>not being a central planner for the Communist Party
Not being a central planner for the Communist Party
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Nothing speaks equality of income for all(among other things) than massive fucking state headquarters.
Because that's when you know your government's truly fighting for the well-being of the people: when they revel in excess up on their ivory towers while the citizens are backstabbing each other for a loaf of bread. Well played, commies!
We have farms too
Imagine being so insecure and brainwashed that you feel the need to go shit on the dead ideology of your now dead nemesis on a thread of a city builder.
how does that commie statue not collapse?
>dead ideology
Somebody maybe tell that to all the unironic marxists still running around all over the world.
The spirit of communism is very much alive in the modern left, they've simply realized it's a bad brand
How's the game?
I'm a fan. It has enough citizen manage and city building elements to scratch my Cities Skylines itch while the focus is on setting up supply chains and logistics similar to Transport Fever/openTTD
It was rocky at first but they've made a lot of improvements. There's unique parts of the game in their building construction which you can do either manually or pay to finish. If you do it manually you need to import/produce all the materials, purchase the construction equipment and get people to the job site. It takes a lot longer, but it's a lot cheaper
What kind of citizen management are we talking about here? Any political management, or just providing them with schools/hospitals/bars?
Schools hospitals bars, can dictate where people work, move people around. No politics yet
happens in China too even today, even poor-as-shit areas in China have gaudy govt buildings. Meanwhile the rest of the city looks like a town in Borderlands
pic related - courthouse in a city where the gdp per capita is probably like 5k
They are also pagan running around, doesn't mean shit.
To write things like that, it's obvious you don't even understand what was communism.
I'm a big fan of city builders but I'm afraid this is just some propaganda tool. Is it an actually good city builder without that stuff?
your commie statue is misaligned
>it's obvious you don't even understand what was communism.
Oh boi here we go again
>it's never been tried!!
> Play for a couple of hours.
> Orders from Stalin himself.
> Delete all farms, or else you will be executed.
> Delete the farms, get to watch as my people starve to death.
> Congratulations, You Win! screen pops up.
Absolutely, the Soviet aspect of it is mostly aesthetic but you do have control over where your citizens live and work, you don't just place down zoning and things appear
the game is based on 1960 to 1980 but who knows if stalinbot is real.
Sounds good user. The reviews are very positive too so it seems like a no brainer if you liker the genre. I'll pick it up next sale for sure.
>Chinese commie shithole has massive hellenic/roman-architecture structures
>European countries are filled to the brim with post-modern turds from disgusting fucking kikes
Ay lmao
>go to watch this on youtube
>find a mirror of the full thing
>stop watching half way through to go to bed
>vid had been up for a year
>taken down overnight
Brezhnev was the USSR's closest Stalin clone.
They couldn't perfect the technology before Stalin died.
maybe people keep saying that because it's actually true
eastern europe is filled with glorious commie blocks
Maybe the only people saying that are always just desperate to make excuses for a shitty system that has failed horrendously in every implementation of it, on top of being failures and losers themselves
You're right user. Communism will truly work this time if we go back and start over to a time before capitalism. A year zero if you will.
>Oh wait, they tried that too.
>dead ideology
Fucking ostriches.
except every """communist""" society was fucked over by accelerationists
of course that wouldn't fucking work, capitalism is a necessary stepping stone on the path.
Weird how every communist system has been able to be fucked over by accelerationists
wheres all the dead peasants who made the ballast for the tracks
Fuck Le Corbusier
Ran out of peasants filling the foundations of the radio station
>parking lots
ok you're an american
I swear they're that positive because Steam eats up ANYTHING Soviet Russia. There doesn't look like much places for it go, it would get dull after a while since all commie block industrial sector towns operate and look the same.
Go travelling to any historic European town ameritard
Take that back we simply have a bustling automotive industry with license to build western beatle yes?
Europeon here
We have plenty of historical buildings, yes, but we lose more and more of them every year to make room for modernist or brutalist monsters
It's one of the most eye-opening documentaries ever, in my opinion.
