over the smallest things.
That's the whole fucking point of soul, retard
I still remember when I progressed to the point where the sky darkened and mewtwo was hovering above the stadium. I was so excited I called my best friend immediately and we spent the whole weekend playing it.
It is? You guys never define it consistently. Of course that definition just makes soul fags look bad.
I've been playing this just now for the first time as well. The animation, announcer etc is great but otherwise It kinda sucks. The big appeal of Pokémon is progressing through the adventure and using your own pokémon you prepared yourself. I might play it again once I try emulating the transfer pack.
It's basically the end game for Gen 1/2 in place of a battle frontier or the like since GB cartridges couldn't fit those things
Here comes the pokemon defense force to tell everyone the older content was bad to save face for the new shit
No I'm just an anti soul fag.
Yes liking that games have little flourishes that make them special makes "souls fags look bad"
What games do you like then?
Still has better animations than the new Pokémon
>rent it from blockbuster for a weekend
>spend the whole time playing mini games
>Resistances aren't always applied correctly
>Thunder Wave/Wrap is busted as hell
>AI gets mons with impossible movesets
This game could be REALLY shitty when it wanted to be
Reminds me of this guy
Imagine being proud to be a soulless fag
reminder that Stadium was made by EAD and not Game Freak and that it took literally a week for Iwata to develop the source code for battle logic for Stadium by himself because Game Freak never sent him the documents
>use a Starmie that has minimized once
>eek out more minimizes and recovers
>eventually they run out of PP and I win through sheer atrition
>surf (stab)
>psychic (stab)
>7th fastest in the game
>great special attack
>took me 20 years to appreciate it
Starmie is god-tier in gen 1
>languagelets will never understand how great the OG Japanese stadium announcer was
Too bad they got rid of him in gold/silver and replaced him with some tame-ass motherfucker with no soul
>おっと!!!ヽ ( ꒪д꒪ )ノ一撃で倒れてしまった!!!!!
fug man
all the announcers are great you can fuck right off for trying to fling shit
Ash would be bad at sucking dick desu
Nah, the 金銀 announcer is unironically dogshit.
With how many championships he's lost? He's definitely had work practice
When he lands horn drill.
iwata was the one guy who made pokemon good and he just filtered GF's retarded shit for years. seriously, everything i read about pokemon game development going back to fucking gen 1 has iwata coming in and bailing their inept asses out. now that he is gone, they seriously have no idea what to do.
>Everyone tells that story about how Iwata managed to fit all of gen 1 into Gold and Silver like he was a legendary programmer
>In reality everyone at Gamefreak was just so goddamn incompetent, that someone from fucking upper management had a better understanding of programming than their programmers
Reminder that Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2 use flash memory, and not save batteries like previous gen cartridge games and the mainline gameboy games, and so you can safely store your favourite and most historically significant Pokemon in the storage boxes in the Pokemon Lab indefinitely without having to worry about some battery dying and wiping them from history. Also a reminder that Gold/Silver/Crystal are more prone to dying batteries than gen 1 as they use a real time clock feature.
Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2 ought to be some forgettable spinoff novelty games that hastily took advantage of a craze and subsequently faded into obscurity, but they are in fact a couple of the best games in the series and totally unique at this point, and not in a "the appeal of this just doesn't exist anymore" sort of way. More in a "we don't want to have to put up the effort" sort of way. Even from Colosseum, which many people love, they never had the full feature set of the Stadium games.
>Stadium was made by EAD and not Game Freak
Seriously? If so then I'm not sure if I like stadium anymore. I'd expect more from the people who made SM64 and OoT.
Never played the Stadium games. Is there an adventure mode or good single player content? Should I play 1, 2, or both?
Rapidash has fire spin, and toxic
All you need in gen 1
You'll get your ass handed to you pretty handily in both.
>The fucking commentator has so many context lines it's unbelievable
In der Tat.
The Stadium games should be approached as extensions of the main games. You're supposed to train Pokemon in those games for use in Stadium. It's like what this person said I would expect that there's some way to make this work through emulators, but generally you need all the necessary hardware to make this work. The game boy games with some way to play them (you can use Stadium to play them), an N64 with Stadium and an N64 transfer pak.
>three legendaries
I wonder why no one told him that it's fucking Pokemon and not POCKEMON. Still pretty fucking great.
