That's him ! That's janny !
>Video games
do all dark knights get a loli to protect
If that retarded tranny bragging about his Titania ex blind clear is still around, I think everyone has laughed at you long enough for me to spoil it now; Stacks of vulnerability will literally not even happen to retarded PUGs, the only mechanics that cause vulnerability are the ones that you've seen dozens of times already and anyone could dodge with the greatest ease, if you got hit by these so much you can speak of "stacks of vulnerability" then you had no chance to do the actual fight.
Especially amusing since the only mechanic you said was explained is the very one that could plausibly hit people and cause the vulnerability if they're unaware and you apparently got clobbered by this despite knowing about it.
I'm looking forward to your reply, I imagine you'll struggle to come up with anything but "c-c-c-cope"
I think people gave Ran'jit too much shit on characterization. I thought he had an interesting foundation, given he said he trained multiple Minfilias. Call me soft, but before he goes out when we beat him and hallucinates at seeing his "little girls" means he probably just broke along the way having to raise his daughterus only to have them sacrifice themselves and then he would have to do it again and again. Ass that he was, even Thancred felt sorry for the bugger. There was no body left and it implies he escaped right? Hopefully that means we'll get more in the upcoming patches. Maybe even then we'll have a villain actually get redeemed instead of dying. Much better than "Haha, fighting makes me horny" Zenos, since he never really grows out of this box of a character he places himself in.
No. That fucker deserves no pity. He fucked up repeatedly, lost most of his wards and when someone else shows up and does better he spends his time sabotaging them rather than accepting he was the problem, I hope when he talks about his girls he's talking about seeing their cold dead eyes state at him in contempt for every time she died and he lived.
Any BLMs here? I'm leveling one just to use in dungeons. Just got to 72 and got Despair. Does the L72 trait "Aspect Mastery" affect Despair? Example, I do the last Fire IVs before changing to Umbral for MP regen. Before casting Blizzard III, I cast Despair for one final dps. But it costs all mana. But having Aspect Mastery makes it have no cost at all right?
>thancred and ran'jit fighting over being ryne's dad while we tap that
sounds fun
Ran'jit is fine as a character. It just makes zero sense that the WoL and the scions job to him throughout the 70-80, then Thancred fights him to a stalemate nearly dying, then we casually kick his ass in Eulmore.
The entire attack on Eulmore is silly when you think about it. Here we have the most powerful military remaining in Norvrandt, presented as a threat the whole time, and we beat it with a bunch of teenagers in a frontal charge on the gates. Makes me think part of that arc was cut.
Vladimir Harkonnen?
Can Krile be found anywhere after the MSQ?
Right, consider Despair your single target flare. If you have a Firestarter proc, you can also use that then manafont for another F4/Despair. You can also use an ether for one more despair if you have a thundercloud or simply for your next AF cycle.
nigga just try stuff out on dummeis
The stacks of vuln came from the casters and healers standing still so they could DPS more.
Literally cope and get better friends you shitter.
Why did you skip the cutscenes user? WoL losing every trial at least once makes a lot of sense given what happens in actual trials you imbecile.
Also, Eulmore was only thought to have the largest standing army by the Crystal Exarch, but in reality they were mostly all turned into Sin Eaters by then, which is the both the assault on Lakeland and the fuckhuge flock protecting Mt. Gulg. Maybe pay attention next time you moron.
*blocks your path*
>Sprout in the Tempest.
Ahahahaha he actually tries to salvage it, holy shit dude. You can't even fucking stand still or die to the sprouts you braindead fuck. Your bullshit got caught out, just give up and stop digging you absolute moron.
>muh headcanon
Aspect mastery makes the opposite element cost no mp at full stacks. Despair requires astral fire to use so you can never make it free.
The potential for the character is there they just didn't capitalize on it, he is woefully underwritten. We needed more insight into his backstory and motivations rather than just trying to infer them based on the little dialogue he has.
Why did he cast his lot with Vauthry even though he spent decades fighting against the sin eaters? Why is he so absurdly strong, and what exactly is "Gukumatz"? How does he truly view his relationship with the Oracles? What drives him? You can make guesses at these sorts of questions and some of those guesses are probably pretty accurate, but it doesn't make up for not actually showing it and giving him that characterization.
>He doesn't know
Really sad to be honest.
>Things that are said in the cutscenes are headcanon
user, why pretend to be retarded?
>W-wait let me t-try this now, surely this will fool people and make them believe I'm actually not retarded!?!
Omfg this is amazing, keep going user, I'm close.
Honestly the most complaint I've ever seen from newbies is that they have "no skills" up to level 50. Which I kinda agree with.
So what they should do is just level sync down the characters as needed. But do not include the skills. Let them have all the skills as per the highest level for each expansion. Example if they are still at ARR, just let them have skills up to 50 or something even if they are in the lower levels.
Cope lol
Show me where they said the Eulmore soldiers were transformed into sin eaters.
Also I don't see how the whole Echo fluff explains us jobbing to Ran'jit in Lakeland while backed up with all of the Scions.
>I need literally everything spelled out to me
No fuck off. The fact that nothing was explained is the best part about him.
*loses aggro*
*pulls two enemies*
*tried to pull more than 4 and dies*
Does anyone still run Midas Savage?
Some of the glamours look pretty cool, but I never see party finders for literally anything besides Innocence and Titania EX.
>reuse says it can refund a portion of mats used
>it's always just the top material
>it's always just one of it
shit use of 60 cp that screws up my 1 button macros desu
Does Minfilia ever get better as a character? In 2.5 now and everyone constantly jerks her off even though she is useless
>Show me where
Go look up the cutscenes around Eulmore yourself and actually watch them this time, they talk about how the Meol is made of Sin Eaters and is turning people into them, and Vaulthry had been using this on his own people.
But naaaaah they just "forgot" about the whole Eulmorian army, they had a whole army of Sin Eaters sitting around while talking about turning people into Sin Eaters and Sin Eaters into kibble and the Eulmorian army just mysteriously vanished because they forgot about it :^)))
Seriously lad, just stop pretending to be retarded and admit you said something dumb because you skipped cutscenes.
It always and will be the top material. Been known since last week.
>shit use of 60 cp that screws up my 1 button macros desu
How much Craftmanship/Control/CP you have? I have a 1 button macro for that one.
Becomes smol
I'm 99.99% sure he's dead. Let sleeping dogs lie. Also I thought his character was fine, it's clear what they were going for. Not everything needs to be spelled out with echos constantly.
Also he's a master of some legendary technique on another plane of existence and was fighting in a non-stop war for SIXTY~ years until the last decade. Meanwhile we've been fighting what, canonically for like two years? A super-veteran pulling out unknown anime powers handing you your ass isn't that unbelievable. And once we know his powers we slap his shit back (you can win that fight without even being hit).
>Seething tranny still can't cope with being BTFO so thoroughly and keeps doubling down
Hilarious. Keep going. Dance, clown.
your a fat fuck!
No body. No dead. Look at Gaius.
>Resorting to tranny calling and still can't cope with how much of a shitter he is
That's gonna be a yikes from me bro
ran'jit will be the first's version of our estinien but for ryne, just watch
>Cope fag actually mad about being called a tranny
Oh this is just perfect. Why not call up your discord cheersquad, tranny?
looks like a typical american woman to me
>He thinks I'm mad
Coping AND delusional.
things that never happened? I was in akadaemia anyder earlier and I was ripping away mobs from our WAR tank as BLM. That was funny. But GNB is so idiot proof that I doubt that has happened unless he forgot tank stance.
Counterpoint: Ysayle
Cutscene skippers should be hanged
My stats are 2251/2108/541
Still never said the military was turned into sin eaters, only the discarded poor. It's possible, but since it was never explicitly stated or even hinted at it's just your conjecture and headcanon.
We still fight Eulmore soldiers, but it's like two dozen at most. Just admit they built up Eulmore as a military threat and Ran'jit as a personal threat and then promptly forgot about it when we had to assault the place.
EVERY SINGLE GNB on EU is completely retarded. You have no idea what I've had to deal with the past few days
>Tranny inventing shit starts seething when it happens to him
Lmao, he actually IS mad too! This is priceless.
Why don't you tell us more about how your PLD blindly handled the tether BY HIMSELF :^))))
While I wish some more was said about the decrepit fucker to capitalize a bit more on all the screentime he soaked up, I liked that they left most of it up to you to infer.
>Why did he cast his lot with Vauthry even though he spent decades fighting against the sin eaters?
Like this, it's never explained, but it makes sense that a person who's job it is to raise generation after generation of surrogate daughters only to inevitably see them fall in combat would eventually break and go "okay fuck it, I'm done, as long as this means I don't have to see more of them die, I'm going along with it", and we can assume he eventually drank too much of the kool-aid and got to where he was when we saw him.
How did dragoon go from the most popular dps to only being more popular than monk?
Does anyone have Vauthry's dialogue saved? I love hearing him talk
>It's the tranny obsesser hour
Yawn, go back to your tranny porn tab, buddy. Don't forget to tune in for Mr. Happy's visual guides on the normal raids next week too! You don't want to die to easy shit we've seen before in the past 4+ years, right?
no longer meta
>Why did he cast his lot with Vauthry
Because he spent sixty years fighting with no hope of victory and repeatedly seeing his loved ones die in vain.
>what exactly is "Gukumatz"
Obviously some Kung-fu stand technique he mastered.
>How does he truly view his relationship with the Oracles?
He was their mentor and pseudo-fathers
>What drives him?
He makes this clear repeatedly; Giving in is preferable to the constant suffering of fighting the sin-eaters.
Samurai and Red Mage happened
>underwritten characters are great because they make me feel clever when I guess at all the development they could have got but didn't!
