I'm thinking of buying GTX 1660ti and i5-9600k.
Is this good enough to run PUBG at 144hz?
I'm thinking of buying GTX 1660ti and i5-9600k.
Is this good enough to run PUBG at 144hz?
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Underage pls go
not underage
Get an AMD 3600x instead
my old card finally died and I got one of those a couple of months ago
bretty good cheap card if I do say so myself
but then again I only have a 60 Hz 1080p screen but I can play everything maxed out
Im happy
Recommend me a new PSU. My thermaltake berlin has never failed me through many many power outages since 2014, but I want a new one just in case. I only have a 3770k, 1060 6g and 3 hdd. It has to be modular because I have dust problems
>ask gee
They're too busy shitflinging le amd vs le intel
A EVGA G3 Or a seasonic Gold PSU.
Avoid corsair PSUs.
waste of money get a used 1070 and anything quad core
why would you get an i5? are you braindamaged?
>buying used graphics cards
holy shit.
OP is a slav or a chink detected. Mods take out this subhuman trash out
Duhh let me get an i7 because it has 0.4% more vidyer performance because i7s are made for shit like rendering, blender, etc but don't tell anyone because higher number means better!
Corsair RMx are good though
Dude just buy TitanFall 2, best shooter out there.
This. Buy a used 1080
Rethink Intel. They're in a bad spot now with ANOTHER security patch gimping performance, and AMD just stepping all over old intels with its current lineup.
he's on a tight budget looking to get 144fps on a game coded by bonobos, i5 9600k is the best choice. Getting a 1080 or 1080ti would be a better deal than a 2060 for sure.
>Nvidia stops all production of 1080ti to force people to choose between the significantly inferior 1660ti or the significantly overpriced 2080ti
>people just buy moderately overpriced 1080ti leftover stock instead.
Runs on weaker PCs as well.
>1660 Ti
oh no no no no
i5s are okay unless he's playing management games. For example, playing Prison Architect/Sims 4/Planet Coaster where you want to set the game to max-fast-forward -- you need processing power for that. But for a game like PUBG, and i5 would be fine.
Though I do agree he'd probably regret it later down the line. But it's still easier to switch a CPU than a mainboard. If I was on a budget, the one thing I'd splurge on is the board. You never want to upgrade that shit. What a pain in the ass.
There's some newer boards that work really with with AMD CPUs, so there's money to save there as well.
>with a 9600k
I think the power balance of this rig is heavily dipped towards the CPU. Even more if you OC it. Which you should since its a k model.
Also buy one of the new AMD CPUs because they beat intel when it comes to power, price and core/thread count. Also buy a more powerful GPU. 1660ti is shit.
Reminder that mining cards are invariably undervolted while in use and are not deep fried like Yea Forums-niggers think.
t. /g/ ricefaggot
do you not realize i5's are 6 core processors now?
>reading the dumb ass replies in this thread.
Most games still don't use more than 2 cores so it doesn't matter.
then what do you mean "you need processing power for that"? do you think an i5 has less "processing power" for a game like that than an i7? The only difference is a slight advantage in l3 cache for the i7.
>buying under i7 and 2000 series
>for 144hz
>let alone PUBG
>Most games still don't use more than 2 cores so it doesn't matter.
Most games address 6-8 logical threads but are bottlenecked on 1 or 2 main threads with significantly higher load, however having insufficient logical threads will further choke the performance of the load heavy ones because the game engine will double up tasks on a lesser used thread and the main threads will be stuck waiting every other cycle.
>1660ti is shit
not really, it's the best card to buy until they make better non-rtx cards since the 20 series is overpriced as fuck for what you actually get
Since new things already comes out, is these good enough for "slightly out of date" build?
>Ryzen 5 2600
>16 gb ram
>RX 580 8gb
My budget is around $500-550, not including other things like monitor
besides the ram (8gb) this is what I made for my friend and it runs super nicely
I'd consider swapping the RX580 for a 1660ti but otherwise it's a solid mid-tier build, get memory that operates at at least 2666MHz otherwise it'll bottleneck the performance of your processor, above that speed gives diminishing returns and may have compatibility issues as well, check the model number of your memory kits against the QVL for your motherboard.
