According to this interview, the models are completely done by scratch and not ported over..
Pokemon Sw/Sh models are not reused
Other urls found in this thread:
so they're literally lying huh
>they didn't transfer over right
What the fuck are they talking about, they make them in FBX and export them into the format Nintendo defines. Why would that even break them?
Unless they were incompetant and built the new engine to not use the same format as they did before, knowing Game Freak that's more likely the reason.
Well they did a bad job.
What they mean is
>we simplified them with a batch script to limit the number of polygons
>only 143 employees
Holy fuck the incompetency
Creatures make the models and might have fucked up.
I don't believe them.
I don't see how you can fuck up something in Maya/3ds though except at the exporter stage. They've used the same pipeline since the first 3DS games.
Wouldn't it be even worse if they were telling the truth but all the models still looked literally the same?
>WOWWWW we have to make models for our multi billion video game franchise?
We live in a timeline where Masuda literally has become the japanese Todd Howard.
He's too tall.
>Lying on interviews
That's actually lower than lying on the internet. They're the same models from LGE/P but with a coat of lightning.
How does the the developer behind the main game series of one of the world's most successful multimedia franchises have only 143 employees? Where does all that money go? Most triple-A devs seem to have at least 3-4x that amount. Not saying bigger teams are necessarily a good thing but for a game like pokemon a little more manpower would make sense.
then what the fuck was the point of them saying they wanted "future proof models and animations" in X and Y to make development easier when it made the games slow as shit?
More like it's halved. One team work on Town, it's where they put all effort into. Other team (that is likely inexperience or new employees) is again halved, one work on Let's Go games and another on Sword&Shield at the same time.
The hints of incompetence at Gamefreak have been readily apparent by how broken Gen1 was and how they barely were able to finish G&S thanks to help from Iwata.
if you read the actual summerized translation of the original article there's no mention of "something going wrong" and the models needing to be remade from scratch, all that's said is a vague statement of "the need to redo models" with no clarification, which presumbly is a mistranslation or a lie
if some autistic user who reads moon wants to translate themselves, here's the original interview
This is actually worse if it isn't a lie
Holy fuck how is GF so bad at programming
They did this last game too
Did You Know Gaming: There's a different Lillie model for every single fucking animation she does
I just wanna say that I always thought GF's dumb indie projects were shitty. From Pulseman to Drill Dozer to that dumb fucking elephant game. Town will probably be shit too. When will they learn that they're only useful for one thing?
>Dynamaxing forces Gamefreak to produce extra models for each and every Pokémon
I'd say they're lying, but didn't these incompetetent assholes do redundant shit like having dozens of copies of NPCs, one for each area/scene they show up in? Maybe these dipshits really did do this.
I believe it
So the zillions of polygons to create perfect spheres on 3DS weren't even future proof? That's hilarious. But what about when they went to transfer them to LGPE?
Okay. Seems like it's saying something like that. No reason given, just that they'll be rebuild. I'm guessing they just wanted more fidelity.
>今回のことは、増田とともに、かなり協議を重ねました。『ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン』の時点でも、(すべてのポケモンを連れてこられるようにすることは)実際はなかなか厳しい状況だったのですが、ハードがNintendo Switchになって、モデルを最初から作り直すことになり、何かしらの選択をしなければならないと。ただ、『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド』を遊んでいただけるとわかるかと思うのですが(連れてこられるポケモンに制限があっても)ワイルドエリアやストーリーなど、その遊びの内容はかなりのボリュームになります。
Drill Dozer was neat, but yeah, they're mostly shitty. There was a time when I was excited whenever they were doing something else, but I realized that they just make mostly bad games.
They WILL rebuild them, or that they are for Sword and Shield? could you do a full translation of that line/section?
They are making them from scratch all over again for the switch.
There's also the overworld models increasing the volume of work.
>make ridiculously high-poly models for futureproofing
>have to redo them anyway
they’re either lying through their teeth or showing another sign of their incompetency
>try to future proof the models with the 3DS games
>3DS games suffer due to the models
>can't even use them in future games
Game Freak continue to impress with the incompetency
I just used google translate and applied a little bit of my limited japanese. This is the relevant sentence:
>The hardware becomes the Nintendo Switch, and the model will be rebuilt from scratch, and you have to make some choices.
Japanese tenses are a bit weird, so while it says "will be", I think Omori just means that this time they are rebuilding from scratch. And that they have to make some hard decisions on who to bring over and who not. No reason given.
Hold the phone. I thought the reason the 3ds ones ran like shit was because they were "future-proofing" the models for future games.
So were they lying then or are they lying now?
Not lying, they just are extremely incompetent.
fuck off. drilldozer is great.
Could be both really.
They're just extreme idiots that need to be fired.
Basically. People need to stop buying Pokemon games, but the public won't do that because "who cares, it's Pokemon!"
I can almost believe that they were so incompetent they didn't know how to transfer the 3DS models over.
How do you fuck up using the thing you created using it for the very reason you created the thing if the first fucking place?
I, just, how?
By being gamefreak?
They never said the 3DS models were future proof, people just assumed they were because they were incredibly overmodeled for a 3DS.
Also might be slightly sleep drunk so that's probably not helping matters.
X & Y itself was a different engine than SM so that was when that plan first failed
I find that hard to believe, all the models seen so far look identical.
If it's just an issue of dynamaz making the polys more obvious due to being scaled up (which shouldn't be an issue anyways since as notes the 3ds models are decently high poly anyways); they can just subdivide the models and smoothen and that should solve it more or less.
If that were true then it would just be another sign of gross incompetence, the models they had were fine.
This. This is whats so beautiful about it. Imagine being so bad at making games that you're forced to work harder and practice your trade by remaking assets a normally competent person could just import.
3D models aren't tied to the game engine.
based mungposter
>I find that hard to believe, all the models seen so far look identical.
You really can't tell if the models are identical based on youtube videos. They might look the same, but that's mostly because they're the same pokemon. I haven't seen any proof that they're identical, with the exact same vertices and shit.
