Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck are there so many bisexuals even
Is this a game about strategy or fucking people?
>Make claude the perfect fujobait bishie
>cant romance him
Missed opportunity
>Boohoo why isn't every character in this game inexplicable bisexual?
>more female/female options than m/m
A little bit of both
>literal trannies are seething about the fact that you can't fuck Claude
>games having "romance options" at all
well, it's not only us who need to have sex then
>muh equal numbers
Why do people want FE to be a dating sim? It's supposed to be a strategy game.
Of course you can f/f with Edelgard, Byleth and Edelgard are both physically attractive and 90% of the population isn't gonna get turned off watching them make out
Why do we need bisexual characters to begin with, and why does every character HAVE to be written bisexual anyway?
is this the first game in the series to feature faggotry?
Fire Emblem was on the brink of cancellation until it got turned into a game about fucking people
Fates had Niles, who openly admits that he would rape your avatar character if he felt like it regardless of gender(and you can marry him). Best part is that his daughter is literally a fujoshitter too, so she literally cannot be born if you do the one thing she actually cares about.
Is it actually confirmed that those are literally the only three gay male options?
Who the fuck is that old disgusting ginger?
Imagine liking a game series so wholesomely mediocre that its entire core premisse (permadeath) is irevocably ignored by every single one of its players and the games themselves are so uninspired and dull to play that it took waifushit and actual incest mechanics to make the game series not die.
Imagine liking a game that is now more proud of its head patting and royal incest orgies than it ever was of actual tactical gameplay.
By who?
>demanding your romance options include young, beautiful people
I heard something like this before but they get called a string of buzzwords when they want it.
reviewers who got the game early
In this case its to pander to yuri fags. Since its japan I have a feeling the the most of the gay options are the equivalent to joke options.
who are the f/f choices?
Oh Jesus fucking Christ. If I was a developer I would no way in fucking hell that I would ever cater to these fucking babies. All they do is complain and complain EVEN if they include everything an SJW wants in a game. They just love complaining, that's it. They're not appreciative at all.
So let's settle this down once and for all, which game ruined FE forever?
Mercedes, Edgelord, Rhea, Sothis and Dorothea
>pandering to western retards
They only have themselves to blame for digging this hole
First time the yuri options are actually superior
>Claude isn't gay
Faggots on suicide watch! (even more than usual)
Edelgard, Mercedes, Dorothea. Rumored to be Sothis and Rhea
There is no proof of gay relationships yet! Only hearsay!
This is a marketing scheme!
Those are characters actual gay men would find attractive, not larping FtM fujous and trap-fuckers. Also it's fantasy based in medieval Europe, the horses don't have equal rights bumper stickers on their ass, sorry.
>all the chicks are top tier
Radiant Dawn.
Bombed so bad it led to the dev team being gutted, console titles being cut back on, and the dwindling sales/pppularity that caused Awakening's shift to otaku pandering.
>no redheads
At least the blonde girl in the middle looks cute
Are you saying you wouldn't complain if the situation was reversed (young m/m and old /f/)? I find that hard to believe.
>we get to perform Cunny-lingus on Sothis as an older woman
and people say IS isn't based.
Based Australian bow man does it again.
Strategical fucking
>when the only thing that flies straighter than your arrows is your sexuality
>actual gay men
What a retarded meme, gay men have various tastes like everyone else. You're either a barafag pretending to speak for everyone or someone who got tricked by one.
but user, she is the older woman.
>the dwindling sales/pppularity that caused Awakening's shift to otaku pandering
Fates was the start of the real pandering
Yes there is. All support possibilities were leaked
>Those are characters actual gay men would find attractive
You're fucking stupid, Claude and Dimitri are the two people wanted to fuck most.
>le stereotypes xD
>Those are characters actual gay men would find attractive, not larping FtM fujous and trap-fuckers
I'm gay, i hate traps and i think these old farts are fucking disgusting.
in Awakening and Fates, who your characters end up fucking literally did require strategy as you got child units that basically had stat rates, classes and skills determined by which characters gave birth to them.
i don't give a fuck about video game romances like a grown up person
gaybros, I...
why would a straight guy complain about gay demographics being reversed?
False! We've seen S rank screenshots! Who says you fuck them?
I don't get it. If faggots want to romance whatever dude they want, why don't they just play as the female avatar?
These weeb pandering games are getting as complicated as the LGBTQWOP+÷∆ acronym that changes every week.
Nigga you dumb. That shit only mattered if you were playing on the absolute highest difficulty.
No you daddy fucker, these are not attractive
>as an older woman
Didn't we get shown previous screenshots that showed you couldn't S rank with anyone at all, and we were told "this is only pre-timeskip so who knows what happens after the timeskip". And now we see S ranks pre-timeskip?
Yeah this is bullshit.
>trans flag
why is it always them?
There are so many mommies in this game
>We want gay options
>NOOOOOOOOO those guys are ugly not THOSE options
Rude much? What have those characters ever done to you
Nobody fucks in Three Houses, they've already confirmed no child units
You mean the two characters FtM trannies wanted to fuck
Prepare to get HAGGED, gay baby lover
>why isn't Japan getting pozzed by our bullshit?!
Why isn't the order per house? isn't it kind of weird that it goes, 3 lords and then the black eagles group?
if you saw the opening cinematic, she is Serios' mother
Why would anyone want to play as a female?
That stupid argument never fails to make me seethe, especially if they say 'just make the story the same, who cares'.
>male options are all ugly hairy bears or a literal female child bride
Very cool.
I think the gay options look okay, but mostly because I love the image of m!Byleth fucking those daddies raw and hard until they forget all about their wives and become cocksleeves for bishie cock.
But what is evident is that these characters won't play any importance in the story. If Claude was bi as well, would be top tier pickings honestly.
We were told no S ranks with students pre-timeskip. We got shown screenshot proof. Now screenshot ""proof"" revealed to say otherwise.
trans character have to skip a turn in battle to dilate
That doesn't mean you don't fuck.
Jeez, is this how the gays are?
because i'm not a tranny
>Gay twink
Fucking finally. Jesus.
Are they also the niggers behind all the spoilers?
I loathe ecelebs with the entirety of my fucking soul
trannies don't want to play as females, they want to play as guys who cut their dicks off
If playing as a girl makes you a tranny, then holy shit, you're just plain retarded instead.
But it's not a dating sim(lol). Your dick doesn't possess the ability to convert hetero men and gay women alike.
Gays will in fact doctor photos for their agenda.
Mark my words, the game will release and we'll all find out no gayshit. Gays will seethe because they were lied to and try to bitch and moan online on FE.
you guys are all pathetic.
