Does anyone else remember when you used to be able to play videogames without worrying about losing access to them because some random people didn't like a thing you said?
Does anyone else remember when you used to be able to play videogames without worrying about losing access to them...
Other urls found in this thread:
if you just stop calling people niggers and faggots you probably won't get banned
A nigger AND a faggot right there
Yeah, today. Because i refuse to pay for media that can be taken away from me on a whim. I paid for, don't like the way im using it? Fuck off nigger kike faggot
>perform actions
>face consequences
I remember this 7
Remember when OP had sex?
Banter belongs to online games and you don't even have to say anything really offensive to get banned these days. Even stuff like "gg wp" or "gg ez" is considered toxic.
>he doesn't even have enough self-control to keep himself from saying stupid manchild shit because he got mad at a video game
Remember when you cut your dick off and called yourself Melissa?
I turned off any kind of communication in online games years ago.
Trying to get teamplay is more like playing babysitter, I've never met anyone I wanted to add and talk to outside a game, the enemy team just says retarded shit to get you to tilt and play worse, it's not banter its just tactics.
My game I will play how I want to
My keyboard I will type what I want to
My Microphone and I will say what I want with it
's privately owned servers and they will ban who they want from them
>perform actions
>face consequences
this. when i used to play overwatch i would do this shit all the time and eventually got silenced for a whole week.
I agree, if I don't want to serve faggots or niggers in my cafe I have the right to refuse service.
>Buy game
>Money stolen
Okay then refund my game
>online game with chat
>eventually open up and start typing in chat every once in a while
>someone sends me a message asking me to become friends
>block him, close game, appear offline for the whole week
Except you cant and you would face lulsuits if you did
>buying and playing online games where there are no community run servers
retarded zoomers
Nope. I always talk and have never 'lost' a game because I am not a piece of shit
It's not about not being banned, it's about not being bannable.
Us schizos are on the edge all the time.
This, except legally binding.
Bucciarati said it's my turn to be the boss
Community servers are unironicly cancer
MW2 did a good thing in making them absolete
>Join a server the other day
>Admin expects me to be a bootlicker
>Tell him to fuck off and I dont care how much he pays to keep the server up on a dead 10 year old game
>pay for water
>say nigger in front of my sink
>company cuts off my water
I still am, I only play SP games. MPbabies btfo
> Start Matchmaking.
> Developers expect you to be a bootlicker and not say arbitrary 'bad words'.
> Tell them to fuck off and stop being a nigger.
> Money stolen.
So much better.
Then join a different server, nigger. It is better than getting your game revoked for similar behavior.
esl pls
the game is rated 18+ so it is just good that it has an age filter that keeps edgy teenagers out
>i don't like having multiple options
>i would prefer if official EA/Activision servers are the only option and that when I get banned from one, I'm banned from them all for good!
>can't go 5 seconds without using a derogatory slur, be it racial/sexual/other, towards your fellow players and human beings
try not being an irredeemable waste of human life sweetie
You could just stop saying faggot and nigger? I mean, you dont have to, but the contract you sign before online use means they can ban you for doing it. Whether the ban is justified or not is another issue, you are told that if you do X, then Y will happen.
You then do X and act amazed when Y happens.
The only time ive ever used this as an actual strategy is LoL. If the enemy team has a yasuo or a riven, you know that player has a very fragile ego and explosive temper. Very first time you win a fight, explain to the enemy team that it was the Yasuo/Riven who fucked up. Their own team will start to flame them, looking for any scapegoat to blame, and the Yasuo/Riven will ALWAYS AFK. Every. Single. Time.
Too bad that ain't how the law plays out. You should do something to change it! I believe in you!
Oh, or are you just content to whine? How sad...
Next time get the sink installed in your house, not in public space.
t.incel that never played any sport game
Ths. I have routinely called people things i definitely should have been banned for, worst ive ever got is a 24 hour mute. The only thing OP could be saying is faggot and nigger over and over again. Who would do that? a 12 year old. OP is 12
why are right wingers so fragile?
>private business doesn't want to do business with gays
>wtf shut it down goyim
>private business doesn't want to allow equal representation of ideas on their platform
>that's right goyim this is how the free market works, I might not agree with it but that's capitalism
I wish reporting was even more effective. Each time I log into any MMO and I see the general chat getting spammed by retards arguing about WoW or GW2 or whatever the fuck else, my only desire is to see them removed from the pool. If someone is so RETARDED they can't contain their autism even when playing a game, especially with SO MANY options available to pour it into other places, I absolutely wish they all got permabanned. The cancerous effect these sorts of zoomers have in undermining and ruining online games and communities can't be overstated.
I don't buy games that pander to SJWs...
For this to work, you'd have to buy a sink with a microphone connected to a speaker with lots of people listening. You would then be given a contract before you can access the sink that says you cant say nigger or faggot in front of the sink. You then sign your name, start shouting nigger, whicih results in your sink being disconnected. You are angry and confused
This. There are times where it is absolutely necessary to call someone a worthless fucking cunt, but you need to resist the urge, even if youre objectively correct
I remember when I was able to play a video game and just get called a nigger/faggot instead of having neo-nazis call for genocide instead of playing the game
>private business wants to ban someone arbitrarily based on irrelevant traits
>private business doesn't want consumers scared away by abrasive, hostile retards
>so much for free speech. fucking kikes.
>muh boogeyman
>private business wants to ban someone arbitrarily based on traits
cite times this has actually happened in recent history
why don't the right wingers make their own servers to play on so they can scream certain words day after day?
i mean, isn't that why gab existed? because they all got kicked off the popular social media sites?
I can see why people want to build this new world of protect everyone from mean people but it's stupid because it just makes people soft.
The reason a lot of us actually hate it I think is also that no one ever protected us from all the normies who shit on us for being nerds.
I think there's a difference here. It's one thing to call someone that in private, and for them to block you or whatever. I personally think it's more embarrassing for a GM to talk to you about your behavior than for them to outright ban you. HOWEVER, the moment you start spamming general chat with nonsense, even if it's not banned words or whatever, you absolutely need to be blown the fuck out, or at least banned from global chats.
>it's another anal masturbation thread
>enter someone else's place
>refuse to act by their societal rules
>get punished for it
>bake le cake le bigot
>I can see why people want to build this new world of protect everyone from mean people
This isn't about protecting anyone from mean people. It's about protecting 13 years olds from me strangling them for being annoying. That is all this is. Very few people are "offended" by bad words unless they're mega SJWs that are such a tiny sliver of the gaming audience that they don't matter. No, what seeing some retarded kid spamming shit does to me is pure annoyance, but to the point where I want to physically hurt them to shut them the fuck up.
Yeah I remember back when people didn't ban you from servers for being an asshole, which is never. Only difference is that it's being done on a wider basis now, due to the shift to matchmaking.
>things that run entirely contrary to your deepest held convictions are "arbitrary"
At least pretend to hide your contempt for the opposition if you're going to try and argue a point against them. Trivializing the issue just makes you look retarded. Which you do, you retard.
>wear a hat expressing support for your nation's leader
>get physically assaulted by other citizens
>police do nothing
America is a strange land.
I only play TF2
Ahh the spammer
people who talk
like this
in seperate messages
of one big one
Fucking animals, the lot of them
>Only difference is that it's being done on a wider basis now, due to the shift to matchmaking.
or maybe it's due to an increase in the amount of mouthy fuckers who have to shout NIGGER NIGGER NiGGER all the time.
who knows.
I use the report system to DELIBERATELY try and get people banned in games. I don't even say or do anything to them, but boy do they get reported.
>wear nazi hat
>surprised when you get punched
>arbitrary things not justified by even tiniest bit of rationality stop being arbitrary if you're retarded enough to really believe in fucking retarded shit
You're retarded, but not in the "wrong and misguided" sense. You're mentally incapable, genetic garbage.
you're not entitled to being happy
If you fucknuggets could control yourselves and not physically assault people over a hat, that app wouldn't be necessary.
Can't wait until the shoe is on the other foot and it's acceptable to love you from a helicopter.