Literally the only thing to come out of this malignant cancer of a political system is the concrete brutalist monstrosities. They went out of their way to give grey paste impossible shapes.
I AM european, you bipedal smegma of a creature.
>revel in excess up on their ivory towers
that blocky architecture doesn't exactly scream "luxurious''
to be fair, a lot of historical shit got fucked over by the war(s)
any links alive?
Our historic European building are being replaced by glass and steel postmodernist turds.
t. living in a town with historical building from the 10th century
t. Slav(e)
In that case, Hitler must have literally done nothing wrong.
Is the game as depressing as I expect it is?
actually, i believe i have heard there is some evidence that hitler had nothing to do with the final solution so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>Nazis showed more respect to hellenic monuments than christians, kikes, commies, or even greeks themselves for that matter
If it's any reflection of your own depression, yes
>commie architecture
Okay lets get this shit over with
Name one thing that Hitler did wrong.
Treatment of Muslims/Islam
imo that would look great if it was just cleaner
He just wanted them to be The Ottoman Empire again.
>Being unironically this brainwashed
>Absolutely, the Soviet aspect of it is mostly aesthetic but you do have control over where your citizens live and work, you don't just place down zoning and things appear
So it's essentially Tropico in Eastern europe? And with worse graphics?
>I don't know shit about communism.
the only time the people in Soviet Russia were backstabbing each other for bread was:
>during ww1/the Russian Civil War and the massive instability that was it's aftermath
>ww2 and it's aftermath, for a far shorter period.
>and the period of imminent collapse basically 1988-1992
For the period between 1955 and 1987-88 there was an amazing amount of progress in feeding people, even with calamities and problems they managed to do it pretty fucking well.
The modern Chinese Communist Party would not be in power today if people were starving in the countryside at any rate, nor would the governments of Vietnam.
North Korea is a special case simply because they exist more as a function of a buffer-state between China and US bases in South Korea.. If you want to go into the particularities of Juche that's one thing but to say simply that it's due to "gommunism" is another.
Pol Pot was basically a NatPrim or something.. the concept of "Year Zero" comes to mind when describing his regime.
And trains
>>Nazis showed more respect to monuments than christians, kikes, commies, or even greeks themselves for that matter
Yeah, tell that to Warsaw, Kraków, Kyiv or Saint-Petersburg
The way russians do their roads, specifically reintegrating into the highway/fast lanes is unique to me.
>put kikes in internment camps
>feed them, house them, bathe them
>they make shit for you like furniture, art and other basic essentials
I only noticed my copy got blocked because some faggot claimed a song, seeing whether I can get it unblocked now
uhh, the extermination camps definitely existed, retard. it's just that hitler might not have had anything to do with them.
None of them rule over anything, so whatever.
>Warsaw, Kraków, Kyiv or Saint-Petersburg
Didn't know there were ancient Hellenic monuments in Russia. Huh, you learn something new every day. Thanks, dear reddit-spacing inbred commie fag!
the guy youre responding to doesnt really follow this stuff. He browses Yea Forums and youtube ideologues and thats where his politics come from.
what even is it?
>unless you spend your entire life in academia studying how the theory only good on paper will be good you don't really follow this stuff
He lost, retard
Documentary on a Chinese company trying to get a railroad constructed in Africa and how utterly retarded niggers are
Fuck off red trash.
It doesn't take a lot of reading to learn from history what a fucking disaster any radical socialist attempt is.
tovarish your monument is not parallel with the building.. that's a trip to the gulag for your family
Yugoslavia worked pretty well
If it was a single ethnos and one faith it would still chug along
Chugging along is nice but when the rest of the modern world is speeding by chugging along looks real slow
The Soviet Union is responsible for the deaths of 100.000.000 people MINIMUM
You've got to do more than regurgitate Yea Forums talking points, yes. Economics are complex, you dont need a 6 year degree but the kind of discussion that happens here isnt informed. You only need surface level research to realize that.