>the straights are at it again i suppose.
Nah, the person behind this leak runs a fansite
>There are more female/female options than m/m
Based, yaoi is trash made for girls and fags.
>played on casual difficulty
sausage, user
Gilbert and Alois are top tier gay options and people who are complaining are just twinkfags.
These are seriously awful options. Who the fuck wants to date old men? Linhardt is fine, but the other two are horrible. How fucking hard is it to let you romance appealing characters?
If you're telling me I can get with that cutie on the bottom right I don't give a fuck what the other two options are. Why does it matter anyway, why must we fake this outrage? Has it ever occured to some people that maybe these characters aren't canonically interested in men and therefore you can't romance them as a man?
>not always playing the hardest difficulty
fujos and fags btfo
>Who the fuck wants to date old men
>who openly admits that he would rape your avatar character if he felt like it regardless of gender
Because of Fire Emblem Awakening, the first Fire Emblem game.
These fucking literal faggots have no priority with the games. Why dont they fuck off to some faggot dating sim?
>Hello, everyone. Thank you for tuning into this last-minute Nintendo Direct.
>We have been reading all your feedback about Fire Emblem Three Houses. We understand there are many fans who have a problem with the LGBT romances in Three Houses.
>We want to make sure you have the best experience possible. For that reason, we have patched out all same-sex relationships until we find a satisfactory implementation.
the Japanese My Room conversations:
>You're defenseless, I could "do" you right here, how would you react?
Does she really not stay loli after the timeskip? If she doesn't that's complete horse shit.
>difficulty setting
Two different things. But yes, if you play on Casual or Phoenix, or play on Normal or lower difficulty, you stink.
do it based Koizumi
>none of the other characters can have s supports with each other, only Byleth
WTF are they thinking
I'm pretty sure you casuals cant access Lunatic+ without clearing the game on Lunatic, which itself is locked until you beat Hard.
Child units can be whatever the fuck you want unless you're doing a 100% completion Lunatic+ run
>3 gays in your army
Three too many
Is this your first FE thread? How are faggots any worse than waifufags?
i fucking love the use of the word 'poz' in this sense. i've seen it a lot lately. as if believing in all this genderfluid trans positive bullshit is like being infected with aids.
Are you talking about Awakening? Cuz I'm pretty sure that's the only game that locks Lunatic+ behind Lunatic
Fags are worse because at least Waifufags will always get what they want meanwhile the fags will just bitch endlessly about something that was never going to happen in the first place.
How nice of them to tell you exactly what you need to think right there in the thread title.
good luck trying to convince japan to put more gay couples in their games, you dirty gaijin
Have straight sex
Do og fe fans even exist anymore? I feel really sorry for what your series has turned into
>literally calling gays pedos
wtf i love fire emblem now?
It's Persona now.
If by OG you mean "western Melee/GBA newfag", then I am one. Three Houses is looking genuinely good gameplay-wise, so this unrelated stuff doesn't bother me.
You get to fuck your dad's friend. What else do they fucking want?
Sshhh, the zoomers, secondaries, and tertiaries dont know fire emblem has difficulty settings. They only know Casual or Classic
One is normal and the other kept spreading diseases and has to rely on govenments to subsidize healthcare.
What does OG even mean. How the hell did anybody find out about Fire Emblem before FE7 or Melee anways?
>don't include gays
>they're seething
>include a multitude of gays practically tailor made for different kinks
>they're seething
how do you even please those people
I don't get it. Dads are hot.
>obsessing over a cartoon
based waifufag
It's outrage culture at its worst and really doesn't apply to a specific group any more. From women, to "women", they all have something to bitch about. Just stay away from people who use Twitter. I for one will be perfectly content with smashing Linhardt's boipucci.
>Put gay romances in your game!
>No, I don't like those options!
And I didn't like any of the women in Dragon Age Inquisition. Fucking deal with it.
>tfw perfectly okay with it
It's way better than Fates where both the gay options were fucking criminals
Bieng gay is against God's law though.
As a homo I dont really need this stuff in my gayums I've done without it for 20 years. But if you insist, straight people, then thanks I guess.
Guy on the right is cute, I'm almost mad they didn't give him tits since he has a prettier face than most of the girls in this game
Which god?
I'm gay, have at me boys~
For me it really depends on his post time skip design. If it's anything above a 5 or atleast decent then Lindhardt will get dicked in each route.
>implying people haven't been lusting over Lulu even after she had a baby with cowlick
Older woman have never even been close to an issue.
People would only give a shit once they hit wrinkled old grandma age.
Some faint crow's feet on a thick-thighed teacher seducing one of her students isn't going to turn off fucking any man who isn't already choking on dicks for breakfast.
>giving a fuck about romance in a videogame
haha oh wow imagine being this pathetic
Fuck off you aren't one of us diet gay
I don't get the issue, the "dad's friend/neighbor" is such a classic trope for gay boys to fawn over.
S ranks will be platonic from same sex.
Only gay journos claim otherwise.
Gay journos are notorious for inserting their own agenda into things.
you will never be a woman
i don't want to have gay sex with the obvious metro, i want to have gay sex with Punished Liquid Snake
Women are the ones angry over this. These are the people who grew up writing fanfiction about draco malfoy fucking harry potter in the ass and getting him pregnant
Depends how old. Cougars are underrated.
Picture not related.
>why aren't they openly gay? i don't get it. why would they have to hide the fact that they scoop poop? this should be like current times, wtf?
This. Kick the T out of LGB.
God, I love seeing twitter faggots seethe. Enjoy your fat old men, faggots.
They already did with Fates, the worst game in the series, it didn't make sense then and doesn't make sense now, the games are set in a pseudo-medieval period, there's no way gay relationships would be accepted by people in that time period.
No, I don't. They're two of the very few guys in the game with decent designs. I'm a gay man and I wanted to fuck Claude.
He doesn't want to fuck you though.
It's the wife and kid I think
No one is going to complain if they add romanceable milfs
>romancing aversa as shota robin
The other dude's daughter is one of your fucking pupils as well
I want to fuck Claude too! Good thing I'm a girl uwu
>Enjoy your fat old men
thats exactly what we enjoy
Faggots being tsundere with their dads.
>tfw claude will never let me fuck him in the ass
why even live?
How it's like to be butthur over fictional character you fag? Have straight sex, incel.
Might as well be. That's how they get you.
>convince you that there are a million genders
>then convince you that you're gay/bi/trans
>then talk you into having sex with them
Boom. You get AIDS, just like they want. And I wish I were exaggerating.
