Get it right you morons

Get it right you morons.

Dark Souls is not a JRPG, even though it's an RPG made in Japan.

JRPG means games like Final Fantasy, turn-based weeb shit.

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Other urls found in this thread:

because it's an action rpg, dipshit

i agree it's not a jrpg, it is however very much weeb shit

>JRPG stands for Japanese RPG
>Japanese RPGs are not JRPGs

Are you dumb?

Get with the times grandpa, Final Fantasy hasn't been turn based for over a decade

> it's an RPG made in Japan.
so JRPG then?


OP is a faggot, and a retard

all of the new Final Fantasy games are not turn-based.

How does Yea Forums keep falling for bait this low effort?

That's retarded. Aesthetics have nothing whatsoever to do with game genre.

You have turn-based RPGs, action RPGs, strategy RPGs, and whatever the fuck you call that other type that games like Xenoblade and FFXII use where you move in real time but select attacks from a menu (does that even have a name? It should).

So Dark Souls is an action JRPG, Persona is a turn-based JRPG, Witcher is an action WRPG, Undertale is a turn-based WRPG, etc.

Dark Souls is a fucking WRPG you retard. It's like Skyrim (or Gothic for you boomers), just made in Japan. There's nothing anime about it and it's got fucking ZERO JRPG tropes.

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Friendly reminder that action RPGs were invented in Japan (Hydlide, Dragon Slayer, Courageous Perseus) and predate Japanese turn-based RPGs.
Japanese turn-based RPGs are inspired by Western RPGs like Ultima and Wizardry.
Dark Souls is a JRPG
Final Fantasy is a WRPG.

You cannot debate this.

Attached: smug asuka.png (537x538, 693K)

>There's nothing anime about it and it's got fucking ZERO JRPG tropes.
Dark Souls is literally dark fantasy manga worship you absolute retard.
Why do redditers like (You) know nothing about what you're talking about?
>It's like Skyrim (or Gothic)
You haven't played Dark Souls. If anything, Dark Souls design philosophy is a modernization of 80s and 90s Japanese adventure platformers RPGs, even though Dark Souls isn't a platformer.

>Not made in the west
If you are going to be a faggot about terminology then it isn't even a WRPG in spirit, it's an action RPG.


I'd call it an action RPG. Its sort of the perfect example of an action RPG. Whether you hit or get hit follows all the rules of an action game, however the damage you take, receive and the effects of the damage are all based on RPG conventions.

Its almost perfectly 50/50 action/rpg.

if you put a letter in front of RPG you're a mongoloid
just say RPG

why are genre reductionists so dumb

>0 RPG elements
>no story

seems like a JRPG to me

darksouls is an acton role playing game, not an rpg or a jrpg.

So the next thing you're going to tell me that South Park: The Stick of Truth is a WRPG? Just because it was made in the West? Even though it's just a Paper Mario clone?

How the fuck can one be so goddamn retarded.

Okay this is epic

Thanks for giving me a good argument on why the WRPG/JRPG labels are meaningless in the first place.

>Action RPG is not an RPG
based retard

It's not a JRPG, It's a good game

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Zelda 2 is harder than Dark Souls

So the next thing you're going to tell me that Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest are JRPGs? Just becaucse it was made in Japan? Even though it's just an Ultima clone?

How the fuck can one be so goddamn retarded.

Flawless logic

>dude, it's not a WTFPRPG, it's an AJSBRPG

1. Wrong
2. Dark Souls is shit and not especially hard.

make a point

Based and Hydlidepilled

Westerncucks on suicide watch

It's a JRPG, thus a good game

>any discussion of souls
stop making it so obvious that you havent finished the games

Pretty stupid comic considering zelda 2 was hard as fuck and probably harder than dark souls full of bullshit enemies with specific ways to kill them.

genre inflationists are retarded

This but unironically
Take the Dragon Slayer pill

Attached: Dragon Slayer series 2.jpg (4000x3559, 3.43M)



What an inflation.

>Literally based on Berserk, one of the most influential manga
>"Totally not Weeb"
Kill yourself

Avatar is an anime. Fuck you faggots.

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Avatar is a weeb cartoon, not an anime. Only in japan are all cartoons called anime.

don't forget dark souls is pretty much a modernization of the basic design philosophy behind old games like castlevania, zelda 2, rusty and the like.

Holy shit this is like winning 9 ball on break.

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It's still the exact same gameplay, mash X to win every fight.

>what is Castlevania Netflix series
western made anime does exist and there will only be more of it in the future

That’s a western animation.

>If you assemble a Dodge car in Japan it becomes a Japanese car.
>Sushi made in America is no longer Japanese food
>The Simpsons is a Korean cartoon because it's animated there

You're so retarded it hurts.

This joke would have been way better if it just had the "YOU DIED" screen overlayed the last panel. Well actually the joke would still be shit but the delivery would be better.