The soviet union was an oppressive regime, their economic policy was communism. The nazi's killed millions and their economics were selective capitalism. Neither of these economic policies are the cause of the deaths.
And before you say nazi's are socialist, please. Just do some reading.
More speed just creates more chances for shit to go wrong, as noted by every cyberpunk book
Technology should be slowly tested for understanding its societal impact, not just accepted out of the gates
>people are actually falling for the guy LARPing as an unironic Communist
What game?
>You're too misinformed/ignorant/uneducated to understand the true nuances behind a sociopolitical system that's only caused pain, suffering, misery and death upon hundreds of millions of people all across the planet irregardless of their background
Where I'm from, with our surface level research on psychopathy, we call that "Delusion".
>Technology should be slowly tested for understanding its societal impact, not just accepted out of the gates
That doesn't mean you need to give that power to government. People thought Google Glass was creepy and it didn't catch on
Workers and Resources - Soviet Republic
economic policy wasn't communism otherwise the workers would own and control the means of production. if policy fails to meet this criteria, its not communism
>burn down Rotterdam's historical district after the city surrendered.
>burn up a priceless preserved roman pleasure-boat that was recovered in the 1930's when americans were overrunning them in italy.
>plan to blow up/burn down Paris, only ignore the order because there wasn't time and it would be a stupid use of ordinance anyway.
>blow up/burn down warsaw.
>burn down a beautiful gothic synagogue.
>firebomb a beautiful english cathedral.
>trash french, czech, polish, ukranian, belorussian, russian; villages, randomly murdering women and children as part of "anti-partisan actions".
>trash and loot any remaining treasures of the Russian Orthodox Church or in the Tsar's palaces (amber room).
Belonging to a Nazi
Many Nazi individuals
"Nationalsozialismus" Literally in the name. L I T E R A L L Y
brutalism is under-appreciated
Re-read his post nigga
>It wasn't real communism
Nice video games thread
Mainstream modern marxists aren’t ML’s and generally ask for entirely different things than what Lenin and co. did. I’m kind of a marxist myself and think central planning is retarded.
source: nerd who reads a lot of modern leftist theory
>t. retard
>>Nazis showed more respect to hellenic monuments
I think you should faggot.
pure Slavkino
>when they revel in excess up on their ivory towers
That's a 7 storey building with a cheap concrete statue, user
based dyslexic retard
It's a shame Stalin died too early, Moscow could be blessed with this 500m beauty
whats stopping you thinking about it?
>Oh no! Not the Catholic stuff! Oh no! Not the FUCKING SYNAGOGUE!! Oh no! Not the commie shit! Oh no! Not the Orthodox stuff!
>Oh no! Not the women! Oh no! Not the children! Oh no! Not the French! Oh no! Not the Dutch! Oh no! Not the (((plans))) that never left the drawing board!
The only thing of value from your examples was the Roman relic. Meanwhile, I can simply drive to Athens and literally see with my own eyes christian
crap built literally on top of Hellenic marbles next to kike post-modern buildings as I literally walk down the same street. Yes, literally.
I remember this. It was planned because soviets were mad jelly of the skylines of the top 10 US cities.
I don't think you know what "communism" is.
It has been tried many times but never reached, because communism could only function in fairy tale land
>Modern left
To the Gulag you go
ITT: Burgerlards eating the shit their World State taught them. Way to go burgers.
>Nazis burn down European History
>not appreciating the beauty of all historic relics
>being a fucking weeb for roman shit
get some fucking taste, user.
That's fucking awesome. Imagine it in the center of hitler's Germania with the statue of The God Emperor of Mankind on top. Someone, fetch me some trillion euros!
>Angry Pseudo-Nazi butthurt his ideology burns history
>112 replies in a thread about this gloriously janky game
Impressive, tovarisch
I never said Nazis are good. European history =/= catholic trash
I appreciate any and all historical relics of european legacy, from nordic mudhuts all the way to Hellenic wonders of aesthetic supremacy.
I'm just obviously biased regarding what I consider legitimately valuable.