I know it's stupid, but remember this game is literally about fucking the people you want to fuck and waifubait, so a lack of options is going to be pretty annoying for any sexuality.
I don't care, but I can see where they're coming from.
I'm not butthurt you fucking brainlet, it's just disappointing to see how much better the lesbian options are than the male ones. Sucks but there's nothing I can do about it.
The crying over on twitter and gamefaqs speaks otherwise.
It's even more fun without consent. Besides Linhardt is cuter.
does this mean male avatars can't romance those girls?
Calling it now. After the timeskip you find out that his wife was a cheating whore.
No, straight option lets you literally romance anybody of the opposite gender. Gay people are literally complaining about nothing.
They're all bisexual.
>No twinks
I was thinking dead personally
Honestly mustache man is pretty hot. He's manly and don't gay want manlyness?
It’s an option from the main menu that lets you see every single support in the game
>that moustache daddy
Fuck I'm definitely buying the game now
This has to be misinformation, right?
It makes 0 sense that you'd be able to have a gay relationship with a guy with a wife and kids
by not queer baiting, and making the m/m and f/f romances an even amount.
True, I wish waifufags stopped giving everybody cancer
Correct. Homos are lying.
>queer bating
Do you mean when the gays used stereotypes to assume Claude is gay? Do you mean the gays tricking themselves?
I thought this was a strategy game about wars and shit.
homosexuals arent normal so you shoulnt cater to them
It is. That's why the entire discussion of this shit is stupid in the first place.
i haven't played an fe since the gc ones, but how much of modern fe is actual gameplay? i'm kind of interested in this one since i'm looking at picking up a switch for astral chain and daemon x machina, but all this talk of dating sim elements etc is off putting. i've seen random commentary in Yea Forums threads that the gameplay is looking decent, how much is the dating stuff required? or is it more of a passive gameplay element that happens naturally and winds up with a cutscene and some stats increases?
i realise they're completely different types of games, but i put persona down after a while because i didn't like how little actual "game" there was to it, i'm not really after an RPG that doesn't focus on the strategy and gameplay
He has dialogue like this with the male protagonist, so I can't really blame anyone for getting their hopes up.
it's an anime game, tropes should very well indicate where that was supposed to go
give me a strong man my age at the very least
He's just being polite.
what does queer baiting even mean? all of these people just assumed claude was gay by themselves. just because he says some slightly sus shit doesn't make him gay.
it's not flirting if it's between bros
He can just say "no homo" afterwards and all will be fine
Why are the character designs so shit?
Is this confirmed?
Damn, I'm not into bara and bottom right is too trappy for me.
This game isn't for you
Is he actually talking to the MByleth?
There's also the "smile doesn't reach the ears" line
Aren't they always playersexual?
Now I know who gonna accidentally die in battle.
The gameplay has mostly remained. The dating sim shit has mostly come at the cost of writing. I think someone said the gameplay team and writing team are actually pretty separated.
So if you're "woke" enough to shit on old-FE's writing, nothing you care about will be missing.
Well, Awakening's gameplay kinda sucks, at least on subsequent playthroughs.
All the gameplay is still there, and since children probably won't be included in this one you should be able to skip the romance shit entirely
Don't preorder and wait until release to get a confirmation if cartoon love is that terrifying
Do we actually KNOW he's talking to the male MC here?
It seems everything we know is just hearsay and assumptions.
>faggots want to fuck children apparently
wow consider me surprised
So they can get better in the timeskip.
It’s not yuri, but look at Persona 5. Christmas Cakes are revered (outside of the tumblr niche who think a relationship between two consenting adults is pedophilia), and they will still be designed as conventionally attractive to a wide audience. If anything I’m surprised there’s nobody even a little bit visually disappointed about the fact that Manuela can’t give your F Byleth carpet munching lessons.
It would only spark outrage if they were pruny, ugly 70+ grandmas with genuine wrinkles besides just crow’s feet and maybe token laugh lines. That’s not what Gilbert and Alois are or why people are upset. They’re not like Wrys or the Rainbow Sage, they’re just middle age “daddy” types with plain-looking masculine designs that, unlike Niles or (to use the example they latched onto this time) Claude, aren’t attractive to most fujoshi. They fill a niche that’s much smaller and more specific than mommies/cougars/cakes/whatever you want to call them and doesn’t overlap with the taste of the largest audience for M/M options. I’m not saying they’re right or wrong for choosing the M/M options they did, just that there’s no equivalence between age gap yuri (especially if we’re talking characters like Manuela) and age gap yaoi. Especially on Yea Forums.
that pic's from here, he was playing as MByleth
F Byleth is ugly as sin outside of fanart
Bluechads rise up and press D to dab on the Golden Queers.
>I will let vocal twitter minorities dictate features in my game
Are there any gay only characters?
you're not able to romance anyone until after the timeskip
The last version of this I've seen was missing quite a lot
Shamir is fine as fuck
Ilika'thet of the Sunken Depths.
The Deers are literally the only house with zero gays.
ravioli ravioli, don't fuck the dragon loli
Lesbos were kind of bummed at no Shamir considering her look and short bio I can't blame them.
Old men are fine, these ones are just terribly designed. I wouldn’t have hated being able to date Hanneman
>you can be a literal homewrecking faggot
Absolutely degenerate.
Golden chads don't have a single gay, you fag supporter. Cope.
post bussy
do not*
why is almost nobody in the internet able to grasp the very simple concept of rhymes
this shit pisses me off to no end
>inb4 autism
true, but my point still stands
1. 99.9% of general dialogue is for both genders
2. treehouse localization doesn't mean anything anyway, we don't know if he actually says this
It's actually MUCH more based on RNG bullshit, and even without the luck factor it'd still be a tactical series, the only long term decission in FE is which characters you are going to use the most or at all.
Like all turn based japanese games the mechanics are far too simple and shallow, they are basically still stuck in the fucking 8bits design wise, it's pathetic, and so they had to add waifus to be successful.
>two of these are your dad’s friends
Are you fucking kidding me? That makes it like 900x better
I was looking forward to the faction banter online, really hope people get ideas other than "ur gay lol" after release
I'm not disagreeing with you but I thought treehouse wasn't doing the localisation anymore
why should I feel btfo when I get to romance two daddies?
Proving once again that faggots are mentally ill and should be killed
Niggers trans and jews too
Hold up. So you can be a haremlord in Fire Emblem now?
Wtf went wrong since the gba days?
Not much more to tell you. Your house is so shit it turned your boy towards depression - which actually somehow made him better. Still doesn't make up for the sausage party though.