Speaking of motherbooards, the MSI B450 Tomahawk and B450m Mortar are the very best value Ryzen boards.
OP here. I want to run PUBG at 1080p 144hz.
Will GTX 1660ti be enough?
Thanks. I'm worried if 2600 is obsolete since I saw benchmarks of 3600 and it has almost double the performance, but it's $60 more expensive.
1660ti cost $100 more which is why I didn't considered it. My original choices were 1060 and 580, and I choose 580 because it has bigger vram. I haven't considered 1660 tho.
As for the MB, I was about to go cheap by picking A320m, but B450 sounds nice and the price isn't that much expensive.
It averages ~160FPS with minimums of like 100 on Erangel, constant 144 should be achievable by lowering shadows/AO and post processing quality a bit as long as you aren't CPU bottlenecked.
The 1660ti is a great card, the issue is we're not going to see good "non RTX" cards ever again. Nvidia won't Allow that.
the 16 series of cards is undoubtedly going to be the last non rtx cards we'll see.
The price point for the card vs it's comparison the 1070. it's on par. they trade off in which has better performance where but overall the 1660ti is better the downside it has is that it lacks in OC capability.
What's the price difference to RTX 2060 SUPER
5700 XT just came out :)
I have a used 970 for 4 years and still no problems, just find one that hasn't been cucked by miners and you should be alright.
it's also an amd card. Perhaps I should have specified nvidia cards won't be non rtx anymore. Anyways, the 5700 cards are interesting but I refuse to use a blower card. I'll wait and see for now. I'm currently using a 1660ti anyways, it's a damn fine card.
Or just play Titanfall 3, aka Apex Legends
>I refuse to use a blower card
I fell for this meme because of price and it was the worst mistake ever, it's loud as hell and gets incredibly hot to the point of making my room hotter.
NEVER get blower gpu's.
2060 supers are $399
the 1660ti models vary by model, base model is $279 I picked up an EVGA GTX 1660 Ti XC Ultra for $289 but the price has gone up to over $300 now which isn't good because at that rate you might as well get a 2060 super. granted when I bought my 1660ti the supers didn't exist.
>Had a 5850 blower once
>Noisiest GPU I ever had, like hard to ignore loud
>GPU started overheating because it got clogged with dust at the outtake
>Had to take it apart and clean it which I never had to do to a GPU until then
Never again.
Definitely worth the extra hundo IMO
Yeah, if you're looking to upgrade, and haven't yet, grab a 2060 super for that price. I bought mine right when the 16's dropped. I kind of regret it but I had the money then and it was already a huge upgrade over my old card. this will suffice for now until i can build a new pc.
I have without TI and I like it
>Want a new GPU
>Look at 2060 Super prices in the UK
>Average cost is like £400+ (around $500)
>Older one goes for like £300($377)
These prices seem kind of shitty. I'm now just considering waiting to see how the 5700 non-blower cards are instead.
ewwww would not bang
>I'm now just considering waiting to see how the 5700 non-blower cards are instead.
That makes sense. If better coolers deal with the heat that board produces they should be much better power per dollar.
Have any of the 3rd party makers even shown their designs for the new 5700's yet? or announced any interest in even making them?
Sapphire will probably do what they always do.
mhmmmm true. Guess i was asking for the stars seeing something interesting like MSI or evga give a radeon card a shot.
OP here. I want to play PUBG at 1080p 144hz.
Is GTX 1660 Ti enough?
You need a 2080 super at least. Titan V would be preferable though.
Consoles have 6 or was it 8 cores now nigga
Next gen maybe. Current gen no.
Current gen yes.
UK prices suck, we're cucked over here
As long as Drumpf doesn't put sanctions on electronic goods imported to EU before I buy a new GPU.
The PC gaming meme is dead. I'm still playing almost all games above 90fps with a i5-4570, 16gb of DDR3 and a GTX1070 (formerly a GTX680 which was still a solid 60+ but was loud as fuck so I sold it to some zoomer). Moore's law is a fucking lie.
Uneducated game devs failing break new ground, Bitcoin miners, and console ports have completely stagnated the industry.
