*walks slowly towards you*

*walks slowly towards you*

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Other urls found in this thread:



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That forward move is impossible to dodge.

this fucker killed me on the first quest in DoS

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*attacks you instantly with no tells*

You called?

Attached: YianGaruga.png (1557x926, 1000K)

*ruins your game*

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it's a fun fight though

He's too powerful

Haven't fought him yet, what's his problem?

*digs underground*

motherfucker trips and KOs so easily

Attached: goodbye.webm (640x360, 2.88M)

fuck this nigga
I just used water DBs on him because I was tired of how much he flails around.

*is forgotten by iceborne*

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worlds monster lineup was so lame

>when the little Ceanataurs start to strafe incredibly quickly towards you

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Odo and Tobi are lost potential, Nerg is alright, the rest of them are underwhelming as fuck. Bazel would've been better if he actually had a way to deal with guns.

damage sponge. Single highest number of health points in the game, even more than Kulve Taroth's raidboss style health or somewhere near it.

Not to mention the cancerous mechanic where you get damage just by being near him

This it's just depressing compared to the things a gen usually brings. I still like the game but man was it a weak start to a gen.

Needed less monsters rehashing old gimmicks

*is the absolute most unbearable fight in the series*

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Handsome fella, though

>gets my pot of boiling water, potatoes, corn sausage and cajun seasoning ready

Attached: boil.jpg (1280x719, 205K)

>is forgotten even by shitposters

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>Forgetting double Khezu in XX

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Hey guys

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>hunts you down when you're low and trying to exit the area
I swear, this guy is relentless once he's pissed at you. I don't think there's any other monster that manages to cut off my escape like he does.

>battle and design trumps anything world ever made
>has to be locked to frontier
>frontier is dying
>lack of carapeceons in MH in general

Monster is Taikun Zamuza, btw.

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no tells? how about no animation at all

Attached: Teleport in front of you.webm (1280x720, 1.47M)

>rolls and drops explosive shit everywhere
>Timmy 1 and Timmy 2 have carted

>frontier is dying
World's success killed off all the Capcom MMOs. It's evil.

The most honest pleb filter in the series. If you don't have solid fundamentals in pre-emptive evasion you deserve to get duffed.

>EX version's shitty tail spin is enough to almost cart the tankiest builds instantly

nice meme


>carts that one random player 3 times with the same move

There was no more annoying EX deviant monster than Boltreaver. Even Hellblade had less people die like idiots against the same move over and over again.

Attached: MHGU-Boltreaver_Astalos_Screenshot_003.jpg (690x414, 52K)

I have like 3000+ hours spread across the entire series. I do not think World is a good MH game, but it's a good action game. It's a shitty MH game for all the design issues it has, specially the fashion. And I hate how successful it was, along with the shitposters it brought in that never played a classic MH before. I hate saying "Classic MH" too, like "this bad, this good" kinda shit.

G-Garuga is so fucking jank


You can clearly tell from the video that this cart was totally avoidable. Get filtered shitter.

how about you just solo it shitter

Wanted to reply to my Yian friend.


Kulu Garuga when?

Attached: MHW-Kulu-Ya-Ku_Render_001.png (2000x2493, 2.7M)

>force zoom

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Is it just me or are shitposters finding out these are MH threads?

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It's just you.

Alright, thanks for reassuring me.

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I'd only call one of those a shitpost

That’s not rolly boi Konchu
You’ll never top his legacy

A Kulu would probably be one the easiest and most realistic monster to fuck. Paolumu too.

>chases you forever and trips you constantly

seriously what motherfucker in the FU design team thought it would be funny if every single small monster existed just to make your day a living hell?

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Hey man, FU was serious business.
I always just kick these motherfuckers and end up soccer-kicking them into unwitting monsters. Too much fun to be had when I can just be Germany Vs Brazil and go 7-1

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It took me and 3 other strangers 3 Fucking hours real time to take out this ugly faggot.
>LS is now Carted
>HBG is now carted
>Hunting horn has carted
Mission failed
Just Fuck me right?

>end up rolling into the saber meant for someone else

That gravity bomb move has ruined so many EX hunts it’s insane

when in doubt, just go felyne moxie + felyne insurance

Any move that forces you to panic dive is just shit in general.

I want him on my team

>HBG valor runs away
Lmao is there a problem bro?

*laughs in lance*

it's ok for a monster to be easier or harder with a specific weapon/style combo but it shouldn't ever be straight up impossible

>Using tanky builds in MH
Tail spin does no damage if you don't get hit

This plus don’t forget to flash spam while the gunners put 15 tons of lead in their asses

Had a squad that was doing well against him - constant pressure on him, broke his crest so we could flash him out of the sky, and best of all, everyone was staying alive. We had this fucker in the bag.

We're all beating on him, and you could feel he was on his last legs. Then he jumps back and does his photon saber slash.

I absolute readyness the fuck out of the way. But then the hunt is over, because all three of my squadmates had gotten hit by that one slash.

>straight up impossible
There's time attacks of EX boltreaver with every single weapon. Unironically git gud.

Always remember
Don’t get hit
Play more songs
Shoot more
Keep your blade sharp
And when applicable don’t kill it trap it

Every idiot wearing that mantis armor made carting against boltreaver even easier because it has so much negative lightning resistance.