I will say I do like the more varied age groups of this game. For the past few fire emblems we've had like 2-4 "older" characters to pick from.
better go some place besides Yea Forums. All Beagle involved shit will devolve into muh degeneracy
Dragons are always pansexual sluts, god bless Gygax.
>Yurishitters get plot relevant characters
>Homos and fujoshi get unimportant characters that likely actually die when they are killed
It's over Fujofags, we lost...
Did you even play Awakening?
See, you say queer and I say back "ur gay lul" Blue banter is boring.
I don't like gays.
Get hanged you HIV infected faggots
>FE's fanbase is filled to the core with SJW faggots
Why am I not surprised? Another reason why Nintendo should ditch that shitty series.
I can be gay with daddies? I might buy the game then.
>gay priest
what more do you even need?
We have a more accurate title for this behavior, we call it in the land of not fucking retarded people
Fujos wearing BL glasses.
>Oh he bumped hands with that guy and they apologized
>Oh it's a twinky looking guy
It's just fujos being fujos... again. Just ignore them.
Also here's the real market for these old guys(center girl)
>people who only care about gay shit get to play before you
Literally how can anyone compete with Black Eagle waifus.
I wish Advance Wars took off instead of Fire Emblem
>2 sexy daddies
lol treehouse even impacted the game for the japanese buddy, new nintendo policy for games released worldwide same time is that treehouse goes to japan every few months to suggest changes
> Nintendo of America’s Treehouse localizers travel to Japan about “every two months” to work with Japanese developers whose work is being brought to America
>This allows the devs to talk about potential localization issues as they make the game rather than having to deal with them post-release
>When we have costumes or clothes that we have a little concern with, we share it with NoE and NoA and they’ll say, ‘No, no, that’s fine’ or ‘You’re right, that’s an issue.’ If it is an issue, we’ll go back and say we’ll say, ‘We adjusted it this way, what do you think?’
What a cushy job.
>Game is about breeding your warriors for future stronger warriors
>Surprised when Gay options are lacking
Source? I wonder how much influence they have.
The twink looks ugly as sin, I thought he was a girl at first, and not even in a good way like Soren.
T-Thank you for noticing my reference.
Honestly, they probably don't censor much anymore considering some of the stuff we've seen get by, and they only really censored stuff before because they literally get paid by Nintendo of Japan for every change they made, that's why they censored swords in a fucking DBZ game that had uncensored guns.
Isn’t there ANY modern game that doesn’t contain any SJW / LGBT shit and doesn’t appeal to them? They ruin everything.
By not having Bernie. Teachers have Manuela, Catherine, Rhea, and Shamir who are all top shelf.
Hello retard
>game has one minor thing that appeals to an audience I'm not a part of
A proper bishounen that doesn’t have ugly Fate hair where his ponytail looks like a separate entity
Yes, and compared to Fates it's a fucking Seinen
I just wanted to penetrate Ashe's boyhole, why did it have to be this way, bros?
So having sodomites in my game is a minor thing now?
Yurichads dabbing on the yaoifags rn
ike was the first gay protagonist
S-Shut up
I like to think IS did this on purpose, that they new exactly what sort of reaction the fags demanding gay shit in the West would have, and decided to make the m/m options as unappealing as goddamn possible while letting yurichads take home a win with one of the main lords able to go full gay. This shit is way too funny not to be just coincidence, I’m loving it.
Raven's only paired ending was with his trap childhood friend and they end up living together.
You really think Japan is some kind of based /pol/land where they dab on gays frequently just for the sake of hating gays? You seriously live in your own dreamworld, lmao.
FE is dead, just play the old ones.
>two hags
>can’t abuse your power as teacher to emotionally manipulate Bernadetta into having inappropriate same-sex relations
Well at least the other 3 yuri options are pretty great though. Deerfags get fucked & stay banished to Australia.
God damn it I thought we made so much progress with Intelligent Systems, but LGBT is clearly still a joke to them. This wasn't supposed to be a game for fucking breeders.
Not true, they appreciate complaining.
I'd add in maximum anti-gay anti-tranny propaganda so they have the maximum amount of complaining, they'll fucking love it.
>LGBT is clearly still a joke
>to them
Ngl, as low as my interest in this game might be, I'm now considering getting it just because it's making faggots and trannies seethe.
lmao so much for all that shitpost before
they forgot the
>no homo tho
You are joining the Eagles, recruiting Mercedes and conquering all of Adrestia for your students, right?
well, maybe those two lords simply aren't gay. You can't force a real person to conform to your sexuality, so I can accept that certain fictional ones aren't either.
no point in anything but blue lions
>The milfs can gay
I'm suddenly interested in this.
Maybe because most people aren't gay
that gay priest is a dad
Who dat middle cutie in the lesbos? What house do I join for her? Is she bi?
>maybe those two lords simply aren't gay
lol Claude wishes he wasn't gay
deserve it after shitposting for eternity about muh pride
but honestly why not just remove any gender check and let everyone waifu/husbandofags whoever the want with they character, hell wouldn't making the couple dialog generic/neutral save money?
he saying the opposite you autist do you have the reading comprehension of a child
>If I was a developer I would no way in fucking hell that I would ever cater to these fucking babies. All they do is complain and complain. They just love complaining, that's it. They're not appreciative at all.
This sounds so weirdly familiar. I just can't seem to put my finger on it.
>Give them a finger
>They demand your entire arm
When will companies learn?
>maybe those two lords simply aren't gay
Nigga, have you seen Claude?
just like real life
blue, yes all of them are bi
The lovely Mercedes of the Blue Lions
reminder yuri is the purest form of love and yaoi is degeneracy
Fags should be glad that the game has no child units that become permanently missable for your playthrough if your avatar isn't straight.
Moon man, get outta her.
Get back to work on your next album
>they are old
Doesn't it make sort of sense though? I mean, you play as a teacher in a game with a timeskip. I'm guessing you'll be in your mid-thirties as well once the timeskip hits.
Makes sense that you go for your own age group, doesn't it?
I still don't understand why the game couldn't give you some sort of replacement.
Nothing is ever good enough for these faggots. You could make every single character a flamer and they'd still find something to complain about
>finally cave and put faggots in your game
>wtf this isn't good enough
They should just go back to making S rank supports not necessarily romances and tell these people to fuck off.
It was talked bout during xb2 but it's a new localization strategy to avoid the backlash fates got they do all the "censorship" pre release so nobody knows about it
not hard to google the quotes yourself
This is perfect, two older daddys and one twink I don't get why people are bitching.
