What did Bowser mean by this?

What did Bowser mean by this?

Attached: IMG_20190713_164713.jpg (2048x1484, 547K)

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>"eheheh, i've shit on the ice cream of my son"

>no Peach in sight

As it should be

Jr's shaved ice is on his right

He is prpably paid for those so he has the right to get a bigger one. He is also at least triple the mass of everyone else.

Is kid is an asshole.

He likes anko with his shaved ice

What's this pic from? It looks like a calendar, but are there more images from other months?

Japanese calandars only have 3 months

I don't see any

the pink one

that's his left you dumpass

fine, right from our perspective

seasonal calendar, this is their summer months

He is an expert in swallowing big, shit covered phalic objects.
And he wore too much, too long the supercrown!

Attached: image.jpg (1429x1831, 309K)



It's amazing that the dude who directed the animation and made the character designs for Heidi and Marco got stuck doing pictures like OP's for Nintendo. A little waste of talent, desu, although the Mario pictures are very pleasing.

Attached: 532649.jpg (924x1359, 222K)

>Dad always gets horny when he eats ice-cream, and I've never seen him eat this much ice-cream at one time

True, but at least he has work.

Does anyone actually like azuki beans on their shave ice? I tried it once and it wasn't that great, now icemilk on shave ice is some good shit.

beans on shaved ice seems to be a common thing, honestly it doesn't seem to be offending

I have never even seen a shaved ice place sell red bean paste.


what are the mario bros. doing there anyway

I'm still really happy they brought this art style back since 3D world.

Attached: 1553647190765.jpg (360x440, 113K)

I haven’t found this calendar anywhere on google. Is there a source for this? I’d like to see the other seasons


I got it from here. He says it's from a nintendo catalog, so gonna assume Japan only.

I see. Thanks friend


Attached: D_SgznuUIAIHx-q.jpg (1200x877, 229K)

How come they don't have this overseas?

Attached: D-o9XpYUwAUXrMZ.jpg (1200x1133, 298K)

>Luigi not facing mirror
>still reflected as if he was
Is Luigi the ghost here?

That's Mario's. They are all color coded if you didn't realize.
Jr is crying because he doesn't get one.

Mario and Luigi are outside

Yep, I'm thinking he's based.

That doesn't make any sense, where's Luigi's?

Mario is in the background though

that's supposed to be "find the differences", you can see a similar page off screen

It's a euphemism, the chocolate represents shit on his dick from when he anally raped princess toad"stool", bit of a cheeky artist's nod

Luigi isn't a fat sack of shit eating frozen sugar like Mario and the rest.


user this isn't america