If your name is called, you have to play the game assigned.
Go play The Game
If your name is called, you have to play the game assigned.
Go play The Game
go jump off a cliff into a vat of acid
oh boy a doll thread
hopefully it doesn't end up like yesterday
Yowza indeed. I want to raep her button eyeballs
Play New Vegas
Go play Last Of Us Remastered
My name is a more common last name so its never called
It hurts
Travis, go play cogmind
My name never gets called in these
Can't wait for my name to not get called again.
>have a girl's name despite being male
>never get called in these threads
>when telling it to strangers have to say it twice because they always think they misheard me
Lesley, Ashley, go play Teraurge.
Sam, Alex, Jordan, Toby, Lorenzo, go play Postal 2.
Whatever abigail
Ashley would be cool because you could just go by Ash
it's Bailey
What’s your name?
That's a cute name.
Can someone redpill me on where the fuck this doll is from (for research)?
Rubilock. The earliest I’ve seen of her was in some doll thread from either /trash/ or Yea Forums long ago.
Which Bailey Jay video or pictures should I jerk it to?
Go play Stardew Valley.
go play la mulana
my family had a male springer spaniel named bailey when i was a kid
I wonder how god tier Jesus would be on Doom
>mfw have a non-american name
Same here
not a nick, but excellent choices amazon man.
Fuck i've been meaning to play SotN since I couldn't beat it as a kid. But I still have a lot of games I need to play/finish
My name was the third popular name in the year that I was born (hint: mid to late 90s). How come no one's said it?
>having a kike bible name
lmaoing @ your life matthew
go play with yourself
Josh(ua), Cor(e)y, and Andrew, go play fucking Super Metroid you fucks
Funny Nick, I just started playing SoTN myself since I realized I've only ever played it as Ritcher.
That's a sin. I can't do that, user
go play a competitive tf2 match
Which person on that list do you hate, ben or paul?
>Have a somewhat obscure Irish name
Thank God, I can stay here and shitpost instead of having to play video games.
go play the entirety of genital jousting's story mode, craig
Nope. Hint: Starts with an ‘E’
Eustice, play Kirby Star Allies and smash enemies with a Dedede mallet.
Not even my name is as gay as “Eustice”
Go to bed, Ewan
Jugemu Jugemu Goko no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Ku Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yabura Koji no Bura Koji Paipo-paipo Paipo no Shuringan Shuringan no Gurindai Gurindai no Ponpokopi no Ponpokona no Chokyumei no Chosuke
You get to play some Civ 5.
Getting closer. Same amount of letters.
Haha nice
I wanna Evan but I bet it's some cunt name like Enat or Enya
Very close.
It's fuckin Enda isn't it.
Go play endless legend
Holy shit thats a first.
Yep that’s it.
Way back I had a friend named Emilio and I never met another since. 16 years since maybe.
What's your name?
Nico, go play the bowling minigame in GTAIV.
no its not
My name never gets called so I'll call it myself
Tristan, go play Dragon's Dogma
>Got a name that pretty much is only used in my country, which is also the namd of an old ass philosopher
>never get called on these threads thanks to it
Its a cool name, at least
Thanks mom
Sup Plutarch
Chad, go play Skyrim
Same, it's way too german, i can never play name games.
I was worried I knew you since you got 2 of my friends names right to, but whom the fuck is Lorenzo and Toby?
Heinrich, go play Fortnite.
Thanks user, I just remembered I downloaded Sexout a while ago need to install it.
Adolf, play Wolfenstein
It really is incredible how anglocentric this place is, my name is easily one of the most common, if not the most common, male name in my country and it just never appears.
Even in vidya, I know only two characters with my name, one is a minor hero in Wonderful 101 and the other is from a game that isn't even out yet.
Ndamukong go play Dead by Daylight
Nope, but i'd probably name my son that
That, or Aurelius, Virgil, Strabo or Diogenes
Aurelius is a good one, but I'd keep it as a second name.
Marcus Aurelius was the most interesting roman emperor, what a cool guy.
>tfw name not called
It starts with a B
Go to sleep Brittany
Lorenzo is a friend of mine, Toby is a name I thought of randomly. Which one are you, and which ones are your friends?
Im not playing that movie shit nigga
>Brooklyn accent
Oh god oh fuck
You could have just said "explain" and avoided looking like a twat, but what the fuck do I know.
do not fucking do this
I beg of you
do not do this to your child
name him fucking Marcus and just keep the hidden meaning to yourself
I mean it, for fucks sake, do not under any circumstance name your child after a roman emperor or philosopher
By the way, William, get Mechwarrior 4: Mercenaries for free on MyAbandonware.
