Those lazy faggots literally created the most successful indie game of 2019 and refuse to do anything to prolong it's life. No content updates, no balance patches, no maps, no custom game mods, no weapon skins, nothing. This could have been the next big thing, but lazy devs used all the money they made on hookers instead of the game. Fuck them.
Those lazy faggots literally created the most successful indie game of 2019 and refuse to do anything to prolong it's...
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I have never even heard of this game
Sounds shit
Creating additional contents isn't easy, y'know.
Well then you aren't spending much time on Yea Forums, when this game came out, we had 24/7 threads about it for several weeks
Im here nightly but I filter the board by creation date so I guess I happened to miss it.
Fortnite has caused a sea of idiots who think its feasible for any game to push out content updates every single week.
Didn't they make the game with kikestarter money?
>MP only game doesn't need updates to stay relevant
>Chivalry knock off
color me surprised. Oh wait, Mordhau players don’t like color, other that white.
go back to the shithole you came from reddit NIGGER
It only depends on amount of money devs have. Mordhau sould million copies in a month and those faggots took 2 months to slightly tweak a single map everyone was complaining about since day 1.
i bought it and have only played it an hour and this post is getting me to refund it, its gay anyways for losers that cant compete in actual skill based fps like shooters and have to resort to flailing around their 9000 DPI mice to sneak hitboxes inside of your character before you can do anything
>I'm a shitter and salty about it
Lmao git gud
hey what's your rank in csgo just wondering
game looks cool but I had a feeling it'd die quicker than chiv
I don't play csgo cause im shit at it. But i dont go into csgo threads and call the players FUCKING LOSERS because i cant be bothered to git gud
We have a niche community of constant players, and the game mechanics are more fun than any AAA shit out there.
Trash streamer bait and their zoomer viewers game
>sold more than a million copies on top of kikestarter goys
>niche community
dumb nigger
Who cares, anyone can still play it and have fun. For me I'm waiting for the 2 new maps.
you shouldn't be using steam and shouldn't be paying for digital distribution
>developer intentionally releases unfinished game
so they're using one of the main reasons digital distribution was pushed, why are you surprised?
No that was the other 1 that makes journalists seethe for being too white
this. literally flavor of the week artificially inflated numbers through paid shills and streamers and meme videos. not even a year after and its over.
This is the brain of a Fortnite underage faggot. They expect patches and content update every week.
Don't worry guys. Soon we'll be getting the epic update that adds women and brown people to the game, something that's essential to its long term success. It's going to totally revive the game!
They honestly should have sold it as early access which it perfectly fits the definition of since it has mostly functional mechanics barring some relatively minor issues but a severe lack of content in the form of maps. If they had I think people would have been more forgiving of the devs complete lack of ability to support the game in a timely manner while they figure out what the fuck to do.
Remember when developers could release a game and people would buy it and nothing else was expected of them after that point? Now every game has to update every month or it's suddenly a bad game? Dumb.
Man niche sounds like a sad cope everytime I hear it now.
no updates or no updates yet?
can you try replying again, this isn't working well
in a sea of multiplayer games competing for players freshness and reasons to keep playing are key.
christ, what happened?
>I only want my pale monkeys with piss colored hair!
no wonder this bombed quick
Ah, I guess that's where the /pol/ base came in and killed it dead.
Absolutely nothing.
>w-why are you not playing my half-game with barely any content and no balance?? f-fucking underages
no updates in general. they got their money and they have no obligation to do anything.
streamers moved on to another game.
Greate taste in female women girls with two XX chromosomes and vagina
They're too busy pandering to women and black people.
>what if we made a game where all the better weapons are locked behind having to play a lot and new players just get their shit pushed in by the people that already have it unlocked?
>game gives on average 300-400 gold per game for a shit player
>takes 500 gold to unlock a single weapon
Wow what a fucking struggle. You have to play with the default classes for three whole games.
That's why it is dying so fast, not because of the devs, but because it was hyped up and is now correcting itself towards its antural player base.
have they said that officially?
and if you don't get weapons that suit you you have to continue doing that til you find what works. sounds soooooo fun right?
its full of bugs&racism. Its a terrible game.
kill yourself nigger
>remove drags, ROHs and every other Chiv mechanic
>game dies after a month
Who could've seen it coming
The reason it's dieing is because all that shit is still in the fucking game and so is third person and absolutely 0 fucking balance.
but i WANT to play as a giganigga peasant beating the shit out of whitey with sticks and my my fists though
Shitter like you would use short spear/rapier with shield anyway, or what you can't choose beetween one sword and slightly bigger/smaller sword?
>default classes provide a sampling of basically every weapon type in a game where most broadly grouped categories of weapons are borderline identical in performance below a certain skill level
By the time you even have the hours to give a shit about what you're using you'll already have everything unlocked anyway.
Still more alive than chiv, seethe more, ballerina