Yeah it makes sense. You can;t turn someone gay. At the same time they mosewell just have these guys parading around in speedos because they all look sterotypically gay as hell besides moustache man.
If FE wasn't a thinly veiled romance sim it would be as dead as Advance Wars
Fucking based.
Now I will definitely buy your game.
>all the faggots want to play dream daddy but not this
what happened?
I just wish we could make them romance each other, not only our character.
Girls... I thought this was a fujo series...
His wife could be dead after the timeskip
Yea Forums
it's a problem because that "finger" is two men old enough to be your father, and yurifags get seven young and normal age women.
Why do there need to be homo options anyway? Why not limit the relationships to the characters that actually have chemistry together? A large part of the pairings in recent games were "You did something nice, I love you now".
But you fags always say that men only get hotter as they get older while women age like milk, sounds just like with what homos usually want.
Hold on a minute, I thought majority of the homos loved bara? This sounds more and more like nongay people wanting to fuck Astolpho from FGO.
No kids, no need to play matchmaker for your students I suppose
non of the males even look cute, I wouldn't want to marry them at all.
the game in general looks like shit including the art.
Because supports are for gameplay first.
You aren't gay, you're an ironic weeb fate secondary, which is way worse than being a gay you faggot
what kind of gay people are you talking to? sounds like projecting to me, if you spent more than a day here you'd know we mostly like men like Link, Cloud, and Shulk.
>hire a BL artist
>the female characters wind up hotter than the male ones
And who knows, you might also like the game
This doesn't really show what if any changes are made. It shows that they discuss things but for all we know the influence could be negligible.
What with lesbians get their first real romance options in series history, you'd think that'd be something to champion and celebrate with all the rainbow flag people.
Dream Daddy was a borderline joke game backed up by an internet funnyman and existed solely because its cast was a bunch of dads with exaggerated and varied designs
Alois and Gilbert have to “compete” with the hot bishie boys surrounding them, which is hard since they had next to no role in discussions before they were said to be bi. They don’t even please all the daddyfags because their designs are kinda... plain, for lack of better term. Not saying the younger guys are the epitome of originality and recognizability, but they make up for it by being conventionally attractive.
>Pseudo medieval period
Stop this meme it's fantasy. Also Fates is the best game in the series I will trade mediocre story and good gameplay for bad story and great gameplay any day of the week.
69DDD backgammon
Do you think fujos care about lesbians, they are in this for their fetish.
Yuri is fucking SHIT too
change my mind
desu I think 3H designs are actually better than her usual work
As a fag, this is kinda fucking gay (no pun intended)
Lesbians get three of the main characters and all their choices are indisputably good.
I'm stuck with an ugly old guy, a guy who looks like a girl with a bad haircut, and one hot guy who happens to be married so I get to be a homewrecker.
It's kind of annoying because I was thrilled with the idea of having more than one choice for a romance, but they all kind of suck to the point where I just miss Niles.
Should have hired the shota artist who did Megaman Zero instead.
That's because nobody likes fags. Everyone only pretends to for brownie points.
I think it's more important to have fleshed out consistent characters. It makes sense that not everyone is gay. I really hate those WRPG casts where everyone is inexplicably bisexual. People have preferences to characters should have them too.
He should pay his debt
These guys aren’t bara, they seem to have average body types with mediocre to ugly faces. Raphael is bara, and I bet he wouldn’t even have that much backlash because at least he’s got an obvious target market. Alois and Gilbert are just “daddies” by virtue of being older.
This isn’t begging for an Astolfo equivalent, not even close. Linhardt is the closest thing to a trap the game has and he’s bi. The issue is that they made a game full of typical anime boys (BOYS, not “draw a girl call it a boy”) and made them straight while two of the most mediocre-looking older men in the game are bi. Nobody wants Astolfo. To keep with the Fate examples they want Chiron or Achilles.
Maybe they get 3 of the most plot important plot characters because they are the most important plot characters, I wouldn't be surprised if the route is a copypaste from the Male Byleth route for those three.
>This is fire emblem now
Fuck this franchise and fuck 13 for ruining it
>an actual gayreek
>Based old man fucking anything
Just like my hentais!
Kek. Japs hate gays. Accept it fags
>Brings up pol in 1 millisecond
I think they broke you...
>Go for progressive points
>Can’t go wrong, right?
>Goes wrong
You get a 300% increase in options compared to Fates. Lesbians didn't get shit in Fates. IS going the extra mile for the yuris this time around should not be frowned upon - doing so would be detrimental to the cause and be borderline misogynistic.
Tumblr is just a bunch of self-hating fujoshi using identity politics as a shield to look righteous. When it comes to anime style games with romance like this it’s rarely actually about “representation” unless they’re whining about a gay character being portrayed in a “gross” way (hence the cannibalization of the community that moved en masse from Mystic Messenger to Yuri on Ice to Killing Stalking when it finally reached that last one).
> Oldmans Fucking anything
More like that don't give a fuck about Western fujoshits.
>I flirted with you ironically, as a joke
Who fucking gives a shit? Jesus fuck, go play a dating sim and stop beating the dead horse of what was once a decent franchise.
Imagine being such a cuck you think yuri is good
the twink is kinda cute though
I thought that the whole point of getting people to hook up was so that their kids would have their Holy Blood.
Ike only has paired endings with men and has a special ending with Soren. It's also the only Ike relationship that gets acknowledged by IS. Raven only has a paired ending with his male childhood friend, and there are two characters in Thraccia that are a gay couple.
He says ''No Homo'' in the next dialogue but it wasn't showed, that is why people got confused
>Gay options
>Two of them are Dads
Finally some good fucking food. Jokes on you cis bastards
man, i hate the art style of Nu Emblem so much
Remember in Japan oldman is just normal in hentais
Daddyfags are fucking disgusting.
>Cant rub clams with Manuela
Why live?
So you can do it with the pope
>The best girls are a teacher, knight, and baddie
I don't get it, this matches pretty well what gays like. The amount of daddy issues bottoms is absurd, while tops generally go for bottom right. Make the brown guy in yellow gay too and it'd be perfect.
But that's wrong
if claude was the only gay option people wouldn't be bitching. this is literally just straight female fetishists having a chimpout
>while tops generally go for bottom right
Which is the main issues, he's not attractive at all.
He looks fine to me, it's the hair color that's fucking stupid.
In Awakening the purpose was to make your characters breed and defend each other on the battlefield. Fates was just pure pandering.
>All of the yellow deer are straight.
What did they mean by this?
