Well Yea Forums?
Obvious signs that this game was made in America
Other urls found in this thread:
It's good
It's not video games, just like this thread
lesbians with big noses
all characters are ugly
girls are ugly and game is easy is shit
Leftist propaganda
*burger clapping music starts playing*
what the fuck does this mean
why did this make me laugh? Fuck you user.
obligatory nonwhite character despite the game being developed by white people
Burger music starts playing.
>looks good but can be 100%ed in a day. you don't get your moneys worth out of it.
>Exists as a political statement more than a fun hobby. "Video games are designers art, not a toy" kinda mentality.
>Attempts to cater to new markets (which can be good), however often at the expense of the existing fan-base - in Yea Forums terms, it caters to "casuals".
>Made by business people who hate videogames and just want to take the rest of the modern medias approach by selling political confirmation bias instead of selling fun.
token black men and wahmen in positions of power when in the time depicted by the game such thing was impossible just to push agends instead of depicting real hystory.
DLC includes a tip option.
Review Scores higher than 80
You crouch in bushes that make you invisible and then press Square to choke nearby enemies
No cringe and no fanservice pandering for losers
Walking simulators
>Fuck your....
I play through about 40% of the game until I drop it. Typically at a preachy part or when I've had too much if the cinematic "but you still 'control' the character" moments
>the cinematic "but you still 'control' the character" moments
Oh my god, I hate these soo much.
A small amount is fine but too much will kill any re-play value ever.
And they always use too much.
6h long at best
Easy as shit
Buggy as shit
Filled with microtransaction
Bare minimum gameplay if at all
Everyone is ugly
MC is Commander Sheppard or a clone
Corporations are evil
Rebels \ Goody Good Guys are filled with minorities
>unappealing ''women''
>normie anime references
>cringe 'badassery''
>niggers in front of everyone on box art etc
Georgia Peach firstly.
its ugly
FPS shit
Female characters wears burqa.
day 1 patch
No bossfights.
No game over.
Interracial couples.
The rest of the world obsesses over it.
imagine unironically thinking that
Despite the game being set in a far future in which humanity conquered the stars, all the human characters are american/have typical american names.
Mass effect was a good example for this. 90% of humans you meet are american, with only a few exceptions like that arabic reporter lady you can punch during the interview, the russian cerberus general in the omega dlc and the british indian woman sidekick of your clone in the citadel dlc. That's all the exceptions I can think of.
>simple crafting system
>useless leveling up and skill system that exists solely because every single bloody mainstream game must have ""RPG elements"" nowadays
>seems rich in content but can be 100% in like a couple of days
>may or may not have a "realistic" portrayal of women ie ugly
>may or may not incorporate irl politics into it
>topic is about american games
>everyone posts about ubisoft and rockstar games
protagonist eat burger haha
>well diversed cast and openly gay characters
No pandering to autistic waifufags
Women in burqas
See: MK11, Uncharted Lost Legacy
women act sexy and have a confident attitude as if they were hot but look like goblins
Generic FPS
Every minority character is nothing more than a racial stereotype but this somehow means the developers are inclusive and racially sensitive.
It was made by people who actually care about video games.
>what is EA
>in 201X
>lgbt character
>female protagonist
>sequel with less features
>realism graphics
>uncanny ugly characters
>burka ninja female design
>trailer shows 2 ugly lesbians
>audience claps
The scientists are black or female.
HAHAHA so funny basedboy
It's censored.
it has a woman with a haircut like this
It's garbage
ugly female characters as protagonist/sidekick
not a single cigarette in sight but thousands of litres of alcohol everywhere
The credits list companies with offices in America or people who live in America.
>digital only games on the switch
Saints Row and Crash Bandicoot
frenchies are even more behind
Violence good, sex bad.
Completely soulless
Cinematic over gameplay, forced politc and ugly women
Yuck tranny
More or less same as movies
>female are ugly and dressed in burka-tier
>niggers and chinks everywhere bc diversity
>stronk female needs no man & feminism general
>the bad guy is a white male
>if there's a good white guy hes soi infested with 0 level of testosterone
>random globohomo propaganda
Unfinished product at full price.
>burger music starts playing
A lot of censorship and politically correct stuff.
niggers, faggots and jews as romanceable characters
There are like 3 or 4 good triple A western games that came out the last 5 years
Literally Sekiro though.