Piss off. Characterization doesn't mean just spelling everything out it means adding depth and nuance by furnishing the viewer with little details. Ran'jit is a non-character and could have just as easily been replaced with a fucking robot. Is Emet-Selch a shit character because you learn all about what motivates him in excruciating detail? No that's exactly what makes him fucking excellent.
>Still never said the military was turned into sin eaters, only the discarded poor
user did you actually not even read the quest dialogue either? Did you sleep through the early Eulmore bit, specifically the singer who lost her voice and they talk about having her "ascend" early, and her patron even talks about joining her? It's not the fucking poor being turned into the Sin Eaters, it's EVERYONE. Jesus fuck man stop being retarded already, seriously what the fuck?
>We still fight Eulmore soldiers, but it's like two dozen at most
Gee I wonder why, and they all look so young and act so inexperienced despite Eulmore's army allegedly being made up out of hardened veterans... hmmm, I wonder if this means anything. NAH, they obviously JUST FORGOT.
What. The. Fuck. Are. You. On. Retard.
The low # of Eulmore soldiers is because of the low scale of populations in general. Also, Eulmore has what appears to be a residential section off the shoreline. There's an elevator operator who tells you he's guarding the residential elevator and you're not allowed. Then again this was before Eulmore fell so maybe it's changed. It'd be weird to offer a residency (AKA housing) in the first and not in Ishgard.
>Copefag still butthurt about being called a tranny
Hahahaha amazing, the meme spamming fuckwit gets angry at memes, holy fuck you can't make this shit up.
>You don't want to die to easy shit we've seen before in the past 4+ years
>Literally said by the guy who claimed he was getting stacks of vulnerability on Titty-EX
I find it concerning that people can't catch these character traits by simply observing the character.
Must everyone be spoon-fed?
>"Dude stop skipping cutscenes"
>Show me the cutscene where that is said/shown
>"There isn't one, but it's totally obvious because of (assumptions) and (conjecture)"
Every fucking time
>N-no you're doing x and y
If you need to invent a narrative to defeat just to stay in the conversation it means you already lost before you started. Fuck off with this retarded bullshit kid. Not every character in a story needs every detail to be known or figured out or filled in or anything of the sort.
ironic weebs are used to jap storytelling being as subtle as a brick
The wol only jobbed to him because the antidote he took made him weaker which is why the other sion were pushed away so quickly.
The girafe bitch literally warn you when you take the antidote.
How the fuck can't you even 1 button macro with reuse?
Check this but the stats are higher than yours.
Here's my version and I only have 2067/2082/465 I have to use Blood Bouillabaisse though so my control can get to 2133 for this.
/ac "Inner Quiet"
/ac "Manipulation II"
/ac "Ingenuity II"
/ac "Delicate Synthesis"
/ac "Delicate Synthesis"
/ac "Delicate Synthesis"
/ac "Delicate Synthesis"
/ac "Delicate Synthesis"
/ac "Steady Hand II"
/ac "Ingenuity II"
/ac "Preparatory Touch"
/ac "Great Strides"
/ac "Byregot's Blessing"
/ac Reuse
/ac "Careful Synthesis II"
That's mine with 2067 craftsmanship. But you can check the doc for yours and you can adjust it in the crafting calculator to suit your needs.
>Literally this obsessed
>He's such a greylet he's incapable of processing of standing in the center of shiva and getting a vuln up stack for more dps
>He's such a brainlet of a player he's incapable of realising debuffs like a lightning up stack and a tank pressing an invuln to mitigate most of them, dying, and then the ranged players handling it
Literally kill yourself you fucking shitter. Holy shit lol
>Tell him where to find the cutscenes he skipped isntead of doing his homework for him
>"N-nuh-uh there isn't one!!!"
How the fuck do you function?
Meol is being used to make people susceptible to mind control, not to turn them into sin eaters. There are faster, more efficient ways to turn them.
You're just spouting headcanon. We never see anything about the people or the military being turned in a large scale right before the assault.
oh wow, this is almost mine but I had one extra preparatory one less delicate. I should have thought of that sooner. Thanks user.
its a really awkward moment when you have to change your dance partner because the first one was shit
Make your own party during peak hours, should probably get a couple people willing to run it for glamours/clear/whatever. Plus it can be unsynced, so even the shitters who boosted to 80 don't have to be that good
>Literally this obsessed
Now this is just laughable. You got called out and BTFO and all you managed was "c-c-c-cope" just as I predicted. Despite that you STILL insist on continuing, but clearly I'm obsessed :^))))
>He's such a greylet he's incapable of processing of standing in the center of shiva and getting a vuln up stack for more dps
>Conversation was about brambles
>Obviously because he never did the fight he gets called out on his bullshit again and utterly BTFO
>"B-but s-shiva i-ice"
L M A O nice backpedaling faggot.
>He's such a brainlet of a player he's incapable of realising debuffs like a lightning up stack and a tank pressing an invuln to mitigate most of them, dying, and then the ranged players handling it
Oh not at all, just impressed you did this all blind without even knowing about it at all, especially since you're only just now mentioning other people getting involved, earlier you said that it was just a PLD doing the whole thing, which is impossible as anyone who did the fight would know. Again, LMAO at your pathetic backpedaling.
Try again kid.
Seething tranny.
>DNC partners with someone who isn't you
>halfway through fight
>Their partner isn't bad, you're just better
>DNC swaps to you
best fucking feeling
I've managed to clear Titania ex and innocence ex enough times where it's on farm now. As a rdm I feel like people would prefer a different dps there. I have the most fun with RDM though so whatever I guess.
I'm not reading that, cope lol
user... Watch the actual fucing cutscenes, they're on youtube, they literally, word for word, tell you that meol is made up of sin eaters, Ryne specifically tells you this, and they specifically tell you that the people of Eulmore are being turned into Sin Eaters by this process.
Your bullshit spiel about being more susceptible to mindcontrol is the real headcanon here, nothing whatsoever even remotely hints at this, or at this being necessary, in fact the Crystal Exarch who had never eaten meol mentioned he only avoided the mind control because he used a glamour, why the fuck would meol be needed to make people be more susceptible if it's that powerful?
Get the fuck out of here retard, just admit you paid no attention to the story instead of doubling down on your retarded sperging.
>Tfw I will never have both a pocket healer and dancer buffing me as a tank at the same time while cucking the dps.
Feels bad.
Imagine being this much of a salty loser, jesus christ.
Cry more, gray shitter
Didn't watch the cutscenes?
I imagine you wouldn't, we both know you're just BTFO again and you'll continue your retarded driver regardless. It doesn't even matter what I say because you'll never admit to being wrong, that's what cognitive dissonance and being a tranny will do to you.
Any but that last one
>grey shitter calling anyone else a grey shitter
who is going to be the next story important cunny
Cope, maybe one day you'll be good enough to clear a hard fight user.
>As Emet dies he doesn't go on some big tirade or rant about how Elidibus will kill us all
>Realizes we're going to win no matter what and make the Ascians extinct
>Just asks us to make sure they're remembered and smiles
I literally cried. The best moment in the game, not just expansion.
>Your bullshit spiel about being more susceptible to mindcontrol is the real headcanon here
Gonna have to stop you here, not that user, but Vaulthry is a light warden and it's known that they can easily control lesser sin eaters. What Vaulthry was doing was slowly making those people eat and slightly become sin eaters so he can literally mind control them due to his lightwarden influence.
Yes, that's whats happening indeed. Get your clear already user, it's been weeks. I know it's probably hard for a greylet to get a legit kill but lying about it on the internet won't magically make things better for you.
>Your bullshit spiel about being more susceptible to mindcontrol is the real headcanon here, nothing whatsoever even remotely hints at this, or at this being necessary, in fact the Crystal Exarch who had never eaten meol mentioned he only avoided the mind control because he used a glamour, why the fuck would meol be needed to make people be more susceptible if it's that powerful?
No he's right. Meol was used for mind control. They specifically mention it as why certain people were more under Vauthry's influence. The more you ate, the better grip on you he had.
That is 100% in cutscenes, I promise you.
But user that's a NIN
user, he's right about the meol. Exarch says that because nobody knew at that point that the meol mind controlled them.
I've got 10 on both already sweetheart. They are irrelevant to run anymore.
>Gets every mechanic wrong
>Complains about stacks of vulnerability from easily avoided mechanics, gets called out and desperately backpedals to "n-no it was the d-dps getting h-hit on purpose!!"
>Has to have me explain to him how he gets every mechanic wrong
>"N-no you're bad"
Seeting tranny, your comeback isn't even rational.
I didn't get every mechanic wrong though? Stick to watching guides son, you clearly aren't mentally capable of solving mechanics on your own.
>they specifically tell you that the people of Eulmore are being turned into Sin Eaters by this process.
No, they don't. This is an assumption.
We know that Eulmoran citizens get turned into sin eaters but it is never said at any point ever that this is done by feeding them meol. In fact the quest with the songstress implies that "ascension" into a sin eater is a specific event that happens all at once when Vauthry calls upon you. This is also implied by the line of how "many people enter Eulmore, but none leave". If meol was making sin eaters then the people in Gatetown who eat more meol than anyone would be becoming sin eaters faster than anyone, but none of them do (if they did they'd probably catch on to how it's being caused by meol). The people in Gatetown had never met Vauthry yet were under his influence, they did not have to be enthralled by him directly like he attempts on the Exarch and you in the Innocence trial, because they ate meol.
user. Read the entire fucking post, specifically the part about the Crystal Exarch, also watch the fucking cutscenes again because apparently you missed huge chunks of them too. While Vaulthry can easily control Sin Eaters on account of being fused with a lightwarden as a fetus he also has mind control powers.
>Gets every mechanic wrong repeatedly
>"b-but I g-got carried 10 t-times by m-my f-fanclub so I d-don't need to do it a-anymore"
Now it's just getting sad user, do you need me to grab a violin?