I must have spent a good 4 hours trying to get my solo boltreaver kill back in XX

He's all execution though, there's not much room for his AI to fuck you like EX hellblade deciding he's spun too far away from you and is going to spend the next minute and a half sniping you with fireballs

reminds me of this

Attached: Triple murder.webm (800x450, 2.89M)


Awesome I hate it
Triggering my PSTD
God I hate that gay mega man move of his

>comparing TA autists to your average player

every other monster in the game tends to use its big dick move scarcely and/or leaves itself open after using it, BR does neither of these things, it just uses it casually and CONTINUOUSLY

Super Azurebolt is the hardest fight in any mainline MH by a long shot. Do you agree?
single digit gun neck hitzone

Holy fuck.
I’d just abandon the mission at that point
Everything is completely fucked in less than 3 seconds

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Inb4 his favorite monster is Zamtrios
I have no fucking idea but...
>LS carts
>HBG carts
They stay so far back it's barely possible they get damaged, but alright.
>HH carts
You must have some SERIOUSLY shit luck for this thing to happen, user.

it's ok, I carted shortly afterwards to its steam charge

with Super Azurebolt do you mean the EX or there's something else even worse I'm not aware of

>Made the mistake of thinking his saber attack was like Rajang beam attack and I’d have 8 years to punch his face in

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Post killscreens from XX/GU

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you know something went wrong if a monster makes Rajang looks honest

Skipped X/XX so I've never fought him but I dislike every incarnation of the fucker.

Bring back his hammer

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>people just attack amatsu when preparing that tornado to stop it intead of diving
>long sword fag keeps tripping everyone
>quad cart

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Elderfrost is up there with its Trunk Snowball

*kiss you*

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Good thing Deadeye fixed this. Made the fight so much more enjoyable than normal Garuga when Deadeye had actual fucking tells about what he was gonna do.

Beating this guy on my first try with guild and no arts is my proudest MH achievement. Truly I reached peak skill.

Unless they added something im not aware of when porting XX to switch, whatever the quest that gave you the Azurebolt dye and mog is.

The LS was the shit. With the big ass claw that unfolds once it's charged.

Well it did.
But when we finally beat him I swear hearing this youtu.be/B1tPvlAVK9g
Was better than sex.
>Hulu dancing intensifies

Things that absolutely never happened.

Nerg would've been better if he didn't have wings and used the Doggo skeleton instead of the usual 4 legs + wings one.
An elder dragon without wings that still manages to hunt and kill and eat other elder dragons, now that would've been peak cool.

Attached: konchu.webm (800x450, 1.67M)

This is my favorite Quest Clear theme aswell. I remember playing Frontier years ago, and this was sex to my fucking ears when I beat some fucking Stygian.
Heyhey! Nice.

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Only the sexiest weapons

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In World, just use Water DBs and buzzsaw down his back.
In Gen/XX, just use the literal best water weapon in the game - Mizu HBG. Internal pierce water 2 shots obliterate Uragaan and Gravios so fast, especially with the pierce up / internal up / water up skills all stacked.

Didn't even cart more than once. I've been playing MH for like 4000 hours of self-imposed challenges though.


>Water guns your face off
>But his end animation puts out a little rainbow

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This guy and the various MH knockoffs have done a good job teaching me why they don't do upright humanoids in MH

>Monster Hunter was only ever on Nintendo and was never on any other system ever
bing posters are the most retarded shitposters

Who the fuck is that asshole

Can't forgive Capcom for what they did to the weapons

>tfw seeing the Akantor GS grow in FU

Attached: weapon_page__3_by_bnaha-d6xs7l4.jpg (2300x1588, 1.88M)

> [X] to doubt
>Shake the Joycons to doubt faster
Yeah I don’t believe you.

Man I remember having to resort to this just so I can farm his crown faster. Fuck Crystalbeard.


I'm a fag from the PS2 days. Don't ask me shit, I just want to cry with nostalgia. This remix was heavenly.
Don't respond to shitposters though. You're giving them attention, which is what trolls feed off of.

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>using valor, the literal most broken and ez mode thing ever introduced to the series, even more broken than MH4 CB

We have a good thread going when we ignored non-MH titles, keep it up.

event weapons suck to get

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Yea dude just eat for thunder resistance that will stop the EX from 1 shotting you when enraged with half his kit.

Destroying the MH weapon designs was the worst fucking thing ever. I remember looking at the Petrified weapons and going "THOSE LOOK SO COOL" and then seeing World weapons just being different variations on Iron and Bone... Jesus. Then seeing what the hell they did to Barroth's weapons, it was massacre.
Unfortunately, we gotta talk shit about it.

I made the weapon and set specifically to REMOVE GRAVIOS
Fuck that monster. It's such a boring chore of a fight.
It's just coincidence the set also works against anything else weak to water, like Uragaan and Glavenus.

>Odo and Tobi are lost potential
Tobi's problem is that his weak point is too open for him to be of any threat. He needs a variant or a G-rank move where his tail actually poses a risk for being near it at certain points or something.

Odo could have been great if they actually use his "fed" mode more often. Hell the entire time I was playing the game I only saw him get into that mode twice. They need to set up more feeding points for him to trigger that mode.


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A personal favorite of mine

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You have a second to react because he does the tippy tap turning animation before charging

Good news is that, if the dev diary on iceborne is taken as truth, the new Dragon sub-species will be in that mode almost all the time?

So, ignore it? We're just starting to have a good XX thread.

Been a while since I've played this but what the fuck did he even died to?

That song has been remixed so many times, but I think that's my favorite overall. Despite being a colossal MH fanboy I always thought the music was pretty underwhelming before MHX.

>tfw Jumbo Village never

CB was broken as fuck in 4, they tuned it back a little in 4U but it was still one of the top weapons.
Of course, 4U then brought about Hame, which was super broken but at least it required 3+ people working really well together rather than just one guy going CB.

Tobi's problem is that he's a barely above bottom tier shitter fought next to things like pukei and jagras

That dude needs a garuga equivalent

The forward triple beak peck.

Just don’t reply to trolls
We have to have stealth threads because they would just flood the thread with bing

Instant rush. You just dont stay in front of Garuga when he looks at you.