Interviews with developers reveal that fun was not a focus
>burger music
I agree with this. Very much
>retail worker
God I wish I could have this hot retard's holes wrapped around my 6 incher.
PC exclusive.
unapologetic unhinged greed in a self-defeating self-ignorant regard
Name one.
>pixel shit for the sake of pixels
>8-bit or 16-bit "design philosophy" despite having a massive color and sound gamut
>hand holding
>some kind of online interaction
>particle effects
>literally the same game as before, just a different skin
>game is a glorified tech demo to score some wow points in the industry instead of actually making something to engage the customer
Corporations are evil is a common topic in Japanese vidya
It's bad
Online connection needed.
Sjw crap.
Token nigger and rap music
Ugly black woman with huge afro
mouse acceleration
they run well and don't look like late-gen ps3 games
It features excessive violence but zero "bad words" or nudity.
>no swearing in an american game
lmao what
here's your final draft, bro
he meant words like nigger
I was thinking about "non-pc" language like faggot, nigger, cocksucker, cunt, dyke, etc.
Guns and low Time to kill
Bad writing that normalfags think is good because the voice actors that are in everything play their roles 100% straight no matter how retarded the plot gets
*character holds his finger against the coms device in his ear while waking slowly*
Game is decent and has alot of content right up until you become max level, play a few more hours and realize there's zero end game
Shootings in public environments are common occurrences.
The race and gender of characters are too hard to discern.
There are flags of Israel everywhere.
You can tip in the in game store
yeah because non-american games say nigger and faggot all the time, I remember that one part in persona 3 fondly where yukari calls someone a nigger and spits in their mouth
>6 inches
user i am a tranny and despite taking hormones that make your dick shrink, im almost as big flaccid as you are hard. What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
Christ are you the tranny that never shuts up about your slightly above average cock and posts your shitty non-passing voice all the time?
>characters only speak in buzzwords any other form of comunication is beyond their understanding
>character regurgitates buzzwords and then accuses others of doing the same
>non passing
this is how you out yourself as being extremely upset and booty bothered user. go take your milimeter peter and dilate
Powerful, sassy black woman with an afro who yells at everyone because she don't need no man.
Gay nigger policeman shooting white fat s-o-i boy
I'm not even that guy, I'm sorry you sound like a man speaking with a high-pitched voice (because you are) but that's not my problem. You never shut the fuck up about it
Just go with the other 40% already lmao
Literally no one:
Third-world non-Americans: oBvIoUs SiGnS tHiS gAmE wAs MaDe iN aMeRiCa
>high-pitched voice
my pitch isn't even that high desu. You don't know what resonance is do you?
>You never shut the fuck up about it
Because its guaranteed to not only get replies but to enrage small dicked based boys like you. Look at how mad you are right now. Holy shit dude I can't stop laughing.
lots of swearing, an overly amount of gore, blood everywhere, guns, fully clothed women
America is third world.
parts of it are, large parts. mostly the non white areas
All video games exist as a political statement. The fact that you don't think the current political climate is worth addressing in your creative work is itself a political statement.
I'm not remotely mad though, you can post LE EPIC LAUGHING FACE and say I am all you want but it doesn't change reality. I don't even give a shit about the tranny meme you're just an annoying faggot by your own right. My cock is also above average but you don't see me bragging about it because I don't have anything to prove to strangers on the internet.
A side character is a boisterous fat dike with shaved hair and dyed armpits that you're forced to praise and do the bidding of.
>I'm not remotely mad though,
oh you
>My cock is also above average but you don't see me bragging about it because I don't have anything to prove to strangers on the internet.
The fact that you got so upset from an obvious shitpost says otherwise. Lurk more newfag
nice reddit meme bro! how many likes on youtube did you get with that one?
>so insecure he has to namecall
yup its an american alright
Is all you can say buzzwords? Just because someone tells you that you're an annoying faggot doesn't mean they're mad. You're just an annoying faggot.
>he just keeps replying to shitposting
God i love summer
>so insecure he has to draw thousands upon thousands of anti-american epic mutt maymay images and make non-stop threads about americans
BIG yikes....
what, take your meds my guy
>heh, I'm only pretending to be retarded, GOT HIM!
>my false smugness will win for sure!
