>Thinking about the future of OS now that W7 is dead and Winshit won't be replaced by anything better ever
Thinking about the future of OS now that W7 is dead and Winshit won't be replaced by anything better ever
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end of an era. Time to go buy a console and be done with all the bullshit
im still going to be using win7 for the next 5-10 yrs give or take. To be frank I only dropped off of xp in 2011 and only due to the RAM restraints finally becoming unbearable.
Take the Linuxpill and run Wine.
>W7 is dead
Actually wait, thinking back it was actually more like 2014-2015 because I remember doing Dominus on windows xp on Path of Exile when that part of act 3 first came out and my pc locked up for 10 straight seconds when the blood rain hit and killed my HC witch.
Windows 7 till I die
im on win10 and im happy, just debot it and its fine
Would you happen to have an updated guide for that?
Another 5 or 10 years and ReactOS might reach Vista/Win7 Compatability along with having DirectX support
Will probably use some flavor of linux until then.
time to install gentoo
Im just gonna use W7, pajeet can go shit himself
official support ends next year but nobody cares
No reason to not use win7
Currently waiting for Valve to announce what Linux distro they are backing after Ubuntu shit the bed like a bunch of fucking trogs removing features just because they feel like it.
>Winshit won't be replaced by anything better ever
What? You haven't switched to Linux?
You are at least 7 years late.
So is it best to go for dual boot, with a linux distro for every day task and work, and windows 10 just for games, using proton, or to just pass your graphics card through to a VM running windows 10 within Linux? Which is the best option, in terms of compatibility, convenience, and privacy?
linux is for fags
I dual boot Mint/Win10.
Honestly hardly ever boot into Windows these days.
Mint is essentially Ubuntu minus a few annoyances plus a better UI, so Steam runs without any trouble.
Don't trust me blindly, though, inform yourself.
linux is for commies
You should have switched to your favourite open-source OS by now anyway, just dual-boot that with Windows 10 if there are any games you play that only run on Windows.
Man these pajeets can't even write a full sentence with a proper period at the end. No (you)s for lazy.
Yeah I've used Mint before and I liked how easy it was to switch between different DEs, I think I used xfce it was called and I got it to look pretty good. That's my main issue with Ubuntu, it is one of the absolute ugliest OS out there, and switching the DE from whatever the god awful default is isn't as easy as it should be. I've also tried Ubuntu Budgie, which looks really goof but seems to be too buggy to really be used regularly, though I haven't tried it in a while and it was in a pretty early state when I tried it.
You could still go with win7 + dualboot since a majority of games are still not win10 exclusives. I personally haven't bothered with dualboot since I keep reading about windows screwing that up and forcing you to reinstall both OS
Windows 7 will end up being horribly insecure once Microsoft stop officially supporting it. Unless you plan to never connect your Windows 7 OS to the internet, you're better off just upgrading that partition.
I use MATE, since I want that Gnome2 feel.
For newbs I usually recommend Cinnamon, though.
Literally everything is better than Win10.
I haven't updated windows 7 aside from SP1. You don't get viruses when you block all adverts and scripts in a browser and don't run "supermariogalaxy.iso.exe" from shady sites.
Until Linux does away with the need to use the command line to do fucking anything it will never be worth using.
I sold my PC and upgraded to a Macbook Pro and a PS4 Pro. The only good decision to pick.
I thought LINUX was under the control of some turbotranny who was actively doing everything in his power to sabotage and ruin it from here in?
how bad will it for me if I keep using W7 and know little to nothing about about security apart from running an antivir, Ad- and scriptblocker?
If I was smart enough to stress out over that I'd stress out over computers existing at all.
did you also get a vasectomy?
that's all there is to it. I've been doing this for years and never gotten any serious shit.
literally nothing will happen, faggots are just trying to scare you into buying their terrible product
>"upgraded" to a Macbook Pro
So you bought a machine with lower specs for twice the price, that Apple specifically makes it as hard as possible to customize and/or repair to force users to bring it to them for service instead?
