>If you see a homosexual in our camp, exterminate it at once
BASED Dimitri. Why haven't you joined best house yet?
Fire Emblem
>Was going to romance Mercedes
>Learned she’s a b*sexual wench
Guess I’ll have to take Marianne instead.
mercedes found dead
Except the lions have a gay in their team. Only the deer are pure.
What was his name again?
>Except the lions have a gay in their team.
Dimitri uses the fags as meat shields
I'll put a baby in her, that will save her. Don't thank me. It's a hero's duty.
>The only gay in the Lions originally comes from Empire territory
Dimitri "Queers look nice on my spears" Blaiddyd
And said gay comes from, you guessed it, Edeldyke's country.
Dimitri "uses his might to kill sodomites" Blaiddyd
And she originally comes from...
Dimitri "Fags in my game? Kill every last one of them." Blaiddyd
Dimitri "leaves edelgard edelcharred" Blaiddyd
Dimitri "If you're a queer, send their heads to the deer" Blaiddyd
Dimitri "if you like dicks where you shit, you're gonna get crit" Blaiddyd
>I'll make use of you fags until your bones turn into dust
I can't believe Dimitri fucking said that
Dimitri "If you like men best you'll get laid to rest" Blaiddyd
And she comes from Edgelord's dyke country + she has dead mom's hair.
How did nintendo get away with that?
Dimitri "Fags and dykes served in bags and pikes" Blaiddyd
Dimitri "If getting buttfucked is your aim, you're going down the drain" Blaiddyd
>this shows up in the opening cutscene
what is it?
IS wasn't joking with Mars Emblem
>getting bi edelgard but not getting bi dimitri and claude is such a tragedy.... i want to s support dimitri as a dude so bad..... this sucks
>IS rlly out there be making us gay feeling like clowns for wanting Bi!Claude wow.
I dont get???? Why they don't make the main trio bi????
>at this point i just hope the person who leaked it just photoshopped it or something because who the fuck thought it was okay
>i guess that saves me 60 bucks bc claude being bi was one of the reasons I was going to give this game a chance but nope fuck it I’m not supporting this shit
>so now claude is confirmed as not bi?? dammit guess i got to cancel my preorder
>o, we don't know yet, the "deconfirm" screen doesn't mean anything :P
>claude isn't straight no matter what intsys says
Dimitri "if it's men you desire, you'll burn in Elfire" Blaiddyd
the future where Dimitri creates his 1000 year Reich
I'm starting to like this dimitri niggy
That's pretty embarrassing.
>fighting aliens from outer space
we space emblem now
Kinda reminded me of first venture into Tokyo in SMT IV, maybe because of colour palette
Somebody who isn't as lazy as me, screenshot fujo tears regarding Claude on Twitter.
>claude isn't straight no matter what intsys says
Imagine you're some metrosexual or something, walking down the street, and this guy comes up to you and asks you out.
Then you say you don't swing that way but he says you're a fucking liar and you do
Based /u/ fags.
Like you niggers wouldn't be screeching if one of the main girls wasn't romanceable.
congratulations you got people to reply to all of that
>Anons in the other threads unironically arguing that S ranks aren't going to be marriages and that Sothis is going to grow up
Did Claude not being a fag give brain damage to all the fags?
t. seething fujoshit
>timeskip fixes the biggest problem with the deers
Maybe he can get some pussy now.
So many lesbos.
Eh, a fictional characters sex orientations doesn't bother me.
I wouldn't care if Edelgard wasn't romanceable. Sure more support for LGBTQ+ is nice, but there isn't a need to make everyone like that.
Time to post this for good memories. Based gayming journo who baited fujos into thinking that Claude was unironic fag.
I don't have one for Claude but I have one for Dimitri
It still seems really weird that two of the gay romance options have a wife and kids. Are these really the confirmed supports?
>Lesbos have some dumb dragon loli some crazy bitch and some dumbs
>Gays have some smart big proud men
wtf bros why cant we get ingrid or something.....
Dimitri "staining my blade at the pride parade" Blaiddyd
Ingrid is for breeding and making more childrens. So she cannot be gay.
Half of those posts are from retarded white fujoshit """"""TRANS"""""" males. That have been pushing for pegging in straight relationships.
Not a single gay person gives a fuck about this game.
I wouldn't care. In fact I found the canon relationships in Echoes pretty compelling and was fine that there were no ways to pair fuckers.
>No Leonie
Trash house.
Based Dimitri "too straight for gays" Blaiddyd
She's not even the best girl in her house.
Why does my penis get so hard when he talks about how much he hates me and wants me dead? It doesn't make sense bros.
You're no brother of mine. Faggot.
You're a Masochist user. You want to be dominated, you want to be hurt, you want give up control to someone you find hot.
>Nip fujos
>don't care that Dimitri is straight and make no big deal of it because they know they can still draw whatever the fuck they want
>Western fujos
She dies!
The western fujos are dumb. Japan love it's feminine man (Lindhart), and it's Bara (Alois and the other).
Only if you fuck him yourself. You can't ship your unit like in the past games in this one. In this one, only you can get your dick/vagina wet.
For once, Claude is based. Mainly for BTFO-ing whales like those.
>MFW this is one big lie that was made up just to make gays look bad freaking out over fake information
>MFW Claude isnt romancable from either side after release
imagine the butthurt
Daily reminder fujoshis are shit.
youre gonna make him hornier user stop
good job she doesn't stay a loli
I don't understand that
Isn't she some sort of deity? Byleth sees her in his dreams.
How can she age?
probably her mind powers evolve which makes her "mature"
I don't get what's the fuss over Claude. Lindhart looks cute enough for me to consider to give him a dick and I'm not into that sort of thing. Claude looks weird imo and has shittiest design out of 3, his time-skip doesn't fix him, instead it ruins him with dumb sideburns. So what's the deal about him? Because he's brown and tumblerinas like to pretend to like people of color more than their own? Is it because he looks like a fag? Talks like one?
I don't get them. If I was a fujo/fag, I'd be either into cute boys like Lindhart or Dimitri, while Claude would be boring to me. Then again, I'm neither gay nor fujo to get the appeal regarding Claude in particular.
>horse fucker
>best anything
Because apparently brown skinned spaniards are now considered "gay coded" when 100% of them would kill faggots on sight.
It's obvious Claude is meant to be a suave spanish cavalier kind of character.
I legit hope atleast one of these homos kill themselves over this.
There's no hard evidence as I understand it.
Ah okay then we'll just have to see I guess. Maybe there will be more, less or it won't be these three. It seems a bit dumb to get angry over a maybe.
But we're going to have an insane amount of posts acting as if there is.
IntSys is unironically based for crushing the fujoshits' dreams. The hets have won once again
its easy pickings to overreact to
You're going to marry the best girl right?
>A jew gouged out my eye, so put every one of them to stake
Jesus christ, I didn't know Raimi was on board with this.
I can't wait to find out S rank supports are just being bros.
Think about it. In older games that had no S rank, A ranks were marriage but that didn't stop two guys from having bro A rank.
Keep seething homos
Please don't go "S-rank doesn't mean marriage on me"
Hate to sound like /pol/ which is why I will spoil it, but funny how fags who preach about respect, acceptance and all that, are the first to disrespect others that aren't like them. They go in blazes if "cis straight man/woman" assumes that certain LGBT person is cis and straight, yet every one of their posts on shitter, dumblr and retarddit is assuming that [x] person/nation is LGBT just because they said so and they get offended if you dare to mention that said [x] person/nation isn't part of LGBT just because their FETISHES said so.
Because Claude was always the "most attractive" male lord. He is also to most attractive of his house.
So people wanted him because of that.
Yesterday we had a lot of reveal on how he can dance with both Byleth, and can flirt with both of them.
So for a lot of them, he was the "perfect" gay lord.
>literally gay priest
>camera screenshot
dunno if legit
The problem with that is how Byleth got his Mother's ring from his father.