Ysayle got blown to pieces in front of your eyes and there was a burial of sorts, when there's any kind of burial ceremony that usually also confirms it if the former wasn't good enough for you
You keep moving goalposts. The meol is long term. They explicitly say in the cutscenes that the newer arrivals were less susceptible.
What you were argueing for was the Eulmore military being turned en masse shortly prior to our charge on Eulmore as an explanation as to why there's almost no opposition to us.
There is zero evidence for that.
Anybody got the full thing for each picture.
more like immobile
>male miqo'te don't look like that.
>b-b-b-b--b-b-but you were carried
>Stacks of vuln that will never actually happen unless your entire group is retarded
>PLD soloing tether
>They only explained the whole go N/W S/E at the start which is what you do to break brambles, and also the literal only real thing in the fight that gives stacks of vuln, despite failing to avoid the only known and extremely easy mechanic this his "blind" run did everything else on the first go
But nah, you're right user, maybe follow your own advice and watch a guide so you can at least lie to anonymous people on the internet without being ridiculously obvious.
How about when he tried to control catboi and the fucker said he was so glad he sent a fake hologram there?
>Actually proud that he got carried or too ESL to realize he just admitted to it
Seething tranny.
You're wrong retard, this is 100% stated to be the case.
The turning them into sin-eaters is the "ascension" reward that you can be given, which comes up during a quest where you find this singing auri girl for some old dude, except she can't sing anymore and he promises her this in his ignorance thinking it's a good thing
I think one of the bosses in that dungeon has a lot of musically themed attacks too, so sadly it seems like it happened.
Those were all clarified already but you're equating to it as "back pedaling" Literally, cope.
pld are forever alone
war are cucks
drk are lolicon
gnb are into teenagers
No. Despair is a mana finisher, like Flare used to be. Umbral hearts do not reduce it's cost. So a basic rotation (from scratch) would go: ice 3, enochian, ice 4, fire 3, fire 4, fire 4, fire 4, sharpcast, fire 1, fire 4, fire 4, fire 4, despair. Then back to ice3, ice4, fire3 (now instant), and repeat.
Despair is for when you're about to be OOM and have to reset to ice 3 to start again.
>trying to clear orbonne monastery
jesus christ I know the mechanics perfectly and I still can't beat the quest for it because of the mass abandons during thunder god and 2 hour queues
I really doubt housing in the First will be a thing at all. Canonically your connection could be lost to it at any time (within the story you don't actually go back to the source until Tia opens the portal at the end, which is why job stories are after).
>You keep moving goalposts.
Where? Be specific. Don't just throw out buzzwords because you got told.
>The meol is long term. They explicitly say in the cutscenes that the newer arrivals were less susceptible.
Indeed, I wonder what part of Eulmore has been around forever though...? The army, perhaps?
>What you were argueing for was the Eulmore military being turned en masse shortly prior to our charge on Eulmore
No, and you need to be literally braindead to actually believe that's what I was saying. You cannot make me believe you're actually this retarded and not just baiting here. The people who talk about the Eulmore army and how strong it is are people who were also shocked and surprised people in Eulmore where being turned into Sin Eaters. The army they had has been gone a long fucking time.
Again, they specifically mention the meol turns people into Sin Eaters. Stop being retarded, stop baiting, stop imagining the most ridiculous situations just so you can try and argue against them.
Well technically, we saw him use some magic that we never saw before, nor seen afterwards. For all we know he could have captured him then force fed him meol.
That is conjecture of course, but all we do see Vaulthry do is cast a spell at Graha.
>gnb are into teenagers
>drk are lolicon
now I regret not using roulettes on drk, also aren't pld sultana's beta orbiters
>Red Mage
>doesn't wear red
Name something worse than this
>I could never get my snek ex clear
>You're wrong retard, this is 100% stated to be the case.
Yes, it's 100% stated that the meol is made of Sin Eaters, and people are slowly turning into Sin Eaters, your "you're wrong" doesn't even make fucking sense here because the claims of Vaulthrys mind control being because they're sin eaters and the meol turning them into sin eaters STILL lines up you dumb faggot.
>The turning them into sin-eaters is the "ascension" reward that you can be given
Pay attention to the actual dialogue you dumb faggot, they talk about "accelerating" the ascension for a reason.
>I think one of the bosses in that dungeon has a lot of musically themed attacks too, so sadly it seems like it happened.
Confirmed not paying attention. It definitely happened, you can find the songstress' patron in Eulmore later and he's desperately trying to find her.
Mr Yoshida can we please have a disembowel buff extender on our aoe combo like everyone else. I promise it will be used exclusively to aoe down single pulls like you intended.
Please no not another blood of the dragon extender we already have 100% uptime by just using the buff and a single extender
I liked the part where the blue cat we hung out with stated at the start that he never got to eat any meol and later on he was completely fine when the mind control started. It's a very basic storytelling thing but it's the small stuff that really tie the whole thing together
>trying to do neo exdeath at 80
Why are people so fucking stupid? Why can't they follow the same fucking sequence of events with just a little variation?
>"N-no it's not backpedaling, I CLARIFIED it"
Yes, after people told you how you were wrong you mysteriously were able to "clarify" your mistake, while before that you didn't even realize what you did wrong.
Why is it so important for you to get away with these lies user? You're anonymous, stop talking and no one will remember you except laugh at the time that dumb faggot tried bragging about his non-existent clear, all you've done since is make even more of a fool of yourself.
a BLM who doesn't wear a big wizard hat.
>But naaaaah they just "forgot" about the whole Eulmorian army, they had a whole army of Sin Eaters sitting around while talking about turning people into Sin Eaters and Sin Eaters into kibble and the Eulmorian army just mysteriously vanished because they forgot about it :^)))
Why did I have to be a pally main, bros...
>Easiest EX Trial in the game
Wew lad.
White mage not wearing white
Don't you have more than twice the HP of people who did it when it was relevant? How do you even fuck that up.
Oh look he used his catchphrase again! Hilarious!
nothing wrong with my velvet hood..
And how is this moving the goalposts? It's literally explaining what happened regarding the initial complaint that someone thought the Eulmore fight felt silly because the army wasn't there (no shit, it was defeated at Lakeland and was later seen at Mt. Gulg as a flock of Sin Eaters)
>Trying to farm the ShB Dungeon Minions
What the fuck are the drop rates?
The only one I have so far is the Chameleon and I haven't even seen a Scroll drop yet.
>drk and gnb are based
it is said nowhere the army became sin eaters
There's a difference between theoretical and practical knowledge.
You can read a guide, but very few people can execute theory perfectly on the first try. Autoattack and tankbuster timings, when mechanics come out- how they work, and how to maintain uptime while doing them. That shit comes with experience, and you're probably playing with people that are doing this for the first time.
post logs or nobody gives a fuck about either of you larping faggots
as a dnc do i need to learn people's rotations or do i just need to exist
Pretty sure you already do enough aoe damage without the buff which is why they didn't bother.
I had a sprout tank in twinning last week
Though it looked like the healer was his friend so he probably got dragged through everything, the run went fine
Your hp and strength have changed, but the margin for mistakes have not. When one person fucks up a mechanic they're gonna either die instantly or make it harder to recover from fucking up. Add in any 2 people doing this and you're gonna wipe no matter what. The White hole attack is like a hard check for making sure you're doing mechanics correctly
>Level GNB to 80
>Love it, can tank wall to wall easily, almost 100% CD uptime
>Level DRK to 80
>Rampart and Shadow Wall is all you have, TBN and Abyssal Drain merely delay the inevitable if AoE DPS is low and nothing's dying after both of those are spent
People who claim GNB is squishy, especially in dungeons, have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
>and was later seen at Mt. Gulg as a flock of Sin Eaters
What you were argueing for was the Eulmore military being turned en masse shortly prior to our charge on Eulmore
>No, and you need to be literally braindead to actually believe that's what I was saying.
So which is it?
>Meol is turning people into Sin Eaters
>The people of Eulmore are eating Meol
>The army of Eulmore is conspicuously missing, replaced by an army of Sin Eaters
>The army of Eulmore that the Crystal Exarch speaks of is the army he knew about from before Eulmore went into self imposed isolation, which would mean this very army would be exposed to the Meol longer than anyone else
But nah man, they don't say anywhere that the army became Sin Eaters, that's just silly headcanon, the writers just forgot about the army and they're silly, you fucking jobbed to pajeet too reeeeee.
Get the fuck out of here retard.
>spend half an hour to get to him
>wipe once because someone made a mistake
>"sorry my bad, it was an accident"
>5 people have allready left
>duty abandonned
What the fuck is wrong with these people? Stop wasting my time for fucks sake
Dude there are people that wipe to Ravana Ex despite the fact it is literally the same fight except with like two new mechs and a shiny new tankbuster.
Learn SAM and BLM.
Everyone else just exist.
That's not lakshimi
U. R. FAT!
>Forgetting about Arms Length.
>Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again.png
like half the army is still in eulmore
The only potato I like in this game.
>What you were argueing for was the Eulmore military being turned en masse shortly prior to our charge on Eulmore
I've repeatedly said it wasn't. I have no idea where you get the impression I said anywhere that the army was changed "shortly before our charge on Eulmore" you dense fuckwit, why are you making this shit up? Whatever the fuck for?
>So which is it?
The thing I said, and not your ridiculous fantasies. Seriously lad is English not your first language, hell is it not even the second? How is your reading comprehension so attrocious that you legitimately believe that somewhere in what I said is the implication that the Eulmorian army was transformed right before we arrived.
That doesn't even make god damn sense, since this same fucking army of Sin Eaters also attacked us at Lakeland. Seriously how the fuck are you this dumb?
A DRG not covered in spikes
Did you imagine that the Ascians plotline would be resolved before the Garlean Empire?
And people that don't skip won't get the skills then? Or will they? regardless of them having the skills like skippers or not ARR and other old content don't need that. Doing old content synced is already busted as fuck as every ARR and HW dungeon/trial is blazed through since we're practically invincible with all the skill changes made.