I think it's a bit of both. But really it's more a symptom of the shift from individual servers, where individual communities could form, to the general player sludge you get by mixing everybody around in matchmaking. Before, the guy that can't go five seconds without screaming about jews and niggers would get banned from individual servers until he found somewhere that didn't mind. Now he's screaming nigger at a random selection of everybody, and there's no way for individual subcommunities of a game to tell him to fuck off.
That makes sense in PMs since it mirrors real life communication but if you do that in a zone chat you are undoubtedly just brain-damaged. And the main problem that's impossible to address with F2P MMOs is the sheer amount of garbage advertising going on at all times. Gold sellers, boost sellers, and so on. I know you can block them, but it's just so fucking annoying. I wish they had an AI script that could pick up on this.
I do this too, but only to cunts.
I report anyone who uses anti-transgender slurs or memes and if the game allows, I explain the meme in report details.
Also on Yea Forums.
>day of the rope is coming!
>it's coming soon!
>any day now!
>it's gonna happen!
>it's really a real thing that's about to happen!
>m-maybe now?
Tick tock, /pol/.
>running over people and shooting up mosques is fine
>but punching someone over a hat is going too far
>also le helicopter maymay
That's the one thing i hate more than anything else. There's a big thing in china where eating with your hands and chewing with your mouth open is normal, but in most of the world thats not acceptable, but they'll still go to other countries and act like that even when being told not to, their excuse is ''its perfectly normal in china'', well we're not in fucking china you animal. Its no different to me going to China and demanding people shut their mouth while they chew. If you cant (or worse, wont) adapt to other cultures, dont fucking go there. I live in the UK, we dont tip here for basically anything, even resteraunt meals. But if i went to America, of course i'd tip, even though i disagree with it, because its a part of their culture and i'd be expected to behave normally.
There's a great quote by a russian, might even have been Putin, about muslims moving to Russia and campaigning for certain areas to be governed by Shariah law. ''You will behave by our standards and our laws. You need Russia more than Russia needs you''
>play cs
>get tryhard with a way higher rank
>if he ever fails to disarm the bomb, even if he's left 1vs4, shoot him a little with the pistol
>get them so mad they kill you and get banned for 24h or 7 days
It's incredible what lack of self-control some people have.
Muh Nazi, says the authoritarian thug.
Replace class warfare with ultranationalism and you literally can't tell the difference between a commie or a fascist.
Oh look it's autistic_frog or whatever your name was.
Go back to /r/donald nigger
>says the authoritarian thug.
yet you're the one demanding le helicopter rides lol
honestly it’s maximum cringe to do things online you wouldn’t do in real life
if you’re playing a game of 5 a side with the lads and you call someone a thick wog or a spastic that’s fine, you’re able to face consequences for that if it upsets someone
What’s cringe is some virgin freak on the internet calling someone a nigger because they think they can get away with it, when they would never dare do it in real life
Using the internet as a safe space is cringe. Yet again Yea Forumseddit is outing itself as a bunch of easily upset hypocritical children
Bolsanaro is only the beginning.
Lol at Brazilian lefties fleeing the country for their lives.
I dont like you, but that bat is adorable
I don't report on Yea Forums unless it's CP or some shit, but when I played League a long time ago there was a report for Unskilled player and I reported the enemy team and some of my randoms everytime.
russia is already halfway to sharia
add to it that Zoomers always heard about the " wild west of the internet" and think everyone was as political as they are now.
I can't remember the right and left fighting their meme wars in game chats like now.
Ban them all.
>only my group is allowed to have convictions and everyone else is stupid because I'm "rational" despite it actually just being a different set of non-utilitarian positions that can't actually appeal to rationality
Again, you look like you have shit for brains because you can't even pretend to have a position that isn't just "the other side is wrong because it isn't mine." Your rhetoric is dogshit, and you're almost certainly an insufferable person without even a shred of wit since you just threw back the insult I already leveled at you.
>Banter belongs to online games
screaming nigger and faggot isn't banter though.
You transgender, support transgenders, or do you just know that it'll definitely get them banned?
Trump supporters are mainstream fucking conservatives you sperg. You aren't punching Nazis.
NZ shooter hated conservatives. Notas much as Muslims tho, I guess.
>Buy a game that has rules for how you interact with people, with the threat of being banned from online play if you break them
>Break them
>Get banned
What the fuck did you expect? If the rules are too extreme, sure, but most of them are just about 'don't use game chat to scream nigger' type stuff.
>Replace class warfare with ultranationalism and you literally can't tell the difference between a commie or a fascist.
Yes, you can, which is why they had no problem fighting and killing each other, retarded brainlet. Subhumans like you need to stay on your containment site on Reddit.
I'm not demanding shit. I just know that if you like the bear long enough, it bites. I look forward to that day, is all.
>killed innocent people
>not conservative
Not even that, the cringiest part is where they get offended if you block them. A kid once started saying nigger and spamming Yea Forums memes in my party, I kicked him, blocked him, and then he started sending me messages through a friend asking me what he did wrong. I seriously think this new generation is so autistic they have no self-awareness. They can't tailor their interactions based on where they are, who they talk to, etc. It's so fucking insane.
>retardbabble with no arguments
Go lick a window or something, double digit.
>perform actions
>face consequences
If you're being a shit in a social setting i can throw you out and if you are being especially toxic i can break your bitch ass face. This is basic human psychology. You need to control yourself
I Disagree
trump's a jew puppet so the jews were winning in either outcome.
what are leftscum going to do when Rightists decide they've had enough?
Honestly mostly the last, though it doesn't always work so it's not "definitely get them banned".
I have mixed feelings about transgenders, but vocal anti-transgenders are universally morons so I'm always glad to see them removed.
>conservasharts are poorer than democrats
wooooow great job
>I Disagree
hello american.
>Two nation's with near identical ideologies can't into war
Jesus Christ, mate.
Solid dodge on not addressing the point or even managing some banter. I'll take that as a concession and just call you a stupid faggot then retire, you stupid faggot.
>drumpf is le jew puppet
>Epstein rearrested
keep up the cope and seethe leftnigger
>i-it's coming soon I swear it!
we're still waiting on the day of the rope. currently 3 years late now lol.
But I am serbian
It's literally in the faggots manifesto.
What nations? We're talking about gang. There's a reason even the soft-commies were purged from the Nazi party early on, the two groups can't stand each other and they most certainly can tell each other apart. Read history, faggot, crack a book open once in a while.
Keep replying, watching you squirm in anger is mildly entertaining.
user, if you are the one making these edits - I really like you.
if he said he were female would you insist he is?
i sure love Yea Forums - Politically Incorrect
maybe you shouldn't say gamer words and you'll be fine
It's le Yea Forums culture! Being obsessed with SJWs is an oldfag thing!
>Sign contract that states that in exchange for access to privately owned servers you'll adhere to their codes of conduct and behaviour
>Break contract and have access revoked
Entitlement is one hell of a drug.
cope leftpedos
>Autistic_Frog is still making these threads
yea, I do
that's why I never really played online games with voicechat/textchat being an important thing, I always considered people playing these games calling everybody niggers and faggots a low IQ pleb
real chads play singleplayer
>have Hart-Cellar act forced by traitorous government
>do everything you can to piss off Whites
>get physically removed
Entitlement of kike leftypedos, kek
EULA can't contradict constitution you leftard fuck.
Saying nigger and posting loli sprays is literally fucking guaranteed by the most important document in the country.
>Commies purged from Nazi party
So... Nazi's and commies worked together until the one differentiating part of their ideology collided?
You aren't very good at this, Vlad.
I doubt its hit but he pissed you off so badly his threads became an eternal high quality meme that never fail to cause leftypedo seething
hi frog
>implying that won't be the case 20 years from now
Oh fuck you replied
Now he'll seethe less because he's no longer being ignored
imagine not understanding the constitution this fucking hard
you've got to be a troll, but I honestly can't tell anymore, with the state of conservatives these days
>128 replies
cope soi leftrash
I'm someone else ,frog
You can't even say nigga on rainbow six, or even nibba for that matter. It's very easy to implement a chat filter though but they won't give a shit.
>One ideology is for preserving tradition and limited government
>The other wants an ethnostate enforced by an all seeing tyrannical dictatorship
it's not cringe if you say nigger in real life as well like a good southern gentleman
stay in your safe space yellow bellied yankee boy
The only real toxic behavior in online gaming is being a burden to your team. The rest is fabricated.