>gays are mostly people with daddy issuess
disgusting, I didn't ask for realism in my games
But this is the first game with this particular artstyle
>no homo bro
It's like what always happened with yurifags for decades, but with guys instead this time.
I wonder if /y/ media is finally entering their bait era, it's not going to be easy, it'll hurt a lot, good luck fujofriends.
But can I romance the daddies as FemByleth?
Is femByleth/Sothis possible?
Buy the gay dlc
Yes, she's one of the bi options.
Because statistically fujos and homes are the extreme minority.
I dont know what to say on this, is it ironic? I cant really figure what this means other than even more men feel slighted by females?
I'm not an anime expert but this shit looks very similar to Awakening and the other games that came after it and i just do not like how the characters look
You don't miss out on anything choosing the girl since you get to go to town on the hottest chicks in the game.
>Mark my words, the game will release and we'll all find out no gayshit
There was gayshit before why would they decide to up and take it out now?
first eva gay bait now this
I like them?
I don't understand the complains.
Would date as a male character.
bottom right is cute tho
no homo
Am I the only one who thought gays also drew the short straw in Fates? Sure, Niles is better than Rhajat but at least marrying her didn't lock you out of recruiting every character in the game.
>Dragon Loli isn't just off to the side the entire game
Figures Dorothea is a carpet muncher, she definitely looks the type.
What the fuck is up with the wording in that tweet? It's like those old maths questions that were written retardedly and then you get asked something like "How many apples does Sanjeet have?"
thats how some people learnt engrish
>worth anything
Shitty Raulbait & they could’ve done better.
If you played as female on Rev, you'd end up locking out one of the kids, so it doesn't matter really
>MILFs and the obligatory 300-year-old dragon loli
So wait. You can cuck wifes in this game?
She grew on me but I know nothing about Tharja really. Reading the original JP supports for her and Femui helps too.
A reminder many of these people are the same types that tell others to stop bitching about censorship because its not a big deal and yet here they are
You are wrong. They just made it appealing to an average Japanese homo. They don't give a shit about the West.
The series was about (some) strategy up until Awakening.
Why is it wrong for the male lords to be straight?
Gays are only 10% of the population so it makes sense for only 10% of the characters to be gay/bisexual. In Mass Effect for example you had characters who were always straight.
Prevailing theory is that his wife dies by the time the timeskip rolls around
They are all so cute, I don't know who to pick.
>gays are 2 bara and 1 twink
>lesbians are 5 mommies
Did we really win? I wanted a cute shy girl or even a tomboy. Why do the choices lack variety?
>All this seething
Enjoy your literal daddies, fujo.
>thinking they aren't saving the actual gays for the DLC
yaoishitters will pay anything for what they want unlike yuritards
>Can't fuck Raphael
>no qt yandere lesbian option
why even bother
I am gay and I am content with our options.
You have a twink if you want but those dads look good too.
Complain like this even more and next time we won't have any options at all.
I forgot Kana existed. Still, Niles locks out two characters so it still seems like the worst option in the game.
What are the villains' motivations in this game?
It's never enough for these faggots, jesus fucking christ.
barafags btfo
Homosexuality is a mental illness like the Tranny nonsense and the fact that companies push for this kind of behavior more and more in their products is disturbing to say the least.
It especially doesn't make sense when it's pushed in games based off of more traditional times when such acts would've been seen as heretical in the first place. It's just so bizarre, honestly, I wouldn't be surprised in the next five years if the Mainstream forced pedophilia on people next. "Why isn't there a romance option for dogs? cats? Horses? Where are those? No wait, I want to bang the little orphan girl selling apples on the street. BioWare, Nintendo, stop being bigoted toward exotic love." I mean come on.
It's just all nonsense, many of you are literally gleeful that you can role play as a mentally ill, diseased, degenerate when you're already doing that in real life. I mean, why even bother playing this shit to begin with? Just fuck your dog, stay in your house and leave the rest of us alone, we don't want to see your sick, mentally ill fetishes, we don't want a sick and disorderly society where it YEARNS for """"Entertainment"""" that wishes to engage with sick fucks like most of you no doubt are and hardly notice it because you've been living in that state for so long.
Good Lord, get your collective shits together and that especially goes to the companies pretending to support this degenerate behavior. You people disgust me and I'm sure as hell your forefathers view you with just pure and unfiltered rage, they'd probably kill the lot of you if they had the opportunity, or at least the people who spread this shit. Christ. Imagine people looking back on us, it'd be like us looking back in the Mideval Era where we burned witches, enslaved each other, cannibalized each other and tortured each other because it was a moral imperative (Oh wait, most of it do that shit now... my mistake.) Western Society REGRESSED over 500 years and it shows.
The best RPG romances in years were Persona 5's older women so i'd be fine
I want to be sexually assaulted by all of them at the same time.
I might be a seething fujoshi, but at least I’m honest with myself and know I want it because I have a kink, not because it’s an honorable stride forward for legbutt representation. And I’ll almost definitely be over it when the non-whiny fanart starts rolling in.
>Church chick is one of the lez options
I will admit this one surprises me
>spelling it ra-vi-o-li instead of the original rav-io-li
You are the problem, user
God is a yurifag, user
>Not attracted to people of the same gender unless its specifically you
I think its more like the MC ability to turn straight people gay
too late
It was always too late
Oh no no no it called us breeders what will we do if it calls us out for having sex and children noooo
The real question is why are there faggots in my eugenics simulator?
Faggots should be banned from video games.
Why is it okay to cram in (pardon the pun) men assfucking each other but a sliver of titty is INSTANT PEDO ALARM BAN BAN BAN
I just want to play fucking video games
Fire Emblem is CANCER
Can't be worse than the Horde vs. Alliance bullshillery everytime before Zard releases a new expansion for their declining atrocity of a game.
>Persona 5
Its a couple of dialogue additions and a scene change for the rank 10 conversation. Its fucking nothing. I know waifu arguments are fun and all, but Persona has some of the most tacked on romances in all videogames. Well, I suppose FE might have it beat, in all the games that don't bother with child units at least. That was at least some kind of moderately important difference.
Relationship stuff is a staple of FE since the old days, it's one of the things that make it stand out
>No Raphael
The only disappointing thing desu
More like God doesn't care about dykes because it's the fags that are disgusting.
Im thinking you never played persona 5
>eugenics simulator
No child units this time user
Now it's all about making yourself as appealing as possible to steal all the talent away from rival houses
It still doesn't rhyme
>Lesbian mommy
Nicee, it's like FE especially pander to gentlemen such as i
Does TH have pair up?
More like God doesn't care about dykes because he doesn't exist LOOOOOOOOOOOL
What made you people so hateful?