Why does Ran'jit make so many people butthurt?
He was an alright character and had a good justification for his actions.
Or is it just about muh power level?
I just tried out RDM in holminster and the damage kinda sucks ass (single target, aoe was pretty decent). Don't really seem to get any worthwhile skills until 80 either. Should I just level something else and wait for buffs or am I missing something?
Unoriginal niggers using template designs.
>The army isn't there wtf
>Like half the army is still in eulmore
Pick one faggot.
>Like half the army is still in eulmore
"Where is my proofs?" They don't show up to help with the Talos despite the rest of the Eulmore populace helping out, they're nowhere to be seen afterward, all you encounter is a few scattered guards and recruits, but nah, "half the army is still in eulmore" lmao.
But you're right kid, ignore everything the story tells you and just make shit up as you go. No, Eulmorians aren't being turned into Sin Eaters despite this being spelled out to you, and even if they were the army would somehow be unaffected despite it being conspicuously missing, "half of them" are somehow still around despite there being less Eulmore soldier NPCs than there were soldiers in their attack on Ill Mengh.
Regardless of it being prior to the assault or prior to the sin eater atatck on Lakeland, there's still no proof those sin eaters are the covnerted Eulmoran army.
You keep mentioning meol, but meol is longterm. So the only possible for what you're saying is the army being converted by force, and we have no proof for that.
I dont get why people obsess with power levels in this game, A crab from the tempest could solo ultima weapon
How do we fix monk?
if by the time you're out of cooldowns and have only TBN to spam the dps haven't at least thinned down the herd to the point where the healer can easily deal with it, they're going to have trouble keeping any tank topped off
also gnb mostly gets it's reputation for being squishy because the retards who play it either don't use cooldowns, or spam them all at the same time
>Dragoon gets better samurai armor than SAM
>Dragoon does more damage than SAM
Finished the Alexander Questline. Holy fuck the music was Kino as fuck
I liked him.
He's kinda weak because they didn't develop him until the very end.
People here are just trying to find faults in the game for no reason sort of like the few negative meta critic review giving the game a low score.
By far the expansion is fantastic, peek MMO/RPG, but there's always serious hate for Final Fantasy, MMOs and weeb shit in general.
Try MCH it's really fun and has good dps.
demand the female ones wear spats
monk sucked since 1.0, just delete the job
Wish I could undo Alex because it's annoying as fuck queuing into the shitty raid. Aside from the first minute of the last fight and the power rangers theme, everything else was shitty.
DRGs have to force themselves to play the most fucking boring DPS job to get to that damage so it's fine, let them torture themselves.
Make Tornado Kick do something else
Give Inner Release back
Add more shit that interacts with Chakra somehow
Already have it at 80, thanks anyway
>they're nowhere to be seen afterward
Actually the remnants are still there and providing security in Eulmore while things are being sorted out, there's a conversation when you go around Eulmore sedating the people who are still mindcontrolled.
So your little theory doesn't fly.
He's cool but he spent most of his screentime being vaguely menacing instead of leaning in more on the parallels to Thancred
>Regardless of it being prior to the assault or prior to the sin eater atatck on Lakeland, there's still no proof those sin eaters are the covnerted Eulmoran army.
You're right, there's no proof. The army has been eating meol for years, is mysteriously missing since the first time you visit Eulmore and hasn't seen action in all that time, but there's no "proof" so obviously the writers just forgot about them instead :^^))))))
>You keep mentioning meol, but meol is longterm.
10. Fucking. Years. You. Inbred. Retard. The army hasn't been seen for 10. Fucking. Years. Since Vaulthy ascended, yes it's fucking longterm you absolute moron!
I'm fucking done, nobody is actually this retarded, I'm just being baited here and I'm fucking done. Go pack to spamming about "pajeet" you fucking moron.
>40 clears of Titania EX
>only seen dragon once
Come the fuck on, not even the dogs were this bad
>Oh shit he mentioned there only being a handful of guards and not half an army
>Better ignore that and pretend he forgot about it and say he's wrong because of that
Seriously nigger?
Good night, I hope your headcanon delusions are comforting.
>Not jumping skyhigh into the air
>Not having a job with actual interesting lore, coming from an interesting part of the world
>Not having flashy as fuck animations
SAM is the most boring shit ever
Even your Limit break is a fucking joke.
I'm just jumping into the conversation here, but it's stated that those newer to Gatetown took longer to succumb to, or resisted Vauthry's mind-control because they hadn't eaten as much meol as the people who'd been there ages who just went catatonic straight away.
There's even a push-in shot of Uranger as he has his "eureka!"
>Their character art has them wearing spats
>Non existent in the game
It's in a pretty good spot I think, just redo Tornado Kick entirely and make RoF not slow you down
>Headcanon faggot headcanons about me headcanoning
It's almost poetic, really. At least the finale was beautiful.
>what is lakshmi
>what is bismarck
>what is susano
>what is seiryu
My Chocobo looks like shit what are some easily obtainable bardings in game?
I got super lucky and got the innocence dragon when it dropped within our first 10 kills
But for titania I've had the same luck as you, while some friends of mine got 3 drops in 6 kills
i wiped seiryu normal once
Tell me how to deal with shared gear.
My BLM gear has 2240 splellspeed. But I don't need this for SMN. Looks like nothingchanged for SMNs in ShB. Every jap melds crit and direct hit
>0/3 of those reasons are gameplay related
>He thinks SAM's lore and animations are bad
Now that's reaching.
t. mained DRG in ARR. ShB DRG is fucking boring, and you look like a faggot when you use Stardiver.
>using bardings
go run heaven on high, the sacks you get have bardings in them a lot
any of the primal bardings are easy to get, if you got the cash
>Ran'jit is literally
>Just fucking Caius
Epic, but i think we can rehash even harder somehow
I don't have the cash but how do you get them otherwise?
>30 clears of titania ex
>Never saw the weapons I was after once
>Got mount on 2nd clear
Fuck your gay dragon I just want the weapons
When can you trade in totems? 5.1 or 5.05?
I dont know who either of you are, probably some tripfags from /vg/ but reading this chain of you being destroyed and resorting to buzzwords to defend yourself was a satisfying read. Thanks shitter user
Hive, Expanse, Rose, Gambler's
Either re-meld constantly, or pick the one you like the best and accept that the other is going to be slightly sub-par.
I've seen like 15 MNK weapons when I already got mine on my first clear. I hate it.
From heaven on high, or crafting from their trial drop + some other material.
>Only done Titania once
>Got my weapon
Never have to enter that retard-blender again until you can buy mounts with the totems.
is 440 ilvl the requirement to enter eden?
Nothing wrong with not sperging and jumping like a monkey.
>waiting to farm totems instead of doing it now while most competent people are doing the same
for normal mode? probably gunna be like 415 - 420
>dragon drops
>roll a 6
Pretending to be someone else is an entire new level of cope.
I think it'll probably be 425 for normal and then 440 for Savage
>No evidence
>Sin eaters literally attack the crystarium on vaulthry's command
>We know Meol turns people into sineaters
>Guards immediately retreat the moment a light warden is slain.
>Dragoons wear spiky armor for when they inevitably get eaten like jobbers and it gives a final impotent fuck you to the dragon's stomach
>Musosai's crippled ass goes into an arena and floors some of the country's best gladiators with world of SAM
Stick wielders btfo, thanks for the tether btw Cuckgoon bro
I've yet to find competent people doing Titty.
I'll just wait until then, when retards can use being overgeared as a crutch.
You get a sprout even if it's an alt
Emet is literally passing the baton to you. Everything he did was an actual test to see if the other half, the one's that summoned Hydaelyn were also right. He's looking for proof. He got it.
>t. mained DRG in ARR. ShB DRG is fucking boring,
Imagine being a SAM main and trying to role play as a DRG main you shitter.
I don't see how anyone can have a hard time with this fight. There is literally one mechanic that even requires turning your brain on.
At least innocence requires you to move around.
I've been a DRK main since HW dropped tho. Maybe I'll come back when we get a single-target BotD spender instead of gay fucking Geirskogul.
>The army hasn't been seen for 10. Fucking. Years. Since Vaulthy ascended
Dude. We see the fucking army the first time we fight Ran'jit in Lakeland. There's an entire arc in Ahm Araeng where we have to avoid the eastern half of the map and use that damn trolley system because the Eulmoran army is blocking the eastern approach to Nabaath Araeng.
Thanks for the tether :)
Give everyone the skills at the current max expansion they have. The number 1 complaint I've been seeing all around is "The game looked interesting and I tried it, but damn playing it is so boring. I do not have skills in my level. It's so slow because I'm pressing like only 2-3 buttons."
That's most of the complaints in one sentence. What's not included is the 100+ quest from ARR to HW.
There is a clear difference between the magic he uses on the CE and the influence he has over his people because of the Meol, that was the whole fucking point I'm making here. It's not that they were more resistant to his magic (this was an early assessment, long before you learned that Vaulthry was fused with a lightwarden as a fetus)
What we know for absolute certain is the following;
::Meol is made of Sin Eaters. This is irrefutably confirmed by an absolute authority on the matter.
::Eating the Meol would gradually turn people into Sin Eaters, even if this wouldn't have been explicitly stated it can easily be inferred from the fact that exposure to "light" which the Sin Eaters (and consequently Meol) are made of, is what turns people into Sin Eaters, as explained through the light infected people in Alisaille's introduction.
::Vaultry is a Lightwarden-human hybrid that can assert control over Sin Eaters, even his very presence (as a baby) pacified them.