>MHFU is 11 years old


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Either extreme lag from the tail spin or the monster doing his sprinting move for less than 1 second because it was right near the wall and other players

>all the Samus shit is locked behind the biggest and angriest Garuga known to man
>still haven't found a group that doesn't get blasted to oblivion by Brachydios in Three Virtues
Where do you get that SnS though? It's really fancy.

The jump into peck attack, he got hit by the leg. Could've been avoided if they didn't dodge so early though, since they had adept.

Man, it was so satisfying hearing Jumbo's theme change as you developed the village.

When is having multiple people not broken though? I solo everything so I imagine that having 2 of me would kill the monster twice as easily. 4 of me and the hunt's over in 30 seconds.

4JP CB makes Striker CB feel positively smooth to play. I say this as someone who first used it.

Attached: quick-morph guardpoint.webm (854x480, 2.97M)

Garuga has a frame 1 charge that it can immediately combo into other attacks, so if you're too close to it it will look like you've been hit by thin air

You know what? Sorry, I'm being retarded.
He's right you know. That thing was not only a massive crutch, but people somehow managed to triple-cart with it. It was fucking awesome.
Did he have a concussion! We need to take him to the monster hospital (by dissecting him 3 times then flexing!)
Yeah, there's a lot of good remixes in X and XX. So good to just listen to.
>Jumbo Village
>TFW I managed to get my hands on a copy from Japan as a kid
>TFW PS2 was second-hand and secretly had a modchip inside
Wait what the fuck? Are you seriou- You're not lying, it really is. Time flies by, and I still have 1000 hours on it.

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it's the star knight sword from USJ shit, don't think you can get it anymore

Which game was your favorite?

While I have fond memories of Tri, there's something special about the atmosphere and art of FU

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And getting invited to dinner in a game where cooking was actually fairly difficult. Village of deeply soulful people.

>He never played EX deviants
Using valor dodge on them is just saying
>Here have 80% of my health and my ass virginity mr monster

I was offline, there was no lag, that's just how Garuga works

>Doesn't know how to deal with Garuga's charge

lol. You wanna know? It's a secret I discovered long ago. Garuga's the only monster in the game where you need to roll away from his charge. As in, backwards. Unlike every other monster, Garuga stops his charge and does an attack instead of running into you.

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how do I enjoy this game? weapon movesets are so primitive when compared to newer games

>Don't think you can get it anymore
>TFW events were downloaded to the save and not hosted on the server
>TFW I still got the Pirate J stuff in Portable 3rd because of it
I still love how Capcom makes all event quests free instead of payed. They earned my respect that way.
A monster from MH1 in XX, I wonder how fucked that could be when it has an attack which is literally WALKING in place for full damage.

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>Valor dodge can't kill you
Just don't get hit looooooooooool, and eat for felyne heroics while you're at it.

>Everyone complains about Gravios
>Never had a problem taking him down
Am I out of the loop or something?

Village quests are made to be completed with 1 player and their palicos, Guild quests are balanced for something like 3.5 people, since guild can be done as [2 hunters + 2 palicos], [3 hunters], or [4 hunters], and so the monsters have more health to account for the increased dps from more players.
Meaning if you hunted a monster in village and the same in guild, the guild should take roughly 3-4x longer to kill solo.

3U, but I consider FU, 4U and XX to all be perfect games on the same caliber.

They're all basically the same shit with different content when you get down to it.

Best monsters, best areas, best music, best village

people are gonna say this is bait but world

I just really like the additions to some weapons and I'm mostly fine with the monsters

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Nobody says he's hard, just that he's pure tedium.
He's slow, has super easy to read attacks, has a mountain of health, and is relatively hard to deal damage to since all but blue sharpness bounce unless you manage to break an area or spam mounting.
It's the fact that the fight is super boring that makes him so complainable.

It's more about being afraid and fighting for your survival instead of long anime combos to dab on the monsters.

The GS and Hammer play about the same, and the Gunlance has a great blocking combo. The long sword is fun as usual.

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shitters only say it's hard because they refuse to use a gun against it

He just has a mountain of HP, especailly in FU's G-rank. The only monster where timing out was a legitimate concern.

We're talking about actual MH, make a new thread for other action games.

Gen. I actually like the styles and artes, most of the new monsters, and it gave me my fav monster of all time pic related.
I love everything about it - the fight, the music, the weapons and armor, the way they made the deviant fight so different yet still familiar, it's just the best monster to me.

Attached: Sleep Tight Mizutsune.png (1125x615, 831K)

4U, where I started.
The low rank village story is honestly some of the coolest stuff I've done in vidya.
>when Gore Magala attacks you on the ship in the middle of a stormy night and you can barely tell what the fuck you're even fighting

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>the rock survived

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also Bubbleblight best blight

>that mini storyline for that thunder katana tree
>that anchor hammer that splashes water when you pound it to the ground
>that chameleos LS that disappears when the spirit bar is full
>that chameleos bow that is essentially a wand and a spellbook
>Akantor's weapons just being BIG



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XD you sure showed her

4U. Though I had played past MH games before, 4U was the first time I really sunk my teeth deep, clearing all of G and exhausting the post-game content.
Going from a 2 cart 25 minute first Gore to a 0 cart 10 minute first Shagaru was peak MH to me. To have a terrible beast as my rival, and to conquer it.

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Stop trying to start shit. All Monster Hunter games are welcome in this based and comfy thread, shitposting isn't.