>reddit misinformation
>In this interview, Masuda reveals that the real reason why Pokemon are being cut is that his team is so cripplingly incompetent that they couldn't figure out how to import the old models, and instead had to remake them, but they were too lazy to do all of them
Literally every single fucking piece of news about Pokemon makes me more and more angry.
moon reading fag reporting in
>...from the outset the models were rebuilt, and for some reason (何かしら is hard to translate by itself) this choice had to be made
they dont give details but definitely said they redid everything from the ground up.
i think they did a bad job.
Take Pikachu. They changed Pikachu's mouth so that instead of its mouth being a flat texture the model itself actually has a modelled mouth. That's the only change though.
I am pretty sure the interview is referring to small changes like that to every Pokemon.
I'm pretty sure they only did that for Pikachu (and Eevee) because it's your partner in LGPE.
I hate to sound like the lazy one here but I wouldn't have minded if they just reused the quadrillion Pokemon models they created for X/Y just so they could allow for a full National Dex. They have an absurd amount of Polygons anyway.
Yeah sure...
You can look at the specific proportions and especially thin points/joints of the models in footage and see they look super close/identical, if they really re-modelled them from scratch you'd expect at least minor proportional differences.
If the models are really that visually close, but still different, then that raises the question of why they even bothered when presumbly the 3ds models still would have sufficed since you'd only notice if you could actually see the wireframes.
Or why they'd try to target matching the 3ds models to a T instead of making them look better?
They actually broke the rigs and had to re-rig them. The models themselves are identical, though.
How many days till someone takes the time to disprove the "Brand New Models" theory with tangible evidence?
Holy fuck. If this is true, then
>Game has proven to be extremely incompetent
>They're so mediocre at game development that they find reusing assets difficult
>Proves that Game Freak can't be trusted and that Nintendo needs to step in to ensure better games in the future
If they're flat out lying, then
>They're fucking lazy
>They lie more than Bethesda
>They're somehow worse liars than Bethesda
>They shouldn't be trusted with developing Pokemon anymore
>and see they look super close
That's not identical, and reinforces my point.
>if they really re-modelled them from scratch you'd expect at least minor proportional differences.
Not really. I'd guess they have pretty rigid style guides for these pokemon, and I can see them using previous models as reference for the proportions.
I just won't believe claims that they're the same unless somebody compares the wireframes side by side, or shows an image which clearly shows the vertices of the models side by side.
Negative Five Months
>Have the chance to remake the models from scratch and make them better
>Nah let's just remake them almost identically to the old ones
If this excuse is real then it's extra retarded
Yea Forums & /vp/ is so fucking stupid they're wrong about everything. Of course the models were redone, only a fucking idiot (most of Yea Forums and /vp) would think they weren't. If the models were literally a copy past job they would have no problem including them all. So great, Masuda just told us what everyone with a brain already knew, that there was a reason they didnt include all the pokemon and that the reason is, surprise, exactly what they told us from the beginning, that they have to do new models and shit.
Now time to backpedal and say they're lazy for NOT recycling the models. Though they were lazy for SUPPOSEDLY recycling the 3DS models before.
Dammned if you do and dammned if you don't, eh?
>Go to this link
>Click on the famitsu interview link being sourced
>Auto-translate is on
>ctrl+f "model"
>It says that
You're a fucking retard, jesus christ dude.
They are lying, the models are literally the same ones. I've been seeing that Pikachu for six years now, it's copy-pasta. Why would Game Freak redo everything and make it 100% the same as an old ass 3DS game?
> If the models were literally a copy past job they would have no problem including them all.
The models all look exactly the fucking same. All it shows is that GF are so incompetent that they can't import old assets correctly.
> With Pokemon Sword/Shield and the need to redo models
? At least post the actual source which doesn't say that. You posted a translation which I'd say is wrong.
No it doesn't. Will be =/= had to.
>all the models were remade from the ground up
stop spreading misinformation you fanboy fuckwit
Considering LGPE is on the same hardware, I'd think they started remaking them there. You'd need a comparison between gen 7. Besides, the arm is slightly different in that image. Can't say if the model is the same or not.
Then what did they use in Let's Go?
This isn't the best comparison, but I'm fairly certain they're exactly the same
I want those plushes.
We already have the lets go models. They've got a different rigs than the 3DS games, but the mesh is identical. Gamefreak just went full retard and broke their rigs, none of this ground up shit.
Alright, fuck it, I decided to not be lazy. That's the line that google translated. It literally means "From the beginning, it was decided that the models would be remade" Fuck off retard. Choke on cocks until you die.
It baffles me that they even came out and said this, because it makes them look like massive retards regardless of whether it's true or not.
I know someone is going to post the Old Man cutting the tree pic but for the most part LGPE looked decent and as far as I can tell didn't reuse character animations either. Nothing that made me want to bleach my eyes. Kind of makes me wonder if Gamefreak has a B Team or something.
Yeah damned if they do, damned if theydon't. I know. You need to be mad about something, anything, and you don't care what right. Remake models and its wrong. Recycle models and its wrong.
Oh wait, I realize what you wanted! No models at all!
Can't tell with that resolution. Cheek seems slightly puffier on the Switch though, but again, that might just be the resolution.
> but the mesh is identical.
>Gamefreak just went full retard and broke their rigs
That doesn't say they had to remake from scratch.
(You) deserve this.
>That doesn't say they had to remake from scratch.
Yes it fucking does though? Is your issue here that the Japanese don't use the specific idiom "from scratch"? Because that is literally the only difference here. The meaning is fucking identical. The fact that you can't figure that out shows how brain dead you are.
>Will be =/= had to.
They decided to remake them, doesn't say why they decided. Could be because they had to, could be because they wanted to.
>I realized what you wanted
A decent Pokemon game that isn't half baked slop being rushed out to launch with the Nintendo Switch Lite?
Sorry, what I meant to say was that the Reddit reason of "the models couldn't transfer" was bullshit and not the reason why they had to change anything about the models. They might say that they're updating the "graphical quality" but they didn't lose all the files. That's what I was addressing.
