Artifact 2.0 confirmed.
What's wrong Valve? Can't cash in on fads like you used to?
Artifact 2.0 confirmed.
What's wrong Valve? Can't cash in on fads like you used to?
Litterally 0 marketing outside of Steam
I have friends who play TFT and had no idea Underlords even existed
I don't get what zoomers see in these mind numbing "games"
Valve can't into advertising. Even TI they don't advertise shit.
This is literally the first I'm hearing of this game's existence
That game is absolutely pathetic and shit tier. I'm glad it's dying.
But, from what people have told me TFT is even worse. And that shit is booming.
Not even Yea Forumsalve drones are interested
never even heard of this game lmao
Why do they think dotards will stop playing dota?
Underlords' late game meta is stale as shit, you just pick any legendary, Medusa or Kunkka
Fuck Valve
I don't know why people try to argue over player statistics. Once a game sells 2 million copies, that's dozens of millions of $ the devs have. They don't really give too much of a shit if the game stays alive forever, as long as it has a good impact so fans trust the next game.
They don't? This isn't for dotards, it's for hearthstonetards and other casinogame kiddies
that elf cracks me up every fucking time, I dunno what it is
DOOMChads rise up
Valve are only good at making singleplayer games but they can't have microtransactions in singleplayer games so they refuse to make them.
Riotchads win again. Valve is 0-2 at the moment.
The game is free dumbass
A friend tried to convince me to play it with him recently, talking about how fun it was. That's when I realized all my IRL friends are tasteless, trend-chasing faggots and I want nothing to do with them when it comes to video games anymore.
Cool. You get one Yea Forums credit for your superior taste in video games.
That's what you wanted, right?
It relies a lot on prior dotard knowledge.
>implying you have any friends
Fuck you too, Tim. Eat shit from China you creepy wanker.
really doesn't when there's 3 of the same game out with a different coat of paint
Valve would rather make these shitty games for the next 100 years instead of doing the right thing and making Half Life 3.
Not even close, you don't even need to know what dota is to play it.
No I wanted to talk about how shit underlords is, but if you wanna be a faggot about it don't let me stop you
you're right I really don't anymore, just a girlfriend. Am I allowed to say that on here?
That's because they nerf any alliance reddit deems too strong, so you're left with standalone unit power being the most imporant.
I've seen this shit with Gwent, they had the best CCG on the market at one point and then literally threw it into trash and replaced with a different game to please reddit.
You clearly wanted a pat on the back for your intellectually superior taste in video games.
Not really, but hey project your insecurities onto me if you want, you do seem like a pretty sad dude.
Tell me without prior Dota knowledge what's +5 armor is in underlords. Tell me the difference between attack speed and attack rate. Tell me how magic resistance works using only information in Underlords client.
You're the insecure one for seeking validation here though.
If you say so champ, feel better?
Good. AUTO CHEYAS is for sub humans.
Do you? After all, you're not a tasteless trend-chasing faggot like your friends.
I wonder what is going to happen when they release that "flagship VR title" this year, they will spend 0(zero) marketing, for a small subset of users, and the playerbase of that game will be pathetic.
Valve will kill VR in our lifetimes
Right should be some league meme, TF2 is even more irrelevant than Underlords.
Yeah, feels good mayne, ohh I get it you play Underlords. yikes
I forgot the riot game existed and thought of "Team Fortress Tactics" for a second.
I'd play it.
Good, any multiplayer game that doesn't implement actual chat deserves to die.
So far, it looks very stable at 70k, what is wrong with you people?
Do you think DotA came up with any of those fucking terms? Even items of the same name don't function the exact same as they do in DotA
Team Fortress Tactics, like final fantasy tactics + project S.T.E.A.M
dota just lacks the heavy sex appeal for chink pandering. waifus fucking sell
I hate Valve so fucking much for this
for what exactly?
Why? They totally dabbed on the chinks for bringing the stand alone auto mod game to Epic Store.
this makes me happy. I want Neo-Valve to eat shit and go out of business.