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The only way that was really enjoyable is multiplayer. Sure, the weapon movesets are lackluster, but that was the only thing we had back in the PSP days. You can just move on to Portable 3rd, 4U or XX if you're playing FU on PC. If you really want to play FU, you're just gonna have to look past the weapon movesets and play the game like you normally would, only lobotimizing a part of your usual playstyle. Good idea to learn a new weapon too, the only useless thing here is SnS and DBs.
I have so many fond memories of MH1 when I was a kid. Fuck that was so good. Fatalis was such a dastardly fight but I won out anyways.
MH never had "monster HP according to number of players" though. But they do have boosted HP. A monster in 4* Village had like... what, 3000 HP normal in P3rd? In Guild, same monster in 4* quest had like 4500 HP. Big boost, yeah, but it's not ridiculous if you know what you're doing.
Gravios was fucked in FU. You could only hit his head, legs, or wings if you didn't have Purple sharpness for his belly.
It's actually true. Been playing since PS2 and I always remember it like that. I'm not that user though, but it's something you watch out for. Learn the monsters.
Ignore worldbabs and bingposters.
That was hype when I first got into it. Gore Magala is still among my favorites, but Zinogre and Fatalis are still top favs.

I'm super sorry for the mass replies, but discussion is discussion.

>trying to get G Amatsu Horns in GU
>get 1 every 4 (four) hunts despite breaking the horns every time
>going online means constant triple carts to his tornado
It's fucking 2019 and people STILL die to it
Either keep hitting him, or get ready to dive
Don't do NEITHER

World. 3U and P3rd close behind.


meant Gen and XX, not just Gen

>He's right you know

Believe he's mentioning vanilla MH4 CB which was dogshit and then got buffed as fuck in 4G/4U.

Tri is special to me. Mostly because it was my first one and I started playing it in my last year of high school and into my early college years. A ton of free time and it was cool being part of such a connected online community.

Literally FREE evasion and superman dives.

>press circle with a hammer
>the only move is side slap
>try level 2 charge
>it's not even an uppercut
we've really come a long way

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and it's a beneficial "ailment" that works with Crisis

I have 3U, 4U and Gen but I can never decide which one to play

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Nah man, I seriously remember that vanilla CB in 4 was super fucking broken compared to every weapon in the game. 4U barely fixed what was so strong about it too.
I had to go to Longsword to try and get a fragment of Switch Axe when I want back for a challenge in FU. Goddamn that sucked.
Why not all 3 at the same time?

I pray for 4U HD
It's such an easy port, and would be the most potent shitter reveal we've had in years

I cant play anything but Prowler any more
Send help

superpound for life

Attached: FqyrjUS.jpg (889x697, 63K)

Is that a fucking felyne-sized tank on the left? What the fuck is that? I'm so confused, I never encountered this before, only tank I ever saw was the Tigrex LBG!

Attached: 1562284950124.png (240x240, 73K)

>shitters only say it's hard because they refuse to use a gun against it
guns are for losers.

You got woke, then broke. Prowler is like fucking drugs, once you go in you can never go back. That's why I avoided it, I prefer my cats being shit while I fuck the monster up myself.

Fuck I'm running out of reaction images. I need to save up more.

it's rath of meow skill, it's also still in world for some reason

>bad teammates
and the fact the first 20 minutes of the fight doesn't mean anything, and it can all be undone in a single attack in the last area
fun as fuck fight with friends, but trying it with randoms is unpleasant
and you thought behemoth with randoms was bad


>He hasn't played Prowler
Tanks, bombs, cannons, it's all there.

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t. one trick nigger

I feel the same. Finally got XX to run at 60fps but I feel like it's high time to say goodbye to MH. I'll save it for when I'm an old man so I have something new to play.

Attached: 60FPS.jpg (2560x1400, 986K)

It's Rath of Meow, a miniature tank your palico can hop into and use if you have it as a support skill for him/her
Except in World it's just a tiny little cannon your cat pushed around on a cart.

Attached: Screenshot 2019-01-18 20.38.10.png (565x490, 696K)

>Rath of Meow
>A pun on a song named "Wrath of Me"
I fucking love Monster Hunter so much.
But also thanks for giving me the name, highly appreciated!

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i remember going from tri/3u to mh4u and realizing just how more difficult 4 was

>*activates enraged guard III"
>monster cleverly misses, despite me being stationary and no one else for it to attack

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have sex

Zinny is such a baller. It never got old fighting him, while I remember almost ragequitting on Stygian Zig in 4U after getting dragonballed too many times. Fuck, he devastated me in G rank. Never thought I'd miss that anus obliterator in GenU.

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First he has way too much health for no reason. It just makes the fight a huge drag.
Secondly he has an "Aura" around him that constantly damages you, it's something like 10 damage a second so it kills you pretty fast. The only way to get rid of it is to spam the fire rune on him a bunch of times.
Third, he has an attack where he will do a very fast "Ranged grab" on you. It's possible to dodge but it can catch you off guard if you're using an item. The attack doesn't outright kill you (Which is why they made it difficult to dodge) but it is a guaranteed death if another player doesn't save you. (The easier, solo version doesn't have this move)
Lastly they barely gave him any animations, so he basically has like 6 different attacks that all look the exact same until they come out. Furthermore, he has an attack which basically just explodes a giant area around him. This means that every time he raises his arms you just have to assume he's going to do to the giant AoE attack because otherwise you might die.

The first three points are probably because the devs REALLY REALLY didn't want you to fight him solo for some reason. Maybe they got upset that people were soloing Behemoth who was intended as group content so they really upped it with this guy. I personally absolutely hate it because it feels like they're trying to push MMORPG mechanics into Monster Hunter, and not only that but they're really trying to force group play. I like to challenge myself with solo hunts but they tried as hard as possible to discourage you from doing it with this guy. The last reason is them just being lazy and not developing enough animations for the boss.

The design of the monster honestly makes me worried for Iceborne. I'm really not a fan of these MMORPG mechanic fights.
Also just as a disclaimer, you CAN beat Ancient Leshen solo, but it takes like 40 minutes and requires you to use shit like fortify to boost your attack. That's how tedious they made the fight.