So what? How does that change the fact that he said that from the beginning, they had decided to remake the models?
From scratch is a English colloquialism as well, it wouldn’t be in Japanese.
You would have to be a special kind of stupid to believe this.
That's my whole fucking point you invalid.
That doesn't change that, but that's not what I was arguing. said they didn't say they had to remake the models from scratch said the original article literally said that, and I said he was wrong.
> said they didn't say they had to remake the models from scratch
He did, and he is wrong. I'm the second post you quoted. I was wrong in the sense that they didn't use an English idiom, but the meaning of the idiom matches what was said in Japanese perfectly, you dense cunt. How do you not understand this yet? No shit they didn't say "from scratch". It's an English idiom. They didn't use the word "model" either because guess what? THEY'RE SPEAKING IN FUCKING JAPANESE. Nonetheless, the meaning is fucking identical. I'm done with you. Fuck yourself.
Here's a better comparison, you can see that all of the models have the same weird quirk where the top part of the arms jut out and cut into the neck a little.
I believe it, I genuinely do not believe they are lying. Considering how terrible they are at doing anything it makes perfect sense.
They're outright lying or outright retarded. Neither is acceptable considering the series they're representing.
>I was wrong in the sense that they didn't use an English idiom, but the meaning of the idiom matches what was said in Japanese perfectly, you dense cunt. How do you not understand this yet? No shit they didn't say "from scratch". It's an English idiom. They didn't use the word "model" either because guess what? THEY'RE SPEAKING IN FUCKING JAPANESE. Nonetheless, the meaning is fucking identical. I'm done with you. Fuck yourself.
That's not relevant, I never argued against that. I don't know why you keep bringing this up. You're wrong in that you said the original article said they had to remake the models (either from scratch or not, doesn't matter), it doesn't say that. It just says they decided to remake the models (from scratch or not, again it doesn't matter). The meaning between "had to" and "will" is definitely not the same.
Jesus Christ
Thanks for this, yeah that quirk was why I thought the model wasn't the same between LGPE and gen 8, it doesn't seem to be their on his left arm in LGPE, but that's probably the lighting.
In this image I can't see any difference.
LGPE uses smooth shading so the jutting of the arms is less noticeable but it's definitely still there.
Plus there's... everything else about the models that says they're the same. They've only been updating the textures.
Do you actually care if they remake a pikachu from scratch or used the last gane's model?
I thought Yea Forums championed gameplay over all else but here you are bitching about graphics and reusing assets.
Reusing assets does not make a game bad.
Right is the partner pikachu lets go model, it's just be subdivided once and had the eyes separated from the main mesh for some reason. Those stupid hair and accessories are here as well, just tacked on.
>They didn't use the word "model"
they did. モデル is moderu. its just the english word said with a jap accent.
>The meaning between "had to" and "will" is definitely not the same
this says "the decision HAD to be made"
you're both arguing about silly things. i read japanese quite well. the article says that from the outset, the decision had to be made to remake the models. it does not say why, specifically.
Ohhhhhh, then you're actually even stupider. Not once did I suggest such a thing.
I was addressing the part of this post in quotation marks. If you'll notice, "had to" is not in there. I never said they "had to" remake them. I just said they "decided to" remake them. Hell, did you even look at the translation I provided? I'll post it again, because you're probably too fucking stupid to find it in the quote chain.
From the beginning, it was decided that the models would be remade
^^^ That is the basis of everything that I've said. If you were too fucked in the head to bother reading that, you're really just wasting both our time here. I don't give 2 shits if they "had to" or not. I'm just arguing that the "REMAKE THE MODELS FROM SCRATCH" not being a part of the article is fundamentally false. I have no idea why you'd think I was saying anything else.
>That's not relevant, I never argued against that. I don't know why you keep bringing this up.
Then why the fuck would you think I was talking about anything else?
The reason people are shitposting is because pokemon /ss/ has less pokemon and the excuse given was that animations and modelling took too much time. People noticed that the models and animations were identical to previous games, making this seem like a lie. Now GF is saying they DID remake everything (and just happens to be almost identical) because they somehow fucked up making their models reusable even though they fucked up a previous game and the excuse was "we needed to do this to make our models reusable in the future".
The legs look slightly different in this, in a way that I wouldn't say is subdividing. Could be the pose. Can't tell if it's actually just subdivided in this image either.
Jesus what an unnecessary amount of polygons
The issue here is they're claiming that the reason why they cut the national dex is to remake the remaining Pokemon from scratch and give them "higher quality animations." Neither of which is the case because they're using the exact same models and animations. Reusing models and animations was fine before which is how we've gotten all 800 Pokemon across the same games. It's only now that they're cutting Pokemon for no reason but doing the same reusing models shit that it's a problem.
OH no poor game freak! Imagine all that money that was lost making those new models! They are literally ruined!
Everybody has already written off the gameplay in Pokemon games since XY. Not having all the pokemon available, even just for the post-game, significantly worsens the gameplay.
>Reusing assets does not make a game bad.
Literallly nobody said that. I don't think you even understand anything that people are talking about. Go read the thread before making such embarrassing posts.
Here's a fun fact, one 3DS Pokemon has more polygons than Lightning in FFXIII.
>they did. モデル is moderu.
I'm aware. But, my point was that "model" is an English word, and doesn't appear in Japanese. モデル is a Japanese word that doesn't appear in English. Obviously they mean the same thing. The point was that different languages are, you guessed it, different. One thing being in one language doesn't mean that it's going to be in another. In this case, "from scratch" isn't going to be in Japanese. But, that's my bad. I was unclear, and should have chosen a better word/elaborated on that a bit.
Well theyre not reusing models sooooooooooo now youre just wrong and your whole poeont is invalid
How do you reuse models with new pokemon
>>They didn't use the word "model"
>they did. モデル is moderu. its just the english word said with a jap accent.
Who are you quoting? I never said they didn't use that word, I know how English loan words work in Japanese.
>this says "the decision HAD to be made"
Which refers to deciding which pokemon to bring over.
>Not once did I suggest such a thing.