Good luck, niggers, you'll never guess my name. I'll even give you a hint:
It's not Rumpelstiltskin
Hey Richard, go play Half Life 2.
calling myself out because I need to finish this game
Bailey, Ngolo and Fritz. Go play Rocket League
>Implying I'm english
My language has direct translations to roman names, I know some people called Aurelio.
I still wouldn't call my son like that, gotta follow family tradition and go with my father's name for the first born.
I want to BE the doll!
Someone post that doll user pic right now
Jeremy, Ethan, William. Go play Gmod and make some new friends.
why not, because you think kids will make fun of him?
news flash retard, kids will make fun of literally any name and bullying is only instigated if your kid is a fucking wimp with a bullyable personality - regardless of whatever name he has
if you raise a chad, you can name your kid Penishead and he'll still slay pussy
You ever just pretend that youre someone else and say your own name?
No, because I don't have the 'tism.
>Name is biblical
No one'll call it.
fuck off jesus lopez, go play muse dash
fuck i hate that game
haha your name is dick
>Haven't been called yet
Feels good.
>tfw your name only gets called for shit like 'X go jerk off' and 'X go to bed'
faggot? is that you?
Wrong about both.
>haha your name is dick
shut up
Elijah, go kill yourself.
>name is super common yet never shows up in these threads
thanks user, i'll try it out
Fuck you I was always safe so far
does your mommy call you peenus weanus?
How's it going, Dick?
Go play Binding of Isac
No but your mommy calls me dad.
These threads are filled with people begging for their name to be called instead of just enjoying the fact that their parents werent fucking generic.
The point is to not be called out, dumbasses, do you really want all control of your daily life taken away from you like some subby faggot only good for dickings?
Goddamn children.
so you're dead?
>have an uncommon name
You have no power over me
I wish
Shadow go suck a dick and keep drinking sperm untill you puke
Go fuck yourself because you got cool name I didnt
This, you fuckwits cant do anything right
>bawww my names not here btw it's very common and starts with x you'll never guess it!!!
igor, vladimir, artem, boris, ivan go back to dota 2 with you
I didn't read the thread, I just want you to know that I want to fuck that doll.
I've actually been wanting to replay it recently so I'll get right on that, amigo.
Alan or Allen or Allan, you're up. go play a Tales Of game.
Jean, Abdul, Roger and Marcus, go play monster girl quest paradox.
Welp, time to go on another modspree that ends with me completely wiping the game from my harddrive when things end up not working properly
Go play Underrail Jack.
Unironicaly based.
michael, Jeremy, Glen go play dominions, oolite (with mods), with glen dolls
number 1 go take a number 2
Dovahkiin, go play some Skyrim.
go play Rimworld
>universal name
>nobody called it
Welp. No games for me today, it seems
What if it's Marc with a C
>SEA name
Its impossible
Go play some Bad Rats Ezra
Brady, pre-order Kill La Kill: IF
Go fuck yourself Judas
You'll never guess MY name!
David, go play TF2.
Todd, i'm not buying your game.
Amir, go eat ass
Looks like my name didn't get called, so I'll get someone else.
Dominic, play Ace Attorney.
You too, Dominick.
Nice try, but not even ONE person has said a name that begins with the same letter as mine O
Go play cataclysm dark days ahead.
Omar, play Crash Twinsanity
owen, go play mgsv
Oliver, pre-order Kill La Kill IF: Limited edition on PS4
I don't play games for SHIT animes.
But good job you got it. I will accept a different good anime game suggestion.
Sure thing chief
Otis, play Dead Rising 1
Eray, go play Smash
Mean, Kill La Kill is the best.
Play Xenoblade (1)
Being from hueland always makes more difficult for my name being called, fucking muricas think we have Chicano's names.
>Have common name
>Still not posted yet
Wew lad.
Marco, polo.
>my name gets called
>still play the game I want to play anyway
I have like 8 games I'm trying to beat right now
That being said,
Carl and Benjamin go fucking play destroy all humans also destroy all humans 2 if this is your first time playing them
Fuck, you got my first name and middle name. Guess I have to play it now.
calm down joão go play cs:condition zero
>my name's still not called out
oh come on it's not even uncommon
Someone do a list of unisex names?