And it's imlied you will offer it to the one you will S-rank, meaning marriage.
Stupid homo. Why did it show a student having an S rank in the screenshot pre-timeskip when we saw another screenshot a while ago showing no s ranks with ANY students, male or female because it's pre-timeskip?
Answer that homo. Ohhh a blurry screenshot. Cool. Sodomy confirmed.
Stupid fag.
Fuck well I guess lindhardt will get the dick each route if there won't be any new characters.
>hate to sound /pol/
way to dismiss the rest of your post as pure drivel nigga. Every group has their hysterical, vocal minority, most actual fags don't give a shit about that shit. If anything I'm just happy we got some bisexual picks in the first place.
Pretty surprised 2 of them are grown men though, I was expecting them all to be students. Should be interesting
It's the support log from the game. So it has every single support options for all character.
You don't have to be in the game to have it, just to have unlocked it in a previous playthrough.
>Fags get one of the main lords being homo
>Still screeching about how its not enough
Will they ever be happy? Jesus fucking christ.
I don't see how.
Does your dad say "this for your S rank"? No. It's because he's going to fucking die and that will be the keepsake that MC carries.
Can you not into basic storytelling?
who's to say that isn't post-timeskip
>Dude is straight up stabbed to death in the opening
Guys this might actually be decent
And shows them as a student? When the "main" game is post time-skip?
Fake and gay.
People will screech over literally anything and everything. A main character being bi is a pretty nice offering and big step from fucking rhajat
Because it uses pre timeskip models
>He is also to most attractive of his house.
That isn't much of a trophy considering that his house consists of waifus mainly, and dudes that are there are meh. (At least before Lorenz's time-skip)
If I had to turn on my inner homo and say which guys look best to me without going twink route, then the top one would be time-skip Dimitri and Felix for me.
>Most attractive of his house
That's not Raphael
Don't get me wrong, Felix is the most attractive guy for me (and it's my inner homo saying that). But I can see why a lot of people were attracted to Claude.
so does that in turn mean the male MC can't have any of the girls in that pic? wtf
They're all bi characters
-Dimitri is pure Aryan male and that triggers whales in the West. Japs are way more into guys like him.
-Felix isn't lord.
Therefore gay looking shitskin with dumb hair is an ideal gay man, for Western fujos at least.
So, if anyone wants to take a break from romance bullshit, who are you spending your first master seal on and to what class?
For me, it's Dark Knight Annette
No, everyone is bi at worst
>you can gay the milf priestess, the loli and two daddies
Surprisingly good choices, ISIS
who else sothis cunnymuncher here
thanks isis for letting us S rank our loli onahole no matter our gender
oh nice, thanks for the info
how the fuck do you pronounce Alois's name? Alwa?
It will probably be magic swordman for Byleth.
For me it's Al O His (Or kinda like that)
I can both see it and not see it myself. I can see twitter/tumblr fujos latching onto Claude due to not being "white" and looking gay due to being flamboyant. However, from what I saw regarding tastes that unironic gay men tend to have, I don't think they'd be that interested in someone who looks "too gay" like Claude. Most unironic fags I know and saw seem to be attracted more to bara characters over overly faggy (Claude) ones or twinks.
Not saying that gay men that don't like twinks or faggy looking men don't exist, just that from what I've seen when it comes to their taste, it's usually bara guys like Chris Redfield (the most popular character among gay community).
I mean most of these posts bitching about Claude not being gay come from women in the first place over gay men.
Mortal Kom- Savant is a good choice
God just remove the fucking avatar bullshit from these fucking games so these self inserting homos will calm down
Is there anything gay people are interested in that isn't about being gay or how gay something is?
That's the main problem with western fujos. They NEED this shit to be official. They won't be happy until they see the two characters butt fucking each other with the pride flag in the background in the game. Jap fujos just go "yeah they pretty, they fuckin alright."
yes, everything else. Twitterfags aren't "people"
A-Law-Is, like Hitler's father
>one of the gay options is a guy who shares the same name as Hitler's dad
user look at There's the SS symbol on one of the buildings
Just realized that image is blurry as fuck, here's a better one
>Alois Johann Hitler Sr. was an Austrian civil servant and the father of German dictator and leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler. Alois Hitler was born illegitimately, and his paternity was never established. This led to claims that his wife Klara may have been his cousin.
This would be funnier if Nina wore the mask of her own father instead.
>Edelgard is romancable as a girl
>but the other house leaders can't as a guy
That's pretty lame, I guess this is a quick way to spot "This is the character the devs want you to pick and put the most work in" I guess.
Goddamn she murdered the hell outta from that dude.
I'm interested in this shit but I have not played any other FE games. These games are not connected to each other or anything right? Each entry is a standalone like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest, yes?
I'm straight, but if I was gay Linhardt would be in my top three easily, just get better taste gaybros
You can play this one without prior knowledge of the other games
realistically speaking
what the fuck could this represent? Is it an easter egg or some shit? Or is the story really going to involve something THAT far in the future?
Not really. If Sothis insults regarding you are anything, then she seems like the worst choice among the 3.
Well Sothis did say she showed you both sides of time
>modern setting
cross over with Advance Wars
So, does it make sense for Edelgard to be Bi? She is fine with not producing an heir? Like, I can just see Edelgard cucking FemByleth for that blood heir.
what house do i choose?
It's the other way around. Only if you consider a tyrant to be a good route. If anything, Dimitri seems to be unironically closest to "good guy" who is least edgy out of 3.
This. I get my twink and I get a DILF, not bad at all
Times are different now.
Probably just a fancy arena for final boss fight
when was the last time we saw blood in an FE game
>I didn't think it was possible to make Dimitri's life any worse than it already was, but there you go
Just how much JUST'd will he get? How strong is his not-Reaper Curse?
For Edelgard it could boil down to her dislike of Crests.
So from what we know, she want the system that put crest bearer ahead of the rest gone. And once she does that, the next emperor wouldn't have to have Seiros' crest to rule.
It could also be because she has others in her family that could produce crest bearer.
Mr Fabulous isn’t gay. Weird
What do you like in your characters?
Gana do the golden chad line first get edge lord done with then do a lunatic run for this mad man. I want my last play through to be fucking memorable. It’s only fitting to go lunatic with a literal lunatic. Truly saving the best for last
That's what he gets for looking like Eizen. Should've stolen Donnel's pot instead for some good luck.
>reminder that faggot ""journos"" get to play the game before you
not a clue
only played one FE on the GBA before this
Disposing of all fags in Dimitri's house so he can have live free of degeneracy like his best friend Claude
He better be full edgelord. I don't want conquest 2.0 with him. I want of him to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.
You will, but probably out of self-defense and revenge since Edelgard is a token red conqueror
So, basically:
>Dimitri - Kazuhira Miller
>Claude - literal kike
>Edgelord - Daenerys
Can Three Houses be my first FE game?
All he has to do is build SECRET UNDERGROUND TUNNELS and everything will be great
why not
pick the house with the character that seems the coolest to you
Yes it can if you want. It should have every tutorial for you.
Do people play it for the tactical gameplay or the waifu?
>SS symbol
ACTUAL Deutschland Nazis in Fire Emblem?
Yes. They're all standalone games, so you aren't missing anything out. Still I recommend playing some other FE game like Awakening first to get acquainted with the series and how it mostly works.
No, you're going to play and suffer through all 3 games of Fates instead.
It's a bit of half and half. The normies play it for the waifus. The FE fans play for the gameplay.
Plot-twist: Real reason for him becoming a dragon wasn't because he ate LoC, but because he got mind-broken upon learning that you can't build an underground tunnels on an isolated island.
Both. There is the crowd that love Waifu more, and the crowd that enjoy the tactical gameplay more.
Wait holy shit is that actually the fucking SS symbol?