Yes you did>>It says that
If you wanted to not refer to the post with "that", you'd have to quote it. Now "that" would refer to the post, not some arbitrary bit that you didn't specify.
>Though they were lazy for SUPPOSEDLY recycling the 3DS models before.
Literally no one said this.
That not much of an achievement with Lightning's ass being made up of about 2 polygons.
this is what is so bizarre about this whole thing. the sun and moon models were made to future proof them. they are so good that they fuck up the frame rate because the 3DS is too weak to have them all on screen/in memory.
so, they made the 3DS models too good for the 3DS to handle or display, so they wouldnt have to redo them for the next game. but now, they've redone them for the next game.
and they look like trash. and the animations are trash.
>wanted more fidelity
They're literally lying, and they aren't the ones who make the models in the first place. That shit has been something the daft cunts in TPC do.
>but what about the animations?
The bones are still in place, meaning everything else should work accordingly regardless. Have you not seen how Hau and Hop share the LITERAL same animations? It's the same philosophy with how you take one model with similar bones and structure and just re-apply the animations.
Blizzard has been doing this shit since the dawn of WoW.
The pokemon of the previous generation dingus.
So despite me never making a direct reference to the "had to" in the post, and exclusively talking about the part in quotations this entire fucking thread, I actually was talking about the "had to" because some random fucking user that can't into reading comprehension says so? Go fuck yourself, you illiterate cunt.
No one's talking about the new Pokemon you retard. The entire issue are the old Pokemon. Learn to read.
>Literally no one said this.
This is the worst fucking revisionism I've seen yet.
That's what they claim. If it's true then they're incompetent for having to remake the same thing. Whether they are lying or not it doesn't look good.
You only specifically replied to the post, so yes you were talking about the post. Besides, I referenced the difference between had to and will to constantly, and you started to specifically replying to me when I stated "Will be =/= had to.", if you didn't realize I was talking about that, you're a fucking retard.
no you're just actually delusional user. Nobody has bitched about the graphical fidelity of the models made in x and y. In fact a vast majority of people were happy they were making high resolution future proof models so they could focus more on animations and actual gameplay. Which is why people are so pissed over this. Two gens later and they still keep fucking up.
I have a little experience in this, what I'm seeing with the let's go model is some minor edits and an extra level of subdivision. Maybe they're not the same models anymore, but they sure as hell were not made from the ground up, not even close.
>Which refers to deciding which pokemon to bring over
holy fucking christ. you're just trolling at this point or are profoundly stupid. it is absolutely not in the same sentence as "talking about which pokemon to bring over." there's nothing like that there. are you like homer simpson and just make things up when you get bored?
fucking hell.
yeah, the exact phrasing "from scratch" isnt there, but 最初から is there. it means "from the
very beginning." like i said, you guys are arguing semantics and being a bit silly. it's mainly the other guy's fault, though. he is completely fucking retarded and talking absurd amounts of shit to fit his baseless assumptions.
Yeah sure, specifically made me think that as well. At least for Pikachu. I'm just saying that wireframe image might be a bit unclear to show it's the same base model.
Using 選択 refers to a selection, the selection they have to make now, which is difficult.
Take a deep breath and just wait for SMTV, the game we actually deserve.
Weren't the Lets Go models from Pokemon Go?
I cant argue with someone who hasn't been been on the internet the past month to see how many times people have called gamefreak lazy for supposedly recycling the models. Take a trip to the archive and catch up, literally just search lazy and ganefream, and try to catch up.
>Though they were lazy for SUPPOSEDLY recycling the 3DS models before.
Yep, but now they're the most straight up incompetent dev team in the entire industry. How the hell do you fuck up importing 3ds models to the Switch?
theyre calling them lazy for being incompetent and reusing animations you daft twit. Nobody is calling them lazy for reusing models. it's borderline impossible to make 1000 models every new game nobody in their right mind would expect that. You are stupid.
The Pokemon Go models are the 3DS models with different textures.
>How the hell do you fuck up importing 3ds models to the Switch?
They didn't.
arent partner pikachu and eevee the only 2 models in the game to be a higher polygon count even the wild variants of those 2 use the old model meshes and not the partner ones
Have fun waiting. Not that SMT has anything to do with pokemon anyway
I can't decide who I hate more. Gamefreak, for being lazy, incompetent hacks, or the mouthbreathers on the internet that try to whiteknight and downplay Gamefreak's retardation.
>reposting the reddit post that has shit made up that doen't exist in the actual article
I don't know, but I'd think so. Which is why I said specifically for Pikachu, but it wouldn't make sense to use an old model subdivided for Pikachu and Eevee, and use new models for the rest. I could see them subdividing Pikachu and Eevee, keep the rest the same for LGPE, and make new models from scratch for the rest of the pokemon but keep the subdivided models for Pikachu and Eevee because they're good enough.
In short, too early to conclude completely.
Then why the fuck are you still responding to me this whole time, if you have no issues with what I said in the first place, because the issues you had were based on you not understanding my fucking point? Was my initial post a bit unclear? Maybe, but it doesn't matter, because now that you understand it, you should have shut the fuck up about it, because it has NOTHING to do with what you seem to give a shit about.
>arguing semantics and being a bit silly
ITT: Motherfuckers that don't know jack shit about 3D models and game development.
Stop believing his fucking lies.
What about the people that are hating on Gamefreak now, even though they've been incompetent for years now?
>LITERALLY same models and animations
>"T-they're new we swear"
Jesus christ nuke Gamefreak already
I don't know if it's you or different people posting that pic every time but bless you for doing it.
I am so shocked that I have to state a food analogy now:
Its like if a friend asked you to give them a sandwich from the refrigerator, which is full of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches already made, but they went to the refrigerator, made them instead a turkey and cheese sandwich, and brought it to them, and said they got it from the refrigerator, even though its the wrong kind of sandwich in the first place.
Its honestly so pointlessly confusing that it would have been simpler if it really was a lie.
I can't get too mad at people who are just waking up to how bad things really are. Plenty of people don't know about the shitshow that was the early gens. Hell, plenty of people don't even know about the hundreds of megabytes worth of Lillie clones strewn all over Sun and Moon.