Japanese things can't be wannabe Japanese.

That's what it literally means, but that's not what it actually means.

It is not anime.

And neither is Castlevania.




have sex


I guess all Japanese RPG games are just Wizardry games made in Japan


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Games like Etrian Odyssey more or less are, yeah.

Temple of Apshai isn't true action-based. It's just very fast turn-based combat on a timer that doesn't wait for the player to give the illusion of urgency or real time.

Gateway to Apshai on the other hand is true action-based and predates action JRPGs, but Gateway to Apshai isn't an RPG unlike Temple of Apshai.

It's a JRPG, just because it embarrasses you to be associated with it doesn't make it not true, fucking dork.

>There's nothing anime about it and it's got fucking ZERO JRPG tropes.
holy shit imagine being so fucking uncultured.
Dark Souls is basically Berserk.

JRPG = Godlike and fun, always japanese
WRPG = unplayable sjw trash, everything western

>There's nothing anime about it

Attached: 1398521449366.jpg (523x332, 85K)

This guy gets it

>zero JRPG tropes
>oozes Waifus

Swing and a miss there user.

Where's that post talking about how link would fucking moon walk through all of darksouls with his balls tied behind his back

What do either of those terms mean?

I agree. Dark souls isn't a jrpg.

The term jrpg came into common verbiage around 2004-2005 as a way for console players to differentiate games like morrowind and KOTOR from games like final fantasy. For that breif period, wrpgs were simply called "rpgs" while jrpgs were called jrpgs and was mostly an insult towards the genre, essentially the vidya term for weaboo. It was shortly afterwards when wrpg was brought into common usage when people saw how one-sided the term was.

The corrext terms should be pc rpgs and console rpgs since thats where the philosophy of both styles came from and where they both diverged from ultima and wizardry.

Pc rpg: customization, exploration around solo experience. Stuff like elder scrolls, fallout

Console rpg: linear story and characfer driven gameplay. Stuff like dragon quest and grandia

Jrpg and wrpg make people argue even more then if they used pc rpg and console rpg. Undertale is a jrpg but its made in america so its a wrpg but dark souls is a wrpg but its made in japan so its a jrpg. The country of origin should have no merit on its genre, it makes the conversation more confusing.

Inb4 "crpg meant pc rpgs"

Thst was used only for a brief period when isometric rpgs like baldurs gate were relevent. Technically all video game rpgs would be considered computer rpgs under this label.

Shut the fuck up retard

It's a JARPG
Japanese Action Role Playing Game

>Dark souls isn't a Japanese Role Playing Game, it's a Role Playing Game made in Japan, also known as a Japanese Role playing game
OP is retarded as usual

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You shut the fuck up retard.

>Aonuma plays the first dungeon of Zelda 1.png

Got a question fo' ye
Which is a JRPG, Final Fantasy or Dark Souls?
The answer is Final Fantasy, because FF is more Japanese than Dark Souls

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They're both JRPGs though.

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>JRPG means games like Final Fantasy, turn-based weeb shit.
So turn-based combat equals JRPG? I guess Wizardry games are JRPGs then?

Is this redefining of a term (JRPG) the same as how LITERALLY was recently redefined as meaning "figuratively" or "virtually"?

Attached: you tranny nigger faggot cucks did this.jpg (964x773, 109K)

>Call arc/chapters/parts "book"
>There isn't a fucking book at all

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sneed xDDDD

Yes i can

FF is JRPG because it is made in japan

Image , yes i am

This stupid strip and how to spot someone who never played a Zelda game in his life.

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The original Wizardry is a JRPG? Cool!

>japanese make better western-styled games than western pigs
>westashitters still having a meltdown nearly a decade later
How do westacucks even exist at this point? Is it all just ironic shitposting?

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He literally said "weeb shit", Wizardry is not fucking animu waifu shit, get the fuck out of here zoom zooms.

You're using the buzzword wrong, reddit.

>Wizardry is not weeb
Way to out yourself as a fucking moron.

All the modern Wizardry games are being made in Japan, e.g.

Attached: ss_dc38fd05e13958c73b95f24b5e4ad535b3c5221a[1].jpg (1920x1080, 480K)

Or maybe it's time people realized jrpg is a retarded term

>There's nothing anime about it and it's got fucking ZERO JRPG tropes.
>Gameplay inspired by Zelda, Castlevania and King's Field
>Story and setting by Berserk

Not that inspiration matter anyways. Final Fantasy was mainly inspired by Lords of the Rings, D&D, Ultima and Star Wars. It's got more direct, western blood in it than Dark Souls ever did.


The correct term for DS is AJRPG.

>Nobody has posted the edits
I am fucking disappointed in all of you.


This argument again? What's the point? Nobody changed their mind after the first billion times