::The Crystal Exarch was attacked by Vaulthry with some kind of magical attack, which he avoided by using a glamour instead of being there in person. It's entirely possible that this magic was not actually mind-control at all and was just guesswork by the Crystal Exarch (whom at that point still was not aware of the state of Eulmore, Vaulthy, and the Meol, and merely presumed mind-control)
About the Eulmore army;
::They haven't been seen in 10 years
::The Eulmorian troops they send out to try and stop you from killing Lightwardens is spearheaded by Ran'jit, and comprised out of an inexperienced and bumbling CO and a few men who panic at the fight sign of conflict, by all means not the same army of hardened veterans that retired 10 years ago when Vaulthry ascended to the throne of Eulmore/
::Every time Ran'jit shows up he brings fewer and fewer of his men, showing up completely alone after his last lad died in the greatwood. The army the CE is so scared of never shows up once.
Minimum IL for EX is such a trap. Farm party who kills Titania before second tethers or during second tethers can afford so many mistakes and recover from wipe situations. Meanwhile low IL group is like walking on the edge.
I can't comprehend it either, yet it's been my experience that people can fuck up tethers, brambles and even get knocked off every add phase.
So, I'm gonna take my one success and weapon acquisition as divine intervention to save me from these people.
No u
>"We see the army"
>"B-but I somehow missed all the party chatter about how the place feels deserted"
user... The claim isn't that Eulmore has no soldiers, they clearly do, but the "army" that the Crystal Exarch is talking about is never around.
I'm joining into in this conversation for some clarification. Aren't the meols small parts of sin eaters which Vauthry planted for a long-term plan of mind-control when he needed it in the future, which he did when the Scions attacked Eulmore?
>Clear for 2 Titania PF
>Required Ilvl 440
Negev , noice
How can I keep tabs on when OG Twintania spawns for the FATE so I can get my frog suit?
>Can now stock up to 7 chakra
>RoF is now what internal release used to be, +30% crit for 15 seconds on a 60s cooldown
>Brotherhood gives the RoF damage buff with no slowdown (buff is reduced to 20% to compensate). Brotherhood phys damage buff doesn't apply to Monk but they still get the chakra generation effect.
>Tornado Kick no longer eats stacks, is now 420 potency with a 60s cooldown, costs 3 chakra and has 2 charges
>Chakra no longer a chance on crit but instead just a 5% chance on any weaponskill hit, 10% if you land the positional.
>You also get 1 guaranteed chakra for every 15 seconds you maintain GL3/4
>FoW no longer required for GL4.
>FoF's damage buff reduced to 5%.
>FoW now also causes your autoattacks to hit all enemies within 5y for 50% normal damage.
>Fists of Earth now also causes you to auto-counter all attacks you receive with a 50 potency strike. Used for soloing when you can't hit positionals.
>Perfect Balance cooldown restored to 60 seconds.
>Anatman no longer builds stacks, only pauses/refreshes them. It now also refreshes/pauses the duration of your form as well as Twin Snakes and Leaden Fist.
>SSS no longer affects the recast timer of Form Shift or Meditation.
>Ronkan gear pieces fucking suck so use AF instead
>Don't meet the 440 requirement
>Even when you join they can't even kill the boss before Tethers or duo Starbirths and AoE
to me too
>Brotherhood phys damage buff doesn't apply to Monk but they still get the chakra generation effect.
Stopped reading there. I will NOT wait another 12 months for them to change that back.
Main stat > sub stat, no reason not to use ronkan if you have it since crafted and eden gear arent out yet
No, the whole thing is he was using Meol to subdue the people and slowly turn them into sin eaters, he also turned the people who became sin eaters into Meol.
The "mindcontrol" was a side effect due to them progressively becoming more like sin eaters, and he could exert control over them due to being a lightwarden.
The Eulmoran forces that the Crystarium militia fights at Laxon Loft, where you had to knock out a bunch of them with dream powder to overcome their far superior numbers, are just a handful city guards then?
Are you really arguing about army? Did you ever notice the scale in-game vs scale on concept art, lorebook/text and cinematics? "Off scale" of everything? It is MMO.
Is MNK fun?
I'd give my right testicle to have Salted Earth be an extension of Abyssal Drain. Just press Abyssal and have Salted Earth spawn under its AoE, I have like 10 other oGCDs I have to press you fucking cunt.
No, the claim is that the devs dun goofed and built up expectations about a military force that they ultimately didn't deliver on like they did with Ghimlyt Dark. So instead of a Crystarium VS Eulmore we take an entire city with just us and the scions even though we previously jobbed to just Ran'jit.
The first thing that comes to mind when I see this is Feo Ul's eng voice
I'm not gonna use SS and Tenacity gear pieces dude.
SCH 430 weapon is better than ronkan since it has crit. There's more cases like this where the ronkan equipment has worse stats than lower level gear simply due to having the wrong stats.
How are you guys farming Materia viii?
Because you get a 20% damage buff instead. Would you rather get the 5% buff and a 15% bonus instead, it's the same shit.
>Main stat > sub stat
Sick of you faggots saying that without actually understanding what it means.
Will they use it as the tomestone gear or the raid gear?
I usually steer clear of parties with high ilvl requirements since it's their way of saying "I fucking suck at this fight so I hope 7 other people with good gear can drag my ass to the finish line", although it's still not as much of a red flag as it either requiring the highest ilvl available or having an ilvl requirement that is obviously just the PL's current ilvl.
on the other hand at least it keeps retards like
out of your party
Third party sites/add ons if you're a pcfag. Or just wait until the server shits itself because everyone and their mother transfers to yours because it spawned.
Honestly I'd say your best bet is to wait a little until the expansion hype dies down and they remove the instances from zones.
Right well you go be a dense faggot in your own little corner then buddy.
For me, it's hunts
t. melds Tenacity.
But you're going to replace the weapon with Titania's, the armor is the one that's sticking with you for a while
> he also turned the people who became sin eaters into Meol.
That's what I said.
>The "mindcontrol" was a side effect due to them progressively becoming more like sin eaters
Yeah. By eating the meol which contains small amount of sin eaters.
I don't understand. What you said was the same thing I said. The new thing for me there was the mind-control was a side effect of eating the meol which contained sin eater parts.
I'm trying to be a special snowflake here. They do hella damage but nobody plays them so it seems perfect. But are they fun?
Well yes but you're not getting to 440 ilevel without the ronkan weapon, which is what that other user was talking about.
Hrothgar in that gear would make me deadass horny
bros what in the fuck. scholar is so fucking easy why the fuck do they have so many ogcds all i do is spam broil and toss an ogcd i dont ever have to hardcast shit. what the fuck.
When my role is in need for a roulette.
Running ShB dungeons, roulette and hunts
The overall through was he was that world version of Dargoon, which isnt that far fetched.
The part that I disagree with is that Vaulthry didn't give people Meol for the sake of mindcontrol like he used when you invaded Eulmore, the mindcontrol is more of a welcome side effect, the actual goal is turning everyone into sin eaters.
Nobody plays them because nobody wants them in their group.
servers dying again? i just want to fucking play the game god damnit
It depends, do you like your weaponskills all being positionals, having high skillspeed but not in your burst window, and an RNG resource to go with your RNG opener at max level? If so, MNK might be the job for you!
not that guy but standing in mechanics for more DPS is ape-tier shit, fuck off
Ok now I get it. I thought that the point of contention was if the meol had sin eater parts or not.
Nobody played them even when they were good they're good again and are basically mandatory in a party that doesnt have any casters
DRG NIN or MCH?? I've got all of these to a relatively high level, which one is less cucked?
During the unlocking of Akademia, the NPC specifically states that Vauthy is dead and Ranjit has run off. He is still alive.
didnt they up the doggo droprate in a later patch?
MNK is quite good right now I assure you. Except for that Anatman opening. I don't care about TK. Fuck that move.
There's no reason not to unless the vuln stack would kill.
MCH if your connection is good enough. DRG if not.
>servers getting ddosed again in the morning
Stop it Barry
find out in 3 days if they're kneecapping DRG or not
I like Anatman
Well every "top" DPS boys wear Ronkan set. Maybe it's different for others I don't know. Innocence honestly looks more forgiving.
Nah that's pretty set in stone, if memory serves the specific scene involves Yshtola bringing Ryne a Meol and asking her to confirm her suspicions, and Ryne responds shocked and says it looks just like sin eaters or something.
>Lag and constantly DC yesterday
>Log in today thinking its fixed, have a blast playing
>Go to level DRK some more, packet loss and 90k again
Just fucking kill me
There's no reason to eat avoidable mechanics either unless you are so braindead stupid you can't even follow the same old Shiva circles
>the actual goal is turning everyone into sin eaters.
That's a lot of speculation right there. We all know that people become sin eaters through "the ascension" in Eulmore but we don't know what it entails. Tesleen turns just from getting stabbed. Why would Vauthry need a long process like feeding them meol for possibly years just to be able to turn them?
I'd take either MCH or NIN, DRG is going to get fucked come savage. Pick depending on if you want to be melee or ranged
Did the servers get hit by an earthquake or something? My connection has been total trash since yesterday.
>Seething WoWniggers
How many enemies have we made bros?
Is it really such problem? I seen MNK opener video and Anatman doesn't looks horrible. Kinda not big deal.
>Losing DPS casts to dodge stuff that won't kill you
>Servers get raped every time I'm about to log in
I just want to fucking play video games.
Hey guys, Titania EX was my first EX clear and I'd really like to have a go at Innocence EX, do you guys have a particular video guide you'd recommend? The channel I watched for a Titania guide doesn't have Innocence.
Why do people say you need a good connection for MCH?
Mine is shit and I'm playing it just fine.
You're big mad bro d e s u
Blizzard is giving out 3 days of free game time and they want to make sure you use it
You mean the guys that change job and equipment every time they logout so people don't see what they are wearing on the lodestone?
Titania feels less strict on DPS, innocence has more forgiving mechanics but Titania isn't particularly hard either.