Stop believing this shit.
You fuckers on Yea Forums all play PC games and even mod them and know how 3D models work, don't you?
The national dex was just the wakeup call people needed. Before they were just complacent with it because at least all the Pokemon were there.
It just annoys me because the national dex seems so fucking small compared to the other fuck ups they made. I just don't care about having all the pokemon.
My friend was looking for that thing about Lillie the other day and neither of us could find it, got a link?
Not a single soul on the intenet has been able to even make a decent 3D pokemon mod, let alonge game, especially not Yea Forums. You overestimate Yea Forums experience and capabilities heavily. They're all talk.
>try to future proof models
>remake them anyway
Highest grossing media franchise
So their excuse for being told that they're incompetent retards is that they're actually so incompetent that they multiplied their workload unnecessarily by a factor of 100
Masuda would never lie to us, the models are totally new and the animations are high fidelity. Not that animations matter anyway. You're going to buy it anyway.
Did I miss anything?
Town is going to fucking bomb and crush the souls of everybody at GF, as they realize that they cannot survive without Pokemon
Polygons aren't an issue on any modern hardware. It's textures that will kill you.
Todd Howard goes to bed at night wishing he was Masuda
>on any modern hardware
There's your problem. 3DS isn't even close to modern hardware. Not even when it released.
The 3DS is not modern hardware.
Every time someone tries to they get destroyed by Nintendo's legal team.
And this is supposed to make Gamefreak look good? If they really had to remake all the models, then:
-It means that Gamefreak doesn't even practice basic model portability, something every other developer does by second nature, and one of the first thing graphic design students are taught to do
-It means that the new Pokemon models that they created for Nintendo Switch, a piece of hardware several times stronger than the 3DS, are so poor in quality that they are virtually indistinguishable from their 3DS counterparts, right down to the oddly specific graphical errors such as Gyarados's whiskers bending in odd places
All this does is make Gamefreak look even more incompetent.
I said what I mean, and I mean what I said.
What he said isn't true. That wasn't even the rumor, that lillie had a diffent model for every animation he just made that up. It was that lillie has multiple models in the game for each map, which has a purpose.
>190 people working on the game
>$90 million
>looks like trash
You'll buy them anyway
No it's not 190.
Half of the company is working on their other game Town.
as a professional 3D modeller who works at a triple A company and has worked on massive budget CGI movies
it's stupid, completely stupid to consider that they re-modelled all their works.
They're the same, added outline and minor stuff. Pokemon post gen 5 was a mistake.
Read the thread.
I'm not buying anything. I'm waiting for the .xci leak.
>143 employees at the company running the most valuable brand name on the planet
I wonder how much they get paid
They didn't redo the models. They're the exact same. Besides Game Freak doesn't make the Pokémon models, it's Creatures Inc.
Can... Can you not even read? I mean I guess I shouldn't expect anything more than illiteracy from the mindless drones who just want to hop on the hate bandwagon, but you can at least read the three digits that says 143 right?
>pirating a game that looks this bad
As someone that did it for Ultra Moon, don't. That's time I'll never get back.
>running the most valuable brand name on the planet
We're talking about game freak not tcpi.
Thank you, user.
An they're atill the same shit.. that had to make again because they can't be good at being lazy either.
i doubt they remade the models. They look too close to the old ones to be remade
It's unfathomable how delusional you would have to be to believe this shit. Why the fuck would anyone remake the models to look EXACTLY like the old ones? And even if they did remake all the models, it doesn't excuse all the laughably bad animations in the game when that was one of the excuses for all the cut content. Can't wait to see what dumb shit the defense force will come up with when the inevitable datamine reveals that the models are exactly the same.
Wasn't there a story where a man was outed as a fraud because he claimed he could translate something, the original translation was "lost" and was made to translate it again, and when they were compared it was found that he was lying his ass off? This is reminding me of that.
They don't manage it, TCPI manages the Pokemon franchise.
Control over the Pokemon franchise is a bit strange.
Nintendo, GameFreak and Creatures Inc each (officially) own 1/3 of TCPI.
But Nintendo also own 10% of Creatures Inc so it could be argued they own a little bit more than 33%.
Actual ownership of the IP is split between Nintendo and GameFreak, we'll assume it's 50% each way but it's probably higher for Nintendo.
And ownership of the trademarks is wholly Nintendo.
>When they switched the framerates were different
Well it's not like they wouldn't have known this well in advance and had plenty of time to prepare
>They went to transfer models and animations anyway
So the INTENTION was to copy and paste everything
That's just as bad
>Game Freak has 143 employees
Give me a job I'll do an entire Pokémon's animation once a day, hire some goddamn interns Jesus
>Dynamaxing forces Game Freak to produce extra models because you can't just scale up
GameFreak once again proving their incompetence and complacency, nothing new here. At least the general populace has finally woken up to this fact thanks ti no National Dex, hopefully things change drastically from here on out
>Give me a job I'll do an entire Pokémon's animation once a day, hire some goddamn interns Jesus
Let's see you do some work on that, you can use any model you please.
They have the most popular IP in the fucking world. Just hire more people you fucking retards.
Large companies are cancer
>you can use any model you please
The ones that apparently break when imported?
>Just hire more people you fucking retards.
Or outsource some of the modeling work, so you can focus on other aspects of the game.
I'm just waiting for them to claim that there's a "budget issue".
It'll happen eventually if this keeps up
So the 3DS games were crippled for no reason other than sheer incompetency, not really that surprising anymore.
They already outsourced it to creatures inc
Is Masuda the Japanese Todd Howard?
You will buy my game, right user?
I made all the models from scratch and defenitely didn't port them from XY- I mean USUM
Masuda is the evolution of Todd Howard. Todd at least acknowledged issues once, Masuda never admits shit.
>make avery single game on 3ds run like shit with the excuse of making "future proofed model"
>you still have to make them from scratch when you move to the next console
Are they liars or just retards?
