What's your next gaming CPU? I know I'm going with Ryzen.
Intel vs Ryzen
god oh god I wish that was me
me on the left
What's happening in this image?
same except I wish it was their butts instead of tits
every man's dream except we're supposed to pretend like there are no differences between genders so you should find this image horrific
I wish I were me
intel more like incel
God /ss/ is such a garbage fetish.
low iq
What are some good games with this feel?
good things
I just bought the 3600 and it's coming in the mail in 3 hours!
I humbly require the source of this image, good sir. both google and iqdb give nothing
I'm not poor so I have an i9
prove it
t.micro dick
I wish I wasn't you
very cute hairstyle
That's pretty sexy, daddy
is it worth upgrading to from a 1600?
Cute girl