>gay relationships in the game
Why do they ruin everything?
I’m not buying this shit.
Who’s with me?
Gay relationships in the game
nearly all of the 8 possible bi-options are women, and one of them is with the loli, how is this a bad thing you faggot?
I am the Jenīkirā
So fuck niggers and fuck jannies
>B-b-but it ok when Nintendo does it!
reminder to sage every /pol/ shill thread
There isn't any gay releationships
there is 8 "bi" relationships
And by "bi" I mean they are the same exact s rank but with a Fem Byleth instead of a Male Byleth
>gay relationships in the game
Really? Nice, I think I'm gonna buy this game.
when it's yuri with a loli, yes it's perfectly fine.
sage does nothing
it even bumps the thread
No it doesn't.
>bi options
Not upset because I realise it's just waifu/husbando stuff to make more people happy, they're not trying to send a message
The MC’s name might sound like «Blyat»
>And by "bi" I mean they are the same exact s rank but with a Fem Byleth instead of a Male Byleth
You got a source on that? That's pretty lazy of them if true.
There are 0(zero) gays there's only bi and the faggots are mad as fuck that claude is straight
this is a victory the seething is hilarious
Then don't do a gay relationship. You're not forced into it.
It is in one of the leaked images.
Which makes it even funnier as that means the S ranks were probably made for straight characters.
I think this one topic by itself has led to more threads about this game than all the previous threads since announcement combined.
I'm not getting it because sims sucks.
The issue with Classic mode in fire emblem is the player is too conected with a unit to ever let them go, they will most likely restart. Thanks to Based IS we now have units(i.e fags) that can be sacrifised to perserve our beloved straight units, thus increasing stategic options
This makes me digusted, because it seems like IS is already doing these people a favor they don't really deserve by putting the bi options in the games. It's as though people like this ignore every other aspect of the character except "are they my sexuality or not"
The gay options are 2 old mans and Linhart, they are a fucking joke and i love how pissed off are the faggots on reddit
Reminder that we had a screenshot showing no S rank with the same characters that this new screenshot is now showing S ranks with.
Lying homos at it again.
There're leaks of the s rank scenes already?
Fire emblem was already ruined by you shipping fags anyway. They turned it into a fucking dating sim.
No and you shouldn't buy it because it looks like shit
You look like shit
Nobody should buy you
yea and same applies to 3H
Okay, I;m back on board now. I was just worried SJW ruined the game with their politics
No it doesn't. Shit lookers opinions are forfeit.
Go somewhere else shit looker
>Sothis is bi
Just when I thought she couldn't get better
This is not DA2 where homofaggotry is forced upon you.
I know Edelgard’s one of them, but who are the other girls you can do gay stuff with? I’ll wager Bernie ain’t one of them, which sucks, but I’ll get over it. Unlike all those Claude faggots lol hardcore BTFO
>The people who play the game first are gay reviewers who only look for signs of homosexuality, only report on representation of their mental illness and don't comment on the game at all
It's not fair.
You're so pathetic.
Its not even a /pol/ thread it's a very badly made bait /pol/ falseflag outrage thread you've probably seen a dozen hundred times. Most likely made by the same people who spam those Joker "rise up" memes.
optional and bi, if you're straight just fuck the bitches like we normally do