How the fuck am I supposed to self-insert in a game with a female protag?
How the fuck do you guys do it? Just play it for the gameplay and ignore the story? Is that it?
How the fuck am I supposed to self-insert in a game with a female protag?
How the fuck do you guys do it? Just play it for the gameplay and ignore the story? Is that it?
Just cut your dick and get female hormone injection. See, it's not that hard. Now do it.
Just imagine taking all the dicks and end up masturbating instead of playing the game.
You don't have to self insert to enjoy a story.
>self-inserting into videogames
It's just not the same, video games are a highly interactive medium.
hit or miss I guess they never miss huh
Stop being autistic, it'll be easier to relate to other human beings.
I actually had to take a fap break when playing as Ada in REmake 2
I don't self insert? I don't self insert in any form of media, actually. And I don't really understand why people do it. It sounds weird.
I don't want to be anyone else, nor have I ever come across someone where, after watching their demeanor and mannerisms, have I thought "ya, that's me."
I enjoy playing as a different character through a wild story. I don't play games so I can think "ya, that's me doing this".
Do you?
check this 5
>it’s more difficult to self-insert as a female than as a space marine or mercenary
Maybe you just blow at self-insertion duder
You are autistic AND from Reddit.
>needing to self-insert
I don't understand this autism.
>in a thread complaining about not being able to insert into videogame characters
Relatability comes from experiences and conflict you face as the character, not from a character's gender or hair color. Please go out more and talk to people or in the very least read some fucking literature
Learn to relate without self-inserting.
is she still relevant?
>video game has a female protag
>okay, she cute
>here comes her boyfriend
>self inserting
>J-j-just don't self insert!!1
Sorry guys, I can self insert as a based nigger in San Andreas - I can't self insert as a female in any game I play
it's always more fun to have a partner insert for you op
>not self-interting as the cute girl in your videogames
Imagine being this much of a insecure faggot
I know that feel.
the same way you self-insert into other characters that don't look exactly like you, it's called using your imagination.
You arent user, sometimes when you play as a girl you are supposed to be watching them as a character that isnt you. Its like keeping a 3rd party perspective. You help her through her story.
more on this, you are also supposed to look at her character with no bias, but you wont, and find how relatable to you she is.
dude, just fucking play the goddamn videogame, are you afraid of girls?
You have to femalemaxx.
I inserted myself into your cute mother last night
How do you play games where you’re an animal or an inanimate object with that mentality? Just play the game as the character. It’s not like you have to put on drag to get fully immersed or anything.
go back
She's still a thing huh? I bet her asshole is pink.
Imagine being gimped in the brain that you have to self insert to enjoy vidya.
god i want to fuck the boipussy of all of them
M A D - T H A D D
Just don't self-insert, enjoy it as a game and enjoy the story.
Pretty much this, unless you're autistic, depressed or lack self-confidence you don't need to self-insert.
Cry more
Don’t be racist, it’s uncalled for.
If it's not an RPG, then you shouldn't self insert. The female protagonist in that game wasn't made for you to self insert as since she's her own character and you're just experiencing her story. If it's an RPG or a Sim where you get to make your own character, then you need to accept that you're a mentally ill tranny or a faggot to properly insert as a female protagonist, because those are the types of people that play as them.
Sorry. I can self insert as based CJ.
But yeah never could self insert as a woman, the only exception is something like Metroid where she's in her armor and silent.
they look like they love taking massive cocks up their asses
Wow she hot. Who she is?
>cute female protag
>potential love interest gets introduced
>she wants you to tell him to fuck off
thank you bof2
>Literally bottomless
How did they get away with this
truly better times
all women are child abusers
Only kids do that.
Play games with futa protagonist.
Imagine not being able to relate or empathize with someone simply because they're from a different sex or skin color or religion etc
very easy
>not self-interting as the cute girl in your videogames
people who post shit like that can't even look a 12 year old in the eyes IRL, manchild
>he self inserts
Sometimes niggas just want to make cute girls and imagine how they're going about the events in the game. Roleplaying doesn't always mean self inserting, sometimes it's just imagining what a character would do in a certain event, kinda like daydreaming or thinking of hypothetical situations etc.
I don't mind playing as cute girls because I can fantasize about them, strong women are a turn off though. It's a common marketing fact no one like ugly women unless they're old and motherly.
Just insert as a Futanari, nimrod
Actually, a lot of guys wish they could be a cute little girl, if only for a few days. It might be a taboo topic, but it's true.
fags like you are the reason we're stuck with generic human protags everywhere
Your own problem, really. Maybe check more western games and cuckoldry.
Estelle getting together with that faggot protag was kind of cute.
>self insert
just view it as being party to a story retard
>Imagine being this much of a insecure faggot
as opposed to a regular one?
most of the characters i play are genderless
based dobson
Personally, wearing my sister's panties does a lot for me.
I dont self insert, but i do like pretending i can insert myself into them
>self inserting into anything
who is he (tranny)????
is this actually good? because it looks like trash.
kind of like hexen2 with bigger maps
Just self-insert something into you first, and it'll be easier ;)
always played female characters, only a homosexual would rather watch a guy from behind than a girl, played female belf in wow for the brapper, female on skyrim but after I installed the mods I could only play 30 minutes then go fap then play 30 min etc.