Why do americans have less knowledge of their own constitution than a yurop fag like me?
You see retarded american,the freedom of speech only protects you against the government,not the corporations that can set their own rules and can kick you out if they feel like it.
This is america,now blow it out your ass.
I remember playing multiplayer of games I pirated.
>cringe cringe cringe
Clearly you're from fucking reddit yourself
If you go to the cinema, buy a ticket, sit in the theater and scream nigger constantly while the movie is playing the staff have every right to kick you out and ban you from the establishment, how's this any differrent?
because bad people have to be punished, user.
have you never watched a marvel movie???
>wear silly hat
>expect people to not assault you because they should act like rational human beings
Lots of things that used to be legal stop when people realize that the practice is/was wrong or it becomes possible to actually police offending behavior.
For your own part you should have grown out of being mean to strangers over the internet a long time ago
>Why yes, I think it's acceptable for globalist corporations to steal money when a jew tells me my feelings should be hurt. How could you tell?
remember when you could play video-games and people who were rude pricks for no reason would get banned or muted at the server admin's discretion.
who knew getting rid of individually operated servers that could be augmented with things like scripts and support for custom maps and the like would cause all these problems...
but hey there's no "mods splitting the community" and no hackers right? No "badmins" no "autistic ruleset"-servers anymore in AAA games right? (these are the arguments I see trotted out in defense of EA when I point out the"frostbite is unmoddable" argument is bullshit).
The retards who bitch about SJW's ruining their games are the dumbest motherfuckers imaginable because they're going after the wrong target..
people should be proud to wear their maga hats without fear IMO.
that way us normal people can identify them at a distance and just ignore them.
>corporations can bypass fucking constitution
lmao yurcucks
look at this complete fucking faggot
If you go to the cinema, buy a ticket, sit in the theater and 4 people block the movie screen by throwing their feces at it. do you deserve being kicked out for telling those 4 people to kill themselves?
You’re an anti consumer bugman with a hollow soul
>reeeee he has weed and cereal i voted for daddy trump just to prevent this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
It always was this way. Rfmember when clans on xbl and psn mass false reported people?
>back from a cheeky night out drinking with me mates
>we all crash at my place
>wake up with a huge hangover
>crawl myself up to my smart fridge™ to get some breakfast
>as I reach for the door handle, hear one of the madlads saying he would kill for the opportunity to smoke a fag
>fridge is now electrified and locked up, have to write an apology letter to the queen's constabulary if I want it open
>it's bloody God Save the queen week, request doesn't get processed for another seven days
>end up starving to death
>get sued for committing suicide
bloody brilliant.
You make it sound like you've insulted some 13 year old and he shut up. Online interactions are mostly cancer regardless and if you try to out autist an autist you become what you want to destroy.
What the fuck? How is this a post on Yea
>Implying anyone here goes outside
It's acceptable for jewish corporations to steal money for hate speech.
they collided rather early in the 1930's, so like it was pretty early on, and calling them "soft commies" is kind of a misnomer, as the Strasserists had a shitload of different rationals and different ways of going about what they were talking about.
In the end the Actual nazi's were basically willing to loot their own country, and their neighbors in order to enrich those corporate/business interests, privatizing large sectors of what was once state-run in wiemar germany.
>end up starving to death
Brits aren't THAT fat
I remember when I could play videogames without newfags from this shitty board sperging out in whatever game I play with unfunny reddit memes. Much to my delight, that day can come again.
Do you actually think that the constitution guarantees your access to services or places regardless of your behavior? Like do you think you can walk into a McDonald's or a massage parlor and be expected to be allowed complete your business there while calling every other person you see a nigger or faggot. You think you're allowed do that because if your right to free speech? Lmao
As I've gotten older and more angry at fuckwits online especially illogical ones I've just started reporting for annoying me more than anything else.
If it works and they get banned cool, if they don't maybe it trivializes the reporting system as a whole and we can all continue to be the cancer we are.
This is the thing. You're not getting banned for screaming nigger at AI. You're getting banned for screaming nigger and ruining the time of everybody else with the misfortune to get matched with you. It's just part of playing a game online and it always has been, as anybody that remembers life with a server browser knows.
There's nothing I miss more than active TF2 commnunity servers (skial is shit, you can't count that)
yeah its called a serverbrowser. You'd still get banned from servers if you were a retard though.
Something even worse than R*ddit.. Amazon Chat memes
games are supposed to guarantee a certain amount of happiness or satisfaction, so as a consumer yes he fucking is
How the fuck is this an unironic post on Yea Are you just some university fuckhead or something? Some sub-25 moron? Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up with your half-formed meltbrain “opinions” based on what’s “cringe” or not and don’t come back here until you have a pair of goddamn testicles
>People should be forced to listen to my bile even when it negatively impacts their experience as paying customers.
>I shouldn't get thrown out of or banned from a joint for heckling performers, because "free-speech"
Absolutely haram, user.
>be born in America as a black woman
>go on bus
>told to sit in the back and if I don't its breaking the law
>get kicked out of bus and arrested
entitlement is one hell of a drug
>i cant hit mute
>im comparing video games to real life
>demanding free speech in video games isn't comparing video games to real life
Try harder.
>I have a right to not hear what I consider offensive words
>I have a right to prevent the utterance of words I consider offensive
Humanity needs a culling and your side has noguns.
don't buy a game you're going to hate
i bet you want an easy mode in sekiro
speech exists in both games and real life moron, there is no danger from words online. nobody can cause a stampede from yelling "fire!"
kill yourself
Because I believe cowardly little bitches shouldn't be allowed ruin other people's online gaming experience by being rude little shits to them? That's makes me anti consumerist? If anything, your belief that the corporation's responsibility to it's customers ends as soon as the cash is handed over is anti consumerist. Believe it or not most people play online games to play the games with other people and enjoy a shared gaming experience, they don't get online to get called a nigger by some little shit head with a chip on his shoulder and not enough balls to be an anti social scum bag in real life.
you actually fucking are allowed to do that, but since its their property they're allowed to kick you out too, and nobody goes to jail
It must suck being a European that not only gets kicked out but also goes to jail for not talking how the govt wants you to talk
gamers are so oppressed
honestly its maximum cringe that you can't call people loser nigger faggots IRL because lets be real a lot of people deserve it
All this illustrates is that the law changes. So get out there and change these oppressive multiplayer game laws! I know you can do it!
Or... are you going to disappoint me again, user? Please say it ain't so...
you are a pedophile aren't you
>but since its their property they're allowed to kick you out too
And videogame servers are publisher/developer property. Thanks for agreeing with the argument.
Most retarded anology i have ever seen in my life
>be black in US
>Suck on literally every level of society
>Think you deserve to vote and decide the future of society
To add to that
>i have the right to find the content in your media problematic
>but also there needs to be content in it i like and you cant find it problematic
>he must have teacher protect him from the naughty words
So you understand that corporations have full right to kick you out permamently but you cant understand the same shit but instead in an online video game?
Another one? Can you tell me when this is gonna happen so I can make sure to wear my bullseye t-shirt that day? /pol/ can't seem to pin it down to a date either, and time just keeps slipping past them with nothing but empty, broken promises to show for it.
You incels are still stuck in the past
Time will move on and leave you behind, it does not care about you
>tremble in fear, we're about to shoot you! just after the pedo cartoon season ends, don't want to miss anything
but you can
The point is the people who so vocally call others faggots and niggers online wouldn’t dare do it irl
The people who do it irl aren’t incels obsessed with video games
when Trump releases the documents on ANTIFA's links to human trafficking and poisoning the population you will be instantly physically removed from the planet
>I have a right to not hear what I consider offensive words
Consider reading up on time, place and manner restrictions.
>I have a right to prevent the utterance of words I consider offensive
You literally just suggested they should be exterminated for the content of their post, summerfag. Try proofreading.
That doesn't even address my post, mongoloid. Wanna try again? :^)
Alt-right, now that's b8
no, because I paid to be in that joint. that is especially egregious when other attendants have the very straightforward possibility of muting my speech themselves.
