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Wish he did more vidya stuff. I get that he wants to be a real boy commercial director but still.
Come back, Jon :(
I unsubbed when he stopped talking about video games in favor of literally shilling as-seen-on-TV products.
it isn't the lack of videogame videos it is the new style. It is so plastic and corporate since he actually got a team, it is like new AVGN
This. At least the shitty movie phase he had still carried some parts of what I liked of him.
when people like Jerma and Mechagamezilla changed their format they managed to still preserve what makes their content good. Jon and AVGN just couldn't do it
I stopped halfway through the second workout video he did when I realized the rest was just skits. It was already pretty bad but at least the parts when he commentated on Regis was fine. But people will eat that shit up and he'll just do even more.
nigger lol based youtube celebrity literally /ourguy/
imo, its way worse than current AVGN.
at least james is still james, jon is like another person. completely lost his sense of humor apparently.
>there has never been another video as good as clock tower
>tfw no more comfy videos about his experiences with amateur film-making ever again
JonTron was always a studio made thing. Did you actually think he was playing the games while he made jokes about them? It's all a show. But just because it's an act doesn't mean it's not entertaining.
It was always an act but it's not entertaining anymore.
what else could he do that hasn't already been done?
I'd like to see more vidya stuff too but I'd rather get this new stuff instead of something that's been done to death
>tfw JonTron is LITERALLY fat Nostalgia Critic
Jon used to make the show by himself in his house.
Someone gave that boy too much money. But you guys saying he needs to do more video games are memeing and don't watch him anymore. Really, how is making fun of bad movies or commercials worse than making fun of bad vidya.
Yea the tim and eric bits are cringey, but his core comedy is still there
it's because he replaced his chin with a pubic wig
Jon pretty much lost all his friends, and the only friends he enjoyed(newgrounds bois) are extremely autistic and don't really hang out + all of them move so much and who knows where each of them are living now. He was forced to surround himself with ungenuine people causing the shift in the comically depressed and I don't know what I'm doing I'm drunk personality contrast to his once giddy and hyper personality.
That's pretty mean, NC is total trash and the Channel Awesome goss is insanely autistic.
I'd argue all his old friends were ungenuine, a lot dropped him when he spilt his red pills everywhere. That and the normal boots crew drove him out and the dude is nice enough not to piss on jared's grave.
>implying anyone from Normal Boots was actually his friend
>I'd argue all his old friends were ungenuine, a lot dropped him when he spilt his red pills everywhere.
You gotta start paying attention. This Yea Forums political ideology you've taken up isnt what you think it is, its not good for you or informed.
Him and peebs were obviously friends, but Jon fell in with the wrong crowd after Arin showed him Yea Forums and he started believing /pol/ memes
His last good video was Christmas with the Kranks
>he said red pill that bad
Just kill yourself, i didn't go in depth on what i believe or anything, nobody wants your advice faggot.
>its not good for you or informed
>being against the self-loathing, self-destructive wave of modern globalism is bad for you
Stop posting.
Literally what did he mean by this
>FBI statistics are /pol/ memes now
The vodka one was pretty good
If you think what jon said was red pilled then youre implying its true. It was a bunch of nonsense. He came off embarrassingly uninformed .
You've got to help yourself. Its now or never.
There is no FBI statistic that says rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites. The /pol/ memes do not adequately reflect the crime report.
>then youre implying its true
>FBI statistics are not true
You can ignore reality all you want but you cant ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. Orange man very bad.
The discussion in the FBI paper was people above the poverty line. The paper was correct that poor white people (above the poverty line) commit less crimes than the richest category of african americans (above the poverty line)
>It's a Yea Forums discusses politics episode
These episodes are always interesting
I used a phrase to describe jon sperging out to some retarded midget and your onions brain couldn't help but spout off. I say again, nobody wants your retarded advice you dumb faggot.
>user A: Statistics from the FBI back this claim up
>user B: Statistics are racist and hurt feelings
Always a fun episode.
No, but STATISTICS. You cant argue with that!
Then again if you post government statistics showing blacks are more often pulled over and searched compared to whites it doesnt count.
The FBI literally doesn't exist you dumb faggots
Talk about the statistics. Be specific and show them. Show us the FBI statistic where rich black people commit more crime than poor whites.
reminder that jon's dad stopped talking to him after the Destiny debate.
Destiny blew the alt-righters the fuck out so hard they're losing their relationships with their families now.
>Broke: durr hurr muh statistics durr FBI
>Woke: crime should be legal
>blacks are more often pulled over and searched compared to whites
I wonder why that would be? Are you fucking retarded or something?
You wanna show the part in that report that says that rich whites commit more crimes than poor whites cause it sure the fuck doesn’t exist in that report.
i cant imagine how fucked some of these guys would be debating someone like sam seder or michael brooks. The fact that they lose to destiny who has to google shit on the fly is already sad.
read the report
What the fuck are you talking about
Nostalgia critic is more consistent and Doug got better at writing recently
John usually only lands one or two jokes per video and most of his humor is "look at this, isn't this quirky" as he says it in either monotone or yelling
The worst tactic you faggots use is pretending to be bewildered going "wow what the actual fuck are you talking about"
Destiny is kinda dumb but also smart.