Yeah it's totally not because we're reaching physical limits of silicon, it's all incompetence and memes.
Currently have a 2500k+HD7850. Both served me extremely well over the past 7 years, but I'm thinking it's about time to upgrade. Ryzen 3600 + 1660ti looks fairly good. Possibly also buy a 1440p/144hz monitor (I know the GPU wouldn't be good enough to max that out, but I could at least do either 1440p or 144hz and then have it for when I upgrade to another GPU down the line)
sound like a plan? Or would it be better to wait longer to get a different GPU? I can never get a feel for that market.
Honestly with the price increases the 1660ti's have seen due to simple market greed, you're better off getting a 2060 super at this point. Had the 16's stayed at their launch prices they'd be worth it but now they're over $300. it's just not there value vs performance wise anymore.
I've been seeing them go on sale for 230 though.
Banned for 3 days, he specifically asked for Intel.
depends on which model you're looking at. The shitters are going for $230 yeah anything decent is going for about $280 or above.
going with ryzen 3600x and a 1660ti on my new build
is the X even worth it? 50 extra bucks for what amounts to a very slight overclock as compared to the 3600
shoo shoo intel-aviv jew
It is though. Engine tools haven't improved. Games with ridiculously long development times aren't seeing worthwhile gains in visuals. RTX is an actual meme. Why can't they just make cpu dies smaller? Lame excuses that's why. Vendors are comfortable just throwing new series numbers and RGB lights on old shit and calling it a day.
>tfw have had the same hx650 for close to 10 years with zero issues
corsair's all right in my book
What makes the ones that go on-sale for 230 worse? Same specs and standard dual-fan direct cooling rather than that blower box bullshit, so I don't see why not.
same with tx650. but afaik those are just seasonic rebrands. most other corsair psu lines are same dogshit as the rest.
branding is everything with the 3rd party cards is all I'm saying. don't fall for shit tier level makers. that being said I did just see a base model 1660 from evga for $233, that sounds like a damn fine deal with there as you can overclock the base model to match the ti if you know what you're doing.
That's not sale price for the non-ti, that's the standard price. Standard price for the ti is 280 but I frequently see various manufacturers doing temporary sales at around 230, which makes buying a non-ti a foolish choice if its the same price.
>Choosing incel
>What makes the ones that go on-sale for 230 worse?
The cooler's usually entirely aluminum and/or doesn't have enough heat pipes, makes poor contact with the GPU or otherwise has some kind of inherent design flaw that sullies the card's reputation and has it getting returned in droves.
MSI's Armor series is notoriously poor in this regard.
For me, it's gotta be the 2060 Gaming Z.
Couldn't afford better?
Is that good enough to emulate ps3 games?
enjoy your microstutter
Get a 2070
Don't know nigger I have a PS3 covered in dust.
Still not found anything my RX 570 can't max on my 60fps 1080p monitor. You guys all gaming at 4k or like your meme 100+ frame rates?
>tfw 3600 comes in the mail in an hour or two
I can't wait!
Apparently it comes with a free 3 months of Xbox gamepass, any recommend games on there?
1440p 144hz+ is the norm now
Hey man fuck you I asked politely
I keep hearing 1440p is the norm but never seen any actual proof of this.
>is the norm now
not according to steam polls
keep lying to yourself
Sorry my man, it can probably do it, haven't tried. But if you're thinking of system building I probably wouldn't go with a LGA1150 socket.
Western metrics are brought down by Brazilians on 1024 * 768
It's the norm for people who actually care about videogames
Don't worry man. I asked because I own an i5-2400 and someone offers me an i5-4570 + mb for cheap. I wonder if it's worth it because I couldn't play Persona 5 properly. Otherwise I just build a Ryzen or get a cheap ass PS3 instead.
>Still no proof
But of course, trying to get any actual statistics or data on Yea Forums is like a blind person trying to do brain surgery on a roller coaster.
i5-9600k will grant you more FPS and it's cheaper.
Sup shill?
>i7 is better because it's a bigger number
Just get an RTX 2060 or a cheap 1080
I honestly don't know. that game is optimized like garbage.
To answer the question, no it does not. 80 fps regardless of settings. Needs a XX70, preferrably better.