So you get blown up and your response is to call me a pedo and post a Twitter screen cap from some SJW freakshow that lives in your head rent free?
Get off the internet mate. It's not good for someone like you.
Read the first reply to this post. You're wrong morally and legally. Being a shitty person to other people online isn't some inalienable right you have. You're not taking the moral high ground here by saying the the constitution protects your right to be a horrible person to strangers. Having the right to free speech doesn't absolve you of any personal responsibility or for bearing the punishment for the shitty things you say.
>Why is it wrong to kill leftists though?
I dunno, user. Maybe you should try coming up with your own coherent arguments and not make me come up with them for you. VIDEOGAMES
>agree to terms of service
>break terms of service
>still bitch and moan
Incels all deserve the rope
Wrong reply
Will those documents be released before or after his taxes?
Not true at all. Nowadays using the auto-chat in rocket league and overwatch is enough to get you called toxic and reported
not all games have a mute function buddy, and even then there's still the fucking text chat which is necessary to keep open when you're playing online and trying to stick with your team.
Calling you an ugly incel with an 80 iq isnt taking away your rights
a fucking leaf
Don't say this word, it's racist! It was used to kill many folks of color!
Yelling nigger in a multiplayer game isnt a right you absolute nutcase lmao
this is projection on the ugly 80 iq part, leftists are abominations
Why do you play multiplayer garbage with randoms in the first place?
>trump's downfall comes not as a result of his tax-returns showing he did anything illegal, but the coverup he attempts to pull because he think he might've done something illegal.
>agree not to spam nigger
>spam nigger
>get banned
WTF?!!!! HELP ME DRUMPF?!!!!!!!
>break rules you agreed to
>get banned
Do you think right wingers will ever be smart enough to go toe-to-toe with a video game streamer?
>still only play TF2
>everyone trashtalks each other for fun
>both teams casually talking to each other about random stuff for fun
>nothing happens because valve doesn't care nor wants to pay for moderators
Stop playing millennial shit.
do you actually think antifa is an organisation?
It really depends on the game, in league banter is allowed and wont be punished.
Its propably only blizzard, and they used to do this type of shit even in vanillawow
Moreso, trolling is what they're cracking down on.
>bro you ambushed me with that PHD
looks like an average gamer to me buddy.
>long hair.
the only part off is that he's smoking weed, but maybe he's got a social life so that's good.
anyway why are you (or anyone else) acting indignant about getting ToS'd like it's some kind of violation?
You think "freedom of speech" applies when you breech a disclosure agreement? what about a non-compete agreement?
they're really a sad state if they can't even knock down that dunce
it is. they organize.
Typing nigger in wow got you banned 15 years why do you act like these rules are new? God I hate this dipshit den of fucking faggots
That image is a joke that you appear to have taken seriously. Lurk more.
>grr I hate gamers
is the alt-right also an organisation?
Imagine spending your entire life crying and whining about videogames nobody is forcing you to play. Make your own videogames and leave us non-mentally ill people alone please
splain Leroy Jenkins
Go take a look at /pol/ sometime, they actually are dumb enough to believe 90% of what's being posted here as shitposts. Or don't and save your brain cells.
You're not on Yea, faggot.
>a tiny left-leaning-centrist keeps knocking out the titans of far-right
It's pretty funny to watch them unable to formulate anything against his common sense.
Wow is gay an full of numales whats your fucking point?
So never then?
OP isn't old enough to remember that far back.
>epstein arrested
Remember when people would simply mute or block those they didn't want to play with? Remember when common sense was a thing people were expected to have?
Good times.
>country literally built on free speech
>every faggot videogame company walks all over your free speech
why the fuck is this okay? I should be able to go to court and win 100 million dollars but the courts are pozzed
it's way funnier to dab on people by getting them banned
the fact that it gets every nigger here so upset is even funnier still
I just don't say anything unless it benefits me directly now, like explaining a game mechanic to a retard who might otherwise slow the group down. No point risking banter or anything of the sort, other players may as well be NPCs for the handful of canned responses we're allowed to give eachother.
Remember when servers were lawless wastelands without rules or moderators? Me neither. Moderation is just more blanket and universal now due to the move away from smaller private servers. Nothing has changed but the scope.
why don't right wingers make their own country then?
who is the president of antifa? where is their hq?
I report people all the time in online games
got 41 banned so far
feels good :^)
based and trannypilled
>/pol/tards only read and apply the parts of the Constitution that are convenient to them
Holy shit, it really is like religion.
rent free
yeah I do
unironic 30 yold boomer here
I have completely dropped multiplayer games
buddy, I'm skinny and I've got longish hair because I'm too lazy to cut it,
I don't dilate though, I just jerk off like a normal guy.
>13 year old girl accused trump of raping her in epstein's apartment.(before he was even close to being president)
>claimed to have been on his jet,
epstein's got a bunch of connections to trump and probably the GOP mega-donor base, (along with the establishment-Dem's megadonor-base)
he's getting off with a slap on the wrist.
>Trump just about to regulate social media to protect 1st amendment
games are social media too
Companies should be able to ban muslims and get away from it because freedom of expression only protects you against the government
the same trump that wants to ban violent video games? that trump?
you are coping rn
couldn't tell you that, just like I couldn't tell you who was the head of a hundred other criminal organizations or where they're headquartered either
because it's not the government silencing you, it's a private company saying you're scaring away enough other paying customers that it's easier/less of a risk to lose your business than theirs.
I would never in my life touch a game that uses this term in this context.
>reeee other people should be banned because i am a sperg
>30 years old and still doesnt have the self control to just not say nigger
>Remember when servers were lawless wastelands without rules or moderators?
Yeah, they're called public servers and those are where mute and votekick come in handy.
substantiate your claims
burgers can't be trusted.
basically they're as much of an organisation as "alt-right" is
you can be mad and rage about ghost organisations as much as you like
i can still say anything i want because i'm not american
It's your own logic fag.
I remember when multiplayer was about playing games and not screaming "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH NIGGER" into the microphone with all the volume that your prepubescent vocal cords can muster. People just honestly don't give a fuck about playing games anymore, now it's all about the "social experience" of "bantering" and "trash talk."
he said that shit to deflect from one of the shootings we had not too long ago. what do you got the memory of a goldfish?
literally 20 seconds of google if even that
so you admit you're too beta to shout NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER in public then?
people were shouting nigger into their mics long before cs 1.6 came around, fuck off zoomer
no it's not the same logic.
>ban all muslims:
is judging someone prefacto.
>banning people for being rude and sperging out
is judging someone post-facto
different logic bucko
many such cases!
When did I admit that? When did I even imply that? How is that in anyway related to what I posted???
yeah it's just a coincidence when they all show up at the same place and time, coordinate violence, cover for the offenders, and have a lawyer ready to post bail when one of them happens to get arrested
yeah and now all they do is cry when they get banned for having no self control LOL
they got banned or votekicked back then too.
oh yeah true, unlike the alt right which have definitely never had organised meetings resulting in some fag running over a bunch of people and definitely not in charlottesville
yes, they do and yes they did. but
>remembering a time when people weren't yelling rude shit into the mic in online games
time literally did not ever exist
Now where have I seen a group that fit that description before?
I started playing internet multiplayer games in 1997 with Quake. Before that, I played modem-to-modem games that I arranged on a BBS. Fuck off zoomer.
We are talking about the constitution. You said that freedom of speech shouldn't protect you from anything but the govt because that's explicitly what's stated. So then why should muslims be protected by freedom of expression?
By your logic a company should be able to set it's own rules and ban muslims because they rule against muslim hires if they so choose.
Bans have always existed you underage retard.
>make commies afraid of rotary aircraft again
why can the right not meme?
why would a company ban muslims though? what do they gain by this, other than a loss of customers?
Reporting people is the new griefing. Prove me wrong.
>WTF people socialize and organize over social media channels? WITHOUT EXPLICIT LEADERS OR AGENDA'S?
video games
Guess what idiots? If you flame me I am going to grow animosity towards you which means I am going to report you hoping you get banned because I actively dislike you. If you want to be a dick then expect me to go out of my way to fuck you over.