>uragaan finally falls down
>time for damage, finally!
>*tink* *tink* *tink*
>every fucking time

i swear to god MH is uncanny with this shit. Charge a hammer pound? Monster just barely twitches moving itself out of the way. Activate enrage guard? Monster misses by an inch.

It happens so much i swear there is something in the monsters AI

whenever I see a prowler in the lobby I literally cringe irl, you can tell they're either furries or shitters too scared not to play with nine lives

yeah it's not as impressive looking as 4U/GU but still kind of funny they kept it in

Attached: worldtank.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

>Shoryuken right under the monster's face
>sways its' head backwards and hits me on my way down with perfect timing
They react to this shit

>hating people purely based on their weapon choice instead of encouraging people to play whatever they have the most fun with
your kind are the worst kind

Sorry but you have the disease called Git gud you scrub
There’s only 1 cure

It's IG that was consistently broken in both, MH4 CB didn't even have GPs or shield boost.

I can roll through attacks with 100% accuracy while using my other hand to spank my monkey like it's nothing but god help me if I don't fuck up enraged guard every fucking time.

Then you don’t like monster hunter
Leave pleb

>KO Gravios
>He's now more dangerous than when he was conscious

Fucking hell, does it literally turn into a different game? Might try Prowler when I get Chime up a certain level.
I legit tried to use the 60fps cheat on XX, and I had this awful jitter when I was in any bigger area. How'd you avoid it, or did you just have a way better PC than I did? (i5 9th gen and 1050TI might be the reason)
Another example of World fucking everything up so badly.
Monsters can read us. Shit's busted.
Zinogre was seriously one of the best designed monsters out there, rubbing shoulders with the best of the best. His fucking "encounter" animation is him cracking his fucking neck, and all of his attacks were so nicely telegraphed and well designed. He's literally the one of the best. I have a Zinogre figure proudly displayed on my desk. I need to get the Stygian version, but Amazon is too fucking expensive and I can't find shit on any figurine website.
The most annoying is charging up a Switch Axe explosion to hit the moment a monster is near, but the frame before it detonates has you getting hit and flying backwards. I hate it so much, it's such a buzzkill for me but that's what keeps me going I guess.
They even get demoralized if you do a lot of damage in a short amount of time, which is why some stand in place and just don't do anything.
I've had people kick me purely because "switch axe noob go cb or gtfo of lobby"
Oh right that thing... The amount of baguettes I've seen was surreal.

Attached: 194.png (480x480, 81K)

to be fair some weapons in FU are missing a ton of shit compared to newer entries that make them more fun

like in FU for SnS all you can do is the jumping slash, triple slash combo and a roundslash. it's pretty sleep inducing to play

GPs and Shield Boost didn't matter when the weapon was 5x more efficient at pumping out damage and KOs than every other weapon combined.

wow ur so hardcore

I only like them because I always wanted an actual claw weapon so I could BERSERKER BARRAGE on a monster's face

Attached: 5a8fd96ee02b885c1dd950a941fca897.jpg (736x920, 154K)

4U was the best game simply because it made quintupled the size of this chart if you wanted to play "Optimally", but you could still do this if you wanted. I really love what they did to the weapon's moveset by making basically every attack useful in some way.

Then World came and turned Hammer back into this. Just replace Super Pound with brutal big bang and triple pound with big bang. Feels bad.

But that's how you still use the SnS. Don't tell me you fell for the backhop meme.

Boxers did.

Realy? I soloed every quest in 4U just rolling into the monster's gonads and triplepounding them into a fine mush. I didn't even aim for the head. KO is overrated solo.

Zinny is a boss
I farmed his gear the second I could

relaated to king nigger i see?

He didn't write Gen/GU though

>Not just playing the game to have fun

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Why is there so much hate for XX/GU?

the shield bash and the addition of second combo made it more fun just by giving it some variety and versatility

It's such a good set of armor too. Adrenaline, Focus, Razor Sharp, Latent Power, Taunt... You couldn't go wrong with this.

Attached: jgfDMUD.png (512x368, 276K)

because people always hate the newest monster hunter, it's a tradition

Purely the Hunter Arts and Prowler. Everything else is fine.

Attached: OUTrHUf.jpg (251x251, 7K)

Because hardcore closed-minded fans of the older games can't come to terms with the fact that there are people that like both the old games and Gen/XX.

Crab boys are so much fun. It's like fighting giant sword wielders with a serious case of agro. I was really sad to not see them in World.

Attached: Hermitaur.png (1327x1069, 1.22M)

Both of which you can easily elect to not use and have no issues when not using.
People complaining over things that are literal non-issues.

*hug it while get mauled*

Lots of dumb gameplay-breaking shit that made it accessible to casuals where as in older games they would just die 14 times to the first monster, bitch about artificial difficulty and then leave us alone. People couldn't see the writing on the wall.

When are we getting fists

Attached: sudden impact.gif (352x264, 1.96M)

A fuckton of gimmicks because capcom was throwing everything at the wall to see what would stick
And then they brought over the worst parts of it to World bring back prowler and SnS oils you hacks

Old good, new bad. It's in full force with monster hunter. The newest game could be the best game ever made and it would still be bad because it's not an old game.

Forgot to add it had Handicraft, Guts and Fencing with the Zinny X armor in 4U.
Pic related about what argument those fans present.
They were legit not necessary but they're fun anyways.

Attached: HlgAsBe.png (1280x960, 285K)

Can we expect an offline Frontier reboot on Switch by next year?

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Literally just world fags
Most of the old hunters were concern about the changes with the styles but a lot ended up liking it

Console warriors who don’t care about monster hunter using it as shitposting material

Fuck fists, I want these to be actually made.
(these were planned for Gen but cut in development)

Attached: Beastmaster and Boomerang weapons never.png (1024x1468, 1008K)

FU and World

People who are too poor to afford both GU and World.

