>Male of female V
>Intended playstyle (aggressive, diplomatic etc.)
>Coolest overall aesthetics (check pic)
If you wanna shitpost, is still active at the time of writing.
>Male of female V
>Intended playstyle (aggressive, diplomatic etc.)
>Coolest overall aesthetics (check pic)
If you wanna shitpost, is still active at the time of writing.
Other urls found in this thread:
I need more info about possible backstories, skills and other character creation stuff.
>need more info about possible backstories
I believe that only the option to choose your childhood hero was removed from the backstories - the rest of lifepath options and the biostats should remain the same.
>>Male of female V
Not sure what you mean by that. You mean a romantic partner?
What are the known ones?
>>Intended playstyle (aggressive, diplomatic etc.)
Probably no augmentations, but if I do choose to use augs, I'll go for being a netrunner.
>>Coolest overall aesthetics (check pic)
Neo militarism
If I recall they also add Street kid, Corpo and Nomad origins, supposedly each with a own prologue.
Anyway, on my first playthrough I will most likely go for strong unarmed build, since I have a teaste for unarmed builds even since I played F:NV and the new demo make me hope that this build will be somewhat viable.
I would also buff speech skills a lot, since I always do that in rpgs, but I don't know if there is any speech ability. There is cool stat, but that is just stat.
It seems more anons prefer arguing about games over discussing them. Guess I should answer my own questions:
>Male of female V
Female V
Ran away from home + Ex-lover in town
>Intended playstyle (aggressive, diplomatic etc.)
Techie talker - using charisma when shortcircuting or hacking things fails to work out
>Coolest overall aesthetics (check pic)
Top-right although I'm a big fan of top and bottom left.
>You mean a romantic partner?
No, who will you be in your first playthrough.
>What are the known ones?
Check the pic here >Probably no augmentations, but if I do choose to use augs, I'll go for being a netrunner
You'll be railroaded into pick up Kiroshi eye implant (for scanning) and the subdermal grip (to see your ammo count) but I believe they won't force you to augment anything else.
>If I recall they also add Street kid, Corpo and Nomad origins, supposedly each with a own prologue
So like Dragon Age: Origins - I like it!
>In my first playthrough I will most likely go for strong unarmed build
Sounds cool though I'm not sure how viable it will be. I actually did an unarmed non-lethal build in Shadowrun: Hong Kong - you should try it sometimes if you're into turn-based RPGs.
>Sounds cool though I'm not sure how viable it will be. I actually did an unarmed non-lethal build in Shadowrun: Hong Kong - you should try it sometimes if you're into turn-based RPGs.
I think you might misunderstood me, I am not talking about stealth unarmed build. I am talking about turning my character into a hurricane of fists that throw himself in the open battle.
Don't know about technically unarmed, but we'll be able to build a Solo character that's a melee-meat grinder if we want. But I'm pretty sure it'll involve a significant amount of augmentations such as those retractable scythe arms that we've seen. Hence the technically unarmed thing.
I wanna be TOM
>I am not talking about stealth unarmed build
I wasn't thinking you were - those Mantis blades exist for a reason. I was just saying how much fun I had in Shadowrun playing as a pacifist brute that managed to kill less people than even the most diplomatic of characters in my other playthroughs.
Whens this out again? Next year?
>Whens this out again? Next year?
Yeah, next April.
>Male first
first playthrough tacticool dude, second playthrough something fun as a female character
yeah, in april I believe
fucking finally, it's been nearly a whole decade
user, you may wanna sit down for this.
>it's been nearly a whole decade
Slightly over seven years, which isn't too bad when you realize that the pre-production of Bioware's Anthem started in late 2012 or something, and we know how that game turned out.
>>Male of female V
Street kid
>>Intended playstyle (aggressive, diplomatic etc.)
trying to get to the end as fast as i can so i dont get spoilered
>>Coolest overall aesthetics (check pic)
>trying to get to the end as fast as i can so i dont get spoilered
Why would you care about spoilers when you're actually playing a game?
One last bump from me.
its ok, only shitposting threads of cyberpunk last
>aggressive / charismatic
>pic related
>Street kid
>Cybernetic/Aug fiend, will probably stick to a concealed carry pistol as well
>Combination of top left and right
This is all subject to change, we've had a chunk of info but I still cannot really comprehend how this is going to play-out.
CDR need to stop back-pedalling.
I hope I can dress /sleaze/
>pic related
>only shitposting threads of cyberpunk last
I had hoped more sensible anons from that other threads would migrate here.
>but I still cannot really comprehend how this is going to play-out
CDPR is throwing a shitton of money on the development of the game, so we'll certainly get a polished product at least. Just three days ago they announced that the dude who made the OST for Dredd will be working with them:
The question is whether this will translate to them crafting an engaging story that's influenced by your decisions and implementing good gameplay mechanics (the latter of which CDPR was never particularly good at).
>polished product
Yeah right. TW3 fully patched still had game breaking bugs.
works on my machine :)
>TW3 fully patched still had game breaking bugs
Polished in a visual and auditory sense, I mean.
>announced that the dude who made the OST for Dredd will be working with them:
yeah i read it too, tho i havent seen the newest dredd, but the song you linked is dope
>not sure yet
>Morgan Blackhand
>Ran away
>unfinsished business
I'll go for full transhumanism if possible. So propably a mixture of the right side pictures
>Morgan Blackhand
not a thing any more.
fug, but i'm kinda flexible on that
Since there's three "life paths" and also at least 3 play styles, I think I'm gonna have 3 characters
The stealthy melee Nomad who is a purist and keeps body mods to a minimum. Always tries to help people. Probably gonna go for a chill-looking Asian dude with this one.