The right doesn't need to do shit, Dan already BTFO'd him over fucking stop signs.
that's how i use it
>retard enemy (or team mate) getting heated
>bait them until they say the magic words
lol see ya fag
It doesn't matter what they lose. It's their choice and by your own logic it should be respected.
This is the way to do it. Keep it up and eventually all the tilty rageaholics will be stuck with nowhere to go but DOTA, and the rest of us can enjoy fun banter again.
Can the left go for even five seconds without saying something dishonest?
Yes, it's why I only talk in private voice lobbies and game on console with discs so I will only lose my dlc and not my games if I get banned. Stay mad PC-fags.
guess the issue being highlighted is the ability to be banned for bad words in the first place
i dont like toxicity but id much rather bear with it than be at risk myself. ive been chatbanned like 5 times in rocket league for responding to other toxic people cause it auto-flags swearwords and shit. barely ever had my reports actually get someone banned.
again though, why would a company willingly ban customers before they even do anything?
You won't enjoy banter if you get banned for it
can the right go for even 5 seconds without being triggered by literally anything?
I'm a different poster.
in anycase you're ignoring the actual legal-basis that effectively banned racial/sexual/religious segregation and "private businesses are allowed to ban people for being rude or using offensive language".
>enemy types gg ez
>report him for toxic behaviour
heh nothing personal kid
but i yelled FUCKING NIGGER to the black man who purposely walked slowly across the street. i mean, the car was stopped at a red light so he could have came to me if he wanted to
This is what I mean. This is also dishonest. This is intentional projection.
You can banter with calling people nigger you know, if anything using slurs for banter is the most lazy shit possible.
I Banter with the enemy almost every game in League of Legends. The trick is to not use trigger words for the chat bots. Instead of calling people fags I tell them about how much I just dabbed on them(and honestly it pisses people off more)
It's their choice, maybe they just don't like muslims, maybe they just think muslims are scary who cares whether it's rational or not? By your logic they should be able to get away with it regardless.
the left can't meme
Without* excuse my autism
you're a sterile tranny, you dont know what banter is
you can join your local Antifa. you can get their newsletters, go to meetings, join their discord,
can you point me to my local alt-right chapter?
So you're deliberately pissing people off and you expect not to get banned? Are you retarded lol
what kind of person goes into games just to have racial arguments with people, isn't the point to finish the match and go about your day? You're playing alone in you room, no one will remember what ingenious thing you said
Well say there was no law banning segregation do you think they should be able to get away with it simply because it's legal?
can le left and le right fags both fuck off eternally?
go shit up twitter retards
Competitive banter is well within the range of TOS in League, its said in the loading screen even. Also I have never been banned because I dont call people outright slurs it really isnt hard to not be banned.
>This is also dishonest
not really. you lot went fucking mental over a handegg man not standing up.
I feel sick
in other words,"i have no argument"
I know banter doesn't mean using the most unoriginal no-no words possible because you think it makes you look edgy. Try to be original for once
damn, that shit does not sound fun. i'm glad i don't play games with rules like this
Left is fine, they just play vidya.
>government makes laws on what a corporation can and not do
>here we have an user who simply cannot understand why is it like this
A corporation CAN kick you out if you are harassing or being violent,a corporation CANNOT kick you out if you have different political beliefs or you are part of a different race.
You see the latter exists due to the Anti-Discrimination Act. You know the bake shop incident and you know they won the case.
sure what town do you live in?
Proof that accessibility is a bad thing. I want to industry to crash so it can be reborn.
How is gg wp toxic? I always thought it was good manners. In fact in some games, it's toxic not to at least say gg wp. Ez is bad manners though yeah.
>Try to be original for once
not him, but this is one of the worst arguments, and it just makes a person look like a faggot. for whom should he be original for -- and why? what original things do you do? go on.
I find that it does make it more fun though, sure I shit talk but if the enemy shits on me im gonna look like a dumbass. It adds suspense to the game and makes everyone try harder. If they do not like it they can just mute chat, you can communicate better with pings then with the chat anyways
The point of slurs is identical to the point of banter, it's only a matter of time until the tos is updated and you get sent to the trash as happens in other games. Although you play LoL, so you're already trash.
why are americans always triggerd?
the left, the right, everyone
triggerd all the time
what's wrong with americans?
just come out and admit you dont support freedom of speech commie nigger so i can torture you after trump regulates social media (video games are social media) even more
Low IQ
.....and your okay with them not serving the gays, because it's legal? If so then I guess we have nothing to discuss then
This is dishonest. This is projection. This is what I mean.
The left has almost totally destroyed the game industry.
I think he meant your local alt-right chapter is literally /pol/.
[[You have been banned]]
Reason: Offensive language
Conservative principles destroyed the game industry - no innovation and stagnating creativity.
that's what happens when you get your dick cut soon after birth
a culture of media worship and sensationalism that has them overreact to every single thing that ever happens
dont forget the fear, their media feeds them with fear non stop
Are you okay with developers and publishers banning you from their games?
Because it is very legal.
You can shove your morals up your arse if you're gonna or had mention it.
That's the life you chose,a corporate america
I do support companies wanting to choose what is said on their private platform. How does that make me a commie? Are you not the one who wants to control what companies can do? If a game wants to ban the N word so they appear more open to more people so they get more players and make more money isnt that the point of Capitalism? If there is such a void in the market for people who want to call people slurs then someone else can come by and make a game with a chat that allows it. How am I the commie for wanting to stick to capitalistic standards?
yes, which did nothing but prove the point he was arguing against.
>i literally cant tell the difference between Yea Forums and public!
what a retard
Don't forget rampant conservatism like lootboxes and other corporate fuckery
Nothing like that happened. The left destroyed the industry for political reasons and had no legitimate interest in playing or developing games.
Corporations run america and they was to destroy boarders and gender barriers to maximal profit. One world, one race, one gender, all buying the exact same things.
There are no antifa chapters you imbecile, go drink bleach
that's what happens when your sole founding myth revolves around the concept of revolution. Boston was literally about getting triggered over fucking tea.
You're all stupid niggers and I play on games where you can't report me.
sure pal. there are fliers over my city for them. and many other cities. where do you see anything even remotely equivalent for le alt right? retard.
Shut up nigger
>Nothing like that happened
Oh so you think the video game industry is overflowing with creativity and innovation? Or do you think maybe it's stuck doing the same thing over and over again, releasing the same tired shit because it's guaranteed a profit, in other words a conservative strategy?
>sell game in public
>host public servers all can join publicly through publicly purchased game
>have public voice chat and text chat channels
>"b-but it's private and i need to ban conservatives!!!"
lmao pathetic, enjoy us regulating your ideology out of existence tranny freak
>reddit frog
You mean like whenever your YouTube priests come to town?
>the left destroyed the industry.
lmao imagine believing this when the nickel and diming DLC gets worse and worse with every passing year.
>ban conservatives
Conservatives are synonymous with people saying faggot and nigger? I feel like there's more than a few conservatives, even, who would disagree with you.
>if i went to America, of course i'd tip
Faggot. I live in America and never tip. If waiters want a decent wage they should get a real job.
I never in my life worried about getting banned, because I know how to lose a match without calling people "niggers".
unethical "capitalism" is a result of globalism which is marxism which is bolshevism which is judaism
cope jew
I think the left destroyed video games because that's exactly what happened. I can't even play Japanese games anymore.
>Or do you think maybe it's stuck doing the same thing over and over again, releasing the same tired shit because it's guaranteed a profit, in other words a conservative strategy?
The left now controls video games, so why are you blaming conservatives?
>I don't know the difference between private and public when talking about this issue.
aren't you up a little early zoomer?
i don't even have interest in politics. but once again zero argument. have a sympathy (you) for effort
You know you can get barred from applying for a job if they find nasty mean tweets you forgot you posted?
The world is fucked. We are heading quickly into a socialist hellhole like China. Facebook already carries a "social credit score" for all of us
The left is in charge, so if you want to blame someone for DLC then blame the left.
>reddit frog
Why do you repeat the same things over and over without responding to what I said? Just quote your own posts if you want to have a conversation with yourself
>Everyone that disagrees with me is a Tranny!