Not only they are lying about making the models from scratch but the game will still run like shit
To be fair, the Primarina model has two separate hairstyles and, like, 3 copies of each set of pearls.
They had a job listing for a lead programmer a short while back. The listed salary was about $50,000.
At this point I'm convinced he's a pathological liar like Elizabeth Holmes
Janitors included. Only around 10 work on the code of this game
That's an outright lie, full stop. The models are identical down to the littlest detail. I don't buy the "it's true, GF is just incompetent" angle, the models are just too similar. This is plainly and simply a lie.
Because they changed them and also because of dynamax
Prease Understando
Small indie dev with billions of dollars
That's what they're supposed to be doing anyway, the 110 people at Creatures are the ones who made the models in the first place
>On top of that issue, Dynamaxing forces Gamefreak to produce extra models for each and every Pokemon, because you can't just take the same model and increase it's size by 10 and expect it to look even half decent.
Am I being retarded here?
Why can't they just make the high-poly Dynamaxed model FIRST and then scale it down? That would save like half the workload and they wouldn't need to make two different models.
Because... reasons.
Romhack where I can catch Todd and evolve it to Masuda when?
>SS is likely being worked on by just the GF janny
I guess you can‘t just make a pokemon
Big and expect the animations beeing completly perfect. So you need to adjust them. Also every pokemon need to have the same size, so proportions don‘t fit always. Example grookey and waillord
Dynamaxed model get all red lights and red clouds that floating/moving every time a model moves. No wonder they would prefer to make separate models.
This makes me respect the Days Gone devs a little bit even if the game is completely mediocre.
They have the same amount employees but at least the oregon map they made is pretty and the game is more functional than pokemon. still wouldn't buy it
The totems all had unique models.
>more functional than pokemon
Alright, it‘s sad not all pokemon are in. But if you honestly think this now means that you won‘t get an adventure and like 500 hours of playtime if you want then you are horribly mistaken.
And it was only for the partner ones, every other one ran the older model.
>and like 500 hours of playtime
This has only been the case if you made a new living dex every gen and/or bred for competitive from scratch.
No it hasn‘t ? Everyone says how pre bank xy was the best time in this game. And everyone breed shiny hunt filled the dex. Now suddenly it doesn‘t matter anymore, and people just cared about the living dex they imported. Do you think vgc now just dies, because you can‘t use your old mons?
>Lead programmer makes less than I do in my entry level programming position
Getting a good laugh from all the spergs in this thread. Thanks fellas, laughing at you tards makes my early morning work shift that much better
>Keep in mind that GF only has 143 employees
Since when did everyone drop the pretense of articles to be fucking objective? How the fuck would they think that no one would catch their damage shill prevention article?
Pre-Bank XY was fun because there were no hacks or datamining. For the first time, everyone started on the same page and had to discover it all together. The game still had a terrible postgame, with nothing to do but hatch eggs.
Sure, but they were retarded for doing that too.
>no hacks or datamining
All event mons were datamined, like 1 month after release. No hacks were true. But just look at that this is basically like gen 6 early. You even have the fucking pss ffs. It‘s just sad everyone doesn‘t wanna see the good things and just cry about some shitty data
Pixelmon came pretty damn close, especially with a good custom map.
At least Todd doesn't rush out an Elder Scrolls game every 1 to 2 years or casualize the game for retards.
>Where does all that money go?
to the investors
>like 1 month after release
After everyone already finished the game. Compare that to the other games, which were torn open day 0 with nothing left as a surprise.
>It‘s just sad everyone doesn‘t wanna see the good things and just cry about some shitty data
It's going to have the same fate as Sun/Moon. Go through the story once, then just play Showdown for the rest of the generation.
>or casualize the game for retards.
We both no that isn't even remotely true
3D models and animations are like vectors, their size is completely irrelevant. If increasing the size fucks up the animation, YOU fucked up the animation.
Elder Scrolls was never difficult nor well designed. The bullshit you can pull in Skyrim isn't anywhere near as bad as the bullshit you can pull in Morrowind or Oblivion. The entire core system is just bad.
Know what? Install Skyrim, give merchants huge amounts of money, make training infinite, disable leveling, and add in multiple mods that add hidden treasure all over the place. Unlevel the world. This is such a colossal improvement it shows that the Elder Scrolls "Learn by doing" leveling system is just a bad system that makes it hard to play the game rather than the meta.
Probably not what that user meant, but a competent animator would change the animations for larger Pokemon to give off the illusion of more weight with slower, more deliberate movements.
>lead programmer in a nation that has been in economic stagnation with 0 economic growth for 30 years makes less than a Burgerstan coder which experienced ~4%/year of economic growth for the last 30 years
No shit sherlock.
You're obviously not very bright.
>Todd Howard
Someone should make a parody this catchy to make a point about Masuda
Pokemon lives and dies by its monster design, i guarantee there is a guy whose job is to ensure proportions are as close to the same as possible from game to game.
>We didn't think ahead or future proof at all
>Instead, we did the minimal amount of work because you idiots will buy our games no matter what
>So now we're going to spend time remaking old stuff in a new game
>No, it's not gonna look any better. In fact, it might look worse
>But you're still gonna buy this shit, so expect more of this in the future
Pokemon fans are a investors wet dream.
Dude, theres instances of the pokemon not even being the same scale within the same game. There's screenshots floating around of a tyranitar that is the right size out of battle, but as soon as you engage it it shrinks by like 3 feet.
Proportions of the model, not scale you dumb fuck.
Wasn't this reddit post literally a mistranslation?
We've known this FOR YEARS that Gamefreak is incompetent.
So now they're literally lying to control the damage.
Yep. Never buying another pokemon game again. Fuck you nerds for enabling this evil bullshit. I legit hate you people that are buying this. Just get it used
>So now they're literally lying to control the damage.
They already lied about the high quality animations, they already lied about the balance and they lied about pokemon needing to fit with the region.
I imagine they had to redo the textures, but they explicitly made high-polygon models so that they would be future proof. It's either a straight-up lie or a mistranslation/misunderstanding.
