Why do people want it nerfed?
*literally the only thing that makes Engineer viable*
fuck wrangler
i use pistol
Pour one out for those that didn't deserve what they got
What the fuck happened to tf2
When were items introduced
The Sandman was so much fun for that short while it wasn't nerfed
And so many fucking scouts
>reeeeeeeee nerf combo pyro
>reeeeeeeee don't nerf combo scout
has Ambassador been fixed yet?
I never understood how to use the wrangler. People just start shooting you because you're standing next to the sentry and then you have to get the fuck out of there
Set it up in a place that they can't hit you while you can aim at them
How's that possible? If I'm behind my sentry I can't see forwards unless it's a mini
>*literally the only thing that makes Engineer viable*
this is what shitters actually believe
Spoken like a true retard.
The strengths of the engineer are teleporters and dispensers, everything else is secondary
*blocks ur path*
>And so many fucking scouts
I mainly played Heavy, Soldier or Medic. I welcomed the wave of weak targest who try to get close to you just to get a stun on you which they will miss 99 out of 100 times
A good example is this place in Dustbowl where you can aim down at the choke point while sitting behind your level 3 sentry with it being nearly impossible to hit you directly.
Have you been living under a rock for the past decade?
Truly a godly weapon before the balancing.
>Someone just sticky jumps/bonk/rocketjump to point
Offenseive Engineers > All other classes > Defensive Engineers
True. It sure is a shame that this is a 1 v 9 game and that you don't have an entire team with you to clean up the survivors.
That's for your team to handle
Your sentry should ALWAYS have a direct line of sight to the objective, user what the fuck are you doing
>I never understood how to use the wrangler
Harassing enemies like snipers outside of sentry range
Blowing away stickies
Tanking LNL/DH fire and ubers
Rocketing cloaked spies
Sentry jumping to safety
Getting to places you normally can't get too
Wrangler is easily the strongest weapon in engie's arsenal
>Team doesn't spy check
Don't give a fuck
I'm guessing the best loadout for the wrangler is rescue ranger and jag?
>Can't deal with worst class in the game
Yes there are teams who can't do that
Stock/SH is better so you aren't completely helpless against spies. Jag is better suited for aggressive engineers who run shotgun
Or just get more engies n camp in building ahead of you
jag always fucking crits though, and Im not even quoting that faggot Mr Paladin. From experience I always get a crit with it on a spy
>wrangler lets engi be more defensive or offensive as he pleases
>alternatives are to be super campy or the most hated person on the server as far as scouts are concerned
I just want to focus on my wrangling
A coordinated effort with a spy where he could backstab or sap me while I'm wrangling so they can push is no good
Pomson + short circuit > REST
nu-short circuit is only good to get out of spawn on shitty spammy maps like dustbowl