Also none of those "Public" things are legally public. If banning slurs will get more people to buy their game, capitalist companies are going to do it. It honestly just sounds like you are asspained because you do not get to have your government given "Free Speech" in a private owned game. Do game companies also owe you the right to bear arms in fucking animal crossing?
And just like clockwork, the cornered /pol/tard devolves into crying about "the Jews", rendering the remainder of his argument bereft of any intellectual merit or anything worthy of genuine consideration.
Why is the right so disingenuous?
Because what you said is bullshit and you are just trying to draw attention away from what you did.
haha le epic bald man maymay xD
>banning slurs will get more people to buy their game
post one instance where this ever happened
not an argument shlomo
>play like garbage to bait obvious tryhard into calling me terrible
>report him
>he actually gets banned
>everyone who calls me out on my retardation is alt-right
Why is it bullshit? Learn to argue ape man
>reddit frog
>globalism which is marxism which is bolshevism which is judaism
>wanting to find new markets for products that you manufacture, along with labor and natural resources to make more cost-effective products is clearly some form of judaism dreamed up by a guy who was a baptized lutheran for most of his life, and not my snowflake version of capitalism.
I said right, not alt right, illiterate redneck
Leftist political warfare killed video games and you're just trying to draw attention away from that.
What did I say that was incorrect? Answer me
I see you're trying to sneakily acquire my rarer hecutes, not going to happen.
good goy
honk honk
>post one instance where this ever happened
Rainbow 6 Siege
so how are videogames destroyed?
really most of you idiots seem like you'd be happy getting the same slop served to you but just without any women or non-white people in it.
Very few things more satisfying to watch online
>playercount stagnated or dropped since
Games are better than ever though. I'll be enjoying Monster Hunter Iceborne and RDR2 while you cry on /pol/ about political bullshit.
Im not surprised someone saying that Social Justice does not sell also can not read a graph. It fluctuates but you can see a steady increase in numbers ever since. There have been dips but it always recovers like any growing thing.
there's bikelock dude getting off largely scott free after bashing in some tard's skull.
yes and i still buy only those
RDR2 is filled with leftist bullshit. A bandit being pro-feminist and anti-eugenics and having a prepared speech for each? Fuck off
Damn, you sure showed that guy with your non-argument.
I'm sure you can fool some people, but you can't fool me.
>so how are videogames destroyed?
They all either feature leftist propaganda or the developers are leftists. Those who don't want to comply are harassed, smeared and censored.
>but just without any women or non-white people in it.
Typical leftist bullshit tactic you've been repeating for years now. People didn't have problems with women and non-whites in games until you made it a problem. This is your fault.
the player population has not yet reached as high as when they started the sjw banning shit, despite constant effort on high quality updates and massive marketing budgets wasted
Games are shittier than ever. I have been forced to practically abandon commercial video games by the left.
>I'll be enjoying Monster Hunter Iceborne and RDR2 while you cry on /pol/ about political bullshit.
We were enjoying video games until you came along with your politics that you cannot shut up about and stop forcing on others.
i would (and did) bitch slap an arrogant prick any day irl.
That said, i don't spout insults in vidya, unless the faggot is asking for it.
>Those who don't want to comply are harassed, smeared and censored.
Sure they do
All the 0 of them
us redditor trannies are tough
pedo rights now antifa rise up
everything you listed wrong with RDR2 is the kind of stuff that westerns have literally always done, changing from one way to another with the ebbs and flows of history of course.
The massive dip was before they cracked down on slurs in July 2018 and ever since have steadily grown.
>Give me an exact example of X
>Here is an exact example of X
>T-That doesn't count! Tranny!
You are a liar, but of course that is normal for the left. Your politics are so shit that you cannot even honestly argue for them.
>that absolute faggot talking at the beginning
the player population has not grown according to the statistics. banning people for free speech kills your game every time
these are truly comfy times
Basically every Western is just the removal of a corrupt lawman or a miner/other businessman wanting rid of the good lawman. In the West, women were property and everyone liked it that way
But since I was never a child who freaked out on people in video games, it never really affected me all that much.
It IS bullshit to lose access to something you paid for because you're an easily triggered child insulting other easily triggered children though.
Such is the state of multiplayer only games with only official servers I guess.
Typical trying to drag me into your politics. Again, I'm just enjoying games and you're eternally screeching.
>le ur lier
>I can't name a single one of those nonexistent niggers, but they are real!
And? You gonna cry because game devs disagree with your political views? Are you twelve?
christianity is starting to win me over
You're the ones who dragged us into your politics. You are the ones who are screeching and refusing to allow us to play games.
We've done this before and even when examples are given you come up with some excuse why they don't count, like "oh that's just a 'weebshit' game, who cares, it doesn't count, we're allowed to censor that."
The average playercount has grown since they cracked down on racial slurs, you can read the chart and it clearly says so.
>banning people for free speech kills your game every time
Alright you are just retarded, if you are gonna keep parroting the same disproven things over and over again because you want them to be real im not going to respond.
Is it so hard to not say nigger? You can say that here, but if an online game says you can't, then you can't. I never got this meme.
Repeat after me:
Supporting trump is not right-wing
>I have excuses for why I have no arguments! I won!
the verifiable data on steamcharts tells me you're lying. if they didnt ban people for free speech the playercount would have another 50,000+ right now
Game devs don't know a single thing about politics and shouldn't spread their poison in videogames. If you think your politics is worth reading, you write a paper.
They forbid us from saying it so we must say it to spite them.
Fucking authoritarian lanklets, when will they learn
why do normies hate anonymity so much?
I made no excuses and I do have arguments.
The left is incapable of any kind of honesty and ultimately only street violence can solve the leftist problem.
they dont its just trannies and leftist nonhumans
Faggots like you are the reason we can’t have fun anymore, if those freaks wanna act up in a game. I’m gonna call them circus animals and freaks. Fuck them bro.
Month before cracking down
>June 2018 66,376.8
Month they crack down
>July 2018 68,241.0
Most recent month
>June 2019 78,059.3
The verifiable data on
If a game has a report system it's bad. Stop paying for games like this.
Why don't you americans just use the mute player function that literally every game has
>help they fought back call the authorities
This is great
Remember when your actions didn’t have consequences? It’s called being a child. Stop trying to be one.
Because many important social control concepts rely incredibly strongly on peer pressure:
>"stimulating economy" as in loans
Anonymity destroys peer pressure
Why refuse them service if they're not bothering anyone?
peak shows what I'm saying. the graph on top is peak for a reason.
>its just a coincidence that a group of people was officially kicked out of pretty much every country they were in through out all recorded human history
you can't talk about that though because its antisemic and antisemitism is bad because my holocaust teacher told me so
That contract wasn't presented to me until after I purchased the game.
It's theft
>I made no excuses and I do have arguments.
Now it's just plain denial
You need to go forward in the "stages of grief", not backwards, or you'll never get over your butthurt
but surely then you just become peer-pressured into becoming user like everyone else?
There was no denial.
u wot?
nope it's as right-wing as a it gets.
it's supporting those who rule.
you've got to look to the farther left to see those who truly criticize israel and our financial leaders.
Peak isn't a good measure for the same reason that a random stock dip isn't a good measure, averages are better for reliable information.
A company would rather have 90k average players in a given month with a 100k peakinstead of 50k average players in a given month with a 150k peak.
But Yea Forums bans people for saying the n-word!
and I'm going to report you :^)
Supporting Israel and judeochristianity is right-wing, though.
>this uneducated analysis of statistics
Average players doesn't mean anything. It can just be the same people playing the game more. June is the beginning of summer time in most places.
There's also been recent growth in rainbow six communities on discord, it's only given that they have more peak players now.
if we look at the totality of the data, we can see the growth rate has stagnated and siege is plagued with player drop-offs weeks or months after any significant development to the game. they probably recently reduced the price to a percent of its original price or made it F2P or something to boost the numbers one last time before the censorship of free speech chokes the community
meanwhile CSGO is ten times more popular with no retarded skinner box unlock system or bans for shit talk, just pure gameplay
cope faggot tranny and kill yourself
all i did was talk about tiananmen square :(
You know there are like 30 million muslims in Russia. Russia was this close to becoming a muslim state in the past.