And how many people did you think works at game freak? 500? 1000? How many people do you think companies employ?
I think that they are to some degree
>They lied about balance
Not having z moves and megas guarantees it's more balanced. Not in the smogonfag way but in the "game does not cave in because you used mechanics" way.
Oh please gigantamax moves are anything but balanced. Every team will be centered around whichever overpowered gigantamax attack they pick.
Nope, they’re not the same models. The machoke shows that to discerning eyes. This does force the realization that they’re similar enough that your average pleb (iow Yea Forums) can’t really even tell the difference, thus reinforcing how stupid it was to do.
Good luck getting gigantamaxable pokemon with the right IVs and nature. You'll be forced to grind raids ad infinitum until you magically get one gifted to you by the RNGod.
Previous gen had a temporary fix for those.
Just Synchronize, lmao.
Also, Smogonfags don't even play the game itself, just their shitty simulator where IVs aren't a problem.
Reminder that a chinese knockoff has better graphics/animations than SwSh
I don't think they said only specific pokemon can gigantamax, just that only specific wild pokemon can.
It also has like 1/20th of the animations.
I doubt they'll make it possible to breed gigantamaxable pokemon, that defeats the purpose of the original restriction.
>the original restriction.
Which? Again, I don't think they said there was a restriction.
No, they really are identical.
If there are differences, then name a specific difference. Just one will do.
And to clarify, we're talking about the models here, not the animations.
>"Cutting the dex is for balancing reasoning"
>Lets Ferrothorn and Toxapex into a meta game without megas
More than half. The main team is working on that Town game.
Only specific raid pokemon can gigantamax.
I don't think you can even dynamax outside of gimmick battles.
Yeah. Imagine if they had the budget and people like GameFreak had. Oh wait... They didn't but the miniscule amount of stuff they have in it still looks better than what a multi-billion comoany can make.
>team of 190
>80 working on pokemon
>that's including jannies
>67 people cleaning shitposts
>in total, 13 people working on pokemon
>Smogon team of meta defending bans
You get to hand Pokemon over to another dev team, who do you pick?
Let's be honest, the meta was always going to be ass no matter what they did, GF cannot balance to save their lives
That's the wild pokemon, they haven't said that that also applies to your pokemon.
More money does not just make a better game, gamefreak also does not have a lot of people. Gamefreak is also not a "multi-billion company".
They aren't you dumbfuck
Square Enix because they actually spend money on their games instead of getting 70 people to develop what is supposed to be their main titles.
>saying this in a world that has people extract every model possible to make porn in SFM
What I suspect happened:
>Town was probably a early tech demo for the switch that grew into a full game.
>Pokemon Go became huge so they commissioned Gamefreak to make it.
>Team was already divided out between Town and early Pokemon Sword/Shield development and was stretched further.
>Team they had left found everything was fucked up as far as importing stuff over and had to pick and choose which Pokemon to bring over (Wouldn't surprise me if all of the Pokemon from Lets Go are in it)
>Probably didn't get the Lets Go team together until mid to late last year.
>Nintendo probably set a hard 2019 release date for Sword/Shield and Gamefreak decided just to cut Pokemon and worry about it later.
I already get the feeling Sword/Shield is going to be an absolute mess. It wouldn't surprise me if a second release comes out that "magically" has all the old Pokemon that were cut out, sort of like the Japanese Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2 situation.
You can port over animations without using the original models. That’s what Marvel Infinite did too...
>couldn't port the models due to framerate
>but the animations worked just fine
>both games are 30FPS capped
This has to be a mistranslation, or Game Freak is more incompetent than the Hunt Down the Freeman devs
But how does that explain the previous games? Also, no actual source says they had problems importing the models.
every pokemon has a fully modeled uterus
No. It's like if you overfilled your fridge so much that it can barely cool the huge amount of sandwiches and you bought a bigger fridge and asked your friend to help you move them and he brings you a pile of bread because he couldn't figure out how to take the peanut butter and jelly with him. So now you got bread you have to refill and the old fridge is stuffed full of filling and is a goopy mess so you just make less sandwiches and use the crunchy peanut butter and the strawberry jam this time.
That's the problem. The models ARE the same. But they couldn't figure out how to port over the skeletons. This was done with lgpe as well. Same models, like, the meshes, but everything else was different.
When they say they redid the models, they mean they had the meshes available only
Didn't Gamefreak say before that developing for the Switch was tough while other companies called it easy?
So they're making models from scratch, I can believe that. However when they say the future games will also not feature the national dex and they already modeled half of the pokemon in existence, why not model the other half and feature the nat dex with it and its new models in the next game? They literally don't want to make new models anymore so they can pull stupid shit gimmicks like the gigantic pokemon.
They said cutting pokemon was a franchise decision from here on out.
>they already modeled half of the pokemon in existence
What makes you assume that? I'd guess there'd be like 200-300 pokemon in this, with 100 or so being new. So it's more like 3/10 they modeled, not half. It would take them 3 games, with completely new dexes to get to the full list in this method. At that point, I'd think a new generation is around, which would mean they'd restart anyway.
why all this damage control?
everyone already knows how incompetent GF is
That would be valid if the game loaded stuff from disc media but it does not. A cartridge will have the same access time from any part of it, that is the main advantage of them. Same for flash storage. Since seek time is so low there is no need to store multiple copies of things.
Nice try though.
Because they stated in another interview that there will be over 1000 different pokemon models in SS. Unless they also count shinies as different models...
You got a source for that? Because I haven't seen that, and it sounds like bullshit anyway. Though they might reach that if they count up all the overworld/amie/dynamax versions as well.
Iwata coming in during the height of Japanese pokemania to make sure game freaks put out an amazing game for the series instead of the mess of a game gen1 actually is (the Japanese versions even more buggy) should have solidified Nintendo taking over the series and doing a solid job like their other top tier brands like Mario and Zelda etc... but no somehow game freaks is still in control.