When Frontier shuts down and Tonfa is given to us.
Trust me, if you want fists, you're only getting the Claws through Prowler.
I want to have a Punch-Out x Monster Hunter crossover already.
No, don't even think about it. Frontiergooks raged super hard when Lavasioth and Chameleos were added to FU, they're going to have an absolute outrage if Frontier gets rebooted on Switch and starts selling in the west.
No private servers either, Capcom locks up a lot of their shit.

Attached: LOIU17D.jpg (601x500, 72K)

But I fucking loved aerial style
Probably the most fun style that still takes skill

Playing optimally with Hammer in 4U required you to use all of your charge attacks based on what you wanted to do. Level 1 was the best way to combo into triple pound, two had the best vertical hitbox and so was excellent on certain monsters if aimed properly and built up stun incredibly fast (Faster than any other weapon in the game, as much as people will tell you it's CB) and super pound was basically a ranged attack with how large the shock wave was.

But yes, you could just smash the monster's gonads, but a good hammer player should weighing opportunities. Usually you aren't just hitting the head for stun, but because it takes the most damage, but there are lots of times where you'll get more damage just hitting something easier to reach. There are also times where you might want to hit the monster's head to stun even if it doesn't give good damage (Ex. Diablos) because it's worth giving the stun to your party.

In 4U, Hammer is all about weighing opportunities and figuring out how to use and aim your tools based off of that. It's probably the best "Freestyle" weapon in the game because of how many different ways you could possibly play it and because of how you can roll cancel out of your attacks at almost any time.
Just don't use the spinning attack. That shit sucks (Unless if you're using a poison hammer on Kushala I guess)

>Punch-Out x Monster Hunter crossover

Attached: Fist of the North Hunting Never.jpg (711x800, 544K)

>all this toddlershit
Havent you guys gotten the hint? Nobody wants your shit here anymore, fuck off

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Boomerang was actually adapted into Magnet Spike and Beastmaster was made shit with Insect Glaive.
Atleast Magnet Spike was fun in Frontier.

I have no strong feelings about GU one way or another.

>TFW started with World and enjoy both that and XX a ton.
Which other games in the series would you guys recommend?

Attached: 1536435694822.jpg (414x380, 34K)

God I fucking hated G-Rank Stygian.
>every attack they do shoots out dragonballs
>balls are homing

Attached: 1554671588667.png (336x345, 184K)

More like people too stupid to get them both for free.

The only MHs I paid for was FU and 3U. Though I did buy a new handheld for both so they weren't cheap.

Attached: MH6.jpg (1263x1084, 342K)

it has outdated grafix and hitboxes, but damn if it isn't fun as fuck

IIRC Beastmaster was going to be a "gunner" class weapon though, so it'd be a bit different from IG

as someone similar to you I would recommend 4U

And the retards start showing up
Remember everyone

Likewise, spammer-kun.

Attached: WorldIsAGoodGa-.png (5360x2572, 2.27M)

>go for the Glavenus tail in the LR village quest
>break it
>now it never stays heated no matter how much he sharpens it
>somehow slice it off with a ledge upslash as he tail spinned right into it
Does it never stay superheated once it's broken, or did I just have the worst luck?

While easy as anything, P3rd is fun and emulates like a dream.

Tri. It's a ride that anyone who calls them selves a fan of this series MUST experience.

Well yeah, because you'd be directing your pet to attack rather than hitting it yourself.

And you had to ruin my mood. Fuck (You).
Dodge, get Dragon-resistant armor, and have fun.
Any game honestly. Try the G-rank games though so you have content. 1G, FU, 3U, 4U, and that's what there is. Unfortunately Dos didn't get anything.
Interesting news. I wonder if your beast would disrespect you at lower levels, be a little disobedient at mid, and finally respect you as their master at high-rank and beyond.
Fucking nice, man.
Stop it.
I still hate how Tri cut out a good chunk of the weapons. Sad.

Attached: 3IbVMsk.png (540x370, 259K)

breaking the tip off is "cutting" Glavenus' tail, and can only be done when it's heated
They made his tail work different because if you could cut the whole tail off there would be 2/3 the fight missing.

Man that is so stupidly hardcore

Based Neutral chad

Attached: 99F237E4-6EE0-4FCC-AD3A-6DB44F2C5213.jpg (625x481, 55K)

All MH games emulate like a dream.

Tri is still the best entry point IMO.

I have trouble trying to get 4U and XX to run at a consistent 60FPS without it going down to 58 FPS and jittering like 3 hookers getting ahegao'd. Any tips?

Attached: 7139857e4f2b0750e263cafa454a00e172f358e01def70fa8bae9ab1c641558e.png (351x292, 127K)

There are definitely problems with Generations compared to the older games, but honestly after playing World, stuff like Hunter Arts and styles seem like nothing.

I guess one way you could put it is that XX/GU feels like the old monster hunter games but with too many tools given to the player. World is way worse about it, but it's a significantly different game so the new experience makes it not as bad.

Before too much shit gets flung around. I think both games are fun, but they have their flaws. Generations has less, but World is new in many ways so maybe you can forgive it.

What monster was this a concept for again? I swear this was an early concept for something that actually ended up in the game.

>A heart full of neutrality

did the user that made this ever get around to updating it with alchemy and valor?

Attached: Weapons and Styles.png (1789x2548, 3.4M)

>All MH games emulate like a dream.
Do they? I admit to never trying any besides FU/P3rd because I just stuck to the 3DS for 3U/4U. I bought the damn thing just for MH, after all.

You need a very specific emulator build by Valentine.

COG is failing as a whole, but I doubt the main Capcom branch would bother making an offline iteration and I'd think mainline would rather make new monsters than recycle even the better lot of MHF stuff.

