What games do they mean by "latest hits"?
What games do they mean by "latest hits"?
Mordhau, or risk of rain 2
Oh wait, those are pc exclusives.
Sorry consolefags :^P
God I hope this is fake
Fuck off chaponiggers
Who the fuck makes this shit? I'm assuming these people want people to join unions, have babies and be productive, healthy members of society by making them feel embarrassed that they'd be shallow enough to buy a games console and other 'lifestyle' stuff for young people because of a poster like this.
Unions depend on the power of governments to prop them up
Otherwise any faggots who broke their employment contract would get swiftly fired and you can go beg in the street like the commie scum you are
Government bootlickers
WTF kind of 25 year old is giving out $600 a month in "donations"???
Is this the "post normies being retarded screenshots for (You)s" thread?
Close. OP is a chaponigger from Reddit that's been trying to spam leftist propaganda for weeks now. He thinks he isn't obvious.
Nobody should have an opinion on unions unless they've studied economics enough to understand the pros and cons. It's not a simple issue, there's a lot of nuance there.
or you could pirate
real PC gamers don't pay for downloads, you're just as bad as console kiddies paying for online play, you're paying to use the internet connection you already pay for either way
Iirc you get tax write-offs for donations to charities
Bloodborne... Um... Bloodborne DLC and... Sekiro, if you're like me and have a shitty PC that can't run Sekiro... Lots of cheap booze too?
>he doesn't spend a quarter of his wage on streamers
The same should be said for all fields. especially when it comes politics
Finally someone else admits that paying for digital distribution is nothing more than giving a donation to a company.
Spotify, Netflix, itunes, "Steam games", etc
a 25 year old who makes 100k a year
can't you read
Reminder that /pol/tards genuinely think their shitposting on Yea Forums is intellectual discussion.
Change /pol/tards to normals and twitter and it's the same
Is this the power of America?
/pol/ has been infested with retarded normie boomers since at least 2016, so at this point their intelligence level has been dragged down to the level of Twitter and r/The_Donald
Makes 100k yet has third world internet for 20 bucks l0l and somehow gets his house cleaned by some Mexican presumably multiple times because once a month is just a waste of effort for only 30? Fuckin wat
>Cell phone: $40
On a network like fucking Boost, sure, but Millenials are either on Verizon or T-Mobile with mandatory data plans that bring it closer to $70-80
A lot of this seems like it's either fake or way below the common standard.
This is fan fiction, but if he gave up the """donations""" he would have 4500 left over a month instead of 3900 a month. Also where the fuck is this nigger living that his rent is 825? The projects?
>cell phone
Look me in the eye and tell me this isn't fan fiction. This is all bullshit.
"You can't have valid views about things until you've paid to be forcefed the elitist university opinions for 3-4 years!"
You're a fucckking dumbass nigger and how is it possible that you spend thousands of dollars and years of your life studying something, and yet you literally have a worse stance on it than rando anons on Yea Forums. Fuck your life
>t. make this much from a family that used to make nothing
this budget is fatcat garbage and highlights horrifically misaligned priorities, spend more on stuff that matters and less on garbage:
>cut the grocery budget in half, mealprep cheaper, healthier food, and quit being a manchild who can't cook.
>use your meals to cut that eating out budget to 80 bucks, and only for emergencies and a twice monthly splurge. convert the savings into dating spend, pocket whatever remains.
>actually INCREASE total internet and phone spend by 120 dollars. 20 dollar internet will have a data cap unbearably low for someone who'd use Yea Forums, don't be a fucking pleb and cheap out on things that matter and which you'll probably be using every waking hour
>dump your house cleaner and wipe your own goddamn toilet, you lazy fuck.
>unless you're donating to charity, get the fuck out of here with a donation budget that's 20% of your total expenses. refocus what's probably really their entertainment budget (donations on twitch and Patreon) towards a gym membership, netflix, and humble bundle. This is both cheaper and better money value if you need something to do in your evenings because you're boring
altogether, with the above altered budget they've got 100-300 bucks of obvious fat to trim, plus they're now getting laid, getting fit, and are taking control of their life.
Normals dont post on twitter
You're thinking of facebook
Cute Whataboutism.
my rent is $400
But I also live in a studio in oregon
>dining out: $250
>Americans unironically paying this much for cellphone and internet
watch out, this guy watches jon oliver
He's right and you sound like a complete moron.
Were you posting this for yourself or...?
Most unions are corrupt anyway. My union spent over a year convincing us that they were negotiating a new contract and we would strike if we had to. Then they settled on a shitty contract despite members saying we didn't want it and never even voted to go on strike, and by the time they did this it was too late to enter into individual bargaining. A new Playstation would have been a better way to spend the money even if it only has one game.
Your sentiments only matter if you're trying to live on a tight budget. This kid makes 100k/yr and only spends 30k of it. Who gives a fuck how they spend their money if they're saving 70% of their paycheck?
noone posts for themself
i'm hoping to inspire you fucks to look at the holes in your own budget that look like this and close them, seeing where you can trim the fat on a garbage budget is educational. also it's fun to take the piss out of trash-tier budgeting.
like, the journo doesn't know what the fuck excellent with money means, because apparently it doesn't mean
>as cheap as possible
>as optimized for a well-lived life as possible
>in a way that's sustainable and will make you a happier and healthier person
>in a way that gets you laid
which should be the real goals of a budget, because then you have the money you need to do all that
time value of money. rock your twenties with a salary like that and you can be a millionaire by 30 and a multimillionaire by 40, fuck it up and you'll be playing catchup until you're an old turd
No one with a normal job is getting 100k a year though
>t. Karl Marx
>It's another healthcareless, unionless, exploited amerimutts thread
>noone posts for themself
>i'm hoping to inspire you fucks to look at the holes in your own budget
You definitely were posting this for you.
how so?
It's really obvious you're trying to justify something to yourself using this venue. You come off as deeply insecure.
>It's really obvious you're trying to justify something to yourself using this venue.
like what? seems like you're projecting, user
>mafia is trying to get into video games now
eyyy vito
>rent $825 a month
I would love to know what kind of shitty apartment this guy lives in. even studio apartments cost over a grand a month in rent.
get a housemate and your studio's rent is now 500.
less space or more roommates; rent's divided by roommate count.
My rent is only 300€ in my tiny village in France.
>the corporate oligarchy beholden only to their shareholder nobility has only your best interests at heart dear employee!
I mean unions can definitely be a racket but come the fuck on.
yeah but you have to live around french people
>$20 internet
fucking where exactly?
wtf 700 a year is steep af!
American unions are a scam by lawyers.
>Few years back, looking for a factory job while I save up money.
>Get an offer from a plastic manufacturer.
>Union comes up, ask what benefits my dues would get me.
>The ability to work at the plant.
>Shit unions are usually supposed to cover are provided by the company (insurance, retirement, reasonable working conditions).
>Decide to just work in a warehouse to save up money.
Sure, unions were necessary back when most of them were founded, but nowadays, they're becoming the thing they claim to protect the workers from. At least while I was at the warehouse, they actually provided protective equipment.
polite sage for not Yea Forumsidya.
this board's quality is so shit that you shouldn't sage unless you're shitposting or talking about politics/ecelebs. Literally anything else would improve the overall state of this board
I mean, posting about working/unions on Yea Forums is a kind of shitposting, since most of the board doesn't know what it is.
No. It's actually you projecting your ideals here.