Why people ''self insert''? I just play the game
>How the fuck am I supposed to self-insert
You arn't.
Here we go with mental gymnastics
Is needing to self-insert yourself into media an american thing? This is so bizarre to me
that is why having a female protagonist is another point for low sales
If people knew Samus was a girl since the beggining, Metroid would absolutely not fly
Self-inserting is baby's first step in role-playing. Sad.
Who or what is the self that is being inserted?
IDK, I'm American and self inserting disgusts me.
if you self insert you are playing the gamer wrong
Is "self-insert" even the right word? I feel like you people are talking about something else. This is what happens when a bunch of ESL teenagers learn English from a board for weeb NEETs
don't self insert as her
think of her as your waifu
Why is it so hard to find a cute trap gif like her?
It's not the right word but I think most people understand the concept he is getting at: he can't enjoy the game without being able to conceptulize being the character that requires being male for him to comfortably do so
It's retarded regardless of the word but the fact that he doesn't even know the right word is just the cherry on top.
Work on improving your imagination. Perhaps Spend less time here and more time in silence. When I play good vidya, I forget about my life and my identity and I'm sucked into the world of the game. So even if I hate roasties (I don't) "I'm" not there so it doesn't matter if I'm playing as one.
Self-insertion can be part of the authorial intent, but it's not universal. You should be able to empathize with someone completely unlike yourself (in both fiction and reality). If you can't, it's probably some psychopathology or another.
I'm going to self insert into you're mum's vagina lmao
Dobson is right, weirdly enough
Okay riddle me this, do self insert fags just skip good games if they cannot play as a character of their own gender, race, ethnicity or whatever?
How about games where there are sections with a different character(specifically one you don't self-insert with) you control?(e.g. Paper Mario's Peach segments)
Why does it always have to be "I need to identify with this character" to get my own enjoyment?
I enjoyed Ridge Racer, I'm not a racer.
I enjoyed Sleeping Dogs, I don't identify with a Chink undercover cops.
I enjoyed e.v.o Search of Eden, I don't identify with animals.
The same goes for every piece of media I consumed.
play violated heroine and come back to tell us what you think
You are just as retarded as the "we need black Ariel because black girls cant relate" fags
say you play trannie killer extreme + @
is it wrong to punch some trannies afterwards?
asking for fren
It never made sense, it's just a meme parroted by:
>closet homos, much like a lot of "tranny haters" on Yea Forums are trannies themselves
>people angry at MMO "scams", because they are retarded and gave shit to somebody claiming to be a girl
>shitposters, obviously
>literal brainlets and underages who probably legit believe it
She is very cute
>In before she is a dude
She is a woman you retards
of course she is
her fingers are too small for male
and the neck
Where is the lie? He is not wrong! But also identifying with characters is for faggots
Its a doom mod that is the eact opposite of doom
Its a slowburner with maze-like map design
Never played the game , just watched a random ass review to see if that game acttualy exists
It's pretty easy. Just don't be autistic. You know, that clinically diagnosed autism that you have — you just need to stop having it.
How the fuck am I supposed to self-insert in a game with a protag who isn't a 31-year-old software engineer from New Jersey?
How the fuck do you guys do it? Just play it for the gameplay and ignore the story? Is that it?
I dont , i just play tf2 and csgo and sometimes role play as the terrorist/counter terrorist for the keks
Live a more fulfilling life, then you won't need to self insert. Pathetic shit.
Role play as the character instead of self inserting.
Or just do like i do and ignore the story because im a gameplay guy and get fucking triggered when i see a unskipable cutscene and put the game down for a week for darin to show me cutscene
>self insert in vg
you took a wrong turn somewhere boy
We played the old Tomb Raider and the new Tomb Raider just fine. If the protag's gender is such an issue to you better quit gaming and focus on your career or keep seething till you mass shoot your workplace
As a father of a daughter, I can only enjoy female protagonists that I can project my daughter on to.
Only time I ended up having a self insert feeling in a game was in the first Max Payne. Made me realize my life was more fucked than I thought.
But what if that female protagonist thirst for a chad asshole?
Surely you won't accept your daughter acting like a slut around a thundercock
Enjoy the sight, look at nice things.
>not self inserting as a big butt slut getting railed by futa amazonians
have sex and dilate
What if it's an alpha female?
For the ME series, I found the female voice acting to be overall better. It's the decisions you make with the character that determine your ability to self-insert, not necessarily the gender.
lmao gottem
>It's the decisions you make with the character that determine your ability to self-insert, not necessarily the gender.
Holy fucking this, only insecure people who cling to their identity and ego tightly think otherwise.
I know nothing else about Estelle here except that she's perfect and I want her to be real and marry me.
I don't like them.
Alpha girls will put their legs around your waist when having sex, preventing you from pulling out and will force you to cum as deep as possible in them.
Are you almost me? Except you also need big titties
Sorry but she's taken by the edgy co protagonist
>self insert
I fucking hate normalfags.
>we want the f-list demographic