>mfw Advanced Wars Crossover
thankfully this newest game seems to be a lot more focused on the tactical gameplay, lore and story instead of the waifus
Yes, UNIRONICALLY. There are Nazi Skyscrapers in Fire Emblem somehow
>Inb4 future Dimitri is their leader
what did they mean by this?
weren't two nukes enough?
Nintendo what the fuck are you doing.
Just because he's pure aryan male, it doesn't mean he's crazy Nazi who wants to kill everyone who isn't in his house... r- right?
They aren't really.
FE3 is the sequel to FE1.
FE2 is in the same world and time as FE1 and 3
FE5 is a midquel of FE4.
FE7 is a Prequel to FE6
FE8 is a standalone
FE10 is a sequel to FE9
FE11 and 12 are remakes of 1 and 3.
FE13 is a standalone but in the same universe, just later, than FE1/3/11/12.
FE14 is a standalone
FE15 is a remake of FE2
>mfw IS decides to make multiverse
>months ago all we knew about this game was the dumb school-sim shit
>fastforward and now we're looking at future-visions and the fucking SS in an FE title
I genuinely can't predict where ISIS is going with this
>new Advanced Wars game teased at the end as a title taking place in the future in FE's universe
Yes. He's completely normal. He wouldn't even hurt a fly. Just look at this innocent childlike smile. No way he's crazy.
And you just made me hope user.
>Teacher said it's my turn to kill every last one of them
Students should fuck students. Teachers should fuck teachers.
Dimitri "ignore the white flags of the fags" Blaiddyd
How will the game be structured after the school section?
Is it strictly linear like old FF or do still have some kind of HQ with sidequests?
I want to let him know that this is exactly what I hoped my students would become. A+ forever, Dimitri.
Students should fuck teachers. Teachers should fuck students.
Trust me, I'm the favorite sensei at the academy.
Dimitri "preferred pronoun? prepare for a showdown" Blaiddyd
Based, I've been wanking to the thought of fucking my teachers since I was 12
i fucking love dimitri so much bros, how did he get so much better after the timeskip?
Damn, she looks cute without the bloated face
Something to do with Nazi Skyscrapers
Hairstyle does wonders.
He got rid of the noodle hair and decided to kill all gays.
Will you follow his Third Reich?
>final chapter/battle takes place in a fucking futuristic/modern city
That sounds balls-to-the-walls mad but I'd be fucking amazed
What do you guys think about pirate Dimitri ?
He killed every last one of them in order to save the world... Only to get killed in the worst game as thanks.
Dimitri "If you prefer cock I'l put your head on the block" Blaiddyd
He deserved better than getting killed in Zestiria.
>Sothis takes you to her Millenium Realm to fight her Sothis Squadron with Panzers and cyber-mp40 equiped cyborg nazis
>Dimitri going full KILL THEM ALL
>That fucking smile
>True final boss dumps you in the modern day
oh no
>snowflakes in Serenes triggered as fuck that Alois and Gil are gay options instead of Claude or some of the other students
is there a better feeling on earth than having your niche-er fetishes catered to? I was worried the only gay options we'd get would be students, DILF's are way fucking better
He deserved his underground tunnels and not getting 6ft underground in shit game like Zestiria.
Ok yeah I'm really curious about the SS symbol, there's no way it can be something else. IS might be teasing a game which takes place in a modern AU where the Nazis won and we have to fight them probably
oh Yes
I wanna fuck Mommynuela!
>there's no way it can be something else
>IS might be teasing a game which takes place in a modern AU where the Nazis won
>We live in the dystopian timeline instead
He deserved better fate than what he got. Reaper's Curse is a bitch.
you don't want this or the consequences that follow user
im gonna kill them all while fucking my ginger loli wife
based lions
>tfw Sothis is a Manakete.
>picking the old hag
good joke, user. She's desperate because she's past her prime and wasted her good years.
Joining: Blue Lions
Impregnating: Mercedes/Ingrid/Manuela/Lysithea. Hard to decide who I'm marrying, I suppose it's a good thing you can't marry until after the time skip, wouldn't wanna be in a situation like Bernadetta coming out for worse in the time skip. F for her time skip design.
Saving: Bernadetta and Lysithea
Translator's note: If Mercedes is a a confirmed bisexual fag, she's going off the list.
But Bernadetta's post-timeskip design is a considerable improvement.
They should use something electronic for soundtrack in that segment, just for sheer contrast with other parts of soundtrack
>If Mercedes is a a confirmed bisexual fag
>The whole reason the OST for the new game now includes wubs is because it goes head-first into future shit in the end
ISIS wouldn't, would they? This already really is starting to feel like the SMT x FE we should've gotten
>There's a second timeskip were Byleth's thrown into the far future
oh that's definitely a downgrade
SMT V is actually a sequel to Three Houses.
>We even have an Angelus
Oh boy, this is going to play out swimmingly.
>apocalyptic modern future
we days of ruin now
She looks just a bit less retarded.
Dimitri "Send all faggot swine to the frontlines" Blaiddyd
>MFW Claude isnt romancable from either side after release
Is any lord other than Edelgard romanceable?
>supports are now fully voice-acted and actually play out with the characters moving and talking
fucking hell it's way better than the staticness of the before
They obviously are. MC of current FE games usually can romance anyone of opposite gender. So you can get Claude's and Dimitri's dick, as long as you are not a fag.
I'm actually really happy about this
took me a bit to realize but the game being fully voice-acted is actually a pretty big step forward for the series. I feel like I'm going to like the cast from this game a lot more in general
>into the far future
Can we recruit the Waffen SS?
What are their classes?
>too good to just have a headcanon or w/e, has to announce it to the world and ‘claim’ it
>then wonders why people think homos are insufferable
This guy is a resentful mentally damaged leftist revolutionary.
The lesbian is a cold authoritarian monarchist, probably mostly sexless like queen Victoria.
Claude is a southern European conniving merchant. He is straight, but Italian or french
Isekai FE ???
>leftist revolutionary
any news on how much the story would differ between houses?
twitterfags are on a whole different level to actual fags, no one can stand them other than their ilk
>Dragging timeskip!Dimitri away from his brooding spot where he sulks away from the army camp!
>Silencing his self-loathing and sad rants by french kissing him and dominating him with your tongue!
>Shoving him into his tent and onto the floor!
>Using his fluffy cloak as a blanket after you strip his armor off him!
>Calling him cute! Handsome! A good boy! As you kiss and caress his battle hardened, scarred up body!
>Gently pulling off his eyepatch, giving him a chance to refuse if he really wants to!
>Cupping his face and turning him towards you when he instinctively shies away from making eye contact with you!
>Telling him he's just as stunning as ever before leaving feather-light kisses along each of his brows!
>Wiping away his tears as all his anguish, pain and despair bubble up to the surface and he can't hold it in anymore because he's finally feeling loved again!
>Telling him you'll make it all better!
>Taking his hands, placing one on your hip and one on your breast!
>Riding him gently first, coaxing him out of his shell and getting him to stifle moans!
>Pinning his hands above his head as you begin to use his now rock-hard cock to pleasure yourself!
>Wringing out 5 years of pent up sexual desire and frustration!
>Making sure he moans loud enough for the whole camp to hear!
>Leaning down to leave hickies and bite marks on him while you keep slamming down on him!
>Gently laying down atop him when he finally shoots his last load deep inside you!
>Hugging him close and telling him he'll always be your good boy!
>leftist revolutionary
Dimitri "If I see a faggot I blow a gasker" Blaiddyd is a SS officer sent from the future to wipe out all gays in the land
This will be one of my playthroughs.
>sexless like queen Victoria
>9 children
there's no fucking way nintendo will associate their properties with fucking nazi imagery
... right?
>wants to kill everyone and that is his ONLY desire
>wants to kill especially the house that is filled with gays
The retard probably meant Elizabeth
>Mentally damaged leftist revolutionary
To the grief of all the royals
We'll fan a worldwide conflagration !