Only real difference is getting hit/making a mistake on Titania will is usually a oneshot due to getting thrown out the arena or the damage simply being fatal. On innocence you can get hit quite often and still be fine.
>About to do my first ShB dungeon on my second character
>servers eat shit again
>what is slide casting
Make blind party. A lot people want to clear blind now
>DYS AN SOMH IN kicks in right as he casts Akh Morn
It's unironically nothing, if you're real anal about it like the top MNK players you can have an autistic setup where you have server ticks displayed and your DK to be automatic so you dont have to worry about milisecond reflexes but even without those it's perfectly fine
Sounds fun.
dude what the 440 is way better you hardly lose any crit once you put 40 stat materia in it. 440 sch has crit det. losing a weapon damage and all the mind for 30 crit is not worth it
>Why would Vauthry need a long process like feeding them meol for possibly years just to be able to turn them?
Can only speculate, but that is what it's doing. Honestly the whole point of Vaulthry seems to be that he isn't scheming, he really believes his way is best, there's a reason his ascended form is called "innocence" so it's not a case of "nyahahaha I'm turning everyone into sin eaters with my dastardly scheme" and more a case of "this is the true path to glory"
I mean he happily eats the Meol himself.
God damn I hate video requirements. Just join a learning or practice party and do it practically, you're taking away a learning experience by just doing the vid. I beat every single fight post heavensward via learning party, and you going along with other players step by step and talking about what's going wrong is a million times better than some YouTube retard teaching you rehearsal.
Good connection = using Ricochet and Gaus Round during Hypercharge without clipping.
Sometimes if servers align I'm able to do a couple of Hypercharge windows without clipping but it's a fucking crapshoot.
t. greylets
How come? Just standard jump mechanics putting you in the wrong place?
if one fucking GCD matters that much to your parse, you weren't far away from grey yourself
>430 book has something like 260 crit
>"Bruh just meld 80 crit onto it, basically the same! you get some mind in return
440 book has no crit at all bro. Literally zero crit. The difference is literally hundreds of crit.
>he doesn't slide cast
ok greylet
>find out in 3 days
More like in 2 weeks. They "most likely" won't change anything for a normal tier raid.
I do too. I actually believe Anatman and SSS are amazing skills. Like I said. The only bad thing about MNK right now is the need to use Anatman in the opening rotation because of the server tick. That's it.
>Is it really such problem? I seen MNK opener video and Anatman doesn't looks horrible. Kinda not big deal.
>Is it really such problem? I seen MNK opener video and Anatman doesn't looks horrible. Kinda not big deal.
The Anatman opening very weird because you are in the mercy of a server tick.This is the opening right?
>Demolish > Anatman (1 tick) > Dragon Kick > etc.
Now the problem here is if you Anatman and the server tick is not on your side. You will be waiting for 3 seconds just so you can get that 1 tick to up your GL to GL2 then go to Dragon Kick. So at times your rotation becomes:
>Demolish > Anatman (wait for 3 seconds for that 1 tick to GL2) > Dragon Kick.
See how weird that is? The only good thing is that even though you wait for 3 seconds, it's still a DPS gain. That's the only complaint really about MNKs right now. But it's not really a big deal really.
So in short. MNK is actually good.
Not to mention meol apparently tastes pretty damn good the citizens of Gatetown just stick around to eat more of it. It's a great way to keep everyone in check without needlessly using your hentai powers.
Fuck this lag, I'm gonna go finish Bloodstained
I use those during Wildfire with regular skills thrown between them.
Wildfire isn't based on damage anymore, it's how many skills you can get in.
...Is that another reason for good connection? I can get my Wildfire to do 20k-22k most times.
Hush Gremlin, 5.01 patch notes will bring us good tidings.
>You need to play as I do
Fuck off, if the faggot wants to watch a vid instead of dying like a chump to mechanics his party might already be aware of then let him do what he wants instead of sperging out you autistic fuck.
Git fucked.
Who said that it did? It's irrelevant to dodge if it won't kill you.
>Bothering when it won't kill nor any of the upcoming raid damage
Okay retard
anyone else having lag?
Just lost 2 party healers in the last 5 min
I remember reading somewhere that at start of expansion crit is not very good stat.
Also what does "clipping" mean?
I play on jap servers, finding english speaking parties in the party finder is near-impossible so all of my Titania EX clears were via the duty finder. It's great that you guys can go into a party of 7 other people who speak your language and want to learn the fight as you go, but that's a luxury that I don't think I have.
oh no. you are embarrassing yourself. just stop. also if you put two 60 stats in it actually has more crit.
No I meant I like it in the opener as well
You have raise and amazing mobility which is why the DPS is lower than other casters. Obviously these qualities are superfluous in a leveling dungeon, but it really becomes amazing in an actual challenging fight
What do you do in this game after hitting 80?
>be healer
>have no friends
>have no fc
>try doing ex trials
>understand the boss after 3 attempts
>dps underperform
>never see boss past add phase due to this
>get cucked regardless of doing well all the time
>party disbands after 30 minutes
>rinse an repeat
>stop trying eventually
You guys in the US always get hit by these lags and shit. Meanwhile it seems like EU and JP are unaffected.
Hope your next DCs and you die from anal cancer you flaming furry barafag.
I hope chemo and immunotherapy doesn't work for you and I hope it hurts.
Ignore me then, I'm retarded.
Meol wasn't turning people into sin eaters though it just gave them enough sin eater juice to be controlled by janny who has sin eater controlling powers
Dilate more tranny.
>Who said that it did? It's irrelevant to dodge if it won't kill you.
The healer has to do extra ogcds on you ruining them for future mechanics or even worse a gcd to heal you where they lose damage. You are taking away from their damage. It isn't all about you
You seem upset.
Correct. The only job I know of that wants crit right now is MNK, everything else is DH and even DET before crit
God I'd love to use the duty finder to clear extremes without saying a word. But most of the people in NA and EU are too retarded to even clear with party finder.
I envy you.
>Join video party
>they Still do mechanics wrong
Wow fucking epic use of time retards.
>Join learning party
>Few fail mechanics, wipe and get farther, wipe and get farther, eventually clear
Get fucked you retard wowrefugee nigger.
A party looking to learn and improve is infinitely always better than they underqualified video watching fucks that think they know the fight after just seeing it.
I think it might unironically, actually be Blizzard at this point.
I'm not even fucking joking here, not one bit. They might actually be fucking pulling something.
Class is still fuckawful to play, soulless and not fun even if fixed the potency and duration of everything.
How would you buff SAM?
Want a cracker polly ?
Just a nerf, hopefully not too harsh but who knows what SE is thinking
Really? I figured brd would still want crit for repertoire.
Fucking buff Shoha.
Can we fucking remove Fist stances already? If they wanted to reduce button bloat, they could've shaved those three right there and added GL4 baseline anyways.
By nerfing DRG.
>Don't have to converse with retards
Sounds kind of nice, actually.
>The only job I know of that wants crit right now is MNK
SMN and RDM want crit > dht
That's why MNK+DNC are a pair made in heaven right now.
Who said that you need 1 GCD during a mechanic? Missing a GCD won't enrage the group.
>The healer has to do extra ogcds
Wrong unless you're some retard that stays out of healing range. Passive regens + ogcds from sch, ast, and whm that they were going to use anyways are going to top you off. Do you want to keep outing yourself as a retarded greylet?
>Meol wasn't turning people into sin eaters though
user... Are you seriously this unaware of the basic concepts of how the sin eaters work, despite the game all but repeatedly beating you over the head with it?
Curios if they have Innocence macro. Everyone use Titania macro on EU. Pretty neat.
SMN has better mobility and can also raise, what's even the point of RDM any more?
Make Shoha charge over time and charge instantly to 5 if you use Meditate.
>Wow but what about this epic stawman huh?!
Woah you sure showed me buddy! Any more desperate grasping?
I'm new to Red mage
Any tips and rotation?
To oust yourself as a shitter.
>Make Anatman give 1 tick after 1 second of channeling. Do not make it be based on server tick.
>Change TK. 330 Potency then removes all GL stacks is stupid as hell. If they want it to still remove all stacks, buff it to around 700-800 potency.
That's literally it. MNK is in a good place right now really.
what's the macro?
So is SMN basically fucked for the entire expansion? They'll just fiddle with numbers instead of changing skills won't they?
Nigga if no one gets hit by shiva circles the healers weren't going to use an ogcd during that phase anyway you dumb retard.
You already sounds like a brainlet so you'll be perfect for the job.
I'm telling you from my years of experience, boy.
Is SMN fun in ShB?
but people eating it their entire life didn't make them change at all they were just easier to mind control when vauthry sperged out and the only reason vauthry was light warden was because he was born as one not because he ate a fuckload of meol
they'll get the same as every other expansion. dogshit at the start, but somehow topping the charts by the end while maintaining the clunkiest rotation in the game
Servers still dying?
Look. NA and EU don't ever use DFs because they all just get mad at each other in there.
Be happy we can actually do EX and Raids in DF and not having to actually talk. All we see is "we can do it", "my fault", "some adjustments here and there" and that's it.
why do the WoWchads keep ddosing us?
The people in Gatetown had been eating meol for years and still weren't sin eaters. It is never said or shown at any point that consuming meol turns you into a sin eater. You know what they say about assumptions.
>SMN has better mobility
Not anymore. SMN is pure fucking turret now. Outside the opener smn only uses dwt for 3 instant gcds. You can not use your ruin 4 procs until you need to weave ogcds or you lose dps. Not to mention phoenix and bahamut still have the same shitty behavior from SB. SMN is as much of a turret as blm is now.
They are mad their game is trash while we get to enjoy the superior game.
Do you like being extremely busy with weaving and tracking several cooldowns to the point of needing to stare at your hotbars most of the time just to do shit damage?