>mfw 23:44
Both were true, Iwata's an amazing programmer who was working with children.
sounds about right. he makes it clear throughout the main games that he's a soulless brainlet that relies only on raw power.
>uses sneasel
yeah, he's a brainlet
Indeed, any emulator worth its salt can emulate the transfer pak, and accepts the rom as is.
You can play through the entire RBY/GSC and their respective Stadium titles even today, with all the quality of life things that come with emulators like speeding up the game for grinding, savestates, etc.
The hard part is finding the ROMs
>The Baby Cup in Pokemon Stadium 2
Someone really needs to make a gif/webm of Flareon using mudslap, it's just as good
What about using multiple transfer paks at once?
>>mfw 23:44
Only game that legit gets me close to chucking the controller at the tv, I've literally had to breathe slowly, lay odwn the controller on the floor and turn the console off many times because I've been so close to explode in rage.
Over a decade later and I still can't beat round 2
I miss watching the bet game on TPP stream. Made me appreciate Stadium and PBR so much more.
Pretty sure it was also made by HAL actually
He wouldn't have allowed this
>Katamari on the Rocks
I still remember all the chat pasta for everytime each of those songs came on
I don't care how much of a normie trap Twitch has become, TPP was some of the most fun I've had online in a long time
Just make sure you're using your own Pokemon to get the best out of it.
Surely emulators at this point are able to mount GB saves to emulate the transfer paks? If 64DD was had made stuff like F-Zero's expansion kit playable in recent years, then surely they're able to do that by now. And if it does, a 3DS with CFW could probably find a way to move RBY/GSC saves of the VC versions.
>round 2
What do you mean by that?
Not cool, there are most definitely more competent children, mate.
after you beat MewTwo you have to beat the game again only it's much harder. I was never able to
Pretty sure that the most popular N64 emulator allows you to do this on a controller by controller basis.
Both Stadium games have what is essentially a more difficult NG+ mode.
>PokeFan Rex's fast as fuck Abra and 40HP Chansey
>mfw Round 2
It would totally be the hardest cup in the game if it weren't for Poke Cup's absolute bullshit teams in Master Ball.
Now adding to what the other anons said, imagine trying to beat Round 2 with nothing but rentals, it was an almost impossible task. The final reward for doing it was a Psyduck with Amnesia, something not available back in Gen 1. I was one of those who believed Mew would be the final gift.
I also believed the Mew meme and still do sometimes incorrectly recall it.
you should play battle revolution OP
it was basically pokemon stadium for the wii
>those lines for when a pokemon self-destructs and only kills it's teammate
>play battle revolution OP
it was basically pokemon stadium for the wii
Was it really? I remember seeing images of it and it looked really good but something about it put me off, doesn't that game rely a lot on offline and have jack shit in the way of single player?
You forgot 'CAUSE I'M MORMON/Dr. Stewart's theme.
I too remember all the silly fun I had there. I don't care if it was cringe or whatever, I miss those moments.
It seems to have cups and the option for multiplayer battles but that's it. This is the main menu... Very inspired stuff.
So what is the redpill on why there was a sudden and substantial drop in the quality of Pokemon games from gen 2 to 3 that the series has never managed to recover from? I haven't played these games since HGSS but I see people complaining the newer games dropping features from their already lackluster predecessors like XY or ORAS. Lacking a national dex is inexcusable why would anyone defend the current state of Pokemon that doesn't even compare to decades old games?
im a boomer and i think pokemon peaked with second gen and lost its novelty definitively with the third. post third gen pokemon just don't have the same soul.
I heard somewhere Masuda put his soul into Black and White but since people disliked it he stopped giving a fuck and just started catering to Genwunners
it was but it doesn't have some of the extra shit like minigames
the main issue it had was that you couldn't really get non gen 4 pokemon as rentals until the postgame iirc or something like that
>gen 3
okay. not bad, but was a bit of a downgrade from gen 2
>gen 4
soul but took it's time getting there. D/P had a lot of issues, but Platinum and HGSS are regarded as some of the best games in the series
>gen 5
pretty good. storyfags liked them, and there were freaking difficulty options
>gen 6
when the quality drop really started. a lot of people put up with some of the issues because it was the first mainline 3D pokemon game
Are they catering to genwunners or are the genwun designs their only profitable products? Why haven't their new Pokemon designs caught on?
doom desire looks great