Based. Valve needs to be fucked in the ass for ruining team fortress with layers and layers of terrible cosmetics and unchecked spaghetti code.
for continuing to make games no one but fucking bugmen care about, or useless VR shit
They're not dabbing on anyone, in fact they're not even retaliating against Epic at all but it's somehow making Timmy Boy over here insecure so I guess it still counts as "dabbed on"
Ok you are just a old grandpa yelling.
They get a hard on for games failing, think TORtanic. They hope underlords fails like artifact did, which was incredible to see. Underlords though is doing fine and compared to artifact, it is actually fun to play and has a lot of promise. We can expect it will be successful for a long while.
Fuck dotards
Wait, Volvo released an other game? Never heard of it.
so you're just implying you WANT these shitty card games and VR bullshit instead of actual games like they used to make? Thanks for enabling Valve to continue shooting themselves on the foot
>early access
>can't tell what the hell the gameplay even is it's just a bunch of screen-filling grafix effects zooming around
maybe Valve should go back to making good single-player games again instead of trying to make gay e-sport shit for chinese and koreans.
Valve isn't moving away from Dota anytime soon as long as it's still highly profitable. Fucking Artifact though.
>feeling anything but hate toward nu volvo, the company that butchered team fortress 2, killed half life, won't releases l4d3 and ruined steam sales
Fuck you zoomers
Valves effort for VR are great and while I agree Artifact was trash Dota Underlords is in my opinion the best Auto Chess game. You are still clinging to the old Valve who made great singleplayer experiences but that train is long gone man, just let it go dude.
no u
to be fair most people who play TFT probably think riot invented it
>TFT is worse.
I think the real reason why TFT is doing better than DotA Underlords is simply because it's faster paced.
From what i've heard you fight clones or something in Underlords which makes it so that matches take like 40 fucking minutes or some shit. Who wants to commit to that?
Meanwhile 1 match in TFT takes 15-20 minutes, so obviously that game is way more attractive for people who just want a quick match. The whole autochess genre lends itself to being quick to play, hell DotA Underlords even released on mobile. But who the fuck plays 40 minute sessions on their mobile device? 20 minutes should be the maximum you make players commit to a single match of something.
I see. Yeah Underlords is slow paced as fuck, it basically feels like waiting periods between each round take forever. Pretty annoying.
Well, people have told me the RNG in TFT is even worse than Underlords, something like someone can just randomly shit out some triple item bullshit or whatever. At least that's what they complained about.
No idea, haven't played either one, just watched a friend play.
But i've heard positive things about TFT having "comeback" mechanics. So maybe that's that.
Like you can lose all game and then come back at the end. Whether that's good or bad. Don't know.
Underlords is pretty similar in that regard I think, but ultimately it's all just coin flipping
What pisses me off about underlords is that the whole alliance mechanic ensures that you basically build the same heroes again and again so quite literally every game is the same shit and the only factor in performance is RNG, ie how quickly you can combine your shit. It's like building the same lego construct with the same blocks over and over again.
RNG is already the cancer killing video games and zoomers fucking love that shit because it means losing wasn't their fault. But when you combine RNG with literally playing the same shit every game it just becomes meaningless
Pick the strongest alliance, build the same heroes every time.
The funniest thing is that removing alliances would literally improve the game because you could wildly combine different types of heroes, figure out what works and what doesn't, bring some situational adaptation into the game, etc. But no.
Yea that sounds kind of boring to be honest.
Doesn't TFT have those synergies for same group units too?
i would much prefer hl3, l4d3, tf3 or whatever over artifact, underlords and bridge constructor portal but valve is pretty much a money printing machine at this point and they are in no way shooting themselves in the foot by not making the games we want
Yes, that guy is talking out his ass it's important in both games to know both the group bonuses and synergies that aren't explicitly stated.
I have been playing TFT and it's pretty fun. Im used to deck building games already, but I enjoy the speed of having to come up with a team on the fly.
Just wish it had more units. Kinda lame that there is zero room for customization with a lot of teams. Like, if you want the full Yardle buff, you are already using every Yardle in the unit pool. Can't swap any out for an alternate Yardle you might prefer. Same goes for a lot of the catagories
what the fuck is dota underlords? am i meant to have heard of it?