A conflagration drenched in blood !
Give us your blessing, Comrade Dimitri !
>doesn't know the difference between Queen Elisabeth I and Queen Victoria.
He doesn't even know what "leftist" is. It's obviously a bait post that is made to be as retarded as possible for quick (you)s, and it's working from what I'm seeing.
Its an unorthodox claim but lines up
>last name is WOLF-LORD
>dad name is pronounced the same way
No, he is at war with the ((merchants))
>Fags screeching even though Edelgard is a lesbo
No, fujoshits are screeching that one of the male Lords not being gay is wrong, and that Edelgard is appealing to straight men by being a lesbian option. The mental gymnastics of western fujoshits is astounding
>encouraging timeskip!Dimitri to kill them all
>pull him further and further into his depression
>if he has likes someone then they will be the first one to die
>keep encouraging his psychotic behavior
>tell him that he needs to kill them all for A+
>tell him he needs to start with killing Mercedes first
>encourage him to kill Black Eagles in the most vile way possible
>give him A+ when he does
>encourage him to start Golden Deer camp to keep imprisoned Golden Deers there
>encourage him to gas them all
>give him SS when he does it
t. best teacher
Dimitri " Queers Die alongside Deers" Blaiddyd
It's Western fujos that are screeching because they didn't get their gay Claude option, or because Dimitri is the first lord that confirmed as straight months ago, which killed their gay fantasies about buttfucking aryan male.
>snowflakes screech while homochads get to enjoy the company of DILFs and a cute twink like Linhardt instead of shitskin fag
Feels good
This user gets it.
I just love 1917-1920 Russian revolutionary poetry, it's pretty good in all of it's fervour and despair, Blok's Twelve is really good for that. Anyway, I still doesn't get why Claude's PLC ripoff is in confrontation with Dimitri's kingdom, isn't their first priority should be supporting them to halt Egelgard's empire advance ?
Based male Byleth.
Poor reaper got fucked over hard
He shouldn't have saved the world from LoC back then. Not only he would avoid whole dragon mess, but Zestiria wouldn't exist either.
His sister is really hot.
This. Otomefags need not apply. Dimitri is not for healing. Dimitri is for KILLING EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM on lunatic playthrough.
Claude is probably playing both sides.
It's actually pretty realistic. In the olden days it didn't matter if you were a fag. You produce kids like you're supposed to.
That doesn't even rhyme...
do we know for sure Claude can S-rank F!Byleth though? i don't even care about the queer but he might just not have an S rank with the MC for story reasons since he seems like such a tricky little shit
He deserved better than Baba's hack curse.
Dimitri "Fags in my game? Time to maim" Blaiddyd
I'm sorry bro, I was swayed by Edgelord's tits but now that I know she's a disgusting dyke I'll choose you, I hope you can forgive me.
We don't have any confirmations regarding female MC's options, other than her lesbian options and that she can fuck the same bi guys that male MC can.
However, nu-Fates always let your MC to fuck everyone of opposite sex, regardless of their character. If Edelgard is fuckable, then you can expect of Claude and Dimitri to be fuckable as well.
>he doesn't want to heal Dimitri when he's at his most broken state through the power of pussy
Shit taste
it seems more like a long shot now but I keep getting the impression that Claude's a lot more shady than we're being let on, it wouldn't surprise me much if he wasn't able to be romanced due to his role in his path
The person who said there are 3 homo links and 5 lesbian links said you can S rank Dimitri using F!Byleth. So Claude will most likely be the same.
Wouldn't they have to play in the Golden Deers route to find that out for Claude?
It's too much of an otome game for them to not let femleth fuck Claude.
>shady fuck that acts shady and cry in other routes as well
>lies to mc in his own in making her think that he's her bf
>tried to "protect" mc from bullies by locking her in a cage for dogs
>there are 3 endings
>first ending is if mc resists like normal person would which causes him to realize that what he's doing is fucked up and he lets you go and never shows up again (this is "Bad End" for some reason)
>second ending involves you getting caught by him and raped on daily basis
>third ending aka "Good Ending" involves you being a retard that loves being treated like shit by Tomato and you end up being his gf for real because there is nothing more romantic than an unstable guy that will lock you up in dog cage
>is the one of the most popular husbando of all time for some reason
Women, explain yourselves?
Did he really say that?
Did he actually say that?
>obsessive yandere that is interested into MC just because
>stalks MC and that's her only actual trait
>constantly puts hexes on other people
>if you're retarded enough to marry her, you become biggest beta that ever lived that gets abused by his own wife
>if you marry her to someone else, then she still keeps stalking you
>abuses her own daughter
>is shit to Morgan as well
>zero redeeming qualities other than her sex appeal and she's not even the best looking girl in the cast
>literally dog shit tier character
>is the one of the most popular FE waifus of all time for some reason
Men, explain yourselves?
Who's the best girl in the Blue Lions?
>Hey user you're not doing so well in my class so I need to meet with your dad for a parent teacher conference in my room privately.
What did he mean by this?
>literal self-insert Kirito tier protagonist
Why are pollfags so autistic?
The worst characters in the series being that high, lmao
Dimitri "cure the queers by running them through spears" Blaiddyd
Women love violence and bad boys
This is why the so called "rape" and "violence" were nothing but a myth
What are the villains motivations in this game?
> my brain
To prevent Dimitri from turning the country into a Nazi Superstate in the future
we don't even know what causes the time skip yet.
The villain is unknown but you can bet your ass there is a dragon involved.
To be fair, she's cute, hot, stupid hot and just stupid.
Yes but without the fags part.
I want to choke her
Red eyes sucked ass. I like making girls with black hair and him cut, but I refused to do so in Fates mainly because I disliked the red eyes.
>fire emblem modern warfare could happen now
>it is a mix of FE and Advance Wars gameplay
Dimitri "Counts the days until he can kill the gays" Blaiddyd
Her mind hated being scolded, but her pussy says otherwise
Is FEH worth playing?
To kill every last one of them, which will cause Nazi uprising in the future thanks to him.
>leddit, twitter and tumblr called Claude the progressive gay representative
>4chin labelled his house the Golden Queers
>Claude turns out to be the chad pussy slayer and his house turns out to be no fags allowed house
>killing Mercedes first
Does goat slaughter really need to be mentioned though?
>otome game full of sadists
>masochist boy ends up topping the poll
Uh, w*men?
It's such a fucking weird detail for them to include in the game but if it's done with a purpose for something like this I'll be more hype than I've ever been for the franchise
No it's garbage
Three Houses is literally Fire Emblem + Langrisser already, so we might actually get our Advance Emblem sometime.
why are people getting basedboy faces over the prospect of advanced wars?
that crap game sucks in comparison thats why they never make it anymore
dumbest post ITT
This lovely golden haired lass with a lovely and gentle smile right here.
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Maybe they will put a little segment in this future vision where you get a little taste of their potential next FE or spin off.
He cute, no homo.
>Final chapter takes place in the future
I never knew how much I wanted this idea until now, what a ride
The only thing that i hate was that you can't romance them before time skip
honesty must hurt you a lot
She's very cute, but I'm afraid that she's a lesbian only, user.
Soispammers are the most retarded posters without fail every time
What's Rhea's personality gonna be?
Not really, unlike most cancerous AWfags that probably never played 2/4 games in the franchise, the actual AWfags got to enjoy the best game in the franchise before it ended. Better that than being turned into gatchashit like poor Langrisser and FF Tactics. Fucking hell, they didn't deserve that.
He's hot, got moar of him?
What the actual fuck
So there are not one, but TWO men who are married and have children who you can romance?
I could see one, as, like, a joke
But two? Out of three?
I smell some bullshit, what's going on here?
This close-up is cursed.
This is why I want to go FemByleth, at the same time I also want to be his best bro as MaleByleth
I don't know what to do.