Stop being toxic. Its not that hard. People are toxic online because they can hide behind their monitor and no one knowing who they are. Banning it a great solution to make you think before you speak. Its something you would do if you were playing these people in real life. And honestly its not like you have to tip toe around. SeeStop being over insensitive to others who take offense to you mocking the suffering of their demographic. The internet is not the same as your highschool band geek band room of skinny cis white males. Take into account that that your words target someone in the chat in a way you didnt mean. For fucks sake.
This guy gets it
This guy would have been half right before 1964, but the civil rights act changed that. There was a Supreme Court case over some Atlanta motels afterward that has pretty much guaranteed that this cannot happen ant more. However, counterpoint: you cannot choose your race, but you can choose how you behave in public.
That "contract" does not show up until after the game is purchased, and as such would likely not be legally binding.
I love how "mute" is right next to the report button. That's really all that's needed. I've been temp banned in videogames before for being good, all you need to do is piss off enough people to get reported multiple times and you get autobanned with a lot of these dumb systems. Don't have to say a word.
Not him, but consider suicide you weak faggot
Last multiplayer online game I played was Dota 2, never got banned for saying fuck niggers and faggots but that was 4 years ago since the last time I played.
>Yeah, I've boycotted all Chinese game developers, publishers, and investors. They won't see a cent from me (let alone ten cents, if you know what I mean). It's the least I can do.
Yes, I too am nostalgic for the good old days of Xbox Live but face it, they aren't coming back. Women and Children play games more than guys to now and the companies have been bullied into moderation.
Just play on PC dumbass.
Ok faggot!
>openly shows off gun he bought to kill a guy that ddos'd him
>says he'd kill the family too
This guy is a literal retard and anyone who claims him to be some great mind is braindead.
I'm sure you were Ned Flanders your whole life user :)
>I turned off any kind of communication in online games years ago.
This. Randos are such subhumans they aren't even worth talking to.
Just saying "nigger" isn't banter you dumb prick, and if you think it is, you deserve to be banned just for your garbage sense of humour
the difference is he didn't feel the need to sperg out in a place where he could get kicked from.
say niggers in your house all you want, but if you go to a place with a DON'T SAY NIGGERS OR GET KICKED policy, don't be surprised when they kick you for saying niggers.
Any Steam purchase documents, TOS etc, will be shown to you prioir to starting the game the first time. Everybody skips it, it's fine, and there's usually no harm in it. But it DOES specify, in lawyer-friendly manner that you had the option of reading, your options in this situation. Being surprised that you suffered the consequences of an explicitly-spelled-out ruleset that you agreed to and could've been aware of is 100 perfect on you.
What I'm saying is your entire premise is built on a fundamental falsehood. Whoosh. Buh-bye now!
poor leftys feelings got hurt. Dilate.
back in my day you could call someone a FAGGOT NIGGER for missing their shot and the whole server team would applaud such was camaraderie
you're a little faggot nerd twisting the truth.
I'm in the center but lean conservative because of retarded fags like you. Nobody thought it was fine for the faggot running over people. You're lumping in another faggot that has nothing to do with general conservativism in America. People are more willing to beat the shit out of a lying pussy nerd like you than some random muslims who arent' doing anything. Anybody attacking someone in a MAGA hat deserves their skulls cracked or at least a couple years in jail you fucking retarded faggot. You think like a little retarded white kid who WANTS to be cool thinking to be that means being subservient to all other races because famous sjw retards said its cool. They painted a picture of all minorities being victims like little pussies, WE'RE NOT. Stupid retarded faggot cracker. Now because of faggots like you sjws in big tech, social media, and gaming are censoring everybody. Be a normal white person like there used to be before the media scared you of "orange bad man" like a little faggot brainwashed coward.
That's not good banter either, try coming up with an insult that isn't just your latest internet buzzword you unoriginal cunt.
Corporations can't bypass US constitution on their own, 1 amendment covers everything they do too. They must use Section 203 to bypass it, ie, not the constitution.
Of course, this can only be used by McCain-Feingold Act that said corporations should not have any influence on politics. Note: any.
Without Section 203, these corporations would be sued out the ass and rightfully so.
wow, you sound upset. you want a safe space for your maga hat LMAO
>I-it's not me who is autistic, it's everyone else
Sorry, my 5'4 pal, but that's not how it works.
yikes when did Yea Forums became lefty garbage?
is it the fall of neofags or am i missing something?
Chechnya exists
dude what THE FUCK are you talking about?
typical sjw faggot retardation. thanks for the sneak diss letting me know I fucked your ass
these threads have been discord tranny home since 2014
Then mute him you massive fucking pussy. I doubt you could even strangle a 13 year old with your estrogen filled hands.
oh shit he's so upset he's started screaming in all caps lol
mad as fuck.
have sex, incel
>I don't understand what a safespace is
Both Rightoids and Leftoids will get the Rope
>oh shit, I'm trying hard to piss him off like a faggot because he's making valid points fucking my ass. i don't even realize my attitude is of a smug little faggot who wouldn't act like it in real life because i'd get my ass beat and laughed at by everybody.
>Right wingers with the rope will rope themselves
This is the reason you're alone dude.
you sound upset, trumpanzee lol
>oh shit, he made me mad. i'll reply to him to show im not mad. not me sir, no way. not mad at all. better let him know i'm not mad though.
I raped your ass faggot. shut the fuck up fucking nerd
Based and redpilled.
Sinks aren't people. Start calling employees nigger at a store and you just might get banned.
Trump winning the 2016 election fried a lot of libtard brains, they have no idea how it happened and think that taking over videogames will somehow work for the 2020 election.
No it's maximum cringe to write massive tldr essays on Yea Forums.
>the people with the guns will get the rope
How do you plan on accomplishing that?
imagine self-identifying as left or right
>oh shit hes fucking my ass so good I really love it now!!! i'm trying to make it about who's mad like its the pinnacle of everything because as usual I have no argument and suck at life!! OH FUCK ME DADDY!!
Yeah its obvious you're the howling faggot here retarded nerd. Saying "mad" over and over doesn't make a win basedboy faggot
>I wish I could banter in online games again
Every fucking time. Why don't we just filter "banter" to "nigger" at this point if you fags are just going to treat them as interchangeable anyways? Like, I'm aware that there are a lot of immature kids and adults on the internet and all but assuming that somebody is just a racist bigot because they don't like being overtly nice to everybody is just as intolerant as the intolerance you people espouse. I hate saying this because it makes me sound like a edgy gatekeeper but these bleeding-hearts today unironically would not survive in a Halo 3/ Modern Warfare/ CS 1.6/ Quake 3/ Warcraft/ Starcraft lobby.
Is only game, why you haf to be mad
>break your bitch ass face
>said the tranny redditor
Gurantee this guy has never even been in a fight
I'm a centrist, but honestly, the left is nowhere near as fucking retarded as the right.
They do some stupid shit like trying to push women into management, but it's nowhere near as moronic as pushing religion into schools, justice, science etc.
>have no idea how it happened
They've had a victim complex even while Obama was president. Trump getting elected justified it and it was obvious Hillary fucked up and lost the rust belt and a lot of leftist voters.
Trump winning did a number on the right too, they somehow elected the most anti-video game president.
Imagine having convictions.
>Their obsession with freedom of speech marks that they want to hurt people
The saddest part is that someone said this unironically.
I'm not suprised a person dumb enough to say this was also so retarded he ran through a street without even checking if anyone's on the road.
That;s the thing though... This shit used to be perfectly acceptable until triggered crybabies flooded the net with their retardation.
But please, by all means, continue to proliferate and play goalie for cancel culture until the reaper comes knocking on your door for something you consider petty and inconsequential.
Let's hope they don't revoke your ability to buy and sell as predicted in the book of Revelation :)
Because banter is fine, being toxic is not.
Banter 10 years ago would be considered toxic today.
People who claim to champion freedom of speech do so selectively and let a lot of censorship slide because they aren't about protecting freedom, they just want to dehumanize people.
the left is pushing religion into schools, justice, science and video games though
>play game with friends
>say nigger to them not thinking much of it
>some randally fucking snitch overhears and gets offended
>get banned
Friendless Randall snitches will defend this
Religion is the building block necessary for civilisation. Our Godless world is why the West is so unhappy, and easy to divide and destroy
Facts, you can’t say anything anymore without some pussy getting all upset. It’s sad, I remember playing TF2 and being a toxic asshole it was some of the best fun I ever had gaming. Now you do that some snowflake faggot gets all mad and reports you. The left is the saddest bunch of pussies I ever seen.