Im being too generous, you're right. But yes, let's say they did make 3/10 and they would need 3 games. The issue is that they still said they would not feature the nat dex in future games. Even if new generations would be around they're saying they want to increase how much 10/10 is while only giving u 4/10 or 5/10, etc. They really do not want to model everything to pursue such silly gimmicks that require new and adjusted models.
For a company that holds the brand that made more money than any other franchise in existence to have 143 employees and feeling like they shouldn't model more characters is inexcusable.
>the next pokemon games takes 8 years and 5 different titles before settling on one
>its split up into parts which are sold at full price
>the plot is you are in purgatory for killing God and satan guides you through the pokemon world and you have to fight the evil you created and regain your memories and choose to kill god again or give up and go to hell
>only 39 pokemon, which they count double because they made chibi models for the overworld
Yeah no. Fuck square. They would make a worse pokemon game
>Though they might reach that if they count up all the overworld/amie/dynamax versions as well.
They probably are, it's just PR speak.
the models are boring and look the same
the animation are boring and look the same
the environment is boring
there is so little innovation that people are talking about a chinese mobile games animations to compare.
gamefreak doesn't care so why should you?
Don't forget gender differences.
underrated post
They both still look like trash.
Monolith Soft
Guys, it's obvious GF has moved on from Pokemon and they no longer care about it, why else would they split their already limited workforce to work on 2 games at once, one of them being the biggest games of the generation and highest grossing media franchise in the world. GF is trying to move on, I think Pokemon fans should too.
I call bullshit. If they're new models, why do they look identical to the old ones? Why do they have the exact same animations (or lack thereof)? I get they're trying to recreate the same creature from the same art but there's no way they would look 100% identical.
>why do they look identical to the old ones?
They don't, there are differences.
>Why do they have the exact same animations (or lack thereof)?
Because those aren't models.
Like what?
What are they then?
They're animations.
>still posting that reddit post adds things that wasn't even in the nintendoeverything article
You're fucking stupid, even then, didn't go, LGPE and masters use the same models from the 3DS era?
They said redo, but we don't know the reason or to what extent until we datamine. For all we know they could've meant texturing. Can't say anything yet until we get the game on our hands to verify.
They DEFINITELY have at least the meshes. They are NOT starting fresh
There are differences in the meshes.
That's what I think, it's just having to make them look better like LGPE than start from scratch. But we can't really 100% find out until November
Only thing that changed was the Visual effects unless you have anything to show us in terms of the pokemon animation itself.
fuck off faggot, they "remade" the animations, but it was completely uninspired, great pikechu's right arm moves a little more, its still the exact same 3DS bullshit. Why dont they make the combat more like the battles in the spin off pokemon games for nearly 2 decades ago, like Colosseum or the such? That would e impressive, until that happens you need to stop sucking gamefreak's lazy dick.
>Only thing that changed was the Visual effects unless you have anything to show us in terms of the pokemon animation itself.
There are plenty of videos showing that the same animations are used mate, I'm not going to bother looking for those for you you lazy fuck.
I wouldn't see why they wouldn't reuse them in their entirety considering that they're fine with reusing stuff like the shitty run-stop-turn and Hau's animation on Hop
>fuck off faggot, they "remade" the animations
Source? Because they seem the same to me.
They edited some of the meshes. As shown pikachu was edited to have his eyes and mouth be separate from his face but the rest was identical. Even if some are different, they started off with the old meshes
>There are plenty of videos showing that the same animations are used mate
What, I was saying that the pokemon's animations themselves were reused, it's just effects look different and that's all. I thought the person I replied to said that the animations are different, so they're different models. If I misread, my mistake, if not, reread my post.
>As shown pikachu was edited to have his eyes and mouth be separate from his face but the rest was identical.
That was LGPE, not SWSH.
"Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity"
Unfortunately for us, Game Freak is both malicious and stupid
>I thought the person I replied to said that the animations are different, so they're different models. If I misread, my mistake, if not, reread my post.
You misread. I replied to the question "Like what? What are they then?", that they're animations, not models.
God you're so fucking stupid. That was the point. They did the same thing for that. They didnt know how to fully import the models and only got the meshes to work off of.
That's why when he says they redid them, he's lying because they had the meshes and animations already and just did minor edits to some meshes like they did to pikachu and minor edits to animations like the machoke one where he roars as well as flex
>Unless they were incompetant
That's just it, Game Freak is fucking incompetent.
>God you're so fucking stupid. That was the point.
You never mentioned LGPE, considering this thread is about SWSH, it's assumed you're talking about that game if you don't specify something else.
>They didnt know how to fully import the models
There is no reason to assume they used the same meshes for SWSH.
Can you fags seriously not see the differences? Gamefreak is consistent but you can tell the newer models are more full and rounded. Not to mention Pikachu face is completely different in 3 of the 4 pics.
I don't see any difference. Head is identically round.
It's just different textures, other than it they're literally all same model that existed since 2013 when XY was released.
Also now I check it out, Gen 6 and Gen 7 did have exact same models/textures. Look like Let's Go and Gen 8 did some changes to models only because they're Switch games. Animations are still lacking though.
This is the only possible answer. It has to be.
>We didn't use old ones, we spend time making new ones looking exactly the same as the old ones, we're not lazy, we're incompetent
>VGC 2014-2 never ever
And Town still looks like shit. Like E-Shop tier. Maybe GF will realize that they are mediocre developers when their baby completely bombs.
Stop being a pedantic fucktard, the point you’re trying to prove is trivial and has no bearing on the content of the interview.
The thing about 3D models with static camera angles is that you can just change the viewer perspective a couple degrees and add different textures and it can fool the eye into thinking you are seeing something new. That's literally what you are seeing with pikachu
>We've decided that it's going to be very difficult to have all the pokemon in our products going forward
Confirmed for never ever having a full dex ever again
They should've thought of this before adding 100+ new Pokemon into each new generation.
I don't want to excuse Game Freak's actions at all, but we were bound to hit a point where we hit a realistic limit of Pokemon before things like balance and modelling became too cumbersome. I'm sure any other studio than Game Freak could handle the current amount, but I still don't think they should keep adding so many new mons indefinitely, especially at the expense of other features.