Are 500fps a meme?

Are 500fps a meme?

Attached: bsnes.jpg (863x875, 120K)

The human eye can't see above 60fps.

are there even monitors that LET you see 500fps?


So, consoles let you take plenty of time to get a good and comfortable view at 30fps.

Consoles 1 - Pcfags 0

If you aren't a shitter, absolutely. If you are a shitter, 480 is about the best you can get.

according to nintendo fans it's 20fps

You'd need a screen that can refresh that fast. If your screen is 60Hz then no matter how high the counter is it won't display anything higher than 60 frames per second

framerates that high aren't about how it looks, but how it feels, the higher your framerate the more responsive it becomes, most noticeable in online FPS games.

>frames per seconds :OOOOOO