Can you install w7 on ryzen 3?
Nope. It gave me a nice surprise when my W7 installation would bluescreen on boot.
Oh no.
Don't (You) see it?
(YOU) are the computers, user.
This entire fucking universe is probably a gigantic calculation in some other-world child's toy.
Is there anything you can do that a computer even in theory could not hope to do?
I thought you can install windows 7 on ryzen 1&2? Just usb driver issue. Is it really the end?
>win 7 is dead
You can keep saying this but it won't stop me from booting up every day and continuing to do everything I care about doing without incident and non-retardedly
I lost patience after looking for solutions after a couple of hours with no success.
"Insecurity" is a giant meme next to Common Sense 2019. The last thing we heard about it being dangerous was that bullshit ransomware.
Windows 10 is great. Anyone who disagrees is just a childish contrarian trying to look cool.
Tomino > miyazaki
Yeah, as far as I concern even XP is still usable to this day.
Why do you want to be a retarded Luddite?
we won't ever get widespread Linux adoption for home PCs as long as microshit keeps a stranglehold on the industry
It's horribly naive to think like this. There's no reason to use vulnerable software if a more secure alternative exists. It's not like Windows 7 is particularly great anyway, it's hardly any different to Windows 10 and you should only really be using either of them for software that currently isn't supported by other operating systems.
Marijuana is very old news to me so you're not knocking my socks off with your stoner babble.
8.1 is better.
>official support ends next year
So? I seriously don't understand all these subhumans who lose their shit over it. Is it going to start working or self-destruct like in Mission Impossible or what?
The only severe exploit ever since the release of Win7 we got was the ransomware faggotry by Russian gopnik bydlos that got patched. That's it. If you run a good anti-virus/anti-malware program in the background and use a hardware firewall you can continue to run that OS for the next 30 years.
If you deliberately go onto chinkoid or slavshit sites with shady content where they tell you to CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD 90LBS OF PUSSY AND ASS you are the only one to blame for your own stupidity and should not be allowed to use a computer by law.
>technologically illiterate people think you can't get viruses unless you use an internet browser
Big news: even just being connected to the internet and idling with no programs open, a machine can be infected.
There is literally no reason to not update whenever possible, as updates are all about closing security holes that malicious people everywhere are trying to exploit every day.
inb4 "corporate shill trying to get me to update and slow my shit down for planned obsolescence to make me buy new shit"
Nah, I just hate tech illiterate people that think they know more than professionals because they know how to google for 5 sec. Just like I hate people that think they know better than trained medical professionals on said professionals' chosen areas of study because they googled for 5 min and found "vaccines cause autism" on a site with no credentials or references, meanwhile there are thousands of actual scientific studies across the globe and in every scientific publication to the contrary, but idiot parents think "I read it on X shady site so it must be true!"
Common Sense 2019 is an argument used against installing meme AV software like Norton. It's not a substitute for OS security patches. If you're ever going to connect your PC to the internet, it should always be fully patched.
blow yourself and back to /g/ with you, you hobby clown.
>The only severe exploit ever since the release of Win7 we got was
Have you ever stopped to consider that's because tech companies explicitly hire professional "hackers" to try to exploit their systems so they can find security holes and fix them before real hackers outside the company can exploit them to harm the user base?
Have you considered that ending support means this will no longer be the case and security holes will no longer be fixed, meaning said real hackers will be able to take as long as they want to use any exploit they find without fear that it'll be patched before they finish creating their malicious programs?
you are an ignorant clown who may only scare a handful of zoomers with your hysterical babble. stop posting any time, you give me second-hand embarassment just from reading.
I still haven't patch those intel chip vulnerabilities scares that happened a while ago. I'm not gonna lose 10% of my processor speed just because some people run virus-ridden software.
Win10 is still shit that will bloat your network with apps it wants to install and it still runs worse than 7. Not only that, but many older games still have issues running on 10 while they work just fine in 7.