The hacking smooth-talker Corpo; I'll try to keep killing to the very minimum with this one. Egoistic, but kinda pacifist. I'm thinking an atomic Caucasian blonde chick with pheromone mods and shit.
And then the unhinged Street Kid who shoots first and never asks questions. Slinging guns and burning shit down all day. Not sure what to make him/her. A crazy looking Native American or Hispanic maybe.
Mmm now that I think about it, I'll switch melee and guns. Purist Native American Nomad with stealthy gunplay and unhinged modded to hell and back Asian dude with blades coming out of his ass
Will it even be this flexible?
The character is really refined apparently, can't transcend anything above 'cyberpunk', dialogue choices might alter this a bit idk.
Goddamn I wish they wouldn't push the celeb gimic so hard, I think that's really going to compress narrative freedoms.
We'll have to wait until August when they show that "breathtaking" demo, but I have no reason to think this is undoable. Other games managed to pull it off, why not CDPR
Isn't it a bit too early for a thread like this?
I mean, we still don't have that much Info since wen haven't seen the new gameplay demo yet and can only speculate based onyoutube recaps and alst years demo.
>Isn't it a bit too early for a thread like this?
It's also a bit early for people to shit on the game before knowing how little (or much) CDPR has gimped or improved the role-playing aspect of the game but we still have that OH NO NO NO HAHAHAHAHA thread with over 300 replies.
>Male of female V
Definitely male for the first run.
Corpo all the way man, gotta get that Meredith romance.
>Intended playstyle (aggressive, diplomatic etc.)
I'll probably do what I do in most RPG's which is talk my way out of situations as much as possible. I'll be a goody two shoes, favor revolvers and shotguns, if the selection is good.
>Coolest overall aesthetics (check pic)
>dredd megablocks
>slowmo inhaler
>and now the composer
hope we get to use a weapon similar to the one used in the film considering its a big inspiration for the game
>gotta get that Meredith romance
>implying you will be anything more than a disposable fuck toy she uses simply to vent out her frustrations on.
Unarmed like mantis blades or unarmed like the monowire?
Why not bare fist?
>streed kid/hacker/death of a sibling and trying to find out what happened
>diplomatic/stealth and max non-lethal but armed to the teeth as a fallback
>no preference rn, don't care all that much
But I'll cross this bridge when I get to it, especially stats.
I dunno, Mantis blades give the option to wall run, or if thats something you can do without them it gives you the option to hang at a spot on a wall.
As for the monowire it apparently allows for long range hacking as well. This actually confused me cause based on that black chick in the cinematic I assumed ranged hacking would be a wireless type thing.
Was unarmed able to KO enemies in Shadowrun, or is that not what you're implying? If so I wish I'd known about it sooner, using the stun gun in HK was fun for a while but got repetitive and felt more and more like a pointless exercise later on.
Why would anyone want that? What do you do with yourself when she's done with you and leave you in the gutter for some fuckboi?
>Was unarmed able to KO enemies in Shadowrun, or is that not what you're implying?
Yep, but only when paired with Duncan's Subdue ability.
Are there any shadowrun games that you only control a single person?
I've only slightly looking into the games and they look interesting, but I hate managing a team, I just wanna be my own dude.
i want Ruiner-style music
>i want Ruiner-style music
My man, Ruiner's more quiet musical pieces were arguably better than the witchhouse combat soundtrack:
I know it's stereotypical of me to say this, but I'd love to hear some Pertubator (or other more proficient synthwave artists like Alex), in both action and quieter scenes:
Or how about some Danger:
>Are there any shadowrun games that you only control a single person?
Maybe one of the older NES games but I haven't played them so I couldn't say that for certain.
>I just wanna be my own dude
You can actually go solo on most missions if you want to, it's just that the chance of you surviving those missions will be drastically reduced.
Can i set teammates to auto or something?
>no white guys
Cybercuck 2077
>Can i set teammates to auto or something?
Not really, you can just make them completely skip their turn, which is kinda pointless. As I've said, you have the option of going solo on pretty much every mission aside from the loyalty quests and likely the final mission as well. However, I wouldn't look at them as dead weight, just another piece on a chess board working with your protagonist.
I dunno. I kinda wanna breeze through the game as melee/short range solo street kid at first. With the punkish entropism/kitsch look. Killing mostly everything.
Then on the second playthrough I'd got with a stealthy/long ranged corpo neomilitarism netrunner pacifist run.
My niggus.
>Cybercuck 2077
Go back to your containment thread
The problem here is that while both cyberpunk 2077 and Ruiner are cyberpunk, 2077 is more punk than it is cyber, and ruiner is more cyber than it is punk.
In other words, the music in ruiner fits the bottom left picture of OPs pic more, but 2077 is most likely going to look/feel like upper right/left.
Personally i would want a 2077 game that looks and feels like the Ruiner soundtrack/Bladerunner 2049 or pic related.
We already know thats not what we are getting. It'll be a punk game, with cyber in it, instead of a cyber game, with punk in it.
Did they really have to use Max's head model for that pic lel
>It'll be a punk game, with cyber in it, instead of a cyber game, with punk in it
We'll just have to wait and see to what degree punk is dominant in relation to cyber.
For me, it's Giganigga.
Ah right so you're just talking HK then, for a second there I thought I'd missed out on this in DMS and Dragonfall or something.