Male Byleth has a daddy kink, and post timeskip their wives are probably dead so he has to fill the hole.
Same reason men like Yandere and tsundere so much. Being desired to such an extreme extent by someone so far out of your league is amazing for one's ego and sexual self worth. However, it's pure fantasy protected by knowing it's fiction. Not many people who like these games would actually be okay with being put into a cage by a schizophrenic just like not many people would enjoy dating a murderous psychopath.
I wonder who's behind this post
My psycho can't be this cute.
/no homo
Best sensei.
>color coded house
>colot coded team in AW
Hetcucks can meme all they want but the gaybros won
How is he not a bi option? Just look at that face!
>Oy vey, goyim. Stop getting your homolust for Dimitri for one second and roll a female to fuck me instead.
Women love getting treated like shit by their husbandos
but there are literally none in the game
Hanneman should be a gay option as well IMO
He looks so suave
>previous games where the continent is the same are medieval era throughout millennia
>3H has a super technologically advanced future founded by Dimitri's anti-gay reich, as evidenced by the SS logo
What did IntelligentSystems mean by this
Sorry Claude, but Fujos told me I would be committing a crime if I tried to romance obvious gay man.
>deers look like the chill house that just want to be friends
>Everything hints that they are the actual genocidal house
Raphael is going to tear a man's head off
No, Dimitri "The dykes won't survive the reich" is the only one for me
What if we didn't romance jay pegs for the third main game in a row?
I don't want shitskin babies.
Heck yeah!
Dadchasers achieved a major victory!
I wanna buy this game just because of it.
Fuck Fujos.
This thread is incredibly confusing. Is Claude bi? Does Dmitri really hate fags?
fucking this, IS are based as fuck.
>SJWs AND fujos seethe because IS is pandering to actual homos of taste
>We get the glory of legal-loli AND MILF scissoring with F!Byleth
>M!Byleth gets 2 DILF's and 1 cute as fuck twink
Linhardt is a cutie, his japanese voice is great twitter.com
Time to kill his wife and child and fuck him on the rebound
I have never played any FE games before.
Please explain to me what is the role of MC in this game?
I thought there are 3 houses and MC would be some young lad or lass who would need to join one of them and conquer the rest?
Is it not so? Who are the teachers then and what is the Church and who are the baddies?
I am absolutely confused by the plot as well as I see people mentioning time skip.
How can you tell there is going to be a time skip if the game still under development.
Fire Emblem is a series I wanted to play for a while and now that they even have options for homos I really want to give it a try.
>we get a healing support with bara knight helping him recover and soothe his soul post-timeskip after his family's killed
Fucking based
Claude is straight and his house is the only one without a gay character. Dmitri has Mercedes in his house who is bi
Claude is straight and nobody in his house is gay. People are fucking retarded since Dmitiri has a dyke in his house
Dimitri DESPISES fags
He literally froths at the mouth whenever he sees one.
Don't listen to these retards
Sorry, Claude. Mein furher Dimitri "Put fags on the front lines as canon fodder in order to restore an order" Blaiddyd.
Dimitri is eating my asshole as I type this. How do you explain that?
Pol fags trying to steal a feg meme whete Claude kills all fags (only makes sense with Claude because his house has no gays) to hide the fact that fagmitri is a popular fujo house and for ebin pol jokes xD
Remember when ff got released on steam and and pol niggers force that al bred shit? Basically that. Smoothbrains cant seperate irl realism from video games
Huh interesting. Not that user who asked but I pegged Claude down as the token bi romance of the 3 MCs when they were first revealed so thats kinda news to me. Don't know why people are upset about it but that just means theres no chance of me getting accidentally Chrom'd inside as a dude this time around.
Is Dimitry supposed to be some sort of Slav?
The name is widely used in countries like Russia and I can't help but chuckle that his last name reminds me of the name Blyad that I see oh so much in online games.
Memes of Slav removing kebab or whatever can't help either as well as anti homo moods in Eastern Europe.
That isn't Dimitri. The fag killer would never stoop that low.
>keeping around a former member of the empire
>and a dyke at that
Oh, please user. We all know that Claude is the chad we need to deliver us from the homos.
>t. @ametrinesigvard
Keep dreaming.
Claude is that fag killer. Feg already started this meme days ago pol fag
damn he's so cute.
It's amazing how fast opinions on this game have changed since they confirmed the timeskip. Makes me wonder if you wouldn't have enjoyed it more if you didn't knew about it beforehand
Oh he’s pretty low right now. Down on me, even.
Dmitri is based unlike Berkuck.
>being a chad
Nice try nose.
Reminder that Dimitri is a fujo gouse and that Claude is the true fag killer
Lmao I wish
seething /vg/tard
go back to your circle jerk
Dimitri "Gays won't live to see the next day" Blaiddyd will crush Golden retards under his military might
>Is Claude bi?
If the recent screenshots of possible supports are to be believed, no. Gay Twitter (read: self-hating fujoshi masquerading as progressives) latched on due to a playtester(?) posting flirty dialogue lines and willfully ignored said playtester saying they were pure thirst posts
>Does Dimitri really hate fags?
Probably not any more than he hates anyone else that’s not part of his house after the timeskip. It’s mostly just memes because he’s the only lord that’s not confirmed bi (Edelgard) or was widely speculated to be bi (Claude).
Explain your gay foreign spy user. How can Dimitri “Kill every last one of them” when there’s one working under him?
He uses Mercedes as a meat shield
Dimitri " im a fag worshipped by pol fags" Bylad will get SLAYED by Claude " if he likes guys he gets an arrow in the eye" Leicester. Keep seething pol smoothbrain.
>military might
The Lesbian Empress would like a word
No to both. They're pulling Kazuhira Miller meme with Dimitri because... they share certain aspects. Like both of them being crazy aryans who go into "kill them all" mood after their tragedy.
Finally, non-retarded response.
Reminder some pol nigger on feg is trying to rebrand this meme so he can make le ebin pol jokes in fe threads. Like most pol niggers, cant go 5 seconds without talking about le ebin politics
Gives dykes asylum
So let me see if I got this right
>Red House
>Lesbian waifu fighting for justice
>Yellow House
>Mexican that fights to kill all gays
>Blue House
>One eyed Chad trying to establish a totalitarian regime across the continent
Think I'll go with Red first
Dimitri "ignores the white flags of the fags" Blaiddyd doesn't even recognize the Jew's existence.
Go back to your shitty /vg/ Golden Retard
Dimitri "If I find any faggots together in bed, I'll make sure they'll become their bloodlines' dead end"Blaiddyd
It's Kazuhira Miller meme. They use Dimitri because he was the first lord who got confirmed as 100% straight, unlike Claude who got memed as fag since he was shown or Edelgard who got confirmed as bi. This . Plus, whole SS nazi thing and Dimitri fits the most nazi picture due to how he looks and how he wants to kill everyone who isn't in his house.
It's just memes.
Dimitri is the "rebel fighter" house. Basically, a screeching retard fighting for minorities. Ironic pol fags choose him when its clear hes the leftist house
The Dimitri=Kaz meme has been a thing since the reveal of his time skip model.
Nobody "stole" anything
Yawn. Go back to pol smoothbrain. Dimitri is a leftist house. But of course a retarded pol nigger ignored the trailer where hes basically fighting to take down the guberment so he can save minorities
>doesnt show up in the archive anytime before it was done with claude first
>replying to golden fag retard even though his posts were made today vs. this meme existing waaaaaaay before that
He's baiting.
>being so obsessed with /pol/ he doesn't even know this is a repurposed Kaz meme from 2015
seething retard
Definitely going for Red then
>Please explain to me what is the role of MC in this game?
You’re a mercenary that’s picked up and made a teacher in a battle academy. Among your students are the lords and members of three houses. You pick one house to side with when everything goes to shit after the school part ends. The church and knights and stuff are extra groups that we don’t have much info about.