What's aerial hammer supposed to mean?

3U runs at 60 FPS in 1080p on CEMU. 4U likewise. Plus with an emulator you can use speedup to cut down the load times and running to find the monster to nothing.

from my experience I still get some lag from 4U and XX but only in specific instances like roars or certain monsters

4U needs codes to disable the 3D, and a few others to optimize the blurriness. Cutscenes can't be fixed though.
X/XX can have 3D disabled from the start.
Link please?
He did, but Alchemy was one entire image while Valor was just a specific pick between 3. Not really a true update.
>Taikun Zamuza is dead
>that one brute monster is dead

Come on and SLAM

Didn't some robo-fists gunlance win the design contest?

There's at least two different takes of them floating around. This one was made during early XX before the realization that Alchemy SnS/Hammer/LBG aren't exactly horrible in the slightest.

Attached: mhgu styles.jpg (2505x2548, 1.43M)


I didn't like styles and arts at first, and though I don't want them back, I grew neutral to them as time went on.
Deviants were a good concept handled terribly. Only the quest poster getting credit + the ticket system turned them into a godawful grind. I maxed out one Hellblade weapon in Gen and I was done. I would be happy to see them come back, but reworked.
The constant deluge of gathering quests and dialogue boxes to nurse broke the flow of village questing. I usually 100% these games' villages with a smile, but Gen and GU were downright tedious.
The overall atmosphere was really lacking to me. No charm to the world, scenario, or NPCs. I know it's a crossover so some of this is unavoidable, but just a little more effort or cohesion could have made it much more memorable. With Bherna, I feel zero of that warm attachment I feel for the other MH hubs.

Hate is a strong word, it's a fine game packed with content, but it's down with Freedom 1 in terms of personal enjoyment.

There is no link. The faggot deleted it months ago.

Massive, departure in all fields. Gameplay, monster and npc design, music, cheap feel all around. GU never got released for the 3DS either so forcing people to buy a Switch for is also a low blow.

Bullshit. There has to be some faggot user that still has it and has it uploaded to Google Drive. By god we are going to find it.

I hope the design contest makes the devs realise that most players loved the wacky weapon designs and want that sort of thing back

Attached: iceborneweapon2_thumb.jpg (554x538, 76K)

Man brave is one of those things that I hope it never comes back again in future installments but I would be lying if I say I didn't have the most fun with it.

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>dialogue boxes
Fucking Yukomo with that goddamn footbath. There's like 20 fuckers who want to talk inane shit at you, and there can only be one at a time.

Yeah he even had the prowlers too
Too bad I can’t find the picture

Attached: 73C69452-2B90-4B47-A71E-741562C90DA0.jpg (530x1010, 128K)

I have it but I'm too lazy to share it. Here's the version name if you want to go hunt it down. None of the others work as well so don't bother.

Attached: p.png (179x27, 2K)

>too lazy
Fucking off yourself, but you're too lazy for that, huh? Anyways, no search engine I try gives me shit, and it all seems to give me the same results no matter what.

>prowler is the one good thing Gen brought
>removed, shitanus and arts in mainline now
It's not fair

Monster hunter XX exists, although it's Japan only.
I disagree with what you're saying anyways though. I don't think the game got worse because it felt like there was less and because it was cheap. Part of the issue with generations is that there was too much useless crap.

Gameplay wise, most styles were bad for certain weapons, basically just amounting to giving you a gimmick but removing one of your moves. If that move happened to be important for your weapon, then too bad. This made a lot of the styles feel like useless fluff depending on your weapon. XX made this a bit better with brave and alchemy at least.
Also another problem was that there were too many god damn quests, many acting as prerequisites for other quests. Usually more content is good, but in this case it was ridiculous because they forced you to do too much of it. How on earth was I supposed to know I had to do a low rank village quest to kill Tigrex in order to fight G rank Ukanlos in the hub??? All the prerequisites can burn you out super fast because you need to do so many junky quests.
The monster design varies though. Deviants are actually significantly better than subspecies from the older game, so I'll give them that. Some of the new monsters are cool too. Some monsters like Valstrax and Astalos feel straight out of frontier though.

I think the last word I'd use to describe GU is "Cheap". I would describe it more as "Too much fluff" instead.

different user, I did some digging and I found this guys video with a working mega link if you want to try it


Does anyone else avoid OP weapon types just because you don't want to feel like you're cheesing the game? Or don't want to show up to a room with the same setup everyone else has?

pretty sure all those lances are in GU and that I own all of them. Love the Kirin weapons on a good elemental build. Deadeye lance beats Yian Garuga one though

Thank you so fucking much, user.
>On 4U
>4x res
Yeah this is gonna run like butter.
Don't worry user, some people here don't like power either, and they're the GOOD hunters.

Which prowler is supposedly fun to play? I did the necessary arena quests but my impression was that they're slow, simplistic and the only appeal is to casuals who can now cart all day wtihout game overing.

Yeah all this realism shit is boring and cancer
Bring back the electric guitars

World is a spinoff.

Attached: 2019050912145500-2AE606B8659FEA852E0ED6470C9814D9.jpg (1280x720, 221K)

I played CB a lot in 4U, but only because I liked how the Teo CB and the armor set I made to go with it looked, not because of the strength of the weapon.
I usually main SA, GL, and HH otherwise.

A true hunter uses every weapon. Good, bad, it doesn't matter.

>monster:i'm charging this for 4 hours
>charges it for 4 hours
>player 2 fainted
>player 3 fainted

Attached: 5v8angf8nbvy.jpg (1199x717, 140K)

Here you go

Attached: 1558134960446.jpg (2504x2820, 3.05M)

>Still miss bow being ranged Hammer style instead of ranged longsword.