>caring about things that don't matter makes me a just person
get over yourself retard, none of it matters
Yeah right leftist faggot. Nobody with any sense who is really aware of everything going on in both sides is going to think drag queens teaching little kids how to dress in drag and pose in sexual manners is more retarded than having religion in schools you fucking faggot. I'm for neither. Sjw's are some of the most retarded subhuman trash that has existed in America, that's not an exaggeration.
>jury duty selection panel
>lawyers trying to find impartial jurors
>"I'm sorry but only God can judge the defendant :^)"
Love watching their faces contort when they hear that. Easiest way to avoid jury duty.
That is not the same thing at all nigger
woah... get out of the way
Not really a big deal mate
I can go play other games
You'll never find friends or a gf to play with
I think I have the better deal desu
I was playing Team Fortress on 9/11 and there was only one person with racist and anti-muslim "banter". It's not like everyone was calling each other niggers and faggots or being rude pieces of shit.
Shut your pedo enabling faggot mouth. The fat guy in the picture could probably kick your nerd pussy ass LMAO. And I sure as fuck could kick his so your retarded train of thought is gonna get you nowhere faggot.
Holy shit this is the most weaselly autistic way to describe it
These people are saying that you should talk the same way online as you do irl
Then they go ahead and post autistic shit like this
>i'm a centrist
you are just as bad as anyone who self-identifies and joins team A or B. shut the fuck up and have some nuance in life, retard. it's not a cartoon.
Not that guy but you're coming off as trolling by pretending to be 12.
And look at you now, ten years later, still an immature and toxic caricature who thinks sperging out at strangers is epic. Imagine instead if Valve took its responsibility seriously, had real moderation and gave you some correction that could have helped you grow. You could have been so much better and understood so much more.
In fact, you anti moderation dorks are like children who think they'd be better off without parents, teachers or responsible adults. We all need to be told when we're doing wrong, both to others and ourselves, and that's the only way we can get better.
Bumping as a minority who is against SJW fags censoring everything
The faggot I replied to had no argument and proceeded to self anal prolapse from the massive pounding they inflicted on themself
you're a little faggot nerd twisting the truth.
I'm in the center but lean conservative because of retarded fags like you. Nobody thought it was fine for the faggot running over people. You're lumping in another faggot that has nothing to do with general conservativism in America. People are more willing to beat the shit out of a lying pussy nerd like you than some random muslims who arent' doing anything. Anybody attacking someone in a MAGA hat deserves their skulls cracked or at least a couple years in jail you fucking retarded faggot. You think like a little retarded white kid who WANTS to be cool thinking to be that means being subservient to all other races because famous sjw retards said its cool. They painted a picture of all minorities being victims like little pussies, WE'RE NOT. Stupid retarded faggot cracker. Now because of faggots like you sjws in big tech, social media, and gaming are censoring everybody. Be a normal white person like there used to be before the media scared you of "orange bad man" like a little faggot brainwashed coward.
I made my point.
This post looks 98% like bait, but it's not actually wrong.
Jesus christ these people are retards. They'd probably stop breathing if they found out that the "nazies" breath too.
Not him but 12 year old spics are preferable to leftist urbanite subhumans
>which is marxism
you dont know what that word means. why would you talk about marxism without even having read marx?
There's a difference between moderation and biased censorship. Still, your argument is basically condoning behavior conditioning. We're playing games, not admitting ourselves into a behavior modifying program. You sound exactly like a faggot sjw that would work for Google.
You're wrong you piece of shit faggot, stop trying to twist the obviously wrong pov into a good light like big corp sjw spokespersons always do.
>how do you know not to eat shit without having eaten shit
>either you just let me be a rude little spaz or you're a subhuman
This doesn't make any sense. You might just be dumb if not trolling.
I'm just advocating some basic human decency. Nothing more than what you're able to pull off IRL. Quit thinking that screaming in games makes you a freethinker.
reminder there's a rude little spaz (orange man) in the White House and he's going to be there for 6+ more years
That's not what the post is about you fucking retard.
I learned a long time ago that the only way to defeat moralfags is to become an even bigger morafag and police them harder than they police you.
At least he's funny.
Remember when Yea Forums used to make fun of Yea Forums for being edgy anti-moralfag kids? Good times.
and he's regulating social media to enforce free speech next
I'm pretty sure he's just the main actor in the bread and circuses scheme. He's just there to occupy the minds of the masses with drama while the important decisions are being made behind closed doors. Same thing with the pizza gate.
Just like he's locking her up? He's been the most anti-video game president we've had and here you are pretending he's pro-free speech. He even supports people who disagree with him getting violently removed from his rallies.
you literally don't seem to know even the first thing about it and you're just making excuses for your uninformed and retarded opinion
enjoy supporting the very system you claim to hate thinking it's "marxism" lol
Obnoxious people are obnoxious. This is a fact.
But almost every single social media platform and video games has a mute/block button, if not both.
But hey, I guess it's somehow easier to press the one button to report someone than the one button to mute/block them.
>That;s the thing though... This shit used to be perfectly acceptable until triggered crybabies flooded the net with their retardation.
Stop making shit up bitch nigger, Christian servers have been a thing since multiplayer online gaming was a thing.
Some people are cool until they turn on you for stupid shit. People don't come out of the gate saying "what's up my niggerfaggots?" and often it isn't about the language, it's about what they're saying and how they're saying it. Muting doesn't undo what was said and hurts the team. Serial offenders getting banned us the better solution.
she's going down with all the other pedovores with epstein. see you in gitmo, we've got a nice torture cell just for (You)
cope jew
do you believe a corporation can be marxist?
Trump defended Acosta instead of asking him to resign. He's not that hard on rich pedos.
yes, almost all bad corporations are jew owned at this point
Acosta delivering the goods on Epstein after he was told to drop the investigation years ago
not hard to understand pedonigger
so which corporations pay their workers the same amount as their bosses and CEOs?
Then you are letting them live rent free in your head just as I am letting people like you do to me. Trust me, it irritates me that I even get irritated about this whole "toxicity" bullshit, because I know at the end they're fucking videogames and silly humans(most likely children) and it doesn't fucking matter what they say or how they say it.
I'm all for decency. I don't scream in games but even sjws do that. But I'll leave with this. Before all the whining causing censorship there were 2 big factors in effect that should still overide all this nonsense to this day. Why it does not gives creedence to the idea of an agenda.
>Liability clauses, clauses stating that players ideas and expressions do not represent those of the games creators, etc
>The fucking mute, block, ignore, etc functions
Nothing else needs to be implemented. Especially not censorship.
I dont know i dont work for a jewish corporation
>Retards banned for acting retarded
Nothing of value is lost.
>get banned 109 times
>keep making new accounts
what is the end game here
which ones follow the labor theory of value?
im not sure what this heeb-speak is but the jewish ones like their jewish ideas
That's not how conflict resolution works in private spaces; the person yelling at people, calling them faggots, and instructing guests to kill themselves at a Walmart is banned from that Walmart. Things are still said before the mute button is hit, they kind of have to be. "Toxic" player know what they are doing to people most of the time and if they don't, a temporary ban or warning will help them realize.
If enough people report you, you get banned, they don't bother to check that stuff out.
physically remove leftists
I just mute everyone if possible. What's the point of talking with timmies who have anger issues.
lmao holy shit. I'm a fucking mexican and as a minority I say thats fair to point out. There's a reason these motherfuckers are always getting fingers pointed at them. As usual they play the victim card and scheme on the rest of society while making most believe they are innocent. Person by person yes but many in power are not. All anyone has to do is look at all the Jews in powerful positions including banking.
Based and redpilled
so you admit that you don't know about the literal basis of marxism
why should anyone listen when you say it's bad?
>call someone a subhuman retard who should kill himself
>get muted
>I still got to call him a subhuman retard who should kill himself
Saying words is an action, yeah. So is typing them.