>How can you tell there is going to be a time skip if the game still under development
You start in a school life setting and jump forward 5-10 years and it’s a more traditional war setting like usual. It’s been explicitly said in a trailer or direct or something, I forgot. That’s why each of the three lords and most of the have been revealed to have drastically different designs.
>Even now that they have options for homos
There was a token bi male and token bi girl in each of the Fates games as well.
>pol nigger revisionism and shaking when he realizes gis argument is in danger
Why are you pol niggers so rent free on niggers? Lmao you think about them and fags so much im starting to think youre all closeted BLACKED fags
It was shown with Miller first. If anything, both of you are stealing MGS meme. Difference being is that one side is doing for shit and giggles while you sound like a retard who is sperging out about a meme THAT DOESN'T EVEN BELONG TO THIS SERIES ORIGINALLY.
So is it true that only Byleth can S-rank or is that bullshit since reviewers aren't allowed to discuss the timeskip yet?
Most of the "adult sothis" rumors I've seen always had quotation marks and it wasn't in the leak so I doubt she will get one
Nah. Just laughing at pol fags trying to steal a meme to hide the fact theyre choosing the fujo house. Imagine hating niggers so much a fake brown person makes you SEETHE and choose the lefty house. Lmao
Pol niggera are braindead. Go recolor a nessa picture baldy
To be fair some of the female options aren’t that much less weird
Thread goes well with everyone having fun, then certain retard wakes up false flagging as Golden Deer fag and throwing in weak baits in order to shit up the thread.
>You can rugmunch loli dragon cunny and hag puss
>can also plough the fuck out of a cute twink or get ploughed by daddies
IS went with the smartest choices, clearly
Dimitri "I hate authority, FREE THE MINORITIES" Bylad
Dimitri " The caste system is broke, time to get WOKE" Bylad
Dimitri "Set blacks free, bring me refugees" Bylad
No CP2077, vtmb, dmc and FF7R threads for him to shit up. So he needs to find the first thing in catalog desu.
Only Byleth can S rank. No more matchmaker sadly
Schizos like you have become common place on Yea Forums recently.
Thread went will until pol fags forced le epic kaz meme because they have to be ebin and controversial and off topic ad much as possible*
>can't even get the last name right
Dimitri "Every fag gets a tast of my mag" Blaiddyd
>Only Byleth can S rank. No more matchmaker sadly
Literally shaking and sucking gay dick because brown people make your hairline recede. Lmao
>can't even spell the word "well"
It has been confirmed by the preview people. Just read it there.
More like every fag gets in my ass* Dimitri is WOKE as fuck and browses resetera
Time for me to abort this thread since Yea Forums is too retard to ignore retards and this thread will now be just his autistic ass vs. brainlets who fall for his baits.
Stop replying to the retard
Have sex pol faggot. And not with a guy either
This.. The Dimitri shitposter is a crazy delusional fag
>Wanted to romance Edegard because she's literally Dany
>It's it's getting clearer that Blue Lions are the right choice
I'm conflicted bros
Youre right. Not gonna reply to the Dimitri nigger anymore he smokes too many fag dicks to think rationally
Look at the bright side...
Thread is at 400+ replies which means that not much is left of it at this point. So his autism can have last less than 100 posts dying thread.
Post the girl you will be waifuing
Sorta. But at the same time im still disappointed the pol dimitri niggers are ruining blue lions for everyone else. At least his autism seems to have run its course.
So we are playing a character that is older than others?
Kind of strange. I expected this game to be about us being some sort of a teenager/young adult person.
He's not even trying with his baits anymore. His commenting style reminds me on "V-fag" from DMC threads. Same false-falggings. Same comments. Same baits, except instead of "bitching" about Vergil he uses Dimitri instead.
>le sheltered weird girl xD
Wow youre so cool and original omg what Godly taste thanks for sharing with us. Can i get a link to your blog and your phone number?
What are the oprions for straight females?
What men are romancable for them?
>brown people who dress like everyone else in the game are queer as hell
I wonder if these people hear themselves sometimes
Leave me alone, man. I like what I like.
This. Its clear its just one guy forcing this cringy dimitri/kaz meme. Its really annoying how pol fags have to invade litetally everything with their unfunny forced memes
Man enough not to hide my choice behind a spoiler.
I think the MC is supposed to be the same age as the students
Based Golden God. The only houae for non faggots and nigger lovers
Let’s be really real here. If these were the gay options, not a one of us would be complaining. One from each house. One from the Knights. Equal numbers across the board. No one’s mad about who you CAN fuck. Not really. It’s about who you CAN’T fuck that’s making everyone on edge. If it would’ve been like this, though, no one would be whining and all would be right with the world. Like, Nintendo, hire me.
What are the reactions after the unreveal?
Was about to say the same. It literally is the same shit. With how he shits on Vergilfags and Vergil, while pretending to be retarded about people calling him retard and keeping mentioning Vergil in negative context in every reply that mentions him in order to get on people's nerves. Literally the same shit here.
Except instead of being false V fag he is false Claude fag, and instead of "hating" Vergil/Vergilfags he "hates" anything involving Dimitri.
Retard is not even subtle about his autism.
I don't know how that makes any sense.
Why is he given a position as a teacher if he has nothing to teach?
All these Nazi jokes but honestly Hitler wasn't that hard on gays, I'm pretty sure as long as you kept it private you wouldn't be hunted down over it which is about the same as most western countries at the time. Ernst Rohm was even semi-open about it and he made it all the way until Kristallnacht at which point he died for mostly unrelated reasons
Maybe gays should just playing video games to begin with so companies don't have to be forced to cater to the mentally ill anymore.
Yup. I dare even saying it's the same autismo from CP threads as well that keeps reeeing about pol there as well.
*should just stop playing video games...
This just proves dimitri niggera are gay. DMC threads are fujoshit circlejerks. Reminder that the discord fag circlejerk is real and ia now rallying behind fagmitri
They seem to cater to you though
He just got a tenure
Stop mentioning that autist at all.
> this dmc faggot samefagging to hide his gay tracks
Stop auto posting homo the post timers give you away
I still doesn't get why Mercedes is bi,maybe because I didn't read much yuri and don't know all the archetypes, but she doesn't seem like obvious choice for gay romance option
Why are you talking to yourself? Are you a schitzo? Why do pol niggers ignore post timers when theyre a dead giveaway to pathetic seething samefaggotry? Lol
i thought rhea dies halfway through?
Can't wait to lez out with the dragon and have gay babies with her.
All of them. Every “lesbian” or “gay” option is just bi.
Yuri is cuck shit
>have gay babies with her.
Is that the priestess?
I like the current gay options.
I am absolutely fine with them.
No reason ro complain if you are not a fujo
I mean not to say my experiences are universal, but she does seem to appeal to actual lesbians. My lesbian friends like Bernadetta more, sure, but she’s not a gay option. Though I doubt Nintendo was really thinking about which gay options would actually appeal to gay people (look at the gay maleness options, or a lack thereof), but they got some of it right even on accident.
Stay mad.
yeah, who knows maybe she survives
I'll complain. We should have gotten Raphael.
This, we have fucking 8 options this game, in fates we only had 2 and 1 of them was utter shit.
I'm just happy I can fuck Linhardt, he's cute. Alois and Gil look dilfy though
She’s from the empire. Must be something in the water over there.
Says the hetcuck.
I’m not really personally complaining, except maybe about Claude, but as an actual queer man myself who can’t afford to turn away from actual gay rep unlike straight fujoshits, I’m happy that 2 out of 3 of the options are at least somewhat appealing to me. I’m just saying if it were up to me, reasonably, those would’ve been my picks.
Why are they bitching about? Linhardt is usually the types fujos likes. Other two are usually what actual gay men like. I don't remember anyone bitching about Fates having just one bi male character.