I miss needing to charge up and the different styles of Bow.

World robbed me off my Heavy Bow feels.

>the bigger the monster is the worst i use GS on it
>Gogmazios is literally unhittable for me

Attached: angry egg.webm (320x632, 174K)

as someone moving from world to GU gunlance, someone tell me how I'm supposed to dodge stuff with this. all you have is a damn backhop unless you attack into a sidehop

>those half baked monster cutscenes
>those shitty lifeless versions of old villages that are there for no reason
>those horrible hit effects
>the very weird and ugly lighting compared to all other games
Cheap is very fitting

Git gud.

that is the case but having only a backhop when not attacking is a bit awkward, I guess you just have to get used to it

Put it away when you're not near the monster. The Gunlance has the second best draw attack in the game so you should be using it and then dodging a lot. Also you can combo into a block.

To what? A Pizza Hut in the garage?

so I should play it like a greatsword pretty much, thanks user

Attached: the mhgen experience.png (450x420, 367K)

Bomber/Beast, mostly. Didnt try Defense but I heard it was fun
Spamming boomerangs is boring as fuck, I'd rather play a melee cat

>Getting backed up against the wall
Deserved it desu

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CB wasn't OP in 4U. It was just very easy for bad/mediocre players to get a lot out of it by mashing buttons.
If anything is OP it's GS and IG for being way too strong (They have significantly faster solo kill times than any other weapon on average) or LBG for enabling HAME strats.

CB wasn't as OP in 4U as it was in 4, but it was still right at the top of the pack.

Theyre a fantastic concept and could easily be built upon. It's the single new gameplay feature that fit the setting they had built.

Charge blade is incredibly overrated. Is it a good weapon? Yeah sure. But nothing about it stands out aside from being beginner friendly because it's super easy to get damage out of it even if you don't know what you're doing while appearing beginner unfriendly by having a huge move pool at the same time.

Valentine stopped making builds a while ago and they are very outdated
Use Rasp's builds, it has a lot of MH specific fixes
The builds are posted on Hunsterverse discord

Attached: badaboom,bada...webm (640x360, 2.04M)

>appearing beginner unfriendly by having a huge move pool at the same time

I hate this shit. Everyone talks like they're a genius for playing Charge Blade when in reality it's one of the simplest flowchart weapons in the game. You basically never deviate from its flowchart, making 90% of its movelist worthless. At least GS actually needs to aim its attacks too for good damage while with CB you can basically get away with hitting whatever you want, which makes it incredibly beginner friendly.

>Beat the final boss
>"Someone has written a song to commemorate your hunt"



thanks user, you're a lifesaver

>even more broken than MH4 CB
>CB wasn't as OP in 4U as it was in 4
What the fuck is this I'm reading? Who's spreading this shit? CB was low tier in vanilla MH4 and barely anyone ran it. It was only buffed in 4U. In the meantime IG was already OP in 4, and got buffed even further in 4U to the point it was gamebreaking.

in 4 (and a slightly lesser degree in 4U) CB did the most dps of any melee weapon, while being better at KO than the dedicated KO weapon (Hammer), and while having far better mobility and fast attacks than weapons that were slow to counterbalance their power (GS)

Favorite Armors?

Attached: Lavasioth GS.png (1347x2121, 2.11M)

Based Techno Viking

Attached: Image00191.jpg (1742x1246, 547K)

Attached: High Rank Mizutsune Blademaster Armor.jpg (600x518, 189K)

Everything you said is outright wrong.

>CB did the most DPS of any melee weapon
Solo clear times for GS and IG on average are significantly faster, about 100 seconds faster than average than CB. CB is even slower than solo HBG, and definitely significantly slower than HBG in groups.
Source: www46.atwiki.jp/mh4gta/pages/8.html

>while being better at KO than the dedicated KO weapon
Also outright wrong. Hammer can KO a monster significantly faster due to level 2 charges, which allows hammer to KO monsters faster than CB can charge its phials. CB is simply much easier for most players because you only need to hit the monster once or twice to stun, while Hammer requires you to constantly hit the head which is more difficult.

>far better mobility and fast attacks than weapons that were slow to counterbalance their power (GS)
If you're implying GS is low mobility, then clearly you don't actually play GS. GS' charge attacks also have significantly less commitment than CB axe moves due to being faster to roll cancel out of.

world is the best game since FU though

sounds like you should dilate

always built it when it was available

Attached: HornetSGN.png (751x629, 570K)

>GS is low mobility
This is how you spot someone who doesn't actually play the weapon. GS is one of the safest weapons simply because all you're doing is spamming unsheathe attacks.

>"So this is what having a soul feels like"

Attached: 1378400713102.jpg (440x360, 36K)

yes i just can't bring myself over to play Bow,LS or CB in World because of this

>Slow and low mobility

You spend like 80% of the hunt with your weapon sheathed. You basically have more mobility than SNS because you can sprint as much as you want.

The Diva's songs are way too good. I got caught off guard when World's credits didn't start off with her newest one

Why do you keep saying that CB in 4 was good? The weapon was so bad the Japanese made a riot talking about how shitty the new weapon was. That's why they buffed it so much in 4U and it only became decent.

Attached: F4FDFD2D-6B4C-47AF-A3FE-EC6EBF692A22.jpg (1280x975, 270K)

Hide in secret bug hole... 35 minutes later quest complete “garuga repelled”. Cheesed PSP version with ez armor and items.

>anyone saying tri
I hate you and I hope someone steps on your dog's head one day

Spoken like a true shitter, congrats.
I hate people like you, you're the reason why everyone kept acting like CB was overpowered when it wasn't and probably got it nerfed in Gen.

whatever you say FU bab

CB is actually comparable to Dual Blades in terms of damage.The only reason why CB has better clear times on average is that DB relies on elemental damage.