Don't tell me you pronounce "loli" like "lolli", user.
A yuri manga where thots are getting patrolled.
Fucking based.
Yes, fedorafag, we know already. You don't like God.
Weak bait
kek I guess barafags btfo'd fujos
>you can f/f/ with Edelgard
oh, I wasn't aware of this
/u/ fucking won holy shit
Tips fedora
Alright fag anons. What three would YOU pick if it was up to you?
Your turn
>the twink
If he has a masculine voice, it'll be an opportunity missed and a niche unfulfilled.
>I justify all my autistic nonsense with this one simple retort
>more fxf then mxm
Why does that bother them? Why does everything have to be equal?
>Ask for gay stuff
>japs shoehorn it in
All the yaoi wrtiers must have been busy
I don't mind, I'm neutral about loli, but when I remember she's also a dragon, I can't help it, she's perfect.
Beautiful webm, by the way
None because im not a degenerate
I'm thinking you never played Persona 5.
>love declaration at rank 9
>scene change at rank 10, half the conversation is different, the other half is the same
>potential christmas eve conversation
>potential valentine's day conversation
>oh and that one line difference when Ryuji asks Joker about marriage if you romanced one or more of the girls present
That's fucking it. The romances are irrelevant to the plot, there are no gameplay differences, its just a couple of extra conversations. Less than 1% of the devtime went into them and the romance probably takes up more than half of all discussions surrounding the game. Absoluetly tacked on.
>Get a free cute daughterfu packaged with the daddy
Why do Fujos and Fags hate this?
Faggots getting too big for their britches
Just switch Alois with someone else. Since Seteth and the fencing teacher are apparently out or dead then Hanneman
What made you people so fucked up in the head where you think that sticking your dick into a diseased asshole seems like it's a good idea?
*teleports behond you*
*slits your fucking throat*
I don't like you either... heh...
*skateboards away*
I am actually into mature men
>Jeralt just to see how people would react
Christians HATE him
its because fags are degenerate paedophiles
thats because when they mean gay romance it has to be feminine looking males only
here's jp voice
First line has 6 or 8 syllables, depending on how you pronounce ravioli
The second one has 7
Yes, yes, yurifag. Well done, well done.
That manga is still not wrong, it doesn't "specifically" says anything about lesbianism.
>unnatural ones
Yeah, like anything that's not missionary position for the purpose of procreation, so if a women does anything at all, she's a sinnner, which doesn't matter since according to the bible women are evil sinners by simply existing.
Sorry, every single one of you christfags are going to hell, the ones that comes to places like Yea Forums will burn first.
>A rare an majestic dragon species goes extinct because their few females choose to fuck female humans whom aren't even the same species.
Wow, extinction is such positive and romantic stuff. Give me a fucking break, dude.
WTF i love jesus now
I swear to god these people CANT be happy
Everyone is a sinner with inherent flaws not just the female race
Guy on the left unironically look good. Why do faggots always complain ?
>gay Claude avatar
>Claude is the gigachad pussy slayer and all his friends are straight
Now how do I need to search youtube for a walkthrough where they go with gay route.
I really would play it myself if I had a damn switch
I will now buy your game
>the actual main character, kpop thot, churchbitch, milf, dragon loli
So they gave yuri paths to the cream of the crop girls but gave the homo options to three literal who uggos? Two of those being literal dilfs at that?
I mean, they first came for the gayfags but I'm not a gayfag so I didn't complain etc. but lmaooo
You can set someone in battle prep to be a support/pair up to another unit, but you can't switch into them or separate them mid battle
Its fujos user fujos are complaining
Do you get stat boosts?
lol seethe
what do you think about tifa tits
Isn't Mercedes a student not a milf
Two of those are nice but ginger dude is ugly, would've liked a couple more choices for sure.
>We get a cute-ass twink and 2 daddies
Fucking based ISIS, SJW's btfo'd AND actual faggots get what they want
Fags and Trannies share that common trait. Nothing makes them happy, because their brains are fucked up.
I will no longer atheist from now on
What kind of ironic weeb put so much effort into making cringeworthy shit this? You can have a "waifu" and ship other characters, what's the point in having hundreds of seasonal waifus every single new anime season? By that own logic, if your waifu has a romantic interest, even if it's a male, you're a cuck.
Not to mention, most people don't really have "waifus", having extreme feelings for fictional characters like that is not normal, dude.
For type coverage. If I had to pick a lord for the sake of matching Edelgard, swap Ashe for Claude, even though I personally prefer Dimitri before and after the skip.
Who cares? Everyone will be /u/ anyway.
Legbeard tumblr fanfic writers are complaining. Barafags are rejoicing.
Who's freaking out now faggots? I know you see this.
based and redpilled
but that's wrong, the new game is going back to the series' roots with minimal pandering and the tightest gameplay yet
>can fuck the loli
It's one assmad gaynigger. He keeps spamming that shit everywhere. Just hide it.
>Being so miserable that the only thing that makes him happy is watching things die and ultimately go extinct.
Get some mental help, or better yet, just kill yourself, because you're plenty suicidal enough already given your attitude and lust for fucked up shit.
We don't know, we only know they can sometimes double attack or reduce damage you take
>fictional PETA
Really, faggot?
Guy has a legit mental illness and thinks yuri existing is cucking him so anyone that likes it is supporting his cuckening or some other deranged delusional shit
>magical beings use magic for everything expect reproduction
Yeah, makes sense.
>Implying they can't have babies
Resetera and twitter fujoshit on suicide watch
I hope they do commit suicide in real life
I'm a fag and Dream Daddy was a fucking mistake
>most people don't really have "waifus"
You seem new, user.
Post reactions that didn't age well.
Nothing is good enough for these people. Why do devs still pander to them?
ahhaha Yea Forums is seething kek faggots are bad literally npcs seething that based resetera will force nintendos hand
SpongeBob did this, so it's OK
Yeah. Really. What this tells me, is that this person does not want to preserve anything and only wants to live for himself and only himself. He's a spoiled brat, an infant pretending to be a man. A selfish little bitch who is too afraid to face the consequences of his own actions and it shows easily, because his interests reflect on how he feels about himself and the World.
...and it seems that the same applies to you as well.
get some taste negro
>2 daddies and one total twink
AND It's getting the trannies to seethe, IS are fucking based and know who to cater to
Honestly the char design is awful. And knowing that they want пeдики to play makes me want not to buy it.
Ironically yes, but actually committing to it no.
This user is right.
