What are your favourite blobbers?
What are your favourite blobbers?
Lands of Lore, Ishar II, Wizardry 7 and 8.
MnM 6, 7, 8 then 3 4 5 for pure fun
Wizardry 8 for actual RPG
Elminage Gothic
i loved 6,7 and 8 everything after that is pure garbage.
also i am sick of the grid based games that are new, i hate grid based.
X isn't bad.. just has some ugly designs
Wiz 8, no contest.
Stonekeep is peak blobber. also check out anvil of dawn. both are on gog
It's a shame that Wizardry is the only one of the classic CRPGs that got a good send-off.
Might and Magic X isn't terrible, though it is certainly another step back compared to 6-8.
I wish current blobbers would cut it with the tile based shit, and just copying Grimrock's copying of Dungeon Master. It's the current year for god's sake.
Wizardry 8 without a doubt.
Grimrock is also nice but more of a puzzle game than a blobber
Recently started MM8 with the 2.3 fanpatch, working on some confirguration.
M&M6 in particular resonates with me.
Dungeon Hack. Not sure if blobber. What defines a blobber?
First person perspective even though you have a party of several people. Term comes from how your multiple party members are treated like a single "blob"
>MM8 with the 2.3 fanpatch
that looks cool, the UI isn't such an convoluted mess anymore, does it change more?
OK, but Dungeon Hack is only one character in the party. Still a blobber?
Betrayal at Krondor a blobber?
Now install MMMerge and play all 3 games at once.
being able to freely look around with the camera in Grimrock is great, makes me wish Grimrock was in VR which i think tilebased would actually improve the experience.
I need to finish MM6 vanilla first, I will probably get on it after this playthrough.
There is a big list of changes and many bugfixes and features. I suggest looking up "Grayface patch" for the full list. I like the original gargantuan UI, but I admit this clean version gives a lot more to look at in the actual game world.
That sounds amazing, how does it work.
I assume people could still refer to it as such, because of gameplay similarities.
You choose which continent you start on at the start and can use that game's classes (or use the class and race addon that allows you to make lich monks and dragon thieves), then you either find secret dimension doors and cast town portal to travel the continents, or get to some point in the storyline when travel by ship becomes available. The Light/Dark promotions in mm6 are also added, look at the pic.
There's a monster empowering slider that you can turn on and adjust to make other continents more dangerous. There's also a quest that involves doing stuff on all 3 continents.
I'm like 50% done with the main storylines of all three games, and never encountered any bugs.
but the classes in 7 and 8 are WAYYYY s tronger than 6. doesn't that make the game piss easy?
Ya Mum's a bit of a blobber m8, if you get my meanin'.
They ARE mm7 classes, technically. They added the class restrictions for skills and mastery restrictions for spells (like needing water master to cast town portal) and also grandmasters to mm6. You're basically playing mm6 with mm7-8 classes and up to 5 people (you can start with less or just one guy, and there's a tavern like in mm8), which does make mm6 easy as fuck if you start with the maximum party size. But then again, you can beat those games with one guy anyway.
but, what if you complete one game's storyline? doesn't the world end?
it sounds fun but still, some MM7 classes are so much mower powerful at low levels. the maps arent balanced towards it. Also all 3 maps have the same curve. You'd insanely overlevel if you'd stasrt at the doable mm7 opener map and then try goblin castle at mm6... how did they fix that?
Dude, you could play the game even after beating the originals. And the world ends only if you didn't unstone uncle Archibald in mm6.
There's an adjustable slider that scales monsters in other worlds up.
yeah but that makes it abusable, and I'd have to kinda ''guesstimate'' the difficulty slider in order to make it fun.
The fun of MM is the actual challenge. Are you actually OK to travel to the island and attack the monks at level 14? or is it a fucking stupid idea? This just sounds like oblivion.
I mean sorry, it's cool that they made it. But I think ill just replay MM6 or 7 at some point in time. Great games still. MM8 was too short.
sure is rpgcuckdex in here. shut the fuck up idiots!
Stone Prophet and Eye of the Beholder 2.
This is a sape free thread
Why do most people seem to prefer MM6 over 7?
I found 7 to be way better. It's more polished, has more features. the world looks better and is more varied and it doesn't make you fight end-game enemies for your first quest. The only thing I really prefer in 6 are the dungeons.
ugly monsters/portraits, less interesting maps, secrets not as good, not as hard, yet opening is superhard (unless you abuse)
actually have grimoire bought but never played it
how it is?
because 6 has: a better story (as in an actual epic adventure instead of 7's retarded contrivance); provides a better challenge; features better spritework; much superior dungeons; bigger world map.
>but muh liches
7 is worse in every way.