>Big news: even just being connected to the internet and idling with no programs open, a machine can be infected.
Doesn't happen these days since routers come with various security flaws. You can stop regurgitating that old xp meme that doesn't even happen these days.
Win10 is not the future.
Statistic W10 shills love to post:
>90% of wannacry cases affected unupdated W7 installations!
Statistic they love to omit:
>Less that 0.1% cases of wannacry actually happened in the first world
Never had a problem with Win10. All the complainers are niggers who probably have low-end systems. These are the same type of people who still use flip phones.
>I've got HIV, just take retroviral drugs and you'll be fine
You people don't actually think you're immune to vulnerabilities just because you use ublock, right?
I would genuinely rather pay someone fifty dollars to shoot me in the head than buy a piece of apple hardware.
Wannacry literally only happens on XP
i also have https everywhere and privacy badger, but that is it, am i fucked?
>Never had a problem with Win10.
It once rewrote the MBR during an update, forcing me to reinstall grub.
Fuck Windows, fuck Microsoft.
'End of life' means nothing, they know anyone with half a mind doesn't give a rat's ass about that. The real thing Microsoft is using to try to kill Win7 diehards is making it not compatible with new hardware.
I know the 1080ti is the last graphics card that'll work with Win7 out the box, for instance.
I'm still not switching though. I'll play vidya on my rig for as long as it'll play vidya, then buy a console and use my computer for work and what I suppose by then will be called 'retro' gaming.
You are right. You need noscript (remove all whitelists), anti-anti-adblocker scripts (Reeks) with grease/tamper monkey, and you use palemoon or waterfox.
There are dozens of free better replacements. You can even play games on them now with proton.
Infected with malware since December 2017 and faggot furry dev only noticed this month. Good jobe using a meme fork maintained by one guy, hope you liked your backdoo.
boomers clinging to old software
>then buy a console and use my computer for work
>i don't want spyOS
>i want spy box
I had XP until 2014 when I bought a new computer and switched to 7. I'll stick to 7 as long as possible.
>This never affected any of the main distribution channels of Pale Moon, and considering archived versions would only be updated when the next release cycle would happen, at no time any current versions, no matter where they were retrieved from, would be infected.
>Of note: only the .exe files on the server at the top level were affected. Files inside the archives (extract-able with 7-zip from the installers/portable versions or files inside the zip archives) were not modified.
>only the .exe files on the server at the top level were affected.
Guess it pays to do manual installations instead of being some faggot who enjoys using installers. Looks like I win again baby!
Yeah goy, just consume and don't question.
Doesn't change the fact that a browser that supposedly prides itself on security didn't even verify its own hashes for almost two years. Value of the entire project is now questionable.
>I don't get viruses therefor every machine anywhere in the world never gets viruses
People rip on Macs (especially gamers, understandably), but their hardware is just so reliable and solid that you can use them without worry. I hate that the specs are so shit though. I work in game development so my next computer will likely be a PC, but I’ll miss its user friendly design and how long they last consistently without being slowly bogged down with garbage; I hate everything about Windows’ design overall and wish they’d fucking get their act together. My Mac Pro has lasted me almost a decade at this point, even for professional work.
>Work in IT
>Most corporate environments are still using 7 and slowly migrating to 10.
>Even after the security patches are gone from 7, corporations will still use it unless they absolutely need to have it.
Hell, I still see some XP machines in the wild every now and then, and even some Windows 95/98 on old industrial machines that are using some ancient program that never got ported over. Pretty much every place I have been in skipped Vista and Windows 8/8.1
Why should they upgrade OS when 90% of the workforce is too old to reliably use the current one, right user?
And? You seem real desperate to try and prove that *somehow* not using windows 10 and its approved apps has left me more vulnerable (protip, it hasn't). The only value lost here is the fact that people need to compile their own source more often. If thats not good enough for you, theres always waterfox or even firefox if you are willing to spend days fixing the telemetry out of it.