Stealing aggro from tanks in SHB is a meme and you retards don't understand. The new tank stance is like 10x stronger. The only way you 'ripped aggro' was if the tank flat out wasn't pressing buttons. No tank loses aggro if they're pressing buttons at all.
Just thinking.
In ten years of expansion, World of Warcraft added:
3x tank specs (5 but 2 were deleted)
4x melee dps specs (5 but 1 was deleted)
1x healer spec
0x ranged dps spec
Meanwhile in half the time, Final Fantasy XIV added:
2x tank jobs
1x healer job
1x melee job
3x ranged dps jobs
Seems to be a lot more balanced, I expect a new healer and melee next expac.
Probably necromancer healing (since we know darkness is the active element now)
and melee job can be gukumatz user. Scythe wielding dragon monk.
There are pros and cons. The pro was I cleared Titania 9 times after the first clear over the span of a few hours with basically no conversing and no fucking with the party finder. The con was that I couldn't communicate with my teammates about any specific details so when someone else fucked up I had no idea what happened. And I have to know a fight before I do it, obviously.
The Titania macro was pretty easy to follow even in jap, I liked that. Especially since I was playing all four DPS positions from one fight to another. Dunno if Innocence has a macro.
I'm grateful, I just wanna find a good guide for Innocence since I'll have to run it more times than Titania for all the accessories.
BLM is really mobile now
>triple cast every 60 seconds
>swift cast
>fire starter procs
>thunder procs
>xenoglossy for movement and big dick damage
Well guess that means my time leveling it up to 80 so I can get the healer and DPS role questlines done in one shot is going to be absolutely miserable.
>forgetting NIN
NIN was added in the middle of A Realm Reborn
GLD used to use daggers
You mean -1x ranged dps spec right? RIP Surv
It's in an odd spot since it wasn't an expansion job but sure if you want to count it.
I hope it fucking hurts. I hurt as you breathe your last breath all you can feel is pain.
>Necromancy in FF
Okay there's only ever been one instance of a Necromancy job in FF and it wasn't in the original release of a game but in the GBA rerelease of FFV but there's still an argument for it...
>Gukumatz user
I'm glad NIN is shit. I hope they don't buff it.
>never added ranged specs
>deleted them instead
Why do they hate ranged?
Beast master then.
What would this even be?
It seemed like a derivative of MNK, involving a pet.
Its etymological relation to Quetzalcoal would suggest maybe it could be a wrestler job though.
Definitely upset. You need to calm down bro, it'll be better for your health.
Limited job, same with Puppeteer. We're getting Green Mage as a hammer wielding caster
not sure if I understand thunder tether syntax there
Spent two hours trying to do Titania Ex this morning and my brain hurts.
Playing as OT and no team I've played with has ever managed to get past the large adds phase
Is it literally just not enough DPS or is there something more to it than Mustard > Loki > Pease?
>first tier of the raid has Titan and Leviathan
Titan won't be the same when falling off the arena is no longer permanent death
>SMN is pure fucking turret now.
It is same like in SB. Spamming R2 was dps trap. Now you don't want to spam R2 but you have a lot shit to weave.
Dump SMN like the bitch it is and go full spell speed like any real BLM would. FUCK ANY FAGGOT JOB THAT DOES NOT LIKE SPEED STATS.
person marked 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 then the healer marked 6 chain.
>can no longer use the crystal exarch in trust
I miss him bros
>Seems to be a lot more balanced, I expect a new healer and melee next expac.
The devs have stated their intention to balance the numbers of jobs in all five roles though. The next expansion will probably have one healer and one ranged magical or ranged physical DPS or both
>Gukumatz user
Gunbreaker has opened the door to "not-jobs"
The future is now, grandpa.
Part beast master, part punching, part scythe slashing, part lightning magic.
why the FUCK do people do this?
the sephirot knockback + tethers seems to wall a lot of retards, but if they can live past that it's just a matter of dps. LB one if your party sucks.
If you have someone leave, their slot has to be manually changed back or it will stay locked to what their job was.
Ah, on NA we have the offtank take 3, then healer 1, healer 2, and a DPS
I'll probably change that one to be OT x3 > H1 > H2 > MT
>Switched back to BLM before they could release it.
In keeping with traditions the non winner version of the gear will look half-ass as fuck.
1 is OT.
In same cases tank can take 3 tethers if he want.
>Get titan hard in a roulette
>"Accidentally" fall off the arena
>AFK until I get my tomes
>The next expansion will probably have one healer and one ranged magical or ranged physical DPS or both
How about a new healer and ranged and then make BLU viable.
Replace Shoha with something fun and give them back a SEN spender move.
R2 wasn't as big of a dps loss as it is now. You could still use it to dodge mechanics. Now if you have to move and cast well you just wasted your ruin 4 you wanted to weave egi actions with.
Perhaps savage will have a moment where rez is disabled, like healing in Rathalos. That's the only compensation I think they could do, but they already said that denying healers their ability to rez in the older fights was a mistake, even if it was more challenging
If retards die during the adds phase or have a weakness debuff at some point during it you won't have enough DPS to clear it yeah. Try using melee or healer LB3 if people fuck up you might be able to salvage a run that way
Keep trying, user. Ive mostly just gone with crafting and gathering
I'm friendless and I don't really mesh well with my FC much so I pug everything as well. I like the progression as tedious it can be at times. I like number crunching and it releases enough feel-good hormones for me to warrant investing more time into it.
job switching to drk first chance I get
Yoshi wants to add more XIV-exclusive jobs.
I want an Ascian DPS that conjures weapons to fight with mid-attack.
I still don't understand why they haven't changed this. It's annoying as fuck if you're the PF leader.
I'm glad to see that there is now canon confirmation on the looks of the WoL.
>Hello master. I'm back with an item most rare. A Tenacity materia V!
What do?
>then make BLU viable.
Probably too much work. Maybe even more than an actual new caster job seeing how entertwined its kit is with the Carnivale.
It summons Scat and other voidsent and have a romantic time with them!
3 minute CD called "Cho Tsubame Gaeshi" that enables you to cast a duplicate of your Kaeshi Midare Setsugekka called Kaeshi Gaeshi Midare Setsugekka and it's a bit higher potency too.
This is like new minigame now.
>try not not lose all R4 stacks
At least it's not another piece of level 57 gear and I don't need to dig through the equipment menu to get it out
>when you are doing and are the only person in the entire instance
Well this is a new feeling.
Why have you not changed it to new gear appearing in your inventory you big dum dum?
Fixed Blu would probably be the smart option, but Blu in its current state seems to be one of Yoshi's pet projects, seeing how he already mentionned doing it like this in a HW release interview. It's probably never changing.
Don't unless you value the edgy aesthetic over having a single digit IQ playstyle, you're pressing 123 from 30 to 80 with your only interesting buttons being TBN.
the drop rates are always pissy baby shit when first released to incentivize more runs. They increase the rate once the trial is really irrelevant.
>Urianger AM's himself over.
>Try it myself.
>Falls to my doom.
What the fuck, man?
>>when you are doing and are the only person in the entire instance
Why are his hands so BIG
So you're in Limsa,and this little nigga slaps your man/girl(male) on the ass. What do?
>Oh boy tentacle rape Alphinaud!
>It's a novel
Please go to /vg/ if you want to post like this, they'll accommodate you very well.
clipping = taking longer to do an action than a GCD dictates. This is most prevalent with NIN and trying to fit their Ninjutsu within a single GCD
So he can better grab your tiny female frame.
I'm a dummy and meant doing eureka.
We don't know what a Z axis is, please understand.
Laugh at him because he's too scared to actually make a proper character and so he just makes an ugly ass meme character instead to deflect.
whats hes theme?
There isn't anything to RDM
>use Jolt
>use Aero
>did Stone ready proc y/n
>if y, use Stone then Thunder
>if n, use Jolt then Thunder
>did Fire ready proc y/n
>if y use Fire then Aero
>if n use Jolt then Aero
>repeat until 80/80, do melee combo, finish with Holy/Flare and Scorch
It's no surprise that absolutely nobody would go anywhere near that shitfest the moment it became completely irrelevant.
Tie shoha to third eye.
>scour twitter for ShB art
>English is all catslut blog posting
>search Shadowbringers JP tag
>can't find any fanart
>pixiv is deviantart 2.0
I just want cute pictures of Emet and Exarch without tumblr nose or disgusting western glam shots.
Just make Shoha the SEN spender move instead of hagakure. Like tornado kick but useful.
Find the Japanese names of characters on Pixiv and use them on Twitter.
>opening with jolt instead of precasting
>if n, use Jolt then Thunder
Fuckin moron, quickcast.
RDM is so easy isn't it?
The mad youngest Galvus is the last Galvus standing and will probably be the main Garlean enemy when you get back.
How does Zenos do it?
>Cant beat Tatania Ex Stone Sky Sea (Get 2-4% as GNB)
In 440 Gear
What am I doin wrong,lads?
wait, does Thancred really jump over? I tried that a couple times but never got the angle right
EX weapon?
Any for Ryne?
Literally just increase potency on his attacks
The trusts cheat.
He runs up to the first bend and then jumps the gap.
Yeah, it was pretty obvious it would end up dying like Diadem the moment ShB dropped.
I wasn't talking about muh openings for autismos, I was talking the basic flow of RDM spellcasting. And you use Jolt if you don't get a Stone/Fire ready proc so how is my second point wrong
>Yukikaze gives a crit buff to maintain
>Tsubame Gaeshi Higanbana can exist alongside normal Higanbana
>Combos finished with Meikyo Shisui apply the combo line buff for quality of life
>Changed Hissatsu Yaten's effect to provide enhanced Hissatsu Gyoten which removes the cost
>Change Shoha to be a flat replacement for Seigan that procs off of Third Eye
It's tuned really closely, if you have full i440 left + i450 right but i430 wep, you'll barely make it with no consumables.