You're really boring.
keep them coming
It's creatively dead and just copies an existing formula while also adding a political statement.
Paid reviews
It references contemporary American politics regardless of its anachronism.
>"movie" experience
>ugly character designs
>never finished upon launch
>DLC out the ass
japan irl, desu
playable niggers
foreskins are banned
healthcare is DLC
too much contrarianism
>gets reminded that he will always be a freak and will never be a real woman
Cry more
burger me
Black character looks like a total caricature
Focus on "diversity" and "inclusion" over mechanics.
>Making fun of/demeaning/emasculating the male characters every chance they possibly get
>Female characters are just as strong, if not stronger than the strong male characters, can go toe-to-toe with them, and even win in a fight of pure strength against them
That thing you're talking to is such scum. They literally live off the idea that their existence angers some random people they'll never meet, so much so that they'll insist someone that is talking to them is "angry" simply because that's what they want the most out of the interaction; for someone to be angry at them because it justifies their existence, somehow.
A sad existence. It really didn't have to be this way. Imagine if he was healthy. He might still post here, but at least he wouldn't be a tranny.
>Lemoine: You think you're a pretty good judge of character of people?
>Vic: Apparently not... I thought I was.
>Lemoine: And When did you start to doubt your ability to judge people's character?
>Vic: When people I have known for many many years have treated publicly privately in dozens of settings as friends... and then spent the last five months... trying to ruin my career and reputation.
Only in america
Online Multiplayer is its main selling point
Party member's favorite food is hamburger, and regains all health and mp when they eat it.
To make this more accurate, it should be a kike telling parents to mutilate their child. It's not like consenting adults are the ones getting mutilated.
But the circumcision thing with America has literally nothing to do with kikes, it was John Harvey Kellogg who pushed it as a way to curb "sexual deviancy" and it caught on. He also wanted to pour acid on clits. Really glad to be an uncut American tbf.
The women are ugly. And the humor is probably garbage.
Why are they so bad at making games anymore?
>turn base garbage
>children shit
>characters designed to only be appealing to incels, kissless virgins and manchildren
>ZERO story structures
Weebs are on par with furries as far as subcultures go. Absolutely nothing good has came from this radioactive island in over 2 decades.
>forced “diversity”
>comic relief sidekick that throw a pun every two lines of dialog
>main character is a mercenary with almost no charisma and traumas from the past that make him never smile
>female characters are either: a) a smart blonde with hacking and spying skills; b) a mature woman with a manly voice and often makes some puns on how she’s superior to every male character in the scene
>barebones gameplay with tons of information, useless menus and shit, you won’t end up using 1% of those options because they barely affect anything
>tight pants and ass muscles
>forced online multiplayer because kids are gonna love it
>either DLC or microtransactions, or possibly both
>some popular rock song from the 80-90s with stripped vocals due to copyright issues, aerosmith, queen, iron maiden, black sabbath, you name it
>that ultimately obvious “manly” feel in everything, guns, shiny cars, tough men talking about military shit and alcohol, only blue, gray and orange colors are used in the environments, nothing that feels way too childish or japanese because americunts are insecure as fuck about their sexuality
>scientists and smart men are always depicted as nerdy, dumb and coward human beings, but they always were right about something the main character ignored (and the female was the only who believed him)
>antagonist is either: a) a rich playboy who tries to follow his father’s steps; b) a mad guy who wants to fuck america and kill the president; c) some guy who fought alongside the main character, betrayed the team and joined the bad guy
>there’s ALWAYS a cool opening scene where the main character is infiltrating some lab or headquarters and then some random soldier says “bro, I’m beaten but you must continue, take this [random useful item or weapon]”
>tutorials that treat you like a 5 year old
>a long ass options screen with customizable camera speed, button layout and every type of setting you have no fucking idea what’s for
>see: one fighting game broad, a spinoff DLC nobody played
P2W shit
>(((pediatricians))) constantly publish (((scientific studies))) showing that circumcision is G*d's gift to his chosen ones and goyim alike
>"Oy vey, bad goy! The prevalence of circumcision has nothing to do with Jews!"
he's mad about having an options screen lmao
>protagonist is a hotdog
Bad framerate and handholding.
>You're mad!!! Epic troll!!! Epic troll reaction image!!!
All the women look like men