If only this was true. I can only teach so many how easy it is to avoid virus.
Win 8.1
After that you better get used to linux and wine
You can work around it, but you really shouldn't be using a 2019 cpu if you insist on sticking with a 2009 OS
I worked in two separate office environments (before finally escaping and getting a job I truly enjoy) but holy shit it is CRAZY to me how much money these companies have when the employees all work so slow. Obviously most of these people aren’t goal-oriented and are literally just there to get their paycheck, but for how much the Boomer generation complains about millennials, they were by far the most inefficient workers I saw. They really lucked out on the work-to-income ratio.
Are PCs still a lot more vulnerable to Viruses and malware than Macs? I’ve never had a single issue with such a thing on my two macs, but at the same time I never see any PC infections akin to those back in the early 00s.
>december 2017
It was actually sometime between April and June 2019.
>their hardware is just so reliable and solid that you can use them without worry.
Yeah, no. Watch any video of this guy
There are always people that are too afraid of new things.
Do you really think you won't update because 7 is "faster" or some 90s game you might wanna play some day won't run or "spies"?
Don't lie to yourself. You just stuck in in one time, afraid to meet changes.
I remember same talks when xp launched, then when 7 launched etc.
You are pathetic.
Why do you care?
Why do you care why I care
You'll be used by Microsoft as guinea pig for their QA.
I switched from xp to win7 in 2017 because after new patch mmo I was playing would not run on it anymore.
Seems legit but it also looks like a knowledgeable guy who has a bias against Apple, because his whole job is repairing the ones that have issues. His thumbnails have low budget text that says “wow broken pin”, and he only speaks in a condescending tone.
I know it’s just anecdotal but I’ve owned plenty of Macs and PCs, and while the Macs almost always perform the same over their lifespan (7+ years), the PCs always start to have issues sooner and more frequently.
quit being a manchild and take the Windows 10 pill already. You will learn to be okay with it, and you might even lose your virginity someday
miyazaki is shit
literal 1000% boomer meme
>and you might even lose your virginity someday
It's not nice to lie on the internet, user.
>windows 10 keeps asking for my phone number
I don't have one. Will they just deny me service?
>bring girl home after first date at Arby’s
>decide to watch movie together
>break out wireless keyboard and start up TV (why would I have a roku or PS4 when I can just hook up my PC?)
>PC starts, cool GPU lights kick on through the transparent panel
>Windows 7 boot screen appears
>she starts laughing, grabs her purse and walks out the door
What did I do wrong anons?
Just use LTSC, it's a proper upgrade from Win7.
>it's an arch spin
It's just the USB problems. I modified my win7 iso to have USB 3.0 on it. Windows 7 has worked perfectly fine on my machine.
There's a reason so many people use arch btw.
Imagine how much money governments could save.
No one will ever use ReactOS over Linux with Wine retard.
Linux, Wine. and DXVK will always be 1000s of times ahead of ReactOS.
Windows 8.1 or until I can't make it work with my next motherboard.
Win 8.1 was the 7 upgrade you wanted, but you fags listened to the memes, instead of trying it after .1 dropped. 7 but improved.
Contrarians will disagree with this post.
I'm just going to use 7 until steam drops support of it, and when it finally does I'll probably be dead so who cares?
>It's horribly naive to think like this. There's no reason to use vulnerable software if a more secure alternative exists. It's not like Windows 7 is particularly great anyway, it's hardly any different to Windows 10 and you should only really be using either of them for software that currently isn't supported by other operating systems.
I cannot believe people like you exist. I hope you'll be exploited and spent to the full like the gullible sheep you are because you disgust me that much.
Enjoy that false sense of security of not being spied on while using an OS with a shitton of known NSA backdoors.
>Is there anything you can do that a computer even in theory could not hope to do?
Ironically enough (for the beliefs people have about computers), I can do first-order logic and computers cannot:
Computers "can do" FO logic just fine to the same extent you can.
Bless your heart.