Here's my PoV with an optimized Bloodfest:
where was that huge flock when we attacked eulmore
Weaponized autism.
I know all the mechanics and seen enrage.
Think I'll be good for a clear with a none dumb party?
Try it again a few times, my personal SSS times have about 5~10 s variance from run to run without doing anything different. That should be enough to let you finish it
That disingenuously omits that WoW has more specs than FFXIV has classes/jobs since Vanilla. In 3 expansions FFXIV still has less races than WoW had on launch (Viera/Hrothgar are equivalent to one race). Also wow's races have all had no gear visuals restrictions.
Also, limited job. Lmao. Also hate to say it but the game has a worse tickrate than fucling Vanilla WoW had WITH spellbatching
oh fuck off you're kidding, got a video?
>>Yukikaze gives a crit buff to maintain
incredibly broken
>>Tsubame Gaeshi Higanbana can exist alongside normal Higanbana
no point since tsubame just gives you a second cast with kaiten applied, midare is the best every time
>>Combos finished with Meikyo Shisui apply the combo line buff for quality of life
would remove the 1 braincell required for meikyo use
>>Changed Hissatsu Yaten's effect to provide enhanced Hissatsu Gyoten which removes the cost
>>Change Shoha to be a flat replacement for Seigan that procs off of Third Eye
sounds good
>muh openings for autismos
Hardcasting aero with the timer says "5" is hardly something that requires autism to achieve.
>And you use Jolt if you don't get a Stone/Fire ready proc so how is my second point wrong
You use quickcast for another chance at proccing stone/fire.
>gnb are into teenagers
Well, just this one. Not in general.
Just use vercure before pull.
I'll try that, thanks. Making pixiv ENG accessible was a mistake. I navigated well enough way back when but twitter is going to be even worse since Japs never tag anything.
WoW didn't have "specs" in vanilla. it had 8 classes per faction and you were fucking lucky if more than one build was viable for your class.
This is why I bought the skip, honestly.
ARR levelling is so GODDAMN AWFUL that I couldn't stomach it and the story wasn't good enough for me to wade through hundreds of hours of 1+2 ad infinitum.
If it wasn't for a friend pestering me until I caved, I would've never gotten the full game and I really love it past 70. The early game is just unbelievably shitty. Easily the worst core gameplay I have seen in any mmo.
I wish he had stayed dead. His "MUH FREN" shit is cringe inducing on top of being a boring character overall. He was fine as a one-note one-time antagonist but now Im gonna have to put up with his hunt bullshit for the rest of the expac. Varis was more interesting.
That's fine in dungeons when the tank just fucking pulls but against raid bosses you want to precast aero since you can immediately follow up with thunder and potentially ready both stone and fire immediately.
>Yukikaze gives a crit buff to maintain
>Tsubame Gaeshi Higanbana can exist alongside normal Higanbana
>Combos finished with Meikyo Shisui apply the combo line buff for quality of life
>Changed Hissatsu Yaten's effect to provide enhanced Hissatsu Gyoten which removes the cost
>Change Shoha to be a flat replacement for Seigan that procs off of Third Eye
So essentially you don't want SAM to be balanced, you just want it to have everything for free.
>Their story ended.
I'll just pretend Thancred and Minryne is the continuation.
fox lady fate up on jenova bros
Haven't found a good tag for her yet.
What is this? Is it just promo art?
>Also wow's races have all had no gear visuals restrictions.
>FFXIV still has less races than WoW had on launch (Viera/Hrothgar are equivalent to one race).
Each race has 2 sub races, an idea wow decided to steal with the introduction of allied races.
>b-but that doesn't count
neither does your opinion, go back to your asmongold layer
Countdown art.
holy FUCK i hate retards in heaven on high fucking running around killing everything and killing themselves grabbing every single silver chest god fucking dammit i just want exp
I think she stays in Eureka? But I don't know if she leaves afterwards because I have not beaten the dungeon there.
i have next to no idea who these people were tbqh
>no tails
Don't tell me you're one of those retards that thinks it's somehow faster to ignore every single chest instead of using the pommanders to speed things up?
>i have next to no idea who these people were tbqh
Dumb jump player.
Not so straight shot.
Buy pixiv premium.
Squished under his hand and miqittens have short tails.
>Those "Fuck me Eyes"
>That tiddy meat
Four ears
Higanbana is stronger than Midare
I never noticed that. Why do miqo players always hate their tails so much but refuse to play midlander?
She's delicious if you put a paper bag over her head.
I hate this promo so much. It was basically the RP experience trailer advertising the actual game. No one does this shit but roleplayers.
go ahead and tell me how many GCDs it takes to build and spend midare compared to higa
it's 9 to 3
That chocobo race bit looks exactly like Redline.
Same key animator?
t. guy afraid of having a job actually be as good or better than his and shoots down reasonable changes
The last three would be totally fine. Im actually expecting them to do that with Shoha.
You might be meming but honestly that doen't sound so bad. If they put in that and remove shoha and maybe buff a couple of potencies I'd say sam would be perfect.
don't tell me you're one of those retards that clears every single fucking room for chests after the passage is already activated?
Yes actually.
They fixed the ears the day after trailer dropped though.
Cat ears,duh.
Midlanders are vastly superior in every way
It is because chests are RNG. The odds of you getting a floor clearing pomander aren't worth doing full clears.
So what will we do in the First during the story patches? Sin Eaters seem to have been taken care of and we're unfortunately not at risk of becoming a Lightwarden.
>Redline was 10 years ago
I'm not but I constantly see mouth breathers ignore chests on the way to the exit even chests that are RIGHT NEXT TO THE FUCKING EXIT CIRCLE.
Finding out a way to get the scions home without killing the exarch
I wish miqote girls were that thick, the ass game in FFXIV is just laughable.
Clean up, find a way for the others back to the Source, making sure there's no cult uprisings, plan to smack Zenos' shit.
>Give us back Internal Release
>Remove the slowdown on Riddle of Fire
>Change Tornado Kick to function like Foul so that it serves as some kind of reward for actually keeping up stacks. Make it usable once every 30 seconds that you sit at max GL for example.
>Remove fist stances
>Change Anatman so you don't have to fish for server ticks
>Give us back 60sec PB
Well Elidibus is going to send new WoL's after us so that's a thing. Probably more stuff in Amaurot.
We now have a new big bad after the Ascians and Hydaelyn/Zodiarkare dealt with: whatever/whoever caused the Amaurot laws of creation to go haywire in the first place.
Pretty sad we will never get this
rape her for not bringing me some pure white/jet black dyes instead.
Buy em off the MogStation,good goy.
Spec is short for "specialization"
For example, Fury, Arms, and Prot were all trees you could specialize in amd all were viable. So yes it did you fucking zoomer fuck
>Give us back 60sec PB
What the fuck was the point in making it back to the way it was? I always felt that MNK's identity was gotta go faster faster for melee. But they keep slowing it down when you want to do heavy DPS.
To utterly destroy the TK rotation.
is it really surprisingly they mistook Miqo'te for Hyur sluts with cat ear decorations?
I'm so fucking sad it flopped what an incredible anime it is.
I know the game, retard. Specs functioned differently before MoP, there were potentially as many specs as there were talent point combinations but ultimately only a few were viable per class and the rest were useless. It wasn't as simple as "fury, arms or prot".
What if they change SSS to a ogcd and gives max stacks then you would use it after TK during every riddle of fire phase?
>Clans are equal to sub races
They're different things entirely but i'll humor you. Ahem, lolololol, literally just different skin colors. The only actual clan with differences is Hyur's
>No shoes
Unironically a design choice and not a result of limitations or laziness like FFXIV's hatless vieras and hrothgar
Because he usually only shows up when the story needs a roadblock for some forced drama. Ran'jit is an alright character who could have been much more if they took the time to properly build up his skill as a general and his true relationship with the Minfilias, or to at least explore the Sin Eater eyes.
Any tips for Innocence EX?
"Viability" private server bullshit wasnt around when vanilla first came out you zoomzoom. Yes, balance and cat sucked, but they were options and were their own unique, facilitated playstyles.
dodge shit
if you die blame it on healers or tanks
Dodge shit, don't get hit.
Watch and learn it's not hard at all.
>WoW didn't have specs in vanilla
WoW had specs in vanilla, with talent tree builds.
>It wasn't as simple as "fury, arms or prot"
the trees were simply named Fury, Arms, and Prot
Stop doubling down on this pointless semantics argument and shut up. Take this to a "HOME" thread if you want to talk about WoW.
Learn to tank swap, learn to orbs, dodge. If a retard like me can get it in one go, so can anyone.
Why would they. Yoshi made it clear that he absolutely hates the way we used TK and wants us to use it as some kind of finisher. So they either need to completely change how it works or keep it around as a semi dead skill like they did with OIP for years.
Right now you can still use it multiple times in a fight, but it's honestly not that big of a difference. Take TitEx for example, SSS+TK the last small add, anatman back to 4 stacks, repeat for the last big add and of course for Titania herself at the end. It's barely worth it but apparently that's how we're "supposed" to use this shit.
my aetherpool isn't max bro
>Just thinking
>So World of Warcraft
How about stop fucking thinking you retard. A bullet to the brain achieves that nicely. You just want to stir the pot of lurkers
It's not semantics though. The game didn't have specs it just had talent trees. People named the "specs" after the skills they granted you (SL/SL lock for example) rather than saying "Aff/Demo" spec
just dodge that's it. there's pretty much no mechanics that happen other than a tank swap
Not him but I got you
t t
\ /
\ B /
\ /
s s
There, the only mechanic that needs even the basest explanation.
>we SMT thread now
That's a fringe example though and means nothing, it's similar to how pvp holy paladin was "shockadin" in the prepatch to MoP. The term fury, prot, arms warrior or resto shaman or frost mage were the mainstays since the beginning
Oh boy, that didn't work.
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