Wow, creative rebuttal. Got anything else or are you naturally this boring outside of Yea Forums?
>c/u/cks calling anyone else out
>unironically using the term "hetcuck"
/u/trannies are mentally ill
Creative enough to get that much of a rise out of you so I did my job
Giving women and fags a choice was a mistake.
this. But I'll take Alois since he still fulfils my bara desires
How much will translation for S rank for gay options suck this time around?
It's ok, yuri only "cucks" dumb obsessed waifufags like you.
Shut up balding fatso. You contribute nothing to society
Shit-posting isn't hard.
>tomboy with nice big tatas
There is literally no other option
fyi, the writer is your average cis female with gay male fetish
>>i guess that saves me 60 bucks bc claude being bi was one of the reasons I was going to give this game a chance but nope fuck it I’m not supporting this shit
A character's sexuality is one of the main reasons this person was going to buy the game. Was FE being introduced into the West a mistake?
They will probably do the same thing they did with Zero/Niles.
Just copy-paste the text of straight mc regarding these choices in order to not be "offensive" about actual translation.
Dimitri "Friends of Dorothy won't survive my reign of tyranny" Blaiddyd
>WIfe's getting fucked by Tyrone everyday
>Still has the guts to call other people cucks solely based on a fetish that isn't even related to cuck shit
Whatever you say kiddo
its what happens when you make your personality revolve around sexuality
My thoughts are of course a cis straight white girl would say all this
wow what a spaz. imagine having such a shaky grip on your self worth eh? btw I'm going to waifu Linhardt and am quite content, I feel decent well-pandered too here
>the writer is your average cis female with gay male fetish
you sure? describes self as gay in this lunatic rant
How was Niles' original text offensive?
>t. can't get into moonrunes so I'm stuck with localization crap
>Projecting this hard
>has to cope with calling others "hetfags" because no one wants to touch his mutilated self-inflicted wound
Suicide is always an option for you deluded cucks you know
Eh, she's still absolutely right. I can find it frustrating if my type was heavily sexualized for guys (lets be honest, they had the male playerbase in mind) and the guy gay options are a gay priest, a dude with a wife, and a dude who looks like a woman twink trap or whatever. The male selection feels like it was meant to be as detached/inoffensive as possible to get past russian censors or some shit
I don't understand her.
Complains abut sissy boy meanwhile there are two more men who are very masculine and THAT even before the timeskip I assume so they will get even better I assume.
People just love to complain.
We live in the era of complaining and whining.
People became too entitled and think even their tiny single opinion should change the direction of a company and make the game exclusively suited for their tastes.
I am a homo and I am grateful we have some options.
Before that I would've played as a female character I don't want to play as simply because I couldn't date males otherwise in games.
Now I can play as a male and date males.
Sounds good to me.
Fuck the haters.
>Really like dimitri
>don't give a single fuck about the other students in his house
>Really like the students in golden deer
>Don't like claude
Wtf do i do
How are these people reacting?
>/u/ tranny gets called out as a cuck
>immediately starts talking about cuckshit
Based retard
Conquer your lessers, user
Take away Dimitri's exond eye, and salt Clause's fields
>dating your somewhat girly and meek underage mage student is as inoffensive as possible
I don't get it, what would have been maximally offensive
Because Zero (Niles in English version) questions Kamui (Corrin) if he's ok with the fact that both of them are men. There is nothing offensive about his original S support with M!Kamui to normal people. However, Murica can't grasp why another man might find it WEIRD to be hit on by another man, so they can't have that. Which is why they removed whole Zero's talk with Kamui that puts emphasis on both of them being dudes and that normally such thing isn't normal. Aka they copied F!Kamui's support with him and gave it to male as well.
>Calling Yurifags cucks with zero evidence to back it up
>Accuses other people of projecting
No. It doesn't work like that, sorry buddy. Stay seething.
based, the cutest girl so far.
You can get students from the golden deer without being golden deer but you can't get Dimitri without being a blue lion.
It's easier to grow to like one character rather than 7. Go with Deer.
You can recruit characters from other houses though.
>Taking the baseless yuricuck accuser's side
Depends on if you want to support best boi or be a faggot.
>I am a homo and I am grateful we have some options.
same boat. like if you think about the setting, and about the rate of incidence of homo even in modern society, how many actively gay gay/bi characters should there even be? is it a game's job to check representation boxes for every demographic playing?
Meh, i bet if the opposite happened she won't care a bit
I meant to other countries that are anti gay. "oh looks like a girl, whatever". or they could easily retcon as a girl. lots of anti gay countries equate gay men to pedophiles. So i wouldnt be surprised if they picked a girl looking dude and two old men to not have to change their rating in some countries.
>imagine being so obsessed over fictional characters being gay with each other
>imagine being triggered every time someone calls you out for it and replying with "hetshit" or "waifufags"
This is why nobody likes you faggots.
>people keep meming about gays
S rank just means the character is in the timeskip.
I wish, Nintendo of Russia is a glorified warehouse that barely translate anything, like they planing to translate Link's Awakening, Animal Crossing and Mario and Sonic Olympic trash, and that's it. Thankfully Platinum Games decided to translate Astral Chain, but Xenoblade and FE being untranslated is a real bummer
>zero evidence
>literally responds to being called a cuck by projecting about tyrone
Do all /u/tards lack self-awareness this badly?
I only dislike straight fujo girls because they think they speak for lesbians when it comes to what kind of character they want as romantic interests, thinking they are so "progressive" just because they like seeing anime twinks railing each other.
Once I spoke with one that was so deep inside her own ass that she actually yold me that I had "internal mysoginy" or some shit for finding 2D girls attractive, and that lesbians that don't go butch are literally hitler for not going against gender norms.
Did Fates release in Russia?
/u/fags aren't people, the only retarded folsk are the people that tolerate them. In other words, (You)
>enjoys watching others fuck while he's fine just watching
Sounds like a cuck to me.
why are you still in denial user
SMTxFE the ‘We are sorry for that shit’ edition.
That's such stupid censorship.
Look at all the pathetic virgins in this thread.
>or they could easily retcon as a girl.
I kind of doubt that's going to happen
Huh, so you don't watch anything romantic or sexual at all?
b-but user, t-they're just watching art! the purest form of love! They're not emasculated dicklets who cope by fantasizing at all!
loli femdom is too much
>In the olden days
It's actually still a thing in Japan.
Doesn't the same apply to watching het porn? Checkmate, hetfag?
Except it was that stupid “b-but, we’re both men desu that’s forbiddeneded” and just from a queer man’s point of view that’s some stupid yaoi fujoshit trope that never happens irl. So yeah hard pass on that I’m glad they made the guy and girl support the same.
did fates ever release in Russia or China or any place like that? Did they go uncensored with their gay?
Digitally IIRC, 3DS was never big here and Nintendo started to treat us as a separate market only after Wii U release, with actual translations this time around
so you're a cuck for watching straight romance, got it
True patricians watch POV
literally just confirms you as a fag
great descriptor of all porn lol
was niles censored in russia?
>M!Byleth doesn't get Claude or Dimitri
>F!Byleth doesn't get Catherine or Shamir
>Kamui / Corrin
>Zero / Niles
>Joker / Jakob
>Rinka / Rinkah
Why was translation so autistic with the names? Rinka / Rinkah in particular was the most dumb. What was the point of extra "h" letter? Are Americans to autistic to spell Rinka's name without extra "h" letter?
Gay shit is legal in Russia as long as it rated as 18+, Fates is 18+ and freely sold on E-Shop
>i-it isn't cuck if it's pov!!
lol enjoy your fantasies from the shed cuck, vr goggles will allow you to enjoy even more vivid cuck fantasies where you pretend you are a big strong bull which you aren't
Why do you out yourself as mentally-ill like this and feel proud about doing so? Being straight is the exact opposite of being an unnatural faggot, your insult doesn't even make sense
>fates is 18+
huh, interesting. I didnt think nintendo would go that route but thats cool I guess.