He will (I believe on purpose) spit out fallacies to try and force his opponent to deconstruct how he's arguing as he does so.
This forces them to work twice as hard disecting his arguments which makes them look flustered.
He then just says he doesn't care that much or acts passive aggressive, which causes them to try and deconstruct him further.
If he does it on purpose, he's fucking good at it.
The only way to beat him would be to not fall for this game, because it just makes you seem like you have to work harder because your side is less obvious or logical rather than anything else.
>barely averages 40% views/subs ratio per video
The only thing this midget is going to blow out is his brains. He's amazing athiest tier garbage.
Have you ever ridden around niggers?
When I go to Milwaukee it is no surprise those filthy pavement apes get pulled over so often with how bad they fucking drive. I don't get the stereotype behind asian drivers because niggers bake and take the fucking cake.
Genuine friends can drop you if you reveal you're an asshole. Cutting a shitty person out of your life doesn't make your past friend "ungenuine", it just makes it ended.
>play dumb because I can’t produce a source.
You know good and well that user just typed rich whites instead of rich blacks. Anyone who was serious would have just ignore the fuckup.
>dropping someone over politics
I would hate to be a lefty, sounds miserable
This, lmao jon sperged out with some stormfront shit and just instantly lost all respect. Half the debate was just destiny going "hmm, I don't know about that please talk about something else."
Isn't this just NPC slapped over a orevious meme?
I miss when he was doing B-movie tier shit like shaking a plastic skeleton out of his closet, using stock shatter effects, and had to rely more on editing and his own humor.
Taking cheap shots at shitty infomercial products that are so bad they're basically jokes themselves feels so lifeless.
In the real world anyone would have serious doubts about you if you had retarded political takes like the ones Jontron dropped. From a business perspective no adult is gonna risk their livelihood to stand up for mr. Foreigners muddy up the gene pool, and from a general social perspective that is all just a terrible look.
I know the bar for what’s considered far right has plummeted in the last few years, but the shit Jontron was saying was pretty out there even by pre-culture war standards. It was also pretty retarded coming from a Persian dude, but hey, I’m mixed race too and used to buy into some alt-lite stuff.
Only righties thing that should gay people have equal rights, and are black people ok, maybe we shouldn’t be racist are political things.
You people are soft and doomed to extinction. Whites have split off as two directly opposing evolutionary lines.
The ones that view race with positivity are having children and creating families and working on developing wealth. Think of it similar to what happened to Jews to make them so strong in leaning towards in group loyalty. That is the half people like me are in. We will breed stronger and better whites while your type will race mix, not breed due to being ugly or beta, or die to relaxing around non whites.
So hurry up and die off already.
Mom, what are you doing on the computer?
You have to be over 18 to use this site
never jump into a debate on topics as controvercial as race relations unprepared if your entire view pivots on the existence of evidence or statistics.
Someone who doesn't make broad claims can simply say "I dunno about that".
You need to have a reputable, specific source for your info.
It can't just be "I remember seeing a graph posted on some imageboard" or "I remember reading some article".
This should be what forces you to hold yourself to higher standards, seek out better sources and challenge your perceptions.
If you need to google for the thing you already believe in to get results from obscure or unofficial sources then maybe you should reconsider making those kinds of claims.
If on the other hand you have a verifiable source that isn't taken out of context that does suggest what you're saying like a government report or major a major study, etc then by all means go for it.
not the guy you're responding to, what were those retarded political takes of his?
I never saw the stream myself since i find Destiny insufferable but from what I can gather he just brought up the crime statistic shit and said he believed the US should deport illegal immigrants, the second of which doesn't sound retarded to me at all.
This is the second legitimate instance of soul and soulles I found, the first being Killing Floor 1 vs 2
We cut out a guy who literally wouldnt stop talking about how anti-abortion he was. It was getting out of hand and he just wouldnt shut up. Internet must have rotted his brain.
barneyfag was into eugenics
>In the real world anyone would have serious doubts about you if you had retarded political takes like the ones Jontron dropped.
t. lonely guy
In the "real world" nobody gives a shit what your politics are aside from buttblasted lefties. People I know are left as fuck and they know my beliefs, they don't care, nor do I. Its a segment of mentally ill retards who find the littlest things racist who will cut people away, they're miserable people.
Here's a couple of those losers now.
I'm just saying you have to be over 18 to post here
>its not good for you
>oy vey goy, I'm just very concerned for you!
>trusting the FBI
this isn't just party politics here guy.
If you said in public "rich black people commit more cirme than poor white people and that's a fact" both lefties and right-wing people would give you a dirty look, tell you you're fool of shit or at least demand real evidence to that claim.
You're right that in the real world that lefties and righties just coexist, it's autistic to let simple politics ruin social situations.
But Jon's claim is very specific, on the surface level seems absurd and on the surface level seems motivated by bigotry.
It sounds like he's angry at black people and trying to vent which is always going to look bad.
That kind of discussion isn't left vs right, that's like race realist shit which is always going to be hard sell irl.
You need some solid fucking evidence on hand to not make you look like you're accusing black people of being criminals on the whole.