YOUR waifu is exclusive to you, that's just common knowledge
It's probably the same guy who hates Cyberpunk
why is resetera winning all the time we have based youtubers moaning about it all the time oh that's right because you are lazy as fuck and don't email the companys etc
Two females cannot have children. Magic is a childish excuse to make this behavior seem ok.
It's bullshit. That dragon should be with her own kind to form her own nest so that her children can enjoy the world too, the same goes for the selfish cunt being woo'd by the degenerate dragon. You can't fathom others enjoying/exploiting the world, no, only you can have it. Piss off.
lmao at all the trannies seething at your post. DILFs are the best kinds of men there are anyways, even twinkfags get something to bite with this selection
Weren't you on the Yuri thread earlier ?
>Resetera and SJWs praise Dream Daddy
>Proclaim their love for Bara shit
>Get bara romance
>whine and bitch
What the fuck do they want?
>all the inevitable porn of M!Byleth getting fucked by daddies
Ever since eating that damn apple.
The all-knowing God knew they would do that, it was literally a low hanging fruit.
We all suffer for it. And accepting Jesus did not ease the birthing pain on women.
>but actually committing to it no.
Well of course not since most people do have multiple waifus. I'm sure there are a few that do indeed have only one and fully commit to them though.
actual gay men don't play weebshit fujos do however
Mentally. Ill.
>answering seriously to a joke
Only trannies are bitching about this. Actual fags rejoice, we can do /ll/ with Sothis and fuck DILF's in the same game.
Is the game 1080p docked?
Nintendo games below that look like ass on my 1440p
>all the inevitable porn of M!Byleth fucking daddies
You're just going full retard, being absolutely silly out of raw pointless and ridiculous moralfaggotry.
She's a dragon, you're a human, even if that was the problem, she's bisexual and probably had many partners in life already, she could have others a long time after you're dead no matter your gender. Not to mention, it's her choice, not yours.
yuri is a hivemind
Reminder that Gamefaqs and Reddit are also having a meltdown.
fujos 100% they are lucky fire emblem is not popular with Japanese fujos
Mentally 3?
Jesus/God did not erase pain, he erased original/inherited sin and his avatar suffered and died to make sure you were born pure, you ungrateful shit.
>gay people can’t have different tastes
Tell me more, faggot
no it's Ill with a capital i. He's phone posting most likely, see the punctuation.
Yeah they are just calling anime girls they want to fuck as waifus because they want to fit in, so no, most people that claim to have a waifu don't actually have one and are most likely using it as an excuse for not having a real girlfriend instead of actually preferring 2D.
>unironically seething this hard over a fictional gay dragon
God user, you're such a fucking faggot.
I would never buy a game with LGBT shit in it.
>the entire board getting overrun by actual homos
I just want summer to end already.
We know, Ahmed
>this entire thread
I'm gonna make Christians slaves again
>being this new
I didn't ate the fucking fruit.
God is an abusive asshole.
His avatar suffered and died for naught. He should just stop being an asshole, god damn it
It's a fantasy sure, but many people take this shit so seriously, they incorporate it into their lives, fucking things up for everyone else by forcing their "fantasy" on everyone else. Excuse me if I'm a little sick of that selfish mindset.
People should keep their degenerate fantasies to themselves or keep it in an adult setting where it belongs. Too many kids get exposed to this shit.
They don't, no one thinks magic babies exist lmao. Okay some people actually think magic babies exist but they think it's changlings and it stole their actual baby.
Can we please give advance wars a waifu trash revival?
>god damn it
God can't damn himself, numbnuts.
So God CAN'T do everything then?!
Are you just naturally retarded or are you pretending to be one in a vain attempt to be funny? This gay/yuri/ general faggot shit needs to stop, it's grinding everything to a halt. Japan certainly doesn't need this crap, considering how low their birthrates are.
>TFW the backlash causes IS to no longer put gays in Fire Emblem
Says the faggot defending this kind of degenerate thinking. This mindset of yours shouldn't be tolerated anymore, it has done enough damage.
Old news even, the research is progressing really well, and the process will easily be safe for humans. But we'll have to deal with "ethic issues" first.
Too late? But yeah, you could stop telling children that babies come from the stork if you want
>not living for yourself
He also can't kill himself, which you yourself CAN do, so go ahead and show God who's boss.
It's their insane work culture taking any of their will to have kids rather than yaoi/yuri
I've read those "articles", they're full of shit. Try again.
>game with fujo artstyle
>only gay options are sweaty baras, one of whom is married
A daring synthesis
this isn't your safe space if you don't like it leave the thread you smelly autist
More like
>those articles don't fit into my worldview
The dragon in Rune Factory 4 will be romanceable by females as well, stay mad.
>getting this triggered over fiction
You seem actually mentally ill.
Guess you never checked out the age gap tag on Dynasty Reader.
Manaketes are already shit because they aren't ruling over humans with an iron fist even though they are clearly superior, so it doesn't matter if they die out or not.
Rejecting God and hating him for shit he didn't even do to you is childish. Life evolved in an unanticipated direction, he merely started the process, he didn't directly design the Human form.
He's giving us a chance to be one with him again and give us a chance to explore more of his creation through as many lives as it takes to satisfy us. Be grateful for his gift or live in hate for the rest of this life, it's your choice, but I have to say, it's a choice based of childish misdirection.
It's all I want.
Your reading comprehension needs work.
They have better birth rates than half of Europe.
>People still talk about some middle eastern fairy tail book as if its factual
We are not born to be selfish, we're born to sacrifice for others and for our children so that a better future can be possible. If you only live for yourself, you're dooming any chance of a better future from becoming a reality.
Yeah, he just blames me for a sin I didn't commit, but doesn't matter, because it's "original™".
I don't want to be one with such an asshole.
>linking to Yea Forums 9 times
You need to let go.
Your worldview is shit and degenerate.
Gayest board on this site.
>Acting like a retard and taking my words out of context in the hopes of refuting what I said without expelling effort.
Jesus Christ.
I chuckled.
Cry me a river, faggot. The mice exist. And there is nothing you can do about it.
Gay babies are the future.
My whole point is: People who prefer one's own feelings over the fate of their species and culture are either ignorant or are fucked up in the head. You idiots need to stop taking every post literally.
Lesbian muscle mommy best mommy
Fates had Sylla and Zero
Japan is not at replacement level. Neither are. Shit like this makes that worse.
Are you a magical dragon loli? Then don't speak for her, it's her choice, not yours. She can fall in love with anyone she wants.
God can be wrong too, that's why he bothered to come to Earth to fix his mistakes in the first place. A shame we fucking killed his Avatar before he could finish whatever he had planned for us.