>after gay news, Every social media site loses their Goddamn mind and now everything is being drowned out by this shit
Fuck Dating sims
Fuck S-supports
Fuck Marriage
Fuck Supports
Fuck Child units
How's everyone's day
why are /u/fags so obsessed with cuckolding? Are you that emasculated?
>where you pretend you are a big strong bull which you aren't
Not that different from pretending you're a dyke, which you aren't.
I'd rather be a faggot than a cuck.
Can't wait to be yuridommed by the dragon loli
No. That was more realistic considering the game is trying to be medieval fantasy and normally, people aren't gay. Therefore being hit on by a guy usually isn't o.k. thing in most people's eyes. Are you the same fag that defended US's Henry and how they meme'd his character and how that was a good thing?
>everyone memed about Claude being the gay one
>he's actually the straighest one
you do realize TH only has S-supports for the avatar right? No children units either.
>I'd rather be a faggot than a cuck.
You're quite clearly both, my friend
I'm sad that I won't be able to play this when it first comes out because i'm too broke to buy a switch.
Sothis was made for femdom. She's in your room all the time so she totally watches you masturbate.
Okay fag.
I mean, it's not hard to understand.
Fujos (the largest audience for this kind of homo content) are complaining because the male homo options aren't pandering to their tastes.
Fujos aren't (generally speaking) into old dudes and traps/excessively feminine guys, they ship boys like Claude or Dimitri or Sylvaine.
Meanwhile yuri fans got traditionally beautiful bishojos, one of the lords even and a loli dragon. You can definitely see that there's a clear favoritism towards the yuri options.
I don't have a Switch yet this game is tempting me to buy one
However with the Pro rumors I'm stuck
Doing good, cooking breakfast right now
Reddit is a shitshow right now and I'm loving every last minute of it
>This much butthirt over a fictioanl character sexuality
Holy shit the cringe I bet the people agreeing with this shit are the same people that were mocking Yea Forums when they were spazzing out about tifa boobs you fucking hypocrites
>2 weeks left
please don't make anymore threads, anons
For first playthroughs I like to roleplay the "true" story route, who's the canon OTP of male Byleth?
>pro rumors
>You're quite clearly both, my friend
No u.
Tsubaki / Subaki
I don't spend any time on "social media sites" so, I'm mildly amused that people are angry over something so stupid and also glad that my pick, Linhardt, was confirmed for "you don't have to pick FByleth to get with me" tier. gay daddies is also pretty amusing news although not my cup of tea
I guess I am kind of concerned that this will blow up into something so huge that it affects the development or release of future titles, but what are the odds of that?
There isn't one as of now, but as it seems the are pushing Edelgard, it might be Black Eagles
Started out good, the FE threads were discussing the preview videos being released and things like the available classes, but then the homo romances got leaked and the threads went to shit ever since.
What? That's called NORMAL. Normal and realistic reaction considering the setting.
If anything localized version looks like bad fujo fiction in where such thing is completely ok without any party finding it weird.
WSJ, Nikkei and numerous outlets reported earlier this year that there will be 2 new Switches, one of them being the Lite and the other being a slight upgrade over the original Switch which is dubbed "Switch Pro".
Nintendo and Doug Bowser both claimed initially that there won't be any new Switches yet here were are right now with the Switch Lite and Doug Bowser now claims that the Switch Lite is the only new Switch for this year.
It’s all memes and bantz between the houses.
>faggot defending censorship that censored REALISM ABOUT FAGGOTRY NOT BEING NORMAL THING NORMALLY
What a surprise.
I wish Fire Emblem wasn't synonymous with waifu simulator anymore.
It only brings out the worst in people/community and now Fire Emblem is pretty much, everyone's punchline and can't be taken seriously at all.
Just woke up
actual faggot here, that shit was great and them removing that line was retarded as hell.
>considering the setting
You make it like it’s actually medieval Europe and not fantasy land with flying horses and dragon and people who shoot lightning out their asses
I love the hypocrisy of people wanting better representation of gay people in Fire Emblem and now that we get older gay people with actual personalities rather than whatever the hell was Niles, rather than expected fujobait, people are flipling their lids because "ew too old" and already collaborating for a full gay mod like they did for awakening, fates and Sacred Stones.
You're either fujo pretending to be gay, or you are one of these faggots that can't take realism about your ... "state." I'm betting on former.
>Can't we just let love be love?
>They're not hurting you, are they?
Dumbass why would I be a fujo if I hate fujo shit like that?
>Sacred Stones gay mod
You'll never be a gay man fujo. So stop pretending to be the one online.
Original conversation with Zero was perfectly normal and it actually felt realistic because such thing got acknowledge. It actually felt like two dudes hooking up. Only dumb fujoshi would ever defend such retarded censorship that looked like bad YAOI fanfiction.
For once diversity is something I'm happy to see with the choices they gave us. A twink and 2 actual mature men as gay reps? That ironically sounds way more "progressive" than making it the obvious manwhore shitskin
Look up Restoration Queen
tumblr/Twitter fujoshi are terrible. I think they know on some level that yaoi conflicts with their social justice so they severely overcompensate by defending anime girls or pretending they only like gay porn because it’s progressive. Or worse, they try to transition so they can speak for gay men without being told they’re talking over them because “actually I’m a boy! :)” I’ve even been guilted for labeling myself a fujoshi by a girl who’d been raving about who tops between Niles and Odin, I can’t wait until they fully cannibalize themselves
t. biscum who doesn’t care about canon choices because fanart will always compensate anyway
Ok now that fags have gotten their reps when will games start catering to us tilesexuals
Don’t. It also changes parts of the original script so it’s less sexist.
>hates fujo shit
>defends censorship that just slaps female lines with bi character which makes it look like terrible fujo fiction because translators couldn't understand why would Zero ask m-protagonist if he was put off by being hit on by another dude because NORMALLY people aren't into THAT sort of thing and they prefer OPPOSITE SEX
Try harder.
Honestly people were setting themselves up for failure with fanonizing Claude as gay so the downfall of "why wont Claude fuck me" is entirely the fanbases own fault
That said, this ironically is more progressive and more interesting of choices but at the same time exposes people who just wanted gay people to fuck them rather than to actually explore who they are and what not.
FtM "gays" and MtF "lesbians" anger me so much
I say this as someone who shamelessly fetishizes the opposite sex.
I blame self-insert culture
It's uncharacteristic for IS yet alone nintendo to want to do gay representation with unconventionally attractive characters. If Alois and Gil actually have good supports I could see them going down as some of the few LGBT characters done genuinely well, which is a refreshing thought considering indeed how many people just wanted the chars to be gay so they could fuck them and nothing more
They can barely model their human characters, what makes you think they’ll be able to capture the beauty of a proper grout?
I honestly never could get into that. I never once thought of my character as me. I honestly would find it weird if I did.
>before gay shit, Anons saying they're "canceling pre-orders" because game looks bad
>after gayshit, People from other sites unironically canceling their pre-orders because Claude isn't gay and the two male choices aren't otome/fujobait
I'm not even apart of this fanbase and every part of this prerelease history has been a fucking ride. What was it like with fates?
cuntboys and dickgirls are the ultimate self insert and it drives me nuts when fujos try to present cuntboys as progressive. i get it, its hot to jerk off to. dont pretend its a moral thing.
My thoughts exactly, I get self-conscious if I start identifying with the character.
>"true" story route
Look at this retard.
Because they aren't you
Robin and Corrin both have pre-established histories and conversations. The only thing you're doing is customizing them and if you were to take that out, nothing would change at all storywise.
Blizzard already caters to you with all that card covers in Hearthstone
Same, whenever I see someone I start aligning with in media, I do everything I can not to be some 2D bit character who bases their personality off someone in a tv show like people try and fail to do with the joker